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通过开展某型枪械系统拟采用的两种新型纤维增强复合材料在我国热带海洋、寒带寒冷和高原高辐射三种典型大气自然环境下的户外暴露试验,对两种新型纤维增强复合材料在三种典型大气自然环境下的环境适应性进行了对比分析,得到了两种新型纤维增强复合材料在我国三种典型大气自然环境中的环境适应性优劣排序,获得了两种新型纤维增强复合材料在我国...  相似文献   

招商引资1包销转让项目L—09多功能音乐睡袋技术转让(包销全部产品)本品在睡袋上印有多种动物图形和各种枪械图案,只要踩动或按动这些图案,即能发出维妙维悄的动物狂叫声或枪械打击声响,同时还具备婴幼儿学习音乐所必须的各种符号和声响。声像并茂,其乐无穷,既...  相似文献   

电子产品环境试验是将产品置于典型的自然或人工环境条件下,用以鉴定产品在运输、贮存和使用中的环境适应性。环境试验在产品研制和生产各个阶段得到了广泛的应用,了解环境试验对设计人员和试验人员有着重要的作用。文中着重介绍了环境试验的分类与试验项目、环境试验的顺序的选择、环境试验的实施及国内环境试验存在的问题与建议。  相似文献   

本文从军工电子产品环境试验出发,介绍了环境试验的三种形式,分另4从四个方面阐述了环境试验与可靠性试验和环境应力筛选试验之间的区别和联系,并对环境试验中个试验项目顺序的选择进行了讨论,最后推荐了在军工电子产品定型试验和批次产品验收试验时的环境试验的项目顺序。  相似文献   

南京际华三五二一特种装备有限公司(原中国人民解放军第3521512厂)现为全国规模较大的装具生产知名企业。主产品有:枪械装具、军需装具、橡塑制品、合成纤维制品等四大类数百个品种。年销售收入8亿多元,利润3000多万元。  相似文献   

航天环境可靠性西安试验与检测中心揭牌成立近日,航天环境可靠性西安试验与检测中心正式揭牌并开始运营。航天环境可靠性西安试验与检测中心的成立,为西部地区提供专业的环境、可靠性技术支持和试验服务,并重点解决发动机火工品、高压容器环境和可靠性试验  相似文献   

康志萍 《环境技术》2012,(4):15-18,35
本文从环境试验技术的发展历程,论述了环境试验技术对工业领域尤其是航空航天领域的重要性,通过阐述环境试验技术的特点、作用、相互关系,分析了国内环境试验技术研究与应用的现状、存在的问题及其与国外的差距,提出了环境试验今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为满足军用无人机装备研制的发展需要,基于对无人机环境试验方法应用和研究现状的调研分析,指出军用无人机系统环境试验方法研究的必要性和紧迫性。以军用小型无人机系统为研究对象,基于现有军用装备环境试验标准、民用无人机环境试验方法以及其他相关环境试验标准进行适用性分析,结合内外场信息综合法,给出该型无人机系统相关试验项目试验方法的初步研究思路。本文的调研探讨为建立军用小型无人机系统环境试验方法规范提供参考。  相似文献   

周捷 《环境技术》2011,35(4):12-14
文章首先介绍了环境试验的目的及其重要性,再通过环境试验对产品的影响以及试验项目之间的相互关系,阐述环境试验顺序应遵循的一般原则,说明合理的安排试验顺序的重要性.  相似文献   

本文主要对比军机、民机环境试验标准,阐述了军机、民机环境试验标准在冲击试验时的具体实施差别,为军机民用的机载设备环境试验工作提供参考。  相似文献   

A life cycle assessment of sugar produced in South Africa evaluates the environmental impacts and energy consumption of the different life cycle phases of sugar production. The system studied includes sugar cane farming, fertiliser and herbicide manufacture, cane burning, sugar cane transportation and sugar manufacture. Inventory and impact assessment results show that non-renewable energy consumption is 5350 MJ per tonne of raw sugar produced and 40% of this is from fertiliser and herbicide manufacture. Reduction in the use or impact of fertiliser for cane farming could bring considerable savings in terms of fossil energy consumption and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

我国《能源发展战略行动计划(2014—2020年)》指出,加快构建清洁、高效、安全、可持续的现代能源体系,重点实施"绿色低碳"等四种能源发展战略,因此"以电代煤"将成为我国未来能源战略中的一项重要选择。本文运用技术经济分析法和排放系数法,计算了八大主要用能部门以电代煤的经济成本和环境价值。计算结果表明:各部门用电设备的初始投资和电力消费等经济成本是燃煤设备的初始投资及燃煤消费等经济成本的1.8~2.8倍,但是,以用电设备替代燃煤设备的环境价值非常可观。在考虑了环境外部性成本后,居民生活行业,商业,非金属矿物制品业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,以及非高耗能工业六个部门进行"以电代煤"在目前的情况下具有经济可行性,而有色金属冶炼和压延工业,以及黑色金属冶炼和压延工业"以电代煤"暂时不具有经济可行性。最后,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

