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Eelgrass, Zostera marina, is generally regarded as the preferred habitat of bay scallops, but in some cases scallop populations have persisted or increased in areas lacking eelgrass. This suggests that some other substrate(s) may serve important ecological functions for bay scallops. One candidate is Codium fragile, a macroalgal species with which bay scallops are known to associate and in which we commonly find juvenile and adult bay scallops in eastern Long Island, New York. In this study, we examined whether survival of planted bay scallops differed in Codium, eelgrass, and Codium + eelgrass substrates at two sites during August and October of 2 years. Survival of tethered scallops and recoveries of live free-planted individuals varied with scallop size, planting season and year, but no differences were observed between the three substrates for a given scallop size and planting date. Crab (particularly Dyspanopeus sayi) and whelk predation were implicated as important causes of tethered scallop mortalities while emigration and removal by predators likely contributed to scallop losses. Densities of naturally recruited 0+ years scallops recovered by visual and suction dredge sampling were similar in the eelgrass and Codium substrates. While our results suggest that Codium may offer some degree of predation refuge for bay scallops, further work needs to weigh the potential disadvantages of this substrate (such as low DO levels, potential attachment and transport of scallops, and differences in current flow, food availability and sedimentation relative to eelgrass) to determine if Codium may serve as a valuable habitat for bay scallops throughout their lifespan.  相似文献   

The green macroalga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, is an important component of sheltered low-shore assemblages on breakwaters along sandy shores in the northern Adriatic Sea. Macroscopic thalli of C. fragile are not perennial, but develop from propagules and/or undifferentiated forms in early spring, when the dominant native space-occupier, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, recruits. By mid-summer, rapid growth of C. fragile leads to the formation of a dense canopy. We investigated the effects of juvenile and adult thalli of C. fragile on recruitment, survival and growth of mussels. Two experiments tested the hypotheses: (1) that recruitment of mussels is greater within patches of juvenile thalli (primordia) of C. fragile than on adjacent bare surfaces; (2) that the presence of a canopy of C. fragile affects the survival and growth of mussel recruits. The number of recruits of mussels was significantly larger within clumps of primordia of C. fragile than on bare surfaces. The removal of the canopy of C. fragile affected negatively the density of mussels after 2 months from the start of the experiment, but there were no effects on the mean size of individuals, nor on the size–frequency distribution. The same trend persisted after 4 months from the start of the experiment. These results show that re-colonisation of space by mussels is enhanced by C. fragile. Given that mussels, in turn, have the potential to reduce recruitment rates of C. fragile, quick recovery of mussel beds after disturbances could be crucial for controlling the abundance of this alga on breakwaters. Results also suggest that the effects of introduced species on native assemblages can be explained only through studies encompassing different life-stages of interacting organisms.  相似文献   

The seasonal growth and reproduction of Codium fragile were studied at Boothbay Harbor, Maine, and at Woods Hole and Wings Neck, Massachusetts (USA), in relation to several environmental parameters. Maximum growth and reproduction occur during periods of highest water temperatures and insolation. The effects of various light intensities and temperatures on the photosynthesis rates of C. fragile were determined and correlated with the field results. Optimal conditions for net photosynthesis are 21° to 24°C and 900 to 1100 foot-candles. It is suggested that C. fragile is a warm-temperate plant that is growing near its northern limits in New England, but one that has not extended to its potential southern limits.Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Contribution Number 625.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of growth, reproduction, and productivity of Codium fragile spp. tomentosoides (van Goor) Silva were monitored at 3 locations in Rhode Island. Maximal growth occurred during the summer and was more significantly correlated with temperature than any other factor measured in this study. Multiple correlation models suggested an interaction between temperature, irradiance, and available nitrogen. Maximal reproduction occurred in late summer and early fall. The maximal productivity, based on harvested quadrats, was 2. 10 g dry weight m-2 day-1. A large amount (up to 87.3%) of the annual production entered the detrital food chain during the winter by fragmentation of the thallus. Culture studies examined the effects of temperature (6° to 30°C), irradiance (7 to 140 E m-2 sec-1), daylength (8 h light: 16 h dark to 24 h light: O h dark) and salinity (6 to 48) on growth. Differentiated thalli grew over a broad range of experimental conditions, with maximal growth at 24°C, 24 to 30 S, a minimal irradiance of 28 E m-2 sec-1, and 16 h daylength. The effect of increasing daylength was due to increased total daily irradiance rather than to a true photoperiodic effect. Undifferentiated sporelings survived and grew in a narrower range of environmental conditions than thalli. c. fragile spp. tomentosoides grew equally well with nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and urea as a nitrogen source. The addition of NaHCO3 stimulated growth at levels of 2.4 to 4.8 mM, suggesting an inorganic carbon limitation in static cultures. This study supports the hypothesis that the in situ seasonal growth pattern of c. fragile spp. tomentosoides is primarily due to the interaction of temperature and irradiance.  相似文献   

