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浅谈遥感技术在大气监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
碳的氧化物、硫的氧化物、氮的氧化物和臭氧等是人类在生产活动和社会活动产生中的主要的环境污染物,它们威胁着人类的生存环境和地球上的生态平衡。因此,对它们进行实时监测和综合治理显得非常重要。文章介绍了遥感(RS)技术,重点介绍遥感技术在大气环境监测中的应用。  相似文献   

This article investigates how remotely sensed lawn characteristics, such as parcel lawn area and parcel lawn greenness, combined with household characteristics, can be used to predict household lawn fertilization practices on private residential lands. This study involves two watersheds, Glyndon and Baisman’s Run, in Baltimore County, Maryland, USA. Parcel lawn area and lawn greenness were derived from high-resolution aerial imagery using an object-oriented classification approach. Four indicators of household characteristics, including lot size, square footage of the house, housing value, and housing age were obtained from a property database. Residential lawn care survey data combined with remotely sensed parcel lawn area and greenness data were used to estimate two measures of household lawn fertilization practices, household annual fertilizer nitrogen application amount (N_yr) and household annual fertilizer nitrogen application rate (N_ha_yr). Using multiple regression with multi-model inferential procedures, we found that a combination of parcel lawn area and parcel lawn greenness best predicts N_yr, whereas a combination of parcel lawn greenness and lot size best predicts variation in N_ha_yr. Our analyses show that household fertilization practices can be effectively predicted by remotely sensed lawn indices and household characteristics. This has significant implications for urban watershed managers and modelers.  相似文献   

遥感技术在灾害监测中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄小雪  罗麟  程香菊 《四川环境》2004,23(6):102-106
介绍总结了近年来遥感技术在灾害监测中的应用与进展,以若干应用实例阐明了遥感技术在实现对自然灾害进行宏观、实时、动态、连续监测中不可替代的作用;在对我国灾害遥感的应用现状进行了分析之后,发现灾前预测工作有所不足;指出遥感技术将进一步同地理信息系统技术和全球定位系统技术相结合,在防灾减灾工作中发挥愈来愈重要的作用。  相似文献   

Monitoring Parks Through Remote Sensing: Studies in Nepal and Honduras   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effectiveness of parks as management regimes is hotly contested. Much of the current discussion centered around comparisons of management regimes can be traced to a dearth of cross-site quantitative evaluations. Remote sensing provides a particularly effective tool for this purpose, yet analysis of remotely sensed data requires fieldwork to interpret human activities and the socioeconomic and political contexts that relate to land cover change. This paper examines the effect of establishment of the Celaque National Park, Honduras, and the Royal Chitwan National Park buffer zone, Nepal, on limiting deforestation. In Celaque, the park itself has been largely successful in maintaining forest cover. However, recent changes in land use patterns have led to increasing pressure on the park boundaries, exacerbated by the lack of involvement of local residents. In the Royal Chitwan National Park, in contrast, participatory approaches towards co-management have been implemented over the past decade in the park buffer zone. With significant incomes derived from ecotourism, complete protection of the buffer zone forest has been adopted, leading to significant regrowth of tree cover. However, local decision-making power is limited, and buffer zone management has largely proven successful due to the investment and support provided by international donor agencies. These two case studies demonstrate the utility of remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems analysis in providing a spatiotemporal perspective for assessing management policies. They also demonstrate the importance of fieldwork to provide a nuanced understanding of the socioeconomic and institutional conditions affecting the outcomes of forest management regimes.  相似文献   

