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Ettler V  Vanek A  Mihaljevic M  Bezdicka P 《Chemosphere》2005,58(10):1449-1459
The concentration trends and chemical fractionation of Pb was studied in eight tilled and forest soil profiles heavily polluted by Pb metallurgy in the Pribram district, Czech Republic. The highest Pb concentrations were observed in surface and subsurface horizons attaining 35,300 mg kg-1 in forest soils and 1233 mg kg-1 in tilled soils. Total Pb concentrations were one order of magnitude lower in tilled soil due to intensive ploughing and annual crop off-take. The results of the Tessier sequential extraction procedure showed the preferential binding of Pb in forest soils to operationally-defined exchangeable positions and soil organic matter (oxidisable fraction). The Pb exchangeable fraction is thought to correspond to weak electrostatic binding on the functional groups of organic matter. In tilled soil, Pb is predominantly bound to operationally-defined Fe and Mn oxides (reducible fraction). A comparison with the background Pb concentration values showed a strong contamination even in mineral horizons IIC and confirmed a strong vertical mobility of Pb within the soil profiles. The calculated mobility factors (MF) showed that up to 72% of Pb is mobile and bioavailable in forest soils. In contrast, the bioavailability of Pb in tilled soils was significantly lower as the MF accounted for up to 30%. In the most polluted horizon of forest soil profile, the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis confirmed the presence of anglesite (PbSO4), derived likely from the smelter emissions.  相似文献   

The presence of elevated concentration of arsenic (As) in natural hydrologic systems is regarded as the most formidable environmental crisis in the contemporary world. With its substantial presence in the drinking water of more than thirty countries worldwide, and with an affected population of more than 100 million, it has been termed as the largest mass poisoning in human history. In this special issue, we have tried to provide the most recent research advances on controls and challenges of this severe groundwater contaminant. The articles in this issue, originally presented in the 2006 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, address the distribution of As in various geologic and geographic settings, the controls of redox and other geochemical parameters on its spatial and temporal variability, the influence of sedimentology and stratigraphy on its occurrence, and mechanisms controlling its mobility. The knowledge available from these studies should provide a roadmap for future research in arsenic contamination hydrology.  相似文献   

Factors controlling the transport of geogenically-derived arsenic from a coastal acid sulfate soil into downstream sediments are identified in this study with both solid-phase associations and aqueous speciation clearly critical to the mobility and toxicity of arsenic. The data from both sequential extractions and X-ray adsorption spectroscopy indicate that arsenic in the unoxidised Holocene acid sulfate soils is essentially non-labile in the absence of prolonged oxidation, existing primarily as arsenopyrite or as an arsenopyrite-like species, likely arsenian pyrite. Anthropogenically-accelerated pedogenic processes, which have oxidised this material over time, have greatly enhanced the potential bioavailability of arsenic, with solid-phase arsenic almost solely present as As(V) associated with secondary Fe(III) minerals present. Analyses of downstream sediments reveal that a portion of the arsenic is retained as a mixed As(III)/As(V) solid-phase, though not at levels considered to be environmentally deleterious. Determination of arsenic speciation in pore waters using high performance liquid chromatography/Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry shows a dominance of As(III) in upstream pore waters whilst an unidentified As species reaches comparative levels within the downstream, estuarine locations. Pore water As(V) was detected at trace concentrations only. The results demonstrate the importance of landscape processes to arsenic transport and availability within acid sulfate soil environments.  相似文献   

Excessive application of lead arsenate pesticides in apple orchards during the early 1900s has led to the accumulation of lead and arsenic in these soils. Lead and arsenic bound to soil humic acids (HA) and soil arsenic species in a western Massachusetts apple orchard was investigated. The metal-humate binding profiles of Pb and As were analyzed with size exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SEC-ICP-MS). It was observed that both Pb and As bind "tightly" to soil HA molar mass fractions. The surface soils of the apple orchard contained a ratio of about 14:1 of water soluble As (V) to As (III), while mono-methyl (MMA) and di-methyl arsenic (DMA) were not detectable. The control soil contained comparatively very low levels of As (III) and As (V). The analysis of soil core samples demonstrated that As (III) and As (V) species are confined to the top 20 cm of the soil.  相似文献   

