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Two gasoline qualities, European unleaded certified gasoline (EUCG) and California phase 2 reformulated gasoline (P2 RFG), were analysed. EUCG contained about twice the amount of alkyl benzenes compared to P2 RFG and a large amount of cyclohexane. As a balance, P2 RFG contained higher amounts of isooctane and MTBE. The gasolines were burned in a premixed laminar flame burner at 1 atm and at about stoichiometric fuel/air ratio. The species profiles were measured using on-line GC/MS. About 40 compounds were be detected in the gasoline flames. The EUCG resulted in formation of more reactive and toxic compounds. The combustion profiles of the fuel components showed a similar slope, which suggests that the fuel components burn quite independently of each other. Ethene and propene were the dominating species produced from the two gasolines. Commonly, substantial amounts of higher alkenes were found. Combustion of P2 RFG produced higher amounts of isobutene, propene, propyne, propadiene and methanol compared to combustion of EUCG. The high amount of isobutene is reasonably a result of high concentration of isooctane and MTBE in the fuel. The high amount of methanol formed is probably due to the MTBE present in the gasoline. EUCG produced significantly higher amounts of 1,3-butadiene, which quite likely is formed from the cyclohexane in the fuel. The benzene profiles from both gasolines shows an almost constant level up to 800 microm from the burner surface; this is probably due to formation of benzene from alkyl benzenes.  相似文献   


In mid-1996, California implemented Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline (RFG). The new fuel was designed to further decrease emissions of hydrocarbons (HCs), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and other toxic species. In addition, it was formulated to reduce the ozone-forming potential of the HCs emitted by vehicles. Previous studies have observed that emissions from on-road vehicles can differ significantly from those predicted by mobile source emissions models, and so it is important to quantify the change in emissions in a real-world setting. In October 1995, prior to the introduction of California Phase 2 RFG, the Desert Research Institute (DRI) performed a study of vehicle emissions in Los Angeles' Sepulveda Tunnel. This study provided a baseline against which the results of a second experiment, conducted in July 1996, could be compared to evaluate the impact of California Phase 2 RFG on emissions from real-world vehicles. Compared with the 1995 experiment, CO and NOx emissions exhibited statistically significant decreases, while the decrease in non-methane hydrocarbon emissions was not statistically significant.

Changes in the speciated HC emissions were evaluated. The benzene emission rate decreased by 27% and the overall emission rate of aromatic compounds decreased by 22% comparing the runs with similar speeds. Emissions of alkenes were virtually unchanged; however, emissions of combustion related unsaturates (e.g., acetylene, ethene) increased, while heavier alkenes decreased. The emission rate of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) exhibited a larger increase. Overall changes in the ozone-forming potential of the emissions were not significantly different, with the increased contributions to reactivity from paraffins, ole-fins, and MTBE being offset by a large decrease in reactivity due to aromatics.  相似文献   


Although there have been several studies examining emissions of criteria pollutants from in-use alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), little is known about emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from these vehicles. This paper explores HAP tailpipe emissions from a variety of AFVs operating in the federal government fleet and compares these emissions to emissions from identical vehicles operating on reformulated gasoline. Emissions estimates are presented for a variety of fuel/model combinations and on four HAPs (acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadi-ene, benzene, and formaldehyde). The results indicate that all AFVs tested offer reduced emissions of HAPs, with the following exceptions: ethanol fueled vehicles emit more acetaldehyde than RFG vehicles, and ethanol- and methanol-fueled vehicles emit more formaldehyde than RFG vehicles. The results from this paper can lead to more accurate emissions factors for HAPs, thus improving HAP inventory and associated risk estimates for both AFVs and conventional vehicles.  相似文献   


