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现阶段,我国生态环境保护工作同时面临着国内环境质量改善、全球气候变化应对等多重严峻挑战。2018年3月国务院机构改革将应对气候变化职能进行调整,为污染防治和气候变化协同控制提供了重要的机制保障。为保障国务院机构改革红利很好地释放,本研究在梳理国内污染物与温室气体协同控制现状的基础上,分析了应对气候变化工作面临的机遇与挑战,最后提出未来的应对气候变化工作应坚持问题导向和目标导向,强化污染物与温室气体协同控制效果的相关对策建议,以促进国内绿色低碳发展和加快建设全球生态文明。  相似文献   

面对国家碳达峰、碳中和战略目标,“十四五”时期,北京市提出推进大气污染物和温室气体排放协同控制,因此,开展协同控制效果评估对于持续改善空气质量和减少碳排放具有重要意义 .本研究在减排措施筛选和减排量测算的基础上,分析了主要大气污染物和 CO2的减排潜力,采用协同控制效应坐标系法、协同控制交叉弹性分析法和协同评估指数法,对减排措施主要大气污染物 SO2、NOx、PM10、VOCs 和温室气体CO2的协同控制效果进行评估 . 结果表明,减排措施对于 SO2、NOx的减排潜力均在 20% 以上,对于 CO2的减排潜力约为 7%. 各项措施对 NOx、PM10、VOCs和 CO2排放具有协同控制效果 .从坐标系法和评估指数法分析结果来看,浅山区煤改清洁能源和压减本地火力发电量对 SO2和 CO2的协同控制效果较好...  相似文献   




减排温室气体的经济手段:许可证交易和税收政策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
温室气体的减排是当前国际社会关心的热点环境问题。本文首先从分析采用经济手段减排温室气体的潜在利弊出发,对温室气体排放交易和国际碳税进行了深入的分析比较。最后,提出了我国响应减排温室气体经济政策的若干建议。  相似文献   

The current use of South Asian palm oil as biofuel is far from climate neutral. Dependent on assumptions, losses of biogenic carbon associated with ecosystems, emission of CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels and the anaerobic conversion of palm oil mill effluent currently correspond in South Asia with an emission of about 2.8–19.7 kg CO2 equivalent per kg of palm oil. Using oil palm and palm oil processing wastes for the generation of energy and preventing further conversion of tropical forest into oil palm plantations by establishing new plantations on non-peaty degraded soils can, however, lead to large cuts in the emission of carbon-based greenhouse gases currently associated with the palm oil lifecycle.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented here to assess the potential long-term contribution of non-CO2 greenhouse gases in mitigation scenarios. The analysis shows the future development of the mitigation potential of non-CO2 gases (as a function of changes in technology and implementation barriers) to represent a crucial parameter for the overall costs of mitigation scenarios. The recently developed marginal abatement cost curves for 2010 in the EMF-21 project are taken as the starting point. First-order estimates were made of the future maximum attainable reduction potentials and costs on the basis of available literature. The set of MAC curves developed was used in a multi-gas analysis for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations at 550 ppm CO2-equivalent. Including future development for the non-CO2 mitigation options not only increases their mitigation potential but also lowers the overall costs compared to situations where no development is assumed (3–21% lower in 2050 and 4–26% lower in 2100 in our analysis). Along with the fluorinated gases, energy-related methane emissions make up the largest share in total non-CO2 abatement potential as they represent a large emission source and have a large potential for reduction (towards 90% compared to baseline in 2100). Most methane and nitrous oxide emissions from landuse-related sources are less simple to abate, with an estimated abatement potential in 2100 of around 60% and 40%, respectively.  相似文献   

