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艾比湖流域典型植物生长的水文地质条件研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在野外实际调查资料基础上,总结了艾比湖流域典型植物胡杨、梭梭、红柳赋存的地貌位置、当前主要存在问题、适生地下水位埋深、包气带岩性与结构等水文地质条件,为流域的综合治理提供依据。 相似文献
艾比湖湖周生境恶化及其恢复对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
艾比湖是新疆第二大咸水湖,湿地内分布着多种植被类型。自20世纪60年代开始,湖水水位急剧下降,造成湖盆大面积裸露,在当地强风作用下成为巨大风沙之源,从而成为困扰新疆地区的严重生态问题。通过有关资料对艾比湖及其毗邻地区环境恶化的现象进行剖析,提出保护、恢复的相关对策。 相似文献
洱海是大理人民赖以生存和发展的"母亲湖",保护洱海是全州实现可持续发展的前提和基础,保护洱海就是保护大理发展的根基。"治湖先治污,治污先治源"。近年来大理州委、州政府及流域各级农业部门高度重视洱海农业面源污染防治及生态补偿工作,总结、提炼了一些成功的生态补偿经验和做法,特别是在种养结构调整、测土配方施肥、畜禽粪便资源化利用、农产品质量安全、稻田养殖生态鱼等方面实施了大量的以项目形式的生态补偿实践,同时在生态补偿的理论、政策、措施,补偿对象、补偿方式、补偿资金等方面作了初步探索,取得了明显成效,洱海流域农业面源污染控制初步实现了"控源、减排、循环、利用"的目标。本文通过总结大理州近年来以项目形式实施的农业生态补偿机制体制的经验,旨在为保护高原湖泊实施农业生态补偿提供科技支撑。 相似文献
/ Land-based point and diffuse pollution sources in the catchment area of Lake Sapanca, Turkey, were investigated. The present and future distribution of pollution loads were evaluated in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus, biochemical oxygen demand, and pesticides. A methodology for the estimation of pollution loads was presented; most of which were based on "unit loads." Presently domestic and industrial point sources dominate over diffuse sources including fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural use, nutrient loads from forests and meadows, urban runoff, and leachates from unregulated dumps of solid wastes. For the future, the aim of the control action is to maintain the sustainability of the water quality of the lake, at least at the second class of European Community standards. Within this framework; urgent/short-term and medium/long-term control actions will be exercised. In the urgent/short-term stage, simpler and natural ways of treatment will be employed. In the medium/long-term stage an integrated collection and treatment system will be put on operation. After completion of a proposed collection system and treatment plants to handle point sources, the control of diffuse sources will be more significant. Control of diffuse sources for the abatement of further deterioration of water quality then becomes the key issue to be emphasized in the Lake Sapanca catchment area. Diffuse sources control will be achieved by dividing the catchment area into three major protection zones. Use of pesticides and fertilizers on agricultural land and all other activities within these protection zones will be accomplished according to control plans, which will be supervised by an institution established to be responsible of all the activities within the basin.KEY WORDS: Diffuse sources; Land-based pollution; Nutrients; Pesticides; Point sources; Protection zones 相似文献
云南省洱海流域农业生态补偿机制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
围绕洱海流域种植业产业结构调整、畜禽废弃物资源化利用问题,依托项目示范对农业生态补偿机制进行研究。以大理州政府为补偿主体,示范区内农户为补偿对象,结合资金补贴、技物补偿、智力扶持等补偿途径,开展测土配方施肥、发酵床生态养猪、稻田养鱼、牛粪秸秆混种双孢菇等典型农业生态补偿模式研究,提出了1套农业生态补偿办法。针对补贴力度不足、补贴涵盖领域窄、缺少科学评估方法等问题,分别从政策立法、项目实施、理论研究、试点示范4个层面提出逐步构建洱海流域农业生态补偿机制的建议。 相似文献
Analysis of the character and condition of each river style in Bega catchment, and their downstream patterns, are used to
provide a biophysical basis to prioritorize river management strategies. These reach-scale strategies are prioritorized within
