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The lipid composition and biosynthesising activity of Thysanoessa raschi collected from the Clyde Estuary, Scotland, in May 1981 were examined. Triacylglycerols were the major lipid class present, although 16.7% of the total lipid were wax esters in which phytol was the dominant fatty alcohol. The thoracic contents (hepatopancreas) of the krill were capable of biosynthesising lipids in vitro from various labelled substrates. Radioactivity from [1-14C] palmitic acid was incorporated into lipids in the order phospholipids>triacylglycerols>wax esters; the bulk of the radioactivity was present in all cases in the fatty acyl moieties of the lipids. [U-14C] glucose labelled lipids in the order phospholipids>triacylglycerols>free fatty acids> was esters; in the first two lipids the radioactivity was mainly in the glycerol moieties, whereas in was esters it was solely in the fatty acyl moieties. The extent of labelling of these lipids from [U-14C] alanine was less than that from [U-14C] glucose, but the pattern of labelling was generally similar. More than 90% of the radioactivity incorporated into total lipid from 3H2O was present in free fatty acids from which it was calculated that the hepatopancreas of T. raschi can synthesise 2.5 g of fatty acid per hour at 15°C. This value is approximately three times lower than that previously determined for T. inermis from Balsfjorden, northern Norway. The results are discussed in terms of the sources of the dietary lipids of krill and the role of endogenous biosynthesis in contributing to its lipid reserves.  相似文献   

In this paper the data of a forest health inventory are analyzed. Since 1983 the degree of defoliation, together with various explanatory variables (covariates) concerning stand, site, soil and weather, are recorded by the second of the two authors, in the forest district of Rothenbuch (Spessart, Bavaria). The focus is on the space and time dependencies of the data. The mutual relationship of space-time functions and the set of covariates is evaluated. For this we use generalized linear models (GLMs) for ordinal response variables and semiparametric estimation approaches. By using goodness-of-fit measures it turns out that (i) the contribution of space-time functions is quantitatively comparable with that of the set of covariates, (ii) the contribution of space-time functions is small compared with the contribution of a set of variables describing the last-year and neighboring response values. By applying appropriate residual methods a detailed analysis of the individual sites in the area can be carried out. This analysis reveals where the predictive power of the covariates fail to explain the observed defoliation.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory predicts that the distribution of fertile females in space and time is the major determinant of male spacing behavior and mating strategies. Using a small nocturnal Malagasy primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), we determined the spatiotemporal distribution of estrous females during the brief annual mating season to examine the predictive power of the socioecological model for male mating strategies. Mouse lemurs are particularly interesting in this respect because this polygynous species is characterized by seasonal reproduction, seasonally reversed sexual dimorphism, and relatively large testes. All resident animals in our 8-ha study area, a total of 30 adult males and 27 adult females, were individually marked and regularly recaptured to determine female reproductive status and to obtain home range data. We found that the mating season is limited to 4 weeks following female emergence from hibernation. Only 3-9 females could have synchronized estruses during a given week, indicating a moderately high male monopolization potential. However, receptive females were not spatially clumped and male ranges overlapped with those of many other rivals. Therefore, we suggest that individual powerful males may be unable to defend exclusive permanent access to receptive females because of prohibitive costs of range defense resulting from the strongly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding intruder pressure. Our general conclusions are (1) that the socioecological model provides a useful heuristic framework for the study of mating systems, but that (2) it does not specify the degree of spatiotemporal clumping of receptive females at which male mating strategies switch among mate guarding, spatial exclusion of rivals, and roaming, and that (3) the operational sex ratio can have profound effects on male mating strategies as well.  相似文献   

We consider the situation where there are n sampling sites in an area, with an environmental variable measured at some or all of the sites at m sample times. We assume that there is interest in knowing whether the environmental variable displays systematic changes over time at the sites. A cumulative sum type of analysis with associated randomization tests has been proposed before for this situation, when there is negligible correlation between the observations in different times at one site, and no correlation between the results at different sites. A modification that allows for serial correlation at the individual sites but with no correlation between sites has also been proposed before. In the present paper we discuss how the method can be modified further to allow for spatial correlation between the sites, by applying it only to a reduced set of sites that are far enough apart to give effectively independent results. Simulation results indicate that this strategy is effective providing that the level of spatial correlation is not too high.  相似文献   

