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Erosion of the Edale shales of Derbyshire during the Tertiary and Quaternary has resulted in sediment deposits in and on the underlying karstified limestones. Sorting during sedimentation has generated clay-rich sediments which are uranium enriched due to a clay association of uranium in the shales. Radon production in these sediments is at or close to equilibrium with their uranium content, and their fine grain-size ensures efficient radon release. Such sediments are therefore potent local sources of environmental radon.  相似文献   

Indoor radon is an important risk factor for human health. Indeed radon inhalation is considered the second cause of lung cancer after smoking. During the last decades, in many countries huge efforts have been made in order to measuring, mapping and predicting radon levels in dwellings. Various researches have been devoted to identify those areas within the country where high radon concentrations are more likely to be found. Data collected through indoor radon surveys have been analysed adopting various statistical approaches, among which hierarchical Bayesian models and geostatistical tools are worth noting. The essential goal of this paper regards the identification of high radon concentration areas (the so-called radon prone areas) in the Abruzzo Region (Italy). In order to accurately pinpoint zones deserving attention for mitigation purpose, we adopt spatial cluster detection techniques, traditionally employed in epidemiology. As a first step, we assume that indoor radon measurements do not arise from a continuous spatial process; thus the geographic locations of dwellings where the radon measurements have been taken can be viewed as a realization of a spatial point process. Following this perspective, we adopt and compare recent cluster detection techniques: the simulated annealing scan statistic, the case event approach based on distance regression on the selection order and the elliptic spatial scan statistic. The analysis includes data collected during surveys carried out by the Regional Agency for the Environment Protection of Abruzzo (ARTA) in 1,861 random sampled dwellings across 277 municipalities of the Abruzzo region. The radon prone areas detected by the selected approaches are provided along with the summary statistics of the methods. Finally, the methodologies considered in this paper are tested on simulated data in order to evaluate their power and the precision of cluster location detection.  相似文献   

Radon has been determined in soil, groundwater, and air in Mexico, both indoors and outdoors, as part of geophysical studies and to estimate effective doses as a result of radon exposure. Detection of radon has mainly been performed with solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) and, occasionally, with active detection devices based on silicon detectors or ionization chambers. The liquid scintillation technique, also, has been used for determination of radon in groundwater. The adjusted geometric mean indoor radon concentration (74 Bq m−3) in urban developments, for example Mexico City, is higher than the worldwide median concentration of radon in dwellings. In some regions, particularly hilly regions of Mexico where air pollution is high, radon concentrations are higher than action levels and the effective dose for the general population has increased. Higher soil radon levels have been found in the uranium mining areas in the northern part of the country. Groundwater radon levels are, in general, low. Soil-air radon contributing to indoor atmospheres and air pollution is the main source of increased exposure of the population.  相似文献   

Rn-222 enters dwellings as a component of soil gas drawn from the soil by mass flow driven by the pressure difference between the house and soil beneath. In a site on Northampton Sand Ironstone (Aalenian), a preferred path of emanation (hotspot) was found. A difference of 63 Bq L–1 Rn-222 was recorded in July between this point and another 3 m away. Rn-222 in this hotspot shows 12% less variation annually than the surrounding rock. During winter, Rn-222 values within 1.6 m of the house were 44% lower than those at more than 4 m away. Rn-222 showed a 99.5% negative correlation with wind run, showing that on this soil wind pressure can significantly reduce radon in the soil at 500 mm depth. Rn-220 in soil gas correlated positively at the 99.5% level with grass and air temperatures. Rn-220 was not associated with the hotspot.  相似文献   

Radium-226 is a significant source of radon-222 which enters buildings through soil, construction materials or water supply. When cigarette smoke is present, the radon daughters attach to smoke particles. Thus, the alpha radiation to a smoker’s lungs from the natural radon daughters is increased because of smoking. To investigate whether the cigarette tobacco itself is a potential source of indoor radon, the α potential energy exposure level contents of radon (222Rn, 3.82d) and Thoron (220Rn, 55.60s) were measured in 10 different cigarette tobacco samples using CR-39 solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs). The results showed that the 222, 220Rn concentrations in these samples ranged from 128 to 266 and 49 to 148 Bqm−3, respectively. The radon concentrations emerged from all investigated samples were significantly higher than the background level. Also, the annual equivalent doses from the samples were determined. The mean values of the equivalent dose were 3.51 (0.89) and 1.44 (0.08) mSvy−1, respectively. Measurement of the average indoor radon concentrations in 20 café rooms was, significantly, higher than 20 smoking-free residential houses. The result refers to the dual (chemical and radioactive) effect of smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer.  相似文献   

