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Traditional occupancy–abundance and abundance–variance–occupancy models do not take into account zero-inflation, which occurs when sampling rare species or in correlated counts arising from repeated measures. In this paper we propose a novel approach extending occupancy–abundance relationships to zero-inflated count data. This approach involves three steps: (1) selecting distributional assumptions and parsimonious models for the count data, (2) estimating abundance, occupancy and variance parameters as functions of site- and/or time-specific covariates, and (3) modelling the occupancy–abundance relationship using the parameters estimated in step 2. Five count datasets were used for comparing standard Poisson and negative binomial distribution (NBD) occupancy–abundance models. Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) occupancy–abundance models were introduced for the first time, and these were compared with the Poisson, NBD, He and Gaston's and Wilson and Room's abundance–variance–occupancy models. The percentage of zero counts ranged from 45 to 80% in the datasets analysed. For most of the datasets, the ZINB occupancy–abundance model performed better than the traditional Poisson, NBD and Wilson and Room's model. He and Gaston's model performed better than the ZINB in two out of the five datasets. However, the occupancy predicted by all models increased faster than the observed as density increased resulting in significant mismatch at the highest densities. Limitations of the various models are discussed, and the need for careful choice of count distributions and predictors in estimating abundance and occupancy parameter are indicated.  相似文献   

Seepage flow is an agent related to the transport and dispersion of contamination in groundwater. Steady two-dimensional seepage flow is governed by Laplace’s equation, for which several solution techniques are available. Because computations are complex from a practical point of view, simplified models encompass the Dupuit-Forchheimer approach assuming a horizontal flow. However this approach is inaccurate in seepage problems involving steep drawdowns. In this research, a new theoretical model for 2D seepage flow is proposed based on Fawer’s theory for curved flows Castro-Orgaz (Environ Fluid Mech 10(3):2971–2310, 2010), from which a second-order equation results describing the seepage surface. From this development, a numerical solution for the rectangular dam problem based on the second-order model is presented, whereas a simple first-order equation is found to describe flow to drains under a uniform rainfall. The results of this new model are compared with the full 2D solution of Laplace’s equation for typical test cases, resulting in an excellent agreement.  相似文献   

Species distribution model is the term most frequently used in ecological modelling, but other authors used instead predictive habitat distribution model or species-habitat models. A consensual ecological modelling terminology that avoids misunderstandings and takes into account the ecological niche theory does not exist at present. Moreover, different studies differ in the type of niche that is represented by similar distribution models. I propose to use as standard ecological modelling terminology the terms “ecological niche”, “potential niche”, “realized niche” models (for modelling their respective niches), and “habitat suitability map” (for the output of the niche models). Therefore, the user can understand more easily that models always forecast species’ niche and relate more closely the different types of niche models.  相似文献   

Carnivore predation on livestock is a complex management and policy challenge, yet it is also intrinsically an ecological interaction between predators and prey. Human–wildlife interactions occur in socioecological systems in which human and environmental processes are closely linked. However, underlying human–wildlife conflict and key to unpacking its complexity are concrete and identifiable ecological mechanisms that lead to predation events. To better understand how ecological theory accords with interactions between wild predators and domestic prey, we developed a framework to describe ecological drivers of predation on livestock. We based this framework on foundational ecological theory and current research on interactions between predators and domestic prey. We used this framework to examine ecological mechanisms (e.g., density-mediated effects, behaviorally mediated effects, and optimal foraging theory) through which specific management interventions operate, and we analyzed the ecological determinants of failure and success of management interventions in 3 case studies: snow leopards (Panthera uncia), wolves (Canis lupus), and cougars (Puma concolor). The varied, context-dependent successes and failures of the management interventions in these case studies demonstrated the utility of using an ecological framework to ground research and management of carnivore–livestock conflict. Mitigation of human–wildlife conflict appears to require an understanding of how fundamental ecological theories work within domestic predator–prey systems.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The CO2-rich spring water (CSW) occurring naturally in three provinces, Kangwon (KW), Chungbuk (CB), and Gyeongbuk (GB) of South Korea was classified based...  相似文献   

