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利用伊宁市2000年大气和气象实测资料分析了污染物与气象诸因子的关系。结果表明,污染物与气象诸因子的关系较为明显,特别是与风速,相对湿度,气温的相关性十分显著。同时也得出伊宁市降水的净化效应不显著。  相似文献   

One third of the territory of Czechoslovakia is covered by forests. A substantial part of them is damaged in various degrees by air pollution. The air pollution influence on forests developed to a very serious problem during the last 40 years. The main pollutant at present is SO2 acting directly, but the improtance of soil changes due to acid deposition increases. The consequences are increased mortality and decreased increment in the forests, further consequences are the loss of valuable ecotypes, impact on water management and decreased stability of the landscape. There are limited possibilities of the forest sector to reduce the consequences.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Air quality in the vicinity of airports is examined with particular reference to a detailed study of Gatwick Airport (UK). Ambient air concentrations of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons (total and non-methane), oxides of nitrogen, smoke and airborne particulate lead have been measured at seven locations around the airport. The results obtained have been compared with ambient air quality guidelines, where available, and with results from other monitoring sites in the UK. It is concluded that the airport cannot be considered to be a significantly more important contributor to average pollutant ground-level concentrations than other sources in the area.  相似文献   

轿车内空气污染监测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过实际监测研究,对轿车内空气污染水平、车内外空气污染的相关性、车内空气污染与汽车工况、通风状况的关系进行了评估,分析污染来源并提出了控制对策。  相似文献   

This area has a rate of patients with obstructive chronic lung disease that is the highest in Portugal and the second in Europe. Levels of pollution observed in 1985/86 and 1986/87 allowed evaluating the effects of concentrations lower than those that usually cause acute episodes. It was observed that even low levels of strong acidity can be related with lung diseases, when observed simultaneously with appreciable levels of black smoke; climatic factors have a synergetic effect.  相似文献   

The forests of Abies religiosa Schl. et Cham. in the north and the northeast slopes of the mountains of the southwestern region of the Valley of Mexico are in an acute process of decline, particularly the fir forest of the Cultural and Recreational Park Desierto de los Leones. The mortality of the trees began in 1981, and by 1987 30% of the trees of the Park had died; the mortality continues. The surviving trees are in a very poor crown condition, having thin crowns with many dead branches. in the light of current knowledge air pollution, in particular the oxidant gases (ozone), are the primary cause of decline, but other conditions or agents (age of the trees and diseases) could be contributing factors in the dying of the trees.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress-Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Air quality impact assessment (AQIA) is an important technique for determining the relative contribution to ground level pollutant concentrations of specific current or future source emissions at receptor sites. The principal activities in AQIA are air quality modelling and monitoring techniques. The choice of techniques which are applicable to a particular situation is intimately related to the problem to be assessed. A review of relevant modelling techniques has been presented, with emphasis placed on Gaussian plume models because of their ease of use and broad applicability. Alternative modelling techniques have been suggested when departures from the Gaussian form in the atmosphere occurs or when more detailed information on atmospheric chemistry, deposition or long range transport is required. The objectives and techniques of ambient air quality monitoring have been examined and the siting of instruments, duration and frequency of sampling, choice of monitoring rationale (fixed or mobile), minimization of sampling errors, data storage and analysis are discussed. Modelling and monitoring are essential to successful AQIA. An orderly approach to the principles and procedures involved in performing AQIA studies, using these two techniques in conjunction, has been presented.  相似文献   

