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Concentrations of 18 trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Hg, Tl and Pb) were determined in liver, kidney, muscle and hair of Baikal seals, Caspian seals and northern fur seals. All the three species showed the highest concentrations of Hg, V, Mn, Se and Ag in liver, Cd, Co and Tl in kidney, and Cs in muscle among the soft tissues examined. The highest burdens of Zn, Rb and Cs were observed in muscle, Mo and Ag in liver, and Sb and Pb in hair in all the three species. Concentrations of non-essential elements, Rb, Cd, Cs and Hg, showed significant positive correlations among liver, kidney and muscle, whereas correlation coefficients for essential elements, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn and Se, between the three tissues were generally low for all the species, suggesting that homeostasis controls the concentrations of essential elements but not the non-essential elements in the tissues of these animals. Significant age-dependent increase was found in the concentrations of V, Se and Ag in liver and Hg in liver and kidney of all the three species. Hair concentrations showed significant positive correlations with Zn levels in liver and kidney and Hg in muscle for Caspian seals, Hg in liver and kidney for Baikal seals, and Pb in liver for northern fur seals. Furthermore, regression analysis using the data in the present study and in the literature showed significant positive correlations between Hg levels in hair, and liver, kidney and muscle for various species of pinnipeds. These results indicate the possibility of using hair samples for monitoring these trace elements in pinnipeds. 相似文献
The present study was conducted to determine the residue levels of persistent organochlorines such as PCB homologues, DDT and its metabolites, and HCH isomers in the ventral blubber of female northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) collected off Sanriku, the Pacific coast of northern Japan, since 1971. Among the organochlorines examined, the concentrations of PCBs and DDTs were found to be high in all samples. The residue levels of these two contaminants showed a drastic reduction following maturity and then a slight increase after the retirement from pregnancy/menopause. Temporal variation of PCB and DDT residues showed maximum levels around 1976 and then decreased, whereas HCH residue levels revealed a very slow declining pattern. Considering the concentrations and compositions of the residues, the northern fur seal is likely to be exposed to organochlorine contamination deriving from global terms. In this context, continuous contamination has been foreseen with regard to PCB and HCH residues. The pattern of organochlorine residues indicated that the northern fur seal has higher metabolic capacity than Dall's porpoise, while it is comparable to those of larga seal and Steller sea lion. 相似文献
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, heptachlor and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) were analyzed in the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) tissues collected from the Gulf of Alaska during 2000-2001. summation SigmaPCBs (16-728 ng/gl w) and summation SigmaDDTs (14-368 ng/gl w) were the predominant pollutants followed by summation operatorHCHs (0.56-93 ng/gl w) and heptachlor (相似文献
Liver samples of 22 Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) collected off the Sanriku coast of Japan were analyzed for investigation on bioaccumulation of total mercury (SigmaHg), organic mercury (OrgHg), inorganic mercury (InHg) and selenium (Se). In the liver, detoxification of Hg was evident by transformation of OrgHg. Se showed different Hg detoxification patterns in the liver with a threshold range of hepatic SigmaHg concentration of about 20-30 microg/g dry weight. The molar ratios of Se/InHg or Se/SigmaHg were obviously higher than 1 when hepatic SigmaHg levels were less than the range, while both ratios were close to 1 when SigmaHg levels were higher than the threshold, suggesting a mechanism by detoxification of OrgHg into less toxic mercuric selenide (HgSe) forms in the latter. 相似文献
Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe) manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) concentrations in the liver, kidney and muscle of nine killer whales (including three calves) that stranded together in the northern area of Japan were determined. The Hg and Cd concentrations were found at trace levels in the calf organs, and increased with age. The Fe concentration in the muscle was significantly lower in the calves than in the mature whales and also increased with age. In contrast, Mn and Cu concentrations in the muscle were significantly higher in the calves than in the mature whales, and changes in the Zn concentration relative to age were unclear. These results suggest minimal mother-to-calf transfer of the toxic metals Hg and Cd and accumulation of these metals in the organs with age, while the essential metals Mn and Cu were found at higher concentrations in the muscle of calves than in mature whales. 相似文献
Introduction In this work, sediments of the River Tisa (Tisza) are studied to assess their environmental pollution levels for some major
heavy metals, as well as to predict the investigated elements’ mobility on the basis of their association type with the substrate.
