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This research has been conducted to study the influence of the abrasive and coolant–lubricant types on the minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) grinding performance. One type of CBN and three types of conventional wheels (corundum) have been tested. The tests have been performed in presence of fluid, air jet and eleven types of coolant–lubricants, as well as, in dry condition. The results indicate that the finest surface quality and lower grinding forces could be obtained while grinding with CBN wheel. In case of conventional wheels, the coarser and high porosity wheels induce much proper grinding results. Furthermore, grinding when utilizing MQL with oil results in higher grinding performance.  相似文献   

Minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to flood cooling. MQL spray jet has been shown to have potential to be applied successfully in different machining processes. Since the amount of lubricating liquid employed in MQL jet is very low, it is necessary to generate and apply the MQL spray efficiently. However, efficient application of MQL is not only related to spray atomization characteristics and delivery parameters but is also affected by machining conditions. The present paper demonstrates a theoretical and experimental investigation on the spray atomization and delivery parameters in the grinding process of Al2O3 engineering ceramics. The spray atomization characteristics studied are carrier gas velocity, liquid droplet size and liquid droplet velocity. Experiments were performed to verify the delivery parameters of MQL spray including nozzle angle, nozzle distance, lubricant flow rate and gas flow rate in the case of Al2O3 ceramics grinding. The experimental results confirm the theoretical outcomes and indicate that by applying optimal spray delivery parameters efficient lubrication takes place. Moreover, efficient lubrication of Al2O3 ceramics grinding can decrease the challenges existing in ceramics grinding processes by reducing grinding forces and surface roughness.  相似文献   

IntroductionThephysicochemicalprofileoforganiccompoundslargelydeterminestheirdistributionbetweenenvironmentalmedia .Fortheenvironmentalbehavioroforganiccontaminants,theoctanol waterpartitioncoefficient(KOW)ismoresignificant.KOWhasbeenwidelyrelatedtobioc…  相似文献   

以行政区划为计划单元,结合当地的社会经济发展现状及规划,对象山港海域污染物排放进行总量控制和排放指标额度优化分配,使得象山港海域污染物总量控制研究更具可操作性.研究结果表明,在COD各源强中,水土流失源、畜禽养殖源保持不变,生活源和工业源按一定比例增长,只有奉化、宁海区域海水养殖源需要削减,且削减后的COD源强(容量分配额度)亦能满足该区域今后海水养殖发展的需求,而北仑、鄞州和象山其他3个区域的海水养殖容量分配值则有较大的剩余空间,故在不超过总源强(海水养殖未使用全部源强)的前提下,工业、生活等COD源强可在优化结果的基础上适度增加,从而实现象山港及其周边陆域资源、环境和经济目标的最大化.  相似文献   

北黄海浮游植物吸收系数的季节性变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2007年1、4、7和10月份对北黄海中部长海县附近海域的浮游植物吸收系数及叶绿素a浓度实测数据,分析了该海域浮游植物吸收系数的季节性变化。结果表明,浮游植物特征吸收光谱存在明显的季节性差异,冬季和春季吸收光谱蓝光和红光吸收峰较为平坦,夏季和秋季并未发现这一现象。此外,浮游植物吸收系数波段关系分析中,以440 nm为参考波段并采用二阶函数拟合的相关性最高。675 nm波段浮游植物吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度乘幂拟合的相关性高于440 nm。不同季节数据拟合得到的经验系数存在较大差别,与浮游植物生长区域的环境因子变化有直接关系。  相似文献   

