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This study is concerned with the performance of a Demo Compost Plant for the development of acceptable composting technology in Bangladesh. The Demo Compost Plant was setup at the adjacent area of an existing compost plant located at Khulna city in Bangladesh. Four different composting technologies were considered, where Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) were used as a raw material for composting, collected from the adjacent areas of the plant. Initially the whole composting system was conducted through two experimental setups. In the 1st setup three different types of aerators (horizontal and vertical passively aerator and forced aerator) were selected. For a necessary observation four piles, using only MSW as the input materials in the first three compost pile, the fourth one was the existing Samadhan’s compost pile. Based on the analysis of the experimental findings, the horizontal passively aerated composting technique is suitable for Bangladesh as it had better performance for reducing composting period than that of the others. It was being observed from the quality parameters of compost in the both 1st and 2nd setup that as the waste directly come from kitchen, degradation rate of waste shows a positive result for reducing this waste and there is no possibility of toxic contamination, when it would be used as a soil conditioner. Though there is no significant improvement in the quality of the final product in the 2nd setup as comparing with the 1st setup but it fulfills one of the main objectives of this study is to reduce the whole composting period as well as immediate management of the increasing amount of waste and reducing load on landfill. Selfheating tests reveal that degree of stability of compost with respect to maturation period was remained in the acceptable level, which was further accelerated due to the use of organic additives.  相似文献   

Composting is a method for preparing organic fertilizers that represents a suitable management option for the recycling of two-phase olive mill waste (TPOMW) in agriculture. Four different composts were prepared by mixing TPOMW with different agro-industrial by-products (olive pruning, sheep manure and horse manure), which were used either as bulking agents or as N sources. The mature composts were added during six consecutive years to a typical “Picual” olive tree grove in the Jaén province (Spain). The effects of compost addition on soil characteristics, crop yield and nutritional status and also the quality of the olive oil were evaluated at the end of the experiment and compared to a control treated only with mineral fertilization. The most important effects on soil characteristics included a significant increase in the availability of N, P, K and an increase of soil organic matter content. The application of TPOMW compost produced a significant increase in olive oil content in the fruit. The compost amended plots had a 15% higher olive oil content than those treatment with inorganic fertilization. These organics amendments maintained the composition and quality of the olive oil.  相似文献   

Germination tests on the Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. peruviridis) seed using water extract from compost has often been performed in Japan to evaluate compost maturity; however, most of the germination tests have been carried out without using any rationally defined experimental criteria to determine germination and to explain the influence of cultivars. Here, we performed a series of germination tests to examine the applicability of the experimental criteria for germination and the influence of cultivars on germination rate. Germination rate varied according to the criteria introduced in this paper, and two criteria, "seed size (3)" and "5?mm (2)", were selected for testing. In addition, two types of inhibitory influence, stop and slowness, were observed and compared with the criteria. The logistic regression curve of Logit, a function of germination rate to logarithmic value of the dilution ratio of the water extract was parameterized to compare the effects of the cultivars on germination rate. The statistical analysis of the parameters showed that dilution ratio greatly influenced germination rate, and the cultivar itself also influenced the rate. Consequently, the specific experimental criteria for germination and determining the influence of cultivars were proven to be indispensable for evaluating compost maturity using the germination test.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether soil microbial biomass could be used as an indicator of environmental changes following the application of organic residue (compost of municipal solid waste and farmyard manure) or mineral fertilizers (N and P) into cultivated or uncultivated loam-clayey soil, for three consecutive years. The carbon and nitrogen of the microbial biomass (B(C) and B(N) were studied using the fumigation-extraction method. For the two cultivated and uncultivated plots, B(N) and B(C) were more important in the superficial profile (0-20 cm) than in the deep one (20-40 cm). In the uncultivated soil, we observed a good linear relation between B(C) and B(N) at the level of upper soil horizon during the wet season with r coefficients of 0.95, 0.71 and 0.80 for the consecutive years 2000, 2001 and 2002, respectively. Microbial biomasses C and N increased during the rainy season and decreased during the dry season. Microbial biomass C and N showed the higher content with compost and farmyard manure at 40 tonnes ha(-1). Moreover, the results showed that at the beginning of the experiment, the microbial biomass was higher in the ploughed wheat-cultivated plot than in the uncultivated one. Microbial biomass C and N in the cultivated plot amended with compost at 40 tonnes ha(-1) were significantly different in comparison with the soil microbial biomass amended with farmyard manure. The combining of chemical fertilizer with the organic fertilizer, such as compost at 40 or 80 tonnes ha(-1) and farmyard manure, increased the microbial biomasses C and N after 1 and 2 years. In the cultivated or uncultivated plots the results revealed that the best application rate of the compost was 40 tonnes ha(-1) and when the compost rate was increased from 40 to 80 tonnes ha(-1) both B(C) and B(N) decreased significantly.  相似文献   

