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Background: The Occupational Safety and Health Council(OSHC) is committed to improve the safety performance of the high risk construction industry.In the past three years,about 40% of the fatal accidents in the construction industry were related to Renovation,Maintenance,Alteration and Addition(RMAA).Due to the poor safety record,some of the RMAA contractors have difficulty in obtaining the Employees’ Compensation Insurance(ECI) cover in the market,or if they could obtain the ECI,the premium rate would be exceedingly high.In view of this,the OSHC,the Labour Department jointly launched"OSH Star Enterprise-Pilot Scheme on Safety Accreditation for the RMAA Industry",which prompts the industry to take practicable safety measures to improve the safety of working environment and reduce occupational injuries.The program also helps the stakeholders and insurers to identify safety-conscious contractors and thereby provide them with a favourable premium rate under the Employees’ Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme(ECIRS).Objectives: The OSHC launches the Pilot Scheme to improve the safety performance of the RMAA industry through providing safety training,subsidizing enterprise to purchase safety equipment and providing safety audit.We also use financial incentive to encourage RMAA enterprises to join the Pilot Scheme-for those who are accredited as "OSH Star Enterprise"could receive a premium discount from the ERIRS when obtaining the ECI.The scheme also differentiates those safety-conscious and law-abiding enterprises from the poor performers,which helps the industry and public identifying the RMAA contractors who pay attention to work safety.Methods: The Pilot Scheme targets RMAA enterprises that employ less than 50 employees in Hong Kong.A three-pronged approach is used to improve the safety performance of the RMAA industry: the Pilot Scheme provides(1) financial support for the RMAA contractors to buy a transportable temporary anchor device and full body safety harness and its anchor system;(2) safety training  相似文献   

2±0.112, respectively) and CON group(0.538±0.132 and 0.323±0.107, respectively), P< 0.05. The level of PPARγ mRNA were lower in AMI (0.391±0.101) and UAP (0.396±0.093) groups than in SAP (0.555±0.152) and CON (0.625±0.223)groups, P<0.05. Conclusions The expr  相似文献   

Promoting occupational safety and health in Hong Kong,Special Administrative Region of China is an important and ongoing mission. As the major organization with statutory responsibilities,the Occupational Safety and Health Council understand the importance to strengthen and cultivate our safety culture. It is widely believed that numbers of occupational related diseases and injuries could be prevented with the improvement of the awareness and attitudes of the employees and the public. Therefore,a comprehensive and in-depth study to monitor the occupational health and safety level and status of the community and working population is needed. Objectives: Our Council has developed the Occupational Safety Culture Index ( OSCI) to measure the current level of community and workplace safety and health awareness,knowledge and attitude. Benchmarking measures of the key safety performance indicators are to be derived thereof. Methods: A territory-wide random telephone survey was conducted to assess the community and employees’awareness,attitude and knowledge in 2008. A structured questionnaire was designed with the content validity and reliability assessed before the survey administration. A series of quality control approaches were also applied to assure the quality of the fieldwork and the reliability of the data. Results: 1,531 eligible participants’data were collected and computed into 2 types of composite indices,Occupational Safety Culture Index ( Community) ( OSCIC) and Occupational Safety Culture Index (Workplace) (OSCIW) . With the maximum score of index at 100,the overall score of OSCIC is 66. 9 and the OSCIW is 61. 3 in Hong Kong. Achievements: OSCI served as an effective management tool to measure the safety culture in Hong Kong. With a representative sample and high quality study control and validated assessment approaches,the OSCI and the sub-indices are reliable indicators to assess the effectiveness of safety culture enhancement strategy and the OSH intervention measures.  相似文献   

This paper describes the environmental health problem of exposure to diesel particulate matter(DPM) in an underground mine in Western Australia.It contains recommendations for innovative equipment and management improvements in risk control for employees who work in underground mines and for companies who use machines that are powered by diesel fuel.  相似文献   

Infosafe today is a MSDS Management system utilised by many of the worlds leading companies, locally, nationally or globally. The success of Infosafe lies in the system design, which was conceived fifteen years ago. The original concept is as relevant today as it was then.  相似文献   

P14 State Council approved "Three Regulations" Scheme of SAWS Recently, the State Council officially approved the "Three Regulations"Scheme of the State Administration of Work Safety and State Administration of Coal Mine Safety. The "Three Regulations" Scheme clearly defines the responsibility adjustment, major responsibilities, internal agencies and personnel arrangement etc.  相似文献   

Infosafe today is a MSDS Management system utilised by many of the world lead ing companies, locally, nationally or globally. The success of Infosafe lies in the system design, which was conceived  相似文献   

Question 1: Why does the ILO co-sponsor the Forum with the SAWS? Answers: OSH is an important issue in China with rapid industrialization and economic restructuring. There are many major accidents happening in China. The Forum is one of the initiatives of the SAWS for improving the situation. As you know, OSH is one of ILO's core mandates since its establishment in 1919 and the ILO has been collaborating with China in this field for many years.  相似文献   

