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IntroductionTheHaihe LuanheBasinisthedistrictfacingtheproblemofwatercrisisintheNorthChina.Waterpollutionissuesandanthropogenicdisturbanceareveryseriousatthesametime .Waterdeficiency ,pollutionandoverpopulationhaveresultedinobviousecologicaldegradationan…  相似文献   

CharacteristicsofphosphoruschemistryanditsgeographicaldistributionintheHaiheRivervalley,NorthChinaJiangGaoming;HuangYinxiao;L...  相似文献   

With the development of rural pollution, its characteristic and institutional factor should be studied for pollution control through economics and sociology. Based on the data gathered from investigations by several government sectors, rural environmental pollution can be divided into two types by its sources: internal source type and external source type. The internal source type is the main component of rural pollution at present, which can be further divided into three types. Research shows that the contributing institutional factors of rural pollution issues and the effectiveness of environmental management system over rural pollution can be summarized as distinctiveness. In essence, the rural pollution issue results from the dualism of rural and urban areas’ inadaptability to rural modernization. In detail, the contributing factors can be summed up on three institutional levels. There are obvious loopholes in rural environmental management system which, in the meantime, is incapable and inadaptable to rural pollution control. There exist similar questions in the related public service system, which are intensified by inappropriate reform which brought about incompatible incentive in the recent years. However, in the eleventh five-year plan period, there are advantageous trends in the three institutional levels. Main data sources in this paper: ➀ the surveys on TVEs (township and village enterprises) conducted by Township Enterprise Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture of China in 1997 and 2002; ➁ the partial survey on rural environmental conditions by EPA (environmental protection administration) of Zhejiang Province in 2002; ➂ the survey on the pollution of IPLFs (livestock and poultry farms) in 23 provinces, municipalities, and directly administered cities by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China in 2002; ➃ the research report on Mechanism of Investment and Financing for Environmental Protection by China Council for International Environment and Development Cooperation in 2003; ➄ the third investigation on national hygiene service in 2003; ➅ the regular monitoring of safe quality of agricultural products by the Ministry of Agriculture of China in 2005; ➆ the investigation arranged by the Ministry of Health which finished in 2007 and showed the total situation of rural environmental health and drinking water security of the whole country.  相似文献   

Primary productivity was measured by the oxygen method.When there was no algal bloom,the lake water appeared clean and there was no difference between the upper and lower part of the lake water.The dissolved oxygen(DO)approached saturate around 7.0 mg/L.The average productivity rate was 0.2—0.6 g O2/m3d,and slightly larger than respiration rate.During the period of heavy algal bloom in late September 1987,the productivity even reached 1.6g O/m3 d.The average net productivity was 0.22g O2/m3 d,equivalent to 0.07 g C/m3d.Meanwhile,the respiration rate was also high and pH reached 9—10.The variation of water temperature,pH and DO,at various depths of the lake,are not large due tO its shallowness and turbulent mixing.  相似文献   

IntroductionMicro organiccompoundshavebeenidentifiedasoneofthemainriskagentgroupsindrinkingwater.Insurfacewater,agriculturalchemicalsaccountforalargepartoftheorganiccompoundcontents.InEastandSoutheastAsia ,includingChinaandJapan ,cultivatingofrice,themai…  相似文献   

InChina,therehasbeenarapideconomicdevelopmentinthepasttwentyyears.Butitdependsmostlyonagreatinputofinvestmentandhighexploitat...  相似文献   

Loess Plateau is the most serious region of soil and water loss in China and the world. The sediment carried into the Yellow River amounts to 1.6 billion tons every year. This paper reviews the factors and reasons for erosion in this area, and puts forward a comprehensive controlling policy on the basis of the principles of ecology and practise of Chinese scientists for 40 years. In conformity with the policy, a number of technical measures for controlling soil and water loss are suggested.  相似文献   

