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In this study, variations of ambient ozone level are thoroughly analysed according to the monitored data in a mixed residential, commercial and industrial city, Tehran, based on considering the meteorological factors. Ozone as a pollutant shows typical annual, weekly and diurnal cycles. This analysis has shown that the ozone level concentrations were below the WHO guidelines in Tehran during 2000–2003. The relation between ozone level at two different stations (Aghdasieh and Fatemi) is found (r?=?0.51). The ozone level response to meteorological parameters is investigated. The results suggest that the ozone level is affected (positively or negatively) by meteorological conditions, e.g. relative humidity, solar radiation, air temperature, wind speed and wind direction.  相似文献   

Hourly concentrations of ozone (O(3)), 55 volatile organic compounds (VOCs, ozone precursors) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) were measured at an upwind urban site, a downwind suburban site, and a rural site in central Taiwan, from January 2003 to December 2006. VOC and NOx mean concentrations showed a gradient from high to low across the urban (56 ppb and 34 ppb), suburban (38 ppb and 27 ppb) and rural sites (25 ppb and 21 ppb) but a reverse gradient in ozone across these sites (24, 27, and 29 ppb, respectively). Although there was about twice the difference in VOC concentrations between the urban and rural sites, nearly 65% ozone formation potential was contributed to by the same 9 VOCs. Seasonal patterns showed peak ozone levels in autumn and minima in summer at the urban site, but minima in winter at the downwind suburban and rural sites. Ozone precursor levels, on the other hand, were lowest in summer and highest in winter. The diurnal pattern showed that ozone levels peaked one hour later at the rural site than at the urban site. The ethylbenzene to m,p-xylene ratio, an indicator of the age of the air mass, increased from 0.4 at the urban site to 0.6 at the suburban site and 0.8 at the rural site during daily peak ozone times. This finding suggests the transport of ozone and precursors from upwind to downwind producing elevated ozone levels in the suburban and rural areas. Ozone episodes occurred mostly in days with a mean midday UV index of 6.5 (1 UV index=100 J m(-2)) and wind speed at 1.3 m s(-1) at all three sites.  相似文献   

The analysis of data of the ground-level ozone concentration and accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40) in the rural areas of Lithuania is presented. Trends in the annual ozone mean, 95{th} and 25{th} percentiles were determined as statistically not significant at Preila and Rugsteliskes sites during the 1994hbox{–}2004 period. Trends in the ozone concentration and its percentiles in the air masses arriving to Preila station in “polluted” and “unpolluted” sectors have been examined. Statistically significant changes in the ozone annual mean and 25th percentile were found in air masses in both “polluted” and “unpolluted” sectors in the 1988hbox{–}2002 period. The trend analysis in the ozone monthly mean and percentiles for each month of the year revealed the main changes in the ozone level in both sectors during January-May. Insignificant downward trends in monthly 95th percentile in “unpolluted” sector and upward trends in “polluted” sector were found during summer months. Values of AOT40 for the protection of forests as well as crops and semi-natural vegetation were determined during the 1994–2004 period. The estimated AOT40 values for the protection of forests were lower than the critical level at Lithuanian rural sites but AOT40 values for the protection of crops and semi-natural vegetation were found to be higher than the critical level at both sites.  相似文献   

This study established a cause–effect relationship between ground-level ozone and latent variables employing partial least-squares analysis at an urban roadside site in four distinct seasons. Two multivariate analytic methods, factor analysis, and cluster analysis were adopted to cite and identify suitable latent variables from 14 observed variables (i.e., meteorological factors, wind and primary air pollutants) in 2008–2010. Analytical results showed that the first six components explained 80.3 % of the variance, and eigenvalues of the first four components were greater than 1. The effectiveness of this model was empirically confirmed with three indicators. Except for surface pressure, factor loadings of observed variables were 0.303–0.910 and reached statistical significance at the 5 % level. Composite reliabilities for latent variables were 0.672–0.812 and average variances were 0.404–0.547, except for latent variable “primary” in spring; thus, discriminant validity and convergent validity were marginally accepted. The developed model is suitable for the assessment of urban roadside surface ozone, considering interactions among meteorological factors, wind factors, and primary air pollutants in each season.  相似文献   