Since its introduction to Nova Scotia in the early 1990s, the invasive green alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides has spread rapidly to become a dominant and persistent component of seaweed assemblages in the rocky subtidal zone. To examine the potential of sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) to regulate Codium, and the potential of the alga to support urchin growth and reproduction, we fed urchins Codium and/or kelp (Laminaria spp., a high quality and preferred native food) in the laboratory for 11 months. Urchins showed a strong and active preference for kelp: they consumed more Laminaria than Codium (as dry weight) in single and mixed diet treatments. Urchins fed only Codium consumed 3.5 times more of the alga than those on a mixed diet, but did not increase their feeding rate in winter when kelp consumption was greatest. Laminaria was consumed at the same rate in single and mixed diets, indicating that the presence of an alternative food had no effect on kelp consumption. Survival and growth (change in test diameter) were lowest on the Codium diet, although the differences among diets were not statistically significant. Urchins on the Codium diet showed no gonadal production over the annual reproductive cycle, compared to a marked rise in gonad index on the Laminaria and mixed diets. Our results indicate that Codium is an unattractive, unpalatable and poor quality food, which is not readily consumed by urchins. Thus we predict that urchins at moderate densities will be much more likely to graze kelp than Codium in mixed stands, creating a mosaic of Codium patches and barren areas. At high densities, however, urchins are likely to destructively graze all seaweeds, although dense stands of the invasive alga may prolong the widespread formation of barrens.  相似文献   

Moerisia lyonsi Boulenger (Hydrozoa) medusae and benthic polyps were found at 0 to 5‰ salinity in the Choptank River subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, USA. This species was introduced to the bay at least 30 years before 1996. Medusae and polyps of M. lyonsi are very small and inconspicuous, and may occur widely, but unnoticed, in oligohaline waters of the Chesapeake Bay system and in other estuaries. Medusae consumed copepod nauplii and adults, but not barnacle nauplii, polychaete and ctenophore larvae or tintinnids, in laboratory experiments. Predation rates on copepods by medusae increased with increasing medusa diameter and prey densities. Feeding rates on copepod nauplii were higher than on adults and showed no saturation over the range of prey densities tested (1 to 64 prey l−1). By contrast, predation on copepod adults was maximum (1 copepod medusa−1 h−1) at 32 and 64 copepods l−1. Unexpectedly, M. lyonsi colonized mesocosms at the Horn Point Laboratory during the spring and summer in 4 years (1994 to 1997), and reached extremely high densities (up to 13.6 medusae l−1). Densities of copepod adults and nauplii were low when medusa densities were high, and estimated predation effects suggested that M. lyonsi predation limited copepod populations in the mesocosms. Polyps of M. lyonsi asexually produced both polyp buds and medusae. Rates of asexual reproduction increased with increasing prey availability, from an average total during a 38 d experiment of 9.5 buds polyp−1 when each polyp was fed 1 copepod d−1, to an average total of 146.7 buds polyp−1 when fed 8 copepods d−1. The maximum daily production measured was 8 polyp buds and 22 medusae polyp−1. The colonizing potential of this hydrozoan is great, given the high rates of asexual reproduction, fairly wide salinity tolerance, and existence of a cyst stage. Received: 29 October 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

