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尚勇自然保护区周边地区社会经济现状及可持续发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用多种调查技术与方法,对尚勇自然保护区周边地区社会经济现状进行分析,该区存在群众文化素质偏低,医疗卫生状况较差,农业生产方式落后,保护区管理缺乏群众参与,保护区管理部门与周边乡村关系不够融洽等问题,针对这些问题,相应地提出了社区社会经济可持续发展的一系列对策。  相似文献   

张旋 《农村生态环境》1996,12(2):6-8,16
雷公山自然保护区以秃杉等珍稀濒危物种和中亚热带山地森林生态系统为主要保护对象,10多年来,保护区在认真做好自然保护工作的同时,引导地方群众发展生产、脱贫致富、探索了许多适度开发当地资源的实用技术和有效的经济发展模式,促进了经济地方经济发展,改善了当发群众生活,增强了保护区经济活力。在分析保护区发展现状的基础上,针对目前存在问题,提出保护区今后发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

雷公山自然保护区以秃杉等珍稀濒危物种和中亚热带山地森林生态系统为主要保护对象。10多年来,保护区在认真做好自然保护工作的同时,引导地方群众发展生产、脱贫致富,探索了许多适度开发当地资源的实用技术和有效的经济发展模式,促进了地方经济发展,改善了当地群众生活,增强了保护区经济活力。在分析保护区发展现状的基础上,针对目前存在问题,提出保护区今后发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

武夷山自然保护区资源管理中社区参与机制的探讨   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
武夷山保护区在处理自然保护与社区发展之间的关系以及推动社区与保护区管理方面已取得了一些成功的经验。但是,从当地现有的社区参与管理的模式来看,不仅社区参与程度较低,而且在某种程度上处于被动参与状态,保护区缺少一种激励机制 导群众自觉参与保护。  相似文献   

本文在对海南岛铜鼓岭自然保护区实际调查的基础上,为解决保护区管理中的一些主要问题,提出一些能够发挥当地热带自然条件优势、合理且持续利用自然资源的技术途径,即建立一个以沼气发酵为中心枢纽,将种植业、养殖业、加工业及人类生活能源等有机相联的综合生产系统。这将改善保护区缓冲区及其周围地区退化土地的生产力,提高经济、社会和环境三个效益,从而促进对核心区的有效管理和保护。  相似文献   

武夷山自然保护区在处理自然保护与社区发展之间的关系以及推动社区参与保护区管理方面已取得了一些成功的经验。但是,从当地现有的社区参与管理的模式来看,不仅社区参与程度较低,而且在某种程度上处于被动参与状态,保护区缺少一种激励机制来引导群众自觉参与保护。作者提出了在保护区建立旅游股份合作制公司的构想,并阐述了其运行机制。  相似文献   

西藏自治区自然保护区事业的现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了西藏自治区保护区事业的发展概况和现状,指出了目前保护区建设与管理中存在的主要问题,对今后保护区的规划与发展提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

在阐述我国自然保护区现状的基础上,重点分析了保护区存在的主要问题以及自然保护与社会经济持续发展的辨证关系,提出了我国自然保护区持续发展的有关建议与对策。  相似文献   

介绍了西藏自治区保护区事业的发展概况和现状,指出了目前保护区建设与管理中存在的主要问题,对今后保护区的规划与发展提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

中国自然保护区经费政策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过资料调研和问卷调查 ,分析了我国自然保护区的投资和创收现状及其存在的问题 ,认为保护区的投资远不能满足保护区的需要 ,而保护区的创收极其有限 ,因此增加国家和地方政府的投资是解决保护区经费短缺矛盾的根本措施。国家财政应设立经常性科目用于国家级自然保护区的建设与管理。同时应积极拓展自然保护区建设的资金渠道 ,发展保护区产业 ,完善和实施生态环境补偿费政策 ,制定有利的税收政策 ,实行优惠扶贫政策 ,并加强自然保护区经费的监督与管理  相似文献   

概括了自然保护区与社区的统一性和矛盾 ,分析了自然保护区与社区协调发展存在的主要问题 ,提出了自然保护区与社区协调发展的途径与方法 ,总结了一些保护区与社区协调发展的有效模式 ,包括政区合署模式、协调机构模式、保护与扶贫相结合模式、经济上双赢模式和公众参与模式  相似文献   

