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The effect of lignosulfonate on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), PHBV, was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The PHBV/lignosulfonate samples were prepared by melt mixing in an internal mixer. SEM showed that PHBV/lignosulfonate samples present a cracked surface that is more intense in mixtures with high lignosulfonate proportions. According to DSC, melting and glass transition temperatures of the PHBV matrix decrease with lignosulfonate addition. The same effect was observed for melting enthalpies (ΔHm), which indicates a decrease of crystallinity. TGA showed that thermal stability of PHBV/lignosulfonate samples was shifted to lower temperatures, which indicates the existence of an interaction between the thermal decomposition processes of PHBV and lignosulfonate.  相似文献   

Systematic screening of 45 soil fungi for degradation polyhydroxyalkanoic acids (PHAs) has led to the selection of 6 potent Aspergillus isolates belonging to A. flavus, A. oryzae, A. parasiticus, and A. racemosus. Degradation of PHAs as determined by tube assay method revealed that these Aspergillus spp. were more efficient in degrading poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] compared to copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyric acid and 3-hydroxyvaleric acid (P3HB-co-16% 3HV). Moreover, the extent of degradation in mineral base medium was much better than those in complex organic medium. For all the Aspergillus spp. tested, maximum degradation was recorded at a temperature of 37°C with significant inhibition of growth. The optimum pH range for degradation was 6.5–7.0 with degradation being maximum at pH 6.8. The extent of polymer degradation increased with increase in substrate concentration, the optimum concentration for most of the cultures being 0.4% and 0.2% (w/v) for P(3HB) and P(3HB-co-16%3HV) respectively. Supplementation of the degradation medium with additional carbon sources exerted significant inhibitory effect on both P(3HB) and P(3HB-co-16%3HV) degradation.  相似文献   

Blends of the bacterially produced polyester poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) with cellulose acetate esters (CAE) further substituted with propionyl or butyryl groups (degree of substitution: 2.60 propionyl and 0.36 acetyl or 2.59 butyryl and 0.36 acetyl, respectively) were exposed for 4 months to activated sludge to determine their biodegradability. Samples of such blends made by solution-mixing and solvent-casting had complex morphologies in which both individual components as well as a miscible blend phase were present. Additionally, the two opposite surfaces of solvent-cast films showed both physical and chemical differences. After 2 months, samples of pure PHBV had degraded by more than 98% (15 mg/cm2 of surface area), whereas a pure CAE sample had degraded less than 1% (<0.2 mg/cm2). Samples containing 25% CAE lost less than 40% of their initial weights (6 mg/cm2) over the total 4-month period. Samples with 50% CAE lost up to 16% weight (2 mg/cm2), whereas those containing 75% CAE lost only slightly more weight than corresponding sterile control samples (1 mg/cm2). NMR results confirm that weight loss from samples containing 25% CAE resulted only from degradation of PHBV and that the surface of samples became enriched in CAE. Solvent-cast film samples containing equal amounts of PHBV and CAE degraded preferentially on the surface which formed at the polymer-air interface. Scanning electron microscopy and attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy revealed this surface to have a rougher texture and a greater PHBV content.  相似文献   

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), a semi-polycrystalline biopolymer from the polyhydroxyalkanonate family has in recent years become a commercial bioplastic with mechanical properties comparable to isotactic polypropylene and enhanced O2, CO2 and H2O barrier properties. However, its brittleness and sensitivity to thermal and hydrolysis degradations restrict its applications. To overcome the problems associated with degradation during processing blending of PHBV and an epoxy-functionalized chain extender (Joncryl® ADR-4368 S) was conducted in a twin screw extruder. The effect of concentration of the chain extender on thermal, crystallization and rheological behaviours of PHBV was investigated. Thermal gravimetric analysis results indicated improvement in the resistance to thermal decomposition of PHBV by introducing the chain extender. This was accompanied with calculation of thermal degradation activation energy (Ea) using the Flyn–Walls–Ozawa method which confirmed increase of Ea with the increase in content of the chain extender. The rheological behaviour and crystallization of modified PHBV was characterized by rotational rheometry and differential scanning calorimetry techniques, respectively. The results show that addition of chain extender enhanced viscosity of PHBV and also reduce the rate of crystallization.  相似文献   

A poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) degrading bacterial strain designated as AF-111 was isolated from sewage sludge sample. The bacterium was identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The results revealed that strain AF-111 showed 99 % similarity with Streptomyces althioticus strain NRRL B-3981 and designated as Streptomyces sp. strain AF-111. An extracellular PHBV depolymerase enzyme was produced under optimized conditions and purified through ammonium sulphate fractionation and column chromatography. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity, indicated by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and molecular weight was found to be approximately 51 kDa. Effect of temperature, pH, metal ions and inhibitors on the PHBV depolymerase activity was determined. The enzyme was stable at wide range of temperature (35–55 °C) and pH (6–8). PHBV depolymerase was stable in the presence of different metal ions except iron and zinc which had inhibitory effect on depolymerase activity. Both ethylenediamine teteracetic acid and phenylmethyl sulphonyl fluoride strongly inhibited enzyme activity which indicates that this enzyme belongs to the serine hydrolase family like other polyhydroxyalkanoate depolymerases. The results show that a depolymerase from strain AF-111 can effectively degrade PHBV, therefore, it can be applied in the process of biochemical monomer recycling.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of tensile test pieces made of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] or copolymers with 10% [P(3HB-co-10%3HV)] and 20% [P(3HB-co-20%3HV)] 3-hydroxyvaleric acid was studied in small household compost heaps. Degradation was measured through loss of weight (surface erosion) and changes in molecular weight and mechanical strength. It was concluded, on the basis of weight loss and loss of mechanical properties, that P(3HB) and P(3HB-co-3HV) plastics were degraded in compost by the action of microorganisms. No decrease inM w could be detected during the degradation process. The P(3HB-co-20%3HV) copolymer was degraded much faster than the homopolymer and P(3HB-co-10%3HV). One hundred nine microbial strains capable of degrading the polymersin vitro were isolated from the samples used in the biodegradation studies, as well as from two other composts, and identified. They consisted of 61 Gram-negative bacteria (e.g.,Acidovorax facilis), 10 Gram-positive bacteria (mainlyBacillus megaterium), 35Streptomyces strains, and 3 molds.  相似文献   

In this study, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV)/bamboo pulp fiber (BPF) composites were prepared by melt compounding and injection molding. The crystallization ability, tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength and modulus, and impact strength were found substantially increased by the addition of BPF. Tensile and flexural elongations were also moderately increased at low fiber contents (<20%). BPF demonstrated not only higher strength and modulus, but also higher failure strain than the PHBV8 matrix. Boron nitride (BN) was also investigated as a nucleation agent for PHBV8 and maleic anhydride grafted PHBV8 (MA-PHBV8) as a compatibilizer for the composite system. BN was found to increase the overall properties of the neat polymer and the composites due to refined crystalline structures. MA-PHBV8 improved polymer/fiber interactions and therefore resulted in increased strength and modulus. However, the toughness of the composites was substantially reduced due to the hindrance to fiber pullout, a major energy dissipation source during the composite deformation.  相似文献   

Pseudoalteromonas sp. NRRL B-30083 was isolated as the predominant PHBV-degrading organism from a tropical marine environment. In complex medium, the isolate grew well at temperatures between 23°C and 33°C, with an optimal doubling time of about 30 min. NaCl was required at concentrations between 0.2 N and 0.8 N. Optimal pH levels for growth were between pH 6.5 and pH 8.5. Liquid cultures grew modestly on PHBV as a sole carbon source under optimal conditions, although PHBV depolymerase activity was not detected.  相似文献   