Mobile sources are among the largest contributors of four hazardous air pollutants—benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetal-dehyde, and formaldehyde—in urban areas. At the same time, federal and state governments are promoting the use of alternative fuel vehicles as a means to curb local air pollution. As yet, the impact of this movement toward alternative fuels with respect to toxic emissions has not been well studied. The purpose of this paper is to compare toxic emissions from vehicles operating on a variety of fuels, including reformulated gasoline (RFG), natural gas, ethanol, methanol, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity. This study uses a version of Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gas, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model, appropriately modified to estimate toxic emissions. The GREET model conducts a total fuel-cycle analysis that calculates emissions from both downstream (e.g., operation of the vehicle) and upstream (e.g., fuel production and distribution) stages of the fuel cycle. We find that almost all of the fuels studied reduce 1,3-buta-diene emissions compared with conventional gasoline (CG). However, the use of ethanol in E85 (fuel made with 85% ethanol) or RFG leads to increased acetaldehyde emissions, and the use of methanol, ethanol, and compressed natural gas (CNG) may result in increased formaldehyde emissions. When the modeling results for the four air toxics are considered together with their cancer risk factors, all the fuels and vehicle technologies show air toxic emission reduction benefits.  相似文献   

Mobile sources are among the largest contributors of four hazardous air pollutants--benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde--in urban areas. At the same time, federal and state governments are promoting the use of alternative fuel vehicles as a means to curb local air pollution. As yet, the impact of this movement toward alternative fuels with respect to toxic emissions has not been well studied. The purpose of this paper is to compare toxic emissions from vehicles operating on a variety of fuels, including reformulated gasoline (RFG), natural gas, ethanol, methanol, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity. This study uses a version of Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gas, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model, appropriately modified to estimate toxic emissions. The GREET model conducts a total fuel-cycle analysis that calculates emissions from both downstream (e.g., operation of the vehicle) and upstream (e.g., fuel production and distribution) stages of the fuel cycle. We find that almost all of the fuels studied reduce 1,3-butadiene emissions compared with conventional gasoline (CG). However, the use of ethanol in E85 (fuel made with 85% ethanol) or RFG leads to increased acetaldehyde emissions, and the use of methanol, ethanol, and compressed natural gas (CNG) may result in increased formaldehyde emissions. When the modeling results for the four air toxics are considered together with their cancer risk factors, all the fuels and vehicle technologies show air toxic emission reduction benefits.  相似文献   


The 1988 Alternative Motor Fuels Act and the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments require examination of the potential to favorably influence air quality by changing the composition of motor vehicle fuels. Motor vehicle tailpipe and evaporative emissions were characterized using laboratory simulations of roadway driving conditions and a variety of vehicle-fuel technologies (reformulated gasoline (RFG), methanol (M85), ethanol (E85), and natural gas (CNG)). Speciated organic compound (with Carter MIR ozone potential), CO, and NOx emission rates and fuel economy were characterized. The Carter MIR ozone potential of combined Federal Test Procedure (FTP) tailpipe and evaporative emissions was reduced more than 90% with CNG relative to RFG, M85, and E85 fuels. FTP toxic compound emissions (benzene, formaldehyde, acetalde-hyde, and 1,3-butadiene) were greater with M85 and E85 fuels than with RFG fuel, and less with CNG fuel than RFG fuel. The most abundant toxic compound was benzene with RFG fuel, formaldehyde with M85 fuel, and acetaldehyde with E85 fuel. FTP MPG fuel economies were reduced with M85 and E85 fuels relative to RFG fuel, consistent with their lower BTU/gal. Energy efficiencies (BTU/mi) were improved with all the alternative fuels relative to RFG. Carter MIR ozone potential was generally reduced with the alternative fuels relative to RFG fuel under REP05 (high speeds and acceleration rates) driving conditions (most significantly with CNG). Toxic aldehyde emissions were reduced under REP05 conditions relative to FTP conditions with all the tested fuels, and toxic benzene emissions were elevated under high acceleration conditions.  相似文献   