The Tisa River catchments area is a subbasin of the River Danube. Part of this river, 166 km long, belongs to the Serbian
province of Vojvodina, before it flows into the Danube. It has been chosen for our investigation, because it has been exposed
to intense pollution in the last decades.
Materials and Methods The river sediment samples were collected at 32 locations. The proportions of sand, silt and clay fractions were determined.
The sequential extraction procedure following a modified Tessier method was applied for speciation of the metal forms in the
collected samples. The metal concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Fe and Mn in extracts were determined by atomic absorption
Results and Discussion Granulometric analysis showed that some 50% of the Tisa River sediments were silt and clay, while the rest was sand with quartz,
as the main constituent. The average metal content of the surface river sediment samples for every fraction of sequential
extraction was presented and discussed in relation to pH, Eh and metal fractionation. The average metal content from the Tisa
River sediments, obtained as an average of the metal’s concentration released in all five sequential extraction fractions
was compared with: average metal contents of the Tisa River sediments in Hungary, metal content in soils formed on the Tisa
River alluvium of Vojvodina, average metal content in soils of Vojvodina, and average metal content in soils of Hungary. An
assessment of metal pollution levels in Tisa River sediments was made by comparing mean values for obtained results for the
Tisa River sediments with the freshwater sediment’s Quality Guidelines as published by US EPA, Environment Canada and soil
standards for Serbia.
Conclusion According to US EPA and Canadian Quality Guidelines for freshwater sediments, the concentration of heavy metals in Tisa sediments
were: (a) much higher than defined concentrations below which harmful effects on river biota are unlikely to be observed,
(b) below defined concentrations above which harmful effects on river biota are likely to be observed. The concentration levels
of Pb, Ni, Cu and Cr in Tisa River sediments are safe when compared with Serbian MAQ (Maximum Allowed Quantity) standards
for soils, but they are unsafe in the case of Zn and Cd.
Recommendations and Outlook The quality of sediments in the Tisa River was on the border line between potentially polluted and polluted. This line could
very easily be exceeded since the quality of sediments in the Tisa River in Hungary was already worse than in Serbia. These
results indicated the need for further monitoring of heavy metals in that locality. 相似文献
Concentrations and body burdens of 14 trace elements (Hg, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, Ag, Cd, V, Se, Pb, Mo, and Fe) and butyltins (BTs) (tributyltin TBT, dibutyltin DBT, and monobutyltin MBT) were determined in various tissues of a mature male Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) collected off the Sanriku coast of Japan. Selective accumulation in this porpoise was observed for Hg, Mn, Cu, Ag, Mo, Fe, and total BTs (TBT, DBT, and MBT) in the liver, Cd in the kidney, Zn, Sr, V, Pb, and Co in the bone, and Se in the skin. In contrast, Cr concentrations in all tissues were similar. This distribution pattern in this mature porpoise was in general agreement with the accumulation characteristics of trace elements and butyltins reported for other marine mammals. The whole body of the porpoise contained approximately 62 g Fe, 8.8 g Zn, 4.0 g Sr, 0.6g Se, 0.41 g Cu, 0.19 g Hg, 0.17 g Cd, 0.16 g Mn, 0.05 g Cr, 0.009 g Ag, 0.008 g Mo, 0.005 g Pb, 0.004 g Co, and 0.7 mg of BTs (0.4 mg TBT, 0.2 mg DBT, and 0.1 mg MBT). Metabolism of TBT to its breakdown products of this porpoise seems to be limited, since TBT still accounted for about half of the total burden of BTs. As in the cases of Hg, Mn, Cu, Se, and Fe, the muscle was the most important reservoir (43%) for the whole body burden of total BTs, 80% of which was TBT, and thus muscle played a crucial role in the higher body composition of TBT in this Dall's porpoise. 相似文献
The seasonal variability of Hg, Pb, Cd and Zn was determined in the kidney of 164 roe deer, shot in three areas of Slovenia in 1998. We found a strong seasonal influence on Hg and Pb levels, which were significantly higher in late summer and early autumn. Cd and Zn levels showed a similar seasonal pattern, although not so pronounced; for these elements differences among periods were probably not a consequence of season per se. Seasonal variability in metal levels in roe deer kidney originated in both quantitative and qualitative differences in nutrition of the species. Since the seasonal peaks for the majority of metals appeared in a very narrow summer autumnal period (August-September), it seems that some plant taxons, such as fungi, might represent an important pathway for heavy metal intake into the mammalian organism. The season of sample collection has to be considered whenever using wildlife as an accumulative bioindicator of environmental pollution. Moreover, the influence of the season should be born in mind whenever a hazard due to accumulation of heavy metals along the food chain is assessed. 相似文献