大气污染是全球性的公共环境健康问题.本研究基于临沂市区2015年6种大气污染物(PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO、O3)的逐日监测数据,分析了污染物的污染特征及其与气象因子的相关性,通过构建广义相加模型,模拟分析了单个污染物与居民呼吸、循环系统疾病门诊人次的暴露-反应关系.结果表明,PM2.5和PM10是临沂市区首要大气污染物,NO2和SO2次之,O3和CO浓度较低;除O3外,其它5种污染物之间呈显著正相关,与风速、温度、相对湿度3个气象因子呈负相关,浓度水平冬季高、夏季低;O3与温度呈显著正相关.对于呼吸系统疾病,单个污染物每增加10 μg·m-3(CO每增加0.1 mg·m-3)的最大效应情况是:PM10、SO2、NO2、CO均在当天(lag0)使得门诊人次分别增加0.36%、1.77%、1.29%、0.69%,PM2.5和O3分别在累积滞后6 d(lag05)和单日滞后3 d(lag3)使得门诊人次分别增加0.6%和1.07%;对于循环系统疾病,单个污染物每增加10 μg·m-3(CO每增加0.1 mg·m-3)的最大效应是:PM2.5、PM10均在累积滞后5 d(lag04)使得门诊人次分别增加0.72%、0.80%,SO2、NO2均在累积滞后6 d使得门诊人次分别增加3.55%、3.54%,CO和O3则分别在当天和单日滞后3 d使得门诊人次分别增加0.77%、1.39%.对于呼吸、循环系统疾病,PM2.5、PM10、CO、O3对男性的影响均大于女性,SO2则反之;NO2对男性呼吸系统和女性循环系统影响较大.大气污染物对少年(7~17岁)呼吸系统和对中年(41~65岁)循环系统影响较大.临沂市区6种大气污染物存在不同程度的污染,对居民呼吸、循环系统疾病均有不同程度的影响,且存在性别和年龄的差异.  相似文献   

模拟潮汐和植被对湿地温室气体通量的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以福建省九龙江入海口的滩涂潮间带作为研究对象,通过原位采样和室内人工微宇宙实验,利用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了潮汐植被对湿地CH4、CO2和N2O 3种重要温室气体通量的影响.结果表明,3种温室气体通量在模拟潮汐和植被作用下表现出明显的差异.模拟潮汐对CH4和N2O通量的影响没有明显的规律,总量上都表现为排放;对CO2通量具有显著影响,退潮时抑制,表现为吸收,涨潮时促进,表现为排放.植被促进CH4的排放,对CO2通量影响无明显规律,对N2O通量表现为抑制作用.植被除了自身对温室气体直接作用外,还通过改变沉积物的理化性质影响微生物活动,进而影响温室气体通量.综合分析,植被对温室气体通量的影响要比模拟潮汐作用明显.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区大气污染对人群健康的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
在珠江三角洲地区选取广州麓湖等16个典型站点,观测了珠江三角洲地区2006年大气污染物浓度.结果表明,珠江三角洲地区2006年PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2、O3年日均浓度分别达到75,56,57,53,44μg/m3.搜集国内PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2、O3暴露人群健康影响的流行病学研究资料,利用Meta分析方法获取我国人群大气污染物暴露对死亡健康结局影响的暴露-反应关系,并以珠江三角洲地区人群2006年大气污染物暴露浓度为基准,运用泊松回归模型评价珠江三角洲地区大气污染对人群的健康影响.  相似文献   

Mitigation of greenhouse gases by adoption of improved biomass cookstoves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Greenhouse gases especially CO2 can be reduced with the help of improved biomass cookstoves. This paper deals with the design and development of biomass stoves (single pot and double pot) with better efficiency for meeting household cooking energy requirement. Thermal performance, flue gas emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) have been investigated. It was seen from the result that the flue gas emission is within permissible limit as recommended by World Health Organization. The design of improved biomass stove sent to Palampur (32o10’N,76o30’E) center situated in Himalaya in hilly terrain of India, where the acceptability of double pot stoves (85%) is quite high compared to single pot stoves (30%). Thermal efficiencies of both single and double pot stove were recorded about 21% and 25% respectively. An improved biomass cookstove can save about 161 kg of CO2 annually. Improved cookstoves was found eco-friendly in nature and suitable for the cooking requirement of hilly areas.  相似文献   