Mobile-source air toxic (MSAT) levels increase in confining microenvironments (MEs) with numerous emission sources of vehicle exhaust or evaporative emissions or during high-load and cold-start conditions. Reformulated fuels are expected to reduce MSAT and ozone precursor emissions. This study, required under the Clean Air Act Section 211b, evaluated high-end exposures in cities using reformulated (methyl tertiary-butyl ether [MTBE] or ethanol [EtOH]) fuels and conventional gasoline blends. The study investigates 13 high-end MEs, sampling under enhanced exposure conditions expected to result in maximal fuel and exhaust component exposures to carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes), MTBE, 1,3-butadiene (1,3-BD), EtOH, formaldehyde (HCHO), and acetaldehyde (CH3CHO). The authors found that day-to-day ME variations in high-end benzene, 1,3-BD, HCHO, and CO concentrations are substantial, but independent of gasoline composition and season, and related to the activity and emission rates of ME sources, which differ from day to day.

Implications: Mobile-source air toxic (MSAT) levels increase in confining microenvironments (MEs) in the presence of vehicular exhaust or evaporative emissions. This study, required under the Clean Air Act Section 211b, evaluated high-end exposures in cities using oxygenated (methyl tertiary-butyl ether or ethanol) and conventional gasoline blends. Personal exposure concentrations were quantified in selected MEs representing the upper end of the frequency distribution of potential population exposures. This work presents the first systematic look at high-end/maximal exposures to multiple contaminants, in multiple microenvironments, in multiple cities, over two seasons, for multiple fuels, making it a very complete evaluation of reformulated fuel impacts on MSAT concentrations in confined microenvironments. The study found that day-to-day ME variations of high-end pollutant concentrations are substantial, but independent of gasoline composition and season, and related to the variable daily activity and emission rates of ME sources. The data collected in this study may be used in bounding exposure modeling estimates that account for time spent in similar confining MEs.  相似文献   

Reformulated gasoline (RFG) contains oxygen additives such as methyl tertiary butyl ether or ethanol. The additives enable vehicles to burn fuel with a higher air/fuel ratio, thereby lowering the emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Because VOCs react with sunlight to form ozone (O3), the Clean Air Act requires severe O3 nonattainment areas such as southeastern Wisconsin to use RFG. On July 17, 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL, a waiver from the VOC reduction requirement of Phase II RFG. The VOC reduction requirement was lowered from 27.4% of the 1990 baseline fuel to 25.4%. The assumption was that ethanol-blended RFG would lower summertime CO concentrations sufficiently to offset the increased VOC emissions. The waiver is estimated to increase VOC emissions by approximately 0.8%, or 0.4 t of VOC on a hot summer weekday. This study evaluates whether RFG has been effective in lowering southeastern Wisconsin ambient CO concentrations. Three years of ambient CO data before RFG was introduced were compared with the first three years of ambient CO data after RFG was introduced. This paper also evaluates how the meteorology, vehicle inspection/maintenance program, vehicle miles traveled, and stationary source emissions influence CO concentrations. The winter decrease in ambient CO concentrations was found to be statistically significant, while the summer data showed no statistically significant change, indicating that RFG is most effective lowering ambient CO concentrations in cold weather.  相似文献   

During the last decade, a number of studies have been devoted to the sources and emissions of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) at regional and global scales. While significant improvements in knowledge have been achieved for some pesticides, the quantitative understanding of the emission processes and emission patterns for "non-pesticide" POPs are still considered limited. The key issues remaining for the non-pesticide POPs are in part determined by their general source classification. For industrial chemicals, such as the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), there is considerable uncertainty with respect to the relative importance of atmospheric emissions from various source categories. For PCBs, temperature is discussed as a potential key factor influencing atmospheric emission levels and patterns. When it comes to the unintentional by-products of combustion and industrial processes (PCDD/Fs), there is still a large uncertainty with respect to the relative contribution of emissions from unregulated sources such as backyard barrel burning that requires further consideration and characterisation. For hexachlorobenzene (HCB), the relative importance of primary and secondary atmospheric emissions in controlling current atmospheric concentrations remains one of the key uncertainties. While these and other issues may remain unresolved, knowledge concerning the emissions of POPs is a prerequisite for any attempt to understand and predict the distribution and fate of these chemicals on a regional and global scale as well as to efficiently minimise future environmental burdens.  相似文献   

