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Storm runoff from six types of underlying surface area during five rainfall events in two urban study areas of Wenzhou City, China was investigated to measure phosphorus (P) concentrations and discharge rates. The average event mean concentrations (EMCs) of total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), and particulate phosphorus (PP) ranged from 0.02 to 2.5 mg?·?L?1, 0.01 to 0.48 mg?·?L?1, and 0.02 to 2.43 mg?·?L?1, respectively. PP was generally the dominant component of TP in storm runoff, while the major form of P varied over time, especially in roof runoff, where TDP made up the largest portion in the latter stages of runoff events. Both TP and PP concentrations were positively correlated with pH, total suspended solids (TSS), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)/chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations (p?<?0.01), while TDP was positively correlated with BOD/COD only (p?<?0.01). In addition, the EMCs of TP and PP were negatively correlated with maximum rainfall intensity (p?<?0.05), while the EMCs of TDP positively correlated with the antecedent dry weather period (p?<?0.05). The annual TP emission fluxes from the two study areas were 367.33 and 237.85 kg, respectively. Underlying surface type determined the TP and PP loadings in storm runoff, but regional environmental conditions affected the export of TDP more significantly. Our results indicate that the removal of particles from storm runoff could be an effective measure to attenuate P loadings to receiving water bodies.  相似文献   

Smog has become a public environmental crisis in most areas of China, and in response, research efforts have mainly focused on the chemical properties of smog and its impact on human health. However, in-depth research on the public’s perception of smog has not yet been conducted. A survey of residents living around eight state-controlled atmospheric environmental monitoring sites in Ningbo City was conducted using stratified sampling. The data was statistically analyzed to investigate people’s views and behavioral tendencies in smog weather, the influence of different media reports on public outlook, and public opinions on the local atmosphere and pollution management in different areas. The results showed that people’s perception of smog differs greatly from actual conditions, indicating that the public opinion tends to deviate when faced with a public crisis. Mainstream media (TV, newspaper, etc.), accounting for 67% of all media sources, are the main source for dissemination of smog information. The main sources of pollution, in order of decreasing contribution, according to residents of Ningbo City are as follows: motor vehicle exhaust, industrial coal combustion, large-scale construction, biomass burning, and kitchen fumes.

Implications: Since 2011, most areas of China have been affected by frequent smog. Most research on smog has been concentrated on its causes, alert systems, and prevention measures, whereas in-depth research on the public perception of smog has not yet been conducted. When a risky environmental event such as smog occurs, consequences may be more serious than the event itself will cause if people take irrational measures because of lacking relevant knowledge. Therefore, investigating people’s attitude and response to smog is both theoretically and practically significant.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Delimiting basic farmland is essential to ensure food security and maintain social stability. Determining the quantity and spatial layout of the basic...  相似文献   

Polycyclic musks (HHCB, AHTN, ADBI, AHDI, ATII) and a metabolite of HHCB (HHCB-lactone) were analyzed in sewage sludge samples within the framework of a monitoring network in Switzerland. Mean values in stabilised sludge from 16 wastewater treatment plants were 20.3 mg/kg d.m. for HHCB, 7.3 mg/kg d.m. for AHTN and 1.8 mg/kg d.m. for HHCB-lactone, respectively. Contents of ADBI, AHDI and ATII were between 0.1 and 1.8 g/kg d.m. The results show that polycyclic musks origin mainly from private households and that loads from craft industry, industry and atmospheric deposition are negligible. The technology of wastewater treatment and sludge processing seems to be of minor importance for degradation processes of polycyclic musks. The calculated input in wastewater of polycyclic musks is lower by a factor of 5-7 than the estimates based on use volumes. This discrepancy might be explained by degradation processes, other emission pathways than wastewater or inappropriate estimation of production volumes.  相似文献   

