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Signature whistle variations in a bottlenosed dolphin,Tursiops truncatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine whether context-specific information is superimposed upon the individual cues present in the whistling of the bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, parameter variations within the two most frequently emitted whistle types of a captive individual were investigated in three different behavioural contexts. The study concentrated on comparing signal features of spontaneously occurring vocalizations in two possible phases following the performance of a trained discrimination task and those occurring during isolation. Phases of the discrimination task differed according to whether the animal showed correct (reward given) or incorrect performance (no reward). Signature whistles were most common in isolation, but also represented just over half of the whistles following a choice task. Of 14 signature whistle frequency and time parameters measured 9 differed significantly between isolation and at least one of the phases following a choice task (Table 1). Three parameters also varied according to whether performance was correct or incorrect. In contrast, only one out of four parameters (start frequency) measured from the second most frequent whistle type varied significantly between contexts (isolation vs. phase following correct choice). The results indicate that not only identity but also context-related information is available in the whistles of a bottlenosed dolphin.  相似文献   

The forehead of the pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps contains a large melon of fatty tissue in front of a small, fat-filled, cornucopia-shaped spermaceti organ. This unique anatomical structure may possibly play an acoustical role in the whale's echolocation system, similar to the fatty melon sound lens postulated for dolphins. To better understand its function, we have studied the compositional topography of the K. breviceps melon and spermaceti organ lipids. The fatty head tissues of an adult K. breviceps were serially sectioned into 9 transverse slices. Appropriate tissue samples were cut from every other slice, and analyzed for % lipid and lipid class composition. Wax esters and triglycerides were the only major lipids present; their average carbon number in each sample was determined by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). Our topographical analyses of K. breviceps melon indicate 3 regions of distinctive lipid composition: a fat-poor melon exterior, an outer melon of medium fat content having % triglyceride>% wax ester, and a fat-rich inner melon having % wax ester>% triclyceride. The spermaceti organ contains a fat-rich core of very high wax-ester content (84 to 99%), surrounded by a fat-poor case. Average carbon numbers of both wax esters and triglycerides were lowest in the inner melon and the spermaceti organ. At the rear of the spermaceti organ lies the museau de singe, an apparent sound generator. The lipid topography data plus anatomical and acoustical considerations suggest that the K. breviceps melon/spermaceti organ system may function as an acoustical transducer, directing and refracting sound waves from this source for the purpose of echolocation.  相似文献   

Summary The whistle vocalizations of two bottlenosed dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, were recorded at the Sealand Aquarium in Brewster, Massachusetts. The identification of which dolphin within the group produced a vocalization was made possible by a telemetry device attached to the dolphin's head with a suction cup. 77% of the identified whistles (219 our of 284) fell into two primary categories, type 1 and type 2 (Table 1). The remaining 23% of whistles fell into five secondary categories. Of the primary whistles produced by one dolphin, 78% were of type 1 (22% type 2), while 69% of primary whistles from the other dolphin were of type 2 (31% type 1). The result that each of the dolphins favored a different primary whistle supports the findings of Caldwell and Caldwell (1965), that each dolphin produces an individually distinctive whistle. But in the present study, both dolphins produced both primary whistle types. This may represent mimicry of signature whistles.  相似文献   

Site-specific differences were found in consumer isotope values among ten sites examined in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Average δ13C values among sites ranged ?21.7 to ?15.7 ‰, δ15N ranged <3 ‰: from 9.8 to 11.5 ‰, and δ34S ranged from 5.9 to 18.3 ‰. Isotope variation among these sites provided insight into the ranging habits of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sampled in St. George Sound (29.8N, 84.6W), a nearshore seagrass habitat, during May of 2005. Isotope comparisons suggest that the majority of dolphins sampled (average ± one standard deviation: δ13C = ?17.5 ± 0.8, δ15N = 14.5 ± 0.9, and δ34S = 10.6 ± 1.5) did not forage significantly on offshore species which are significantly 34S-enriched, nor is it likely that they ranged either eastward or westward along the coast within the sampling region. Despite their capability for ranging, these dolphins occupied a restricted home range, during the spring before our sampling efforts. These results demonstrate significant fine-scale isotope variation among coastal habitats explained by differences in freshwater inputs, organic matter loading, and modes of primary production that may be used to constrain the foraging ranges of a highly mobile apex predator.  相似文献   