Air pollution in Athens basin and health risk assessment   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An inventory of air pollution sources within the Athens basin is carried out for the years 1989, 1992 and 1998 and the results areinputted in a climatological model for predicting ambient concentrations. Despite of the significant growth in the numberof road vehicles and the deteriorating traffic, the emissions andambient concentrations of fine particulates, CO, NOx and VOCappear to remain reasonably constant over for the period 1989 to 1998, while these of SO2 and Pb are reduced, mainly due to the renewal of vehicle fleet, the use of catalytic technologies and the improved quality of the used fuel. The results further indicate that for CO, NOx and VOC the major source is road traffic, while for PM2.5 and SO2 both space heating andtraffic share responsibility. The air pollutant concentrations monitored by the network of 11 stations are reviewed and statistics related to air quality guidelines are presented. As fine particulate levels are not monitored, approximate PM2.5and PM10 concentrations are derived from black smoke ones on basis of experimentally determined conversion factors. The computed and monitored air pollution levels are compared and found in reasonable agreement. The results of the above analysisshow that the levels of all `classical' pollutants, with the exception of SO2 and Pb, exceed significantly the WHO guidelines and are thus expected to exert a significant healthimpact. The latter could be quantified in relation to the PM2.5 or PM10 levels on the basis of risk assessment information developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results show that the existing levels of fine particle concentrations in Athens increase significantly the mortality and morbidity, and reduce the average longevity of the entirepopulation from 1.3 to 1.7 years.  相似文献   

大气是人类和生物赖以生存的必需条件。伴随我国经济的快速发展,城市大气污染问题早已引起人们的广泛关注。本文以昌吉市为例,研究分析昌吉市气候、扬尘、经济状况等因素对昌吉市环境空气质量的影响,并在此基础上提出切实可行的对策建议。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of atmospheric pollutants emitted by the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy) on agriculture, sulphur dioxide and ozone levels in air were monitored and the data were used to estimate yield losses of the most widespread cultures. Trace element concentrations in crops and soils were also detected and metabolic profiles of soil microbial communities were considered. Vibrio fischeri test was used to appraise airborne pollutant ecotoxicity and epidemiological studies on causes of death distribution were carried out to characterize health state of people living in the area. All the sampling points were selected in farms on the basis of a theoretical meteo-diffusive model of industrial air pollutants. Experimental SO2 and O3 values mainly exceeded the threshold established by Italian and EU regulations to protect vegetation and they correspond to estimated significant crop losses. Conversely toxic element residues in soils and in agroalimentary products were generally lower than the fixed values. SO2 and O3 concentrations, toxic element contents and ecotoxicity levels of airborne pollutants were not related only to industrial site emissions, while the fluctuations on metabolic profiles of soil microbial communities seem to agree with the predicted deposition of xenobiotic compounds from the industrial plants. The epidemiological study evidenced a better health state of populations living in the investigated area than in the Messina province and the Sicily region but, inside the area, males living in the municipalities closest to the industrial settlement exhibited a worst health state than those in the very far ones.  相似文献   

焦作市区大气污染状况与防治措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据“九五”期间焦作市区的大气污染监测资料,对市区大气污染状况进行了分析和评价,并对其成因进行了分析,提出了一些具体的防治措施。  相似文献   

Air pollution has resulted in high costs of living due to additional expenditures to combat the negative health effects, and the relationship between air pollution and well-being is of burgeoning interest. In this paper, the development and life index including 42 indicators is introduced to measure much broader dimensions of well-being in China at the macro level, which helps to compare the well-being of different regions. This paper uses provincial-level panel data from 2004 to 2013 in China, to empirically analyze and compare the impact of air pollution on well-being in latitudinal and longitudinal settings, based on regression methods, such as 2SLS, LIML, GMM and IGMM. The results show that although increased air pollution negatively affects well-being in general, the magnitude of the impact differs by region. Specifically, in China's northern regions, air pollution had a significantly negative impact on well-being, while the negative impact was weaker in southern China; moreover, a strong negative impact was found in western China, while a weak negative impact was found in eastern and central China. The time effect was also found to influence air pollution. Finally, this paper found that the natural birth rate and income level served as functional mechanisms of the effect of air pollution on regional well-being. These findings are useful in guiding government policy for determining the optimal balance between air quality control for economic growth and regional well-being.  相似文献   

To elucidate the sources of PM(10) air pollution from the experimental information collected in a local air quality monitoring campaign we have applied two methods, effective variance and genetic algorithms, in the solution of the chemical mass balance. The comparison of these two mathematical approaches show that the identification of the possible sources and the evaluation of its contributions are quite independent of them. The role of possible different sources for major and trace elements and the significance of standardizing available data is also addressed. We also present a simple method for identifying the number of candidate sources, a key element defining the dimension of the search space.  相似文献   