A few copper and gold smelters in Chile are behind a large fraction of global arsenic emissions, raising concerns for increased concentrations of arsenic in PM10 in Central and Northern Chile. This concern is amplified by the fact that Northern Chile soils and rivers in general are characterized by a high arsenic content. A monitoring and modeling study has been performed to quantify the regional impact of the smelter emissions. Measured atmospheric arsenic concentrations from 2.4 to 30.7 ng m−3 were found at seven rural stations, located tens to hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest smelter. Analyses of topsoil and subsoil samples taken from PM10 monitoring stations revealed levels up to 291 mg kg−1, the highest values found in the northern Atacama desert in Chile. An absolute principal component analysis of selected trace elements in PM10 shows that the regional impact of anthropogenic smelter emissions on airborne arsenic concentrations is more important than the effect of soil dust resuspension. The dominance of the smelter emissions is larger in Central Chile than in the northern parts. The impact of resuspended soil dust on airborne arsenic levels in rural areas was estimated not to exceed 5 ng m−3. The model calculations support the dominant role of anthropogenic emissions and give spatial and temporal variations in atmospheric concentrations consistent with the monitored levels at five of the seven stations. At two of the northernmost stations indications were found of unidentified sources other than the smelters and the resuspended soil dust, contributing to about 5 ng m−3 of total arsenic levels. The study confirms that a strong control or elimination of arsenic emissions from the smelters would lead to arsenic in PM10 levels in Northern and Central Chile comparable to non-polluted areas in other countries.  相似文献   

Shaoping H  Xincai C  Jiyan S  Yingxu C  Qi L 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2091-2097
The role of acid rain in affecting Pb and As transport from mine tailings was investigated by pumping simulated acid rain at a infiltration rate of 10.2 cm/h through soil columns. Simulated acid rain with pH of 3.0, 4.5 and 5.6 were used as leaching solutions. Results showed that 86.9–95.9% of Pb and 90–91.8% of As eluted from the columns were adsorbed by particles in the leachates. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that particles released from the columns were mainly composed of flocculated aggregates and plate or rod shaped discrete grains. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) showed that these particles were predominantly silicate minerals. Results from our experiments demonstrated that when rapid infiltration conditions or a rainstorm exist, particle-facilitated transport of contaminants is likely to the dominant metal transport pathway influenced by acid rain.  相似文献   

The distribution of the elements Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V and Zn has been examined in the horizons of soils under aged Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) stands at a plantation in Northern England. The stands are under first-generation cultivation and are up to 33 years old. Cadmium, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations were consistently higher in the organic layers than in the underlying mineral soil. This contrasted with the situation for Sr and V. Cadmium, Pb and Zn all showed an increase in concentration in the L + F horizons with stand age and a corresponding increase in the difference between L + F horizon concentrations. Soil pH declined with increasing stand age. Cadmium, Cr, Pb and Zn were all present at higher concentrations in the F horizon than in any other, while Cu and Ni were relatively constant through all the horizons studied. For all nine elements, the H horizon was the largest store of the three organic layers. Calculated rates of accumulation of Cd, Pb and Zn in the L + F horizons gave good agreement with estimated regional atmospheric deposition rates. In comparison to atmospheric deposition, biological mobilisation and deposition of Cd, Pb and Zn make a relatively minor contribution to the surface soil metal burden. Cadmium appeared to be the most readily leached of these three metals from the forest floor, although some transfer of atmospherically-derived Pb to the H+ soil horizons was indicated.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rice is frequently reported to be contaminated with heavy metals (HMs); thus, the human health risks from its consumption have received increasing...  相似文献   

