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The influences of aeration rate and biodegradability fractionation on biodegradation kinetics during composting were studied. The first step was the design of a suitable lab-reactor that enabled the simulation of composting. The second step comprised of composting trials of six blends of sludge (originating from a food processing effluent) with wood chips using aeration rates of 1.69, 3.62, 3.25, 8.48, 11.98 and 16.63 L/h/kg DM of mixture. Biodegradation was evaluated by respiration measurements and from the analysis of the substrate (dry matter, organic matter, total carbon and chemical oxygen demand removal). Continuous measurement of oxygen consumption was coupled with the analysis of initial substrate and composted product for chemical oxygen demand (in the soluble and non-soluble fractions), which enabled an evaluation of the organic matter biodegradability. Oxygen requirements to remove both the easily and slowly biodegradable fractions were determined. Dividing the substrate into different parts according to biodegradability allowed explanation of the influence of aeration rate on stabilization kinetics. Considering that the biodegradation kinetics were of the first-order, the kinetic constants of the easily and slowly biodegradable fractions were calculated as a function of temperature. The methodology presented here allows the comparison of organic wastes in terms of their content of easily and slowly biodegradable fractions and the respective biodegradation kinetics.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility of a bulking agent of granular porous media (GPM) for the composting of swine manure. Two lab-scale composting reactors were operated to evaluate the general performances and maturity parameters using GPM made of wastes from the Portland cement manufacturing processes as an alternative bulking agent. The overall volatile solid (VS) removal was 38.5% (dry basis). During the experiments, moisture content ranged between 41% and 53%, ensuring feasibility of microbial activity in composting. Cured compost showed proper maturity and low phytotoxicity, despite the slight decreases of CO(2) production and VS removal at the second batch operation. Various physico-chemical parameters of the cured compost met the regulatory standards reported elsewhere. The pH, carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, ammonia nitrogen and soluble organic carbon (SOC) of the cured compost were significantly correlated to the germination index (GI) using the seeds of Chinese cabbage and lettuce, indicating the progressive biodegradation of phytotoxins as well as organic matter. Consequently, the results obtained in this study demonstrate that GPM could contribute to the environmentally friendly and economical composting of problematic swine manure as a recyclable bulking agent.  相似文献   

Swine manure was subjected to laboratory scale composting in order to quantify bioaerosols, i.e., airborne culturable bacteria and endotoxin, in the exhaust gas, which provided details on the effect of temperature on bacterial emissions. The concentration of airborne bacteria reached 31,250 colony-forming units (CFU)/m3 during the thermophilic stage of composting, and positively correlated with the temperature profile of the compost pile. Initially, the endotoxin concentration was 1820 endotoxin units (EU)/m3, but it decreased exponentially as the composting process proceeded. The temperature can be an excellent indicator of bacterial emissions during the composting process, indicating that the composting process requires a consistently high temperature to ensure sanitization of both compost and bacterial emissions. The cumulative emission data showed that emission factors was 11.2?13.5 CFU/g dry swine manure and that of endotoxin was 0.5?0.9 EU/g dry swine manure. The bacterial diversity in the bioaerosol was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, revealing the presence of various gram-negative bacterial consortia.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of composting on the viability of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The research consisted of pilot-scale composting of horticultural waste in compost windrows. Studies were carried out on vegetable residues infected with plant pathogenic microorganisms included by either integrated or localized infection. In the first case, the plant pathogen viability was investigated when infected material was mixed throughout compost, while the localized infection was used to study the effect of the composting process on plant waste spot-inoculated with pathogenic microorganisms. Results for localized sanitation showed the total elimination of all tested phytopathogens between 48 and 120 h after composting began. In this case significant differences were observed in relation to 9 different zones in the pile. The disappearance of these microorganisms was similar when all plant waste included in the windrow was infected (integrated infection). Additionally, the results obtained confirmed that the bacteria showed a greater capacity to persist during composting than the fungi. Composting is therefore considered a useful method for recycling horticultural waste and eliminating phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi that inhabit this kind of residue.  相似文献   