On December 16, 1993, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final rule on reformulated gasoline (RFG). This rule will affect the composition of as much as 45% of the gasoline used in the United States by the summer of 1995. The acceptance of any gasoline component lies in its ability to contribute to the RFG program's environmental goals. This study was conducted to determine the effect of water and ethanol denaturant on gasoline Reid vapor pressure (RVP) for which little quantitative data are available. This paper addresses two new areas where environmental goals may be achieved while maintaining the use of ethanol-blended gasolines within ozone nonattainment areas.  相似文献   


Reformulated gasoline (RFG) contains oxygen additives such as methyl tertiary butyl ether or ethanol. The additives enable vehicles to burn fuel with a higher air/fuel ratio, thereby lowering the emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Because VOCs react with sunlight to form ozone (O3), the Clean Air Act requires severe O3 nonattainment areas such as southeastern Wisconsin to use RFG. On July 17, 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL, a waiver from the VOC reduction requirement of Phase II RFG. The VOC reduction requirement was lowered from 27.4% of the 1990 baseline fuel to 25.4%. The assumption was that ethanol-blended RFG would lower summertime CO concentrations sufficiently to offset the increased VOC emissions. The waiver is estimated to increase VOC emissions by ~0.8%, or 0.4 t of VOC on a hot summer weekday. This study evaluates whether RFG has been effective in lowering southeastern Wisconsin ambient CO concentrations. Three years of ambient CO data before RFG was introduced were compared with the first three years of ambient CO data after RFG was introduced. This paper also evaluates how the meteorology, vehicle inspection/maintenance program, vehicle miles traveled, and stationary source emissions influence CO concentrations. The winter decrease in ambient CO concentrations was found to be statistically significant, while the summer data showed no statistically significant change, indicating that RFG is most effective lowering ambient CO concentrations in cold weather.  相似文献   

In this work, the primary objective was to assess the impact of oxygenated fuel on the exhaust emissions from an important fraction of vehicles in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (MAMC). The results aim to provide information on the actual effect of MTBE on a fleet that represents more than 60% of the in-use vehicles in the MAMC. Ten vehicles were tested with a low-octane base gasoline, and 10 more with a regular-grade unleaded base gasoline. Three MTBE concentrations, 5, 10, and 15 vol %, were tested following the U.S. Federal Test Procedure (FTP). CO, total HC, and NOx from the exhaust gases were quantitatively evaluated and also characterized for FTP speciated organic emissions. From this data, the O3-forming potential of the fuels was calculated. Results show that for the fleet using low-octane gasoline, the addition of 10% MTBE substantially reduced CO emissions, but total HC concentration in the exhaust showed a modest decrease. For the regular gasoline, the 10% MTBE blend seemed to be the best choice, but there was not a significant decrease in emissions. The specific reactivity of each fuel, expressed in grams of O3 per gram of nonmethane organic gases, increased with MTBE concentration in both cases. This result is important to consider, especially for a region like Mexico City, which has high atmospheric O3 concentrations.  相似文献   


This study examines exhaust emissions from 11 vehicles tested on compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, methanol, ethanol, and reformulated gasoline fuels (22 vehicle/ fuel combinations). The paper highlights ozone precursor and toxic emissions. Emission rates from some of the presumably well-maintained, low-mileage test vehicles were higher than expected, but fuel effects were consistent with findings of similar studies. Aggregate toxic and non-methane organic emission rates from the variable/flexible fuel vehicles were higher with alcohol fuels than with reformulated gasoline. Lower specific reactivities for emissions with the alcohol fuels offset this negative trait. Specific reactivities of the organic emissions with the alternative fuels were consistently lower than those with the gasoline blends. Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuels had the lowest values. Although specific reactivities were expected to vary from fuel-to-fuel, they also varied considerably from vehicle-to-vehicle.  相似文献   