Sequential extraction (modified BCR procedure) combined with isotope analysis has been investigated as a tool for assessing mobilisation of lead into streams at an upland catchment in NE Scotland. The maximum lead concentrations (up to 110 mg kg(-1) in air-dried soil) occurred not at the surface but at about 10 cm depth. The lowest (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios in any profile occurred, with one exception, at 2.5-5 cm depth. In the one exception, closest to the only road in the area, significantly lower (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios in the surface soil together with much increased chloride concentrations (in comparison to other surface waters) indicated the possible mobilisation of roadside lead and transfer to the stream. The (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios in extractable fractions tended at depth towards the ratio measured in the residual phase but the ratios in the oxidizable fraction increased to a value higher than that of the residual phase.  相似文献   

Green ID  Jeffries C  Diaz A  Tibbett M 《Chemosphere》2006,64(7):1115-1121
This study investigates the transfer of Cd and Zn from a soil amended with sewage sludge at rates up to 100 t ha(-1) through a multi-trophic system consisting of barley, the aphid Sitobion avenae and the larvae of the lacewing Chrysoperla carnae. Results show marked differences in the transfer of the two metals. Cadmium was freely accumulated in barley roots, but accumulation in the shoot was restricted to a concentration of around 0.22 mg kg(-1) (dry weight). This limited the transfer of Cd to higher trophic levels and resulted in no significant accumulation of Cd in S. avenae or in C. carnae. Zinc transfer in the system was largely unrestricted, resulting in significant accumulation in roots and shoots, in S. avenae and in C. carnae. Cadmium biomagnification occurred in lacewing pupae, with concentrations up to 3.6 times greater than in aphids. S. avenae biomagnified Zn by a factor of ca. 2.5 at low sludge amendment rates, but biomagnification decreased to a factor of 1.4 at the highest amendment rate. Biomagnification of Zn did not occur in C. carnae, but concentrations were up to 3.5 time higher than in soil. Results are discussed in light of the mechanisms regulating transfer of the two metals in the system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of arsenic on the in vitro activities of the enzymes (nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase) involved in nitrate metabolism in the roots, rhizomes, and fronds of four-month old Pteris vittata (arsenic – hyperaccumulator) and Pteris ensiformis (non-arsenic--hyperaccumulator) plants. The arsenic treatments (0, 150, and 300 μM as sodium arsenate) in hydroponics had adverse effects on the root and frond dry weights, and this effect was more evident in P. ensiformis than in P. vittata. Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activities of arsenate-treated plants were reduced more in P. ensiformis than in P. vittata. This effect was accompanied by similar decreases in tissue NO3? concentrations. Therefore, this decrease is interpreted as being indirect, i.e., the consequence of the reduced NO3? uptake and translocation in the plants. The study shows the difference in the tolerance level of the two Pteris species with varying sensitivity to arsenic.  相似文献   

Despite political efforts, diffuse pollution from agriculture continues to be the single largest source of nitrogen (N) emissions into the aquatic environment in many countries and regions. This fact, and the recent enactment of a new Swedish environmental code, led to the design of a study targeted at the evaluation of new N pollution abatement strategies. An actor game was chosen as the key component of the study, with a focus on four major goals: to test the implementability of legally binding environmental quality standards for nitrate concentration in groundwater and N transport to the sea, to find sets of agriculturally feasible and cost-effective measures to decrease N loads, to investigate the possibilities for collective action through negotiated and institutionalized actor cooperation, and to investigate the role of mathematical modeling in environmental N management. Characteristics from the agriculturally dominated catchment of Genevads?n (224 km2) on the southwest coast of Sweden served as the playing field for the actor game. The most noteworthy result from the study was that it appeared to be possible to meet ambitious environmental N standards with less economically drastic measures than anticipated by most of the participants. The actor game was shown to be a good method for learning about the new Swedish environmental code and its application and for gaining deeper insight into the issues of N management. In addition, the actor game functioned as an arena for gaining a more thorough understanding of the views of different stakeholders.  相似文献   