A simple Lagrangian water quality model was designed to investigate the hypothesis of sporadic silica limitations of diatom growth in the lower Elbe River in Germany. For each fluid parcel a limited reservoir of silica was specified to be consumed by diatoms. The model's simplicity notwithstanding, a set of six selected model parameters could not be fully identified from existing observations at one station. After the introduction of prior knowledge of the ranges of meaningful parameter values, calibration of the over-parameterised model manifested itself primarily in the generation of posterior parameter covariances. Estimations of the covariance matrix based on (a) second order partial derivatives of a quadratic cost function at its optimum and (b) Monte Carlo simulations exploring the whole space of parameter values gave consistent results. Diagonalisation of the covariance matrix yielded two linear parameter combinations that were most effectively controlled by data from periods with and without lack of silica, respectively. The two parameter combinations were identified as the essential inputs that govern the successful simulation of intermittently decreasing chlorophyll a concentrations in summer. A satisfactory simulation of the pronounced chlorophyll a minimum in spring, by contrast, was found to be beyond the means of the simple model.  相似文献   

As population modeling is increasingly called upon to guide policy and management, it is important that we understand not only the central tendencies of our study systems, but the consequences of their variation in space and time as well. The invasive plant Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) is actively managed in the United States and is the focus of a developing biological control program. Two weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchus) that reduce fecundity (C. alliariae) and rosette survival plus fecundity (C. scrobicollis) are under consideration for release pending host specificity testing. We used a demographic modeling approach to (1) quantify variability in A. petiolata growth and vital rates and (2) assess the potential for single- or multiple-agent biocontrol to suppress growth of 12 A. petiolata populations in Illinois and Michigan studied over three plant generations. We used perturbation analyses and simulation models with stochastic environments to estimate stochastic growth rates (lambda(S)) and predict the probability of successful management using either a single biocontrol agent or two agent species together. Not all populations exhibited invasive dynamics. Estimates of lambda(S) ranged from 0.78 to 2.21 across sites, while annual, deterministic growth (lambda) varied up to sevenfold within individual sites. Given our knowledge of the biocontrol agents, this analysis suggests that C. scrobicollis alone may control A. petiolata at up to 63% of our study sites where lambda >1, with the combination of both agents predicted to succeed at 88% of sites. Across sites and years, the elasticity rankings were dependent on lambda. Reductions of rosette survival, fecundity, or germination of new seeds are predicted to cause the greatest reduction of lambda in growing populations. In declining populations, transitions affecting seed bank survival have the greatest effect on lambda. This contrasts with past analyses that varied parameters individually in an otherwise constant matrix, which may yield unrealistic predictions by decoupling natural parameter covariances. Overall, comparisons of stochastic and deterministic growth rates illustrate how analyses of individual populations or years could misguide management or fail to characterize complex traits such as invasiveness that emerge as attributes of populations rather than species.  相似文献   

Statistics for correlated data: phylogenies, space, and time.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Here we give an introduction to the growing number of statistical techniques for analyzing data that are not independent realizations of the same sampling process--in other words, correlated data. We focus on regression problems, in which the value of a given variable depends linearly on the value of another variable. To illustrate different types of processes leading to correlated data, we analyze four simulated examples representing diverse problems arising in ecological studies. The first example is a comparison among species to determine the relationship between home-range area and body size; because species are phylogenetically related, they do not represent independent samples. The second example addresses spatial variation in net primary production and how this might be affected by soil nitrogen; because nearby locations are likely to have similar net primary productivity for reasons other than soil nitrogen, spatial correlation is likely. In the third example, we consider a time-series model to ask whether the decrease in density of a butterfly species is the result of decreases in its host-plant density; because the population density of a species in one generation is likely to affect the density in the following generation, time-series data are often correlated. The fourth example combines both spatial and temporal correlation in an experiment in which prey densities are manipulated to determine the response of predators to their food supply. For each of these examples, we use a different statistical approach for analyzing models of correlated data. Our goal is to give an overview of conceptual issues surrounding correlated data, rather than a detailed tutorial in how to apply different statistical techniques. By dispelling some of the mystery behind correlated data, we hope to encourage ecologists to learn about statistics that could be useful in their own work. Although at first encounter these techniques might seem complicated, they have the power to simplify ecological research by making more types of data and experimental designs open to statistical evaluation.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Alaria marginata Postels & Ruprecht was investigated spatially and seasonally using amplified-fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). Using one primer, 206 scoreable bands were produced. Individual plants that were separated by as little as a few decimeters to >100 km could be distinguished, and followed an isolation-by-distance model. Genetic similarity (average April data) ranged from 76% for patches (a few decimeters in diameter), to 71% for individual kelp stands (15 m across) and 67% for a group of stands separated by 185 km. Greater genetic similarity of patches occurred at a wave-sheltered site than at a wave-exposed site. The lower wave action may limit meiospore dispersal, resulting in patches of related sporophytes. Genetic similarities between A. marginata stands indicated a pattern of gene flow that is consistent with local currents. In one stand, genetic similarities were markedly different between seasons. This seasonal pattern may be the result of different age groups dominating the sampled stands over time. The genetic structure of A. marginata comprises local scale (patch and within-stand) heterogeneity and larger scale (between-stands) homogeneity. Received: 30 September 1998 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