In order to obtain 85% recycling, several procedures on Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR) could be implemented, such as advanced metal and polymer recovery, mechanical recycling, pyrolysis, the direct use of ASR in the cement industry, and/or the direct use of ASR as a secondary raw material. However, many of these recovery options appear to be limited, due to the possible low acceptability of ASR based products on the market. The recovery of bottom ash and slag after an ASR thermal treatment is an option that is not usually considered in most countries (e.g. Italy) due to the excessive amount of contaminants, especially metals. The purpose of this paper is to provide information on the characteristics of ASR and its full-scale incineration residues. Experiments have been carried out, in two different experimental campaigns, in a full-scale tyre incineration plant specifically modified to treat ASR waste.Detailed analysis of ASR samples and combustion residues were carried out and compared with literature data. On the basis of the analytical results, the slag and bottom ash from the combustion process have been classified as non-hazardous wastes, according to the EU waste acceptance criteria (WAC), and therefore after further tests could be used in future in the construction industry. It has also been concluded that ASR bottom ash (EWC – European Waste Catalogue – code 19 01 12) could be landfilled in SNRHW (stabilized non-reactive hazardous waste) cells or used as raw material for road construction, with or without further treatment for the removal of heavy metals. In the case of fly ash from boiler or Air Pollution Control (APC) residues, it has been found that the Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations exceeded regulatory leaching test limits therefore their removal, or a stabilization process, would be essential prior to landfilling the use of these residues as construction material.  相似文献   

Effect of C/N on composting of pig manure with sawdust   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The aim of this composting trial was to evaluate the effect of C/N on the composting process of pig manure with the purpose of reducing the amount of sawdust normally used as co-composting materials. Two aerobic static piles were prepared consisting of pig manure mixed with sawdust at an initial C/N of 30 (pile A) and 15 (pile B), respectively. Pile B containing larger amount of pig manure showed a slower rise in temperature, lower maximum temperature, and shorter thermophilic phase than pile A. It also resulted in higher pH and electrical conductivity (EC) values, and even higher contents of soluble NH4-N and volatile solids throughout the composting period. Chemical and biological parameters including dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (4932 mg kg(-1)), soluble NH4-N (371 mg kg(-1)), C/Nsolid (18.3), C/Naquoeus (5.8) and seed germination index (GI) (66.5%) indicated that pile A achieved maturity after 49 days of composting. After 63 days of composting, pile B contained 5352 and 912 mg kg(-1) of DOC and soluble NH4-N content, respectively, which was much higher than the criterion of 5% and 400 mg kg(-1), indicating its immature nature. Pile B showed a relatively low GI value of 46%, which may be due to its high indigenous EC value as a result of larger amount of pig manure. Therefore, co-composting of pig manure with sawdust at a low initial C/N would require a composting longer than 63 days, and, the high salinity due to the large amount of pig manure would pose a potential inhibition on plant growth.  相似文献   

Stability is one of the most important properties of compost obtained from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. This property is essential for the application of compost to land to avoid further field degradation and emissions of odors, among others. In this study, a massive characterization of compost samples from both home producers and industrial facilities is presented. Results are analyzed in terms of chemical and respiration characterizations, the latter representing the stability of the compost. Results are also analyzed in terms of statistical validation. The main conclusion from this work is that home composting, when properly conducted, can achieve excellent levels of stability, whereas industrial compost produced in the studied facilities can also present a high stability, although an important dispersion is found in these composts. The study also highlights the importance of respiration techniques to have a reliable characterization of compost quality, while the chemical characterization does not provide enough information to have a complete picture of a compost sample.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The influence of temperature and storage time on hydrogen sulphide (H2S) emissions from two different dairy manures was investigated over four...  相似文献   