高温堆肥法处理污泥的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于污水处理后所产生的污泥,较好的方法是采用无害化、资源化农用技术,利用污泥为原料,制成有机复合肥,不仅解决了污水污泥的处理问题,还可推动环保产业的发展,促进农业生产,具有明显的经济、社会和环境效益。  相似文献   

秦皇岛港环境保护在经营理念、管理机制、治理技术、资金保障等方面具有优势,而在港口规划、环境考核、环境信息管理、绿色理念等方面还存在问题。针对秦皇岛港环境保护的优势和劣势,通过SWOT分析,确定秦皇岛港环境发展战略思路,从制定环境规划、开展清洁生产审核、建立环境绩效考核评估机制、建立环境信息报告制度、开发环境管理信息系统、发展港口绿色物流等方面,提出实现港口环境发展战略的实施对策。  相似文献   

介绍了OLED显示模块的技术特点,总结和分析了OLED显示模块的标准试验环境和环境耐久性试验的要求,为生产企业或检测机构进行OLED显示模块在使用和储存过程的耐久性试验提供依据。  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements (siliconits) are widely used at high-temperature fields. The raw materials, manufacture process and application fields of siliconits are all related to heavy energy consumption and pollutions, and bring high environmental loads. The resources consumption and pollution emissions in siliconit manufacture process were quantificationally estimated by input/output method. Difference between two traditional techniques to produce siliconits in China was also compared and analyzed. The results show that siliconit manufacture processes consume large quantities of resources because the furnace is open to environment and too much thermal-protection materials are used. For the thick-end technique is more complicated and the thick-end siliconits have a bigger size and mass, there are more resources and energy consumptions and pollution emissions for thick-end process than that for equal-diameter process. Some suggestions were introduced to improve the traditional techniques and a new process was designed. It is the most important that the open furnace should be replaced by close vacuum furnace. Sintering and siliconizing process can be combined into one high-temperature process. As results of process simplification and vacuum sintering, resources and energy consumption and wastes emission can be decreased remarkably.  相似文献   

原料从开采、加工、再加工等生产过程到形成最终产品,又经过贮运、销售、消费、使用等过程,直至报废、回收和最终处置等生命周期带来不少环境问题。通过基于产品生命周期的设计、生产、流通、服役、退役等不同阶段,分别采用绿色设计、环境友好生产、生态标志认证、减少流通环节、绿色采购与消费、延伸生产者责任、建立回收与处置体系等环境管理模式,以减少甚至避免环境污染,为企业、管理部门、公众对产品全过程的环境管理提供系统认识和综合管理。  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Evaluation Model for Industrial Processes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper proposes a model to evaluate the environmental impact of manufacturing processes. This model uses the potency factor approach to classify environmental impacts into five ecological health impact groups and uses their toxicological, cancer, and physical effects as the bases to rate the seven groups of human health impacts. The environmental impacts in each impact group are reported, and their hazard scores on ecological and human health are determined. The model also generates a single score for the overall environmental impacts of a process. This single score system helps to identify, among all the viable processes, which is the most environmentally friendly process. This model can serve as a tool to highlight the potential environmental hazards of process operations and to provide information about environmental performance for decision making. The model has been developed into a computer software program, Environmental Impact Evaluation System, and is demonstrated by using the processes employed for the manufacture of paper bags.  相似文献   

张铮  赵颖  王忠 《环境技术》2007,25(6):18-21
本文主要阐述了某型产品在电气、内部热环境、控制器、箱体结构、表面涂镀层、材料与元器件筛选等方面具有针对性的防护设计与工艺技术应用,主要包括防尘、防水、阻燃、电磁兼容、电气安全、振动、噪声、表面防护等设计与技术措施.有效的设计与工艺技术可以明显提高产品的环境适应性.  相似文献   

In Galicia (NW Spain), the mussel sector is an economic and social cornerstone, with great relevance at both regional and international scales. The environmental impact of this sector has been recently discussed from a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) perspective. In previous studies, it was concluded that the management of mussel shells and mussel organic by-products needed to be implemented into future life cycle assessments. In this article, LCA methodology was used in order to assess the environmental performance of two valorization alternatives for mussel by-products: mussel shell valorization to produce calcium carbonate, and mussel organic remains valorization to produce pâté.From the environmental characterization for mussel shell valorization, propane and electricity production, sludge and ash management, haulage and atmospheric releases were identified as the hot-spots on which improvement potentials should be focused. Furthermore, the environmental profile for mussel shell valorization was compared to those for incineration and landfilling as alternative management options.The environmental characterization of pâté production from mussel organic by-product led to the recommendation of acting on the formulation of mussel pâté, the thermal energy demand and the product transport. Additionally, this valorization alternative was compared to another common scenario which considered the use of mussel organic by-product to manufacture fish meal.Finally, the valorization of mussel shells and organic by-products was implemented into the assessment of the Galician mussel sector. Thus, mussel by-product management was found to contribute to the potential environmental impacts to a lesser extent than mussel culture, purification and canning transformation.  相似文献   

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