蒋昕桐  刘东  钟朴  段洪涛 《中国环境科学》2022,42(12):5824-5835
基于2021年夏秋两季西部干旱区博斯腾湖表层50个采样点位实测数据,通过对DOC特征的统计学分析、内外源因素影响的时空差异以及电导率相关性验证,将博斯腾湖划分为河口和非河口区域.然后以CDOM特征波长吸收系数a250a365为自变量,以DOC浓度(cDOC)为因变量,分别构建了基于CDOM的河口和非河口水域DOC浓度估算模型.结果表明:河流与湖泊进行水体交换的同时,会将大量陆源DOC输送到博斯腾湖中,使得河口区域DOC浓度明显高于非河口区域(t-tests,P<0.01),河口区域的DOC浓度(cDOC)约是非河口区域的2.2~2.3倍,且在河口区域cDOC与电导率呈现显著相关关系(夏季:R2=0.81,P<0.01;秋季:R2=0.84,P<0.01).本文构建拟合模型(cDOC=α+β·α250+γ·α365),并通过交叉验证的方法来检验模型精度.将夏季和秋季同区域数据统一建模,河口和非河口区域CDOM与DOC均存在较好的相关关系,且模型精度较高(河口区域:R2=0.60,RMSE=8.56%;非河口区域:R2=0.66,RMSE=8.77%).本文所建立的模型可以在不增加环境因子变量的前提下提高精度,有利于实现卫星遥感反演.同时,本研究揭示了河流输入对博斯腾湖DOC分布和估算的时空影响,提出可利用CDOM估算DOC浓度,但需根据水文特征和cDOC等因素区分河口和非河口区域.本研究对实现新疆水资源合理开发、有效保护以及综合治理提供科学依据,对我国西部干旱区湖泊DOC遥感动态监测具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文于对黑龙江省五大连池六个采样点2010年不同季节的水样进行分析,用稀释平板法测定细菌总数,碘量法测定DO值,然后时细菌、DO值及pH值的季节变化和它们之间的相互关系进行初步研究。  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to investigate the mechanical properties including bonding, tensile strength, and impact resistance of pure copper welded using friction stir welding (FSW) method and compare them with that of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. Micro-hardness tests are performed on pure copper, TIG welded copper and FSW welded copper to determine the effect of heat on the hardness of welded coppers. Tensile strength tests and notch tensile strength tests are performed to determine the mechanical properties of different weld process.In this experiment, it is found that the notch tensile strength and the notch strength ratio for FSW (212 MPa, 1.10) are significantly higher than those (190 MPa, 1.02) of TIG welding. For the impact tests, the weld zone and heat-affected zone energy absorption values for FSW (2.87 J, 2.25 J) are higher than those (1.32 J, 0 J) of TIG welding. XRD tests are performed to determine components of copper before and after welding process for TIG and FSW.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析技术,对页岩气开发油基泥浆中矿物油、油基钻屑中矿物油与回收矿物油3类矿物油的组成和美国国家环境保护局(US EPA)优控的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征开展了系统分析。根据矿物油中有机物的组成及分布特征,分别探讨了钻井与热脱附过程对矿物油组分变化的影响。结果表明:3类矿物油组成特征存在较大差异,其中钻井过程对油基泥浆中矿物油组分影响显著,检测到的芳烃类由6种增至16种,所占比例增加约10%,氯代烃种类及所占比例也增加明显;矿物油经热脱附过程后卤代烃所占比例进一步增加;3类矿物油中PAHs以低环为主,且经钻井及热脱附后矿物油中PAHs存在由低环向中高环变化的趋势。采用回收矿物油作为基油配制油基泥浆,对油基泥浆性能进行评价,结果表明,回收矿物油能满足配制油基泥浆要求。  相似文献   

朱磊  李怀恩  李家科 《环境科学学报》2012,32(10):2617-2624
通过建立渭河关中段水质水量响应关系程序,对渭河关中段规划水平年(2020年)不同来水频率(P)条件下丰水期、平水期、枯水期的水质水量响应关系进行定量化分析研究.结果表明,规划水平年丰水期、平水期、枯水期同一断面在不同来水频率下COD和NH+4-N从小到大的排序均为:P=25%、P=50%、P=75%、P=95%.规划水平年丰水期、平水期、枯水期的COD在林家村断面至兴平断面较小,低于地表水环境质量标准(GB3838—2002)Ⅴ类水标准,而后逐渐开始升高,南营断面COD涨幅较大,至咸阳断面升至最高,后又逐渐减低;规划水平年丰水期、平水期、枯水期的NH+4-N在林家村断面至兴平断面较小,低于地表水环境质量标准Ⅴ类水标准,而后逐渐开始升高,咸阳断面NH+4-N增幅较大,至树园断面升至最高.  相似文献   

Friction welding is one of the most economical and highly practicable methods in joining similar and dissimilar metals. In this study, high-quality welds are produced in the super duplex stainless steel by continuous drive friction welding successfully. Design of experiment was done using central composite design of response surface methodology. In the present work, the microstructure and mechanical properties of friction welded super duplex stainless steel (UNS S32760) were examined. The base material has a microstructure consisting of the ferrite matrix with austenite islands. Ferrite content was analyzed through the phase analyzer software and found that it is in the range of 42–55% in all weld metals. The phases were further analyzed through X-ray diffraction method. All the weld metals have higher hardness than the base metals. Weld transverse tensile failures consistently occurred away from the weld zone and exhibit more hardness, yield and ultimate tensile strengths than the base material. The austenite content increases with nitrogen concentration. Nitrogen could enhance the yield stress and ultimately tensile strength of super duplex stainless steel. Secondary phase precipitation is not observed in the welded joint probably due to the shorter heating times.  相似文献   

Dimethyl selenide has been postulated to be an organoselenium compound in seawater. In this study, dimethyl selenide was detected in seawater along with a non-identified sulfur compound other than COS, CH3SH, CS2, DMS, and DMDS. Additionally, trimethyl selenonium ions could be detected in a moorland lake water sample.  相似文献   