The effects of additives such as apple pomace, bentonite and calcium superphosphate on swine manure composting were investigated in a self-built aerated static box (90 L) by assessing their influences on the transformation of nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous and compost maturity. The results showed that additives all prolonged the thermophilic stage in composting compared to control. Nitrogen losses amounted to 34–58% of the initial nitrogen, in which ammonia volatilization accounted for 0.3–4.6%. Calcium superphosphate was helpful in facilitating composting process as it significantly reduced the ammonia volatilization during thermophilic stage and increased the contents of total nitrogen and phosphorous in compost, but bentonite increased the ammonia volatilization and reduced the total nitrogen concentration. It suggested that calcium superphosphate is an effective additive for keeping nitrogen during swine manure composting.  相似文献   

The Istanbul composting and recycling plant, constructed in 2001, is one of the few composting plants in Turkey. During test operations of the plant, it was reported that the weight of the oversize materials (OM) above a 80-mm sieve was about 40% of the total incoming waste. They mainly consist of plastic bags that were full of garbage, which resulted in operational problems in the plant. In this paper, the composition of OM was determined and evaluated, particularly to find the economic losses in the plant. It was determined that approximately 58% of the OM transferred to the landfill area due to operational failures and interruptions could be used at the plant with improved operational conditions. Otherwise, the plant would realize an annual economic loss of about 640,800 US$. Compost quality in the plant has been satisfactory, but source separated collection, at least the separation of the wet from the dry fraction, is needed to increase the amount of compost and recovered materials.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed using 24,900 mm deep soil columns to determine the amounts of nitrogen lost through the processes of leaching and ammonia volatilization from land receiving high applications of dairy cattle manure. The soil columns were conditioned over a period of one year before the start of the experiment and a conscious effort was made to make the physical properties of the columns soil sufficiently reproduced to resemble the undisturbed soil. The effects of three manure and three water application rates on nitrogen losses were monitored over a period of 10 weeks. The concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the leachates obtained from the soil columns were very low. The observed losses of nitrogen caused by leaching and ammonia volatilization were influenced by manure and water application rates. The high concentration of nitrate nitrogen at the beginning of the experiment has the potential of causing groundwater pollution. Also, ammonia volatilization is considered high enough to cause serious odor problems.  相似文献   

Pig manure usually contains a large amount of metals, especially Cu and Zn, which may limit its land application. Rock phosphate has been shown to be effective for immobilizing toxic metals in toxic metals contaminated soils. The aim of this study work was to investigate the effect of rock phosphate on the speciation of Cu and Zn during co-composting of pig manure with rice straw. The results showed that composting process and rock phosphate addition significantly affected the changes of metal species. During co-composting, the exchangeable and reducible fractions of Cu were transformed to organic and residue fractions, thus the bioavailable Cu fractions were decreased. The rock phosphate addition enhanced the metal transformation depending on the level of rock phosphate amendment. Zinc was found in the exchangeable and reducible fractions in the compost. The bioavailable Zn fraction changed a little during the composting process. The composting process converted the exchangeable Zn fraction into reducible fraction. Addition of an appropriate amount (5.0%) of rock phosphate could advance the conversion. Rock phosphate could reduce metal availability through adsorption and complexation of the metal ions on inorganic components. The increase in pH and organic matter degradation could be responsible for the reduction in exchangeable and bioavailable Cu fractions and exchangeable Zn fraction in rock phosphate amended compost.  相似文献   

The performance of the only dairy manure biogas plant in Cantabria (Northern coast of Spain) was evaluated in terms of liquid-solid separation and anaerobic digestion of the liquid fraction. Screened liquid fraction was satisfactorily treated in a CSTR digester at HRTs from 20 to 10 days with organic loading rates ranging from 2.0 to 4.5 kg VS/(m(3)d). Stable biogas productions from 0.66 to 1.47 m(3)/(m(3)d) were achieved. Four anaerobic effluents collected from the digester at different HRTs were analyzed to measure their residual methane potentials, which ranged from 12.7 to 102.4 L/gVS. These methane potentials were highly influenced by the feed quality and HRT of the previous CSTR anaerobic digestion process. Biomethanization of the screened liquid fraction of dairy manure from intensive farming has the potential to provide up to 2% of total electrical power in the region of Cantabria.  相似文献   

