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An approach is described for viewing the interrelationship between different variables and also tracing the sources of pollution of groundwater of north Chennai (India). The data set of 43 variables which include major ions, minor ions and trace metal speciation (Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn) collected during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons of the year 2000–2001, was subjected to R-mode factor analysis to comprehend the distribution pattern of the said variables. It was found that first factor measures salinity and hardness which explained 19.12% of the total variance (comprised of variables EC, TDS, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, total hardness, Cl and SO4 2−) during pre-monsoon, while it was 25.08% during post-monsoon. The second and third factors were attributed to speciation of zinc and copper ions during both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon. Although there were two more factors, loaded with speciation parameters of lead and cadmium, the variance of them were less than 10%. From this study it is seen that sea water intrusion, municipal solid waste disposal are the identified sources of component of pollution. The importance of metal ions is taking a secondary role and the anthropogenic origin-industrial activity, is the reason in the evaluation of pollution status as they come in the second, third, fourth and fifth factors. As the trace metal speciation was grouped in separate factors, linear regression model (LRM) with correlation analysis was applied to check its validity for prediction of speciation and to apply LRM for rapid monitoring of water pollution.  相似文献   

Environmental assessment (EA) aims to enhance environmental awareness and to ensure that environmental values are fully considered in decision-making. In the EA arena, different discourses exist on what EA should aim for and how it functions. We hypothesise that these discourses influence its application in practice as well as its effectiveness in terms of achieving the above goals. For instance, actors who consider EA as a hindrance to fast implementation of their projects will probably apply it as a mandatory checklist, whereas actors who believe that EA can help to develop more environmentally sound decisions will use EIA as a tool to design their initiatives. In this paper we explore discourses on EA in The Netherlands and elaborate on their implications for EA effectiveness. Based on an innovative research design comprising an online survey with 443 respondents and 20 supplementary semi-structured interviews we conclude that the dominant discourse is that EA is mainly a legal requirement; EAs are conducted because they have to be conducted, not because actors choose to do so. EA effectiveness however seems reasonably high, as a majority of respondents perceive that it enhances environmental awareness and contributes to environmental protection. However, the ‘legal requirement’ discourse also results in decision-makers seldom going beyond what is prescribed by EA and environmental law. Despite its mandatory character, the predominant attitude towards EA is quite positive. For most respondents, EA is instrumental in providing transparency of decision-making and in minimising the legal risks of not complying with environmental laws. Differences in discourses seldom reflect extreme opposites. The ‘common ground’ regarding EA provides a good basis for working with EA in terms of meeting legal requirements but at the same time does not stimulate creativity in decision-making or optimisation of environmental values. In countries characterised by less consensual political cultures we may expect more extreme discourses on EA, the consequences of which are reflected upon in this paper.  相似文献   

Bromate (BrO(3)(-)) is a disinfection by-product formed during ozonation of potable water supplies containing bromide (Br(-)). Bromate has been classed by the World Health Organisation as a 'possible human carcinogen', leading to implementation of 10-25 microg L(-1)(as BrO(3)(-)) drinking water limits in legislative areas including the United States and European Union. Techniques have been developed for bromate analysis at and below regulatory limits, with Ion Chromatography (IC) coupled with conductivity detection (IC-CD), post-column reaction and ultra-violet (UV) detection (IC-PCR), or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry detection (IC-ICPMS) in widespread use. The recent discovery of bromate groundwater contamination in a UK aquifer has led to a requirement for analysis of bromate in a groundwater matrix, for environmental monitoring and development of remediation strategies. The possibility of bromate-contaminated water discharge into sewage treatment processes, whether accidental or as a pump-and-treat strategy, also required bromate analysis of wastewater sources. This paper summarises techniques currently available for trace bromate analysis in potable water systems and details studies to identify a methodology for routine analysis of groundwater and wastewater samples. Strategies compared were high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with direct UV or PCR/UV detection, IC-CD, IC-PCR, and a simple spectrophotometric technique. IC-CD was the most cost-effective solution for simultaneous analysis of bromate and bromide within groundwater samples, having a 5 microg L(-1) detection limit of both anions with limited interference from closely-eluting species. Wastewater samples were successfully analysed for bromate only using HPLC with PCR/UV detection, with detection limits below 20 microg L(-1)(as BrO(3)(-)) and low interference. HPLC with direct UV detection was unsuitable for bromate analysis within the concentration range 50-5000 microg L(-1) which was required for this project, but column choice was shown to be a major factor in determining limits of detection. Spectrophotometry could not reproducibly determine bromate concentration, although the technique showed promise as a quick field method for high-level groundwater bromate analysis.  相似文献   