Question 1: Why does the ILO co-sponsor the Forum with the SAWS? Answers: OSH is an important issue in China with rapid industrialization and economic restructuring. There are many major accidents happening in China. The Forum is one of the initiatives of the SAWS for improving the situation, As you know, OSH is  相似文献   

If you are an employer you will soon become aware that there were recently introduced regulations governing the provision of health and safety information on hazardous products (chemicals). To comply with these regulations chemical companies are required to produce a document called the Material Safety data Sheet or MSDS  相似文献   

<正> 今年11月21日至24日在匈亚利布达佩召开第二次世界安全科学大会(2nd World Congress on SafetyScience)。学术交流的中心议题为:生活、生产及环境的安全科学(Safety Science for Life,Production and theEnviroment),其主要内容包括:人的风险因素(The Human Risk factor)风险理论、风险标准和可接受的风险(Risk Theory,Risk Standards and Acceptable Risk);运输领域的安全科学(Safety Scieneein the TransportSector);能源生产领域的最佳化安全(Optimizing Safety in the Energy Generation Sector)。会后,于1993年11月25日至26日在匈亚利的Miskolc继续召开另一个学术研讨会。以原材料生产领域中安全科学的作用和  相似文献   

网址:http://www.HSE.gov.uk英国安全与健康执行局(The Healthand Safety Executive,简称 HSE)是依据“1974年职业安全与健康法”(HSWA)设立的。该局的主要职责是:协助安全与健康委员会(The Health and safetyCommission,简称 HSC)工作,保护公民的安全与健康。在 HSE 的主页中,主要有以下板块:1.有关 HSC 和 HSE 的介绍(AboutUS);如果您想了解 HSC 和 HSE 的概况,请  相似文献   

Fire and Materials 2007 conference 29-31 January 2007,San Francisco http://www.intercomm.dial.pipex.com/html/events/fm07a.htm Fifth International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards 23-27 April 2007;Edinburgh,UKhttp://www.see.ed.ac.uk/feh5/.FRPM07,the11th European Meeting on Fire Retardant Poly-mers4-6July2007,Albert Halls,Bolton,UK.Call for Papers.Deadline for abstracts30November2006.www.frpm07.com,http://www.frpm07.com/.Interflam20073-5September2007,The University of London,U…  相似文献   

<正>百年ILO回顾历史展望未来4 月 15 日,国际劳工组织(ILO)发布报告《未来的职业安全健康 :历经百年继续开拓》(Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work: Building on 100 Years of Experience),回顾了 ILO 成立 100 年来在职业安全健康方面的工  相似文献   

国际人机工程职业安全卫生与环境学术会议(Internation Conferenceon Ergonomics,Occupational Safety and Health and the Environment)1988年10月24~28日在北京召开。会上宣读了120多篇学术论文,并出版了论文集。本刊拟采用摘译、文摘介绍等形式,分期向读者介绍这次会议发表的一部分论文。  相似文献   

上尚科技(Atop Technologies)自1989年成立以来,秉持着创新(Innovation)、智能(Intelligence)、整合(Integration)、坚持(Insistenee)的信念,致力于工业自动化领域的产品开发,多年来不断投入研发、生产,提供客户专业的产品和服务。在多年经验和领先技术的累积下,目前上尚科技主要致力提供一系列“现场监控网关(The Fronfline Gateway to the Network)”之完整解决方案的产品,并以创造客户价值为公司的目标。  相似文献   

<正> 为促进亚太地区安全科学技术的交流,加强合作,增进友谊,提高职业安全卫生水平,由我会筹办并与冶金部安全环保院共同召开了亚太地区职业安全卫生研讨会(The Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health in Asia—Pacific Region)。该研讨会于1992年9月21日在西安举行,到会的中外学者、专家近百名。国内外征集论  相似文献   

正本文结合木制家具行业的生产工艺特点,剖析该类型企业存在的粉尘燃爆风险,加强粉尘燃爆防护研究工作,对保障木制家具制造业的安全稳定发展具有重要的意义。英国化学工程学会出版的期刊《Process Safety and Environmental Protection》(《过程安全和环境保护》)中的一篇文章《Dust explosion:A threat to the process industries》(《粉尘爆炸:过程工业的威胁》),对1785-2012年间全世界超过2 000起粉尘爆炸事故进行不完全统计,得出木材加工场所粉尘燃爆事故所占比例为17%,仅次于食品加工行业(40%)。  相似文献   

陈蔷  陈薇 《安全》2009,30(1)
1 问题的提出 许多组织,特别是建立了职业健康安全管理体系(OHSMS-Occupational Health and Safety Management System)的组织,越来越感到OHSMS的持续改进对组织绩效提升起着十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

一、我国内控建设法规与发展状况 从国际上看,内部控制体系的相关标准与政策法规最早来源于美国.自其上世纪80年代成立以来,COSO委员会(Committee of Sponsoring Organizations Of The Treadway Commission)一直致力于内部控制标准的制定,引导和代表着内部控制的发展趋势.  相似文献   

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