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The aim of these trials was to study the distribution of dieldrin in soil and its translocation to roots and the aerial parts of vegetable crops grown in greenhouses and fields. The main objectives were to characterize dieldrin accumulation in plant tissues in relation to the levels of soil contamination; uptake capability among plants belonging to different species, varieties and cultivars. The presence of the contaminant was quantified by gas chromatography-electron capture detector (GC-ECD) and confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results showed a translocation of residues in cucurbitaceous fruits and flowers confirming that zucchini, cucumber and melon are crops with high uptake capability. The maximum level of dieldrin residue at 0.01 mg/kg was found to be a threshold value to safeguard the quality production of cucurbits. Tomato, lettuce and celery were identified as substitute crops to grow in contaminated fields.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Wong JW  Wei L 《Chemosphere》2005,58(4):475-483
Pot experiments were performed to study the alleviative effects of exogenous silicon (Si) on cadmium (Cd) phytotoxicity in maize grown in an acid soil experimentally contaminated with Cd. Five treatments were investigated in the first trial consisting of a control (neither Cd nor Si added), Cd added at 20 or 40 mg kg(-1) Cd without or with Si added at 400 mg kg(-1) Si. A following-up trial was conducted with almost the same treatments as in the first trial except that Si was incorporated at 50 mg kg(-1) Si. The results showed that Cd treatment significantly decreased shoot and root dry weight, while addition of Si at both levels significantly enhanced biomass. Addition of Si at 400 mg kg(-1) Si significantly increased soil pH but decreased soil Cd availability, thus reducing Cd concentration in the shoots and roots and total Cd in the shoots. Moreover, more Cd was found to be in the form of specific adsorbed or Fe-Mn oxides-bound fraction in the Si-amended soil. In contrast, soil pH, available Cd and Cd forms were unaffected by addition of Si at 50 mg kg(-1) Si, but shoot Cd concentration in the Si-amended Cd treatments significantly decreased at both Cd levels used compared to the non-Si-amended Cd treatments. Total Cd in the shoots and roots was considerably and significantly higher in the Si-amended Cd treatments than in the non-Si-amended Cd treatments. The xylem sap significantly increased but Cd concentration in the xylem sap significantly decreased in the Si-amended Cd treatments compared with the non-Si-amended Cd treatments irrespective of Cd and Si levels used. The results suggest that Si-enhanced tolerance to Cd can be attributed not only to Cd immobilization caused by silicate-induced pH rise in the soils but also to Si-mediated detoxification of Cd in the plants.  相似文献   

Continuous application of organic and inorganic fertilizers can affect soil and food quality with respect to heavy metal concentrations. The risk of cadmium (Cd) contamination in a long-term (over 20 years) experimental field in North China with an annual crop rotation of winter wheat and summer maize was investigated. The long-term experiment had a complete randomized block design with seven fertilizer treatments and four replications. The seven fertilizer treatments were (1) organic compost (OM), (2) half organic compost plus half chemical fertilizer (OM?+?NPK), (3) NPK fertilizer (NPK), (4–6) chemical fertilizers without one of the major nutrients (NP, PK, and NK), and (7) an unamended control (CK). Soil samples from 0 to 20 cm were collected in 1989, 1999, and 2009 to characterize Cd and other soil properties. During the past 20 years, various extents of Cd accumulation were observed in the soil, and the accumulation was mainly affected by atmospheric dry and wet deposition and fertilization. In 2009, the average Cd concentration in the soil was 148?±?15 μg kg?1 and decreased in the order of NPK?≈?OM?+?NKP?≈?PK?>?NP?≈?NK?>?OM?≈?CK. Sequential extraction of Cd showed that the acid-soluble fraction (F1, 32?±?7 %) and the residual fraction (F4, 31?±?5 %) were the dominant fractions of Cd in the soil, followed by the reducible fraction (F2, 22?±?5 %) and oxidizable fraction (F3, 15?±?6 %). The acid-soluble Cd fraction in the soil and Cd accumulation in the crops increased with soil plant available K. Fraction F3 was increased by soil organic C (SOC) and crop yields, but SOC reduced the uptake of soil Cd by crops. The long-term P fertilization resulted in more Cd buildup in the soil than other treatments, but the uptake of Cd by crops was inhibited by the precipitation of Cd with phosphate in the soil. Although soil Cd was slightly increased over the 20 years of intensive crop production, both soil and grain/kernel Cd concentrations were still below the national standards for environmental and food safety.  相似文献   

