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The dorid nudibranch Adalaria proxima (Alder & Hancock) is a specialist predator of the cheilostome bryozoan Electra pilosa (L.). Natural induction of metamorphosis of the pelagic lecithotrophic larva of A. proxima was assessed in response to solutions from sonicated prey tissue and (live) E. pilosa-conditioned seawater (Electra-CSW). We exploited the tendency of larvae to become entrapped (rafted) at the air-water interface in cultures to examine whether larvae require direct contact with the live prey for metamorphosis to proceed. Larvae metamorphosed when rafted above colonies of live E. pilosa, above plankton mesh bags isolating live E. pilosa, and in choline chloride controls; there was no metamorphosis of larvae that were rafted in filtered seawater controls. Entrapped veliger shells remained rafted throughout the experimental period in all cases. No metamorphosis occurred in treatments containing either the supernatants or pelleted particulates obtained from sonicated colonies of E. pilosa. Both one-colony and three-colony Electra-CSW induced metamorphosis of larvae. These data are at variance with previous results in showing that direct contact with the live prey is not necessary for metamorphosis to proceed. Furthermore, the fact that competent larvae metamorphosed in response to Electra-CSW in the absence of any other cue strongly suggests that the inductive cue is water-borne.  相似文献   

Summary. An evolutionary scenario incorporating recent advances in phylogenetic research begins with an opisthobranch-pulmonate common ancestor that was herbivorous and had some diet-derived chemical defense. The Nudibranchia and their closest relatives, the Notaspidea, form a lineage the ancestors of which had switched to feeding upon sponges and deriving protection from metabolites contained in them. Subsequently there have been repeated shifts in food and defensive metabolites, and trends are evident in the ability to detoxify, sequester and utilize metabolites from food, as well as to synthesize defensive compounds de novo. The Notaspidea display a minor adaptive radiation that foreshadows a more extensive one in the various lineages of nudibranchs. This review emphasizes changes that have occurred within the Holohepatica, or dorid nudibranchs (order Doridacea). Their sister-group, the Cladohepatica, consists of three other orders, Dendronotacea, Arminacea, and Aeolidiacea, in which there has been a shift from sponges to Cnidaria as food. The Dendronotacea often feed upon Octocorallia, which combine spicules, chemical defense, and stinging capsules and thereby suggest a transition from feeding on sponges. A previous diet of Octocorallia is suggested by the defensive use of prostaglandins in the dendronotacean Tethys fimbria, which eats crustaceans. A shift to bryozoans in some Arminacea is accompanied by use of different metabolites. Dorid nudibranchs evidently began as sponge-feeders, but some lineages have shifted to a variety of other food organisms, and others have specialized in the kind of sponges they feed on and how they do it. There have been shifts to bryozoans (Ectoprocta) and ascidians (Chordata: Urochordata) that track metabolites rather than the taxonomy of the food. There is a crude correlation between the genealogy and the defensive metabolites of the sponge-feeding dorids. De novo synthesis is well documented in this order and the metabolites are appropriately positioned so as to have an adaptive effect. The hypothesis that the capacity for de novo synthesis was acquired by gene transfer across lineages is rejected, partly on the basis of different chirality of metabolites in the nudibranchs and their food organisms. Instead it is proposed that there has been a preadaptive phase followed by evolution in a retrosynthetic mode, with selection favoring enzymes that enhance the yield of end products that are already present in the food. Received 5 February 1999; accepted 26 July 1999  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of partial 18S rDNA sequences from species representing all living families of the order Patellogastropoda, most other major gastropod groups (Cocculiniformia, Neritopsina, Vetigastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Heterobranchia, but not Neomphalina), and two additional classes of the phylum Mollusca (Cephalopoda, Polyplacophora) confirm that Patellogastropoda comprises a robust clade with high statistical support. The sequences are characterized by the presence of several insertions and deletions that are unique to, and ubiquitous among, patellogastropods. However, this portion of the 18S gene is insufficiently informative to provide robust support for the monophyly of Gastropoda, or to address the division of the Gastropoda into the subclasses Eogastropoda (= Patellogastropoda + hypothetical coiled ancestors) and Orthogastropoda. These sequence data invariably group Patellogastropoda in a weakly supported clade with cocculiniform limpets, despite greater sequence divergences between Patellogastropoda and “Cocculiniformia” than between the Patellogastropoda and Orthogastropoda. Partial 18S sequences support the inclusion of the family Neolepetopsidae within the superfamily Acmaeoidea, and refute its previously hypothesized position as sister group to the remaining living Patellogastropoda. This region of the 18S rDNA gene diverges at widely differing rates, spanning an order of magnitude among patellogastropod lineages, and therefore does not provide meaningful resolution of the relationships among higher taxa of patellogastropods. Data from one or more genes that evolve more uniformly and more rapidly than the 18S rDNA gene (possibly one or more of the mitochondrial genes) seem more likely to be informative about relationships within Patellogastropoda. Received: 5 February 1999 / Accepted: 16 May 2000  相似文献   