Most modelling studies that explore long-term greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios focus on cost-efficient emission pathways towards a certain climate target, like the internationally agreed target to keep global temperature increase below 2 °C compared to pre-industrial levels (the 2 °C climate target). However, different timing of reductions lead to different transient temperature increase over the course of the century and subsequently to differences in the time profiles of not only the mitigation costs but also adaptation costs and residual climate change damage. This study adds to the existing literature by focussing on the implication of these differences for the evaluation of a set of three mitigation scenarios (early action, gradual action and delayed action), all three limiting global temperature increase below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, using different discount rates. The study shows that the gradual mitigation pathway is, for these discount rates, preferred over early or delayed action in terms of total climate costs and net benefits. The relative costs and benefits of the early or delayed mitigation action scenarios, in contrast, do strongly depend on the discount rate applied. For specific discount rates, these pathways might therefore be preferred for other reasons, such as reducing long-term uncertainty in climate costs by early action.  相似文献   

Livestock [inclusive of ruminant species, namely cattle (Bos Taurus and Bos indicus), sheep (Ovis aries), goats (Capra hircus), and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), and non-ruminant species, namely pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) and chickens (Gallus domesticus)] are both affected by climate change and contribute as much as 14.5 % of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, most of which is from ruminant animals (Gerber et al. 2013). This study aims to estimate the marginal costs of reducing GHG emissions for a selection of practices in the ruminant livestock sector (inclusive of the major ruminant species—cattle, sheep, and goats) globally. It advances on previous assessments by calculating marginal costs rather than commonly reported average costs of abatement and can thus provide insights about abatement responses at different carbon prices. We selected the most promising abatement options based on their effectiveness and feasibility. Improved grazing management and legume sowing are the main practices assessed in grazing systems. The urea (CO(NH2)2) treatment of crop straws is the main practice applied in mixed crop–livestock systems, while the feeding of dietary lipids and nitrates are confined to more intensive production systems. These practices were estimated to reduce emissions by up to 379 metric megatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent emissions per year (MtCO2-eq yr?1). Two thirds of this reduction was estimated to be possible at a carbon price of 20 US dollars per metric ton of CO2 equivalent emissions ($20 tCO2-eq?1). This study also provides strategic guidance as to where abatement efforts could be most cost effectively targeted. For example, improved grazing management was particularly cost effective in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, while legume sowing appeared to work best in Western Europe and Latin America.  相似文献   

中国区域反应性气体排放源清单   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
反应性气体是形成气溶胶及酸雨、光化学烟雾等环境问题的重要前体物,采用政府部门公布的基础数据(包括社会-经济数据、化石燃料和生物质燃料消耗、废物处理数据等,绝大部分为县级水平)及一些较新的、中国特有的排放因子,计算了中国大陆2007年高时空分辨率的关键反应性气体SO2、NOx、CO、NH3、VOCs的排放源清单.计算出的全国和各地区的排放量使用了0.5°×0.5°的网格来显示,结果表明,各反应性气体的估算年排放量分别为:SO2 3158.4万t,主要是燃煤所致;NOx、CO分别为2492.6,15785.2万t,均主要来源于燃煤和生物质燃烧;NH3 1601.7万t,主要源于动物排放和农田化肥的使用;VOCs 3709.8万t,主要源于溶剂挥发、废物处理、交通源等.本研究计算的排放结果比以前的清单稍高,主要是由于部分排放量以前被低估了;东部地区的排放量比西部高.反应性气体的排放具有较强的季节性,主要是由于自然因素及居民采暖、农业秸秆的露天焚烧的季节性等所致.  相似文献   

A statistical time series analysis was applied to study the interdependence between the primary and secondary pollutants in the Taipei area. Estimations using the vector autoregression model (VAR) indicate that 2 and 4 h time lags are sufficient to represent the observed values at two stations studied. The impulse response functions and variance decompositions of NO, NO2 and O3 were derived using the vector moving average representations to examine the significance of one species on others. Influences of photochemistry and transport processes on these air pollutants at different locations were evaluated from the results. This technique may provide a simple tool for preliminary assessment of pollution problems.  相似文献   