We explore the response of pastoralists to rangeland resource variation in time and space, focusing on regions where high variation makes it unlikely that an economically viable herd can be maintained on a single management unit. In such regions, the need to move stock to find forage in at least some years has led to the evolution of nomadism and transhumance, and reciprocal grazing agreements among the holders of common-property rangeland. The role of such informal institutions in buffering resource variation is well documented in some Asian and African rangelands, but in societies with formally established private-property regimes, where we focus, such institutions have received little attention. We examine agistment networks, which play an important role in buffering resource variation in modern-day Australia. Agistment is a commercial arrangement between pastoralists who have less forage than they believe they require and pastoralists who believe they have more. Agistment facilitates the movement of livestock via a network based largely on trust. We are concerned exclusively with the link between the characteristics of biophysical variation and human aspects of agistment networks, and we developed a model to test the hypothesis that such a link could exist. Our model builds on game theory literature, which explains cooperation between strangers based on the ability of players to learn whom they can trust. Our game is played on a highly stylized landscape that allows us to control and isolate the degree of spatial variation and spatial covariation. We found that agistment networks are more effective where spatial variation in resource availability is high, and generally more effective when spatial covariation is low. Policy design that seeks to work with existing social networks in rangelands has potential, but this potential varies depending on localized characteristics of the biophysical variability.  相似文献   

A 3-year monitoring of dissolved and particulate carbohydrate concentrations in four transects located in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas was performed in order to get information on the role played by carbohydrates in the mucilage formation in these areas. The application of time series analysis pointed out that the concentration of dissolved carbohydrates does not vary significantly in coincidence of the mucilage appearance showing an almost constant state with respect to time. In contrast, wider temporal variations of carbohydrate amounts, either increase or decrease, were observed when mucilages were lacking or reduced. This almost constant state of carbohydrate amounts observed in presence of mucilages that we define 'steady state' could be associated to an alteration of the complex chemical equilibrium between synthesis and degradation (either hydrolysis or oxidation) reactions of the organic polymers which are typical of the humification processes in the marine environment. The results of this study suggest that the monitoring of carbohydrates can represent an useful tool for the comprehension of the most relevant phenomena of mucilage appearance in the Northern Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

A. I. Payne 《Marine Biology》1976,35(3):277-286
The occurrence and relative frequency of the 5 grey mullet species found in the Black Johnson Estuary, Sierra Leone, have been observed by sampling throughout the year. Examination of stomach contents and scales has also been made. Salinity within the estuary is maximum during the dry season and minimum at the height of the rains. The organic content of the sediment reaches a peak towards the end of the rains, but is low both at the end of the dry season and during the rains. Mullet tend to be most abundant as the rains are finishing and at the beginning of the dry season when the salinity is rising and the organic matter in the sediment is maximum. The mullet encountered in the estuary were Liza falcipinnis (Cuvier and Valenciennes), L. dumerilii hoefleri (Steindachner), Mugil cephalus ashanteensis Bleeker, M. curema Cuvier and Valenciennes and L. grandisquamis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). L. falcipinnis and L. dumerilii hoefleri penetrated furthest up the estuary and have been caught in freshwater some distance up rivers. All species feed principally on the detritus and algae in the estuarine sediment. There is some seasonal variation in the composition of the diet. Comparative data on the organic content of the estuarine sediment and the sand in the stomach of the mullet are given. A field experiment with L. falcipinnis suggests an assimilation efficiency of 52% for this species. Well-marked rings have been found upon the scales of four species, and their possible significance and use are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to reconcile the theoretical predictions of increasing real prices for nonrenewable natural-resource commodities obtained from Hotelling-style models with the empirical findings of falling prices for these commodities. A theoretical model for relative-price movements is derived for the case of exogenous technical change and endogenous change in the grade of ores mined. The model suggests a U-shaped time path for relative prices. The implied price movements are tested for all the major metals and fuels and the model parameters are found to be statistically significant for 11 out of the 12 commodities tested.  相似文献   