an integrative catchment framework. Conserving near-intact sections of the catchment is the first priority. Second, those
parts of the catchment that have natural recovery potential are targeted. Finally, rehabilitation priorities are considered
for highly degraded reaches. At these sites, erosion and sedimentation problems may reflect irreversible changes to river
structure. 相似文献
以2012年南四湖水质监测数据为依据,采用修正的卡森指数法(TSIM)对南四湖水质进行评价。结果表明,修正卡森指数的评价结果为TSIM=56.04,南四湖已达到富营养化的标准。根据评价结果,从工业废水、生活污水排放、底质、农业生产、渔业养殖的影响方面分析了水体富营养化的原因,从减少外源污染物、应用生物措施和发展健康水产养殖模式三个方面提出了南四湖水体富营养化的防治对策。 相似文献
Environmental Control and Limnological Impacts of a Large Recurrent Spring Bloom in Lake Washington,USA 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
A series of statistical analyses were used to identify temporal and spatial patterns in the phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics
of Lake Washington, an mesotrophic lake in Washington State (USA). These analyses were based on fortnightly or monthly samples
of water temperature, Secchi transparency, ammonium (NH4), nitrate (NO3), inorganic phosphorus (IP), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and chlorophyll a (chl a) collected during 1995–2000 from 12 stations. Lake Washington has a very consistent and pronounced annual spring diatom bloom
which occurs from March to May. During this bloom, epilimnetic chl a concentrations peak on average at 10 μg/L, which is 3 times higher than chl a concentrations typically seen during summer stratified conditions. The spring bloom on average comprised 62% diatoms, 21%
chlorophytes and 8% cyanobacteria. During summer stratification, diatoms comprised 26% of the phytoplankton community, chlorophytes
37% and cyanobacteria 25%. Cryptophytes comprised approximately 8% of the community throughout the year. Overall, 6 phytoplankton
genera (i.e., Aulacoseira, Fragilaria, Cryptomonas, Asterionella, Stephanodiscus, and Ankistrodesmus) cumulatively accounted for over 50% of the community. These analyses also suggest that the phytoplankton community strongly
influences the seasonality of NO3, IP, DO, pH and water clarity. According to a MANOVA, seasonal fluctuations explained 40% of the total variability for the
major parameters, spatial heterogeneity explained 10% of variability, and the seasonal-spatial interaction explained 10% of
variability. Distinctive patterns were identified between offshore and inshore sampling stations. The results of our analyses
also suggest that spatial variability was substantial, but much smaller than temporal variability. 相似文献
After the construction of an embankment at the Bay of Sihwa in Korea, a lake of 56.5 km2 surface area and 330 million m3 volume was created. Because of rapid socioenvironmental changes and the lowering of water quality in Lake Sihwa, various
external measures have been proposed and some of them are being implemented. In this paper, we examine two alternatives for
in-lake modification: one alternative is zoning of the lake by constructing two submerged dams and the other is channeling
of the lake through reclamation. Water quality modeling was conducted for both alternatives to assess their effects. Results
of the modeling revealed that the reduction of the lake size through two different approaches, when accompanied with other