The demersal fish fauna of Albatross Bay, in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, was sampled on seven cruises from August 1986 to November 1988, using a random stratified trawl survey. Four depth zones between 7 and 45 m were sampled during both day and night. The mean biomass of fish from all seven cruises was 297 kg ha–1 for days trawls and 128 kg ha–1 for night trawls. The overall mean catch rates were 922 kg h–1 for day trawls and 412 kg h–1 for night trawls. There were marked differences between cruises in both the biomass and catch rate. Approx 890 000 fish of 237 species were collected. Of these, 25 species comprised 82% of the total biomass and 74% of the overall catch rate. The dominant families were Leiognathidae, Haemulidae and Clupeidae, with Sciaenidae and Dasyatidae important at night.Leiognathus bindus was the most abundant species. Twenty-five species occurred in more than 50% of trawls, withCaranx bucculentus the most frequently caught (96% of all trawls). Thirty four species were predators on prawns; their absolute mean biomass was 50 kg ha–1 during the day and 39 kg ha–1 at night. The corresponding catch rates were 171 and 125 kg h–1. Multiple-regression analyses were used to discriminate the effects of diel, seasonal, depth and cruise patterns. Of the 31 most abundant species, 15 showed diel patterns of abundance; 11 species showed seasonal patterns of abundance; 23 species had differential depth distribution; and 13 species showed significant cruise-to-cruise variation in abundance. Cruise variations in abundance were tested against salinity, temperature, tidal exchange, plankton biomass and prawn abundances as well as periods (and lags) of total rainfall prior to sampling. Only total rainfall showed any significant correlation. Total rainfall over a period of 6 wk immediately prior to sampling showed significant positive correlations with the abundances of five species, with overall daytime catch rates, and with the suite of 34 prawn predators. Rainfall and river runoff into Albatross Bay were significantly correlated. In Albatross Bay, the complex of factors affecting fish abundances and the magnitude of between-cruise differences indicate that such tropical communities may be unpredictable and are not seasonally constant. The high catch rates in Albatross Bay relative to similar tropical areas elsewhere are discussed and attributed to the light exploitation of the Albatross Bay stocks. Other than a prawn fishery, there is no commercial trawling in Albatross Bay. Hence, the only fishing mortality is a result of by-catch from prawn trawling. The annual total of such fish by-catch is probably less than 10% of the estimated standing stock of 93 000 tonnes.  相似文献   

45Ca washout data of living thalli of Amphiroa foliacea Lamouroux in the light and dark show that there are three kinetically distinct Ca2+-exchanging compartments with approximate half-times (t 1/2) of 300, 20 and 3 min. The two slower compartments appear to be exchange from organic Ca2+-binding components of the cell wall, while the fast compartment probably represents exchange on the CaCO3 crystal surface. Killed and decalcified thalli have a fourth compartment, with a t 1/2 of 20 to 35 min (other compartment half-times are 300, 40, 3 min), which has been identified as the greatly increased intercellular space produced during drying and decalcification. The 45Ca and 14C uptake data show that a large proportion of the label initially taken up is into compartments other than the CaCO3. As a result of this uptake, binding, and exchange of radioisotope, significant errors occur during the measurement of calcification rates, unless a kinetic analysis is carried out. Using such a technique, CaCO3 calcification rates of A. folicea were measured with 45Ca or 14C as tracers. Light stimulates calcification by up to 2.6 times, depending upon the age of the plant. Young segments have a markedly higher rate of calcification and photosythesis than do the older segments.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments conducted during 1987 on Appledore Island, Maine, USA, tested whether feeding preference or the absence of an attractant was the cause for the occurrence of beds of Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides (herein referred to as Codium fragile) within rocky barrens grazed clear of kelp by the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Consumption of C. fragile in single-diet experiments (1 seaweed/sea urchin) was highly variable and was not significantly different from that for several other seaweeds (Agarum cribrosum, Ascophyllum nodosum, Chondrus crispus, and Laminana saccharina) important in the field diet of the green sea urchin. In multiple-diet experiments (5 seaweeds/sea urchin) significantly less Codium fragile was eaten than Chondrus crispus, but significantly more Codium fragile was eaten than A. cribrosum. Chemosensory experiments suggest that C. fragile does not attract the sea urchin. Sea urchins are unable to detect C. fragile but will eat it when they come in contact with it.  相似文献   