Spinach plants were grown in soil pots contaminated with increasing mixtures of lead, mercury, cadmium, and nickel salts. Plants in the control soil were grown in the absence of the heavy metals mixture. The elemental distribution of Cd, Ni, Pb, and Hg in the roots and leaves of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea) was determined in two stages, Stage 1, after five weeks of plant growth and Stage 2, after 10 weeks with full growth. Under the influence of contamination of soil with the heavy metal mixtures, Hg was the most accumulated element in the root of the spinach plant with a concentration of 283 ppm recorded in the highest contaminated soil, followed by Cd at 148 ppm.  相似文献   

Liu CP  Luo CL  Xu XH  Wu CA  Li FB  Zhang G 《Chemosphere》2012,86(11):1106-1111
The ability of calcium peroxide (CaO2) to immobilize As of contaminated soil was studied using pot and field experiments. In pot experiment, CaO2 applied at 2.5 and 5 g kg−1 significantly increased celery shoot weight and decreased shoot As accumulation, which was ascribed to the formation of stable crystalline Fe and Al oxides bound As and the reduction of labile As fractions in the soil. The labile As fractions were pH dependent and it followed a “V” shaped profile with the change of pH. In field experiment, the dose of CaO2 application at 750 kg ha−1 was optimal and at which the celery was found to produce the highest biomass (63.4 Mg ha−1) and lowest As concentration (0.43 mg kg−1). CaO2 probably has a promising potential as soil amendment to treat As contaminated soils.  相似文献   

以镉含量为200 mg·kg-1的模拟污染土壤为研究对象,使用电动修复技术对土壤中的镉进行去除。实验研究了不同修复电压下电流密度、电解液pH值、土壤中镉含量的变化,并重点研究了修复电压对土壤中镉迁移的影响规律。实验结果表明,通电电压越大,电场强度越强,镉的迁移量越大,电动修复效率越高,当修复电压为50 V时,阴极区域附近镉的迁移量与修复电压为5 V时相同位置镉的迁移量相比可以提高30%,实验结果为重金属污染土壤电动修复过程中镉的迁移量化研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) has been cultivated for biodiesel production worldwide. Winter rapeseed is commonly grown in the southern part of Korea under a rice-rapeseed double cropping system. In this study, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to assess the effects of rapeseed residue applied as a green manure alone or in combinations with mineral N fertilizer on Cd and Pb speciation in the contaminated paddy soil and their availability to rice plant (Oryza sativa L.). The changes in soil chemical and biological properties in response to the addition of rapeseed residue were also evaluated. Specifically, the following four treatments were evaluated: 100% mineral N fertilizer (N100) as a control, 70% mineral N fertilizer + rapeseed residue (N70 + R), 30% mineral N fertilizer + rapeseed residue (N30 + R) and rapeseed residue alone (R). The electrical conductivity and exchangeable cations of the rice paddy soil subjected to the R treatment or in combinations with mineral N fertilizer treatment, N70 + R and N30 + R, were higher than those in soils subjected to the N100 treatment. However, the soil pH value with the R treatment (pH 6.3) was lower than that with N100 treatment (pH 6.9). Use of rapeseed residue as a green manure led to an increase in soil organic matter (SOM) and enhanced the microbial populations in the soil. Sequential extraction also revealed that the addition of rapeseed residue decreased the easily accessible fraction of Cd by 5-14% and Pb by 30-39% through the transformation into less accessible fractions, thereby reducing metal availability to the rice plant. Overall, the incorporation of rapeseed residue into the metal contaminated rice paddy soils may sustain SOM, improve the soil chemical and biological properties, and decrease the heavy metal phytoavailability.  相似文献   