external measures, would improve the water quality, but to different degrees. The zonation is expected to improve the freshwater
quality up to the level supplying 45 million m3 of water per year for agricultural use. The quality of channeled water would be inappropriate for agricultural use, but suitable
for outdoor activities such as recreation or fishing regardless of reclamation plans considered. 相似文献
南四湖流域水污染防治存在的问题及对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
南四湖通过采用"治、用、保"并举的流域污染综合治理措施,把污染治理与水资源循环利用相结合,取得了明显的成效,但仍面临工业结构性污染严重、城市基础设施建设滞后、面源污染突出等问题。根据南四湖实际情况,可从加大资金筹措力度、继续实施流域综合治理、整合现有港口资源、开展生态养殖、加强执法等方面入手,解决流域水污染防治存在的问题。 相似文献
由于大量生活污水未经处理排放南宁市南湖,南湖富营养化状已非常严重,各种水体功能均受到严重影响,治理南湖已刻不容缓。 相似文献
洞庭湖区野生动植物资源十分丰富,生产潜力大.但由于盲目开发、泥沙淤积和环境污染,导致野生动植物生境被破坏,生物生产力下降,并造成物种灭绝.因此,必须加强执法力度,加大投入,保护湖区野生动植物资源的多样性,采取强有力措施对洞庭湖湿地生态环境进行综合整治,建立科学合理的生物利用模式和具有湖区特色的产业结构,对洞庭湖区野生动植物资源进行可持续开发利用. 相似文献
博斯腾湖排污现状和污染物总量控制 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
近 4 0年来 ,随着人类社会经济活动强度的不断加大 ,博斯腾湖由于受到高矿化度农田排水和工、矿企业污水的污染 ,水质不断恶化 ,并由此带来一系列严重的环境问题 ,如 :土地盐渍化、湿地退化、芦苇长势退化和水产减产等。本文通过一年多在博斯腾湖 2 6个主要排污口的水质动态监测 ,结合当地的实际情况 ,对博斯腾湖水污染进行了污染物总量计算。结果显示 :监测的 2 6个排污口中有 2 3个排污口需进行排污控制 ,每年需削减 5 8 8× 10 4t污染物的排放 ,并据此计算了各排污口相应的削减量。 相似文献
This article demonstrates why it is necessary to have the restoration of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal for
integrated catchment management in the coastal area of Tolo Harbor. The present goal of integrated catchment management (ICM)
in the Tolo Harbor is based on water quality objectives. The performance of the ICM plan, the Tolo Harbor Action Plan (THAP),
was evaluated using marine coastal ecosystem health indicators including both stress and response indicators. Since the implementation
of THAP in 1988, some significant reductions in pollution loading have been observed: reduction of 83% of biological oxygen
demand load and 82% of total nitrogen between 1988 and 1999. There has also been an improvement in the health of Tolo Harbor’s
marine coastal ecosystem as evidenced by trends in physical, chemical, and biological indicators, although reverse fluctuations
in some periods exist. However, such improvement can only be considered as the first sign of complete ecosystem health restoration,
because ecosystem health covers not only physical, chemical, and biological aspects of an ecosystem, but also ecosystem service
functions. The findings support the need to take the restoration and protection of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new
goal rather than using water quality objectives. Steps necessary to further improve Tolo Harbor’s marine coastal ecosystem
health are also discussed. 相似文献
本文以山东省两个经济开发区区域环评为例,分析了各开发区在资源和环境方面的优劣势条件,论证了各开发区规划产业定位的合理性,探讨了开发区产业定位合理性评价的指标体系、调整原则、思路、方法,提出了各开发区产业定位的调整建议,并论证了调整后产业定位的合理性,促进了开发区的可持续发展。 相似文献
西昌邛海水体污染及其综合整治与保护管理问题研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文阐述了邛海水体污染及其生态环境破坏的状况,剖析了污染源及其危害。同时,针对问题提出了全方位综合整治与保护管理具体措施。 相似文献
辽宁省沿海经济带经济与环境协调度时空演变研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
协调度理论已成为衡量区域经济增长与环境保护协调发展的重要理论。在阐述其理论的基础上,选取了经济与环境方面的评价指标、计算方法和模型。通过对辽宁省沿海经济带及其6市2000年、2002年、2004年、2006年、2008年、2009年的17项指标进行技术处理和分析,对经济带各市的经济与环境协调发展度进行了时空演变研究。结果表明,经济带及其6市10年间协调发展度在时间维度上呈现逐年上升,其类型由中度失调衰退型和濒临失调衰退型逐渐向中级协调发展型和高级协调发展型演变;经济带经济环境协调发展度整体水平逐年升高;经济带的经济综合实力f(x)和环境承载力g(y)差距不大,经济发展与环境保护基本保持同步,在环境承载力范围内经济综合实力有进一步发展的空间。 相似文献