Hammond JI  Luttbeg B  Sih A 《Ecology》2007,88(6):1525-1535
Predator and prey spatial distributions have important population and community level consequences. However, little is known either theoretically or empirically about behavioral mechanisms that underlie the spatial patterns that emerge when predators and prey freely interact. We examined the joint space use and behavioral rules governing movement of freely interacting groups of odonate (dragonfly) predators and two size classes of anuran (tadpole) prey in arenas containing two patches with different levels of the prey's resource. Predator and prey movement and space use was quantified both when they were apart and together. When apart from predators, large tadpoles strongly preferred the high resource patch. When apart from prey, dragonflies weakly preferred the high resource patch. When together, large prey shifted to a uniform distribution, while predators strongly preferred the high resource patch. These patterns qualitatively fit the predictions of several three trophic level, ideal free distribution models. In contrast, the space use of small prey and predators did not deviate from uniform. Three measures of joint space use (spatial correlations, overlap, and co-occurrence) concurred in suggesting that prey avoidance of predators was more important than predator attraction to prey in determining overall spatial patterns. To gain additional insight into behavioral mechanisms, we used a model selection approach to identify behavioral movement rules that can potentially explain the observed, emergent patterns of space use. Prey were more likely to leave patches with more predators and more conspecific competitors; resources had relatively weak effects on prey movements. In contrast, predators were more likely to leave patches with low resources (that they do not consume) and more competing predators; prey had relatively little effect on predator movements. These results highlight the importance of investigating freely interacting predators and prey, the potential for simple game theory models to predict joint spatial distributions, and the utility of using model choice methods to identify potential key factors that govern movement.  相似文献   

The activity patterns and use of space of the mangrove dweller Selatium elongatum were studied in the field, in combination with gut content analyses for evaluation of the crab's natural diet. This sesarmine crab proves to be one of the most adapted to climbing and living on mangroves. Moreover, S. elongatum showed a strong preference for being active at high tide, both during the day and night, always along the trunks a few centimetres above the water level, feeding on floating algae and mangrove leaves. Larger males were always recorded within activity areas into which they allow females and smaller males but exclude males of the same size, which probably compete for females. These results confirm that, in spite of the homogeneous herbivorous diet, little niche overlap exists among the several sesarmine crabs inhabiting the East African mangroves, all being leaf consumers segregated on the basis of their horizontal and vertical zonation, and/or of their activity rhythm. Received: 28 September 1998 / Accepted: 14 June 1999  相似文献   

In the present study, the hypothesis that marine nudibranch mollusks harbor symbiotic bacteria was tested using analyses of fatty acids as biochemical markers and transmission electron microscopy of the tissues of Dendrodoris nigra (Gastropoda/Opisthobranchia/Nudibranchia). An aberrant level of the odd-numbered carbon chain and branched fatty acids, iso- and anteiso- that are specific for bacteria, was detected in the nudibranch tissues. Their amounts in the notum exceeded significantly that in the viscera. Rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria were revealed in the epithelial cells of the notum and the mantle edge as well as in the adjoining glycocalix. These bacteria were enclosed in secondary vacuoles in the epithelial cells. The consequent stages of inoculation of the bacteria into the cytoplasm of epithelial cells, from adhesion to the apical surface to invagination of the cell membrane and formation of the vacuole with an enclosed bacterium, were observed. The presence of dividing bacteria suggests that the epithelium includes a renewable, dividing population of symbiotic bacteria. No bacteria were detected in the gonads and the digestive system. Probable functions of these symbiotic bacteria such as involvement in protection or defense from predators and environmental impacts as well as their nutritional role in the nudibranch are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in soil pH, soil heavy metal forms, and the metabolic diversity of microbial communities were examined in soil samples collected in 1-mm increments from barley roots in soil contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) using a rhizobox system. Concentrations of exchangeable Cd and Zn increased near the roots owing to a decrease in soil pH. Conversely, the concentration of inorganically bound Cd and Zn decreased near the roots. Despite having the highest concentration of the most toxic exchangeable metals, the rhizosphere also had the highest bacterial and fungal metabolic activity and diversity when assessed using BIOLOG plates. Therefore, the promoting effects of root exudates on microbial activity could outweigh the adverse effects of Cd and Zn on microorganisms in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Seasonal determinants of body weight, biochemical composition and reproductive condition in the cockle Cerastoderma edule L. from the Mundaca Estuary, Spain, were performed from December 1983 to July 1985. Interannual differences in timing of gametogenesis and spawning between 1984 and 1985 were correlated with temporal variations in the cycles of storage and utilisation of carbohydrate reserves. Young individuals exhibited larger annual fluctuations in soft-body weight, displaying higher growth rates in spring and greater diminishment of energy reserves during autumn and winter than older individuals. Carbohydrate content displayed a similar tendency, levels being lower in young individuals throughout the year.  相似文献   