Submarine caves are considered as a top priority for conservation, but the effects of common pressures are poorly known for these habitats. Here, we examined the effect of recreational human visitation on a selection of submarine caves in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area (40°35′40″N; 8°11′39″E) where diving activities are regulated. Sampling was conducted in visited and not visited caves to assess whether diving activities have a significant effect on cave habitats, what are the components of biodiversity most affected by this disturbance, and its potential effects on spatial heterogeneity of benthic assemblages. Results clearly showed that human visitation could significantly affect spatial patterns of benthic assemblages. Organisms with erect growth forms were significantly more abundant and homogeneously distributed where diving activities are forbidden. An increase in the small-scale heterogeneity of assemblages and a decrease in their three-dimensional structure could be the ultimate consequences of human visitation. The interaction between specific stressors and the patterns of distribution of species and assemblages can drive their spatial heterogeneity also in unique habitats like marine caves, representing an early warning for the development of appropriate management measures.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive review of multivariate geostatistical models, focusing on the bivariate case. We compare in detail three approaches, the linear model of coregionalisation, the common component model and the kernel convolution approach, and discuss similarities between them. We demonstrate the merits of the common component class of models as a flexible means for modelling bivariate geostatistical data of the type that frequently arises in environmental applications. In particular, we show how kernel convolution can be used to approximate the common component model, and demonstrate the method using a data-set of calcium and magnesium concentrations in soil samples. We then apply the model to a study of domestic radon concentrations in the city of Winnipeg, Canada, in which exposure was measured at two sites (bedroom and basement) in each residential location. Our analysis demonstrates that in this study the correlation between the two sites within each house dominates the short-range spatial correlation typical of the distribution of radon.  相似文献   

P. Grobe  C. Lüter 《Marine Biology》1999,134(3):595-600
Although the three examined species of Argyrotheca are quite common in the Mediterranean, little is known about their reproductive cycles. This study shows that Argyrotheca cordata and Argyrotheca cistellula have continuous breeding activity, indicated by the occurrence of ripe eggs and larvae in their brood pouches throughout the year. The absolute number of larvae found in the brood pouches of both species corresponds to the adult's size. The third species examined, Argyrotheca cuneata, tends to breed in autumn, with larvae only present in September and November, but the sample-size was small. Larval development is very similar in all three Argyrotheca species, each embryo going through a gastrula stage, a two-lobed and a three-lobed stage. Before leaving the brood pouch, the larvae have an apical lobe with a girdle of elongated cilia, a mantle lobe with a midventral band of cilia and a pedicle lobe without ciliation. The larvae of A. cordata and A. cuneata possess four bundles of larval setae, whereas A. cistellula shows no setae at all. Received: 6 November 1998 / Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

Acidophilic S-oxidising bacteria isolated from sulphur-rich deep caves (Frasassi, Italy), characterised by relatively low temperature, were tested for their ability to mobilise (semi-)metals from contaminated sediments. Sediment samples from two commercial Italian seaports were used to set up bioleaching experiments. The effect of different growth substrates was also investigated. Our experiments revealed that S-oxidising bacteria isolated from Frasassi caves have a high potential to remove As from contaminated marine sediments, as never reported before. Although As solubilisation efficiency was quite low (i.e. about 30%), only a small amount of As was associated with non-residual fractions of the sediment. On the contrary, the solubilisation efficiencies of Zn and Ni (20% and 10%, respectively) were lower than those previously obtained by the use of other acidophilic bacteria and mainly influenced by the experimental conditions rather than by the presence of the S-oxidising bacteria. Results presented here open new perspectives in bioleaching applications for the remediation of contaminated sediments. Indeed, microbial strains adapted to relatively low-temperature environments could improve sediment bioleaching at temperature regimes where mesophilic and thermophilic strains are not favoured. Such strains could be exploited for developing selective bioremediation procedures for sediments contaminated with As, to be applied in multistep biotreatment processes.  相似文献   

Soil uranium,basement radon and lung cancer in Illinois,USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using counties as the sampling unit, a significant association between the chemical form of uranium occurring in soils with basement radon levels was found (Spearman r, 0.266; p > |r|, 0.007). Uranium atoms dispersed throughout the soil matrix are efficient emanators of Rn to soil gas, whereas Rn that is trapped diffuses very slowly from the several U-bearing minerals in Illinois soils and does not contribute significantly to explaining basement Rn. Basement Rn level is correlated with annual incidence of male and female lung cancers. Dispersed U is correlated with annual incidence of lung cancer in females with a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.162 (p > |r|, 0.104) and males of 0.177 (p > |r|, 0.075).  相似文献   

Cadmium levels in Europe: implications for human health   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this study we used the Forum of European Geological Surveys geochemical baseline data to examine the distribution of cadmium (Cd) in Europe, with a particular reference to the international soil and water guideline values. The highest cadmium levels were found to occur in topsoil and to follow closely the distribution of P2O5, suggesting that the contamination was from the use of rock phosphate fertilizer in intensive arable agriculture. In terms of human health impacts, food (up to several hundred μg/day) was found as the only major route of exposure to Cd for the non-smoking general population. It appeared that low levels of chronic exposure to Cd resulted in completely different human health impacts than those high levels that had caused the ‘itai–itai’ disease. Some correlations were suggested between cadmium levels and the age-adjusted prostate or breast cancer rates distributed in the European countries under study.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to identify high-risk industries for histological subtypes of lung cancer based on a large population-based case-control study in British Columbia, Canada. Occupational histories and information on smoking and relevant covariates were collected from 14,755 male incident cancer cases. Industrial risk factors for 2998 lung cancer cases, including histological subtypes were assessed by logistic regression using other cancer cases, excluding smoking-related cancers, as controls. An excess risk of lung cancer was found among workers in mining, metal manufacturing, and electric power systems for all histological-subtypes, and construction, water transport, health services for specific histological subtypes. Industrial associations that are unique to histological subtypes of lung cancer were identified. Future research needs to focus on confirming these histological associations, and identifying the risk from key exposures found within these industries (e.g. medical radiation, electromagnetic fields, and cooking fumes).  相似文献   

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