The nitrogen balance can serve as an indicator of the risk to the environment of nitrogen loss from agricultural land. To investigate the temporal and spatial changes in agricultural nitrogen application and its potential threat to the environment of the Haihe Basin in China, we used a database of county-level agricultural statistics to calculate agricultural nitrogen input, output,surplus intensity, and use efficiency. Chemical fertilizer nitrogen input increased by 51.7% from1990 to 2000 and by 37.2% from 2000 to 2010, concomitant with increasing crop yields.Simultaneously, the nitrogen surplus intensity increased by 53.5% from 1990 to 2000 and by16.5% from 2000 to 2010, presenting a continuously increased environmental risk. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased from 0.46 in 1990 to 0.42 in 2000 and remained constant at 0.42 in 2010,partly due to fertilizer composition and type improvement. This level indicates that more than half of nitrogen inputs are lost in agroecosystems. Our results suggest that although the improvement in fertilizer composition and types has partially offset the decrease in nitrogen use efficiency, the environmental risk has still increased gradually over the past 20 years, along with the increase in crop yields and nitrogen application. It is important to achieve a better nitrogen balance through more effective management to significantly reduce the environmental risk,decrease nitrogen surplus intensity, and increase nitrogen use efficiency without sacrificing crop yields.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the soil-environmental standard. According to the current situation of researching on the soil-environmental quality guideline at home and abroad, and on the basis of the foundations and principles of enacting the soil-environmental standard, the soil environment quality guideline values of Hg, Cd, Pb and As were suggested.  相似文献   

The nitrogen balance can serve as an indicator of the risk to the environment of nitrogen loss from agricultural land. To investigate the temporal and spatial changes in agricultural nitrogen application and its potential threat to the environment of the Haihe Basin in China, we used a database of county-level agricultural statistics to calculate agricultural nitrogen input, output, surplus intensity, and use efficiency. Chemical fertilizer nitrogen input increased by 51.7% from 1990 to 2000 and by 37.2% from 2000 to 2010, concomitant with increasing crop yields. Simultaneously, the nitrogen surplus intensity increased by 53.5% from 1990 to 2000 and by 16.5% from 2000 to 2010, presenting a continuously increased environmental risk. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased from 0.46 in 1990 to 0.42 in 2000 and remained constant at 0.42 in 2010, partly due to fertilizer composition and type improvement. This level indicates that more than half of nitrogen inputs are lost in agroecosystems. Our results suggest that although the improvement in fertilizer composition and types has partially offset the decrease in nitrogen use efficiency, the environmental risk has still increased gradually over the past 20 years, along with the increase in crop yields and nitrogen application. It is important to achieve a better nitrogen balance through more effective management to significantly reduce the environmental risk, decrease nitrogen surplus intensity, and increase nitrogen use efficiency without sacrificing crop yields.  相似文献   

A framework is proposed for forecasting industrial water demand in the context of climate change, economic growth, and technological development. The framework was tested in five sub-basins of Huaihe River of China, namely Upstream of Huaihe River (UH), Middlestream of Huaihe River (MH), Downstream of Huaihe River (DH), Yishusi River (YSSR), and Coastal River of Shandong Peninsula (CSP) to project future changes in industrial water demand under different environment change scenarios. Results showed that industrial water demand in Huaihe River basin will increase in the range of 10 to 44.6% due to economic development, water-saving technological advances, and climate change. The highest increase was projected by general circulation model (GCM) BCC-CSM1–1 (179.16 × 108 m3) and the lowest by GCM GISS-E2-R (132.4 × 108 m3) in 2020, while the GCM BNU-ESM projected the highest increase (190.57 × 108 m3) and GCM CNRM-CM5 the lowest (160.41 × 108 m3) in 2030. Among the different sub-basins, the highest increase was projected in MH sub-basin where industrial water demand is already very high. On the other hand, the lowest increase in industrial water demand was projected in UH sub-basin. The rapid growth of high water-consuming industries and increased water demand for cooling due to temperature rise are the major causes of the sharp increase in industrial water demand in the basin. The framework developed in the study can be used for reliable forecasting of industrial water demand which in turn can help in selection of an appropriate water management strategy for adaptation to global environmental changes.  相似文献   