 The upper critical thermal limits were measured as heat-coma temperatures in Littorina species as a tool for examining physiological diversity. Thermal tolerance was found to be stable within a population, but extensive variation occurred between populations and species. All species examined displayed heat-coma values of ∼30 °C and did not show a positive correlation with shore height. Eulittoral-fringe species tended to have higher coma temperatures than eulittoral species. Coma temperatures varied both seasonally and geographically. Lethal thermal limits were also investigated; these were ∼10 C° higher than coma temperatures. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

 The nature of heat coma was examined in the edible periwinkle Littorina littorea (L.). Duration of acclimation did not influence heat-coma temperature at 12 °C, although other acclimation temperatures were important in influencing thermal tolerance, with positive shifts in coma temperature observed in response to elevated temperatures. Previous thermal history also influenced heat-coma temperatures. Individuals subjected to repeat heat-coma events on a daily basis showed significant declines (P < 0.05) in coma-temperature; in contrast individuals exposed to repeat heat-coma events on a weekly basis showed no decline in thermal tolerance. Size-effects occurred at selected sites, where decreased heat-coma temperatures were recorded in large individuals. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

Summary. Recent advances in both the systematics and the natural products chemistry of the order Sacoglossa (=Ascoglossa) in the gastropod subclass Opisthobranchia suggest a revised and improved historical account of the evolution of the group. Although the algal genus Caulerpa makes a suitable model for the ancestral food of the order, other siphonaceous algae are consistent with both morphological and chemical data. At an early evolutionary stage terpenoids are sequestered from the food, and used defensively, often with modification. With an evolutionary switch to different kinds of algal food, there is often a shift to other, related defensive chemicals. A switch to new food source sometimes leads to the abandonment of chemical defense, but in other cases there is de-novo synthesis of defensive metabolites. The synthesis of polypropionates, which are used defensively, occurs in some other gastropods, but otherwise is known only in fungi. The systematic distribution of the defensive polypropionates suggests that their defensive use has evolved several times among gastropods. Failure to detect them may mean that synthetic capacity has evolved more than once, or it may mean that they exist at low levels, perhaps having a non-defensive function. Received 9 February 1998; accepted 20 March 1998.  相似文献   

P. E. McShane 《Marine Biology》1991,110(3):385-389
In three wild populations ofHaliotis rubra surveyed off southeastern Australia during the three years 1987–1989, 0 to 10% post-settlementH. rubra survived for 5 mo. Sequential censuses (February, May and December in each year) provided evidence that mortality of post-settlementH. rubra increased with the density of settlement. The occupation of cryptic habitat byH. rubra soon after settlement may well be an adaptation for avoiding predators or grazers and dislodgement by violent water movement.  相似文献   

