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武江 (乐昌段)水体底泥重金属污染调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对武江乐昌段由上游矿山废水排泄沟、中游霜降河和下游武江段3段水道底泥中Pb、Zn、Cu进行测定.结果表明,Pb的质量比为2.54×103 mg/kg、1.33×103 mg/kg和30.7 mg/kg,Zn的质量比为1.01×103 mg/kg、2.48×103 mg/kg和156 mg/kg,Cu的质量比为42.9 mg/kg、68.8 mg/kg和69.4 mg/kg.3段支水道底泥污染负荷指数(IPL值)分别是14.0、10.6和1.46,整个区域IPL值为6.19,达到极强度污染程度.Pb、Zn总体污染程度比Cu严重,对武江乐昌段及其下游地区存在潜在生态风险.指出,霜降河和废水排泄沟段底泥不能农用,需特别谨慎地疏浚、转运和处置,而武江段底泥则可农用.  相似文献   

西南涌流域近年来受到比较严重的污染,为了解受重金属污染状况,对该流域底泥重金属污染水平与特征进行了调查与分析,并在此基础上采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对西南涌流域底泥重金属污染程度与生态危害进行了评价。结果表明,西南涌流域底泥已不同程度受到重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr的污染,与珠三角土壤背景值相比,西南涌流域底泥重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr分别超标11.38、3.32、1.81、19.45、3.20倍;底泥中的Cu、Zn、Cr、Cd之间呈极显著正相关(r=0.615~0.964)。通过地累积指数法评价表明,西南涌流域底泥中的Cd为偏重污染,Cu、Zn为偏中度污染,Pb为轻度污染,Cr为无污染;潜在生态危害指数法评价结果表明,西南涌流域底泥重金属的潜在生态危害程度总体属中等,主要是由Cd的含量过高引起。  相似文献   

都江堰市城区周边农田土壤重金属污染状况分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以都江堰城区周边农耕地为对象,按照国标方法对土壤样本中的Cr、Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn五种重金属元素含量进行测定。结果表明,部分样本中的Cd、Cu含量超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准。采用单因子污染指数和土壤综合污染指数评价方法,以国家土壤环境质量二级标准为评价标准,对研究区内Cr、Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn重金属的污染状况进行评价,评价结果显示,Cu、Cd为主要污染元素,污染指数处于轻、中度污染,Cr、Pb、Zn对土壤尚未构成污染关系,研究区土壤重金属总体污染程度较轻。  相似文献   

佛山水道底泥重金属污染调查   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
为了解佛山水道底泥的污染状况,对佛山水道底泥重金属的总体水平及其潜在生态危害进行了调查.结果表明,佛山水道底泥重金属的质量比处于较高水平,Hg的平均质量比达到背景值的20倍,As的平均质量比是背景值的2倍多.根据潜在生态危害指数法的评价结果,佛山水道底泥重金属对生态系统的危害已达到很强的程度;各种重金属的生态危害排序为:Hg>Cd>Pb>Cu>As>Cr>Zn,其中Hg的生态危害已达到了极强的程度.  相似文献   

北江底泥中重金属污染特征及生态危害评价   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
测定了北江五个监测断面的底泥中重金属镉、铬、铜、铅、锌的含量,镉含量在11.7-76.0mg/ks之间,铬含量在46.5-112.3mg/kg之间,铜含量在62.0~173.7mg/kg之间,铅含量在148.7-491.0mg/kg之间,锌含量在303.3-1453.0mg/kg之间,这五种重金属含量均超出广东省土壤背景值和我国湖泊底泥中重金属的平均值.经计算,北江底泥中这五种重金属具有较强的相关性(相关系数在0.89~0.99之间),表明其具有同源性.采用瑞典学者Hakanson提出的潜在生态危害指数法对北江五个底泥监测断面的镉、铬、铜、铅、锌进行了潜在生态危害评价,其潜在生态危害指数均大于600,表明北江五个底泥采样断面的重金属潜在生态危害均为很强.  相似文献   