The analysis of monitoring data with the aid of time-series analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods derived from time-series analysis are proposed for processing monitoring data. The necessity for the use of these methods is demonstrated. In a case study time-series analysis was applied to assess the impact of the closure of the Grevelingen estuary (S. W. Netherlands) in 1971 on a local wintering population of Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) in the adjacent Oosterschelde estuary.Communication No. 328 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research.  相似文献   

Although octachlorostyrene (OCS) was never used as a commercial product, it may be produced during incineration and combustion processes involving chlorinated compounds. Its environmental spreading was evaluated through the analysis of several representative samples. OCS could not be measured in soil samples collected from urban and rural areas or sediments, but was present (up to 5.41 ng/g dry weight) in industrial soil collected near chemically polluted areas. For aquatic biota samples, the OCS concentrations in freshwater mussels ranged from <0.01 ng/g wet weight (ww) to 0.18 ng/g ww (mean 0.06 ng/g ww) and similar levels could be measured in 11 freshwater fish species from Belgium and Romania. A higher OCS contamination level was found in shrimps (mean 0.08 ng/g ww) compared to marine fish (mean 0.02 ng/g ww for bib and 0.01 ng/g ww for sole and whiting, respectively). OCS could also be measured in 19 harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) liver samples with a mean value of 1.90 ng/g ww. According to these data, it could be computed that the biomagnification factor for OCS was one order of magnitude lower than that of HCB in the fish-porpoise food chain. The mean OCS concentrations in blue tits (Parus caeruleus) eggs and great tits (Parus major) adipose tissue were 1.24 ng/g ww and 3.24 ng/g ww, respectively. OCS could be measured in different tissues of hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), with the highest concentrations found in adipose tissue (mean 0.34 ng/g ww) and liver (mean 0.39 ng/g ww). In contrast, only low concentrations of OCS could be measured in human adipose tissue (up to 0.38 ng/g ww) and liver (up to 0.05 ng/g ww), while it could not be detected in human brain or lung. The relationship between the concentrations of OCS and HCB was also discussed for each species.  相似文献   

南昌市一次降水自动监测结果的综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用降水自动监测仪和空气自动监测系统的同步监测结果,分析了一次34 5mm连续降水中全过程的pH、EC和同期SO2、PM10、NO2的变化情况。降水中pH值为7 23~4 08、EC为488 8~7 6μS cm,pH、EC在降水初期变化较大。pH与EC、SO2呈现负相关趋势,降水过程中PM10、NO2基本保持较低水平,SO2变化较大。  相似文献   