The distribution of Littorina irrorata Say on a low-energy barrier beach on the northern Gulf of Mexico is described, and correlated with the presence of Spartina alterniflora and other plants in the upper intertidal zone. The movements of 66 individually tagged snails were followed in the S. alterniflora zone for an average of 226 days, during which time an average of 10.6 positions were recorded per snail. The snails travelled an average total path distance of at least 995 cm, but due to contorted paths, ended up an average resultant distance of only 399 cm away from their original positions. They moved an estimated resultant distance of approximately 20 to 25 cm per activity period. Despite a slight offshore movement during the fall and winter, the snails moved more parallel to the shoreline than perpendicular to it.  相似文献   

Mantle surfaces of the dorid nudibranchs Rostanga arbutus and Jorunna sp. were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and two specialized structures are described. These are caryophyllidia and mantle rim organs; the latter being described for the first time. Caryophyllidia occur in large numbers (several thousand) uniformly distributed over the entire upper surface, while the mantle rim organs, numbering only 40 to 60, are restricted to the upper mantle margin. Caryophyllidia are minute (40 to 50 m diam), erect tubercles supported internally by 4 to 7, vertical, calcareous spicules which emerge in a crown surrounding an apical knob. Caryophyllidia display a high level of spicular organization and incorporate a complex muscle system at their base. The apical knob is formed from specialized epidermis capping a sub-epithelial ganglion. The highly organized structure of the caryophyllidium indicates its potential importance as a new character in dorid taxonomy and phylogeny. Mantle rim organs (80 to 300 m diam) contain large numbers of vacuolated cells and cells containing pellet-shaped nodules.  相似文献   

Observations on the spawning behaviour of the commercially important muricid snail Concholepas concholepas are reported. The sequence of events relating to external transportation, molding and hardening, and attachment of the egg capsules to a substratum were timed and divided into 6 major events. The snails studied in the laboratory spawned between April and Septemer. These results and data from the literature reveal an all-year-round spawning activity for the species. The frequency, size and time of spawning were studied over 1 year. Spawning activity always began at night, suggesting that the species retains its spawning rhythm in the laboratory. These was a direct relationship between length of the snail and size of the capsules spawned. No nutritive eggs were found; the number per capsule varied between 668 and 14,250 according to capsule size. Hatching time varied between 69 and 128 days at 13.5° to 14.5°C.  相似文献   

The common Antarctic nudibranch Austrodoris kerguelenensis (Bergh) contains diterpene diacylglycerides only present in its external body parts. These compounds provide a chemical defense against sympatric predators, such as the seastar Odontaster validus Koehler. Bioassays conducted with O. validus revealed that live nudibranchs, mantle tissue and Et2O extract of the A. kerguelenensis mantle deterred feeding by the seastar. Further bioassays testing organic fractions of the Et2O mantle extract showed that the diterpene diacylglycerides, as well as corresponding monoacylglycerides and monoacylglycerides of regular fatty acids, were responsible for the feeding deterrence in O. validus. We suggest that A. kerguelenensis derives the bioactive diacylglycerides by de novo biosynthesis rather than by sequestration from its sponge diet, since the mollusk does not contain active metabolites in the viscera, and neither the active compounds nor precursors were detected in the sponge diet. Furthermore, A. kerguelenensis did not show a strong chemodetection or feeding preference for its main diet, hexactinellid sponges, in Y-maze and food choice experiments, respectively.  相似文献   

Dense populations of the antarctic pteropod Clione antarctica (Smith) offer a rich source of potential nutrients and energy to planktivorous predators. Nonetheless, antarctic fish do not prey on C. antarctica. Employing flash and high-pressure liquid chromatographic techniques, a linear -hydroxyketone, pteroenone (C14H24O2) was isolated from whole tissues of C. antarctica. When embedded in alginate food pellets at ecologically relevant concentrations, pteroenone caused significant feeding deterrence in Pagothenia borchgrevinki and Pseudotrematomas bernacchii, two antarctic fish known to feed on planktonic organisms. Concentrations of pteroenone were variable between pteropods (0.056 to 4.5 mg ml-1 tissue), but even those individuals with the lowest natural concentration contained levels five-fold greater than the lowest effective feeding-deterrent concentration (0.012 mg ml-1 alginate). Chemical analysis indicated that the primary dietary item of the carnivorous C. antarctica, the shelled pteropod Limacina helicina, does not contain pteroenone. This suggests that C. antarctica does not derive this defensive compound from its diet. This is the first example of a defensive secondary metabolite in a pelagic gastropod.  相似文献   