For effective monitoring in social–ecological systems to meet needs for biodiversity, science, and humans, desired outcomes must be clearly defined and routes from direct to derived outcomes understood. The Arctic is undergoing rapid climatic, ecological, social, and economic changes and requires effective wildlife monitoring to meet diverse stakeholder needs. To identify stakeholder priorities concerning desired outcomes of arctic wildlife monitoring, we conducted in-depth interviews with 29 arctic scientists, policy and decision makers, and representatives of indigenous organizations and nongovernmental organizations. Using qualitative content analysis, we identified and defined desired outcomes and documented links between outcomes. Using network analysis, we investigated the structure of perceived links between desired outcomes. We identified 18 desired outcomes from monitoring and classified them as either driven by monitoring information, monitoring process, or a combination of both. Highly cited outcomes were make decisions, conserve, detect change, disseminate, and secure food. These reflect key foci of arctic monitoring. Infrequently cited outcomes (e.g., govern) were emerging themes. Three modules comprised our outcome network. The modularity highlighted the low strength of perceived links between outcomes that were primarily information driven or more derived (e.g., detect change, make decisions, conserve, or secure food) and outcomes that were primarily process driven or more derived (e.g., cooperate, learn, educate). The outcomes expand monitoring community and disseminate created connections between these modules. Key desired outcomes are widely applicable to social–ecological systems within and outside the Arctic, particularly those with wildlife subsistence economies. Attributes and motivations associated with outcomes can guide development of integrated monitoring goals for biodiversity conservation and human needs. Our results demonstrated the disconnect between information- and process-driven goals and how expansion of the monitoring community and improved integration of monitoring stakeholders will help connect information- and process-derived outcomes for effective ecosystem stewardship.  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - We propose a spatiotemporal generalized von Bertalanffy (vonB) growth model that also includes between-individual (BI) variation and male/female...  相似文献   

This paper presents a theory for modeling random environmental spatial-temporal fields that allows simulated data (numerical-physical model output) to be combined with measurements made at fixed monitoring sites. That theory involves Bayesian hierarchical models that provide temporal forecasts and spatial predictions along with appropriate credibility intervals. A by-product is a method for re-calibrating the simulated data to bring it into line with the measurements for certain applications. While the approach covers a broad domain of potential applications, this paper addresses a field of particular importance, ground level ozone concentrations over the eastern and central USA. A univariate model is developed and illustrated with hourly ozone fields. A multivariate alternative is also provided and illustrated with daily concentration fields. The forecasts and predictions they provide are compared with those from other approaches.  相似文献   

In mark-recapture studies, various techniques can be used to uniquely identify individual animals, such as ringing, tagging or photo-identification using natural markings. In some long-term studies more than one type of marking procedure may be implemented during the study period. In these circumstances, ignoring the different mark types can produce biased survival estimates since the assumption that the different mark types are equally catchable (homogeneous capture probability across mark types) may be incorrect. We implement an integrated approach where we simultaneously analyse data obtained using three different marking techniques, assuming that animals can be cross-classified across the different mark types. We discriminate between competing models using the AIC statistic. This technique also allows us to estimate both relative mark-loss probabilities and relative recapture efficiency rates for the different marking methods. We initially perform a simulation study to explore the different biases that can be introduced if we assume a homogeneous recapture probability over mark type, before applying the method to a real dataset. We make use of data obtained from an intensive long-term observational study of UK female grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) at a single breeding colony, where three different methods are used to identify individuals within a single study: branding, tagging and photo-identification based on seal coat pattern or pelage.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,163(3):175-186
The huge diversity of tree species in tropical rain-forests makes the modelling of its dynamics a difficult task. One-way to deal with it is to define species groups. A classical approach for building species groups consists in grouping species with nearby characteristics, using cluster analysis. A group of species is then characterized by the same list of attributes as a single species, and it is incorporated in the model of forest dynamics in the same way as a single species. In this paper, a new approach for building species group is proposed. It relies on the discrepancy between model predictions when all species are considered separately, and model predictions when species groups are used. An aggregation error that quantifies the bias in model predictions that results from species grouping is thus defined. We then define the optimal species grouping as the one that minimizes the aggregation error. Using data from a tropical rain-forest in French Guiana and a toy model of forest dynamics, this new method for species grouping is confronted to the classical method based on cluster analysis of the species characteristics, and to a combined method based on a cluster analysis that uses the aggregation error as a dissimilarity between species. The optimal species grouping is quite different from the classical species grouping. The ecological interpretation of the optimal groups is difficult, as there is no direct linkage between the species characteristics and the way that they are grouped. The combined approach yields species groups that are closed to the optimal ones, with much less computations. The optimal species groups are thus specific to the model of forest dynamics and lack the generality of those of the classical method, that in turn are not optimal.  相似文献   