The uptake of an element by a plant is primarily dependent on the plant species, its inherent controls, and the soil quality. Amaranthus hybridus (green herbs) and Amaranthus dubius (red herbs) were chosen to investigate their response and ability to accumulate and tolerate varying levels of elements in their roots and shoots. Red herbs and green herbs were grown in soil pots contaminated with three mixtures of Cd(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), and Hg(II). Plants in the control treatment were grown in the absence of the heavy metals mixture. The distribution of Cd, Ni, Pb, and Hg in the plants (in roots, stems, and leaves) was determined in two stages. Stage 1, after 5 weeks of plant growth and stage 2, full grown after 10 weeks of growth. In the red herbs the Cd concentration in the leaves at stage 2 was 150 ppm and was present in higher concentrations than Ni, Hg, and Pb. At the highest contamination level, in the green herbs plant, Hg was present in the highest concentration in the root, i.e., 336 ppm at stage 1, while the level in the leaves was 7.12 ppm. Both the green and red herbs species showed an affinity for Ni and Cd with moderate to high levels detected in the leaves, respectively.  相似文献   

实验研究了重金属Cd在生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂协助下的电动修复过程,通过不同方式、不同浓度、不同酸碱度的鼠李糖脂溶液的添加与空白处理对比,探讨了鼠李糖脂协助下电动修复过程中的Cd在土壤介质中的迁移转化和机理,分析了鼠李糖脂溶液作为电动修复添加剂的可行性。结果表明,中等浓度酸性的鼠李糖脂溶液(pH=4.78,浓度为0.5、1和2 g/L)能对土壤中的重金属Cd进行有效的富集,富集量均在初始值的4倍以上,且其可交换态比重均大于42.07%,非常有利于土壤进行二次修复。此外,以pH=4.78,浓度为0.5 g/L的鼠李糖脂溶液作为预处理剂的Ex-08中的重金属Cd并未出现富集现象,但其对重金属的Cd的总去除效率达到了49.27%。表明利用鼠李糖脂溶液作为电动修复添加剂进行土壤重金属修复是可行的。  相似文献   

Fan W  Jia Y  Li X  Jiang W  Lu L 《Chemosphere》2012,88(6):751-756
A microorganism was isolated from oil field injection water and identified as Rhodobacter sphaeroides. It was used for the remediation of simulated cadmium-contaminated soil. The phytoavailability of Cd was investigated through wheat seedling method to determine the efficiency of remediation. It was found that after remediation, the accumulation of Cd in wheat roots and leaves decreased by 67% and 53%, respectively. The Cd speciation in soil was determined with Tessier extraction procedure. It was found that the total Cd content in soil did not change during the experiments, but the geo-speciation of Cd changed remarkably. Among the five fractions, the concentration of exchangeable phases decreased by 27-46% and that of the phases bound to Fe-Mn oxides increased by 22-44%. The decrease of Cd accumulation in wheat showed significant positive correlation with the decrease of exchangeable phases. It could be concluded that the remediation of R. sphaeroides was carried out through the conversion of Cd to more stable forms. The decrease of sulfate concentration in supernatant indicated that the R. sphaeroides consumed sulfate.  相似文献   

在Cd污染的胶东棕壤土体两端加以1 V/cm的直流电压梯度进行电动力学修复.考察了电动力学修复过程中阴阳极电解液pH、电渗流量和电流密度的变化,并将处理后的土体分6段进行了分析,主要参数为pH、电导率、土壤中Cd的浓度及其形态分析.结果表明,经过445.0 h的电动力学修复,阳极附近3段土壤中Cd的去除率分别达到98.19%、97.01%和96.24%;阴极附近3段土壤中出现了Cd富集现象,且pH为5.88的土壤段Cd的富集率最高.  相似文献   

A deterministic model for long-term behaviour of contaminants in the rootzone is developed that includes sorption, leaching, and plant uptake. The model is applied to cadmium accumulation in a sandy soil and uptake of cadmium by barley. Sensitivity analysis showed that the sensitivity of the leaching rate to changes in soil chemical and soil physical parameters decreases as a function of time, and becomes zero when steady state is reached. In contrast, accumulation of cadmium in soil and the plant uptake rate of barley are increasingly sensitive to soil chemical and soil physical parameters as time preceeds. To analyse cadmium behaviour in a field that is heterogeneous with respect to soil physical properties, the interstitial flow velocity was assumed to be a random, lognormally distributed variate. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the average plant uptake rate appeared to be much higher in the stochastic analysis than in the deterministic approach. Steady state is reached after a very long period of time. For a lognormally distributed proton activity, causing heterogeneity with respect to the sorption capacity of the soil, the model predicted similar deviations from the deterministic approach. It is concluded that reference values for groundwater and crop quality are exceeded earlier in a heterogeneous field than in a homogenous soil profile. Moreover, when average values suggest an acceptable situation, variability of the leaching rate and the plant uptake rate can still cause exceedance of reference values in part of the field. Therefore, it is reasoned that environmental quality standards should take soil heterogeneity into account.  相似文献   