 In a Kenyan mangrove, we studied the interactions between the gastropod Terebralia palustris and the crab Neosarmatium smithi when foraging on decaying mangrove leaves. Interactions are considerable on account of their wide overlap in zonation (Rhizophora mucronata belt), food items (mangrove leaves) and activity window (diurnal low water). The snails find a leaf by a systematic transecting of the platform and eat the leaf after crawling on to it, usually en masse. The crabs rarely venture beyond 80 cm from their burrows, and once they find a leaf they quickly drag it back into their burrow, probably to reduce the strong intra-specific competition. A crab is able to drag a leaf away even if a number of snails are already feeding on it, by strongly pulling the leaf away or by pushing the snails off the leaf. The success of the “thief ” depends on both the crab's size and the number of snails on the leaf. Received: 25 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 2000  相似文献   

Abalone taxonomy and systematics have remained unresolved: neither stable species-level nomenclature nor a cladistic hypothesis of relationships among species have been established. To infer the phylogeny of the genus Haliotis and to identify species using molecular data, we compared complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences of sperm lysin from 27 species-group taxa from California, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Borneo, Madagascar, South Africa, Greece, France, Italy and the Azores. The lysin cDNA sequences reveal that 22 of the 27 taxa are clearly distinguishable by >20 nucleotide differences. Of the remaining 5, H. coccinea from the Azores may be a subspecies of H. tuberculata, if not a sibling species (10 nucleotide differences). The other four taxa are most probably the same species as one of the 22 taxa: the lysin sequences are almost identical between H. madaka and H. discus hannai, H. conicopora and H. rubra, H. diversicolor supertexta and H. diversicolor aquatilis, and H. tuberculata lamellosa and H. tuberculata tuberculata. The phylogeny of lysin cDNA suggests that there are three groups among the 27 species-group taxa: (1) all California species and 3 Japanese species (H. gigantea, H. discus hannai, and H. madaka): (2) 1 New Zealand species (H. iris); (3) 1 Japanese species (H. diversicolor aquatilis), Indo-West Pacific species and European species. These groups can be assigned to three previously recognized subgenera (Nordotis, Paua and Padollus) in the genus Haliotis. Two historical hypotheses are proposed to explain the biogeography and evolution within these abalone: (1) Tethyan distribution of the ancestral abalone, during the Cretaceous, followed by extinction in most of the habitat, but radiation in California and Southeast Asia which later spread to the other areas; (2) North Pacific rim distribution of the ancestral abalone, followed by dispersal to the other areas during the Paleogene.  相似文献   

Paths moved by the limpet Patella vulgata L. were monitored on a sheltered vertical rocky shore in North Wales using time-lapse photography throughout nocturnal low tides in April and November 1992, roughly corresponding to periods of minimum and maximum gonad ripeness, respectively. Various motion parameters, including total duration, total length, and maximum distance reached from home were computed from 124 complete foraging routes obtained from 18 higher-zoned and 18 lower-zoned limpets. P. vulgata typically performed a single loop per night (average total length, ca. 70 cm), moving from the individual home scar to graze the surrounding algal grounds (average maximum distance, ca. 25 cm), then following its own trail back home. On the average, limpets moved from the home scar during three of four available nocturnal low tides and exploited about half the emersion time. Evidence for size-related variability in behaviour was found, as a positive correlation was assessed between both total duration and legth of the excursions, and shell length. In addition, zonation was proved to affect the limpets' foraging behaviour, since low-shore limpets moved faster and covered greater distances than high-shore ones. Moreover, consistent seasonal variation in foraging behaviour emerged, since in April the excursions were longer and longer-lasting than in November, but limpets exploited a larger fraction of potential activity phases in November than in April. The within-population variability in the temporal and spatial characteristics of the foraging excursions is discussed in relation to the available data on zonal and seasonal variation of food resources and in relation to physiological changes due to reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