Summary Mother-calf whistle exchanges were recorded from temporarily captured free-ranging bottlenose dolphins from 1975 to 1989. This is part of a long-term research project studying social structure and behavior of a community of approximately 100 dolphins in waters near Sarasota, Florida. Analysis of whistle exchanges from 12 mothercalf pairs shows that signature whistles can remain stable for periods up to at least 12 years. We looked for effects of vocal learning on the development of the signature whistle by comparing whistles of calves to those of their mothers. Eight female calves produced whistles distinct from those of their mothers, while four male calves produced whistles similar to those of their mothers. Male calves appeared to produce a greater proportion of whistles other than the signature whistle (termed variants). We hypothesize that these sex differences in whistle vocalizations may reflect differences in the roles males and females play in the social structure of the community.  相似文献   

Prey selection was investigated in wild, resident common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, during the summer months in Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA. Stomach content analyses of 15 dolphins with extensive sighting histories and well-documented distributions were used to determine prey use. Prey availability was assessed by purse seine surveys. We compared the relative abundances of prey available to estimates of prey use at closely matching spatial and temporal scales. G-tests determined that dolphins in this study significantly selected for prey at the species, family, and soniferous/non-soniferous prey levels (G adj  = 753.98–1,775.93, df = 1–21, p ≤ 0.01). While comprising only 6.3% of the total available prey, soniferous fishes accounted for 51.9% of the total prey consumed. Manly’s standardized forage ratios and 95% Bonferroni confidence intervals determined significant positive selection for soniferous prey and against non-soniferous prey (βS = 0.9461 vs. βNS = 0.0539). Dolphins selected against Gerridae, Clupeidae, and Sparidae (β ≤ 0.0014), as well as against all the species within those families (β ≤ 0.0190). It is likely that passive listening for soniferous prey provides an ecological or energetic advantage to cetaceans utilizing this specific foraging technique.  相似文献   

Information about the genetic population structure of the Atlantic spotted dolphin [Stenella frontalis (G. Cuvier 1829)] in the western North Atlantic would greatly improve conservation and management of this species in USA waters. To this end, mitochondrial control region sequences and five nuclear microsatellite loci were used to test for genetic differentiation of Atlantic spotted dolphins in the western North Atlantic, including the Gulf of Mexico (n=199). Skin tissue samples were collected from 1994–2000. Significant heterozygote deficiencies in three microsatellite loci within samples collected off the eastern USA coast prompted investigation of a possible Wahlund effect, resulting in evidence for previously unsuspected population subdivision in this region. In subsequent analyses including three putative populations, two in the western North Atlantic (n=38, n=85) and one in the Gulf of Mexico (n=76), significant genetic differentiation was detected for both nuclear DNA (R ST=0.096, P≤0.0001) and mitochondrial DNA (Φ ST=0.215, P≤0.0001), as well as for all pair-wise population comparisons for both markers. This genetic evidence for population differentiation coupled to known biogeographic transition zones at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, evidence of female philopatry, and preliminary support for significant genetic differences between previously documented morphotypes of Atlantic spotted dolphins in coastal and offshore waters all indicate that the biology and life history of this species is more complex than previously assumed. Assumptions of large, panmictic populations might not be accurate in other areas where S. frontalis is continuously distributed (e.g., eastern Atlantic), and could have a detrimental effect on long-term viability and maintenance of genetic diversity in this species in regions where incidental human-induced mortality occurs.
Lara D. AdamsEmail:

Summary Pure tonal whistle vocalizations from five species of dolphins found in the western North Atlantic had consistent, species-specific characteristics. The degree of differences between species, as based on the results of multivariate discriminant analysis (Fig. 2), correlated with the taxonomic and zoogeographic relations of the five dolphin species. Congeneric species had more similar vocalizations than species of different genera. Differences between sympatric species were greater than differences between allopatric species. Of the six whistle parameters measured, maximum frequency had the lowest coefficient of variation for all five species, and duration and number of inflection points had the highest coefficients of variation for all five species.  相似文献   

The frequencies of certain electrophoretic fractions of esterases, transferrins and haemoglobins in an American sample of eels (Anguilla rostrata Le Sueur) are compared to those in a sample from Iceland [A. anguilla (L.)]. A number of quantitative differences were established as well as 6 contrasts of a qualitative all-or-none type. The bearing of these differences and contrasts on theories concerning a separate or a single gene pool for Atlantic eels is discussed.  相似文献   