We investigate a recent proposal that invasive species display patterns of spatial "spread regulation" analogous to density-dependent regulation of population abundances. While invasive species do offer valuable tests of ecological theories about spatial spread, we argue that the statistical approach used in the study is not useful, and that the proposed definition of "spread regulation" is likely to be confusing. While concepts of negative feedbacks in spatial spread may be reasonable, the proposed definition of "spread regulation" encompasses accelerating, constant, or decelerating spread. There is no compelling biological or practical reason to adopt such a definition. Moreover, we show that the statistical patterns (from time series of ratios of newly to recently invaded sites) proposed as evidence of spread regulation are predictable from basic diffusion models or other common models of constant spread with some stochasticity in dynamics and/or observations. Because such a wide range of processes would generate the observed patterns, no clear biological conclusions emerge from the proposed approach to spread analysis. When regarded in the context of the impacts and management of invasive species, the proposed regulation concept has the potential to create costly misunderstandings.  相似文献   

Because of the significant impacts on both human interests and bird conservation, it is imperative to identify patterns and anticipate drivers of human–bird conflicts (HBCs) worldwide. Through a global systematic review, following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, we analyzed the socioeconomic factors and bird ecological traits driving the degree of knowledge and extent of HBCs. We included 166 articles published from 1971 to 2020 in our analyses through which we built a profile of the socioeconomic conditions of 52 countries with reported conflicts and the ecological traits of the 161 bird species involved in HBCs. Although HBC expanded worldwide, it had the greatest impact in less-developed countries (estimate 0. 66 [SE 0.13], p< 0.05), where agriculture is critical for rural livelihoods. Species with a relatively greater conflict extent had a relatively broader diet (estimate 0.80 [SE 0.22], p<0.05) and an increasing population trend (estimate 0.58 [SE 0.15], p<0.05) and affected human interests, such as agriculture and livestock raising. In countries with greater biodiversity, HBCs caused greater socioeconomic impacts than in more developed countries. Our results highlight the importance of understanding and addressing HBCs from multiple perspectives (ecological, sociocultural, and political) to effectively protect both biodiversity and local livelihoods.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest on using local modelling techniques for the analysis of spatio-temporal data because of their powerfulness in extracting the underlying local patterns in the data. In this study, we propose a two-step local smoothing approach to explore spatial patterns and temporal trends of spatio-temporal data via combining the geographically weighted regression and the local polynomial smoothing procedure. The proposed method incorporates both spatial and temporal information into the calibration process and makes it easier to implement visualization of the results. A simulation experiment is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method and the results show that the method works satisfactorily. A real-world spatio-temporal data set is analyzed to demonstrate the practical usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

