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杨越 《生态环境》2011,(6):1183-1188
根据《京都议定书》关于清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)的目标、设立条件、步骤和监管制度的规定,指出了中国在实施清洁发展机制中所获得的环境、社会和经济方面的巨大利益,同时,也分析了目前中国实施清洁发展机制在项目发展规模、潜在项目识别、额外行证明、CER法律权属界定、项目签发等方面存在的问题。文章结合国际社会清洁发展制度的趋势走向,预测在今后相当长的时期内清洁发展机制仍将作为全球温室气体减排的有效制度而存在,并将对CDM宗旨重新定位和完善CDM项目具体实施制度。还根据国际形势变化,对2012年后中国清洁发展机制的法律制度建设提出了具体的建议:应尽快出台一部能源基本法,使得包括清洁能源机制在内的应对气候变化的措施能够有法可依。立法中应重点确立能源可持续发展原则,具体规定CDM项目适格标准、改变传统一元所有权模式,明确CER法律权属和所有权、完善CDM项目监管制度,以限制CDM项目单纯追求经济效益的危险性、加强CDM服务行业规范,提高CER签发率。  相似文献   

干旱区大型养殖场CDM项目开发与温室气体减排量估算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据<联合国气候变化框架公约>的相关规定,运用联合国清洁发展机制(CDM)执行理事会批准的ACM0010方法学,对新疆某大型畜禽养殖场沼气工程项目中粪污处理所产生的温室气体减排量进行分析和计算得到,该养殖场年CO2减排当量为114274 t·a-1,通过在国际碳市场出售经核证的温室气体减排当量,使其能够获得约1100万元人民币的额外收益,从而提高企业内部收益率,增强企业参与CDM项目的积极性,也为我国干旱区大中型养殖场发展沼气工程、参与CDM项目合作提供参考.  相似文献   

<京都议定书>的清洁发展机制(CDM)使得工业化国家和过渡经济国家能使用经认证的,因CDM活动而自然形成的排放量削减来履行其限制和减少排放量的承诺的某一部分.本文侧重于关于在CDM范围内开展的排放削减活动的实施的未解决问题(例如,有歧义的语言,各种排放削减活动的实施手段上的不一致).发展中国家及其私有部门实体有必要考察这些重要问题.  相似文献   

<京都议定书>的清洁发展机制(CDM)使得工业化国家和过渡经济国家能使用经认证的,因CDM活动而自然形成的排放量削减来履行其限制和减少排放量的承诺的某一部分.本文侧重于关于在CDM范围内开展的排放削减活动的实施的未解决问题(例如,有歧义的语言,各种排放削减活动的实施手段上的不一致).发展中国家及其私有部门实体有必要考察这些重要问题.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在马来西亚吉隆坡由国际石油工业环境保护协会(IPECA)组织的和在哥斯达黎加圣约瑟由拉西美洲和加勒比海地区石油和天然气公司会(ARPEI)及联合国环境规划署(UNEP)于2002年组织的两个高级区域研讨会的主要发现,这些开讨会的目的是提高对区域发展和气候变化问题的理解,并且识别有效的近期和长斯行动的机会,特别是通过清洁发展机制(CDM),对于清洁发展机制项目,私营部门投资仍然存在经济上、方法上和体制上的障碍,围绕清洁发展机制规则的不确定性,已经从凤想的关心发展到更为实际的对能力的关心,即组织机构能否认一种及时和成本有效的方式审查和批准项目应用.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在马来西亚吉隆坡由国际石油工业环境保护协会(IPECA)组织的和在哥斯达黎加圣约瑟由拉西美洲和加勒比海地区石油和天然气公司会(ARPEI)及联合国环境规划署(UNEP)于2002年组织的两个高级区域研讨会的主要发现,这些开讨会的目的是提高对区域发展和气候变化问题的理解,并且识别有效的近期和长斯行动的机会,特别是通过清洁发展机制(CDM),对于清洁发展机制项目,私营部门投资仍然存在经济上、方法上和体制上的障碍,围绕清洁发展机制规则的不确定性,已经从凤想的关心发展到更为实际的对能力的关心,即组织机构能否认一种及时和成本有效的方式审查和批准项目应用.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在马来西亚吉隆坡由国际石油工业环境保护协会(IPIECA)组织的和在哥斯达黎加圣约瑟由拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区石油和天然气公司协会(ARPEL)及联合国环境规划署(UNEP)于2002年组织的两个高级区域研讨会的主要发现.这些研讨会的目的是提高对区域发展和气候变化问题的理解,并且识别有效的近期和长期行动的机会,特别是通过清洁发展机制(CDM),对于清洁发展机制项目,私营部门投资仍然存在经济上、方法上和体制上的障碍.围绕清洁发展机制规则的不确定性,已经从设想的关心发展到更为实际的对能力的关心,即组织机构能否以一种及时和成本有效的方式审查和批准项目应用.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在马来西亚吉隆坡由国际石油工业环境保护协会(IPIECA)组织的和在哥斯达黎回圣约瑟由拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区石油和天然气公司协会(ARPEL)及联合国环境规划署(UNEP)于2002年组织的两个高级区域研讨会的主要发现,这些研讨会的目的是提高对区域发展和气候变化问题的理解,并且识别有效的近期和长期行动的机会,特别是通过清洁发展机制(CDM),对于清洁发展机制项目,私营部门投资仍然存在经济上、方法上和体制上的障碍,围绕清洁发展机制规则的不确定性,已经从设想的关心发展到更为实际的对能力的关心,即组织机构能否以一种及时和成本有效的方式审查和批准项目应用。  相似文献   

