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韩毅 《安防科技》2003,(8):63-63
随着全球安防行业的不断发展、安防科技的普及和安防产品的大众化,使得安防业三大组成:人、物、技之一的"技防"渗入到了大众生活中.企业、家庭安全中的"技防"比重逐年增大,渐呈"一发不可收拾"之势头.随之而来的众多安防需求,向安防界提出了新要求:制造业和服务业的分化.他们中一部分人仍留制造业,靠其规模经济和大批量生产获取利润,以带动新技术和新产品的不断问世.而另一部分人则依靠向社会提供各种各样有效的安防类服务来挣钱,以此促进安防产品的市场效益.这正是安防行业的新分支--安防服务业.  相似文献   

企业安全高层的职责和法规要求,NEBOSHT作场所健康与安全资格考试课程,HAZOP领导,HSE培训师培训,  相似文献   

本文针对特种设备检验的社会化问题进行了探讨,着重对社会检验机构的独立性、公正性和公益服务性问题进行了分析。就如何更好的保证特种设备安全的情况下引进民间资本参与检验以及如何确保检验机构的公正性和公益服务性提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

Objectives: In this study, we aimed to determine whether three minimum legal drinking age 21 (MLDA-21) laws—dram shop liability, responsible beverage service (RBS) training, and state control of alcohol sales—have had an impact on underage drinking and driving fatal crashes using annual state-level data, and compared states with strong laws to those with weak laws to examine their effect on beer consumption and fatal crash ratios.

Methods: Using the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, we calculated the ratio of drinking to nondrinking drivers under age 21 involved in fatal crashes as our key outcome measure. We used structural equation modeling to evaluate the three MLDA-21 laws. We controlled for covariates known to impact fatal crashes including: 17 additional MLDA-21 laws; administrative license revocation; blood alcohol concentration limits of.08 and.10 for driving; seat belt laws; sobriety checkpoint frequency; unemployment rates; and vehicle miles traveled. Outcome variables, in addition to the fatal crash ratios of drinking to nondrinking drivers under age 21 included state per capita beer consumption.

Results: Dram shop liability laws were associated with a 2.4% total effect decrease (direct effects: β =.019, p =.018). Similarly, RBS training laws were associated with a 3.6% total effect decrease (direct effect: β =.048, p =.001) in the ratio of drinking to nondrinking drivers under age 21 involved in fatal crashes. There was a significant relationship between dram shop liability law strength and per capita beer consumption, F (4, 1528) = 24.32, p <.001, partial η2 =.016, showing states with strong dram shop liability laws (Mean (M) = 1.276) averaging significantly lower per capita beer consumption than states with weak laws (M = 1.340).

Conclusions: Dram shop liability laws and RBS laws were both associated with significantly reduced per capita beer consumption and fatal crash ratios. In practical terms, this means that dram shop liability laws are currently associated with saving an estimated 64 lives in the 45 jurisdictions that currently have the law. If the remaining 6 states adopted the dram shop law, an additional 9 lives could potentially be saved annually. Similarly, RBS training laws are associated with saving an estimated 83 lives in the 37 jurisdictions that currently have the laws. If the remaining 14 states adopted these RBS training laws, we estimate that an additional 28 lives could potentially be saved.  相似文献   

1引述 行为科学家发现:无序排队是导致客户流失的一条主要原因.研究结果表明:等候超过10分钟,情绪开始急躁;超过20分钟,情绪表现厌烦;超过40分钟,常因恼火而离去,而其中如出现"加塞"、"插队"现象,情况还将更加糟糕.  相似文献   

为进一步提高企业安全管理水平和能力,提升政府安全监管力度,本文阐释了安全管家的概念与内涵,提出了以安全管家为核心,构建"安全管家+政府"和"安全管家+企业"的双重安全管理与服务模式,探析了安全管家在以"安全管家+政府"和"安全管家+企业"为两个主线的政府和企业全生命周期中的专业技术服务内容与重点问题。该模式通过在烟台市芝罘区部分企业进行实践,收到了良好的效果,表明了安全管理服务模式的科学性,安全管家能够作为安全智库,为企业和政府提供全生命周期的专业技术服务,能够促使政府、企业、安全管家形成安全管理的合力,有助于形成良好的安全生产局面,促进经济社会和谐健康安全发展。  相似文献   

Objectives: Nationally, animal–motor vehicle crashes (AVCs) account for 4.4% of all types of motor vehicle crashes (MVCs). AVCs are a safety risk for drivers and animals and many National Park Service (NPS) units (e.g., national park, national monument, or national parkway) have known AVC risk factors, including rural locations and substantial animal densities. We sought to describe conditions and circumstances involving AVCs to guide traffic and wildlife management for prevention of AVCs in select NPS units.

Methods: We conducted an analysis using NPS law enforcement MVC data. An MVC is a collision involving an in-transit motor vehicle that occurred or began on a public roadway. An AVC is characterized as a collision between a motor vehicle and an animal. A non-AVC is a crash between a motor vehicle and any object other than an animal or noncollision event (e.g., rollover crash). The final data for analysis included 54,068 records from 51 NPS units during 1990–2013. Counts and proportions were calculated for categorical variables and medians and ranges were calculated for continuous variables. We used Pearson’s chi-square to compare circumstances of AVCs and non-AVCs. Data were compiled at the park regional level; NPS parks are assigned to 1 of 7 regions based on the park’s location.

Results: AVCs accounted for 10.4% (5,643 of 54,068) of all MVCs from 51 NPS units. The Northeast (2,021 of 5,643; 35.8%) and Intermountain (1,180 of 5,643; 20.9%) regions had the largest percentage of the total AVC burden. November was the peak month for AVCs across all regions (881 of 5,643; 15.6%); however, seasonality varied by park geographic regions. The highest counts of AVCs were reported during fall for the National Capital, Northeast/Southeast, and Northeast regions; winter for the Southeast region; and summer for Intermountain and Pacific West regions.