A Brief Overview of Carbon Sequestration Economics and Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article provides an overview of the issues and challenges involved in analyzing the costs and program design for carbon sequestration. The first section examines some of the pitfalls of comparing the results of carbon sequestration cost studies and suggests some simple ways in which analysts could make their results more useful. The pitfalls in comparing studies include different definitions for the summary statistic dollars per ton, differences in the type of costs that are estimated, and differences in underlying assumptions regarding program design and implementation. Future cost studies will benefit from improved treatment of leakage, general equilibrium interactions, and public finance interactions. The second section reviews issues related to the implementation of a carbon sequestration program, including which policy tools are available and which have received the most attention, some of the challenges for using those policy tools, and one alternative that has received little attention, but may become necessary. The discussion also provides an overview and analysis of the bills introduced in the last two congresses and considers the general policy implications of those proposals.  相似文献   

遥感技术在基层环境监测单位的常见应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭涛  陈志芳  范莹 《四川环境》2010,29(4):131-133
卫星遥感成为环境监测的新手段,基层环保部门由于受技术装备、知识储备、资金的限制,只能开展部分工作。文章介绍了常见的数据源,基层单位可开展的常见工作及取得的工作经验。期望为广大环保基层单位在现有条件下开展遥感环境监测工作提供参考。  相似文献   

目前,遥感监测能有效解决水环境监测的大范围性、连续性、动态性以及高效性等技术问题。遥感监测越来越受到环保部门的重视。  相似文献   

Applications of Turbidity Monitoring to Forest Management in California   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many California streams have been adversely affected by sedimentation caused by historic and current land uses, including timber harvesting. The impacts of timber harvesting and logging transportation systems on erosion and sediment delivery can be directly measured, modeled, or inferred from water quality measurements. California regulatory agencies, researchers, and land owners have adopted turbidity monitoring to determine effects of forest management practices on suspended sediment loads and water quality at watershed, project, and site scales. Watershed-scale trends in sediment discharge and responses to current forest practices may be estimated from data collected at automated sampling stations that measure turbidity, stream flow, suspended sediment concentrations, and other water quality parameters. Future results from these studies will provide a basis for assessing the effectiveness of modern forest practice regulations in protecting water quality. At the project scale, manual sampling of water column turbidity during high stream flow events within and downstream from active timber harvest plans can identify emerging sediment sources. Remedial actions can then be taken by managers to prevent or mitigate water quality impacts. At the site scale, manual turbidity sampling during storms or high stream flow events at sites located upstream and downstream from new, upgraded, or decommissioned stream crossings has proven to be a valuable way to determine whether measures taken to prevent post-construction erosion and sediment production are effective. Turbidity monitoring at the project and site scales is therefore an important tool for adaptive management. Uncertainty regarding the effects of current forest practices must be resolved through watershed-scale experiments. In the short term, this uncertainty will stimulate increased use of project and site-scale monitoring.  相似文献   

洪水灾害遥感监测研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵阳  程先富 《四川环境》2012,(4):106-109
洪水灾害是最严重的自然灾害之一,洪灾造成的损失十分严重,对其进行科学的监测是防灾减灾的基础。在洪水灾害遥感监测研究进展的介绍基础上,着重对中分辨率、高时相、微波、高精度DEM、多源数据遥感洪水监测原理及方法的研究进展进行比较和总结,分析各种数据特点。在此基础上提出了洪水遥感监测向高分辨率、高时相性方向,遥感影像相互订正和利用3S技术是洪涝灾害动态监测发展的方向,为洪水灾害的快速反应和防洪辅助决策提供依据。  相似文献   

During recent decades, Lake Koronia has undergone severe degradation as a result of human activities around the lake and throughout the basin. Surface and groundwater abstraction and pollution from agricultural, industrial, and municipal sources are the major sources of degradation. Planning a restoration project was hampered by lack of sufficient data, with gaps evident in both spatial and temporal dimensions. This study emphasized various remote sensing and geographic information system techniques, such as digital image processing and geographic overlay, to fill gaps using satellite imagery and other spatial environmental, hydrological, and hydrogeological data in the process of planning the restoration of Lake Koronia, following Ramsar guidelines. Current and historical remote sensing data were used to assess the current status and level of degradation, set constraints and define the ideotype for the restoration, and, finally, define and select the best restoration scenario.  相似文献   