In New York State, the calculation of air contaminant emissions from a variety of sources is an essential part of comprehensive air pollution studies. The tables used to calculate emissions were obtained from an extensive literature search and modified to apply to New York State conditions. For example, sulfur dioxide emission factors for coal were selected to reflect the average sulfur content of the coal sold in New York State. Since the literature contains a wide array of emission factors, it was necessary to evaluate the factors and select those which would be most appropriate for the techniques used in conducting the comprehensive studies in New York State. This paper does not present the emission tables themselves but does outline the development of such tables for use in nonprocess calculations, i.e., combustion for heat and power of bituminous and anthracite coal, distillate and residual oil, natural and bottled gas; combustion of gasoline and diesel in internal combustion engines; burning of refuse in dumps and incinerators; and evaporation of gasoline from marketing operations.  相似文献   

Emissions from a 1988 GM Corsica with adaptive learning closed loop control were measured with 4 fuels at 40, 75, and 90 degrees F. Evaporative and exhaust emissions were examined from each fuel at each test temperature. Test fuels were unleaded summer grade gasoline; a blend of this gasoline containing 8.1 percent ethanol; a refiner's blend stock; and the blend stock containing 16.2 percent methyl tertiary butyl ether. The ethanol and MTBE blends contained 3.0 percent oxygen by weight. Regulated emissions (total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen), detailed aldehydes, detailed hydrocarbons, ethanol, MTBE, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene were determined. The highest levels of regulated emissions were produced at the lower temperature. Blended fuels produced almost twice the evaporative hydrocarbon emissions at high temperatures as did the base fuels. Benzene emissions varied with fuels and operating temperatures, while 1,3-butadiene emissions decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. Formaldehyde emissions were not sensitive to fuel or temperature changes. Ethanol fuel blend total aldehyde emissions increased by 40 percent due to increased acetaldehyde emissions. Fuel blends had approximately a 3 percent economy decrease. The MTBE fuel blend appeared to offer the most reduction in total hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen for the fuels and temperatures tested.  相似文献   

The new millennium ushers in changes for refiners of automobile gasoline in the United States, as well as for the state and federal regulators who establish guidelines for gasoline formulation and environmental regulation governing the fate of gasoline-related chemicals in the nation's air, soil and groundwater. One current issue in the gasoline formulation debate centers on the comparison of the proven benefits of the addition of chemical oxygenates—especially methyltert -butyl ether (MTBE)—to gasoline (to improve tailpipe emission quality) against the presumed environmental problems caused by the presence of oxygenates in ground- and surface waters due to fugitive releases of gasoline. Credible debate on this subject presumes that current and past environmental monitoring data for MTBE in environmental samples is accurate and precise. Experience suggests that this assumption is not correct, in part because certain analytical methodologies—particularly older methods supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—can fall short of reasonable data quality goals for measurement of MTBE. This Technical Note summarizes the standard EPA methods available to site investigators who need to measure MTBE in environmental media, the limitations and advantages of these measurement techniques, and recommendations for improving these standard EPA methods to yield the highest quality MTBE environmental residue data.  相似文献   

Emissions from a 1988 GM Corsica with adaptive learning closed loop control were measured with 4 fuels at 40, 75, and 90° F. Evaporative and exhaust emissions were examined from each fuel at each test temperature. Test fuels were unleaded summer grade gasoline; a blend of this gasoline containing 8.1 percent ethanol; a refiner’s blend stock; and the blend stock containing 16.2 percent methyl tertiary butyl ether. The ethanol and MTBE blends contained 3.0 percent oxygen by weight. Regulated emissions (total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen), detailed aldehydes, detailed hydrocarbons, ethanol, MTBE, benzene, and 1, 3-butadiene were determined.