室内空气污染物氨的检测与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氨是影响室内空气质量的主要污染物,室内空气中的氨主要来源于装修材料,文章通过对11个室内空气样品进行检测.探讨室内装修中氨的影响,并提出了防治室内氨污染的措施和建议。  相似文献   

氨是影响室内空气质量的主要污染物,室内空气中的氨主要来源于装修材料,文章通过对11个室内空气样品进行检测,探讨室内装修中氨的影响,并提出了防治室内氨污染的措施和建议.  相似文献   

采用缺氧-好氧SBR反应器,研究了同步硝化反硝化(SND)工艺污水生物脱氮过程中污染物去除效果和温室气体(N2O,CH4和CO2)的释放情况.结果表明,与顺序式硝化反硝化工艺(SQND)的总氮去除率63.78%相比,SND大大地提高了总氮的去除,去除率达90.39%.同时,SND过程刺激了温室气体的释放,其温室气体释放总量为SQND的4.5倍.SND反应器N2O每周期释放量为34.28 mg,且主要集中于曝气阶段.而SQND过程N2O释放量仅为6.89mg,为SND过程的1/5.SND过程和SQND过程,每周期CO2的释放量分别为493.52,320.28mg.两反应器中CH4的释放量都很低,接近于零.  相似文献   

以大型深水水电类水库潘家口水库为例,于2020年春季(5月)、夏季(8月)在研究区设置33个采样点,采用顶空平衡-气相色谱法和经验模型法对水柱温室气体浓度和水-气界面扩散通量进行了观测及估算,并分析了潘家口水库温室气体浓度及通量的主要影响因素.结果表明:春季潘家口水库水-气界面CH4、CO2、N2O平均通量分别为(1.11±1.60)μmol/(m2·h),(1333.31±546.43)μmol/(m2·h),(76.65±19.54)nmol/(m2·h).夏季潘家口水库水-气界面CH4、CO2、N2O平均通量分别为(0.62±1.13)μmol/(m2·h),(746.08±1152.44)μmol/(m2·h),(141.18±256.02)nmol/(m2·h).潘家口水库温室气体排放呈现出大的时空异质性,空间上春季和夏季各温室气体通量均表现为干流大于支流;季节上CH4与CO2扩散通量表现为春季大于夏季,而N2O扩散通量夏季大于春季.统计分析表明CH4扩散通量主要受电导率、风速等环境因子影响,CO2扩散通量受风速、pH及DOC影响,N2O扩散通量主要受水柱NO3--N、NO2--N的影响.  相似文献   

天津城市大气污染物浓度垂直分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用2007年10月10日~2008年9月30日天津边界层气象观测塔得到的PM2.5质量浓度、O3和NO2体积分数等梯度资料,对比分析了不同高度上各污染物数据统计特征,并对各污染物数据的时间变化特征及垂直分布进行了讨论.结果表明,天津市PM2.5污染严重,且易发生光化学污染事件.各高度层PM2.5浓度在12、1和2月份存在较大差异,其他月份差异较小;O3体积分数均表现出夏季高冬季低的典型特征;NO2体积分数在220m高度处变化较为复杂且全年波动较大,120m处变化平稳,40m处则表现出春夏季高、秋冬季低的特点.PM2.5体积分数和NO2体积分数日变化均呈现双峰型,峰值的出现与早晚出行高峰以及边界层的变化有关,且污染物出现峰值的时间由低到高存在2~3h的延迟.O3体积分数与太阳辐射强度关系密切,各层均在14:00前后达到最大,而夜间的还原反应使各层臭氧体积分数下降.40m和120m处NO2体积分数变化较为一致,全天波动很小,而220m处波动较大,昼夜差异明显.  相似文献   

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