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Kinship has been shown to be an important correlate of group membership and associations among many female mammals. In this study, we investigate association patterns in female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) inhabiting an embayment in southeastern Australia. We combine the behavioral data with microsatellite DNA and mitochondrial DNA data to test the hypotheses that genetic relatedness and maternal kinship correlate with associations and social clusters. Mean association between females was not significantly different from a random mean, but the standard deviation was significantly higher than a random standard deviation, indicating the presence of nonrandom associates in the dataset. A neighbor-joining tree, based on the distance of associations between females, identified four main social clusters in the area. Mean genetic relatedness between pairs of frequent female associates was significantly higher than that between pairs of infrequent associates. There was also a significant correlation between mtDNA haplotype sharing and the degree of female association. However, the mean genetic relatedness of female pairs within and between social clusters and the proportion of female pairs with the same and different mtDNA haplotypes within and between clusters were not significantly different. This study demonstrates that kinship correlates with associations among female bottlenose dolphins, but that kinship relations are not necessarily a prerequisite for membership in social clusters. We hypothesize that different forces acting on female bottlenose dolphin sociality appear to promote the formation of flexible groups which include both kin and nonkin.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic control of tetrasporangium formation was studied in two low intertidal populations of Bonnemaisonia hamifera (Trailliella-phase) in Galway Bay, Ireland between September 1985 and February 1986. Photoperiodic induction was affected by tides, principally by the time of day at which high and low water occurred through the spring/neap cycle. High water of spring tides falling at the beginning and end of the day reduced the effective daylength for plants, and caused an early onset of reproduction. The threshold irradiance signalling light-dark transition was estimated to lie between (1-) 5 and 10 mol photons m-2 s-1 (400 to 700 nm). Low water of spring tides falling in the middle of the day exposed plants to high air temperatures during periods when seawater temperatures were below the lower limit for sporangium induction. This caused reproduction to be resumed. Quantitative differences between the two populations were caused by microclimatic effects (temperature, light reduction during tidal flooding) resulting from their different vertical heights on the shore.  相似文献   

Caribou are an integral component of high-latitude ecosystems and represent a major subsistence food source for many northern people. The availability and quality of winter habitat is critical to sustain these caribou populations. Caribou commonly use older spruce woodlands with adequate terrestrial lichen, a preferred winter forage, in the understory. Changes in climate and fire regime pose a significant threat to the long-term sustainability of this important winter habitat. Computer simulations performed with a spatially explicit vegetation succession model (ALFRESCO) indicate that changes in the frequency and extent of fire in interior Alaska may substantially impact the abundance and quality of winter habitat for caribou. We modeled four different fire scenarios and tracked the frequency, extent, and spatial distribution of the simulated fires and associated changes to vegetation composition and distribution. Our results suggest that shorter fire frequencies (i.e., less time between recurring fires) on the winter range of the Nelchina caribou herd in eastern interior Alaska will result in large decreases of available winter habitat, relative to that currently available, in both the short and long term. A 30% shortening of the fire frequency resulted in a 3.5-fold increase in the area burned annually and an associated 41% decrease in the amount of spruce-lichen forest found on the landscape. More importantly, simulations with more frequent fires produced a relatively immature forest age structure, compared to that which currently exists, with few stands older than 100 years. This age structure is at the lower limits of stand age classes preferred by caribou from the Nelchina herd. Projected changes in fire regime due to climate warming and/or additional prescribed burning could substantially alter the winter habitat of caribou in interior Alaska and lead to changes in winter range use and/or population dynamics.  相似文献   

Settlement is a major determinant of intertidal populations. However, the energy costs of lost larvae are very high. Accordingly, arrival and attachment on suitable substrata are essential requirements for species’ survival. On the intertidal, the presence of cues left by adult or juvenile conspecifics could be vital for the successful establishment of larvae arriving on the shore. Two mussel species, the indigenous Perna perna and the invasive Mytilus galloprovincialis, co-occur on the lower eulittoral zone on the south coast of South Africa. P. perna dominates the low and M. galloprovincialis the high mussel zones, with co-existence in the mid mussel zone. This study tested the hypothesis of settlement selectivity for conspecifics in these two mussel species, to understand whether the final adult distribution of mussels on the shores is determined by active behavioural and chemical mechanisms. Preferential selection by larvae for conspecifics was tested in the field during the peak settlement period in 2004 in natural mussel beds across zones and through manipulative experiments in the mid-zone where the species co-exist. On natural beds, settlement was determined by counts of settlers attached over 48 h onto artificial collectors. Collectors were placed on beds of P. perna and M. galloprovincialis present at both high- and low-adult densities, as well as in mixed beds. On such natural beds, settlers of both species consistently favored low-zone P. perna beds. Settlement patterns over 24 h onto experimentally created mussel patches consisting of P. perna, M. galloprovincialis or the two species combined beds, set in the mixed zone, did not conform with the results of the natural beds study: settlers of both species settled with no discrimination among different patches. The results indicate that mussels, which are sedentary, lack attraction to conspecifics at settlement. This highlights the importance of tidal height in setting settlement rates, and of post-settlement events in shaping populations of these broadcast spawners.  相似文献   