The biodegradable and biocompatible copolymer poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-5 mol% 3-hydroxyvalerate), poly-(3HB-co-5 mol% 3HV), was synthesized by Bacillus cereus S10 and the highest yield was determined as 69.91 % at pH 7 and 30 °C after 48 h of incubation using a glucose as the sole carbon source. Poly-(3HB-co-5 mol% 3HV) was purified from bacterial biomass using chloroform. FTIR analysis showed absorption bands at 1,723, 1,274, 1,373, 1,453, 2,932 cm?1 corresponding to C=O, C–O stretching, CH3, –CH2 and –CH groups, respectively. 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR analysis confirmed that the copolymer was composed of 95 mol% of 3-hydroxybutrate and 5 mol% of 3-HV monomeric units. Poly-(3-HB-co-5 mol% 3HV) was used for nanoparticles preparation. The diameter of nanoparticles was 202 nm.  相似文献   

Journal of Polymers and the Environment - In this study, the photoheterotrophic consortium C4 was used to produce the copolymer [P(3HB-co-3HV)]. PHA production was enhanced by using response...  相似文献   

Injection molded specimens were prepared by blending poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV) with cornstarch. Blended formulations incorporated 30% or 50% starch in the presence or absence of poly-(ethylene oxide) (PEO), which enhances the adherence of starch granules to PHBV. These formulations were evaluated for their biodegradability in natural compost by measuring changes in physical and chemical properties over a period of 125 days. The degradation of plastic material, as evidenced by weight loss and deterioration in tensile properties, correlated with the amount of starch present in the blends (neat PHBV < 30% starch < 50% starch). Incorporation of PEO into starch-PHBV blends had little or no effect on the rate of weight loss. Starch in blends degraded faster than PHBV and it accelerated PHBV degradation. Also, PHBV did not retard starch degradation. After 125 days of exposure to compost, neat PHBV lost 7% of its weight (0.056% weight loss/day), while the PHBV component of a 50% starch blend lost 41% of its weight (0.328% weight loss/day). PHB and PHV moieties within the copolymer degraded at similar rates, regardless of the presence of starch, as determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. GPC analyses revealed that, while the number average molecular weight (Mn) of PHBV in all exposed samples decreased, there was no significant difference in this decrease between neat PHBV as opposed to PHBV blended with starch. SEM showed homogeneously distributed starch granules embedded in a PHBV matrix, typical of a filler material. Starch granules were rapidly depleted during exposure to compost, increasing the surface area of the PHBV matrix.  相似文献   

Copolyesters of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) were produced at 30°C from various carbon sources byAlcaligenes eutrophus under batch-fed growth conditions. The production of P(3HB-co-3HV) from butyric and pentanoic acids was effective under nitrogenlimited conditions, and the conversion of carbon sources into copolyester was as high as 56 wt% at a C/N molar ratio of 40. In contrast, under excess-nitrogen conditions (C/N<10), cell growth was good, while P(3HB-co-3HV) production was partially inhibited. The production of P(3HB-co-3HV) from fructose and propionic acid was almost completely inhibited under excess-nitrogen conditions.  相似文献   

Solution-grown single crystals of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB-co-4HB)] were hydrolyzed by polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) depolymerase from Ralstonia pickettii T1. Enzymatic degradation proceeded from the edges of lamellar crystals, yielding serrated contour and small crystal fragments. Gel permeation chromatography analysis revealed that the molecular weights of the crystals decreased during enzymatic degradation, suggesting that the enzymatic hydrolysis of chain-folding regions at the crystal surfaces occurred in addition to the enzymatic degradation at crystal laterals or edges. After P(3HB-co-4HB) single crystals were aminolysed in 20% aqueous methylamine solution to remove the folded-chain regions and enzymatic degradation by lipase from Rhizopus oryzae to remove 4HB components at crystal surfaces of single crystal aminolyzed, it was found that a small amount (up to ca. 2 mol%) of 4HB component can be incorporated into the P(3HB) mother crystal lattice irrespective of the 4HB content.  相似文献   