Concentrations of 22 elements (Mg, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Ba, Tl, total Hg (T-Hg), Pb) and organic Hg (O-Hg) were examined in the liver, kidney and brain of the Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) and in liver of the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi) from Amamioshima Island in Japan. Relatively high levels of T-Hg levels (from 1.75 to 55.5 microg g-1 wet wt.) were found in the Javan mongoose. As for a comparison of hepatic T-Hg concentrations between the two areas, there was no significant difference between the Javan mongoose in Amamioshima and those in the Okinawa islands. In addition, T-Hg levels in the livers of the Amami rabbit were the same as in the livers of other herbivorous mammals. Taken together, it suggested that T-Hg accumulation in the livers of the Javan mongoose was not affected by the environment but by a specific physiological mechanism. The comparison of Hg and other heavy metal accumulations between terrestrial mammals (13 species, 61 individuals) including the Javan mongoose and marine mammals (18 species, 508 individuals) were also discussed. 相似文献
Eight female Gulf coast striped bass (Morone saxatilis) broodfish collected for induced spawning from the Apalachicola River below the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCs) and metals in muscle and ovarian tissues. Chemical analyses revealed that muscle and ovaries contained detectable amounts of OCs and metals. Concentrations of p,p'-DDE, a derivative of the pesticide DDT, in muscle and ovary (0.54 and 0.65 microg/g, respectively) were significantly higher than alpha-chlordane, dieldrin, and p,p'-DDD. The presence of p,p'-DDE, an antiandrogenic compound, in females suggests that the compound also may be present in male striped bass. Concentrations of Cr, Hg, Mg, and Mn were higher in muscle than in ovarian tissues. Concentrations of Hg have almost doubled in muscle tissues (0.85 microg/g) and tripled in ovaries (0. 15 microg/g) in our samples, compared with the data from 1986 to 1989. Organochlorine pesticides and metal contaminants were present in muscle and ovarian tissues of adult females and may have been retarding development of eggs leading to low hatching rates. 相似文献
The distribution, enrichment, and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments, especially those at the vicinity of tributary estuaries of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan were investigated. Sediment samples from six locations in the Kaohsiung Harbor were collected quarterly in the period from 2002 to 2005 and characterized for metal content (e.g., Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn and Al), water content, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total grease, and grain size. Results showed that metal concentrations varied from 0.58 mg kg(-1) for Cd to 596 mg kg(-1) for Zn. Metal concentrations at the vicinity of river mouths were higher than those at other locations. All heavy metals studied, except Cr, had relatively high enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indices in the estuaries. Moreover, metal concentrations correlated closely to the physical-chemical properties of the sediments, which strongly suggested the influence of industrial and municipal wastewaters discharged from the neighboring industrial parks and river basins. Results would help develop strategies for pollution control and sediment remediation of Kaohsiung Harbor. 相似文献
The carabid faunas of six woodlands at varying distances from a source of heavy metal pollution were studied. Concentrations of zinc, lead, cadmium and copper were determined in three surface layers at each wood. Whereas no gross effects of pollution on populations were identified, some differences relating to the ecology and life histories of the animals were found. The numbers of individuals and numbers of species of Carabidae at each site were not significantly correlated to metal concentration. However, species diversities (Shannon Weiner H') were. Later dates of median capture of total Carabidae were found in the sites nearest to the pollution source. This also occurred with a common species, Nebria brevicollis. At the most polluted site this species also showed an absence of summer diapause. This may be relatd to scarcity of prey. Negative correlations of numbers of spring breeders with metal concentration but positive correlations of numbers of spring breeders with in all the soil layers. The sites were significantly different in the relative distributions of individuals in each of four size categories. 相似文献