We developed a framework to use ecological network analysis for functional assessment of large aquatic ecosystems in the context of ecosystem-based management. We established a reference domain for the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA, from changes over time. Four reference network models of the trophic structure of the estuary during early and late summers of 1997 and 1998 were constructed and analyzed. The estuary has experienced various symptoms of eutrophication during the past 20 years, including summer-time hypoxia and fish kills. The networks were used to quantify indices of nominal trophic dynamics and their variation. The ratio of biomass of nekton to that of macrobenthos, derived from network construction, was used to index severity of eutrophication and to promote accessibility of ecological network analysis to environmental management. The ratio increased from early to late summer, and network metrics demonstrated a variety of responses in association with that change. Some variables from network analysis, especially related to consumers, reflected some but not all of this change. Others reflected the most severe increase in the ratio in late summer 1997 when hypoxia was most extensive. We evaluated uncertainty and the modulating effects of hierarchy by comparing variation of input biomasses with integrative response variables. Relative variation in input variables was generally greater than that of the integrative response variables as predicted by hierarchy theory. Ecological network analysis has previously served as support for ecosystem-based management of large aquatic systems with some success. However, its use can be enhanced by making it more accessible to environmental managers and policy makers. Ways to do this include promoting simple metrics from network construction and explicitly associating network analysis to concepts familiar to the management community, such as functional assessment and reference.  相似文献   

Ecological theory predicts that incorporating habitat heterogeneity into restoration sites should enhance diversity and key functions, yet research is limited on how topographic heterogeneity affects higher trophic levels. Our large (8-ha) southern California restoration experiment tested effects of tidal creek networks and pools on trophic structure of salt marsh habitat and high-tide use by two regionally dominant fish species, California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) and longjaw mudsucker (Gillichthys mirabilis). We expected tidal creeks to function as "conduits" that would enhance connectivity between subtidal and intertidal habitat and pools to serve as microhabitat "oases" for fishes. Pools did provide abundant invertebrate prey and were a preferred microhabitat for F. parvipinnis, even when the entire marsh was inundated (catch rates were 61% higher in pools). However, G. mirabilis showed no preference for pools. At a larger scale, effects of tidal creek networks were also mixed. Areas containing creeks had 12% higher catch rates of G. mirabilis, but lower catch rates and feeding rates of F. parvipinnis. Collectively, the results indicate that restoring multiple forms of heterogeneity is required to provide opportunities for multiple target consumers.  相似文献   

Evolution of habitat use by deep-sea mussels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous phylogenetic studies proposed that symbiont-bearing mussels of the subfamily Bathymodiolinae (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) invaded progressively deeper marine environments and evolved from lineages that decomposed wood and bone to specialized lineages that invaded cold-water hydrocarbon seeps and finally deep-sea hydrothermal vents. To assess the validity of the hypotheses, we examined two nuclear (18S and 28S rRNA) and two mitochondrial genes (COI and ND4) from a broad array of bathymodiolin species that included several recently discovered species from shallow hydrothermal seamounts. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis and maximum-likelihood estimates of ancestral character states revealed that vent species evolved multiple times, and that reversals in vent and seep habitat use occurred within the sampled taxa. Previous hypotheses regarding evolution from wood/bone-to-seeps/vents are supported in that mid-ocean hydrothermal vent species may represent a monophyletic group with one noticeable reversal. Earlier hypotheses about progressive evolution from shallow-to-deep habitats appear to hold with a few instances of habitat reversals.  相似文献   

