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The United States Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) was enacted to reduce the probability of oil spills in U.S. waters. A key provision of the legislation enables recovery of damages for restoration of injured natural resources and lost services due to oil spills. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) developed regulations that set out a process for determining the appropriate type and scale of restoration actions to accomplish this goal. The restoration plan developed through this process is the basis for an economic claim for natural resource damages. The regulations recognize that various methods, including environmental models, may be used in identifying and quantifying injuries to natural resources and losses of their services and in developing a restoration approach for these injuries. Rather than designating particular assessment measures, NOAA requires each trustee to decide which methodologies are appropriate for each incident, given its particular facts and circumstances. Any procedure chosen must meet the standards in the rule: it must provide information useful for determining restoration needed for an incident, the cost of the method must be commensurate with the quality and quantity of information it is expected to generate, and, of particular significance here, the method must be reliable and valid for the particular incident. This paper describes how methods are selected, how they might be used, and what legal standards would be applied should these methods be used as evidence in litigation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a model of the marine oil transportation in the United States. NMOTSM, the National Marine Oil Transportation System Model, is a high-level strategic decision-making tool that will be used to systematically identify causes of oil spills and prioritize oil pollution R and D needs for prevention and response. Three distinct phases in the analysis are identified, namely the formulation of the oil transport model, the risk and safety performance assessment and the evaluation of potential prevention, and response measures and approaches.  相似文献   

Analysis of oil spills data confirms that accidental oil spills are natural phenomenon and that there is a relationship between accidental oil spills and variables like vessel size, vessel type, time and region of spill. The volume of oil spilled bears relationship with the volume of petroleum imports and domestic movement of petroleum and proportion of large oil spills. Finally, navigational risk increases with increase in marine traffic and is also determined by variables like hydrographic and meteorological conditions, water configuration, maneuvering space, obstructions and nuisance vessels. The Oil Pollution Act, 1990 (OPA 90) was passed by the US Congress in the aftermath of 11 million gallon spill of crude oil in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The objective of OPA 90 was to minimize marine casualties and oil spills by addressing preventive, protective, deterrent and performance aspects of accidental oil spills. The arm of various regulations like double-hull tankers and vessel response plans extended to both US flagged and foreign-flagged tank vessels. The cost–benefit analysis of major regulations shows that the estimated costs exceed estimated benefits. We observe from USCG data on oil spills by size, by vessel type, Coast guard district and type of petroleum product that there have been significant reductions in the number and the quantity of oil spills. Our regression results show that the quantity of oil spilled increases with increase in oil imports but increases at a decreasing rate. The quantity of oil spilled decreases with increases in the domestic oil movements. Furthermore, percent of oil spills larger than 10,000 gallons also increases the potential quantity of oil spilled. OPA 90 has been a deterrent to accidental oil spills but the finding is not conclusive.  相似文献   

In situ burning of inland and upland habitats is an alternative oil spill cleanup technique that, when used appropriately, may be more environmentally acceptable than intrusive manual, mechanical, and chemical treatments. There have been few published reports documenting the environmental effects of in situ burning in inland and upland habitats. Thus, this study, sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute, used two approaches to increase the knowledge base and improve the appropriate use of in situ burning: (1) detailed review of published and unpublished in situ burn case histories for inland and upland spills; and (2) summaries of fire effects and other information from the literature on fire ecology and prescribed burning. Thirty-one case histories were summarized to identify the state of the practice concerning the reasons for burning, favorable conditions for burning, and evaluations of burn effects. The fire ecology and effects summaries included information from the extensive knowledge base surrounding wildfire and prescribed burning (without oil) as a natural resource management tool, as well as fire tolerance and burning considerations for dominant vegetation types of the United States. Results from these two approaches should improve the application of in situ burning for inland and upland spills.  相似文献   

In situ burning is being utilized in the United States to remove oil from inland oil spills, usually when physical recovery is not feasible. Studies have found that habitats may recover from the effects of burning in less than a year under optimal conditions but recovery may take much longer. Policies authorizing the use of in situ burning across the US are very inconsistent. Some states use it routinely, but others do not allow it. Inland in situ burning can be a useful response tool and the federal government needs to issue more guidance to the states. Responders also need to collect more data on the environmental impacts of burning.  相似文献   