Many substances related to human activities end up in wastewater and accumulate in sewage sludge. The present study focuses on the analysis of widely used UV filters 3-(4-methylbenzylidene) camphor (4-MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate (OMC), octocrylene (OC) and octyl-triazone (OT) in sewage sludge originating from a monitoring network in Switzerland. Mean concentrations in stabilised sludge from 14 wastewater treatment plants were 1780, 110, 4840 and 5510 microg/kg dry matter for 4-MBC, OMC, OC and OT, respectively. Specific loads in sewage sludge show that UV filters originate mainly from private households, but surface runoff and industries may be considered as additional sources. This indicates that besides use for sunscreens and cosmetics UV filters might occur in plastics and other materials and be released to the environment by volatilization or leaching. Differences between the modeled per capita loads of UV filters in sewage sludge and the observed specific loads in sewage sludge are probably due to erroneous figures of production volumes, degradation and sorption during wastewater treatment as well as degradation processes during transport in the sewer or sludge treatment. Thus, further research is needed to elucidate the fate of UV filters after application and release into the environment. Other compounds used as UV filters should be included in future studies.  相似文献   

Primary fine particulate matters with a diameter of less than 10 µm (PM10) are important air emissions causing human health damage. PM10 concentration forecast is important and necessary to perform in order to assess the impact of air on the health of living beings. To better understand the PM10 pollution health risk in Taiyuan City, China, this paper forecasted the temporal and spatial distribution of PM10 yearly average concentration, using Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network (BPANN) model with various air quality parameters. The predicted results of the models were consistent with the observations with a correlation coefficient of 0.72. The PM10 yearly average concentrations combined with the population data from 2002 to 2008 were given into the Intake Fraction (IF) model to calculate the IFs, which are defined as the integrated incremental intake of a pollutant released from a source category or a region over all exposed individuals. The results in this study are only for main stationary sources of the research area, and the traffic sources have not been included. The computed IFs results are therefore under-estimations. The IFs of PM10 from Taiyuan with a mean of 8.5 per million were relatively high compared with other IFs of the United States, Northern Europe and other cities in China. The results of this study indicate that the artificial neural network is an effective method for PM10 pollution modeling, and the Intake Fraction model provides a rapid population risk estimate for pollutant emission reduction strategies and policies.

Implications The PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm) yearly average concentration of Taiyuan, with a mean of 0.176 mg/m3, was higher than the 65 μg/m3 recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The spatial distribution of PM10 yearly average concentrations showed that wind direction and wind speed played an important role, whereas temperature and humidity had a lower effect than expected. Intake fraction estimates of Taiyuan were relatively high compared with those observed in other cities. Population density was the major factor influencing PM10 spatial distribution. The results indicated that the artificial neural network was an effective method for PM10 pollution modeling.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the present state of empirical information about oil spills and oil monitoring activities in Russian harbours. We explain how we gathered, organised, and estimated the data needed to run the monitoring efforts optimisation model of Deissenberg et al. (2001). We present, analyse, and discuss the results of the optimisations carried out with this model on the basis of the empirical data. These results show, in particular, that the economic efficiency of the monitoring activities decreases rapidly as the corresponding budget increases. This suggests that, rather urgently, measures other than monitoring should be initiated to control sea harbour pollution.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Droughts in winter and spring are one of the most prominent natural disasters in the Yunnan Province in China. They occur frequently, with long...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Serious groundwater pollution not only affects the development of enterprises but also threatens the life and health of residents. To explore the...  相似文献   

At many "real world" field sites, the number of available monitoring wells is limited due to economic or geological reasons. Under such restricted conditions, it is difficult to perform a reliable field investigation and to quantify primary lines of evidence for natural attenuation (NA), like the documentation of a decrease of contaminant mass flux in flow direction. This study reports the results of a groundwater investigation at a former manufactured gas plant situated in a Quaternary river valley in southwest Germany. The location, infrastructure and aquifer setting are typical of many industrial sites in Germany. Due to difficult drilling conditions (coarse glaciofluvial gravel deposits and an anthropogenic fill above the aquifer), only 12 monitoring wells were available for the investigation and localisation of the contaminant plume. These wells were situated along three control planes (CP) downgradient from the contaminant source, with four wells along each plane. Based on the sparse set of monitoring wells, field scale mass fluxes and first-order natural attenuation rate constants of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene and p-xylene (BTEX) and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were estimated utilizing different point scale and also a new integral investigation method. The results show that even at a heterogeneous site with a sparse monitoring network point scale investigation methods can provide reliable information on field scale natural attenuation rates, if a dependable flow model or tracer test data is available. If this information is not available, only the new integral investigation method presented can yield adequate results for the quantification of contaminant mass fluxes under sparse monitoring conditions.  相似文献   