Patch use as an indicator of habitat preference,predation risk,and competition   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Summary A technique for using patch giving up densities to investigate habitat preferences, predation risk, and interspecific competitive relationships is theoretically analyzed and empirically investigated. Giving up densities, the density of resources within a patch at which an individual ceases foraging, provide considerably more information than simply the amount of resources harvested. The giving up density of a forager, which is behaving optimally, should correspond to a harvest rate that just balances the metabolic costs of foraging, the predation cost of foraging, and the missed opportunity cost of not engaging in alternative activities. In addition, changes in giving up densities in response to climatic factors, predation risk, and missed opportunities can be used to test the model and to examine the consistency of the foragers' behavior. The technique was applied to a community of four Arizonan granivorous rodents (Perognathus amplus, Dipodomys merriami, Ammospermophilus harrisii, and Spermophilus tereticaudus). Aluminum trays filled with 3 grams of millet seeds mixed into 3 liters of sifted soil provided resource patches. The seeds remaining following a night or day of foraging were used to determine the giving up density, and footprints in the sifted sand indicated the identity of the forager. Giving up densities consistently differed in response to forager species, microhabitat (bush versus open), data, and station. The data also provide useful information regarding the relative foraging efficiencies and microhabitat preferences of the coexisting rodent species.  相似文献   

The major sources and sinks of suspended particulate carbon are identified for northern Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. The area of the bay under consideration was divided into two sections. The northernmost section (upper bay), from the head of the bay to the vicinity of Baltimore, was characterized by a high input of particulate carbon from upland drainage. The section from Baltimore to the mouth of the Potomac River (middle bay) was dominated by an internal supply of particulate carbon from primary production. The northernmost section was characterized by major particulate carbon losses to the bottom and to benthic respiration, with slightly less than half (43%) of the particulate carbon respired in the water column or converted to dissolved organic matter. In contrast, respiration in the water column or conversion to dissolved organic matter was responsible for the loss of about 65% of the particulate carbon in the middle section of the bay, while losses to the bottom and to benthic respiration totaled only 12%. Even though the supply of particulate carbon to the upper bay was about 1.5 times the supply to the middle bay, the loss of carbon due to biological activity (biological efficiency) in each area was similar, and amounted to about 70% of the supply of particulate carbon.The research reported here was partially supported by the University of Maryland and by the U. S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife under Contract No. 14-16-0005-2096. Contribution No. 471 of the Natural Resources Institute, University of Maryland, USA.  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal distributions of 3 larval stages of the oyster Crassostrea virginica were measured concurrently with phytoplankton species compositions, phytoplankton size distributions and physical hydrographic parameters in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay (USA) during the oyster spawning seasons of 1980 and 1981. The superposition of the biological distributions upon the physical hydrographic data provide instantaneous distributions of the entire system which are consistent with the upstream transport of oyster larvae. Oyster larvae distributions in the Choptank River and its Broad Creek and Tred Avon River tributaries can be described in terms of three contiguous regions: (1) a common spawning region, (2) an intermediate, upstream transport region and (3) a seed bed region where major spat set occurs. The phytoplankton species compositions and abundances in the size fraction less than 10 m in the tributary system during the transport were sufficient to supply optimum growth requirements of developing larvae. The transport proposed can explain the 30 yr record of consistently higher spat set success in one tributary, Broad Creek, relative to an adjoining tributary, the Tred Avon River. This may be a general mechanism whereby oysters maintain reproductive success and emigrate to seed bed regions in the Chesapeake Bay.Contribution No. 1144 of the McCollum-Pratt Institute and Department of Biology  相似文献   

W. Richter 《Marine Biology》1985,86(1):93-100
In April 1981, a quantitative survey (20 stations) of the soft-bottom macroinfauna of the littoral and sublittoral was conducted in a Southern Chilean estuary. A principal component analysis rendered three groups of stations with different substrate conditions. A total of 16 775 animals was collected (40 taxa), with Oligochaeta, Polychaeta and Ostracoda representing 83% of the individuals. Most of the biomass was attributed to Bivalvia (43.7%) and Polychaeta (33.6%). Factor analysis using abundance data of the 21 most abundant taxa rendered three groups of stations in the Q-mode (a cluster analysis rendered 4) and three groups of taxa in the R-mode. One group mainly inhabited the sandy outlet area of the estuary where salinity was highest. Another group of organisms was mainly found in the upper zone of the estuary where salinity was low and the substrate was muddy. The third group was principally distributed in the central part of the estuary and spread from there either to the outlet area or to the upper zone. Some ungrouped taxa were distributed relatively homogeneously within the estuary. It was found that besides substrate properties salinity and turbulence also played an important role in the distribution of organisms in the Río Lingue Estuary.  相似文献   