Marine macroalgae need carbon-concentrating mechanisms because they have only limited access to CO2 in their natural environment. Previous studies have shown that one important strategy common to many algae is the activity of periplasmic carbonic anhydrases that catalyse the dehydration of HCO3- into CO2. The latter can then cross the plasma membrane by passive diffusion. We hypothesised that an active (energy-consuming) mechanism might also be involved in the membrane transport of CO2, as is the case in a number of microalgae. Coccotylus truncatus was chosen as a model organism for this study because it belongs to a group of algae that usually lack direct HCO3- uptake: sublittoral red algae. The method used to study carbon uptake was pH drift of the seawater medium surrounding the algae in a closed vessel, with and without the addition of specific inhibitors or proton buffers. Measured parameters included pH, total inorganic carbon and alkalinity of the seawater medium. Our results suggest that, in C. truncatus, periplasmic carbonic anhydrase as well as H+ extrusion, probably driven by a vanadate-sensitive P-type H+-ATPase (proton pump), are involved in CO2 uptake. No direct uptake of HCO3- was discovered. This paper also presents data on the buffer capacity of several proton buffers and the carbon-uptake inhibitors acetazolamide, 4,4'-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS) and orthovanadate in Baltic Sea water with a salinity of 6.5 psu.  相似文献   

Demography of the California Condor: Implications for Reestablishment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: The remnant wild population of California Condors ( Gymnogyps californianus ) of the 1980s exhibited a rapid population decline caused by high mortality rates among adult and immature birds. The most prominent mortality factor was lead poisoning resulting from ingestion of bullet fragments in carcasses. Successful captive breeding has allowed many birds to be released to the wild since 1992, based originally on an assumption that exposure to lead could be prevented by food subsidy. The mortality of released birds, however, has generally exceeded levels needed for population stability calculated from simple population models. Collision with overhead wires was the most frequent cause of death in releases before 1994. Lead poisoning again surfaced as a problem starting in 1997 as older birds began feeding on carcasses outside the subsidy program. Although poisonings have been treated successfully by chelation therapy in recaptured birds, food subsidy is proving an ineffective solution to lead exposure. The best long-term solution appears to be either the creation of large reserves where hunting is prohibited or the restriction of hunting to nontoxic ammunition in release areas. Until sources of lead contamination are effectively countered, releases cannot be expected to result in viable populations. In addition, problems involving human-oriented behavior have resulted in the permanent removal of many released birds from the wild. The most promising reduction in human-oriented behavior has been achieved in one release of aversively conditioned, parent-reared birds. Rigorous evaluation of the factors reducing attraction to humans and human structures has been hampered by confounding of techniques in releases. Behavioral problems could be more quickly overcome by adoption of a comprehensive experimental approach.  相似文献   

Prior residency advantages have been explained by an asymmetry between the ‘owner’ and the ‘intruder’ in fighting ability (resource-holding potential) or motivation (value asymmetry (VA)). Here, we tested for the extent of prior residence effects in individually tagged Atlantic salmon juveniles being released in two bouts (4 days apart) during spring along a natural stream, and recaptured 3 months later. A prior residency advantage was detected both in terms of body growth, energy density and male gonad size. As we controlled for effects of initial body size, which correlates with dominance, these findings are in accordance with the VA hypothesis. The growth advantage of first arrivals also increased with local shelter abundance in the stream, which can be expected if a higher resource value of the habitat results in a higher defence motivation. We also found a prior residence effect on spatial distribution, with the second arrivals within each release site being recaptured further downstream. No effect on apparent survival rates was found. The observed reduced growth and energy density may have fitness consequences for the second arrivals, both in terms of lower winter survival rates and later age at maturity. For mature male parr, both decreased body and gonad growth may give an additional disadvantage through reduced fertilization rates during breeding. These costs may help to explain the tendency for stationary behaviour of stream salmonids, as the potential benefits of moving into less crowded areas would be reduced by the risk of becoming an intruder. Prior residence effects may therefore have influenced the evolution of movement behaviour in these organisms.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution pattern of cells in the ganglion cell layer were studied in the retina of the European hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), to identify the possible adaptations of visual capabilities to different bathymetric distributions and feeding habits. From early juveniles to adults, the eye diameter increased eightfold; thus, retinal surface increased dramatically with size also. In early juveniles the retinal topography of the cells in the ganglion cell layer showed a concentric arrangement with respect to the centre of the retina. Two specialised areas were found, located at the ventral and dorso-rostral periphery, where the cell density reached 47,900 cells mm-2, which corresponds to a theoretical visual acuity of 21' (minutes of arc). The visual axes were located upwards and downwards at around 80° from the geometric centre of the retina. In juveniles, the retina underwent important changes as the concentric topographic pattern transformed: the ventral specialised area progressively disappeared, the dorso-rostral area relocated to a rostral position and a new specialised area formed in the temporal retinal region. The visual axes were directed forward and backward. For fish with a total length of 12 cm or more, a horizontal visual streak formed along the rostro-temporal axis of the retina and a new specialised area was formed in the temporo-central region of the visual streak. In adults, acute vision could be identified with the two specialised areas at the temporal and rostral periphery, where the ganglion cell density peak decreased to 3,200-3,600 cells mm-2 and the resolving power increased to 10'. As visual acuity is partially dependent on the cell types in the ganglion cell layer, cell populations in this layer were distinguished into either ganglion cells or displaced amacrine cells, using morphometric and histological criteria. The proportion of displaced amacrine cells was fairly uniform throughout the retinal surface, always representing between 32% and 39% of all cells in early and advanced juveniles. Only in adults did their density increase to 50%, probably as an adaptation to low light levels, which fish encounter as their distribution increases in depth. A small population of giant ganglion cells was also present in the retina. In the young and adult retinae, they represented 1.2% and 2.7% of the total cell population, respectively. Therefore, it has been shown how in M. merluccius the retinal topography undergoes important changes in relation to varying environmental demands.  相似文献   

