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Lab scale mulch biofilm barriers were constructed and tested to evaluate their performance for preventing the migration of aqueous and surfactant solubilized PAHs. The spatial distribution of viable PAH degrader populations and resultant biofilm formation were also monitored to evaluate the performance of the biobarrier and the prolonged surfactant effect on the PAH degrading microorganism consortia in the biobarrier. Sorption and biodegradation of PAHs resulted in stable operation of the system for dissolved phenanthrene and pyrene during 150 days of experimentation. The nonionic surfactant could increase the solubility of phenanthrene and pyrene significantly. However, the biobarrier itself couldn't totally prevent the migration of micellar solubilized phenanthrene and pyrene. The presence of surfactant and the resultant highly increased phenanthrene or pyrene concentration didn't appear to cause toxic effects on the attached biofilm in the biobarrier. However, the presence of surfactant did change the structural composition of the biofilm.  相似文献   

光能自养生物膜是一个由复杂微生物群落构成的相对稳定的微生态系统,微生物细胞及非生物物质镶嵌在微生物分泌的有机聚合物基质上,其显著特征是膜表面寄居着光能自养生长的微生物,并能在碳源缺乏条件下完成生物脱氮.总结了光能自养生物膜的形成机制,概述了光照、温度、微生物种类、营养物浓度对光能自养生物膜脱氮的影响,指出光能自养生物膜...  相似文献   

The effect of a biofilm on solute diffusion in fractured porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At sites in fractured rock where contamination has been exposed to the rock matrix for extended periods of time, the amount of contaminant mass residing in the matrix can be considerable. Even though it may be possible to diminish concentrations by the advection of clean water through the fracture features, back diffusion from mass held in the matrix will lead to a continuing source of contamination. In such an event, the development of a biofilm (a thin film of microbial mass) on the wall of the fractures may act to limit or prevent the back diffusion process. The objective of this preliminary study is to explore the influence imparted by the presence of a biofilm on the process of matrix diffusion. The investigation was conducted using radial diffusion cells constructed from rock core in which biofilm growth was stimulated in a central reservoir. Once biofilms were developed, forward diffusion experiments were conducted in which a conservative solute migrated from the central reservoir into the intact rock sample. Diffusion experiments were performed in a total of 11 diffusion cell pairs where biofilm growth was stimulated in one member of the pair and inhibited in the other. The effect of the presence of a biofilm on tracer diffusion was determined by comparison of the diffusion curves produced by each cell pair. A semi-analytical model that accounts for the presence of a biofilm was used to investigate the effect of the biofilm on mass transfer due to changes in the effective porosity, effective diffusion coefficient, and the depth of penetration of the biofilm into the intact rock. The results show that the biofilm acted to plug the rock matrix, rather than forming a discrete layer on the reservoir surface. The reduction in effective porosity due to the biofilm ranged from 6% to 52% with the majority of the samples in the 30% to 50% range. Based on the present results, with more efficient biofilm stimulation, it is reasonable to assume that a more complete plugging of the microcrack porosity might be possible, leaving a much thicker and efficient barrier than could be achieved via a surface biofilm.  相似文献   

针对人工快渗系统运行启动时间普遍较长的问题,研究了自然挂膜、活性污泥挂膜和优势菌挂膜3种方式对系统处理性能及微生物数量和酶活性的影响。结果表明,采用优势菌挂膜的启动时间比自然挂膜和活性污泥挂膜分别缩短了35 d、17 d,从第38天起,COD去除率稳定在90%以上,系统的抗水力负荷冲击能力也较强;TN去除率较自然挂膜和活性污泥挂膜分别提高了48.1%、37.9%,亚硝化菌和反硝化菌数量的增加为短程硝化反硝化脱氮提供了基础;细菌、真菌、放线菌的总量比自然挂膜和活性污泥挂膜分别高出1.66倍、1.02倍,纤维素酶、脲酶活性也相应提升,微生物的空间分布、酶的活性与各人工快渗系统对污染物的去除效果表现出一致性。  相似文献   