Despite extensive efforts to ensure that sampling and installation and maintenance of instruments are as efficient as possible when monitoring air pollution data, there is still an indisputable need for statistical post processing (quality assessment). We examined data on tropospheric ozone and found that meteorological normalisation can reveal (i) errors that have not been eliminated by established procedures for quality assurance and control of collected data, as well as (ii) inaccuracies that may have a detrimental effect on the results of statistical tests for temporal trends. Moreover, we observed that the quality assessment of collected data could be further strengthened by combining meteorological normalisation with non-parametric smoothing techniques for seasonal adjustment and detection of sudden shifts in level. Closer examination of apparent trends in tropospheric ozone records from EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) sites in Finland showed that, even if potential raw data errors were taken into account, there was strong evidence of upward trends during winter and early spring.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that the concentration of stratospheric ozone has already decreased globally over the past several years and additional decreases are to be expected over the coming decades. A further depletion of the ozone layer would lead to an increase in the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. One of the adverse effects of particularly UV-B radiation on human health would be an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. In this study an integrated model is presented to assist in assessing the changes in skin cancer incidences in relation to changes in the amount of stratospheric ozone, for the Netherlands and Australia. Although surrounded by large uncertainties, model results show that, in view of the several delay mechanisms and, additionally, the ageing of the population, future increases in skin cancer incidence cannot be reversed.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparison of health impact assessment (HIA) guidelines from around the world and for multiple geographic scales. We identify commonalities and differences within HIA guides to discuss the plausibility of consensus guidelines and to inform guideline development. The practice of HIA has grown over the last two decades with a concurrent growth of HIA guides. This study expands on earlier review work and includes guides published since 2007 (Mindell, Boltong and Forde, 2008). From April 2010 to October 2011, 45 HIA guides were identified through an internet search and review of previous research. Common characteristics, key features, and the HIA process were analyzed. The 45 documents recommended similar but not identical processes for conducting HIAs. These analyses suggest that guidelines for HIAs are similar in many areas of the world and that new HIA practitioners can use these findings to inform their approach. Further discussion is needed to determine if the approaches established in these guidelines are followed and if one set of common guidelines could be written for use in numerous countries and regions.  相似文献   

The present study showed a possibility to use phenotypic and proteomic responses in rice plants as an in vivo biomarker to detect higher concentrations of ambient ozone (O3). The investigation was done on two cultivars of Indian rice using open top chambers ventilated with charcoal filtered air, ambient air, ambient air with 10 ppb O3 exposure and ambient air with 20 ppb O3 exposure at a rural site of Varanasi, India. Results showed that the magnitude of O3 induced specific type of foliar injury directly depends on the duration and concentration of O3 exposure. Even the internal protein profile of injured and normal leaf demonstrated a differential expression, which directly indicates towards the molecular basis of plant’s response against O3.  相似文献   

A correct characterization of the status and trend of forest condition is essential to support reporting processes at national and international level. An international forest condition monitoring has been implemented in Europe since 1987 under the auspices of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). The monitoring is based on harmonized methodologies, with individual countries being responsible for its implementation. Due to inconsistencies and problems in sampling design, however, the ICP Forests network is not able to produce reliable quantitative estimates of forest condition at European and sometimes at country level. This paper proposes (1) a set of requirements for status and change assessment and (2) a harmonized sampling strategy able to provide unbiased and consistent estimators of forest condition parameters and of their changes at both country and European level. Under the assumption that a common definition of forest holds among European countries, monitoring objectives, parameters of concern and accuracy indexes are stated. On the basis of fixed-area plot sampling performed independently in each country, an unbiased and consistent estimator of forest defoliation indexes is obtained at both country and European level, together with conservative estimators of their sampling variance and power in the detection of changes. The strategy adopts a probabilistic sampling scheme based on fixed-area plots selected by means of systematic or stratified schemes. Operative guidelines for its application are provided.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater quality monitoring networks requires methods to determine the potential efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the current monitoring programs. To this end, the concept of entropy has been considered as a promising method in previous studies since it quantitatively measures the information produced by a network. In this study, the measure of transinformation in the discrete entropy theory and the transinformation?Cdistance (T?CD) curves, which are used frequently by other researchers, are used to quantify the efficiency of a monitoring network. This paper introduces a new approach to decrease dispersion in results by performing cluster analysis that uses fuzzy equivalence relations. As a result, the sampling (temporal) frequency determination method also recommends the future sampling frequencies for each location based on certain criteria such as direction, magnitude, correlation with neighboring stations, and uncertainty of the concentration trend derived from representative historical concentration data. The proposed methodology is applied to groundwater resources in the Tehran?CKaradj aquifer, Tehran, Iran.  相似文献   