Increasing difficulties associated with balancing consumptive demands for water and achieving ecological benefits in aquatic ecosystems provide opportunities for new ecosystem-scale ecological response models to assist managers. Using an Australian estuary as a case study, we developed a novel approach to create a data-derived state-and-transition model. The model identifies suites of co-occurring birds, fish, benthic invertebrates and aquatic macrophytes (as ‘states’) and the changing physico-chemical conditions that are associated with each (‘transitions’). The approach first used cluster analysis to identify sets of co-occurring biota. Differences in the physico-chemical data associated with each state were identified using classification trees, with the biotic distinctness of the resultant statistical model tested using analysis of similarities. The predictive capacity of the model was tested using new cases. Two models were created using different time-steps (annual and quarterly) and then combined to capture both longer-term trends and more-recent declines in ecological condition. We identified eight ecosystem states that were differentiated by a mix of water-quantity and water-quality variables. Each ecosystem state represented a distinct biotic assemblage under well-defined physico-chemical conditions. Two ‘basins of attraction’ were identified, with four tidally-influenced states, and another four independent of tidal influence. Within each basin, states described a continuum of relative health, manifest through declining taxonomic diversity and abundances. The main threshold determining relative health was whether freshwater flows had occurred in the region during the previous 339 days. Canonical analyses of principal coordinates tested the predictive capacity of the model and demonstrated that the variance in the environmental data set was well captured (87%) with 52% of the variance in the biological data set also captured. The latter increased to >80% when long- and short-term biological data were analysed separately, indicating that the model described the available data for the Coorong well. This approach thus created a data-derived, multivariate model, where neither states nor transitions were determined a priori. The approach did not over-fit the data, was robust to patchy or missing data, the choice of initial clustering technique and random errors in the biological data set, and was well-received by local natural resource managers. However, the model did not capture causal relationships and requires additional testing, particularly during future episodes of ecological recovery. The approach shows significant promise for simplifying management definitions of ecological condition and, via scenario analyses, can be used to assist in manager decision-making of large, complex aquatic ecosystems in the future.  相似文献   

Several countries are considering using daylight saving time (DST) as a tool for energy conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and the United States extended DST in 2007 with the goal of reducing electricity consumption. This paper assesses DST's impact on electricity demand by examining a quasi-experiment in which parts of Australia extended DST in 2000 to facilitate the Sydney Olympics. Using detailed panel data and a difference-in-difference-in-difference framework, we show that the extension did not reduce overall electricity consumption, but did cause a substantial intraday shift in demand consistent with activity patterns that are tied to the clock rather than sunrise and sunset.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the mineralogical composition of marine sediments on bacterial activity in experimental microcosms. Calcite and quartz were added to natural marine sediments and microbial response in terms of total bacterial abundance and biomass, β-D-glucosidase exo-enzymatic activity and bacterial incorporation of a radio-labelled (3H-leucine) substrate were investigated for a period of one month. We report here that after 15 days the mineralogical composition of the sediment (calcite vs. quartz) had an impact on bacterial abundance and activity (reduced for ca 15% and 56%, respectively). However, such impact was mitigated or even disappeared in high organic nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

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