Conclusions: AVCs represent a public health and wildlife safety concern for NPS units. AVCs in select NPS units were approximately 2-fold higher than the national percentage for AVCs. The peak season for AVCs varied by NPS region. Knowledge of region-specific seasonality patterns for AVCs can help NPS staff develop mitigation strategies for use primarily during peak AVC months. Improving AVC data collection might provide NPS with a more complete understanding of risk factors and seasonal trends for specific NPS units. By collecting information concerning the animal species hit, park managers can better understand the impacts of AVC to wildlife population health.  相似文献   

浅谈森林生态系统服务功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学的进步和环境问题的日益突出,使人们愈来愈关注生态系统的服务功能,本文将就森林生态系统服务功能的三个方面,即生态服务功能、生产功能、景观与社会文化功能,做初步探讨,以使人们对其功能有更加全面的认识。  相似文献   

介绍了河南天宏焦化公司80型焦炉机焦侧操作平台损坏程度、更换的准备、拆除和安装的过程,更换后,电流稳定,操作正常.对更换过程中应注意的问题及改进意见进行了分析.  相似文献   

新时期消防工作发展思路   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和社会管理体制的变化 ,消防工作也面临着新形势。笔者认为 ,消防工作社会化是适应形势发展的必然要求 ,要在全社会建立起各级人民政府领导下的单位责任自负、隐患自除、风险自担 ,公安消防机构依法实施监督的消防社会化运行机制。新时期消防工作应通过以下方式实现社会化 :进一步完善消防法规体系 ;强化消防安全的基础性地位 ;加强宣传普及基本的消防知识 ;发展消防安全中介组织 ;建立消防安全评价制度和科学评价体系 ;依法实施消防监督  相似文献   

我国正处在经济腾飞、社会转型时期,产业形态具有复杂、多样的特征,既有前工业时代作坊式的产业,也有现代大工业,后工业时代的产业.不同产业形态中的劳动关系,在有着很多共同特征的同时,又有着各自独有的特征,很难用一种固化、单一的法律规范进行一刀切式的调整.问题在于,我国现行劳动法恰恰明显地存在着这样的问题,不分产业形态,不论规模大小,均适用统一的劳动合同制度.  相似文献   

针对公路应急救援进行了较为全面而深入的研究,分析系统中的各个组成环节,提出依据救援呼叫(CFS)的概率建立ESSR应急救援单元的新思路,建立救援单元模型,进行仿真分析,得出救援设施数量安排策略。制定了ESSR系统整体最优化模型,并利用matlab软件进行仿真分析,获得紧急救援最佳方案。为公路和市政道路管理者全面收集和分析信息资料,管理应急救援系统提供依据。通过模型仿真可评估和优化管理设施,实现信息和决策支持,提高了配备资源,快速高效处理交通突发事件能力。  相似文献   

滤袋使用寿命预计的必要性及其判据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了预测袋式除尘器用滤料使用寿命的意义,在评价现用预测方法利弊的基础上,提出以“设计寿命”为基础。以除尘器运行工况、抽样检测数据为依据,判断滤料“剩余寿命”的方法,经实践证明该方法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

为进一步规范职业卫生技术服务机构档案管理及实验室的布局与管理,保证职业卫生技术服务工作的质量,国家安全监管总局研究制定了《职业卫生技术服务档案管理规范》和《职业卫生技术服务机构实验布局与管理规范》,并以安监总厅安健〔2015〕93号文予以发布,请认真执行。  相似文献   

质量功能配置 (QFD)原理应用于客运安全管理 ,对客运企业的安全生产具有重大的现实意义。介绍并分析了QFD用于服务设计领域的基本原理、模型及其特点 ;在此基础上 ,将QFD应用技术结合客运安全服务质量管理进行了探索和研究 ,详细阐述了客运安全服务QFD设计 4个阶段的具体程序和方法 ;最后 ,指出QFD在提高客运安全服务质量管理的重要作用  相似文献   

基于RFID技术的剧毒危化品物流服务平台研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高我国的剧毒危化品物流安全监管和信息化水平。结合剧毒品氰化钾的物流过程,提出一个基于RFID技术的剧毒危化品物流服务平台解决方案。研究的重点是适用于剧毒品氰化钾圆罐的主动式RFID电子标签研发,以及RFID中间件和基于B/S的应用系统开发。通过剧毒品物流服务平台的开发,表明该方案从数据采集、网络传输、智能应用3个层次解决剧毒品物流中监控和信息共享等问题,实现剧毒品仓储、运输过程安全监管和物流管理及服务的信息化。此外,该平台符合物联网建设的整体结构,其扩展能力强。  相似文献   

核电站电缆安全使用寿命评定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对核电站电缆寿命评定试验的若干要素,结合该类电缆常用的两种高分子绝缘材料即交联聚乙烯和低烟无卤交联聚乙烯的特点,设计了完善其安全寿命评定试验的方案,并按相关要求进行长达5000h的试验,该方案运用数理统计中准确性较高的最小二乘法原理对试验数据进行处理,克服了以电性能加速老化手段评估电缆安全寿命时准确性较差的缺陷。最终结果验证了该类电缆能够满足其使用60年的要求,对核电站电缆的设计及安全运行具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

侯乾  姚念岗 《安全》2019,40(2):66-68
针对我国中小型企业安全管理人员水平参差不齐及相关部门监管人员不足、监管力度有限而出现的政府购买第三方安全监管服务模式,作者从其服务模式的背景、内容和运作方式进行分析,结果显示:这种服务模式可以作为政府监管力量的补充,并获得了企业的认可。  相似文献   

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