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A three-dimensional numerical model is described which considers the effects of advection, diffusion, coagulation, gravitational settling, gas-to-particle (g-to-p) conversion and interactions with the ambient air on the evolution with time of particle size distributions in power plant plumes. From inputs of an atmospheric temperature, humidity and wind sounding, and the concentrations of particles and trace gases emitted from a power plant and in the ambient air, the model provides predictions of the particle size distributions, total particle concentrations, concentrations of trace gases, g-to-p conversion rates and the light-scattering coefficient of the particles at points in the plume downwind of the stack.Comparisons of the model predictions with airborne measurements obtained in the plumes from two coal-fired power plants show that the model is capable of predicting many of the principal features of the evolution of the particle size distributions and related parameters for transit distances up to at least 30 km. The model predicts maximum g-to-p conversion rates at the edges of the plumes where the predicted g-to-p conversion rates are comparable to values derived from field measurements. Elsewhere in the plumes the predicted g-to-p conversion rates are about an order of magnitude lower than the average values deduced from field measurements.  相似文献   

A series of plume samples was taken by instrumented aircraft to determine atmospheric oxidation rates of flue gases from coal-fired power plants. This study was carried out at two of TVA's large power plants: Colbert Steam Plant, located in Pride, Alabama, a conventional power plant that burns high (3.7%) sulfur coal; and Widows Creek Steam Plant, located at Stevenson, Alabama, which generates 29% of its electrical power from a boiler that burns high (3.9%) sulfur coal but that is equipped with a wet limestone SO2 scrubber.The average atmospheric oxidation rates at both sites were almost identical, indicating that the atmospheric oxidation rate is not significantly affected by the presence of a scrubber. The average morning rates for SO4= and NO3 formation for both the scrubbed and unscrubbed plumes were found to be 0.012 and 0.029 h−1 respectively. Rates larger by a factor of two were found for the afternoon measurements. For both parts of this study, the average rate for NO conversion to NO2 was found to be 0.51 h−1, and the rate for NOx removal was estimated to be 0.12 h−1.On one day during the second part of this study (August 23, 1978), net O3 production in the plume was observed. Net production of O3 was attributed to the mixing of the power plant plume with a polluted airmass transported from Chattanooga, Tennessee.  相似文献   

One of the most critical measurements needed to understand the biogeochemical cycle of mercury, and to verify atmospheric models, is the rate of mercury wet-deposition. The Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) operates sites across North America to monitor total mercury in wet-deposition. MDN's primary goal is to provide both spatial and temporal continental-scale observations of mercury wet-deposition fluxes to support researchers, modelers, policy-makers and the public interest. MDN represents the only continental-scale mercury deposition database with a >10-year record of continuous values. This study provides analysis and interpretation of MDN observations at 10 years (1996–2005) with an emphasis on investigating whether rigorous, statistically-significant temporal trends and spatial patterns were present and where they occurred. Wet deposition of mercury ranges from more than 25 μg m?2 yr in south Florida to less than 3 μg m?2 yr in northern California. Volume-weighted total mercury concentrations are statistically different between defined regions overall (Southeast ≈ Midwest > Ohio River > Northeast), with the highest in Florida, Minnesota, and several Southwest locations (10–16 ng L?1). Total mercury wet-deposition is significantly different between defined regions (Southeast > Ohio River > Midwest > Northeast). Mercury deposition is strongly seasonal in eastern North America. The average mercury concentration is about two times higher in summer than in winter, and the average deposition is approximately more than three times greater in summer than in winter. Forty-eight sites with validated datasets of five years or more were tested for trends using the non-parametric seasonal Kendall trend test. Significant decreasing mercury wet-deposition concentration trends were found at about half of the sites, particularly across Pennsylvania and extending up through the Northeast.  相似文献   

One hundred and twelve soil samples were collected from residential areas surrounding a coal-fired power plant at Huainan City, Anhui Province, China. The concentrations of environmentally sensitive elements (ESEs As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in soil samples were determined, and their potential ecological and health risks were assessed. Mean concentrations of ESEs in the downwind soils of the power plant are relatively higher than those in the upwind soils, pointing to a potential ESEs input from coal combustion. The calculated ecological risk of ESEs in soils indicates a relatively low ecological risk. Hazard quotient (HQ) of ESEs in downwind soils is 1.5, suggesting a potential health risk for children. However, the carcinogenic risk values of ESEs in soils are within the acceptable non-hazardous range of 1E−06–1E−04.  相似文献   