Three atomic spectrometry techniques, namely sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (ICP-SMS, GF-AAS and HG-AFS, respectively), housed at separate independent laboratories, were used to analyse water and sediment samples collected from the Huon River Estuary, SE Tasmania (Australia) in the Austral spring 1998. A dithiocarbamate-chelation/back-extraction technique was used to separate and preconcentrate Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb from eight collected water samples prior to analysis by ICP-SMS and GF-AAS. A number of other elements in the waters were analysed directly (Mn, Fe and Zn by GF-AAS; As by HG-AFS), or following sample dilution (1 + 19: V, Mn, Fe, As, Mo, Ba and U by ICP-SMS). Where possible, previously corroborated GF-AAS and HG-AFS techniques were used to verify obtained ICP-SMS results. From the analysis of four reference waters (SLEW-1 and -2, SLRS-3 and NASS-5), good agreement, to within +/- 10-20%, was typically found between certified (or information only values) and measured results (irrespective of analytical technique). Exceptions included Zn (and sometimes Fe) that could not be quantified by ICP-SMS due to elevated blank signals, and As which was found to lie below ICP-SMS detection limits. For Huon Estuary water samples, inter-method agreement was within +/- 10-20% (for those elements amenable to analysis by more than one technique). Nitric acid extracts of two certified reference materials (Buffalo River Sediment and BCSS-1) and six Huon Estuary sediments were analysed by ICP-SMS (for Al, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb) and HG-AFS (for As). Results from the certified reference materials indicated extraction efficiencies of 60 70% (for most elements). A close correlation between ICP-SMS and HG-AFS was obtained for leachable As in the sediments. In terms of potential inorganic contaminants, the Huon Estuary was found to be a relatively 'clean' water system. The elemental concentrations measured in water and sediment samples from this region were found to lie within current Australian guidelines for estuaries. In general, no one analytical technique was able to accurately determine all elements in all samples from this relatively pristine estuarine environment. A combination of all three analytical techniques was necessary for the successful analysis of the elements considered in this study.  相似文献   

This paper records the concentrations of major and trace elements determined from snow samples collected during a comprehensive survey undertaken in the Scottish Highlands during the winter and spring period of 1987. The configuration of calculated back-trajectories allowed the samples to be categorized into one of five geographical sectors. Discriminant analysis was used to check the validity of these calculations, to isolate potentially deviant samples, and to predict the possible source of one sample whose back-trajectory could not be computed with confidence. Limitations of the statistical method are discussed, but we conclude that the technique justifies more use by environmental scientists involved in the evaluation of data.  相似文献   

连续流动分析快速测定环境水样中的硫化物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用新型的连续流动分析对环境水样中的硫化物进行分析测定。与传统的分析方法相比,该方法具有快速、灵敏度高、检出限低的特点。该方法的分析频率可达60次/小时,检测下限为0.006mg/L,大大提高了实验室自动化程度。  相似文献   

Concentrations in human placenta of 11 essential elements (P, Ca, Mg, Cu, S, Na, Fe, Zn, K, Se, Mn) and 5 toxic elements (Ba, Sr, Pb, Ni, Cd) are compared for each of two arctic communities in eastern Norway and western Russia, and for another in each country located at more southerly latitudes. All but Mg, Fe, P and K were present in higher concentrations in the Russian study group. The observed inter-element correlations are reflected by the four major factors identified in a principal component analysis. The total variation explained was 67.3%, of which more than half (35.3%) was contributed by Factor 1. P, Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, Pb, and Ni were major contributors to this factor. The placental concentrations of these elements depended strongly on gestational age, increasing from about week 35 and peaking near weeks 39 and 40, and exhibited skewed frequency distributions and a dependence on maternal smoking. The gestational-dependent mineralization of the placenta is interpreted to reflect the deposition of metal phosphates coinciding with smoking-induced tissue damage. The loadings of the remaining three factors are reviewed in the context of common uptake mechanisms, similar biochemistries and unique transport pathways. The inter-element relationships and grouping of the elements observed should constitute a scientific base for the use of placenta composition in environmental monitoring and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

长春南湖底泥疏浚前后水因子分析及动态变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
监测了长春南湖底泥疏浚后的DO、NH4_N、NO2_N、NO3_N、BOD5、CODCr、TN、TP、SS、pH、SD和水温等12项水化学指标。用因子分析方法找出了底泥疏浚前后影响南湖水质的主要因子,分析了底泥疏浚前后南湖水质变化的特征和底泥疏浚对南湖水质的影响,分析结果表明,南湖疏浚前主要污染物是总磷,疏浚后总磷对水质的影响降低,悬浮物作用增大。  相似文献   