Chenopodium album L. was found to be one of the initial plant species colonising a heavy metal-contaminated site, polluted by pyritic (sulphide-rich) waste from the Aznalcóllar mine spill (South-western Spain). This indicates its importance in the re-vegetation of this soil. In a pot experiment, C. album was sown in soil collected from the contaminated site, either non-amended or amended with cow manure or compost produced from olive leaves and olive mill wastewater, in order to study the effect on heavy metal bioavailability and soil pH. In non-amended and compost-amended soils, soil acidification, probably resulting from oxidation and hydrolysis of sulphide, led to increases in the concentrations of soluble sulphate and plant-available Cu, Zn and Mn in the soil (extractable with 0.1 M CaCl(2)). Under these conditions, shoot growth of C. album was negligible and shoot concentrations of Zn (2,420-5,585 microg g(-1)) and Mn (5,513-8,994 microg g(-1)) were phytotoxic. Manure application greatly increased shoot growth and reduced the shoot concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Mn, and their plant-available concentrations in the soil. These effects appeared to be related to an increase of soil pH, due to an inhibition of sulphide oxidation/hydrolysis, relative to the non-amended soil. For metal sulphides-contaminated soil, liable to acidification, manure application appears to be able to enhance the initial stages of re-vegetation, by species such as C. album.  相似文献   

Arsenic poses a major environmental and human health problem because of its carcinogenic nature and effect on the ecosystem. Therefore, a cost effective and socially acceptable technique is needed for its remediation. The effect of different combinations of compost amended with zeolite and/or iron oxide (up to 20% w/w) was tested on a contaminated soil with high arsenic levels (34470 mg kg(-1)). The bioavailability of arsenic was determined in terms of uptake by rye grass (Lolium perenne L.) under greenhouse experimental conditions. The results indicated that the arsenic concentrations in the rye grass was reduced to 2 mg kg(-1) dry weight by using 15% compost with 5% iron oxide and 15% compost with 5% zeolite. Less than 0.01% of the total arsenic content in the soil was being taken up by the plants. Both treatments were effective in establishing significantly higher plant growth on the contaminated soil compared to other treatments. The results from sequential extraction tests indicated that in all the compost-amended soils, there was a reduction in the soluble fraction (10-37%). Arsenic in soil was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results indicated that arsenic was distributed mostly within the matrix of iron and oxygen in treated samples. Amongst various treatment mixtures tested, high percent of compost (15%) with zeolite (5%) and/or iron oxide (5%) is effective in reducing arsenic uptake by plants and establish re-vegetation on the contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Ecotoxicological effects of cadmium on three ornamental plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Wang XF  Zhou QX 《Chemosphere》2005,60(1):16-21
Ecotoxicological effects of cadmium (Cd) on three ornamental plants African marigold (Tagetes erecta), scarlet sage (Salvia splendens) and sweet hibiscus (Abelmoschus manihot) were investigated. Seeds of these plants were exposed to five different concentrations of Cd (0-50 mgl(-1)). Ecotoxicological indexes based on inhibition rate (IC) of seed germination, root and shoot elongation, biomass (fresh weight and dry weight), as well as IC50 (Cd concentration when 50% plants show inhibition) and tolerance indexes (the ratio of maximum root length in an experimental group to that in a control group) were determined. The results indicated that Cd had little effects (p>0.05) on seed germination of the three plants and shoot elongation of scarlet sage (S. splendens). Cadmium had significant (p<0.05) inhibitory effects on root elongation of the three plants and shoot elongation of African marigold (T. erecta). The fresh weight biomass of scarlet sage (S. splendens) was most sensitive to Cd, while that of sweet hibiscus (A. manihot) was least sensitive. On a dry weight basis, African marigold (T. erecta) was the least sensitive, and scarlet sage (S. splendens) was the most sensitive to Cd. Based on IC50 of seed germination, sweet hibiscus (A. manihot) was the most insensitive plant with an IC50 value as high as 428.0 gl(-1). According to Cd-tolerance indexes under the same Cd concentration, sweet hibiscus (A. manihot) was the most tolerant plant whereas scarlet sage (S. splendens) was the most sensitive one.  相似文献   