Arsenic, Pb and Zn tolerance and accumulation were investigated in six populations of Pteris vittata collected from As-contaminated and uncontaminated sites in southeast China compared with Pteris semipinnata (a non-As hyperaccumulator) in hydroponics and on As-contaminated soils. The results showed that both metallicolous and nonmetallicolous population of P. vittata possessed high-level As tolerance, and that the former exhibited higher As tolerance (but not Pb and Zn tolerance) than the latter. In hydroponic culture, nonmetallicolous population clearly showed significantly higher As concentrations in fronds than those in metallicolous populations. In pot trials, As concentrations in fronds of nonmetallicolous population ranged from 1060 to 1639 mg kg?1, about 2.6- to 5.4-folds as those in metallicolous populations. It was concluded that As tolerance in P. vittata resulted from both constitutive and adaptive traits, Pb and Zn tolerances were constitutive properties, and that nonmetallicolous population possesses more effective As hyperaccumulation than metallicolous populations.  相似文献   

Several native plants, able to grow in an unconfined mining impacted area that is now in close vicinity with urban areas, were evaluated for their ability to accumulate heavy metals. The main soil contaminants were As, Pb, Cu, and Zn. Sampling of the rhizospheric metal polluted soil showed that Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, Parthenium incanum Kunth, and Zinnia acerosa (DC.) A. Gray were able to grow in the presence of high amounts of mixtures of these elements. The plants accumulated the metals in the above ground parts and increased the synthesis of thiol molecules. E. prostrata showed the highest capacity for accumulation of the mixture of elements (588 μg g DW?1). Analysis of the thiol-molecules profile showed that these plants synthesized high amounts of long-chain phytochelatins, accompanied by low amounts of monothiol molecules, which may be related to their higher resistance to As and heavy metals. The three plants showed translocation factors from roots to leaves >1 for As, Pb, Cu, and Zn. Thus, by periodically removing aerial parts, these plants could be useful for the phytoremediation of semi-arid and arid mining impacted areas, in which metal hyper-accumulator plants are not able to grow.  相似文献   

Tonderski KS  Arheimer B  Pers CB 《Ambio》2005,34(7):544-551
In southern Sweden, wetlands are constructed to remove nitrogen (N) in agricultural catchments. The possible effects of such wetlands on riverine phosphorus (P) were also estimated using input-output data from three well-monitored wetlands. This was done to formulate a simple model for removal of P that is dependent on inflow characteristics. Next, the N- and P-reducing effects of wetlands were modeled on a catchment scale (1900 km2) using the HBV-NP model and various assumptions about the wetland area and location. All three wetlands functioned as sinks for total P (tot-P) and for total suspended solids (TSS) with a removal of 10% to 31% and 28% to 50%, respectively. Mean P-removal rates of 17-49 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) were well simulated with the model. Catchment scale simulations indicated that wetlands were more efficient (in percentage of load) as traps for P than for N and that this may motivate the construction of wetlands for P removal far upstream from the catchment outlet.  相似文献   

Ten different Gram-negative arsenic (As)-resistant and As-transforming bacteria isolated from As-rich groundwater of West Bengal were characterized to assess their role in As mobilization. 16S rRNA gene analysis confirmed the affiliation of these bacteria to genera Achromobacter, Brevundimonas, Rhizobium, Ochrobactrum, and Pseudoxanthomonas. Along with superior As-resistance and As-transformation abilities, the isolates showed broad metabolic capacity in terms of utilizing a variety of electron donors and acceptors (including As) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. Arsenic transformation studies performed under various conditions indicated highly efficient As3+ oxidation or As5+ reduction kinetics. Genes encoding As3+ oxidase (aioA), cytosolic As5+ reductase (arsC), and As3+ efflux pump (arsB and acr3) were detected within the test isolates. Sequence analyses suggested that As homeostasis genes (particularly arsC, arsB, and acr3) were acquired by most of the bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. A strong correlation between As resistance phenotype and the presence of As3+ transporter genes was observed. Microcosm study showed that bacterial strain having cytosolic As5+ reductase property could play important role in mobilizing As (as As3+) from subsurface sediment.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of heavy metals and plant arsenic uptake on soil arsenic distribution. Chemical fractionation of an arsenic-contaminated soil spiked with 50 or 200mg kg(-1) Ni, Zn, Cd or Pb was performed before and after growing the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L for 8weeks using NH(4)Cl (water-soluble plus exchangeable, WE-As), NH(4)F (Al-As), NaOH (Fe-As), and H(2)SO(4) (Ca-As). Arsenic in the soil was present primarily as the recalcitrant forms with Ca-As being the dominant fraction (45%). Arsenic taken up by P. vittata was from all fractions though Ca-As contributed the most (51-71% reduction). After 8weeks of plant growth, the Al-As and Fe-As fractions were significantly (p<0.01) greater in the metal-spiked soils than the control, with changes in the WE-As fraction being significantly (p=0.007) correlated with plant arsenic removal. The plant's ability to solubilize soil arsenic from recalcitrant fractions may have enhanced its ability to hyperaccumulate arsenic.  相似文献   


