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The rapidly developing Asian countries may face threatening environmental contamination, that however remains largely unassessed. We studied persistent trace elements in three wetlands, Poyang Lake, relatively unpolluted, and Tai Lake, and Pearl River Delta, selected as hotspots of pollution in Central China. We adopted as indicator the Little Egret, a widespread colonial waterbird, and during 1999 and 2000 we collected and analysed the same samples as for a parallel study we conducted in Pakistan, e.g. eggs, body feathers of chicks, prey spontaneously regurgitated by the chicks, and sediments at the areas most used by foraging egrets. The levels of trace-metals at our three study areas were similar, or within the range, of those found in the few other studies for East Asia, with few exceptions. The concentrations of the various elements were below the threshold that may affect the survival or reproduction of the birds, and even the highest concentrations relative to background, i.e. Se in eggs, and Hg in feathers at Pearl Delta, do not pose toxic hazards. In sediments, the levels of trace elements were lower than the critical levels assumed for contaminated soil, except for alarming high levels of As at Poyang. These results do not confirm our expectation, that Poyang was relatively uncontaminated, while Tai and Pearl were polluted. Although trace metal concentration differed significantly among the three study areas, these differences were minor and were not consistent among elements and samples. The bioaccumulation ratios from sediments through prey, feather and egg, were consistent with our previous findings for Pakistan. Only Hg exhibited high bioaccumulation, while Se and Zn had low accumulation, and the other elements no accumulation. This reasserts that feathers of predators such as egrets, may be more sensitive indicators of environmental contamination for the elements subject to bioaccumulation, whereas the sediments or the organisms low in the food chain are better indicators for the other elements.  相似文献   

Pesticide Use and Residual Occurrence in Thailand   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper addresses pesticide use, environmental problems, and regulations in Thailand. Annually, Thailand imports several thousand metric tons of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. Agricultural goods are among the country's primary exports. Over the past decade, Thailand's agricultural sector has shifted from labor- to machine-intensive farming practices. Pressures to sustain high crop yields have led to heavy usage of pesticides. Residues, especially organochlorine and organophosphate compounds, have been found in soil, water, and agricultural products throughout the country. Occupational exposure and suicide are the main causes of pesticide poisoning to Thailand's residents. Recognizing the growing problem, Thailand's government has enacted environmental laws and education programs aimed at minimizing adverse effects of pesticides.  相似文献   

An analysis of private potable water well data was conducted for seven single family residential developments in southern Chester County, Pennsylvania. Background data were available for 165 wells within the communities when the wells were first drilled in the 1980s and early 1990s. Sampling of 75 wells within these same communities was performed in 2006 to determine whether conversion of the land to residential housing along with the use of conventional on-lot septic systems had resulted in elevated concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the drinking water aquifer. The data indicate that prior land use influenced the occurrence of nitrate-nitrogen in the drinking water aquifer. The median nitrate-nitrogen concentration for the 165 wells in the background dataset was 2.9 mg/L. One hundred-seven of those wells were drilled on land previously used for active agricultural purposes. The median nitrate concentration in these wells was 3.8 mg/L. Of 48 wells drilled on forested land, the median nitrate concentration was 1.1 mg/L, approximately 3.5 times lower than those drilled on active agricultural land. The median nitrate concentration in the 2006 sampling dataset was 3.6 mg/L, an increase of 0.7 mg/L. The data indicate that conversion of the land has not resulted in contamination of the drinking water aquifer with respect to nitrate-nitrogen. Likewise, the data suggest that the conversion has not resulted in significant improvements to overall water quality.  相似文献   