We demonstrate an innovative approach to uncertainty assessment known as the NUSAP system, to assess qualitative and quantitative uncertainty for the case of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from paint in The Netherlands. Using expert elicitation, we identified key sources of error, critical assumptions, and bias in the monitoring process. We assessed pedigree and probabilistic uncertainty of all input quantities. We used four pedigree criteria to assess the strength of the knowledge base: proxy representation, empirical basis, methodological rigour and degree of validation. Using Monte Carlo analysis, we assessed sensitivity and propagation of uncertainty. Results for sensitivity and pedigree were combined in a NUSAP Diagnostic Diagram, which effectively highlighted the assumption for VOC percentage of imported paint as the weakest spot in the monitoring of VOC emissions. We conclude that NUSAP facilitates systematic scrutinization of method and underlying assumptions and structures creative thinking on sources of error and bias. It provides a means to prioritise uncertainties and focus research efforts on the potentially most problematic parameters and assumptions, at the same time identifying specific weaknesses in the knowledge base. With NUSAP, nuances of meaning about quantities can be conveyed concisely and clearly, to a degree that is not possible with statistic methods only.  相似文献   

Pollen data have been recorded at Novi Sad in Serbia since 2000. The adopted method of producing pollen counts has been the use of five longitudinal transects that examine 19.64% of total sample surface. However, counting five transects is time consuming and so the main objective of this study is to investigate whether reducing the number to three or even two transects would have a significant effect on daily average and bi-hourly pollen concentrations, as well as the main characteristics of the pollen season and long-term trends. This study has shown that there is a loss of accuracy in daily average and bi-hourly pollen concentrations (an increase in % ERROR) as the sub-sampling area is reduced from five to three or two longitudinal transects. However, this loss of accuracy does not impact on the main characteristics of the season or long-term trends. As a result, this study can be used to justify changing the sub-sampling method used at Novi Sad from five to three longitudinal transects. The use of two longitudinal transects has been ruled out because, although quicker, the counts produced: (a) had the greatest amount of % ERROR, (b) altered the amount of influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable (the slope in regression analysis) and (c) the total sampled surface (7.86%) was less than the minimum requirement recommended by the European Aerobiology Society working group on Quality Control (at least 10% of total slide area).  相似文献   

During the past three decades environmental monitoringsystems covering an immense variety of environmentalproblems emerged rapidly throughout the world. In The Netherlands the entire spectrum of monitoring systemsis present. Their development is especially interesting because of the Dutch complex environmental landscape: a result of the combination of a natural setting with a high small-scale variation and an intense use of the available space by both industry and agriculture. This necessitates a well balanced environmental policy wherein monitoring ofboth environmental compartments and environmental policy itself plays an important role. In this article we focus on abiotic systems, whereby the development of monitoring will be related to that of environmental policy in general. Some general lines emerge: from quantity towards quality, from single pollutants towards environmentally harmful processes as a whole, and from a focus on human health and safety towards integrated environmental management. Because The Netherlands is a highly organized and highly educatedsociety, reacting fast and flexible to new problems, this progression has happened quickly. However, still much remains to be desired and flexibility not necessarily guarantees optimal routes of development. Paramount is the development of sophisticated and robust monitoring systems that truly support integrated environmental management. This asks forclear objectives based on solid scientific insights.  相似文献   

The Ko factor method in neutron activation analysis adopts all the principles of comparator method and can be used for the rapid determination of elemental comcentrations during routine monitoring of environmental samples. The method necessiates the use of same in-pile conditions, such as irradiation time, irradiation position and the type of neutron spectrum, for which the factors have been generated. The K_o factors were estimated for various elements of environmental importance for three irradiation positions of Apsara Reactor at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Standard reference materials of soil and coal were used for all the elements except for Hg for which HgCl2 was used. The concentration of the elements determined using these factors in a flyash standard reference material revealed good agreement within 10% of the certified values. The efficacy of the method compared well with that of specific element comparator method as revealed by the elemental concentrations obtained by both the techniques.  相似文献   