The use of alternative fuel is considered to be an effective measure to improve the urban air quality. Concerned over deteriorating air quality in Delhi, the Delhi government initiated different measures including stringent emission norms, improved fuel quality and above all introduction of cleaner fuel-CNG in public transport system. The entire city bus fleet was converted to CNG mode by 2002. The present study reports the comparative assessment of the status of air quality with respect to PM(10) and PAH before and after the introduction of CNG in public transport system in Delhi. The study has been carried out for two different time periods: first in the year 1998 and second in the year 2004. Following the total conversion of public transport system to CNG in 2002, Post-CNG data indicate a sharp reduction of 51-74% in the PM(10) concentration and 58-68% in the TPAH concentration as compared to the Pre-CNG data.  相似文献   

The international marine ecological safety monitoring demonstration station in the Yellow Sea was developed as a collaborative project between China and Russia. It is a nonprofit technical workstation designed as a facility for marine scientific research for public welfare. By undertaking long-term monitoring of the marine environment and automatic data collection, this station will provide valuable information for marine ecological protection and disaster prevention and reduction. The results of some initial research by scientists at the research station into predictive modeling of marine ecological environments and early warning are described in this paper. Marine ecological processes are influenced by many factors including hydrological and meteorological conditions, biological factors, and human activities. Consequently, it is very difficult to incorporate all these influences and their interactions in a deterministic or analysis model. A prediction model integrating a time series prediction approach with neural network nonlinear modeling is proposed for marine ecological parameters. The model explores the natural fluctuations in marine ecological parameters by learning from the latest observed data automatically, and then predicting future values of the parameter. The model is updated in a “rolling” fashion with new observed data from the monitoring station. Prediction experiments results showed that the neural network prediction model based on time series data is effective for marine ecological prediction and can be used for the development of early warning systems.  相似文献   

The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their subsequent induced pulmonary and systemic oxidative stress has been implicated as an important molecular mechanism of PM-mediated toxicity. However, recent work has shown that there is significant ROS associated with ambient PM. In order to understand the formation mechanisms as well as understand the potential health effects of particle-bound oxidative species, the alpha-pinene-O(3) oxidation chemical system was studied to elucidate the structures of reaction products using liquid chromatography-multiple stage mass spectrometry (LC-MS(n)). The classes of compounds identified based on their multiple stage-MS fragmentation patterns, mechanistic considerations of alpha-pinene-O(3) oxidation, and general fragmentation rules, of the products from this reaction system were highly oxygenated species, predominantly containing hydroperoxide and peroxide functional groups. The oxidant species observed were clearly stable for the 1-3 h that elapsed during aerosol collection and analysis, and probably for much longer, thus rendering it possible for these species to bind onto particles forming fine particulate organic peroxides that concentrate on the particles and could deliver concentrated doses of ROS in vivo to tissue.  相似文献   

日本土壤环境质量标准与污染现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了日本土壤污染的环境质量标准以及日本市区、农用地土壤和有毒有害化学物质的污染现状  相似文献   