采用多孔凝胶填料,在低氨氮浓度下接种亚硝化絮体污泥进行填料挂膜,研究了反应器中填料的挂膜过程和不同DO/${{\rm{NH}}_{\rm{4}}^{\rm{ + }}}$下亚硝化效果,采用MiSeq高通量测序技术分析了反应器中微生物种群结构。结果表明:在初始的1~3 d,有大量悬浮絮体污泥进入填料内部,反应器中基本无絮体污泥;随后填料内部的微生物不断由内向外生长,填料表观颜色不断加深,30 d时填料挂膜成功;DO/$ {{\rm{NH}}_{\rm{4}}^{\rm{ + }}}$比值为0.09~0.2,氨氮容积负荷为1 kg·(m3·d)−1时,亚硝化效果最好,亚硝积累率最高达86.13%。随着DO/$ {{\rm{NH}}_{\rm{4}}^{\rm{ + }}}$的比值增加,亚硝积累率有所下降。批次实验结果表明,通过控制DO/$ {{\rm{NH}}_{\rm{4}}^{\rm{ + }}}$的值,能够使生物膜表面形成一层耗氧屏障,则生物膜内部所能利用的氧有限,以此达到抑制NOB的目的。微生物分析结果表明:生物膜中AOB/NOB值为3,AOB在硝化细菌中占主导地位,生物膜中厌氧氨氧化菌得到富集,在34 d时丰度增加至25.13%,符合反应器总氮去除率上升的特征。  相似文献   

通过对装有不同填料的2个厌氧移动床生物膜反应器(R1和R2)的有机负荷、COD去除率、沼气产量及其组成、出水挥发性有机酸(VFA)和出水pH值的对比,得出在填料充填率相同、进水COD和进水pH相似的情况下,填料比表面积是影响厌氧移动床生物膜反应器运行效果的主要因素.R1中填料的比表面积为528 m2/m3,R2中填料比表面积为211m2/m3.在整个运行阶段,填料比表面较大的R1反应器的运行结果较好.试验结束时,R1与R2的有机负荷比为1.61,而R1与R2填料上的污泥量之比为4.42.  相似文献   

通过对装有不同填料的2个厌氧移动床生物膜反应器(R1和R2)的有机负荷、COD去除率、沼气产量及其组成、出水挥发性有机酸(VFA)和出水pH值的对比,得出在填料充填率相同、进水COD和进水pH相似的情况下,填料比表面积是影响厌氧移动床生物膜反应器运行效果的主要因素.R1中填料的比表面积为528 m^2/m^3,R2中填料比表面积为211m^2/m^3.在整个运行阶段,填料比表面较大的R1反应器的运行结果较好.试验结束时,R1与R2的有机负荷比为1.61,而R1与R2填料上的污泥量之比为4.42.  相似文献   

运行OHR(Original Hydrodynamic Reaction)混合器微气泡曝气生物膜反应器,比较不同曝气方式下,生物膜反应器对污染物的去除性能及能耗情况。结果表明,微气泡曝气生物膜反应器可以实现废水中碳氮同步去除,连续曝气时COD、NH3-N和TN平均去除率分别为88.5%、53.4%和43.4%,平均去除负荷分别为1.60、0.089和0.092 kg·(m3·d)-1。生物膜反应器采用微气泡间歇曝气,随着曝气时间的减少,溶解氧(DO)浓度下降,反应器COD和NH3-N去除性能随之降低;COD和NH3-N去除效果下降与生物膜好氧生物活性降低相一致。受硝化作用抑制影响,同步硝化反硝化过程对TN的去除性能也有所降低。采用微气泡间歇曝气能够降低曝气能耗。同时,随着曝气时间的减少,单位COD去除所需能耗降低,单位NH3-N去除所需能耗有所升高,单位TN去除所需能耗基本不变。  相似文献   

东深源水生物预处理工程挂膜启动约需 2 5d ,比优化试验增加 10d左右 ,本文介绍了挂膜启动过程氨氮、CODMn去除效果和填料上生物膜变化的特点。由氨氮去除率 (≥ 5 0 .0 % )、生物膜形状、生物膜上动物种类和数量可判断挂膜启动过程是否完成 ,气温低是该工程挂膜启动过程时间较长的主要原因  相似文献   

采用以多孔球悬浮填料为载体的限氧亚硝化生物膜处理高氨氮、低碳源的废水,通过对DO控制在0.5~1.0 mg/L,实现硝化阶段出水中的氨氮与亚硝态氮的比例达到最适值1∶(1.2±0.2),从而为后阶段的厌氧氨氧化系统提供理想的进水,进而提高氮的去除率;同时应用PCR-DGGE对硝化阶段不同时期的生物膜中微生物的种群动态变化进行了分析。研究表明,群落结构和优势种群的数量具有时序动态性,微生物多样性与废水的处理效果出现协同变化的特征。测序结果表明,在生物膜中进行氨氧化作用的主要为亚硝化杆菌(Ni-trosomonassp.)、亚硝化螺菌(Nitrosospirasp.);进行亚硝酸氧化的主要为硝化球菌(Nitrococcussp.)。  相似文献   