为探明江苏海涂(夏季)浮游植物种类组成与数量分布特征,于2014年8月对江苏海涂进行浮游植物现场采样调查。调查共鉴定浮游植物4门73种,平均密度8.44×106 ind./m3,其中硅藻68种,为主要优势类群,平均密度5.65×106 ind./m3; 甲藻4种,平均密度4.75×104 ind./m3; 金藻与绿藻各1种,平均密度分别为92.36 ind./m3和51.31 ind./m3。按优势度高低,优势种分别为中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)(Y=0.48)、短角弯角藻(Eucampia zoodiacus)(Y=0.10)和蛇目圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus argus)(Y=0.02),平均密度分别为3.23×106 ind./m3、1.44×106 ind./m3和1.28×105 ind./m3。平均多样性指数1.48。浮游植物种数与密度总体沿岸高于近岸,南部高于北部,辐射沙脊群平均多样性指数明显高于长江口北部、废黄河三角洲和海州湾。随着入海营养物质的不断增加,海涂浮游植物群落种类数减少,多样性降低,优势种单一化,中肋骨条藻、短角弯角藻等小型赤潮种成为主要优势种。赤潮优势种密度的空间分布显示赤潮高风险区主要位于长江口北部、辐射沙脊群南部、射阳河口、中山河口与灌河口,江苏海涂赤潮风险总体南部高于北部。  相似文献   

总氮为山东省渤海近岸海域总量控制的主要污染物,本文利用输出系数法评估了陆源污染物入海总量,研究了总氮陆源入海时空分布格局。结合山东省渤海近岸海水水质目标,运用入海负荷最优化法,本研究得到12条主要河流的总氮允许入海量为86,184 t/a,为达成渤海综合治理攻坚战的水质目标,总氮需减排60,505 t/a。基于陆海统筹考虑,本文分配了研究范围内各地市总氮削减量。本研究对有效改善山东省渤海近岸海域环境质量具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

长江以北毛蚶体内Hg、Cd、Pb、As残留量研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
1997年9月至11月对长江以北沿海毛蚶体内4种重金属Hg、Cd、Pb、As残留量进行了调查,分析了上述重金属残留量的时、空分布趋势,并评价了毛蚶的生物质量.结果表明: Hg的平均含量为0.015×10-6湿重,Cd为2.57×10-6湿重,王家窝铺两种重金属含量最高,而连云港均最低;Pb的平均含量为0.12×10-6湿重,大孤山最高,乳山口最低;As的平均含量为0.409×10-6湿重,黑沿子含量最高,吕泗含量最低.与1990年的调查结果相比,毛蚶体内四种重金属含量呈下降趋势,表明沿岸海洋环境受上述4种重金属污染程度有所下降.本次调查的21个站位4种重金属含量均符合标准.  相似文献   

Foam flushing is an in situ soil remediation technology based on the traditional surfactant flushing method. The contribution of mobility control to contaminant removal by foam is helpful for improving this technology. Foam flushing of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated unconsolidated media was performed to evaluate the effect of the partition coefficient (PC) and sweep efficiency (SE) on PCB removal. Column flushing with surfactant solution and foam with different types and concentrations of surfactant was carried out for PCB removal. Two types of quartz sand were investigated to evaluate the Jamin effect on the SE value of the washing agent. The results demonstrate that a small PC value and large SE value are necessary to achieve high PCB removal for foam flushing. Compared with solution flushing, the introduction of foam can effectively control the mobility of the washing agent. Similar to solution flushing, solubilization is a key factor which dominates the removal of PCBs in foam flushing. In addition, the SE value and PCB removal by foam flushing is less affected by particle size. Therefore, foam flushing was proved to be more effective in porous media with low hydraulic conductivity and high porosity. An integrated flushing with water, surfactant solution and foam was performed and the results prove that this technology successfully combines the advantages of solution solubilization and mobility control by foam, and thus further increases the remediation efficiency of PCBs to 94.7% for coarse sand.  相似文献   

采用2018年6月以及2017年10月南京黑碳气溶胶(BC)垂直观测数据和Mie散射理论计算BC光学厚度(AODBC,并将结果输入TUV辐射传输模型,探讨BC对光解系数J[O1D]和J[NO2]日变化及垂直变化的影响.结果表明,在地面,J[O1D]和J[NO2]日变化均呈单峰型分布,峰值在正午12:00,但BC对J[O1D]和J[NO2]的衰减作用正午时最小,在6:00和18:00左右较大,最大分别可达-13.7%和-19.0%.AODBC与光解系数呈非线性负相关,BC对光解系数的衰减能力随着AODBC增大而下降.当天顶角为0°时,光解系数对AODBC的变化最敏感.在边界层01km内,光解系数与高度呈线性正相关,这与紫外辐射密切相关,J[O1D]和J[NO2]在垂直高度上与紫外辐射的相关系数R均高达0.9...  相似文献   

Integration of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) into coal-fired power stations is seen as a way of significantly reducing the carbon emissions from stationary sources. A large proportion of the estimated cost of CCS is because of the additional energy expended to capture the CO2 and compress it for transport and storage, reducing the energy efficiency of the power plant. This study uses pinch analysis and heat integration to reduce the overall energy penalty and, therefore, the cost of implementing CCS for power plants where the additional heat and power for the CCS plant will be provided by the existing power plant. A combined pinch analysis and linear programming optimisation are applied to determine targets for the energy penalty of existing power plants. Two existing pulverised brown coal power plants with new CCS plants using solvent absorption are used as the basis for the study that show the energy penalty can be reduced by up to 50% by including effective heat integration. The energy penalty can be further reduced by pre-drying the coal.  相似文献   

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