The effects of rice straw addition level on odorous compounds emissions in a pilot-scale organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) composting plant were investigated. The cumulative odorous compounds emissions occurred in a descending order of 40.22, 28.71 and 27.83 mg/dry kg of OFMSW for piles with rice straw addition level at ratio of 1:10, 2:10 and 3:10 (mixing ratio of rice straw to OFMSW on a wet basis), respectively. The mixing ratio of rice straw to OFMSW had a statistically significant effect on the reduction of malodorous sulfur compounds emissions, which had no statistically significant effect on the reduction of VFAs, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, aromatics and ammonia emissions during composting, respectively. The cumulative emissions of malodorous sulfur compounds from piles with the increasing rice straw addition level were 1.17, 1.08 and 0.88 mg/dry kg of OFMSW, respectively. The optimal mixing ratio of rice straw to OFMSW was 1:5. Using this addition level, the cumulative malodorous sulfur compounds emissions based on the organic matter degradation were the lowest during composting of OFMSW.  相似文献   

The temperature of matured compost is an indicator of feedstock quality and also a good feedback informing about the suitability of an applied technological procedure. Two independent experiments using the technology of windrow composting at open area were conducted with the final goal to evaluate the effect of compost pile covering (in comparison with uncovered piles) on the course of composting process – behaviour of temperature over time and oxygen content. Two types of sheets were used – Top Tex permeable sheet and impermeable polyethylene sheet. The experiment I (summer months) aimed at comparison of efficiency between the Top Tex sheet cover and the uncovered compost piles, while experiment II (autumn months) compared treatments using the Top Tex sheet and polyethylene sheet by contrast. Within the experiment I the composts consisted of cattle slurry and fresh grass matter at a ratio of 1:1, in case of experiment II consisted of pig/cattle manure, fresh grass matter and chipped material at a ratio of about 1:2:1. The obtained data showed no significant differences among the cover treatments according to ANOVA. The only exception was oxygen content in pile 4 (experiment II) under Top Tex sheet, where a markedly higher oxygen content than under polyethylene sheet was measured during the whole composting period. It was the only case where statistical analysis proved a significant difference; the p-value was 0.0002.  相似文献   

Influence of aeration rate on nitrogen dynamics during composting   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The paper aimed to study the influence of aeration rate on nitrogen dynamics during composting of wastewater sludge with wood chips. Wastewater sludge was sampled at a pig slaughterhouse 24h before each composting experiment, and mixtures were made at the same mass ratio. Six composting experiments were performed in a lab reactor (300 L) under forced aeration. Aeration flow was constant throughout the experiment and aeration rates applied ranged between 1.69 and 16.63 L/h/kg DM of mixture. Material temperature and oxygen consumption were monitored continuously. Nitrogen losses in leachates as organic and total ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate, and losses in exhaust gases as ammonia were measured daily. Concentrations of total carbon and nitrogen i.e., organic nitrogen, total ammoniacal nitrogen, and nitrite and nitrate were measured in the initial substrates and in the composted materials. The results showed that organic nitrogen, which was released as NH4+/NH3 by ammonification, was closely correlated to the ratio of carbon removed from the material to TC/N(org) of the initial substrates. The increase of aeration was responsible for the increase in ammonia emissions and for the decrease in nitrogen losses through leaching. At high aeration rates, losses of nitrogen in leachates and as ammonia in exhaust gases accounted for 90-99% of the nitrogen removed from the material. At low aeration rates, those accounted for 47-85% of the nitrogen removed from the material. The highest concentrations of total ammoniacal nitrogen in composts occurred at the lowest aeration rate. Due to the correlation of ammonification with biodegradation and to the measurements of losses in leachates and in exhaust gases, the pool NH4+/NH3 in the composting material was calculated as a function of time. The nitrification rate was found to be proportional to the mean content of NH4+/NH3 in the material, i.e., initial NH4+/NH3 plus NH4+/NH3 released by ammonification minus losses in leachates and in exhaust gases. The aeration rate was shown to be a main parameter affecting nitrogen dynamics during composting since it controlled the ammonification, the ammonia emission and the nitrification processes.  相似文献   