Personal and area air samples were taken at a scrap lead smelter operation in a bullet manufacturing facility. Samples were taken using the 37-mm styrene-acrylonitrile closed-face filter cassette (CFC, the current US standard device for lead sampling), the 37-mm GSP or "cone" sampler, the 25-mm Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable sampler, and the 25-mm Button sampler (developed at the University of Cincinnati). Polyvinylchloride filters were used for sampling. The filters were pre- and post-weighed, and analyzed for lead content using a field-portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer. The filters were then extracted with dilute nitric acid in an ultrasonic extraction bath and the solutions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The 25-mm filters were analyzed using a single XRF reading, while three readings on different parts of the filter were taken from the 37-mm filters. The single reading from the 25-mm filters was adjusted for the nominal area of the filter to obtain the mass loading, while the three readings from the 37-mm filters were inserted into two different algorithms for calculating the mass loadings, and the algorithms were compared. The IOM sampler was designed for material collected in the body of the sampler to be part of the collected sample as well as that on the filter. Therefore, the IOM sampler cassettes were rinsed separately to determine if wall-loss corrections were necessary. All four samplers gave very good correlations between the two analytical methods above the limit of detection of the XRF procedure. The limit of detection for the 25-mm filters (5 microg) was lower than for the 37-mm filters (10 microg). The percentage of XRF results that were within 25% of the corresponding ICP results was evaluated. In addition, the bias from linear regression was estimated. Linear regression for the Button sampler and the IOM sampler using single readings and the GSP using all tested techniques for total filter loading gave acceptable XRF readings at loadings equivalent to sampling at the OSHA 8-hour Action Level and Permissible Exposure Limit. However, the CFC only had acceptable results when the center reading corrected for filter area was used, which was surprising, and may be a result of a limited data set. In addition to linear regression, simple estimation of bias indicated reasonable agreements between XRF and ICP results for single XRF readings on the Button sampler filters, (82% of the individual results within criterion), and on the IOM sampler filters (77% or 61%--see text), and on the GSP sampler filters using the OSHA algorithm (78%). As a result of this pilot project, all three samplers were considered suitable for inclusion in further field research studies.  相似文献   

Platinum, gold and calcium concentrations of 20 samples of airborne dust collected at two sampling sites between 1995 and 1997 in the city of Copenhagen, which suffers from heavy traffic, were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). INAA of platinum using the 199Au daughter of 199Pt was performed. Two interferences on the INAA of platinum were removed by calculations. The spectral interference on 199Au from the 47Sc daughter of 47Ca was removed by separating the 157-161 keV doublet peak into its components by calculating the counts due to 47Sc from the counts of the parent 47Ca. The contribution of 197Au to 199Au by two neutron absorption was corrected for using the ratio 198Au/199Au in a pure Au standard. From the INAA results, high platinum concentrations are present in air in the range 0.25-2.74 ng m-3 and gold concentrations in the range 0.10-1.96 ng m-3.  相似文献   

N,N-dibutyl-N1-benzoylthiourea (DBBT) impregnated onto a polymeric matrix, Amberlite XAD-16 was prepared. The separation and enrichment of Ag(I) from solution was investigated. Effective extraction conditions were optimized in column methods prior to determination by atomic absorption spectrometry. The optimum pH range for quantitative adsorption is 2-5. Quantitative recovery of Ag was achieved by stripping with 1 mol L(-1) thiourea in 1 mol L(-1) HCl. The sorption capacity of resin is 0.115 mmol Ag+ g(-1) resin. The relative standard deviation and detection limit was 3.1% for 1 microg Ag+ mL(-1) solution and 0.11 microg L(-1), respectively. The method was used for the determination of silver in geological water samples.  相似文献   

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