Wiser SK  Buxton RP 《Ecology》2008,89(2):380-391
The extensive research on plant communities of natural-habitat islands has primarily focused on the "islands." The island analogy, however, potentially limits understanding of processes influencing composition on habitat islands because the nature of their matrix is overlooked. We determine how plant community structure of the surrounding matrix influences vegetation on volcanic outcrops in the modified landscape of Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Our primary purpose is to address whether the matrix is more important for recently established exotic species than it is for well-established native species and whether such invasion by exotics has led to homogenization of the outcrop flora. To test this, we examined our data at three spatial scales: that of the entire outcrop flora, between individual outcrops and their immediate surrounding matrix, and between individual outcrop faces and the individual relevés of the immediate surrounding matrix. We found that 81% of the native flora and 90% of the exotic flora also occur in the matrix. This high level of species shared between the outcrop and matrix persists at the scale of individual outcrop faces (68% of the total flora of individual faces is shared with the matrix). We predicted that floras from different outcrops would vary in their distinctiveness from their immediate matrix. We found Bray-Curtis distance coefficient values to range from 0.26 to 0.64; these were even higher at the outcrop-face scale. Variability in outcrop distinctiveness relates primarily to the outcrop face properties of area, vegetation height, and soil depth, and matrix properties of vegetation structure and vegetation heterogeneity. The effect of the vegetation structure of the matrix is more pronounced on the exotic than on the native outcrop flora. The component of composition and structure of the matrix that was independent of outcrop properties and local environment accounts for similar levels of explainable variation in total and native composition (29-31%), but considerably more (40%) in composition of exotic species. Our results support our prediction that, as the surrounding matrix becomes more modified, invasion by exotics makes outcrop vegetation less distinct from its matrix.  相似文献   

The estuary Byfjord (Sweden) is characterized by high primary production, a well developed meiofauna compared to the macrofauna, high epifaunal biomass, a low number of herbivorous copepods and a small fish stock. A simplified energy flow model of the ecosystem of the fjord is given. The energy transfer is approximated to 15%. About one-fourth-300 (metric) tons of carbon — of the annual primary production is suggested to be directly consumed and to produce 5 tons of zooplankton carbon and 40 tons of epifaunal (mainly Mytilus edulis) carbon. About 500 tons of carbon from the detritus pool are probably utilized in animal production. This amount will produce 5 tons of zooplankton carbon, 6 tons of meiofaunal carbon, and 3 tons of carbon from the benthic macrofauna. Production of fish is estimated at 0.3 ton carbon per year. M. edulis seems to be the only food resource in the fjord worth harvesting by man.  相似文献   

Human activity causes abrupt changes in resource availability across the landscape. In order to persist in human-altered landscapes organisms need to shift their habitat use accordingly. Little is known about the mechanisms by which whole communities persist in human-altered landscapes, including the role of complementary habitat use. We define complementary habitat use as the use of different habitats at different times by the same group of species during the course of their activity period. We hypothesize that complementary habitat use is a mechanism through which native bee species persist in human-altered landscapes. To test this idea, we studied wild bee communities in agro-natural landscapes and explored their community-level patterns of habitat and resource use over space and time. The study was conducted in six agro-natural landscapes in the eastern United States, each containing three main bee habitat types (natural habitat, agricultural fields, and old fields). Each of the three habitats exhibited a unique seasonal pattern in amount, diversity, and composition of floral resources, and together they created phenological complementarity in foraging resources for bees. Individual bee species as well as the bee community responded to these spatiotemporal patterns in floral availability and exhibited a parallel pattern of complementary habitat use. The majority of wild bee species, including all the main crop visitors, used fallow areas within crops early in the season, shifted to crops in mid-season, and used old-field habitats later in the season. The natural-forest habitat supported very limited number of bees, mostly visitors of non-crop plants. Old fields are thus an important feature in these arable landscapes for maintaining crop pollination services. Our study provides a detailed examination of how shifts in habitat and resource use may enable bees to persist in highly dynamic agro-natural landscapes, and points to the need for a broad cross-habitat perspective in managing these landscapes.  相似文献   

The sediments of two tidal flats in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, USA, were studied to determine the distribution and abundance of the interstitial microalgal communities. The hydrography of the bay, as well as fluetuations in various physical and chemical parameters appear to regulate the biomass and the vertical and intertidal distribution of these organisms.  相似文献   

We explored the at-sea behavior and marine habitat use of the Southern Giant Petrel breeding in Patagonia, Argentina by means of satellite telemetry. Adult breeders showed a wide distribution over the Patagonian Shelf, using 74% of its surface. The maximum distance traveled from the colonies was 683 km, but on average birds moved no more than 200 km further away from their colony. Important marine areas were located in the shelf break, middle shelf and coastal waters. Areas of activity by sex overlap between 35 and 94%. Females foraged primarily away from the coast and males mainly on coastal areas. Both sexes were capable of flying up to 4,000 km but most of the foraging trips were of less than 200 km. Our results emphasize the importance of the Patagonian Shelf as foraging habitat for pelagic seabirds and contribute to international efforts to identify and protect a network of marine sites.  相似文献   