湖泊生态环境需水量计算方法研究   总被引:69,自引:2,他引:69  
中国北方干旱和半干旱地区湖泊面临不断干枯、萎缩和水质污染严重的局面。水资源的不合理配置和使用,造成资源性缺水和水质性缺水;维护湖泊和水库的合理水位及其水体的自净能力已经成为淡水资源科学配置和永续利用的基本保证。确定和保证湖泊生态系统必需的最小水量是解决问题的关键和前提,计算湖泊最小生态环境需水量的方法有:①水量平衡法;②换水周期法;③最小水位法;④功能法。研究结果表明:对于受损严重的湖泊,功能法无论从理论基础、计算原则和计算步骤,还是从需水量的分类和组成,都比较准确地反映了湖泊生态系统的健康现状和湖泊生态系统需水量之间的相互关系,可以为防止湖泊生态系统日益恶化的趋势和生态恢复提供技术支持。针对不同类型湖泊、生态环境特性和生态系统管理目标可以选择不同的计算方法,在确定了湖泊最小生态环境需水量和生态环境建设实施方案,北方地区湖泊生态系统将进入科学管理和生态恢复阶段。  相似文献   

以黄河流域54个地级及以上城市市辖区为研究对象,基于样本数据正态分布统计规律和影响水资源利用效率客观因素的城市分类,建立了全国总体和不同类型城市万元GDP水耗、人均综合水耗、人均生活水耗等指标的水资源利用效率标杆体系,据此对黄河流域城市市辖区水资源利用效率进行对标评估.结果发现,黄河流域城市万元GDP水耗整体水平一直处于全国中等水平,人均综合水耗、人均生活水耗在全国地级及以上城市和相同类型城市中整体处于中等偏上水平,52%和57%的城市人均综合水耗和人均生活水耗呈现上升趋势.同时,基于灰色系统预测模型和队列要素法估算了黄河流域“十四五”经济社会发展规划期间的城市市辖区水资源需求总量,测算得出2020年、2025年黄河流域市辖区需水量主要集中于三门峡河段以东下游的地级及以上城市,整体水资源需求总量将会明显下降,2020年和2025年的需水总量较2017年分别下降14.42%和9.48%.本研究将为黄河流域城市水资源利用效率目标设定和供水总量预测提供相应的技术参考.  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊开敞水域水质净化的生态工程试验研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过生态工程的方法,可以在短时间内迅速改善富营养化湖泊水源地的水质,这在全流域很难实现控源截污和全湖水质难以在短时间内迅速改善的情况下,具有快速见效的作用.以往之所以在开敞水域鲜有湖泊生态恢复成功的例子,原因是过于强调水生植物种植本身,而忽视水生植物及草型生态系统与外部环境条件的关系.影响水生植物恢复和草型生态系统培植的因素,既有物理方面的因素,也有化学和生物方面的因素.只有消除那些对水生植物生长不利的影响,创造有利的环境条件,才能够培植一个具有净化能力的草型生态系统.因此,生态修复应该遵循"先诊断,后治理"和"先环境改善,后生态修复"的技术路线.太湖梅梁湾水源地水质改善生态工程试验正是在这样的思想指导下实施的.本专栏所选录的论文就是这项工作的部分内容.  相似文献   

陕西省渭河流域生态环境需水量探讨   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
陕西省渭河流域地处我国西北干旱半干旱区,水资源开发利用与生态环境矛盾十分突出,生态环境需水量往往被国民经济需水量挤占,由此引发了一系列生态环境问题。因此,开展生态环境需水量研究,不仅已成为流域生态环境建设的紧迫要求,而且是实现流域水资源可持续利用的重要一环。论文立足于流域社会经济可持续发展,以实现生态环境良性发展为目标,探讨了生态环境需水量的定义,提出了生态环境需水量的“外部优先级”和“内部优先级”思想,首次系统地分析了陕西省渭河流域生态环境需水量的界定范围。在此基础上,从流域生态环境现状及未来需求出发,建立了流域生态环境需水量计算模型,分别计算了流域2000年、2010年、2020年的生态环境需水量。研究成果,丰富了生态环境需水量的理论研究,可为流域生态环境建设和水资源合理利用提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