In the wider Caribbean region, Trinidad has been classified as a high risk area for oil spills by the Intergovernmental Marine Consultative Organization. In order to develop an oil spill environmental sensitivity index, the intertidal zones of fifteen representative coastal sites were monitored for physical and biological parameters during the dry and wet seasons. On a scale of 1–10, sheltered habitats with high productivity are the most sensitive to spilt oil with an index value of 10. Exposed habitats with low productivity are the least sensitive with a value of 1. The index applied to coastal habitats in Trinidad is as follows: mangrove swamps (10), coral-algal reefs (9), sheltered rocky coasts (8), sheltered tidal flats (7), mixed sand and gravel beaches (6), sheltered fine to medium-grained sand beaches (5), exposed rocky shores (4), exposed tidal flats (3), exposed medium to coarse-grained sand beaches (2) and eroding wavecut platforms (1). This study demonstrates an approach to effectively combine biological and physical parameters into a single environmental sensitivity index to oil spills.  相似文献   

For over 10 years scientists have studied the effects of in situ burning of oil on air and water quality and potential related health issues. The recent Newfoundland Offshore Burn experiment, conducted by Environment Canada, was the culmination of several years of work. The results of this experiment found that ‘emissions from the in situ oil fire were lower than expected and all compounds and parameters measured were below health concerns at 150 m from the fire’ (The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment—NOBE, Preliminary Results of Emissions Measurement). Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found to be lower in the soot generated from the fire than in the starting oil prior to the fire. The conclusion reached was that the environmental benefits resulting from the burning of oil spills far outweigh the potential air pollution caused from the smoke. These findings now open the door on the use of in situ burning of oil as a major tool to be used to mitigate environmental damage from oil spills.As a result of these and other test findings, Region 6 of the Regional Response Team (made up of the U.S. Coast Guard, The Minerals Management Service, The Department of Environmental Quality, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other state and federal agencies) had pre-approved the use of in situ burning of oil spills for offshore Louisiana and Texas. Other parts of the country and other countries are evaluating the use of in situ burning to combat oil spills. Now that the scientific community has weighed the environmental costs and benefits of in situ burning it is time to address the operational and procedural issues.  相似文献   

Current models of oil spills include no vertical physics. They neglect the effect of vertical water motions on the transport and concentration of floating oil. Some simple ways to introduce vertical physics are suggested here. The major suggestion is to routinely measure the density stratification of the upper ocean during oil spills in order to develop a database on the effect of stratification.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the feasibility of conducting in situ burning (ISB) using current technology on post-1967 major oil spills over 10 000 barrels in North America and over 50 000 barrels in South America and Europe. A diverse set of 141 spills representing various combinations of parameters affecting spill responses (e.g., spill size, oil type, weather conditions, sea temperature, and geographic location) were evaluated using four “Phase I” criteria: Distance to populated area, oil weathering, logistics, and weather conditions. In Phase I, a spill that failed to meet one of the four criteria was considered an “unsuccessful” candidate for ISB. In total, 47 of the 141 spills passed the Phase I analysis. The potential effect of the plume on populated areas was the most significant of the four Phase I criteria; 59 of the 141 spills did not pass Phase I because the incident occurred near a sizable city. Spills that met all four criteria were further evaluated using a “Phase II” analysis that applied additional criteria and considered individual spill circumstances to determine if the spill should be rated as a “successful”, “marginal call”, or “unsuccessful” ISB candidate. Fourteen spills were ultimately determined successful in the Phase II analysis, and 12 were designated marginal calls.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the priority of maritime estates for Aboriginal people along the coasts of Cape York. These estates restrict Aboriginal use and particular protocols are required to access particular areas. Oil spills could be catastrophic for such traditional arrangements and potentially could destroy the entire coastal resource of particular Aboriginal groups. Concerns about navigation safety are expressed and methods of reducing the risks suggested. If given the choice it is highly probable that Aboriginal people would opt for removing spill threats altogether in the light of minimal benefits derived by their communities.  相似文献   

