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搭建射流介质阻挡放电反应器,对常压等离子体射流技术降解水中代表性糖皮质激素氢化可的松(HC)进行了研究.考察了放电功率、空气流量、溶液初始pH值、放电时间等因素对HC降解效果的影响.结果表明,HC的去除率随放电功率增大和放电时间延长而增加;溶液初始pH值、通入空气流量等因素对HC处理效果也有很大影响.在初始浓度为0.138mmol/L,放电功率为49.7W,气流量为4L/min的实验条件下,在本反应器中放电处理120min后HC的去除率可达98%.本文使用了不同自由基抑制剂研究了活性氧自由基(ROS)在HC降解过程中的作用,并通过发射光谱(OES)观测了放电过程中产生的自由基种类.研究结果对常压等离子技术去除有机污染物的发展有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

基于数字信号分析原理,对连续两幅图像进行互相关分析,寻找互相关函数的峰值;应用数字粒子图像测速(digital particle image velocimetry)技术,并通过计算机VC编程,解决了用于雷达测量单点流冰速度的不足;为大范围区域内流冰场瞬时速度的计算,实时雷达测量辽东湾海上流冰速度场提供了有应用价值的方法.  相似文献   

An approach to Cleaner Production in a small factory of hydrated lime is presented. The work aims to improving fuel and limestone utilization and reducing waste production in the plant. Efforts mainly focus on the calcination stage, where around 50% of the production costs due to fuel consumption occur. To fulfill this objective, new indicators are proposed to evaluate the performance of the lime shaft kiln, in order to develop an operational control method for the calcination process. The systematic use of the developed operational control method is a powerful tool in the daily operation of a small lime factory, since it allows a more efficient calcination process with reduced environmental impact and production cost.  相似文献   

水浮莲净化富营养化湖泊试验研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
在武汉D湖进行了水浮莲净化富营养化湖泊的试验研究,研究结果表明:水浮莲对富营养化湖泊中的有机物及氮磷具有良好的去除能力,BOD5的去除率在70%以上,总氮去除率60%以上,总磷去除率70%以上。  相似文献   

Micromachining of glass is essential for several microfluidic components, micro-pumps, micro-accelerometers, micro-reactors, micro-fuel cells and several biomedical devices. Unique properties such as high chemical resistance, thermal stability and transparency give glass scope for additional applications. However, poor machinability of glass is a major constraint, especially in high aspect ratio applications of glass in microsystem technology. Micro electrochemical discharge machining (micro ECDM) is an emerging nontraditional fabrication method capable of micromachining ceramic materials like glass. While surface features less than 100 μm have been successfully machined on glass, machining high aspect features is a challenge. Machining accuracy at high depths is severely affected due to overcut and tool wear. In this paper, high aspect ratio microtools fabricated in-house have been used for deep microhole drilling on glass using low electrolyte concentration. An aspect ratio of 11 has been achieved. The results show that lower electrolyte concentration reduced overcut by 22%, thus increasing the aspect ratio of the micro holes. Lowering the electrolyte concentration also reduced the tool wear and hole taper by 39% and 18% respectively.  相似文献   

IntroductionThepresenceofhuman derivedornaturallyoccurringvolatileornovolatiletoxicorganiccompoundsindrinkingwaterhavebecomeaproblemofamajornationalandinternationalconcern .Thepresenceoftoxicorganiccompoundsinafewpartsperbillionisenoughtorenderawatersuppl…  相似文献   

等离子体降解水相中有机污染物的机理研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
研究了等离子体在内电极通氧条件下降解水相中甲基紫的机理。研究表明,甲基紫的降解率与等离子体的电压和处理时间呈线性关系、与甲基紫溶液的浓度呈指数关系,溶液的pH随着处理时间的增加而下降:100mg/L甲基紫经等离子体外理3s,其降解率可达95%以上,COD下降50%左右;在等离子体条件下,甲基紫溶液的降解是氧原子、电子、活性自由基和离子等共同的作用的结果。  相似文献   

The discussion presented in this work is about evaluation of physical behavior of μED-milling process based on channel shape, form and surface quality. μED-milling process is gaining lot of interest in recent times in micro manufacturing to generate complex shapes. Tool rotation and traverse which are not an inherent part of EDM process become important for μED-milling where it significantly influence the molten metal flow, debris flushing and redeposition. The effect of tool rotation not only disturbs the plasma but also affects the final shape and form of channel. Using scanning electron micrographs of μ-channel at different instant and conditions of machining, the physical nature of the process is understood and the results are presented. This study will provide a better understanding of the working phenomenon of μED-milling process.  相似文献   