A total of 21 samples: raw water (RW) samples; water samples after coagulation with aluminium sulfate (clarified water: CW); and water after chlorination (treated water: TW) from a water purification plant that treats river surface water from the neighbourhood of Foggia (Italy), were analysed for the presence of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts. Bacteriological indicator of faecal contamination (total and faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci,), total bacterial count at 22 and 36 degrees C and physicochemical parameters (turbidity, temperature, pH) were evaluated. Cryptosporidium oocysts were not found in any samples examined, while Giardia cysts were found only in RW samples, with the maximal concentration of 8 cysts/100 l. A positive correlation was found between the Giardia densities and quality parameters such as TC, FC and TBC at 22 degrees C. Giardia levels in raw water samples correlated (p < 0.05) with TC, FC and with temperature. No other water quality parameters was consistently correlated with cysts level.  相似文献   

The content of total arsenic, the inorganic forms: arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)), the methylated forms: monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), trimethylarsenic oxide, tetramethylarsenonium ion and arsenobetaine was measured in 95 sediment samples and 11 pore water samples from the Baltic Sea near the island of Bornholm at depths of up to 100 m. As(III+V) and DMA were detected in the sediment and As(III+V) was detected in the sediment pore water. Average total As concentration of 10.6?±?7.4 mg/kg dry matter (DM) in the sediment corresponds to previously reported values in the Baltic Sea and other parts of the world. Existing data for on-site measurements of sorption coefficients (Kd) of arsenicals in marine and freshwater sediments show large variability from <1 to >1,000 L/kg. In this work, calculated sorption coefficients (Kd and Koc) for As(III+V) showed significant correlation with depth, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity and sediment classification; for depths <70 m, salinity <11 %, DO >9 mg/L and sand/silt/clay sediments the Kd was 118?±?76 L/kg DM and for depths >70 m, salinity >11 %, DO?<?9 mg/L and muddy sediments the Kd was 513?±?233 L/kg DM. The authors recommend using the found Kd value for arsenic in marine sediments when conditions are similar to the Baltic Sea. At locations with significant anthropogenic point sources or where the local geology contains volcanic rock and sulphide mineral deposits, there may be significantly elevated arsenic concentrations, and it is recommended to determine on-site Kd values.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides are present in the environment and suspected of causing serious health effects. Diet has been the main exposure source, but indoor source release is gaining focus. Within a monitoring study of polychlorinated biphenyls of Danish buildings built during the 1960s and 1970s, we coincidently determined extreme levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) levels in two of ten random samples. This raises concern and further large scale investigations are warranted to confirm this.  相似文献   

洞庭湖是中国第二大淡水湖,其生态价值十分重要。目前洞庭湖新污染物相关研究比较缺乏,也没有系统的综述进行归纳总结。微塑料和卤代有机污染物是近年来备受关注的新污染物,搜集历年研究成果,对这2类污染物在洞庭湖的污染水平、分布方式、污染来源进行归纳总结:洞庭湖微塑料污染水平在世界范围内处于中等,其主要来源包括上游输入、居民日常生活、农业生产及工业生产,湖泊各区域微塑料污染水平差异明显。卤代有机污染物在洞庭湖的浓度呈现随时间推移而降低的趋势,目前整体生态风险较低,但生物累积效应仍然值得警惕。在未来研究中应当关注河流与湖泊之间的相互影响,探究微塑料和卤代有机污染物对洞庭湖区生物造成的生物毒性,建立科学完善的监测方法并结合湖区具体情况对污染防治措施及污染物处理技术开展研究。  相似文献   

采集南京不同水体9个点位的水样,经固相萃取后采用LC-MS/MS方法测定样品中10种抗抑郁类药物,结合风险熵值法评估其对不同营养级水生生物的风险。结果表明,南京水体中存在不同程度的抗抑郁类药物污染,质量浓度范围为未检出~9.4 ng/L;舍曲林、氟伏沙明和西酞普兰的检出率为100%,氟西汀的检出率为44.4%。风险评估结果表明,南京水体中抗抑郁类药物对不同营养级水生生物表现出低—中等风险;舍曲林和氟西汀对总风险的贡献率最高,需要重点关注。  相似文献   