Production dynamics of eelgrass, Zostera marina was examined in two bay systems (Koje Bay and Kosung Bay) on the south coast of the Korean peninsula, where few seagrass studies have been conducted. Dramatically reduced eelgrass biomass and growth have been observed during summer period on the coast of Korea, and we hypothesized that the summer growth reduction is due to increased water temperature and/or reduced light and nutrient availabilities. Shoot density, biomass, morphological characteristics, leaf productivities, and tissue nutrient content of eelgrass were measured monthly from June 2001 to April 2003. Water column and sediment nutrient concentrations were also measured monthly, and water temperature and underwater irradiance were monitored continuously at seagrass canopy level. Eelgrass shoot density, biomass, and leaf productivities exhibited clear seasonal variations, which were strongly correlated with water temperature. Optimal water temperature for eelgrass growth in the present study sites was about 15–20°C during spring period, and eelgrass growths were inhibited at the water temperature above 20°C during summer. Daily maximum underwater photon flux density in the study sites was usually much higher than the light saturation point of Z. marina previously reported. Densities of each terminal, lateral, and reproductive shoot showed their unique seasonal peak. Seasonal trends of shoot densities suggest that new eelgrass shoots were created through formation of lateral shoots during spring and a part of the vegetative shoots was transformed into flowering shoots from March. Senescent reproductive shoots were detached around June, and contributed to reductions of shoot density and biomass during summer period. Ambient nutrient level appeared to provide an adequate reserve of nutrient for eelgrass growth throughout the experimental period. The relationships between eelgrass growth and water temperature suggested that rapid reductions of eelgrass biomass and growth during summer period on the south coast of the Korean peninsula were caused by high temperature inhibition effects on eelgrass growth during this season.  相似文献   

A dynamic simulation model of nutrification with respect to phytoplankton and zooplankton levels in Huntington Bay is developed. The validity of relationships used by previous researchers in freshwater environments is tested under marine conditions.Nutrients are modelled, and it is shown that nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in the bay. Phosphorus is not found to be limiting.  相似文献   

The nudibranchTritonia plebeia (Johnston) was first observed in New England in 1983, on vertical rock walls at 7 m depth off Nahant, Massachusetts. This northern European species preys exclusively on the soft coralAlcyonium digitatum (Linneaus) in its natural habitat. At Nahant, it preyed primarily on the closely relatedAlcyonium siderium Verrill. Laboratory studies indicated that it could locate its prey by distance chemoreception and by visual orientation towards tall dark surfaces which could help it find the vertical walls, overhangs, and boulder sides where the soft corals occur. Field studies showed thatT. plebeia fed primarily on colony bases, causing extensive damage and whole colony mortality. The most important endemic predator onA. siderium, Coryphella verrucosa (Sars), preyed preferentially on hydroids, but would graze polyps off the top portions ofA. sederium colonies, causing little permanent damage to the colony, during the winter months when hydroids were scarce. AlthoughC. verrucosa occasionally behaved agonistically towardT. plebeia, there was no indication in laboratory or field studies that either nudibranch had an effect on the other's foraging through interference competition. Extensive predation byT. plebeia caused the disappearance ofA. siderium at two sites (Outer and Inner Shag Rocks) and a sharp reduction at a third site (Inner East Point). The higher mortalities at the Shag Rocks sites most likely occurred because of a simultaneous urchin (Strogylocentrotus droebachiensis) population expansion. As space among aggregates ofA. siderium opened up due toT. plebeia predation, urchins were able to forage on the vertical walls and scrape off remaining colonies. At a fourth site, Halfway Rock, whereT. plebeia were seldom present,A. siderium colonies also suffered high mortalities. This increae in mortality began nearly a year before urchin populations increased, and during a summer of abnormally high water temperatures at Halfway Rock. The high temperatures, followed by urchin predation on remaining colonies could account for the disappearance of allA. siderium colonies at this site.T. plebeia disappeared at all sites by summer 1986 andA. siderium populations have since stabilized, but community-level changes at all sites whereA. siderium were removed have persisted.  相似文献   