Pig manure rice straw compost was extracted using different extraction methods, and the composition of each extraction was identified by chromatogram and spectroscopy in order to investigate plant growth promoting factors. Compared with direct extraction, aerated and non-aerated fermentation extractions were better for nutrient accumulation, especially for high molecular weight substances. Cucumber yields of aerated fermentation extraction of compost (AFEC) treatment were 16.5 and 57.6?% higher than the direct extraction of compost (DEC) and non-aerated fermentation extraction of compost (NAFEC) treatments. Humic acid-like and fulvic acid-like substances were the main components in all extracts. Furthermore, AFEC showed the most humification and aromatization. Humic substances extracted from AFEC (H-AFEC) increased shoot dry weight by 2.8 and 7.4?%, compared to humic substances extracted from DEC (H-DEC) and humic substances extracted from NAFEC (H-NAFEC). In conclusion, AFEC was the best extraction method to get more humic substances to stimulate plant growth.  相似文献   

Inactivation of indigenous indicator micro-organisms such as faecal coliforms, coliphages, and faecal streptococci was investigated in a full-scale biogas plant that mainly digested cow manure. The biogas plant consisted principally of a feed reservoir, fermentation tank (37 degrees C), heat-inactivation process (70 degrees C), and five reservoirs for the heat-inactivated, digested manure that was used by a local livestock farmer as liquid fertilizer. Although all the indicators tended to exhibit stepwise decreases with each stage of treatment, coliphages were found to be more capable of surviving than faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci under mesophilic anaerobic conditions as well as high temperature conditions (heat-inactivation at 70 degrees C). Liquid fertilizer produced at the biogas plant had faecal coliform densities less than the stipulations of the US EPA 40 CFR 503 Class A limits. Heat-inactivation tests indicated that although coliphages exhibited more tolerance than other bacterial indicators between 37 and 70 degrees C, they were more sensitive to continuous temperature increase than faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci.  相似文献   

Determining the fate of xenobiotic materials in the environment can be aided by the use of radioactive isotope technology. Previous research on the degradation of polymers such as polyethylene (PE) was aided by the utilization of radiotracers. In order to study the environmental fate of degradable (PE/starch) plastics, we synthesized3H-labeled PE. Results of soil incubation studies indicate that only minimal degradation of the PE component, as indicated by the production of water-soluble metabolites, occurred during 2 years of incubation in soil. Despite the minimal degradation, the3H label did not allow for detection of the degradation products. In addition, the3H-PE was particularly useful for tracing the fate of degradable plastics after consumption by terrestrial isopods. The detection of aqueous-soluble radioactivity in isopod frass was used to indicate degradation of the plastic film.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Compost Supply–Demand (CSD) dynamics is one of the important aspects to consider when assessing composting plants’ sustainability....  相似文献   

This report describes the application of palladized iron (Pd/Fe) to the dechlorination of polychlorinted biphenyls (PCBs) at ambient temperature. Experiments supported by congener-specific analyses demonstrated that dechlorination occurs in a step-wise fashion with the meta-chlorines being more reactive than ortho-chlorines. Over the course of the laboratory experiments, complete conversion to biphenyl was observed. The process was also tested with PCBs dissolved in high (40-60%) concentrations of ethanol and isopropanol as a means of simulating solutions generated by commercial soil and solid waste extraction processes. The reaction rate was sensitive to the percentage of solvent but complete dechlorination was still indicated. Tests with soil extracts from a contaminated site demonstrated that there were no apparent interferences from asphalt and other miscellaneous debris. Short-duration tests with highly contaminated PCB solutions from a hazardous waste site demonstrated efficient dechlorination although there was a reduction in reaction rate with time.  相似文献   