沙尘暴对金昌市环境空气质量的影响及控制对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对金昌市环境空气质量现状的分析,指出了环境空气主要污染物为TSP,阐明了沙尘暴是导致环境空气中TSP污染严重的主要原因,并提出了控制沙尘暴的对策及建议。  相似文献   

A study has been made to analyze the impact of air pollutants and meteorological variables on visibility in Delhi, for the years 2003–2006. The correlation matrix of daily visibility, meteorological variables, and air pollutants concentration during the period has been studied. The matrix reflects the negative values of the correlation coefficient of visibility with respirable suspended particulate matter, suspended particulate matter, relative humidity, and, positive values with dry bulb temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and sunshine hours. The annual average visibility has been estimated as approximately 2.77 km. Furthermore, it is found to be maximum in monsoon, followed by summer, post-monsoon, and winter seasons. It is also noticeable that the visibility is always higher in rainy days when compared with that in dry days. Similarly, the annual average visibility during the weekends is found to be higher than that in the weekdays. The daily visibility has been forecasted through two statistical techniques namely, multiple linear regression (MLR) and principal component regression (PCR). The results obtained from these two techniques have been evaluated by comparing with observed data. This proves satisfactory performance of both the techniques. In addition, it reflects that the PCR performs better than the MLR technique.  相似文献   

This work investigated soil samples collected from Kuan–Tu wetlands, Taiwan. Factor analysis was performed to explain the impact of various soil factors on this marshy wetlands located in suburban Taipei. The results indicated that the latent factors were heavy metals, salinity, and soil organic matter. Canonical discriminant analysis was used to improve an existing vegetation classi–fication scheme by identifying the physical-chemical properties of sediment in Kaun–Tu wetlands, Taiwan. Predictive discriminant analysis was used to examine the ability of the models to predict class membership for unknown soil sample. Multivariate analysis of the spatial patterns of soil quality and vegetation types showed that different properties of soil grew different types of vegetation and absorbed contaminants differently. We can feasibly conserve a suitable habitat for wetland biology by processing these unstable predictor variables. The methodology and results provide useful information concerning the Kuan–Tu wetlands and may be applicable to other wetlands with similar properties that are experiencing similar environmental issues.  相似文献   

Occurrence and behaviour of 4-nonylphenol in river water of Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical method composed of solid-phase-extraction (SPE) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has been developed to investigate the occurrence and the behaviour of the endocrine disruptor 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) in river water of Germany. 16 Para-isomers of the complex mixture of 4-NP isomers have been resolved in the SPE-extracts of river water samples. The mass spectra indicate the presence of four distinct groups of isomers. The different groups are characterised by different base peaks of the mass spectra dependent on the substitution of the alpha-carbon on the alkyl chain. The different isomers show (i) alpha-methyl, alpha-ethyl (base peak 149), (ii) alpha-dimethyl (base peak 135), (iii) alpha-methyl, alpha-propyl, alpha-butyl (base peak 121) and (iv) alpha-methyl, alpha-propyl, alpha-butyl (base peak 107) configuration of the alkyl chain. The recovery of the unbranched compound 4-n-NP was > or = 90%. Detection limit and determination limit of the whole analytical procedure were 6 ng L(-1) and 25 ng L(-1), respectively with a relative standard deviation of 11.7%. The concentration of the sum of the 4-NP isomers in all samples of river water ranged from 28 ng L(-1) (Elbe River) to 1220 ng L(-1)(Oder River). In a period of a higher river water level, a higher amount of 4-NP was detected in the Oder River than in a period of a lower water level. Therefore dilution was not the determinant factor of the 4-NP concentration in river water. The diurnal dynamics of the sewage treatment works (STWs) have to be considered as an influencing factor for the presence of 4-NP in river water.  相似文献   