The opening in April 1994 of a deep artificial entrance channel into the shallow, microtidal and large Peel-Harvey Estuary (136 km2) in south-western Australia has led to major changes in the ichthyofauna of this system. This conclusion is based on statistical comparisons between data derived from samples of fish collected seasonally by seine net in the short, narrow and shallow natural entrance channel and in two large basins of the Peel-Harvey Estuary during 1996 and 1997, i.e. after the opening of the artificial channel, and data previously recorded seasonally using the same sampling regime during 1980 and 1981, i.e. before the construction of that channel. These comparisons show that the marked reduction in macroalgal growths that occurred between these two periods was accompanied by a decline in the abundance of fish, and particularly of macrophyte-associated species such as Pelates sexlineatus and Apogon rueppellii. There were also strong indications that the number of fish species usually present in the estuary declined, which would be consistent with a reduction in habitat heterogeneity. The comparisons also imply that the construction of the artificial channel led to: (1) a decline in the extent of interannual differences in the species richness and abundance of fish, presumably reflecting a reduction in the variability of environmental conditions in different years; (2) a greater penetration of the estuary by marine species and an increased contribution of these species to the fish fauna overall; (3) the influence of "season" on the ichthyofaunal compositions of assemblages within the estuary becoming more important than region. The second and third changes reflect a combination of increased tidal flow, which facilitates a more effective dispersal of fish, the exposure of fish to stronger tidal cues, a far greater proximity of the more distal regions of the estuary to the sea and, in the case of the third change, a far less pronounced difference between environmental conditions in the two basins.  相似文献   

Animal movement patterns and use of space depend upon food and nonfood resources, as well as conspecific and heterospecific interactions, but models of habitat use often neglect to examine multiple factors and rarely include marsupials. We studied habitat use in an Australian population of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) over a 6-year period in order to determine how koalas navigate their environment and partition limited patchy food and nonfood resources. Tree selection among koalas appears to be mediated by folar chemistry, but nonfood tree selection exerts a major impact on home range use due to thermoregulatory constraints. Koalas moved on a daily basis, during both day and night, but daytime resting site was not necessarily in the same location as nighttime feeding site. Koalas had substantial home range overlap in the near absence of resource sharing with less than 1% of trees located in areas of overlap used by multiple koalas. We suggest that koala spatiotemporal distribution and habitat use are probably based upon a community structure of individuals, with a checkerboard model best describing overlap in home range area but not in resource use. Nonfood refugia and social networks should be incorporated into models of animal range and habitat use.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions, primary production, and zooplankton populations were studied from May, 1969 to November, 1970 at one station in Kungsbacka Fjord, Sweden. The fjord, with an arca of 53 km2, is a moderately polluted estuary, with a small tidal range. Data for primary production and environmental parameters were correlated using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The annual rate of primary production in 1970 was about 100 gC·m-2. Carbon fixation was about 80 g·m-2 in May–November in1969 and 1970. The average monthly rate was highest in June, 1970, with 25 gC·m-2; about 15 gC·m-2 was recorded in August–October of both years. Carbon fixation by the phytoplankton was estimated to be about 2,800 tons in the whole fjord in 1970. The average fresh-water inflow to the fjord, amounting to about 13 m3·sec-1, added about 380 tons of organic carbon, 45 tons of nitrogen, and 4.5 tons of phosphorus per month. Primary production displayed strong correlation with temperature at different depths (P<0.05 to 0.001), indicating the sediments to be the most important nutrient source. A total of 19 holoplanktonic zooplankton species was identified, copepods being the dominant group. The highest zooplankton biomass, 800 to 900 mg·m-3, was recorded in June of both years. The production of copepods in May–October was about 1 gC·m-2 in both years. The total secondary production of the zooplankton was calculated as only 1.8 gC·m-2 in 1970.  相似文献   

Summary Humpback whale songs recorded on tropical calving grounds exhibit different dialects depending on the oceanic basin. Songs sampled simultaneously from two populations in the North Pacific (Hawaii and Mexico) were essentially identical. These North Pacific songs were clearly different from the song type shared by two populations in the North Atlantic (Cape Verde Islands and West Indies). Songs from the Southern Hemisphere (Tonga) represent a third distinct dialect. Our evidence shows that, despite annual change in song organization, significant differences in humpback song occur between isolated ocean basins, while only subtle differences exist within an oceanic population (Hawaii and Pacific Mexico).  相似文献   

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