为提高三维电极生物膜工艺(3DEBR)脱氮效率,通过改变反应器内部电极布置形式和极板间距,探讨了新型结构反应器启动运行和反硝化脱氮特性.结果表明,新型结构反应器挂膜迅速,启动快,脱氮效果更高,TN和NO3--N的去除率稳定在94.87%和99%左右;且具有较强的缓冲pH值能力;在一定程度上抑制了NO2--N、NH4+-N的积累以及高电流条件下碳棒的电解.新型结构的反应器能在高电流条件下获得较高的脱氮效率和稳定的出水水质.  相似文献   

通过调控进水NO2--N浓度分别为0、25、50和100 mg·L-1,研究不同初始NO2--N浓度对CANON工艺脱氮效果和N2O释放的影响。结果表明:SBBR中,初始NO2--N浓度分别为0、25、50和100 mg·L-1时,TN去除率分别达到81.65%、89.09%,87.75%和88.39%;对应的N2O释放率分别为7.03%、7.93%、10.21%和11.94%;前1/2周期内N2O释放量分别占总释放量的46%、53%、68%和75%。通过分析可知,较高初始NO2--N浓度,可以增加TN去除率,但是会刺激CANON工艺中N2O释放量的增加。  相似文献   

为解决载体內部微孔孔径在废水生物膜法中缺乏选型依据的问题,采用5种孔径(0.6~4 mm)聚氨酯海绵生物载体构建了SBBR,考察了载体内微孔孔径对生物膜特性(MLSS、EPS、DHA)及废水处理效果的影响,分析了载体内部微孔孔径与生物膜特性的相关性。结果表明:载体内微孔孔径与MLVSS、MLSS呈显著负相关,而与PN、PS、EPS和f呈显著正相关;高生物量使小孔径载体(0.6 mm,1 mm)在反应器运行前中期拥有最佳的废水处理效果,同时过多的生物膜在微孔环境中会堵塞内部的通道和空穴,进而抑制传质,使生物膜活性(DHA、f )降低;而大孔径载体(4 mm)内部传质快、水力剪切作用强,加速生物膜解吸脱落速率,促进了生物膜活性的提高与EPS(主要是TB-EPS)的释放,但同样限制了生物膜量的增长。相较而言,中等孔径载体(2 mm,3 mm)适宜的微孔不仅能维持适量的微生物量,还能保持良好的生物膜结构和活性,为生物膜反应器提供良好的长期运行条件和处理效果。  相似文献   

A series of experiments were performed in an outdoor smog chamber to determine the effect of CO on the rate of SO2 oxidation in a rural air photochemical system. The presence of added CO, at concentrations ranging from 15 to 30 ppm, decreased the aerosol formation rate as measured by a condensation nuclei counter, an electrical aerosol analyzer, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of collected aerosol. Enhanced O3 production due to the action of CO was also detected in one of the experiments. Comparison of the XRF data with results of a photochemical model shows good agreement concerning the effect of CO on the SO2 oxidation rate. This agreement supports the hypothesis that SO2 is oxidized principally by the hydroxyl and hydroperoxy radicals in the system studied.  相似文献   

采用原位聚合法,在聚丙烯酰胺的聚合过程中引入金属离子进行改性,合成了一种新型改性聚丙烯酰胺.通过正交实验确定了改性聚丙烯酰胺的最佳合成条件.红外图谱显示,该聚丙烯酰胺是一种具有特殊结构的有机高分子化合物.以污泥脱水率和污泥比阻为考察指标,研究了改性聚丙烯酰胺对污水处理厂剩余活性污泥脱水性能的影响,结果表明,在每1000...  相似文献   