针对海上溢油应急处理问题,本文主要对溢油的初级行为--扩散进行探讨.提出了采用溢油扩散图像来预测溢油扩散未来发展趋势的3步非线性处理过程,即图像边缘检测、面积计算和面积预测,对这一过程中应采用的方法进行了分析与比较.并以奥里油在静止海水中扩散为范例,在MATLAB环境下,利用非线性方法对扩散图像进行边缘监测,通过对梯度算子阀值的调整来计算完整的油膜覆盖面积,并将其计算结果进行BP神经网络预测.结果表明:采用Roberts边缘算子可以得到很好的边缘检测结果,采用BP神经网络获得的面积预测结果与实验结果吻合程度较好.  相似文献   

A continuous wave Doppler unit was used to obtain umbilical and uterine artery flow velocity waveforms in pregnancies complicated by a major fetal abnormality. A total of 139 examinations were performed on 32 women between 26 to 41 weeks' gestation, and the records were reviewed to determine the changes associated with fetal malformation. The systolic/diastolic (A/B) ratio was used as an index of blood flow resistance in the umbilical artery and the systolic minus diastolic divided by systolic (A–B)/A for the branches of the uterine artery. Seventeen out of 32 patients showed high systolic/diastolic ratio in waveforms taken from the umbilical artery. In 30 out of 32 patients the uterine artery waveform was normal (in two patients the results were equivocal). It appears that a fetal mechanism may determine the changes in the umbilical placental circulation resulting in an umbilical artery pattern of high flow resistance in more than half of the patients with congenital anomalies.  相似文献   

Nano-crystalline ZnO particles synthesized via an ion exchange method were used in a methyl-orange photocatalytic degradation process. An ion exchange resin mixed bed system was used in the suspension for separation of nano-ZnO and methyl-orange after photocatalysis reaction. Ion exchange resin, photocatalyst and water were mixed evenly by airflow. Nano-ZnO photocatalyst and soluble carboxyl zinc were gathered in the soft-mechanochemical process simultaneously. Ion exchange reaction ZnO photocatalyst and counterion transfer process on resin were all improved. Byproducts and other inorganic ions were transfered into resin phase. Nano-ZnO photocatalyst can be regenerated and reused.  相似文献   

苯系物是一种常见的工业污染物,它主要包括苯、甲苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯等,传统的处理方法有液体吸收法、吸附法、焚烧法、冷凝法、生物法等,本文对比分析了各传统方法的优缺点,提出了一项新型的等离子体技术,它具有对环境温度反应迅速、适用范围极广、系统紧凑性和操作简单的特性,同时还具备停留时间短暂等优点,尤其适用于处理挥发性有机化合物(VOCs).主要研究了使用不同类型的等离子体反应器处理苯系物的实验装置,分析了影响等离子体技术处理苯系物的相关影响参数,如施加的电压和电场强度、输入能耗、反应器类型、反应器尺寸、载气、停留时间、苯系物的种类等,例如催化剂可以提高分解效率,优化反应条件,同时分别阐述了苯、甲苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯的降解机理.最后提出,将等离子体技术与多种处理技术联合使用,将会成为未来净化挥发性有机物的主要研究方向.  相似文献   

Micro-crack formation in the heat affected zone in EDM is a common phenomenon and many measures have been perceived to minimize their occurrence. This paper presents a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of micro-crack formation, in terms of length, number and orientation of micro-cracks formed on the machined surfaces. The influence of processing conditions on crack formation is studied using the observations under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results indicate that the micro-crack formation is the best represented in terms of average crack length. Statistical analysis of the results shows that pulse off-time (Toff), current (I), voltage (V) and electrode rotation speed (N) significantly influence the average crack length in both wall and bottom regions of the machined hole. In dry EDM, micro-crack formation occurs due to segregation of elements in the work surface and inter-diffusion of elements between work, and shield. A comparison of crack formation with the liquid dielectric EDM shows that average length and number density of micro-cracks were lower in the dry EDM than those in the liquid dielectric EDM.  相似文献   

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