In the present work, the gasification with air of dehydrated sewage sludge (SS) with 20wt.% moisture mixed with conventional woody biomass was investigated using a pilot fixed-bed updraft gasifier. Attention was focused on the effect of the SS content on the gasification performance and on the environmental impact of the process. The results showed that it is possible to co-gasify SS with wood pellets (WPs) in updraft fixed-bed gasification installations. However, at high content of sewage sludge the gasification process can become instable because of the very high ash content and low ash fusion temperatures of SS. At an equivalent ratio of 0.25, compared with wood pellets gasification, the addition of sewage sludge led to a reduction of gas yield in favor of an increase of condensate production with consequent cold gas efficiency decrease. Low concentrations of dioxins/furans and PAHs were measured in the gas produced by SS gasification, well below the limiting values for the exhaust gaseous emissions. NH(3), HCl and HF contents were very low because most of these compounds were retained in the wet scrubber systems. On the other hand, high H(2)S levels were measured due to high sulfur content of SS. Heavy metals supplied with the feedstocks were mostly retained in gasification solid residues. The leachability tests performed according to European regulations showed that metals leachability was within the limits for landfilling inert residues. On the other hand, sulfate and chloride releases were found to comply with the limits for non-hazardous residues.  相似文献   

Vacuum evaporation consists in the boiling of a liquid substrate at negative pressure, at a temperature lower than typical boiling temperature at atmospheric conditions. Condensed vapor represents the so called condensate, while the remaining substrate represents the concentrate.This technology is derived from other sectors and is mainly dedicated to the recovery of chemicals from industrial by-products, while it has not been widely implemented yet in the field of agricultural digestate treatment. The present paper relates on experimental tests performed in pilot-scale vacuum evaporation plants (0.100 and 0.025 m3), treating filtered digestate (liquid fraction of digestate filtered by a screw-press separator). Digestate was produced by a 1 MWe anaerobic digestion plant fed with swine manure, corn silage and other biomasses. Different system and process configurations were tested (single-stage and two-stage, with and without acidification) with the main objectives of assessing the technical feasibility and of optimizing process parameters for an eventual technology transfer to full scale systems.The inputs and outputs of the process were subject to characterization and mass and nutrients balances were determined.The vacuum evaporation process determined a relevant mass reduction of digestate.The single stage configuration determined the production of a concentrate, still in liquid phase, with a total solid (TS) mean concentration of 15.0%, representing, in terms of mass, 20.2% of the input; the remaining 79.8% was represented by condensate. The introduction of the second stage allowed to obtain a solid concentrate, characterized by a content of TS of 59.0% and representing 5.6% of initial mass.Nitrogen balance was influenced by digestate pH: in order to limit the stripping of ammonia and its transfer to condensate it was necessary to reduce the pH. At pH 5, 97.5% of total nitrogen remained in the concentrate. This product was characterized by very high concentrations of total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), 55,000 mg/kg as average.Condensate, instead, represented 94.4% of input mass, containing 2.5% of TKN. This fraction could be discharged into surface water, after purification to meet the criteria imposed by Italian regulation. Most likely, condensate could be used as dilution water for digestion input, for cleaning floor and surfaces of animal housings or for crop irrigation.The research showed the great effectiveness of the vacuum evaporation process, especially in the two stage configuration with acidification. In fact, the concentration of nutrients in a small volume determines easier transportation and reduction of related management costs. In full scale plants energy consumption is estimated to be 5–8 kWhe/m3 of digestate and 350 kWht/m3 of evaporated water.  相似文献   

This paper describes an industrial process for stabilising sewage sludge (SS) with lime and evaluates the viability of the stabilised product, denominated Neutral, as a raw material for the cement industry. Lime not only stabilised the sludge, raised the temperature of the mix to 80-100 °C, furthering water evaporation, portlandite formation and the partial oxidation of the organic matter present in the sludge.Process mass and energy balances were determined. Neutral, a white powder consisting of portlandite (49.8%), calcite (16.6%), inorganic oxides (13.4%) and organic matter and moisture (20.2%), proved to be technologically apt for inclusion as a component in cement raw mixes. In this study, it was used instead of limestone in raw mixes clinkerised at 1400, 1450 and 1500 °C. These raw meals exhibited greater reactivity at high temperatures than the limestone product and their calcination at 1500 °C yielded clinker containing over 75% calcium silicates, the key phases in Portland clinker. Finally, the two types of raw meal (Neutral and limestone) were observed to exhibit similar mineralogy and crystal size and distribution.  相似文献   