An intermediate bulk container (IBC) was punctured during its handling, releasing a refined oil product onto land at a large construction site in an environmentally sensitive region of Australia. Understanding and controlling the risks from fuel, oil, and chemical spills on the current project was of critical importance as part of the project's overall approval, and ongoing compliance depended on the project committing to minimizing all chemical and petroleum hydrocarbon spills on the site. The telehandler (forklift) did not pierce the plastic of the IBC directly (as was expected to be the case) but rather one of the tynes caught on the underside of the metal base plate (pallet belly plate), despite numerous controls being in place at the time of spill (to limit the risks of damaging the IBC), revealing a previously unreported mechanism for a fluid spill from handling of petroleum hydrocarbons and related chemicals. The investigation team used a root cause analysis (RCA) technique, based on the fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram, which was undertaken with 12 expert contributors (from the project) to identify the underlying cause: The inspection process was inadequate. This study is a companion to the article published in Winter 2014 in Remediation (Guerin, 2014) covering multiple causes of spills from plant and equipment commonly used on construction and remediation projects. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field data suggest that the movement of spilled oil at sea is in general a three-dimensional phenomenon in physical space, whereas trajectories of undrogued surface drifters are more susceptible to two-dimensional analysis. These conclusions are consistent with the intermittent failure of two-dimensional surface models to simulate the trajectories of spilled oil, although such models may be more successful with data from surface drifters. A physical explanation is presented, and a model that incorporates the key portions of the governing processes is described and tested against data from experimental oil spills at sea. Observations suggest that emulsified surface oil will drift down wind at speeds in excess of 3% of the windspeed. When surface turbulence drives oil subsurface for a significant fraction of time, however, net transport speeds are considerably less and significantly to the right of the wind in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The Egyptian national marine oil pollution contingency plan was urgently initiated after the Nabila oil spill in 1982, to provide an estimate of its environmental effects on the Egyptian Red Sea coastal areas and to determine geomorphological features and cuastal processes, together with physical, chemical and biological baseline data for this tropical environment.The ‘Vulnerability Index’ (VI) was applied to evaluate and calibrate the effect of the Nabila oil spill on the Egyptian Red Sea Coastal area. A detailed in situ coastal survey was conducted during two visits in November 1982 and May 1983 to 80 shore sites from Suez to Ras Banas to monitor the oil pollution and to apply the ‘Vulnerability Index’. A comparative assessment of the index over time by comparing it with a quick ground inspection in November 1993 to some sites to evaluate the applicability of this index for oil spills in such environments. In addition, the physical effects of fresh and weathered crude oil and/with dispersant on water filtration by different beaches were preliminary studied.The geomorphological/Vulnerability Index results show that most of the Egyptian Red Sea coastal environments have medium to high vulnerability to immediate and medium term oil spill damage. The oil pollution spread estimated to be 250 km south of the oil spill and about 200 km north of it. The quantity of oil along the shoreline was reduced by about 60% due to natural and authorities clean up. The third survey after 11 years showed that the VI could be used as a predictive tool for assessment of oil spill effects on such tropical environments.  相似文献   

This report describes the development of the broiler litter problem in the southeastern United States, including the economic opportunity and environmental challenges brought to the region by the industry. Through an analysis applied to the State of Georgia, land application of litter as a disposal alternative is examined along with its associated benefits. The analysis indicates that litter could be transported economically up to 256 km for cropland application. Excessive broiler litter production in a few concentrated regions is expected to stimulate the development of alternative approaches to broiler litter management, such as electricity generation.  相似文献   

Airborne and space-borne sensors are reviewed and evaluated in terms of their usefulness in responding to oil spills. Recent developments and trends in sensor technology are illustrated with specific examples. The discussion of the sensors is divided into two main categories, namely active and passive. Active sensors are those that provide their own source of illumination or excitation, whereas passive sensors rely on illumination from a secondary source. A common passive sensor is an infrared camera or an IR/UV (infrared/ultraviolet) system. The inherent weaknesses include the inability to discriminate oil on beaches, among seaweeds or debris. Among active sensors, the laser fluorosensor is a most useful instrument because of its unique capability to identify oil on backgrounds that include water, soil, ice and snow. It is the only sensor that can positively discriminate oil on most backgrounds. Disadvantages include the large size, weight and high cost. Radar offers the only potential for large area searches and foul weather remote sensing. Radar is costly, requires a dedicated aircraft, and is prone to many interferences. Equipment that measures relative slick thickness is still under development. Passive microwave has been studied for several years, but many commercial instruments lack sufficient spatial resolution to be practical, operational instruments. A laser-acoustic instrument, which provides the only technology to measure absolute oil thickness, is under development. Equipment operating in the visible region of the spectrum, such as cameras and scanners, is useful for documentation or providing a basis for the overlay of other data. It is not useful beyond this because oil shows no spectral characteristics in the visible region which can be used to discriminate oil.  相似文献   