The assessment of changes induced by human activities on Earth atmospheric composition and thus on global climate requires a long-term and regular survey of the stratospheric and tropospheric atmospheric layers. The objective of this paper is to describe the atmospheric observations performed continuously at Reunion Island (55.5 degrees east, 20.8 degrees south) for 15 years. The various instruments contributing to the systematic observations are described as well as the measured parameters, the accuracy and the database. The LiDAR systems give profiles of temperature, aerosols and ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere, probes give profiles of temperature, ozone and relative humidity, radiometers and spectrometers give stratospheric and tropospheric integrated columns of a variety of atmospheric trace gases. Data are included in international networks, and used for satellite validation. Moreover, some scientific activities for which this station offers exceptional opportunities are highlighted, especially air mass exchanges nearby dynamical barriers: (1) On the vertical scale through the tropical tropopause layer (stratosphere-troposphere exchange). (2) On the quasi-horizontal scale across the southern subtropical barrier separating the tropical stratospheric reservoir from mid- and high latitudes.  相似文献   

Environmental issues, bringing together the natural and the social spheres, are probably one of the most appropriate fields of development for transdisciplinary research. Transdisciplinarity, in addition to other contemporary epistemological paradigms, stresses the need to approach complex problems by blending new forms of non-expert knowledge with combined epistemologies. However, practical application of the transdisciplinary approach is still almost non-existent in everyday socio-environmental management. This paper has a two-fold aim: firstly, to establish the suitability of the transdisciplinary approach in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a means of rectifying a common incapacity to address the social dimension in the assessment process; and secondly, to evaluate this idea from the perspective of technicians and professionals in the EIA sector in Spain. To this end, a qualitative methodology was used, based on semi-structured interviews, which enabled in-depth investigation of the willingness of specialists to effectively integrate new forms of knowledge into the EIA procedure. Further, interviewees evaluated the real possibilities of widening public participation in the process of identifying and assessing impacts and discussed the difficulties facing the treatment and analysis of the social dimension within the EIA process.  相似文献   

This study presents an evaluation of the extent of differences between measurements performed by O(3) and NO(2) diffusive samplers and by the reference methods for diffusive samplers commercially available. The tests were performed in an exposure chamber under extreme conditions of controlling factors and under field conditions. For NO(2), the results of the laboratory experiments showed that most of the diffusive samplers were affected by extreme exposure conditions. The agreement between the samplers and the reference method was better for the field tests than for the laboratory ones. The estimate of the uptake rate for the exposure conditions using a model equation improved the agreement between the diffusive samplers and the reference methods. The agreement between O(3) measured by the diffusive samplers and by the reference method was satisfactory for 1-week exposure. For 8-hour exposures, the diffusive samplers with high uptake rates quantified better the O(3) concentration than the samplers with low uptake rates. As for NO(2), the results of the O(3) field tests were in better agreement with the reference method than the ones of the laboratory tests. The field tests showed that the majority of diffusive samplers fulfils the 25% uncertainty requirement of the NO(2) European Directive and the 30% uncertainty requirement of the O(3) European Directive for 1-week exposure.  相似文献   

The importance of long-term environmental monitoring and research for detecting and understanding changes in ecosystems and human impacts on natural systems is widely acknowledged. Over the last decades, a number of critical components for successful long-term monitoring have been identified. One basic component is quality assurance/quality control protocols to ensure consistency and comparability of data. In Norway, the authorities require environmental monitoring of the impacts of the offshore petroleum industry on the Norwegian continental shelf, and in 1996, a large-scale regional environmental monitoring program was established. As a case study, we used a sub-set of data from this monitoring to explore concepts regarding best practices for long-term environmental monitoring. Specifically, we examined data from physical and chemical sediment samples and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages from 11 stations from six sampling occasions during the period 1996–2011. Despite the established quality assessment and quality control protocols for this monitoring program, we identified several data challenges, such as missing values and outliers, discrepancies in variable and station names, changes in procedures without calibration, and different taxonomic resolution. Furthermore, we show that the use of different laboratories over time makes it difficult to draw conclusions with regard to some of the observed changes. We offer recommendations to facilitate comparison of data over time. We also present a new procedure to handle different taxonomic resolution, so valuable historical data is not discarded. These topics have a broader relevance and application than for our case study.  相似文献   

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