As one of the biodegradable polymers, the blend of poly(butylene succinate) and poly(butylene terephthalate) is dealt with in this study. In our previous work, it was demonstrated that PBS and PBT are immiscible not only from the changes of T g but also from logG–log G plots. It is expected that the biodegradability of the blends could be improved by enhancing the miscibility. We tried to induce the transesterification reaction between two polyesters with various time intervals to enhance the miscibility of the blends. The extent of transesterification reaction was examined by 1H-NMR. We utilized a dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer and a rotational rheometer to investigate the changes in miscibility. We also verified the biodegradability of PBS/PBT blends after the transesterification reaction by the composting method.  相似文献   

Plastic blend materials consisting of poly(vinyl alcohol), glycerol and xanthan or gellan were prepared through laboratory extrusion. Their base mechanical properties were compared with the properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) foil and their biodegradability in soil, compost and both activated and anaerobic sludge were assessed. In samples with lower polysaccharide content (10–21 %w/w) the tensile strength of 15–20 MPa was found; the elongation at break of all blends was relatively close to the parameter of poly(vinyl alcohol) foil. The biodegradability levels of the blends tested corresponded to the content of natural components, and the mineralization of the samples with the highest carbohydrate proportion (42 %) reached 50–78 %, depending on the type of the environment. Complete biodegradation of all samples occurred in activated sludge.  相似文献   

Thermal and Rheological Properties of Commercial-Grade Poly(Lactic Acid)s   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Poly(lactic acid) is the subject of considerable commercial development by a variety of organizations around the world. In this work, the thermal and rheological properties of two commercial-grade poly(lactic acid)s (PLAs) are investigated. A comparison of the commercial samples to a series of well-defined linear and star architecture PLAs provides considerable insight into their flow properties. Such insights are valuable in deciding processing strategies for these newly emerging, commercially significant, biodegradable plastics. Both a branched and linear grade of PLA are investigated. The crystallization kinetics of the branched polymer are inferred to be faster than the linear analog. Longer relaxation times in the terminal region for the branched material compared to the linear material manifests itself as a higher zero shear rate viscosity. However, the branched material shear thins more strongly, resulting in a lower value of viscosity at high shear rates. Comparison of the linear viscoelastic spectra of the branched material with the spectra for star PLAs suggests that the branched architecture is characterized by a span molecular weight of approximately 63,000 g/mol. The present study conclusively demonstrates that a wide spectrum of flow properties are available through simple architectural modification of PLA, thus allowing the utilization of this important degradable thermoplastic in a variety of processing operations.  相似文献   

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (PHBHHx) is a versatile, biobased and biodegradable copolymer from the family of polyhydroxyalkanoates. This study aims to further ameliorate its properties in order to enhance its applicability for food packaging purposes through preparation of organomodified montmorillonite clay (OMMT) nanocomposites. Nanocomposites based on pure PHBHHx as well as commercial PHBHHx granulate, after a previous dry-mixing with OMMT in concentrations of 1, 3, 5 and 10 wt%, were prepared using melt blending and compression molding. Investigation of the samples showed well dispersed nanofiller and highly intercalated nanocomposites, resulting in a continuous decrease in gas permeability, lowering O2, CO2 and water vapor permeability with about 5–7 % and approximately 40 % at OMMT concentration of 1 and 10 wt%, respectively. Besides gas permeability, other properties were affected as well. Thermal stability of the samples increased gradually up to 5 wt% nanofiller, but was reduced at 10 wt%. In order to investigate the effects of OMMT and molecular weights on PHBHHx crystallization, nanocomposites were also produced by solvent-casting and compared to those obtained by melt-blending. Crystallization was retarded, because of severe lowering of molecular weight due to processing-induced chain scission, catalyzed by OMMT moisture. However, this reduction was counteracted for a large part by using commercial PHBHHx granulate, which has shown better crystallization properties. The samples were rendered increasingly more brittle, displaying higher Young’s modulus and severely reduced elongation at break. From this study it appeared that, upon viewing all affected properties as a whole, the sample based on commercial PHBHHx and containing 3 wt% OMMT shows most promise for possible applications, however further research must be performed in order to exploit their fullest potential.  相似文献   

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