The occurrence and removal of eight endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), including estrone (E(1)), 17β-estradiol (E(2)), estriol (E(3)), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE(2)), diethylstilbestrol (DES), bisphenol A (BPA), nonylphenol (NP) and octylphenol (OP), and their estrogenicities were investigated in a sewage treatment plant in Harbin city, China. The EDCs were extracted from wastewater samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) method and analyzed with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The average concentrations in the influents and effluents ranged from 6.3 (EE(2)) to 1725.8 ng L(-1) (NP) and from 相似文献   

絮凝沉淀—纳氏试剂比色法测定氨氮因其操作简便、灵敏等特点被广泛采用,但其絮凝沉淀的前处理方法不易掌握,在批量分析时容易造成部分样品测定结果出现偏差。经过试验,通过向絮凝沉淀后的上清液定量加酸的方法,可以有效消除絮凝沉淀法的误差,使其测定结果更加准确。  相似文献   

The Impact of Climate Change on Mammal Diversity in Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current large-scale mammalian diversity patterns in Canada can be accurately explained using various measurements of heat energy. Unfortunately, climatic change is predicted to alter the fundamental climatic basis for contemporary diversity gradients, with the expected consequence that much of the Canadian biota will need to migrate in order to remain within climatically suitable regions. We make predictions regarding future mammal diversity patterns in Canada, and therefore provide a preliminary indication of where management intervention should be directed in order to conserve mammal diversity as climate changes. We also examine the current distributions of individual mammal species in Canada in order to determine which taxa cannot migrate farther north because of the Arctic Ocean barrier. Of the 25 species that fall into this category, we examine the predicted loss of habitat in one keystone species – Dicrostonyx groenlandicus, the collared lemming – and find that this taxon is likely to lose approximately 60% of its habitat with unpredictable but likely detrimental consequences for the arctic biota. We discuss the implications of our findings briefly.  相似文献   

近年来,由个人护理品及废旧塑料直接或间接产生的微塑料不断地在各种环境介质中被检出,且微塑料会对生态系统产生各种危害,因此对微塑料的研究受到越来越广泛的关注。阐述了微塑料在水体、沉积物、沙滩和生物体中的赋存情况,介绍了微塑料的采集与分离方法,以及定性与定量分析方法。指出微塑料对环境及生物体产生的危害,提出现阶段研究存在的主要问题,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

风电场噪声影响模拟方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以浙江沿海某海岛风电场为例,在做好风电场噪声监测数据质量保证的基础上,分析风电场噪声等效声级和距离的关系模型,运用GIS的空间分析功能对研究区的噪声影响进行预测和叠加分析,模拟得到10 m/s风速时风电场噪声的噪声空间影响分布,并提出风机在不同运行工况时风电场噪声的模拟方法和防治措施。该研究为风电场噪声影响分析和管理部门提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对磁悬浮快速列车沿线两侧区域振动监测,得出振动级VLzmax与列车速度有较好的相关性,实测得出了振动随车速变化的衰减系数。同时给出了振动随离轨道距离变化的衰减方程,参照现有环境振动国家标准,给出了不同车速下磁悬浮轨道两侧区域的振动达标距离。  相似文献   

We compared naturally alkaline streams with limestone lithology to freestone streams with and without acid mine drainage (AMD) to predict benthic macroinvertebrate community recovery from AMD in limestone-treated watersheds. Surrogate-recovered (limestone) and, in many cases, freestone systems had significantly higher macroinvertebrate densities; diversity; taxa richness; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa; EPT/chironomid ratios; scraper/collector-gatherer ratios; herbivores; collector-filterers; and scrapers. AMD-influenced systems had significantly greater numbers of Diptera and collector-gatherers. An entire trophic level (herbivores) was "restored" in surrogate-recovered streams, which also showed greater trophic specialization. Indicator analysis identified seven taxa (within Crustacea, Diptera, Nematoda, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera) as significant indicators of limestone systems and six taxa (within Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Tricoptera, Coleoptera, and Mollusca) as significant freestone indicators, all useful as biological indicators of recovery from AMD.  相似文献   

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