Remote Sensing of Landscape-Level Coastal Environmental Indicators   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Advances in technology and decreases in cost are making remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) practical and attractive for use in coastal resource management. They are also allowing researchers and managers to take a broader view of ecological patterns and processes. Landscape-level environmental indicators that can be detected by Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and other remote sensors are available to provide quantitative estimates of coastal and estuarine habitat conditions and trends. Such indicators include watershed land cover, riparian buffers, shoreline and wetland changes, among others. With the launch of Landsat 7, the cost of TM imagery has dropped by nearly a factor of 10, decreasing the cost of monitoring large coastal areas and estuaries. New satellites, carrying sensors with much finer spatial (1-5 m) and spectral (200 narrow bands) resolutions are being launched, providing a capability to more accurately detect changes in coastal habitat and wetland health. Advances in the application of GIS help incorporate ancillary data layers to improve the accuracy of satellite land-cover classification. When these techniques for generating, organizing, storing, and analyzing spatial information are combined with mathematical models, coastal planners and managers have a means for assessing the impacts of alternative management practices.  相似文献   

贝叶斯网络是一种将贝叶斯概率方法和有向无环图的网络拓扑结构有机结合的概率模型.采用贝叶斯网络分类对具有典型干旱特征的库车县土壤盐渍化情况进行监测,首先应用条件独立性测试原理建立贝叶斯网络结构,把研究区遥感数据进行离散化,然后应用贝叶斯定理作为分类原则,将每个像元分为像元最大概率的类别.研究结果表明该方法来分类6种地类的整体分类精度达到96%,并为该区盐渍地面积,空间分布等特征监测提供较好的依据.  相似文献   

A methodology is developed to relate urban growth studies to distributed hydrological modeling using an integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS. This linkage is possible because both studies share land-use and land-cover data. Landsat Thematic Mapper data are utilized to detect urban land-cover changes. GIS analyses are then conducted to examine the changing spatial patterns of urban growth. The integration of remote sensing and GIS is applied to automate the estimation of surface runoff based on the Soil Conservation Service model. Impacts of urban growth on surface runoff and the rainfall–runoff relationship are examined by linking the two modeling results with spatial analysis techniques. This methodology is applied to the Zhujiang Delta of southern China, where dramatic urban growth has occurred over the past two decades, and the rampant urban growth has created severe problems in water resources management. The results revealed a notably uneven spatial pattern of urban growth and an increase of 8.10 mm in annual runoff depth during the 1989–1997 period. An area that experienced more urban growth had a greater potential for increasing annual surface runoff. Highly urbanized areas were more prone to flooding. Urbanization lowered potential maximum storage, and thus increased runoff coefficient values.  相似文献   

adaptive monitoring design. Adaptive monitoring design is an iterative process that refines the specifications for monitoring over time as a result of experience in implementing a monitoring program, assessing results, and interacting with users. An adaptive design therefore facilitates ecosystem management. We also discuss lessons of temporal and spatial scales raised by the consideration of a design for ecosystem management. Three additional issues—integration of information from different sources, institutional infrastructure, and the roles of individuals working in an interagency setting—are also identified, but not developed in detail.  相似文献   