A solid-phase microextraction (SPME) method has been developed for the extraction of odorous compounds from waste gas. The enriched compounds were characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography followed by simultaneous flame ionization detection and olfactometry (GC-FID/O). Five different SPME fiber coatings were tested, and the carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) fiber showed the highest ability to extract odorous compounds from the waste gas. Furthermore, parameters such as exposure time, desorption temperature, and desorption time have been optimized. The SPME method was successfully used to characterize an odorous waste gas from a fat refinery prior to and after waste gas treatment in order to describe the treatment efficiency of the used laboratory scale plant which consisted of a bioscrubber/biofilter combination and an activated carbon adsorber. The developed method is a valuable approach to provide detailed information of waste gas composition and complements existing methods for the determination of odors. However, caution should be exercised if CAR/PDMS fibers are used for the quantification of odorous compounds in multi-component matrices like waste gas emissions since the relative affinity of each analyte was shown to differ according to the total amount of analytes present in the sample.  相似文献   

During removal of an industrial landfill in Folsom, California, fill material was excavated and processed through a mechanical screening plant to segregate soil from construction and demolition debris. The segregated soil was stockpiled and analyzed for a wide range of chemical groups to determine if the soil could be backfilled on‐site. The analytical results indicated many of the stockpiles had concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that exceeded US EPA Regional Screening Levels, and a large quantity of soil was initially classified as requiring off‐site disposal at considerable cost. Because PAHs are ubiquitous in urban settings and the landfill did not contain a significant source of PAHs, development of a site‐specific PAH cleanup goal was proposed to regulators. Cal/EPA guidance for using on‐site data to develop a background threshold for metals was applied to the development of the PAH cleanup goal. The Cal/EPA approach involves demonstrating whether the data belong to a single population or multiple populations based on data distribution tests and probability plots. This article explains the statistical and graphical methods that were used to demonstrate that the Cal/EPA approach was valid for PAHs and that the calculated cleanup level was consistent with published anthropogenic background levels of PAHs in California and across the United States. The site‐specific PAH cleanup goal enabled most of the soil to be backfilled on‐site, saving about $227,000 in transportation and disposal costs, and regulators subsequently approved unrestricted future use of the property. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Uncontrolled deposition of waste from animal farms is a common practice in south-western Nigeria, and the presence of heavy metals in soil constitutes environmental and health hazards by polluting the soil, ground water, adjoining streams and rivers. The study investigated the profile distribution of Mn, Pb, Cd, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni and Cr in some tropical Alfisols in south-western Nigeria after nine years disposal of animal wastes. The amount of these metals in the soil horizons was high enough to cause health and phytotoxic risks. All the metals except Zn and Cr increased down the profile, while Mn, Pb, Cd, Fe, Cu and Ni accumulated at 80–120 cm depth. The increment of these metals at this depth over the top soil were 26%, 143%, 72%, 47%, 328% for Mn, Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni, respectively. It thus, shows their mobility and the possibility of polluting ground water. The Mn content at the poultry and cattle waste sites increased by 127% and 25%, respectively over the control, while that of cattle and swine dump site for Cd content were 9.82 and 15.63 mg kg?1, respectively. Lead content also increased by 8.52 and 5.25 mg kg?1, respectively.There was the accumulation of Zn and Cu at the swine dump site while the cattle dump site had the highest amounts of nickel and chromium. The least amount of Fe was recorded at the swine waste dump site. The reduction in organic matter with depths together with the reduced pH might have favored the mobility of the metals. The ranking of pollution among the sites was poultry > swine > cattle > sheep and could be due to the type of ration fed, the vaccination programmes, sanitation programmes and other management practices.  相似文献   