Activated charcoal (AC) amendments have been suggested as a promising, cost-effective method to immobilize organic contaminants in soil. We performed pot experiments over two years with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown in agricultural soil with 0.07 mg kg?1 of weathered dieldrin and 0, 200, 400, and 800 mg AC per kg soil. Dieldrin fresh weight concentrations in cucumber fruits were significantly reduced from 0.012 to an average of 0.004 mg kg?1, and total uptake from 2 to 1 μg in the 800 mg kg?1 AC treatment compared to the untreated soil. The treatment effects differed considerably between the two years, due to different meteorological conditions. AC soil treatments did neither affect the availability of nutrients to the cucumber plants nor their yield (total fruit wet weight per pot). Thus, some important prerequisites for the successful application of AC amendments to immobilize organic pollutants in agricultural soils can be considered fulfilled.  相似文献   

Trace metal uptake was measured for tropical and temperate leafy vegetables grown on soil from an urban sewage disposal farm in the UK. Twenty-four leafy vegetables from East Africa and the UK were assessed and the five vegetable types that showed the greatest Cd concentrations were grown on eight soils differing in the severity of contamination, pH and other physico-chemical properties. The range of Cd concentrations in the edible shoots was greater for tropical vegetables than for temperate types. Metal uptake was modelled as a function of (i) total soil metal concentration, (ii) CaCl2-soluble metal, (iii) soil solution concentration and (iv) the activity of metal ions in soil pore water. Tropical vegetables were not satisfactorily modelled as a single generic ‘green vegetable’, suggesting that more sophisticated approaches to risk assessment may be required to assess hazard from peri-urban agriculture in developing countries.  相似文献   


Lichens consisting of a symbiotic association of green algae or cyanobacteria and fungi are found in a variety of environmental conditions worldwide. Terricolous lichens, located in soils, affect the living and lifeless environment of the soil due to their effective secondary metabolite and enzymatic content. Terricolous lichens can increase the biological, chemical, and physical usefulness of soil. However, their effects in ensuring the bioavailability of contaminated soil are not known, especially on soil pollution caused by DDTs (p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, p,p′-DDT). This research focuses on the effect of terricolous lichens on zucchini (Cucurbita pepo spp. pepo) grown in soil contaminated by DDTs, utilizing their secondary metabolite and enzymatic contents. Firstly, Peltigera canina, a terricolous lichen species, was added to soil contaminated by DDTs as powdered and intact thallus. After lichen addition to soil, zucchini was planted in. The oxidative stress and antioxidative enzyme activities of zucchini were measured. According to the results, P. canina treatments have a positive effect on the growth and development of zucchini, although oxidative stress was observed. Also, it was determined that powdered application had more effective results than intact thallus application.


为了解国内土壤镉砷污染修复技术研究现状和未来发展趋势,采用文献计量方法和可视化软件Citespace,结合关键词检索统计方法,使用CNKI全文数据库,检索1999—2019年土壤镉(Cd)和砷(As)污染修复技术相关论文15 301篇,并绘制了网络知识图谱。结果表明:1999—2012年为镉砷污染土壤修复技术文章低发期,2013—2015年发文量跌宕增长;2016—2019年我国镉砷污染土壤修复技术步入了快速发展阶段;在我国土壤镉砷修复领域研究中,植物修复是热点修复手段之一;从研究机构的分布来看,南北方有较大差异,南方地区的发文量大于北方地区。在此基础上,对未来镉砷污染土壤修复技术和发展方向进行了预测分析。可以看出,我国应不断发展多手段结合的联合修复技术,做好土壤镉砷污染修复预警与风险防控仍是未来的工作重点。以上分析结果可为镉砷污染土壤的修复提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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