Polythene sheeting is a major litter component on estuarine beaches and river banks. Sanitary towel backing strips, which are one of the commonest items of sewage related debris found on beaches, enter the riverine system via combined sewer overflows. Investigations on these items, positioned at natural riverine stranding levels, showed that after an initial rapid breakdown little further loss of tensile strength occurred. Experiments carried out on backing strips, buried in the bank suspended from a tree and tethered to the bank, showed significant change. Buried samples retained the greatest tensile strength retention, dropping no lower than 90 %, the other samples showed similar retention rates at 80%. The difference is probably due to photodegradation as biodegradation effects were minimal. Probably, the longevity of such plastics is a major reason for their abundance and widespread distribution both on river banks and beaches.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat fragmentation and the division of populations into spatially separated units have led to the increasing use of metapopulation models to characterize these populations. One prominent model that has served as a heuristic tool was introduced by Levins and is based on a collection of simplifying assumptions that exclude information on the dynamics and spatial distribution of local populations. Levins's and similar models predict the proportion of occupied habitat patches at equilibrium and the conditions needed to avoid total extinction. There are many obvious concerns about using such models, including how realistic alterations might change the predictions and whether occupancy has any relationship to population-level processes. Although many of the assumptions of these simple models are known to be unrealistic, we do not know how the assumptions affect model predictions. We simulated a metapopulation, and our results show that assumptions such as homogeneity of habitat patches, random migration among patches, equivalent extinction probabilities in all patches, and a large number of patches can lead to large overestimations of habitat occupancy. But when we explicitly modeled the underlying population dynamics within each patch, we found (1) that there was a strong correlation between proportion of occupied patches and total metapopulation size and (2) that the distribution of individuals among patches was relatively insensitive to model assumptions. Thus, our results show that although realistic modifications will change model predictions for occupancy, occupancy and population trends will be correlated. These correlations between occupancy and population size suggest that occupancy models may have some utility in conservation applications.  相似文献   

To study the effect of habitat fragmentation on population viability, I used extinction rates on islands in archipelagoes and estimated the relative probability of extinction per species on single large islands and sets of smaller islands with the same total area. Data on lizards, birds, and mammals on oceanic islands and mammals on mountaintops and in nature reserves yield similar results. Species are likely to go extinct on all the small islands before they go extinct on the single, large island. In the short term, the analysis indicates that extinction probabilities may be lower on a set of small islands. This is perhaps an artifact due to underestimation of extinction rates on small islands and/or the necessity of pooling species in a focal taxon to obtain estimates of extinction rates (which may obscure area thresholds and underestimate the slope and curvature of extinction rates as a function of area). Ultimately, cumulative extinction probabilities are higher for a set of small islands than for single large islands. Mean and median times to extinction tend to be shorter in the fragmented systems, in some cases much shorter. Thus, to minimize extinction rates in isolated habitat remnants and nature reserve systems, the degree of fragmentation should be minimized  相似文献   

Natural Die-Offs of Large Mammals: Implications for Conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The viability of populations is a central concern of biological conservation. The occurrence of catastrophic die-offs may greatly reduce the long-term viability of populations. Theoretical extinction models and viability analyses require information on the frequency of die-offs and on the distribution of die-off severities. A review of literature identified 96 natural die-offs in large mammal populations, with a die-off being defined as a peak-to-trough decline in estimated population numbers of at least 25%. If such die-offs are common, population viability analyses that ignore them may be overly optimistic. The severities of the natural die-offs of large mammals presented here are not uniformly distributed. There is a relative overabundance of die-offs in the 70–90% range, and an underabundance of die-offs greater than 90%. This may indicate the presence of buffers against population extinction. The reported causes of large mammal die-offs were significantly related to trophic level: herbivore die-offs were more often attributed to starvation, while carnivore die-offs were more often attributed to disease. Populations subject to large-scale phenomena such as drought and severe winters may not be protected from die-offs by population subdivision. On the other hand, populations subject to catastrophic disease epidemics may be protected by subdivision, and threatened by corridors between conservation areas and by translocation efforts.  相似文献   

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