The adsorption and degradation of chlorobenzene on partially modified organoclays and by the autochthonous microorganism Rhodococcus B528 were studied by means of the batch technique. Organoclays were prepared from Na-montmorillonite (MM) by using dodecyltrimethylammonium (C12) and dioctadecyldimethylammonium (2C18) bromides. The degree of modification was 35 (2C18-35-MM) and 89% (C12-89-MM) of the cation exchange capacity of MM. The adsorption experiments were carried out using headspace GC. The intercalation of chlorobenzene into the interlayers of organo-MM was detected by X-ray diffraction. The adsorption isotherms found were of the S1 type indicating a cooperative effect. Chlorobenzene showed a higher affinity for 2C18-35-MM than C12-89-MM, which could not only be explained by the organic carbon content. The comparison with 2,4-dichlorophenol adsorption has implied that for the studied systems the different adsorption mechanisms are primarily governed by the different molecular properties and not by the type of absorbent. The presence of 2C18-35-MM caused no negative effect on the investigated microorganisms and complete biodegradation of chlorobenzene was achieved without desorption limitation for growth, demonstrating the applicability of partially modified organoclays for bioremediation.  相似文献   

The pesticide impact rating index (PIRI) has been integrated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) to enable regional assessment of pesticide impact on groundwater and surface water resources. The GIS version of PIRI (PIRI-GIS) was used to assess the impact of pre-planting atrazine use in the pine plantations on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia. The impact on groundwater was found to be spatially variable, mainly dependent on soil type and depth to groundwater, because land use variables were spatially constant. Areas with the greatest impact on groundwater were those where the soil had a low sorption capacity for atrazine. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of the sorption coefficient based on organic carbon (K oc) for atrazine was found to significantly improve the results from PIRI-GIS. Average values for K oc (i.e. based on overseas data) were too low for most of the local soil types, resulting in a general overestimation of pesticide impact on groundwater resources, but an underestimation of impact in areas that should be of greatest concern (i.e. where the soil has a low sorption capacity for atrazine).  相似文献   

Car manufacturers must eliminate automotive shredder residues (ASR). Two ways of incineration are of interest: at 850°C in municipal waste incinerators or at higher temperatures, above 1100°C in cement plants. These processes reduce the mass and the volume of waste to be disposed of in landfills and energy recovery might be possible. Regulations govern the emission of gaseous effluents to control environmental risk. To determine gaseous effluents from a pilot sacle or an industrial incineration plant, an artificial ASR was made by mixing three representative organic polymers present in the real ASR, namely polyvinylchloride, polyurethane and rubber. This mixture was incinerated at 850 and 1100°C in laboratory experiments and the analyses of the principal gaseous effluents such as carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, hydrochloric and hydrocyanic acids and sulphur compounds are presented and discussed. Lastly, in order to simulate artificial ASR behaviour, the composition of the combustion gases at equilibrium was calculated using a Gibbs energy minimisation code.  相似文献   

Modelling of environmental impacts from the application of treated organic municipal solid waste (MSW) in agriculture differs widely between different models for environmental assessment of waste systems. In this comparative study five models were examined concerning quantification and impact assessment of environmental effects from land application of treated organic MSW: DST (Decision Support Tool, USA), IWM (Integrated Waste Management, U.K.), THE IFEU PROJECT (Germany), ORWARE (ORganic WAste REsearch, Sweden) and EASEWASTE (Environmental Assessment of Solid Waste Systems and Technologies, Denmark). DST and IWM are life cycle inventory (LCI) models, thus not performing actual impact assessment. The DST model includes only one water emission (biological oxygen demand) from compost leaching in the results and IWM considers only air emissions from avoided production of commercial fertilizers. THE IFEU PROJECT, ORWARE and EASEWASTE are life cycle assessment (LCA) models containing more detailed land application modules. A case study estimating the environmental impacts from land application of 1 ton of composted source sorted organic household waste was performed to compare the results from the different models and investigate the origin of any difference in type or magnitude of the results. The contributions from the LCI models were limited and did not depend on waste composition or local agricultural conditions. The three LCA models use the same overall approach for quantifying the impacts of the system. However, due to slightly different assumptions, quantification methods and environmental impact assessment, the obtained results varied clearly between the models. Furthermore, local conditions (e.g. soil type, farm type, climate and legal regulation) and waste composition strongly influenced the results of the environmental assessment.  相似文献   

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