Global biodiversity loss is largely driven by human activities such as the conversion of natural to human-dominated landscapes. A popular approach to mitigating land cover change is the designation of protected areas (e.g., nature reserves). Nature reserves are traditionally perceived as strongholds of biodiversity conservation. However, many reserves are affected by land cover changes not only within their boundaries, but also in their surrounding areas. This study analyzed the changes in habitat for the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) inside Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China, and in a 3-km buffer area outside its boundaries, through a time series of classified satellite imagery and field observations. Habitat connectivity between the inside and the outside of the reserve diminished between 1965 and 2001 because panda habitat was steadily lost both inside and outside the reserve. However, habitat connectivity slightly increased between 1997 and 2001 due to the stabilization of some panda habitat inside and outside the reserve. This stabilization most likely occurred as a response to changes in socioeconomic activities (e.g., shifts from agricultural to nonagricultural economies). Recently implemented government policies could further mitigate the impacts of land cover change on panda habitat. The results suggest that Wolong Nature Reserve, and perhaps other nature reserves in other parts of the world, cannot be managed as an isolated entity because habitat connectivity declines with land cover changes outside the reserve even if the area inside the reserve is well protected. The findings and approaches presented in this paper may also have important implications for the management of other nature reserves across the world.  相似文献   

在调查研究的基础上 ,首先分析了皖东地区中药材资源的优势 ,建立了包括利用价值系数、利用现状系数、濒危系数、栽培系数、分布系数、蕴藏系数 6个评价指标的“中药材优先开发”指标体系 ,据此将皖东地区国家和省规定普查的 2 37种中药材确定为一级优先开发的有 6种、二级优先开发的有 79种、三级优先开发的有 96种、暂缓开发的有 5 6种。最后 ,以中药材资源的开发利用与保护为目的 ,将皖东地区划分为低山丘陵药材保护区、浅丘岗地药材开发区、沿湖河药材利用区以及沿淮洼地药材扩大区  相似文献   

Abstract: Conservation biologists have developed powerful tools for reserve selection and design over the past two decades, yet seldom are protected areas actually designed on scientific grounds. Using fundamental biological and socioeconomic principles of conservation science, we designed a new protected area and its multiple-use zone on the Masoala Peninsula in the humid forest zone of Madagascar. The explicit design criteria determined the data gathered for the work, which included (1) spatial distribution and quality of habitat, (2) the areas and species at greatest risk, (3) the relationship between environmental gradients and species distributions, (4) current and predicted human settlement and land and resource use, and (5) the economic potential of natural forest management as an alternative to deforestation. We used a geographic information system to integrate these data layers and applied the design criteria to develop a park proposal that balanced human and wildlife needs. The proposal won the approval of local residents, and a national decree in 1997 designated 2100 km2 of rainforest and three satellite marine reserves as the Masoala National Park, with a surrounding multiple-use zone of approximately 1000 km2. The new park is Madagascar's largest protected area and protects more lowland (<400 m) humid forest habitat than the entire reserve system combined, a significant step forward in conserving a globally important ecoregion. Consideration of local needs and the national economy was a key element in gaining approval for the Masoala Park. Such an approach toward reserve design could be applied elsewhere to improve chances of establishing and maintaining protected areas over the long term.  相似文献   

Many tropical nature reserves are woefully understaffed or exist only on paper. Without effective implementation, tropical reserves cannot count on in situ enforcement and consequently are subject to a wide range of invasive threats. Weak institutional structures are aggravated by reserve designs that facilitate rather than discourage unlawful human activities. Taking into account severe financial and institutional constraints, we consider the current status of forest reserves in lowland Amazonia. We ask how the criteria by which reserves are delimited may affect the efficiency with which the contained areas are defended. In a GIS analysis, we found that 40 to 100% of the area of all existing nature reserves in Brazilian Amazonia are directly accessible via navigable rivers and/or functional roads. Such access greatly facilitates the illegal harvest and conversion of forest resources in a region where each guard is responsible for protecting an area larger than the State of Delaware. Cost-effective defense of large areas can be achieved through appropriate delimitation of reserves along watershed divides and by efficient deployment of limited infrastructure and personnel. Given current and probable future levels of financial resources allocated to reserve maintenance in Amazonia, any new nature reserves in this region should be designed and situated so that their defensibility is maximized. Defensibility criteria should complement site considerations based on biological criteria, such as presumed centers of diversity and endemism.  相似文献   