我国华北地区湿地通常处于缺水状态.当湿地分别为"资源型缺水"和"水质型缺水"时,目前常用的几种生态需水量估算方法的适用范围是不同的.水量平衡法是较通用的方法;而水量损失法和最低水位法主要适用于资源型缺水;物质平衡法和逐年环境改良法则主要应用于污染型缺水的情况.针对不同的情况可以选取相应的估算方法.本文应用不同估算方法,对河北保定白洋淀湿地和北京顺义杨镇湿地的生态需水量进行了估算,通过估算结果间的比较,反映出白洋淀湿地面临的污染问题更严重,而杨镇湿地更亟需解决的是资源型缺水问题,使其补偿措施更有针对性,能更好地协调人与湿地生态环境问的关系.  相似文献   

3种负荷对模拟垂直流人工湿地去除氮、磷效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨水力负荷、有机负荷和悬浮物固体负荷对垂直流人工湿地基质去除氮、磷效果的影响,采用了人工土柱模拟实验的方法,对不同数值的水力负荷、有机负荷(COD)和悬浮固体负荷单因素影响条件下垂直流人工湿地出水中TN、TP的浓度进行了监测。实验结果表明,在3种负荷单一因素影响条件下,垂直流人工湿地处理出水中TN、TP的浓度均随着负荷的增加而增加,即降低水力负荷、有机负荷、悬浮固体负荷均有利于降低垂直流人工湿地处理出水中TN、TP的浓度。当水力负荷为50 cm/d,垂直流人工湿地TP的去除率较高,达到71.52%;当有机负荷为50 g/(m2·d),TN的平均去除率较高,达到41.84%;当悬浮固体负荷为75 g/(m2·d),TP的平均去除率较高,达到92.13%。因此,在水力负荷实验中,当水力负荷为50 cm/d,垂直流人工湿地对氮、磷去除效果较佳;在悬浮固体实验中,当悬浮固体负荷为75 g/m2·d,垂直流人工湿地对氮、磷去除效果较好;在有机负荷实验中,当有机负荷(COD)为50 g/(m2·d),垂直流人工湿地对氮、磷去除效果较好。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) have been widely studied in landfill leachates but not in the surrounding environment of landfills. In this...  相似文献   

In the analytical analysis the measurement uncertainty is a quantitative indicator of the confidence describing the range around a reported or experimental result within which the true value can be expected. Several approaches can be used to estimate the measurement uncertainty associated to the analysis of pesticide residues: a) the top-down, the estimation can be referred to default values; b) the bottom-up the estimation is related to the uncertainty sources. Concerning the bottom-up approach, the following contributions have been investigated: weight of sample, calibration solutions, final volume of sample and intermediate repeatability studies. The commodity/residue combination selected in this study was celery/tau-fluvalinate pesticide. Tau-fluvalinate is a broad-spectrum insecticide in the pyrethroid class of pesticides. The Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of tau-fluvalinate in celery has been set at 0.01 mg/kg. The tau- Fluvalinate showed two chromatographic peaks. Since the individual standards are not available, the two peaks were integrated separately and the instrumental responses were added. The total residue was calculated on the basis of resulted peaks. The present work aims to compare the uncertainty estimated by experimental data using repeated analysis (n = 12) of a real sample and a spiked sample. The relative expanded uncertainty for two data set, incurred and spiked, was 22 % and 20 %, respectively. No differences were observed from repeated determinations of real samples and spiked samples.  相似文献   