Exposure to a single metal has been reported to damage renal function in humans. However, information regarding the association between multiple-metal exposure and markers for early renal impairment in different sexes among the young adult Taiwanese population is scarce. We assessed the association between exposure to arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb), and early renal impairment markers using urinary microalbumin (MA), β2-microglobulin (β2MG), and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) by analyzing 157 young adults aged 20?29 years, in Taiwan. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to determine urinary As, Cd, and Pb levels. Regression models were applied to different sex groups. The results showed that after adjusting for potential confounding factors and each metal, urinary Cd levels were significantly positively associated with urinary MA (β?=?0.523, 95% CI: 0.147–0.899) and β2MG (β?=?1.502, 95% CI: 0.635–2.370) in males. However, the urinary Cd level was significantly positively associated with only urinary NAG (β?=?0.161, 95% CI: 0.027–0.296) in females. This study thus indicates that the effect of exposure to metals (especially Cd) on early renal impairment among young adults in Taiwan is sex-specific. Our study results could contribute toward developing early intervention programs for decreasing the incidence of renal dysfunction. Further studies are warranted to confirm our findings and clarify the potential mechanisms involved.


Concentrations of Pb, Cd, As and Ni in PM(2.5) particles were measured in samples collected, using low volume PM(2.5) samplers (Harvard Impactor system, HI) at two sites in Athens basin; Patission Street in Athens city center and Rentis, a semi-urban and industrial area, during March 1995-March 1996. Sample analysis for Pb, Cd, Ni and As was accomplished by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after total digestion. Annual geometric mean values in 183 PM(2.5) particles samples were found to be: Pb: 143 nanogram(-3); Cd: 0.34 nanogram(-3); Ni: 4.55 nanogram(-3); As: 0.79 nanogram(-3). The geographical and temporal distribution patterns were investigated. Pb exhibited higher values during the winter period. For the other elements no significant seasonal variation was observed. Wind direction, air temperature and relative humidity affected element concentrations. Principal component analysis was applied on the data to enable source apportionment of toxic elements in PM(2.5) particles. It was found that Pb, As and Ni have common sources, which could be vehicles emissions/oil combustion and resuspended road dust. Cd and a portion of As originate from industrial activities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed parts of printed circuit board (PCB) and liquid crystal display (LCD) screens of mobile phones and computers, quantitative and qualitative chemical compositions of individual components, and complete PCBs were determined. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) methods were used to determine the temperatures of phase transformations, whereas qualitative and quantitative compositions of the samples were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) analyses. The microstructure of samples was studied by optical microscopy. Based on results of the analysis, a procedure for recycling PCBs is proposed. The emphasis was on the effects that can be achieved in the recycling process by extraction of some parts before the melting process. In addition, newly developed materials can be an adequate substitute for some of the dangerous and harmful materials, such as lead and arsenic are proposed, which is in accordance with the European Union (EU) Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS) directive as well as some alternative materials for use in the electronics industry instead of gold and gold alloys.  相似文献   

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