苍山洱海是国家级自然保护区,同时又是国家级风景名胜区,由于旅游业的开展而引发的环境、生态问题日趋突出。针对客观实际,在保护和开发并举的原则下,对该区域的旅游区、旅游模式等进行了规划,提出了旅游区域的环境保护指标、旅游容量,同时制定了相应的管理措施  相似文献   

广西金钟山自然保护区鱼类资源考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年11月14日至12月17日,在广西金钟山自然保护区内水域中共获淡水鱼类样品110余号,结合以往的调查资料。初步确定保护区淡水鱼类共有52种,分别隶属于4目13科1.45属.通过对保护区鱼类资源的实地考察,从生态区系的角度叙述了保护区野生鱼类资源的区系概况和分布特点,并对保护区鱼类资源的管理和合理利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

The present dispersion of nature reserves in South Africa is the historical result of a series of ad hoc decisions and may not be biologically optimal We have adopted a method to identify the optimal geography of nature reserves for the conservation of South Africa's snake fauna. The method of reserve selection operated on two tiers, and the spatial unit of analysis was a quarter-degree-square cell (∼625 km2). First, two scoring indices were used to rank cells with respect to species richness or to rarity. Second, two different iterative reserve-selection algorithms selected sets of cells (reserves), where each set represented all snake species at least once. Finally, the selected cells were examined for their present level of protection and their ranked scores. Depending on the algorithm chosen, only 23 or 29 cells were required to represent all species at least once; 72–78% of these cells already contained some level of protection; 59–70% of cells fell in areas of high species richness; and 72–91% of cells fell in areas with high rarity scores. Thus we conclude that most of the snake species in South Africa may be adequately protected with only modest acquisition of new reserves, and that the iterative algorithms appear to be efficient at siting cells in areas of high richness and rarity. We recommend that the reserve placement method outlined in this report be applied to as many other taxa as possible in the formulation of a national plan for an optimal reserve system for South Africa.  相似文献   

International case studies of protected area performance increasingly report that conservation and socio‐economic outcomes are interdependent. Effective conservation requires support and cooperation from local governments and communities, which in turn requires that protected areas contribute to the economic well‐being of the communities in which they are sited. Despite increasing recognition of their importance, robust studies that document the socio‐economic impacts of protected areas are rare, especially in the developed world context. We proposed 3 potential pathways through which protected areas might benefit local communities in the developed world: the improved local housing value, local business stimulus, and increased local funding pathways. We examined these pathways by undertaking a statistical longitudinal analysis of 110 regional and rural communities covering an area of approximately 600,000 km2 in southeastern Australia. We compared trends in 10 socio‐economic indicators describing employment, income, housing, business development and local government revenue from 2000 to 2010. New protected areas acquisitions led to an increased number of new dwelling approvals and associated developer contributions, increased local business numbers, and increased local government revenue from user‐pays services and grants. Longer‐term effects of established protected areas included increased local council revenue from a variety of sources. Our findings provide support for each of our 3 proposed benefit pathways and contribute new insights into the cycling of benefits from protected areas through the economy over time. The business and legislative models in our study are typical of those operating in many other developed countries; thus, the benefit pathways reported in our study are likely to be generalizable. By identifying and communicating socio‐economic benefits from terrestrial protected areas in a developed world context, our findings represent an important step in securing local support and ongoing high‐level protection for key components of the world's biodiversity.  相似文献   

中国西部自然保护区与周边社区协调发展的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析了目前中国西部自然保护区建设和管理的质量问题基础上 ,认为推行社区参与保护区共管是提高保护区管护质量的首选途径 ,并系统阐明社区参与组成共管体系的原则和技术路线以及一些模式化成果。最后 ,指出在实施社区参与共管过程中存在的 3个问题。  相似文献   

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