The structural changes undergone by the digestive system of a phytoplanktotrophic nudibranch larva during metamorphosis into a benthic carnivore are described using histological and electron microscopic techniques. The relative positions of the stomach, digestive gland, and distal end of the intestine are rearranged at metamorphosis by the actions of the larval retractor muscle and the accessory pedal retractor muscle. Although the anus and distal end of the intestine are secondarily displaced to the posterior end of the gastropod, the stomach undergoes further torsional displacement at metamorphosis. The tissues of the larval stomach and distal end of the larval esophagus undergo drastic alteration at metamorphosis. The larval stomach consists of a ciliated vestibule, which receives the openings of the esophagus and left digestive gland, a gastric shield, a style sac, and an intestinal groove. All of these areas, except the vestibule, are destroyed by cell dissociation at metamorphosis. The vestibule becomes the ventral stomach of the benthic stage and the proximal end of the intestine becomes enlarged and muscularized to form the dorsal stomach of the benthic stage. The metamorphic changes involving the distal end of the esophagus include the continued development of the radula and oral lip glands, which both appear in rudimentary form during the larval stage, and differentiation of the buccal pump, salivary glands, and oral lips.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of two molluses, gonochoric Chiton iatricus and a marine pulmonate, Ochnidium verruculatum inhabiting the same tropical area, but having different modes of reproduction, were studied. Protein is the major biochemical component stored in C. iatricus, whereas lipid is predominantly stored in O. verruculatum. The correlation between these quantifications and the annual reproductive cycles of the two species investigated suggest that nutrients stored in the somatic body parts are channeled towards the gonad during the gametogenesis. In C. iatricus sexual differences efrist in the biochemical needs of the ovary and the testis. The ovary always has a higher protein content than the testis. In the hermaphrodite pulmonate O. verruculatum, biochemical expenditure on gamete production is relatively low because this species has to spend energy on the reproductive propagation viz. copulation and egg-laying. On the contrary, in C. iatricus the biochemical energy is mainly utilized for the production of gametes which have to be produced in great numbers in order to counter-balance the loss of gametes caused by external fertilization. The collected data are discussed in the light of comparative physiology of reproduction.  相似文献   

J. Nybakken 《Marine Biology》1978,45(2):129-146
A 40-month study of a nudibranch assemblage within a 250 m2 intertidal area at Asilomar State Beach, California, USA, indicated that dominance was shared among 9 species which comprised 87% of the total number of individuals enumerated. These 9 species also showed high frequency of occurrence in the area. The number of nudibranch species counted per month was shown to be independent of weather and tide conditions, but the numbers of individuals and diversity values were correlated with wave action, lower values and numbers being tabulated during times of storms. Cumulative plots of diversity and species number based upon 15 min enumeration times indicated adequate assessment of diversity and species number after 60 min of sampling. The number of species and individuals and the diversity varied from month to month over the 40 months, but these variations were shown to be statistically insignificant or to be correlated with weather. Hence, it was concluded that the assemblage was a stable one, structured primarily by the 9 dominant species. No statistically significant seasonal or annual changes were observed in the assemblage. Diversity was found to correlate most highly with species number and less with number of individuals. The average number of species found per month was 13, the average number of individuals 104, and the average monthly diversity (HH}) was 1.82. Significant positive and negative correlations between abundances of certain species were found. These were attributed to occurrence of prey items or to synchrony of reproduction. There was no evidence of migration, and resident status for one dominant species was established. Comparison of the present study with earlier work suggested that a stable nudibranch assemblage was not merely a local phenomenon.  相似文献   

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