Maps of canopy nitrogen obtained through analysis of high-resolution, hyperspectral, remotely sensed images now offer a powerful means to make landscape-scale to regional-scale estimates of forest N cycling and net primary production (NPP). Moreover, recent research has suggested that the spatial variability within maps of canopy N may be driven by environmental gradients in such features as historic forest disturbance, temperature, species composition, moisture, geology, and atmospheric N deposition. Using the wide variation in these six features found within the diverse forest ecosystems of the 2.5 million ha Adirondack Park, New York, USA, we examined linkages among environmental gradients and three measures of N cycling collected during the 2003 growing season: (1) field survey of canopy N, (2) field survey of soil C:N, and (3) canopy N measured through analysis of two 185 x 7.5 km Hyperion hyperspectral images. These three measures of N cycling strongly related to forest type but related poorly to all other environmental gradients. Further analysis revealed that the spatial pattern in N cycling appears to have distinct inter- and intraspecific components of variability. The interspecific component, or the proportional contribution of species functional traits to canopy biomass, explained 93% of spatial variability within the field canopy N survey and 37% of variability within the soil C:N survey. Residual analysis revealed that N deposition accounted for an additional 2% of variability in soil C:N, and N deposition and historical forest disturbance accounted for an additional 2.8% of variability in canopy N. Given our finding that 95.8% of the variability in the field canopy N survey could be attributed to variation in the physical environment, our research suggests that remotely sensed maps of canopy N may be useful not only to assess the spatial variability in N cycling and NPP, but also to unravel the relative importance of their multiple controlling factors.  相似文献   

We examined the spatial distribution of genotypes in a perennial population of eelgrass, Zostera marina L., at two spatial scales. We mapped and sampled 80 ramets in a subtidal area of 20 × 80 m, and an additional 15 ramets in two 1-m2 sub-quadrats. Ramets were genotyped for seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Among a total number of 54 genotypes detected, 12 occurred more than once. The ramets of ten of these genotypes occurred in clusters and represented genets based on their expected multi-locus genotype frequencies. The size distribution of genets was uneven with estimated ramet numbers ranging from 2 to 5000. Whereas some areas displayed a high genet diversity, which may indicate past disturbances, large genets (≥10 m2) predominated in other locations of the sampled plot. Spatial heterogeneity in clone distribution was also obvious at the smaller sampling scale (15 ramets sampled within 1 m2) where the clonal diversity (genets identified/ramets sampled) was 0.24 in one quadrat, and 0.077 in the other. Ramets belonging to the largest clone were maximally 17 m apart, which corresponds to a genet age of 67 yr based on annual rhizome growth rates. We conclude that the spatial arrangement of clones in seagrasses allows inferences about the past demography and the disturbance regime at a given site which may prove useful for coastal zone management of ecologically valuable seagrass meadows. Received: 15 September 1998 / Accepted: 14 November 1998  相似文献   

Daytime observations on the isopods Idotea phosphorea and I. baltica and the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus held in laboratory microcosms showed that I. phosphorea and G. oceanicus spent 45% and 30% respectively, of their active time feeding on dead, intact eelgrass leaves which had been recently released from plants. I. baltica spent 41% of its active time consuming intact green leaves. The shredding of intact dead leaves by I. phosphorea and G. oceanicus resulted in production of small detrital particles which were liberated from the faeces of the invertebrates and this type of feeding led to the breakdown of whole leaves. Field experiments which separated the effects of shredding by invertebrates and grinding by waves and ice on the loss of weight from leaf packs showed that relative to controls isopods significantly increased weight loss from dead leaves. Loss of weight from leaf packs exposed to both biotic and physical shredding forces was not significantly different from that found on those exposed only to shredding by isopods. However, trends in the data indicated that fragmentation of whole, dead leaves in the field probably is a result of the synergistic effects of shredding by invertebrates and physical factors, particularly ice grinding. The role played by invertebrates in fragmenting intact, dead leaves is discussed in the light of energy flow and nutrient cycling within seagrass systems.  相似文献   

