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刚刚闭幕的中共十六届五中全会提出,“要加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”,中央首次把建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会确定为国民经济与社会发展中长期规划的一项战略任务。环境友好型社会的含义是什么?如何推进建设环境友好型社会?带着这些问题,记者采访了中央委员、国家环保总局局长解振华。解振华说,十六届五中全会明确提出要建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,这是以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央紧密结合我国国情,借鉴国际先进发展理念,着力解决我国经济发展与资源环境矛盾的一项重大战略决策,对于全面落实科学发展观,不断提高资源环境保…  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志2005年指出,要“实现经济社会全面协调可持续发展”,“努力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”。这正是和谐社会的内在要求,建设社会主义和谐社会的起点就是环境友好型社会。环境友好型社会是社会主义和谐社会的重要基础。  相似文献   

李清源 《青海环境》2006,16(2):74-77
如何进一步贯彻落实科学发展观,构建人与自然和谐的环境友好型社会,是当前经济社会发展中的新课题。文章对青海建立环境友好型社会的现实可行性进行分析,并就推动青海环境友好型社会建设提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

《和谐》一文对于人与自然的和谐使用了“环境友好型社会”的提法,以界定它和人与人之间和谐的区别。这是我所看到的关于如何构建环境友好型社会最为全面的论述。该文从思想方向、文化基础、战略目标、制度支撑这几个方面全方位地论述了构建环境友好型社会的理论、政策及体制,这些论述应该成为我们在这几方面工作的指导思想。从经济学的角度来讲,中国构建环境友好型社会,还应该关注增长方式的转变,因为中国环境之所以出问题与我们的增长方式有关,也就是说粗放型经济增长方式影响了我们的环境。同时,为了构建环境友好型社会,也应该注重环境产…  相似文献   

发展循环经济,是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和实现可持续发展的重要途径;环境友好型社会是发展循环经济、建设和谐社会的重要目标之一。  相似文献   

环境友好型社会理念的提出赋予了环境影响评价制度新的内涵,也提出了更高的要求,把环境影响评价制度作为建设环境友好型社会、落实科学发展观的重要手段,还是一个新课题。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记2005年3月在中央人口资源环境工作座谈会上提出要“努力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”。环境友好型社会作为一种全新的环境伦理观,体现了人与自然的友好相处,对于指导我们按照科学发展观要求构建社会主义和谐社会的实践具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

在加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的背景下,以生态学和环境科学角度论述交通工程的生态功能。从泰州大桥建设实际出发,阐述创建环境友好型工程须遵循的理论基础及方法原理,提出创建工作要点,为泰州大桥创建环境友好型工程提供理论和技术参考。  相似文献   

1.要加快建设环境友好型社会是在___上提出的。A.党的十五大B.党的十六大C.党的十五届六中全会D.党的十六届五中全会2.建设环境友好型社会和实现可持续发展的重要途径是______。A.发展循环经济B.坚持可持续发展C.倡导和谐社会D.科技兴国3.最早出现“环境友好”一词的国际性文件  相似文献   

<正>近年来,天津市按照《全国环境宣传教育工作纲要》和《天津市环境教育条例》要求,紧紧围绕环境保护中心工作,积极搭建公众参与平台,不断创新形式内容,突出宣传生态文明理念,大力普及生态环境教育,取得了显著成效。一是夯实基础,环境友好型创建精细化。天津市始终将环境友好型创建作为加强环境保护、建设环境友好型社会的细胞工程,面向学  相似文献   

全国第一次污染源普查是为了全面掌握我国环境状况,为科学制定环境保护的政策和规划,促进经济结构的调整,推进资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设而开展的一项重要工作。在这项工作中,数据是决定普查成败的重要因素之一和普查成果的主要体现,利用有效的数据审核方法保证污染源普查数据处理阶段的工作质量是至关重要的。本文介绍了数据处理阶段的工作内容及流程,分析了各阶段质量控制及数据审核技术等。  相似文献   

The actions performed by individuals, as consumers and citizens, have aggregate negative consequences for the environment. The question asked in this paper is to what extent it is reasonable to hold individuals and institutions responsible for environmental problems. A distinction is made between backward-looking and forward-looking responsibility. Previously, individuals were not seen as being responsible for environmental problems, but an idea that is now sometimes implicitly or explicitly embraced in the public debate on environmental problems is that individuals are appropriate targets for blame when they perform actions that are harmful to the environment. This idea is criticized in this paper. It is argued that instead of blaming individuals for performing actions that are not environmentally friendly we should ascribe forward-looking responsibility to individuals, a notion that focuses more on capacity and resources than causation and blameworthiness. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that a great share of forward-looking responsibility should also be ascribed to institutional agents, primarily governments and corporations. The urge to ascribe forward-looking responsibility to institutional agents is motivated by the efficiency aim of responsibility distributions. Simply put, if responsibility is ascribed to governments and corporations there is a better chance of creating a society in which the opportunities to act in an environmentally friendly way increase.  相似文献   