Vehicle-specific power (VSP) has been found to be highly correlated with vehicle emissions. It is used in many studies on emission modeling such as the MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator) model. The existing studies develop specific VSP distributions (or OpMode distribution in MOVES) for different road types and various average speeds to represent the vehicle operating modes on road. However, it is still not clear if the facility- and speed-specific VSP distributions are consistent temporally and spatially. For instance, is it necessary to update periodically the database of the VSP distributions in the emission model? Are the VSP distributions developed in the city central business district (CBD) area applicable to its suburb area? In this context, this study examined the temporal and spatial consistency of the facility- and speed-specific VSP distributions in Beijing. The VSP distributions in different years and in different areas are developed, based on real-world vehicle activity data. The root mean square error (RMSE) is employed to quantify the difference between the VSP distributions. The maximum differences of the VSP distributions between different years and between different areas are approximately 20% of that between different road types. The analysis of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission factor indicates that the temporal and spatial differences of the VSP distributions have no significant impact on vehicle emission estimation, with relative error of less than 3%.

Implications: The temporal and spatial differences have no significant impact on the development of the facility- and speed-specific VSP distributions for the vehicle emission estimation. The database of the specific VSP distributions in the VSP-based emission models can maintain in terms of time. Thus, it is unnecessary to update the database regularly, and it is reliable to use the history vehicle activity data to forecast the emissions in the future. In one city, the areas with less data can still develop accurate VSP distributions based on better data from other areas.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - As China and other developing countries continue to urbanize over the next decades, construction and demolition waste (CDW) management has been...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Urbanization has led to the rapid and large-scale changes in land use and land cover and has affected the spatial distribution of land surface...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are exemplified as a major environmental concern due to producing toxin, and have generated a serious threat to public...  相似文献   

Brogaard S  Zhao X 《Ambio》2002,31(3):219-225
The international science community stresses the importance of the local perspective in the context of dryland degradation. This paper explores changes in management and attitudes in a mixed farming system in northern China, since the introduction of the economic reforms in the early 1980s, and the following changes in land-use rights. The area encompasses a dune landscape scattered with crop-land, as well as the Daqinggou Nature Reserve, an area of natural vegetation. According to farmers new varieties of maize in combination with increased use of fertilizers have improved yields, though high yield variability persists due to erratic rainfall. Farmers acknowledge the importance of the 30-year contract on cultivated land in 1997 for their investment in long-term management, but emphasize the importance of chemical fertilizers for short-term economic survival. The farmers stressed the negative impact of grazing and cultivation on soil erosion and stated that differences in vegetation composition and cover in the nature reserve are due to anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

The Windsor, Ontario Exposure Assessment Study evaluated the contribution of ambient air pollutants to personal and indoor exposures of adults and asthmatic children living in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. In addition, the role of personal, indoor, and outdoor air pollution exposures upon asthmatic children's respiratory health was assessed. Several active and passive sampling methods were applied, or adapted, for personal, indoor, and outdoor residential monitoring of nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter (PM; PM-2.5 pm [PM2.5] and < or =10 microm [PM10] in aerodynamic diameter), elemental carbon, ultrafine particles, ozone, air exchange rates, allergens in settled dust, and particulate-associated metals. Participants completed five consecutive days of monitoring during the winter and summer of 2005 and 2006. During 2006, in addition to undertaking the air pollution measurements, asthmatic children completed respiratory health measurements (including peak flow meter tests and exhaled breath condensate) and tracked respiratory symptoms in a diary. Extensive quality assurance and quality control steps were implemented, including the collocation of instruments at the National Air Pollution Surveillance site operated by Environment Canada and at the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality site in Allen Park, Detroit, MI. During field sampling, duplicate and blank samples were also completed and these data are reported. In total, 50 adults and 51 asthmatic children were recruited to participate, resulting in 922 participant days of data. When comparing the methods used in the study with standard reference methods, field blanks were low and bias was acceptable, with most methods being within 20% of reference methods. Duplicates were typically within less than 10% of each other, indicating that study results can be used with confidence. This paper covers study design, recruitment, methodology, time activity diary, surveys, and quality assurance and control results for the different methods used.  相似文献   

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