The relationships between netplankton and nanoplankton assimilation numbers, temperature, and major nutrient concentrations were studied and evaluated in the context of seasonal patterns in the biomass of these phytoplankton size fractions. Netplankton and nanoplankton blooms typically occur during late winter (2° to 8°C) and summer (18° to 24°C), respectively. Variations in nanoplankton and netplankton assimilation numbers were not statistically related to the development or collapse of specific blooms based on weekly sampling, but assimilation numbers were higher during the bloom periods than during transition periods of rapid temperature change (8° to 18°C). Differences in the assimilation numbers between size fractions could account for the dominance of the nanoplankton fraction during the summer bloom period but not for the dominance of netplankton during the winter bloom period. Nanoplankton and netplankton assimilation numbers were exponential functions of temperature between 8° and 24°C and 8° and 20°C, respectively. Below 8°C the assimilation numbers of both fractions were higher than expected on the basis of temperature. Above 20°C netplankton assimilation numbers declined with temperature. Netplankton and nanoplankton assimilation numbers were occasionally correlated with dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations from less than 1.0 to more than 15 g-at l-1. Under these conditions, nanoplankton growth rates (calculated from assimilation number and carbon:chlorophyll) were higher and increased more rapidly with dissolved inorganic nitrogen than netplankton growth rates.  相似文献   

R. J. Orth 《Marine Biology》1977,44(2):187-194
The addition of two commerical fertilizers, one 5% NH4NO3, 10% P2O5, 10% K2O, and the other 10% NH4NO3, 10% P2O5, 10% K2O, ahd a dramatic effect on the growth of Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay. There was a significant increase in the length, biomass and total number of turions of fertilized plots compared with controls during a 2 to 3 month period. Data from this short-term field experiment suggest that Z. marina beds in the Chesapeake Bay are nutrient-limited, that the grwoth form of Z. marina may be related to the sediment nutrient supply, and that Z. marina may competitively exclude Ruppia maritima by light-shading.  相似文献   

The fate of mercury in decomposing leaf litter and soil is key to understanding the biogeochemistry of mercury in forested ecosystems. We quantified mercury dynamics in decomposing leaf litter and measured fluxes and pools of mercury in litterfall, throughfall, and soil in two forest types of the Adirondack region, New York, USA. The mean content of total mercury in leaf litter increased to 134% of its original mass during two years of decomposition. The accumulation pattern was seasonal, with significant increases in mercury mass during the growing season (+4.9% per month). Litterfall dominated mercury fluxes into the soil in the deciduous forest, whereas throughfall dominated fluxes into the coniferous forest. The increase in mercury mass in decomposing deciduous litter during the growing season was greater than could be accounted for by throughfall inputs during the growing season (P < 0.05), suggesting translocation of mercury from the soil to the decomposing deciduous litter. This internal recycling mechanism concentrates mercury in the organic horizons and retards transport through the soil, thereby increasing the residence time of mercury in the forest floor. A mass balance assessment suggests that the ultimate fate of mercury in the landscape depends upon forest type and associated differences in the delivery and incorporation of mercury into the soil. Our results show that incorporation of mercury into decaying leaf litter increases its residence time in the landscape and may further delay the recovery of surface waters, fish, and associated biota following control of mercury emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The New York Bight is perhaps one of the most used and abused coastal areas in the world as a consequence of urbanization and the disposal of the waste of some 20 million people who reside by its shores and surrounding bays and estuaries. A variety of sources, including those associated with sewage wastes, industrial wastes, contaminated dredged material, urban runoff, and atmospheric fallout contaminate these coastal waters. Many of the stresses of excess population and industrialization as measured by pollutant loadings and ecosystem impacts can be crudely quantified in terms of use impairments-use impairments that have measurable social and economic relevance. Five broad categories of impairment attributed to pollution in the Bight that are causing significant losses of ecological, economic, or social values are: beach closures, unsafe seafoods, hazards to commercial and recreational navigation, loss of commercial and recreational fisheries, and declines in birds, mammals and turtles. These impairments are generally caused by floatable wastes, nutrients, toxicants, pathogens and habitat loss. Measures of such impairments are not standard, nor in many cases totally quantifiable. We have examined specific subsets of these impairments in terms of their spatial and temporal changes and as a first approximation determined the economic and social significance of these changes. the cost of these impaired uses of the Bight are measured in terms of billions of dollars annually for New York and New Jersey.  相似文献   

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