可持续发展与环境伦理的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对环境问题与资源危机,人类社会正面临发展的文明转型.为此我国提出科学发展观,力求全面的可持续发展.我们要转变认识自然的价值观,走出“人类中心论“,构建环境伦理体系.发挥环境伦理的作用和功能,正确处理人与自然的关系,尊重与善待自然,坚持公正补偿、节约、平等和慎行等原则.社会各群体都要负担起环境责任,共同努力,实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

为提高中国肉类企业生产水平,促进中小企业采用环境友好技术,改善企业环境友好现状,本文基于回收的有效调研问卷,从当前企业生产的环境友好行为意向和企业采用的环境友好型技术着手,重点分析在加工过程中企业对环境的重视程度、资源回收利用情况以及资源环境培训情况;对企业的加工技术和废水处理技术等方面进行对比,并对企业环境友好状况做简单分析;最后对中国中小型肉类企业环境友好型发展提出改进措施及建议。  相似文献   

栾韶华  孙国瑞  王奇 《四川环境》2010,29(1):97-99,105
苦咸水淡化是解决水危机的一个重要途径。针对苦咸水的淡化水处理方法,分别介绍了不同方法的原理和优缺点。通过对各种方法的对比,提出CARIX工艺是一种环保、有效的苦咸水淡化技术。  相似文献   

推动环境友好型社会的建立是促进我国实现经济、社会和环境可持续发展的根本途径,目前我国在推动环境友好型社会建立的环境管理机制方面尚比较薄弱,本文对推动环境友好型社会建立的法律制度、行政管理制度、经济管理制度和公众参与制度等环境管理机制问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship between the conservation behavior of farmers and their environmental attitude and knowledge, whilst controlling for exogenous socio-economic factors. We employed the structural equation model with cross-sectional data from 442 farmers from the Guanzhong Plain of China. Results showed that local farmers generally possessed a positive environmental attitude and undertook considerable conservation action. Conservation behavior was directly affected by environmental attitude and indirectly by environmental knowledge (via attitude). Social networks, farm size, land rights, age and incentives were significant exogenous explanatory variables. Thus, understanding the importance of socio-behavioral characteristics, including the environmental attitude and knowledge of farmers, is important for the development of farmland conservation policies. Specifically, farmers in this area were found to significantly depend on each other for information on farmland conservation practices. Thus, role model farmer discussions, dissemination of environmentally friendly techniques via social networks and the rewarding of environmentally friendly behavior among farmers should be used to encourage ongoing restoration endeavors, and thereby help mitigate environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Consumer pressure is usually considered as one of the major drivers for more environmental friendly products. During the last decade an increasing focus on public procurement has emerged as an important contributor to that pressure. In this paper we focus on the role of municipalities and counties in green public procurement. Based on surveys we investigate to what degree green public procurement is implemented in Norwegian municipalities and counties and which capabilities are critical for successful green procurement. We both investigate to what degree environmental information is requested in call for tenders and also to what degree the information is actually used in the final selection of supplier. The information gathered from the municipalities and counties is compared with information obtained from potential suppliers to see if suppliers and purchasers agree on the importance of environmental demands in the selection of suppliers.  相似文献   

The location problem of treatment and service facilities in municipal solid waste (MSW) management system is of significant importance due to the socioeconomic and environmental concerns. The consideration of waste treatment costs, environmental impact, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, social fairness as well as other relevant aspects should be simultaneously taken into account when a MSW management system is planned. Development of sophisticated decision support tools for planning MSW management system in an economic-efficient and environmental friendly manner is therefore important. In this paper, a general multi-objective location-allocation model for optimally managing the interactions among those conflicting factors in MSW management system is proposed. The model is comprised of a three-stage conceptual framework and a mixed integer mathematical programming. The inclusion of environmental impact and GHG emission objectives push the output of the model tightening toward more environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions in MSW management. The application of this model is demonstrated through an illustrative example, and the computational efficiency of the programming is also tested through a set of incremental parameters. Latter in this paper, a comparison with previous case studies of MSW system design is presented in order to show the applicability and adaptability of the generic model in practical decision-making process, and the perspectives of future study are also discussed.  相似文献   

滇黔桂石油局把环境保护放在企业可持续发展的高度抓清洁生产,推行企业法人环保责任制和目标管理,开展清洁生产试点,生产环境友好产品,树立企业环保形象。文章就滇黔桂油田主要污染源现状、治理及管理措施进行了讨论并提出切合实际的建议。  相似文献   

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