落实生态文明、陆海统筹的战略离不开合理的海岸带水环境管理顶层设计。本文针对中国海岸带水环境管理构建了一套制度安排。这套制度安排以最新国家级规划和部委规章为基本政策依据,以资源环境承载力预警机制为核心内容,以满足水体的流动性及河海的连通性为基本原则,具备较强的科学性和可操作性。本文最后以环渤海地区为例给出了中央和地方各有关单位落实这套制度安排的具体工作步骤。  相似文献   

Statistic and econometric regression models were established in this study to analyze and predict industrial water demand, water deficits, and their future uncertainty in Beijing—a Chinese city with a severe water stress problem. A forecasting model was selected based on a modeling evaluation by comparing predictions with observations. Four scenarios were designed to simulate and analyze the future uncertainty of industrial water demand and the water deficit of Beijing. The modeling results for industrial water demand suggested that Beijing industry would face a water deficit between 3.06 × 108 m3 in 2008 and 2.77×108 m3 in 2015, though its industrial water demand would decrease from 6.31×108 m3 to 4.84 ×108 m3 during this period of time. Results from simulated scenario illustrated that, due to the extreme water scarcity situation, industry in Beijing would still face a serious water deficit problem even with a very optimistic scenario for the future.  相似文献   

滇池流域主要农业产品水足迹空间格局及其环境影响测度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡婷婷  黄凯  金竹静  魏婧  张月 《环境科学学报》2015,35(11):3719-3729
科学合理的评估农业产品水资源消耗及其环境影响对保护区域农业生产安全和水资源合理配置具有重要意义.本文以滇池流域为例,耦合水足迹和生命周期评价方法,对流域内2005—2011年主要农业产品水足迹空间格局进行分析,并对其环境影响进行测度.结果显示:滇池流域主要农作物和动物产品年平均水足迹分别为4.88×108m3·a-1和8.97×108m3·a-1,动物产品总水资源消耗大于农作物产品.动物产品水足迹的人类健康和生态系统质量总环境影响高于农作物,但资源消耗总环境影响要低于农作物,各区县产品水足迹环境影响值最大的为猪肉、水稻和玉米.各区县主要产品水足迹及其环境影响空间差异显著,嵩明县和晋宁县的产品水足迹环境影响最高,城区则较低.本文最后提出:评价一种产品对区域水资源的可持续性影响时,不仅要考虑产品耗水量也应考虑产品对水资源产生的潜在环境影响大小,应从水资源管理和生命周期角度综合考虑.水资源量少的地区,应侧重选择水资源消耗量小的产品,水量充沛地区则应选择对人类和生态产生影响小的产品.  相似文献   

本研究以新疆开都—孔雀河流域为研究区,针对流域不同保护目标,采用定额法、阿克苏水平衡站公式和阿维里扬诺夫公式三种方法,分别估算了生态红线区和生态敏感区的生态需水量。研究结果表明开都—孔雀河流域生态红线区平均需水量为13.82×10~8m~3,生态敏感区平均生态需水量为2.06×10~8m~3,且潜水蒸发法中的阿克苏水平衡站公式的计算值与平均值最为接近。由于干旱区降水量稀少,天然植被生长完全依赖地下水,一般采用潜水蒸发法间接计算植被的生态需水量,在植被需水定额不好确定的情况下,更是首选潜水蒸发法进行生态需水量的估算。研究成果可以为孔雀河生态输水工程和塔里木河下游生态输水工程的实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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