The oil spill trajectory and weathering model OILMAP was used to forecast spill trajectories for an experimental oil spill in the Barents Sea marginal ice zone. The model includes capabilities to enter graphically and display environmental data governing oil behavior: ice fields, tidal and background current fields, and wind time series, as well as geographical map information. Forecasts can also be updated from observations such as airplane overflights. The model performed well when wind was ‘off-ice’ and speeds were relatively low (3–7 m s−1), with ice cover between 60 and 90%. Errors in forecasting the trajectory could be directly attributed to errors in the wind forecasts. Appropriate drift parameters for oil and ice were about 25% of the wind speed, with an Ekman veering angle of 35° to the right. Ice sheets were typically 1 m thick. When the wind became ‘on-ice’, wind speeds increased to about 10 m s−1 and trajectory simulations began to diverge from the observations, with observed drift parameters being 1.5% of the wind speed, with a 60° veering angle. Although simple assumptions for the large scale movement of oil in dense ice fields appear appropriate, the importance of good wind forecasts as a basis for reliable trajectory prognoses cannot be overstated.  相似文献   

In view of the quantity of oil spilled, smaller spills generally receive less attention than headline grabbing incidents such as the “Amoco Cadiz”, “Exxon Valdez”, “Braer” and “Sea Empress”. The latter incidents involve the loss of significant quantities of oil, the establishment of relatively complex spill response management structures and the involvement of significant numbers of personnel and equipment. As such, large spills from tankers have the potential to create problem areas, for example in establishing and maintaining effective communications, logistics and resource management systems.In general terms spill response personnel are well aware that large spills come complete with significant operational and administrative problems, however what may not be so well recognised is that smaller spills also have the potential to present response personnel with their own unique problems.One of the major problems to be overcome when responding to spills in Australia is the “tyranny of distance”. In quite a few responses, Australian oil spill response managers have had to move personnel and equipment thousands of kilometres to provide an effective outcome. This paper outlines a range of problems that have been encountered by Australian personnel over the years. These include health and safety, communications, logistics and equipment issues.For the purpose of this paper a “smaller” spill has been defined as one involving a discharge of less than 1000 tonnes of oil.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the cost recovery issues arising through the operation of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPC) and administrative matters which arose following the Braer and Sea Empress oil tanker pollution incidents in the UK. Each of these oil spills brought very different problems.Any major oil spill will have prolonged economic and social consequences for the communities affected. Membership of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPC Fund) will do much to soften the impact as regards economic damage. However, the operation of the Fund brings difficulties which may not have been considered by the administration prior to the spill. Some of the difficulties are foreseeable.It covers details of the international compensation and liability regimes, it considers a number of administrative consequences and highlights seven lessons that have been learned in the UK in the light of recent experience. These lessons are:
  • •Claims may not be paid quickly or in full.
  • •Claimants will need advice and government involvement.
  • •Action by the government may be needed to complement the IOPC Fund.
  • •Governments have to balance their obligations as a member state with the needs of claimants.
  • •It is better for claimants to keep matters out of court for as long as possible.
  • •Administrative consequences will continue for a long time after the oil has been cleared from the shoreline.
  • •Each major oil spill brings different cost recovery problems and will also bring demands ‘to learn the lessons’.
In much the same way as contingency plans are regularly tested, each state party to the regime would be wise, from time to time, to think through the likely scenarios so as to better prepare themselves in the light of experiences elsewhere. The United Kingdom has had rather more experience in recent years than it would have wished!  相似文献   

Estimates of occurrence rates for offshore oil spills are useful for analysis of potential oil spill impacts and for oil spill response contingency planning. As the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (U.S. Public Law 101–380, 18 August 1990) becomes fully implemented, estimates of oil spill occurrence will become even more important to natural resource trustees and to responsible parties involved in oil and gas activities. Oil spill occurrence rate estimates have been revised based on U.S. Outer Continental Shelf platform and pipeline spill data (1964–1992) and worldwide tanker spill data (1974–1992). These spill rates are expressed and normalized in terms of number of spills per volume of crude oil handled. The revisions indicate that estimates for the platform spill occurrence rates declined, the pipeline spill occurrence rates increased, and the worldwide tanker spill occurrence rates remained unchanged. Calculated for the first time were estimates of tanker and barge spill rates for spills occuring in U.S. waters, and spill occurrence rates for spills of North Slope crude oil transported by tanker from Valdez, Alaska. All estimates of spill occurrence rates were restricted to spills greater than or equal to 159 m3 (1000 barrels).  相似文献   

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