Johannesson K  Smolarz K  Grahn M  André C 《Ambio》2011,40(2):179-190
Environmental change challenges local and global survival of populations and species. In a species-poor environment like the Baltic Sea this is particularly critical as major ecosystem functions may be upheld by single species. A complex interplay between demographic and genetic characteristics of species and populations determines risks of local extinction, chances of re-establishment of lost populations, and tolerance to environmental changes by evolution of new adaptations. Recent studies show that Baltic populations of dominant marine species are locally adapted, have lost genetic variation and are relatively isolated. In addition, some have evolved unusually high degrees of clonality and others are representatives of endemic (unique) evolutionary lineages. We here suggest that a consequence of local adaptation, isolation and genetic endemism is an increased risk of failure in restoring extinct Baltic populations. Additionally, restricted availability of genetic variation owing to lost variation and isolation may negatively impact the potential for evolutionary rescue following environmental change.  相似文献   

In-situ bio-remediation is a viable cleanup alternative for aquifers contaminated by hydrocarbons such as BTEX. Transport models of varying complexity and capabilities are used to quantify their degradation. A model that has gained wide acceptance in applications is BIOPLUME II, which assumes that oxygen-limited biodegradation takes place as an instantaneous reaction. In this work we have employed theoretical analysis, using non-dimensional variables, and numerical modelling to establish a quantitative criterion demarcating the range of validity of the instantaneous reaction approximation against biodegradation kinetics. Oxygen was the limiting species and sorption was ignored. This criterion relates (o), the Dahmk?hler number at oxygen depletion, to O(o)*, the ratio of initial to input oxygen concentration, (o) > or = 0.7(O(o)*)(2) + 0.1O(o)* + 1.8. The derived (o) reflects the intrinsic characteristics of the physical transport and of the biochemical reaction, including the effect of biomass density. Relative availability of oxygen and hydrocarbons exerts a small influence on results. Theory, verified and refined via numerical simulations, showed that significant deviations of instantaneous reactions from kinetics are to be expected in the space-time region s相似文献   

Eco-certification is widely considered a tool for reducing environmental impacts of aquaculture, but what are the likely environmental outcomes for the world’s fastest growing animal-food production sector? This article analyzes a number of eco-certification schemes based on species choice, anticipated share of the global seafood market, size of eligible producers, and targeted environmental impacts. The potential of eco-certification to reduce the negative environmental impacts of aquaculture at scale presently appears uncertain as: (a) certification schemes currently focus on species predominantly consumed in the EU and US, with limited coverage of Asian markets; (b) the share of certified products in the market as currently projected is too low; (c) there is an inequitable and non-uniform applicability of certification across the sector; (d) mechanisms or incentives for improvement among the worst performers are lacking; and (e) there is incomplete coverage of environmental impacts, with biophysical sustainability and ecosystem perspectives generally lacking.  相似文献   

Chongqing, a city with a population of >2.5 million, constitutes the biggest industrial and commercial centre in southwest China. Recent industrialization has led to an increasing air pollutant problem which is exacerbated by the topography and prevailing climate of the region. To date, interest has remained firmly focused on the levels of traditional air pollutants (sulphur dioxide [SO2], oxides of nitrogen [NOx], smoke and suspended particulate matter [SPM]), with little attention paid to photochemical oxidants such as ozone (O3). This paper reports the first assessment of ambient O3 levels in southwest China. Measurements were made in and around Chongqing using a combination of UV-absorption (at a site located in the northern sector of the city) and passive samplers (at 20 sites located in and around the city) between 1993 and 1996. The 7-h daily mean O3 concentrations ranged between 2 and 16 ppb (x10(9)) during the winter months, increasing to 18-41 ppb during the summer (June-August), when peak hourly mean O3 concentrations of 93 ppb were attained. Ozone exposures across the region commonly approached (or exceeded) UN-ECE and WHO short-term guidelines for the protection of crops. In addition, controlled chamber studies, in which 11 cultivars of Chinese crops commonly grown in the Chongqing region were screened for relative O3 sensitivity, indicated the potential for subtle effects on the growth of a number of crop plants, if ambient O3 levels continue to rise in the region. Employing ozone exposures somewhat higher than those experienced in the field, several cultivars of commonly grown Chinese cereal, vegetable and salad crops were found to be sensitive to O3 in terms of growth, but this was not always associated with the appearance of visible symptoms of injury and, in contrast to what was generally expected, only three species showed significant O3-induced reductions in root:shoot partitioning. There is a clear and urgent need for a comprehensive study of ambient air quality and its impact on crops and natural vegetation in this, as in other, rapidly developing regions of China.  相似文献   

Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) and particulate bound mercury (PBM) were measured on the University of Mississippi campus from July 2011 to June 2012. It is believed to be the first time that concentrations of atmospheric mercury species have been documented in northern Mississippi, and at a location with relatively large and sudden swings in population. The mean concentration (±1SD) of GEM was 1.54 ± 0.32 ng m−3; levels were lower and generally more stable during the winter (1.48 ± 0.22) and spring (1.46 ± 0.27) compared with the summer (1.56 ± 0.32) and fall (1.63 ± 0.42). Mean concentrations for GOM and PBM were 3.87 pg m−3 and 4.58 pg m−3, respectively; levels tended to be highest in the afternoon and lowest in the early morning hours. During the fall and spring academic semesters concentrations and variability of GOM and PBM both increased, possibly from vehicle exhaust. There were moderate negative correlations with wind speed (all species) and humidity (GOM and PBM). Backward air mass trajectory modeling for the ten highest peaks for each mercury species revealed that the majority of these events occurred from air masses that passed through the northern continental US region. Overall, this study illustrates the complexity of temporal fluctuations of airborne mercury species, even in a small town environment.  相似文献   

The effect of buildings on the dry deposition of dust particles was investigated in Be'er-Sheva, a desert city with about 140,000 inhabitants in southern Israel, and at two reference points in the surrounding rural area. The mineral and chemical composition of dust sampled at all sites was similar, reflecting the composition of the local loess soil, its likely origin. However, dust deposited in the traps set up in the vicinity of buildings in the city was significantly coarser than the dust which accumulated in similar traps at exposed sites in the countryside. The amount of dust (by weight) in the urban dust traps was on an average more than twice the amount deposited in the rural area. The differences in grain-size distribution and quantity of dust are attributed to the properties of the urban wind field and to various effects of human activity in the city.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric environment(England)》1981,15(10-11):2315-2327
Numerous field studies have shown that gas-to-particle conversion can be an important source of submicron secondary aerosol in power plant plumes. In this paper, aerosol size distribution data from several field studies have been analyzed to determine particle diameter growth rates by gas-to-particle conversion. The functional dependencies of these growth rates on particle diameter were then compared with theoretical models (i.e. growth laws) to infer possible chemical mechanisms of secondary aerosol formation. Based on this analysis it has been possible to infer the relative contributions of various postulated conversion mechanisms to the aerosol volume formation rate. It has been concluded that the chemical mechanisms of gas-to-particle conversion in power plant plumes depend upon ambient conditions. For the limited set of data analyzed in the paper, aerosol growth resulting from condensation of molecules formed by gas phase reactions was predominant in all cases. For plumes mixing into humid air (≥ 50%r.h.), however, heterogeneous reactions (e.g. oxidation of dissolved SO2 in droplets) accounted for up to 20 % of the aerosol volume formation rate. It is likely that at higher humidities, droplet phase reactions would be still more important.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the energy-environment literature, a handful of the advanced economies, mostly the European Union countries, have met some of the national...  相似文献   

When plants are observed under a low dose of ozone, some physiological and metabolic shifts occur. Barring extreme injury such as tissue damage or stomata closure, most of these disruptive changes are likely to have been initiated at the level of gene expression. The belief is oxidative products formed in ozone exposed leaves, e.g. hydrogen peroxide, are responsible for much of the biochemical adjustments. The first line of defense is a range of antioxidants, such as ascorbate and glutathione, but if this defense is overwhelmed, subsequent actions occur, similar to systemic acquired resistance or general wounding. Yet there are seemingly unrelated metabolic responses which are also triggered, such as early senescence. We discuss here the current understanding of gene control and signal transduction/control in order to increase our comprehension of how ozone alters the basic metabolism of plants and how plants counteract or cope with ozone.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals are commonly found both in the aquatic and the agricultural environments as a consequence of the human activities and associated discharge of wastewater effluents to the environment. The utilization of treated effluent for crop irrigation, along with land application of manure and biosolids, accelerates the introduction of these compounds into arable lands and crops. Despite the low concentrations of pharmaceuticals usually found, the continuous introduction into the environment from different pathways makes them ‘pseudo-persistent’. Several reviews have been published regarding the potential impact of veterinary and human pharmaceuticals on arable land. However, plant uptake as well as phytotoxicity data are scarcely studied. Simultaneously, phytoremediation as a tool for pharmaceutical removal from soils, sediments and water is starting to be researched, with promising results. This review gives an in-depth overview of the phytotoxicity of pharmaceuticals, their uptake and their removal by plants. The aim of the current work was to map the present knowledge concerning pharmaceutical interactions with plants in terms of uptake and the use of plant-based systems for phytoremediation purposes.  相似文献   

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