Persistent organochlorine (OC) and toxic butyltin compounds (BTs) were determined in walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) collected from Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Japan Sea, during 1991 and 1992. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) and its metabolites were the most abundant compounds ranging up to 3200 and 2500 ng/g on lipid weight, respectively, followed by chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the liver of walleye pollock. Concentrations of HCHs and HCB in walleye pollock from these remote areas were higher than those in fishes from the western North Pacific and Japanese coastal waters, indicating atmospheric transport of these compounds to higher latitude regions such as Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska and/or local input around northern Japan Sea. The concentrations of other OCs were generally comparable to those in fishes from North Pacific Ocean and Japanese waters but significantly lower than in cod-like fishes from North Atlantic and European countries. Among sampling locations, walleye pollock from Japan Sea showed higher concentrations of DDTs and HCHs compared to fishes from Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, suggesting greater input of these compounds around Japan Sea. Slower declining trend of DDTs and CHLs and an increasing pattern of PCBs concentrations were found in walleye pollock from Bering Sea during 1982-1992. This may imply a continuous input of these compounds by long-range transport and/or long-term persistency in these cold regions. Compared to the fishes from Japan Sea, walleye pollock from Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska showed higher proportions of alpha-HCH and p,p'-DDE in the composition of HCH isomers and DDT compounds, respectively. This suggests selective transportability of these compounds during long-range transport to higher latitude remote areas. Concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) in the muscle of walleye pollock ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 ng/g on wet weight. Concentrations of TBT in deep-sea walleye pollock from Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea were lower than those in Japan Sea. 相似文献
We analyzed the ability of freshwater taxa of the genus Ulva (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) to serve as bioindicators of metal in lakes and rivers. Changes in heavy metal (Ni, Cd and Pb) and alkaline earth metal (Ca and Mg) concentrations in freshwater Ulva thalli were investigated during the period from June to August 2010. The study was conducted in two ecosystems in Western Poland, the Malta lake (10 sites) and the Nielba river (six sites). Three components were collected for each sample, including water, sediment and Ulva thalli. The average concentrations of metals in the water sample and in the macroalgae decreased in the following order: Ca > Mg > Ni > Pb > Cd. The sediment revealed a slightly altered order: Ca > Mg > Pb > Ni > Cd. Ca and Mg were found at the highest concentrations in thalli due to the presence of carbonate on its surface. Among the examined heavy metals in thalli, Ni was in the highest concentration, and Cd found in the lowest concentration. There were statistically significant correlations between the levels of metals in macroalgae, water and sediment. Freshwater populations of Ulva exhibited a greater efficiency to bioaccumulate nickel as compared to species derived from marine ecosystems. 相似文献
Blubber, liver and kidney samples of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the northern Gulf of Alaska were collected during 2000-2001 for the analysis of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (CoplPCBs). On the lipid weight (lw) base, the total concentrations of PCNs (Sigma PCNs) ranged from 0.3 to 27 ng/g lw, and the total concentrations of CoplPCBs (Sigma CoplPCBs) were 3.6-546 ng/g lw in all the tissue samples. Di-ortho PCBs and mono-ortho PCBs were dominant followed by non-ortho PCBs and PCNs. Sigma Mono-ortho PCBs and Sigma di-ortho PCBs in nursing seals were apparently lower than those in male adult seals, but Sigma PCNs and Sigma non-ortho PCBs in female adults were not significantly different from those in male adults. Differences in PCNs and CoplPCBs congener profiles in female and male adult seals are apparently related to their chemical structure and properties, animal's developmental stages and physiological conditions. A large quantity of mono-ortho and di-ortho PCBs might be transferred to newborns from the nursing seals during lactation, while non-ortho PCBs and PCNs were relatively accumulative in the mother seals. Sigma PCNs and Sigma CoplPCBs in the harbor seals correlated with ages, gender, body weight and blubber thickness, but the blubber Sigma PCNs and Sigma CoplPCBs in Kodiak Island and Southern Alaska Peninsula (KIAP) did not significantly differ from those in Prince William Sound (PWS). In addition to the new PCB data, this first report on PCN contamination in Alaskan harbor seal tissues is useful for the wildlife and ecosystem management and human health protection. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Reservoir sediment contamination with heavy metals produced by mining activities has aroused widespread global concern owing to its potential threat... 相似文献