Political and economical transition in the Central and Eastern Europe at the end of eighties significantly influenced all aspects of life as well as technological infrastructure. Collapse of outdated energy demanding industry and adoption of environmental legislation resulted in seeming improvements of urban environmental quality. Hand in hand with modernization the newly adopted regulations also helped to phase out low quality coal frequently used for domestic heating. However, at the same time, the number of vehicles registered in the city increased. The two processes interestingly acted as parallel but antagonistic forces. To interpret the trends in urban air quality of Prague, Czech capital, monthly averages of PM(10), SO(2), NO(2), NO, O(3) and CO concentrations from the national network of automated monitoring stations were analyzed together with long term trends in fuel consumption and number of vehicles registered in Prague within a period of 1992-2005. The results showed that concentrations of SO(2) (a pollutant strongly related to fossil fuel burning) dropped significantly during the period of concern. Similarly NO(X) and PM(10) concentrations decreased significantly in the first half of the nineties (as a result of solid fuel use drop), but remained rather stable or increased after 2000, presumably reflecting rapid increase of traffic density. In conclusion, infrastructural changes in early nineties had a strong positive effect on Prague air quality namely in the first half of the period studied, nevertheless, the current trend in concentrations of automotive exhaust related pollutants (such as PM(10), NO(X)) needs adoption of stricter measures.  相似文献   

A conditional time-averaged gradient (COTAG) system has been developed to provide direct long-term (weekly to monthly) average flux gradient measurements for a range of trace gases, between land and atmosphere. Over daily periods, atmospheric conditions can range from high stability, where the vertical gradients of ambient concentration are enhanced due to very small diffusivity, to highly unstable conditions, in which concentration gradients are small due to the intense turbulent activity of the surface layer. The large vertical gradients generated by high stability would bias the estimate of the actual flux: to avoid this, the COTAG system samples conditionally, within a carefully refined range of stability. A comparison with a continuous flux gradient system suggested that the removal of stable conditions from the sampling period does not substantially modify the evaluation of the long-term fluxes.  相似文献   

Land use conversions rank among the most significant drivers of change in ecosystem services worldwide, affecting human wellbeing and threatening the survival of other species. Hence, predicting the effects of land use decisions on ecosystem services has emerged as a crucial need in spatial planning, and in the associated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) practice. The paper presents a case-study research aimed at empirically exploring how the implementation of different land-use zoning policies affect the future provision of a set of ecosystem services (water purification, soil conservation, habitat for species, carbon sequestration and timber production). The study area is located in The Araucanía, one of Chile's Administrative Regions. The first part of the methods consisted in the construction of land-use scenarios associated to different policies. Subsequently, the effects of the land-use scenarios on the provision of the selected ecosystem services were assessed in a spatially explicit way, by using modeling tools. Finally, a set of metrics was developed to compare scenarios, and trade-offs in the provision of different ecosystem services were made explicit through trade-off curves. The results indicate that, for this case study, spatial configuration of land uses is as an important factor as their size. This suggests that the analysis of land-use patterns deserves attention, and that this information should be included in scenario exercises aimed to support spatial planning. The paper concludes by discussing the potential contribution of the approach to support SEA of spatial plans.  相似文献   

Pollution transfer is widespread in various countries. If differences in environmental regulation intensity exist across different regions in a country, pollution transfer may occur. Based on data from Chinese enterprises, this study constructs a comprehensive index of environmental regulation and the degree of environmental co-governance at the enterprise level and uses a panel probit model, the two-stage least squares method, and an interaction regression model to assess the effect of environmental regulation and environmental co-governance on pollution transfer. The probability of enterprise migration increases as environmental regulation intensity increases, confirming the pollution transfer effect of environmental regulation. The analysis of the influencing mechanism shows that environmental regulation can reduce the probability of pollution transfer through the “innovation compensation effect” and improve the probability of enterprise migration through the “compliance cost effect”. In addition, under the condition of established environmental regulation, environmental co-governance can reduce the probability of enterprise migration, inhibit the transfer of pollution to nearby areas, and improve the efficiency of environmental governance. This study is conducive to assessing the policy effectiveness of environmental regulation and provides a reference for other countries regarding pollution transfer.  相似文献   

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