The highest levels of regulated emissions were produced at the lower temperature. Blended fuels produced almost twice the evaporative hydrocarbon emissions at high temperatures as did the base fuels. Benzene emissions varied with fuels and operating temperatures, while 1, 3-butadiene emissions decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. Formaldehyde emissions were not sensitive to fuel or temperature changes. Ethanol fuel blend total aldehyde emissions Increased by 40 percent due to increased acetaldehyde emissions.

Fuel blends had approximately a 3 percent economy decrease. The MTBE fuel blend appeared to offer the most reduction in total hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen for the fuels and temperatures tested.  相似文献   

Oxyfuel combustion is a promising technology that may greatly facilitate carbon capture and sequestration by increasing the relative CO2 content of the combustion emission stream. However, the potential effect of enhanced oxygen combustion conditions on emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants (e.g., acid gases, particulates, metals and organics) is not well studied. It is possible that combustion under oxyfuel conditions could produce emissions posing different risks than those currently being managed by the power industry (e.g., by changing the valence state of metals). The data available for addressing these concerns are quite limited and are typically derived from laboratory-scale or pilot-scale tests. A review of the available data does suggest that oxyfuel combustion may decrease the air emissions of some pollutants (e.g., SO2, NOx, particulates) whereas data for other pollutants are too limited to draw any conclusions. The oxy-combustion systems that have been proposed to date do not have a conventional “stack” and combustion flue gas is treated in such a way that solid or liquid waste streams are the major outputs. Use of this technology will therefore shift emissions from air to solid or liquid waste streams, but the risk management implications of this potential change have yet to be assessed. Truly useful studies of the potential effects of oxyfuel combustion on power plant emissions will require construction of integrated systems containing a combustion system coupled to a CO2 processing unit. Sampling and analysis to assess potential emission effects should be an essential part of integrated system tests.

Implications: Oxyfuel combustion may facilitate carbon capture and sequestration by increasing the relative CO2 content of the combustion emission stream. However, the potential effect of enhanced oxygen combustion conditions on emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants has not been well studied. Combustion under oxyfuel conditions could produce emissions posing different risks than those currently being managed by the power industry. Therefore, before moving further with oxyfuel combustion as a new technology, it is appropriate to summarize the current understanding of potential emissions risk and to identify data gaps as priorities for future research.  相似文献   

甲基叔丁基醚的污染治理技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)是一种无铅汽油添加剂,其广泛使用造成了土壤和地下水污染;同时对人类有可疑致癌作用,因此成为人们关注的焦点.对近年来国外MTBE的污染治理技术研究进展进行了综述,并对主要方法进行了对比.在适宜的微生物存在条件下,MTBE的生物降解是可以发生的;植物修复技术可用于地下水和土壤污染治理;物理化学方法种类繁多,包括吸附和高级氧化等,其处理效率高成本也较高;新的处理技术如渗透性活性障壁PRB、膜分离/催化技术等也在研究之中.  相似文献   

The recent controversy over the use of MTBE within gasoline to boost oxygen content and decrease carbon monoxide emissions to the atmosphere has led to a proposed phase-out of this compound by 2002. This paper is a preliminary investigation into the use of gas chromatography isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (GCIRMS) to determine both carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of MTBE as a means of differentiating sources of MTBE. Three pure MTBE samples were purchased from chemical distributors. Little variation of the δ13C values were observed although the samples had isotopically distinct δ-D values. Four different methods of obtaining carbon isotope ratios of neat MTBE, MTBE in gasoline, and MTBE in water are described, and the precision and accuracy of each is discussed. The carbon isotopic compositions of MTBE within 10 gasoline samples from three different areas of the United States show a wide range of carbon isotope compositions. This novel method of MTBE analysis could be valuable in forensic investigations.  相似文献   

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