苏南地区农村河塘底泥中重金属污染调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对苏南地区农村河塘底泥中重金属的污染物状况及分布特征进行了调查,分别在镇江、宜兴和常州采集了农村居民生活区、农田附近和养殖厂周围13个底泥样品,对底泥中的5种重金属Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr质量比进行了分析研究,并利用Hakason生态风险指数法评价了底泥中5种重金属对其所在水域的污染程度,对水域和周围环境造成的潜在风险影响.结果表明,苏南地区部分农村河塘底泥已受到轻度的重金属污染,部分采样点Cd、Cu和Zn已达到中度污染;不同类型底泥的重金属的污染程度趋势为:居民生活区>养殖厂周围>农田附近.  相似文献   

成都市地表灰尘重金属污染分布特征及健康风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对成都市中心城区娱乐区、居民区、商业区和城市广场等日常活动区域代表点的地表灰尘中的重金属进行监测,分析其污染分布特征,并应用美国EPA人体暴露风险评价方法对地表灰尘进行了健康风险评价。结果表明,研究区域地表灰尘重金属污染较为严重,Pb、Zn、Cu、Ni、Cr、Cd的平均含量分别为成都市土壤背景值的1.18~77.57倍,其中Cd的富集因子大于10,污染极强且富集在颗粒物中。暴露模型计算表明,重金属慢性每日平均暴露量为手-口摄入量皮肤吸收量吸入空气量,经手-口接触行为是人体地表灰尘暴露风险的主要途径。儿童重金属非致癌风险CrPbCdCuZnNi,成人重金属非致癌风险PbCrCdCuZnNi,且均小于非致癌风险阈值1,不会对城市人群造成明显伤害。重金属致癌风险CrCdNi,均低于致癌风险阈值,表明不具有致癌风险,但潜在生态危害值得重视。  相似文献   

扬州古运河底泥重金属污染潜在生态危害评价   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
对扬州古运河底泥重金属污染潜在生态危害进行了调查与评价。结果表明,古运河各监测断面的潜在生态危害指数等级为轻微至强。经综合整治,2002年后古运河重金属污染潜在生态危害指数较2002年之前显著下降。下游因曾经工厂聚集,污染程度高于上游,毒性系数较大的Cd和Hg的潜在生态危害始终排在首位。  相似文献   

陈姣  王冠 《中国环境监测》2016,32(3):99-104
随着环境问题日渐突出,地表灰尘重金属污染日益成为研究热点。单纯采用化学方法监测重金属污染具有一定局限性,环境磁学方法以其简便、快捷、经济且无害化的特点在城市重金属污染研究中广为应用。通过文献调研,综述环境磁学在城市地表灰尘重金属污染研究中的应用与研究进展,阐明重金属的主要来源,简述环境磁学的诸多参数,分析磁学参数与重金属的关系,并通过对比不同的磁学分析方法,探讨环境磁学方法在城市地表灰尘重金属污染研究中存在的问题及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

Gomti river receives industrial as well as domestic wastes from various drains of Lucknow city. In the process the water and sediment of the river Gomti get contaminated with heavy metals and other pollutants. In the present study, impacts of domestic/industrial wastes on the water and sediment chemistry of river Gomti with special reference to heavy metals have been investigated in different seasons (summer, winter and rainy). For this, seven sampling sites: Gaughat, Mohan Meakin, Martyrs Memorial, Hanuman Setu, Nishatganj bridge, Pipraghat and Malhaur, in the river Gomti in Lucknow region were identified and samples of water and sediments were collected in all the three seasons. In the collected water and sediment samples, six metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were analyzed on ICP-AES (Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy) Labtam Plasmalab 8440. High concentrations of all the metals were noticed in water and sediment in rainy season compared to summer and winter. Because in rainy season runoff from open contaminated sites, agricultural field and industries, directly comes into the river without any treatment. In both the cases, the concentration of zinc was maximum (0.091 g/ml in water and 182.13 g/g in sediment) and the concentration of cadmium (0.001 g/ml in water and 17.26 g/g in sediment) was minimum. Higher concentration of metal in water and sediment during rainy season could be due to the industrial/agricultural/domestic runoff coming into the river.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples from Strymonikos and Ierissos Gulfs wereanalyzed for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr and Ni. The results showed that the sediment of Ierissos Gulf is more polluted with Cu, Pb, and Zn ascompared to that of Strymonikos Gulf. The benthal area located off the load-out facility of the mining operations in the town of Stratoni, in Ierissos Gulf is established as the most pollutedregion. The distribution of Cr and Ni in both gulfs indicates thenatural origin of these metals with the weathering of Strymon River and of other smaller rivers rocks being responsible for their enrichment.  相似文献   