Forest Dynamics in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary deciduous forests in the Eastern Ghats (EG) of Tamil Nadu (TN) India have undergone many changes owing to various need-based forest managements, such as timber extraction for industry, railway sleepers, charcoal, and forest clearance for hydroelectric projects and agriculture, during preindependence and postindependence periods (i.e., from 1800 to 1980). The enactment of a forest conservation act during the 1980s changed the perception of forest managers from utilization to conservation. This study was taken up to assess the forests dynamics in the EG of TN spatially between 1990 and 2003 and nonspatially between 1900 and the 1980s. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS) 1D Linear Imaging and Self Scanning (LISS III) data were used to assess forests during 1990 and 2003, respectively. Field floristic survey and secondary data (such as published literature, floras, books, and forest working plans) were used to assess the forest dynamics in terms of forest type and species composition among the preindependence period, the postindependence period, and the present (i.e., before and after 1980). The satellite data analysis revealed a considerable amount of changes in all forest types during the 13 years. The comparison of species composition and forest types between the past and present revealed that need-based forest management along with anthropogenic activity have altered the primary deciduous forest in to secondary and postextraction secondary forests such as southern thorn and southern thorn scrub forests in the middle [400–900 m above mean sea level (MSL)] and lower slopes (<400 m MSL). However, the evergreen forests present at the upper slope (>900 m MSL) and plateau seemed not to be much affected by the forest management. The changes estimated by the satellite data processing in the major forest types such as evergreen, deciduous, southern thorn, and southern thorn scrub are really alarming because these changes have occurred after the implementation of a forest conservation act. The dependence of local people on forests for various purposes in this region is also considerably high, which might be a key factor for the changes in the forests. The results of this study not only provide an outlook on the present status of the forests and the change trends but also provide the basis for further studies on forests in the EG of TN.  相似文献   

近20年来淮北市植被变化遥感动态监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过遥感技术对淮北市主城区(相山建成区)18年间植被变化进行统计分析,从而得出结论,并对所得结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

空间信息技术以及计算机技术的发展,给环境监控提供了先进、快速和科学的方法。其中,遥感技术由于能够快速、宏观地获得所监控区域的数据,近年来已逐渐成为环境监控系统中的重要技术手段。遥感信息是被控区域的电磁辐射能量及其结构特征与时空状态在遥感图像上的表现。今后,遥感技术、在线监控系统和地理信息系统等多种信息处理工具的结合将是环境信息监控系统发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

浙江城镇空间扩展与经济发展的遥感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来。浙江省经济飞速发展。城镇规模迅速扩大。但有关全省城镇建成区扩展面积的具体数量和扩展速度的客观数据还很缺乏。利用多时相的Landsat卫星遥感图像数据。采用目视解译与计算机自动分类方法,对1998~2001年浙江省城镇时空扩展进行了调查。调查结果显示,1998年和2001年浙江省县级以上城市建成区面积分别为977.85km^2和1499.06km^。3年内全省县级以上城市建成区面积扩展了521.21km^2,年增长速率达15.31%。在此基础上,根据区域社会经济统计数据,对城镇经济发展与城市空间扩展的相关性进行了分析。  相似文献   

The main objective is to review the current status of research related to the monitoring of agricultural production in the Sahel (west Africa). The Sahel suffers from frequent shortages of food. It is therefore important to have a tool to monitor environmental variables, and thus crop production, during the agricultural season. Satellite remote sensing can contribute significantly to such a system by collecting information on crops and on environmental variables at a sub-continental geographical scale and with a high temporal frequency. One part of the problem is to estimate crop acreage. The technique of area-sampling frame has to adapted to the Sahelian landscape, which is dominated by traditional farming systems. The second part is to estimate crop yields. Three main approaches exist: statistical, semi-deterministic or deterministic. The use of vegetation indices is discussed as well as techniques to derive biophysical variables from remotely-sensed data. Finally, the integration of these remote-sensing techniques with crop-growth models is discussed and some research needs are identified. It is argued that the quantitative assessment of agricultural production in the Sahel should be based on the integration of remotely-sensed data with semi-deterministic agrometeorological models. This approach will allow a regionalization of the production estimates.  相似文献   

以肥城矿区为背景,基于Personal Geodatabase模型构建了空间数据库,采用C#作为开发语言,借助ArcGIS Engine的控件开发了矿区生态环境遥感监测数据库系统.根据数据获取方式不同,将空间数据库分为基础地理数据库、专题数据库、实地监测数据库和表格数据库4部分,系统实现了矿区空间数据和属性数据的统一存储和管理,多时相遥感数据的对比分析,水质、土壤湿度的动态监测,矿区各类地物面积的统计分析等功能.  相似文献   

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