An accurate prediction of near-shore sea-state is imperative during extreme events such as cyclones required in an operational centre. The mutual interaction between physical processes such as tides, waves and currents determine the physical environment for any coastal region, and hence the need of a parallelized coupled wave and hydrodynamic model. The present study is an application of various state-of-art models such as WRF, WAM, SWAN and ADCIRC used to couple and simulate a severe cyclonic storm Thane that developed in the Bay of Bengal during December 2011. The coupled model (ADCIRC–SWAN) was run in a parallel mode on a flexible unstructured mesh. Thane had its landfall on 30 December, 2011 between Cuddalore and Pondicherry where in-situ observations were available to validate model performance. Comprehensive experiment on the impact of meteorological forcing parameters with two forecasted tracks derived from WRF model, and JTWC best track on the overall performance of coupled model was assessed. Further an extensive validation experiment was performed for significant wave heights and surface currents during Thane event. The significant wave heights measured along satellite tracks by three satellites viz; ENVISAT, JASON-1 and JASON-2, as well in-situ near-shore buoy observation off Pondicherry was used for comparison with model results. In addition, qualitative validation was performed for model computed currents with HF Radar Observation off Cuddalore during Thane event. The importance of WRF atmospheric model during cyclones and its robustness in the coupled model performance is highlighted. This study signifies the importance of coupled parallel ADCIRC–SWAN model for operational needs during extreme events in the North Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Borcard D  Legendre P 《Ecology》2012,93(6):1473-1481
The Mantel correlogram is an elegant way to compute a correlogram for multivariate data. However, recent papers raised concerns about the power of the Mantel test itself. Hence the question: Is the Mantel correlogram powerful enough to be useful? To explore this issue, we compared the performances of the Mantel correlogram to those of other methods, using numerical simulations based on random, normally distributed data. For a single response variable, we compared it to the Moran and Geary correlograms. Type I error rates of the three methods were correct. Power of the Mantel correlogram was nearly as high as that of the univariate methods. For the multivariate case, the test of the multivariate variogram developed in the context of multiscale ordination is in fact a Mantel test, so that the power of the two methods is the same by definition. We devised an alternative permutation test based on the variance, which yielded similar results. Overall, the power of the Mantel test was high, the method successfully detecting spatial correlation at rates similar to the permutation test of the variance statistic in multivariate variograms. We conclude that the Mantel correlogram deserves its place in the ecologist's toolbox.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for the analysis of organic pollutants in the environment. Nevertheless, sample preparation for GC/MS analysis is often criticized for being too laborious and requiring expensive equipment. Thus, purge-and-trap or headspace devices are the most popular nowadays to investigate volatile organic pollutants. At the same time, modern commercial high-resolution mass spectrometers allow for the significant simplification of the sample preparation procedures due to better acquisition rate, accurate mass measurements, and improved sensitivity. Here, we used a time-of-flight high-resolution mass spectrometer Pegasus GC-HRT (LECO, USA) to identify and quantify 47 volatile priority organic pollutants in water. The developed accelerated water sample preparation approach requires just 1 mL of water and 1 mL of dichloromethane. The detection limits of the analytes are about 1 μg L?1, while the quantification limits are approximately 5 μg L?1. These limits correspond to those required by Method 8260C of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Here, we demonstrate that sample preparation for the reliable and sensitive GC/MS analysis of volatile organic priority pollutants may be achieved in 5 min in 5-mL vials in the field or just prior to GC/MS analysis in the laboratory without the use of any expensive equipment.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2004,175(2):151-167
Throughfall may contribute large amounts of nutrients to forest soils via the leaching of accumulated dry particulates on the canopy, and by altering incoming precipitation, it may have some control on the acid–base status of the soil. Unfortunately, information about throughfall in forests is sparse and thus, scientists must deal with this gap in knowledge before conducting regional applications of dynamic soil acidification models. The first objective of this paper was to test the possibility of developing regression equations that could allow modellers to estimate throughfall nutrient fluxes using wet deposition nutrient fluxes as input data. The second objective was to test the relative importance of this simplification on regional applications of the dynamic soil–atmosphere model Soil Acidification in Forested Ecosystems (SAFE) using one published application of this model as the base case. Annual throughfall nutrient fluxes were estimated successfully from annual wet deposition fluxes for individual ions. The success of these relationships were however inversely proportional to the intensity at which an ion was involved in exchange reactions: models generally performed better with more conservative ions. The simulation of the soil acid–base status with SAFE suggested that it was appropriate to use the throughfall estimates yielded using the regression equations. Also, testing of the SAFE output using different regression equations in throughfall showed that, in the case of base cations, the key for modelling the soil acid–base status was to produce accurate throughfall estimates of Ca and Mg, and that K had marginal effects. However, a small bias in solution pH was introduced as the balance between alkalinity and acidity in the different categories of deposition appeared to be diverging from the base case (measured) values. The use of our approach at other sites may indicate if there is a systematic bias or not in the regressions. Yet, results suggest that the regression equations are appropriate for the purpose of modelling the soil acid–base status at the scale of the landscape because it assures that the same set of assumptions in throughfall are used for each application.  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - The use of surface elevation table (SET) instruments to monitor elevation changes at low elevation coastal locations has steadily increased in recent...  相似文献   

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