WPI指数在地表水环境质量评价中的运用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在地表水环境质量评价中提出了 WPI指数 ,并对其使用方法作了详细说明 ,提供了计算 API指数和判定水质类别的 wpix( data,bh,lx)函数  相似文献   

运用SPSS统计分析软件全面分析2006-2010年上海市金山区26个地表水监测断面上的水质变化趋势过程,发现大部分断面超标污染物之间存在着高度相关性,且水质越差的监测断面上超标污染物指标间有显著意义相关性项目越多.在此基础上,根据研究样本基本满足因子分析要求的特点,进一步运用SPSS软件进行深入分析,并根据因子综合得分,对地表水域进行聚类,揭示出上海市金山区地表水超标污染物构成特征与水域分类.分类结果符合区域内河流污染分布实际,可作为环境管理部门实施水环境综合整治与水质规划管理的重要参考.  相似文献   

Ranipet industrial area is about 120 km from Chennai on Chennai-Bangalore highway and is a chronic polluted area identified by Central Pollution Control Board of India. It is one of the biggest exporting centers of tanned leather in India. The total number of industries located in and around Ranipet town are 240 tanneries along with ceramic, refractory, boiler auxiliaries plant, and chromium chemicals. Studies were carried out to find out the contamination of surface water bodies due to industrial effluents. The results reveal that the surface water in the area is highly contaminated showing very high concentrations of some of the heavy/toxic metals like Cadmium ranging from 0.2 to 401.4 μg/l (average of 51.1 μg/l), Chromium 2.4–1,308.6 (average of 247.2 μg/l), Copper 2.1–535.5 μg/l (average of 95.5 μg/l), Nickel 1.6–147.0 μg/l (average of 36.7 μg/l), Lead 6.4–2,034.4 μg/l (average of 467.8 μg/l) and Zinc 20.8–12,718.0 μg/l (average of 3,760.4 μg/l). The concentration levels of these metals are much above the permissible limits in surface water and are health hazards especially for the people working in the tannery industries. It was observed that the people in the area are seriously affected and suffering from occupational diseases such as asthma, chromium ulcers and skin diseases. Distribution of metals, their contents at different locations, and their effects on human health are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

我国河流水质评价污染因子选择方案探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在选用综合污染指数法进行地表水水质评价时 ,由于污染因子选择不尽一致 ,造成地表水水质评价结果不具有可比性。为了使地表水评价结果具有可比性 ,必须选择相对固定的评价因子。笔者对我国七大流域 1 990~ 2 0 0 1年水质监测数据进行了全面分析 ,提出了能够反映我国河流污染现状的污染因子选择方案。  相似文献   

运用生物毒性监测方法,对深圳市南山区大沙河底泥毒物污染特征进行了分析。结果表明,大沙河底泥不同程度受到了毒物污染,底泥毒物污染趋势与水体毒物污染趋势基本一致;文章还结合化学监测方法,分析了大沙河底泥毒物主要为有机毒物。此外,就大沙河底泥毒物的治理方法提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

An on-site solid-phase extraction, consisting of the sorption, the separation and the elution function units, was designed for in situ preconcentration of heavy metals ions. The D401 resin powder was employed as sorbent to capture Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Co2+, and Ni2+, and then they desorbed with 2 mol/L nitric acid as eluent. Under the optimized conditions, these heavy metals ions in West Lake, Taihu Lake, and Yangtze River of China were captured and then determined by ICP-OES with the recovery of 92.5% to 111.5%. The on-site solid-phase extraction achieved a quick preconcentration of heavy metals to avoid the transport and storage of a large volume water sample. It is suitable for in situ monitoring of water quality in mountains, tablelands or other remote areas.  相似文献   

采用GC/MS联用仪对焦化、染料废水和地表水中有机物进行定性、定量分析,探讨了污染源与受纳区的地表水中有机物种类和含量间的关系。  相似文献   

对浑河沈阳段七台子桥地表水进行了水生生物毒性实验,参照Bulichi等人提出的"环境水样的综合危害性评估方法",评估了该河段地表水对水生生物安全的影响,并结合同期地表水基本项目的监测结果,分析了产生水生生物急性毒性的原因。  相似文献   

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