Anaerobically digested sewage sludges were treated for heavy metal removal through a biological solubilization process called bacterial leaching (bioleaching). The solubilization of copper and zinc from these sludges is described in this study: using continuously stirred tank reactors with and without sludge recycling at different mean hydraulic residence times (1, 2, 3 and 4 days). Significant linear equations were established for the solubilization of zinc and copper according to relevant parameters: oxygen reduction potential (ORP), pH and residence time (t). Zinc solubilization was related to the residence time with a r2 (explained variance) of 0.82. Considering only t=2 and 3 days explained variance of 0.31 and 0.24 were found between zinc solubilization as a function of ORP and pH indicating a minor importance of those two factors for this metal in the range of pH and ORP experimented. Cu solubilization was weakly correlated to mean hydraulic residence time (r2=0.48), while it was highly correlated to ORP (r2=0.80) and pH (r2=0.62) considering only t of 2 and 3 days in the case of pH and ORP. The ORP dependence of Cu solubilization has been clearly demonstrated in this study. In addition to this, the importance of the substrate concentration for Cu solubilization has been confirmed. The hypothesis of a biological solubilization of Cu by the indirect mechanism has been supported. The results permit, under optimum conditions, the drawing of linear equations which will allow prediction of metal solubilization efficiencies from the parameters pH (Cu), ORP (Cu) and residence time (Cu and Zn), during the treatment. The linear regressions will be a useful tool for routine operation of the process. 相似文献
The analysis of 90 surficial sediments from three docks of the Naples Harbour (Levante, Granili, and Diaz) permits to compare the distribution modes of heavy metals with grain sizes, total organic carbon content (TOC) and distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera. Foraminiferal density and species richness decrease with the increasing toxic elements concentrations from the Levante to the Diaz dock. Median concentrations of Ni, Pb, Zn, and Hg (medians of 21.43 mg/kg, 270.24 mg/kg, 489.65 mg/kg, and 1.18 mg/kg, respectively) were reported for the Diaz dock where foraminifera are absent, thus suggesting a possible impact of toxic elements on the benthic ecosystem balance. Compared to the unpolluted marine sediments of the Granili dock, the Levante area shows higher heavy metals levels and a quasi-oligotypic benthic assemblage. This is dominated by the tolerant species Ammonia tepida that may be used as bio-indicator of pollution of anthropised marine sediments. 相似文献
Heavy metal removal from water has been approached by using different technologies. Phytotechnologies, with an increasing development during the last two decades, involve using plants for metal removal. Three autochthonous floating macrophytes, common in pampean shallow lakes (Argentina), Pista stratiotes, Spirodela intermedia and Lemna minor were used in laboratory experiences for the simultaneously removal of several heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr and Pb) resulting from anthropogenic activity, in order to simulate a naturally polluted environment. The experiences were performed for different concentrations of metals along 15 days. High metal removal percentages were obtained for the 3 species and metals. L. minor did not survive the conditions of the experiment. High correlation between the final water and the macrophytes metal concentration was obtained, deviations were due to PbCrO(4) precipitation. The rate of metal uptake was dependent on the metal concentration for the 3 species studied. 相似文献
The purposes of this research are to quantify the concentration of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, As, Pb, Cd, and Hg) in the water and fish tissues of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the upper Mekong River and to thereby elucidate the potential dietary health risks from fish consumption of local residents. Surface water and fish tissues (gill, muscle, liver, and intestine) from four representative sample areas (influence by a cascade of four dams) along the river were analyzed for heavy metal concentrations. Results revealed that the levels of heavy metals in fish were tissue-dependent. The highest Cu and As levels were found in the liver; the highest Zn and Pb levels occurred in the intestine, and the highest Hg level was found in the muscle. The total target hazard quotient (THQ) value for residents is > 1 for long-term fish consumption, and local residents are, therefore, exposed to a significant health risk. Results from the current study provide an overall understanding of the spatial and tissue distribution of heavy metals in water and fish body along the upper Mekong River under the influence of cascade dams and highlight the potential health risk of As for the local residents of long-term fish consumption. 相似文献