The removal of heavy metals in urban runoff by sorption on mulch   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of adsorption experiments was conducted in order to assess the ability of three mulches to remove several of the heavy metal ions typically encountered in urban runoff. Three types of mulch, cypress bark (C), hardwood bark (H), and pine bark nugget (P), were selected as potential sorbents to capture heavy metals in urban runoff. The hardwood bark (H) mulch had the best physicochemical properties for adsorption of heavy metal ions. In addition, because of its fast removal rate and acceptably high capacity for all the heavy metal ions, it was concluded that the H mulch is the best of the three adsorbents for treatment of urban runoff containing trace amounts of heavy metals. In order to investigate the sorption isotherm, two equilibrium models, the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms, were analyzed. The sorption of these metals on H mulch conformed to the linear form of the Langmuir adsorption equation. At pH 5 and 6, the Langmuir constants (S(m)) for each metal were found to be 0.324 and 0.359 mmol/g (Cu); 0.306 and 0.350 mmol/g (Pb); and 0.185 and 0.187 mmol/g (Zn) at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineralogical changes were evaluated at a field Fe0-PRB at the Oak Ridge Y-12 site concerning operation performance during the treatment of U in high NO3- groundwater. In the 5-year study period, the Fe0 remained reactive as shown in pore-water monitoring data, where increases in pH and the removal of certain ionic species persisted. However, coring revealed varying degrees of cementation. After 3.8-year treatment, porosity reduction of up to 41.7% was obtained from mineralogical analysis on core samples collected at the upgradient gravel-Fe0 interface. Elsewhere, Fe0 filings were loose with some cementation. Fe0 corrosion and pore volume reduction at this site are more severe due to the presence of NO3- at a high level. Tracer tests indicate that hydraulic performance deteriorated: the flow distribution was heterogeneous and under the influence of interfacial cementation a large portion of water was diverted around the Fe0 and transported outside the PRB. Based on the equilibrium reductions of NO3- and SO4(2-) by Fe0 and mineral precipitation, geochemical modeling predicted a maximum of 49% porosity loss for 5 years of operation. Additionally, modeling showed a spatial distribution of mineral precipitate volumes, with the maximum advancing from the interface toward downgradient with time. This study suggests that water quality monitoring, coupled with hydraulic monitoring and geochemical modeling, can provide a low-cost method for assessing PRB performance.  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineralogical changes were evaluated at a field Fe0-PRB at the Oak Ridge Y-12 site concerning operation performance during the treatment of U in high NO3- groundwater. In the 5-yr study period, the Fe0 remained reactive as shown in pore water monitoring data, where increases in pH and the removal of certain ionic species persisted. However, coring revealed varying degrees of cementation. After 3.8-yr treatment, porosity reduction of up to 41.7% was obtained from mineralogical analysis on core samples collected at the upgradient gravel-Fe0 interface. Elsewhere, Fe0 filings were loose with some cementation. Fe0 corrosion and pore volume reduction at this site are more severe due to the presence of NO3- at a high level. Tracer tests indicate that hydraulic performance deteriorated: the flow distribution was heterogeneous and under the influence of interfacial cementation a large portion of water was diverted around the Fe0 and transported outside the PRB. Based on the equilibrium reductions of NO3- and SO4(2-) by Fe0 and mineral precipitation, geochemical modeling predicted a maximum of 49% porosity loss for 5 yr of operation. Additionally, modeling showed a spatial distribution of mineral precipitate volumes, with the maximum advancing from the interface toward downgradient with time. This study suggests that water quality monitoring, coupled with hydraulic monitoring and geochemical modeling, can provide a low-cost method for assessing PRB performance.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of a field experiment were performed in order to study the processes contributing to lateral diversion of water flow in the unsaturated zone. The experimental site is a glacial delta with dipping layers of alternating finer and coarser sand. Model soil physical parameters for each of the stratigraphic layers were estimated from soil grain size distributions. Anisotropy of the hydraulic conductivity within the layers was critical in order to reproduce the flow pattern observed in the experiment. Capillary and hydraulic barriers were of minor importance for the observed lateral diversion.  相似文献   

低污染水体存在C/N较低的特征,往往导致水体自净过程中反硝化碳源的不足.提出采用光能自养生物膜去除低污染水体中的硝态氮,研究不同光照强度对光能自养生物膜脱氮能力的影响,并验证了生物膜自行产生的胞外聚合物(EPS)及溶解性微生物产物(SMP)中多糖能否成为反硝化的碳源.结果表明,采用光能自养生物膜去除低污染水体中硝态氮具有良好的效果,光照强度的提高可以有效促进硝态氮的去除,在光暗比为12:12、水力停留时间为72 h时,1 500、3 000、4 500 lx光照强度下系统的硝酸盐去除率分别为37.1%、56.7%、62.5%,且随着光照强度增加硝酸盐去除速率逐渐提高;光照强度的增加可促进光能自养生物膜系统的EPS、SMP中多糖的产生,且光暗交替时EPS、SMP中多糖浓度呈“锯齿形”变化,在有光照时浓度明显上升,而在无光照时浓度下降;光能自养生物膜系统的EPS、SMP中的多糖可作为碳源被反硝化菌利用,而且在无外加碳源条件下,SMP中多糖对碳源的贡献大于EPS中的多糖.  相似文献   

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