Combined pre-composting and vermicomposting has shown potential for reclamation of solid wastes, which is a significant source of ammonia (NH3), and greenhouse gases (GHG), including nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Earthworms and amendments may both affect physico-chemical characteristics that control gas-producing processes, and thus affect NH3 and GHG emissions. Here, we used two-way ANOVA to test the effects of addition of reed straw and combined addition of reed straw and zeolite on NH3 and GHG emissions during pre-composting of duck manure, either with or without a follow-up phase of vermicomposting. Results showed that cumulative N2O, CH4, and CO2 emissions during pre-composting and vermicomposting ranged from 92.8, 5.8, and 260.6 mg kg?1 DM to 274.2, 30.4, and 314.0 mg kg?1 DM, respectively. Earthworms and amendments significantly decreased N2O and CH4 emissions. Emission of CO2 was not affected by earthworms, but increased in responses to addition of reed straw. Cumulative NH3 emission ranged from 3.0 to 8.1 g kg?1 DM, and was significantly decreased by reed straw and zeolite addition. In conclusion, combined pre-composting and vermicomposting with reed straw and zeolite addition would be strongly recommended in mitigating emissions of N2O, CH4, and NH3 from duck manure. Moreover, this method also provides nutrient-rich products that can be used as a fertilizer.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the utilization potential of several organic residues in clay bricks. Sawdust, tobacco residues, and grass are widespread by-products of industrial and agricultural processes in Turkey. These residue materials have long cellulose fibres. Sawdust and tobacco residues generally are used as fuel, and the grass is utilized for agricultural purposes. The insulation capacity of brick increases with the increasing porosity of the clay body. Combustible, organic types of pore-forming additives are most frequently used for this purpose. For this reason, increasing amounts of organic residues (0%, 2.5%, 5% and 10% in wt.) were mixed with raw brick-clay. All samples were fired at 900 degrees C. Effects on shaping, plasticity, density, and mechanical properties were investigated. The organic residue additions were found to be effective for pore-forming in the clay body with the clay maintaining acceptable mechanical properties. It was observed that the fibrous nature of the residues did not create extrusion problems. However, higher residue addition required a higher water content to ensure the right plasticity. As a result, sawdust, tobacco residues, and grass can be utilized in an environmentally safe way as organic pore-forming agents in brick-clay.  相似文献   

Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure (DM) and concentrated food processing wastes (FPW) under thermophilic (55 °C) and mesophilic (35 °C) temperatures, and fertilizer value of the effluent were investigated in this study. Two types of influent feedstock were utilized: 100 % DM and a 7:3 mixture (wet weight basis) of DM and FPW. The contents of the FPW, as feedstock were 3:3:3:1 mixture of cheese whey, animal blood, used cooking oil and residue of fried potato. Four continuous digestion experiments were carried out in 10 L digesters. Co-digestion under thermophilic temperature increased methane production per digester volume. However, co-digestion at 35 °C was inhibited. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (N) recovered after digestion ranged from 73.1 to 91.9 %, while recoveries of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) exceeded 100 %. The high recovery of NH4-N was attributed to mineralization of influent organic N. The mixture of DM and FPW showed greater recoveries of NH4-N after digestion compared to DM only, reflecting its greater organic N degradability. The ratios of extractable to total calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were slightly reduced after digestion. These results indicate that co-digestion of DM and FPW under thermophilic temperature enhances methane production and offers additional benefit of organic fertilizer creation.  相似文献   

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