为调整外商中的投资环境保护问题,我佃环境法已经形成了一个包括宪法性规范,专项单行立法,地方性法规及国际公约等多层次的法律框架。我国将外商投资项目分为鼓励允许、限制禁止四类,并规定了外商投资应遵循的若干环境管理措施。但总体上看我国环境法还存在立法和执法缺陷,亟待完善。  相似文献   

论构建我国资源安全保障的法律体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾文革  王海志 《生态环境》2006,15(1):190-193
资源安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,建构资源安全保障的法律体系具有十分重要的意义。文章从我国资源安全保障立法的现状出发,指出我国资源安全保障法律体系的指导思想是可持续发展观和科学的资源安全观,我国资源安全法律保障体系的整体框架应当包括保护自然资源系统的法律法规、合理开发战略性资源的法律法规、适度消费与高效利用资源的法律法规、利用国际市场与规避贸易风险的资源安全的法律法规、协调资源供给利用与净化资源安全管理的法律法规,并且我国资源安全保障具体法律制度应当从上述方面加以构建和完善。此外,构建我国资源安全法律保障具体制度还应当制定资源安全预警制度、资源安全押金制度、采取积极的资源安全激励措施等相关配套法律法规,从而保障我国资源安全保障法律的体系的完整与有效实施。  相似文献   

The impact of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects on climate change technology transfer (CCTT), which is essential for developing countries to achieve higher mitigation targets and move towards more sustainable paths, has been, until now, inadequately understood and analysed. The aim of this paper is to analyse the carbon market contribution to CCTT, mainly through the CDM, so as to stimulate developing countries towards the deployment and diffusion of low-carbon technologies that fulfil their sustainability goals. Indeed, relatively few studies deal with the assessment of the CDM contribution to CCTT, mainly through desk analysis and empirical evaluations on project design documents. To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies dealing with CCTT through CDM projects using statistical approaches. The added value of this article is the use of statistical analysis, time series analysis and multiple linear regression to analyse carbon market experiences in selected cross-representative developing countries. This assessment indicated the very heterogeneous CCTT across CDM project types, varying significantly in terms of reliance on imported technology, mix of equipment and knowledge and source countries for the technology.  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows industrialized countries to comply with the Kyoto Protocol by using carbon offsets from developing countries. There are two puzzles within this carbon market: additionality (the proposed activity would not have occurred in its absence) and co-benefits (the project has other environmental benefits besides climate mitigation). This paper proposes an econometric approach to evaluate the CDM effect on sulfur dioxide emission reductions and assess its additionality indirectly. Our empirical model is applied to China's emissions at the prefecture level. We found that the CDM does not have a statistically significant effect in lowering sulfur dioxide emissions. This result casts doubt on additionality of these CDM activities, that is, they would have happened anyway.  相似文献   

Sustainable development in developing countries is the main aim of the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). However, in the present context, uncertainty prevails as to whether the CDM is actually achieving its aims in terms of achieving sustainable development and to what extent. Chile has several renewable energy and energy efficiency options with significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions abatement potential that are not yet financially and economically competitive. In order to be able to identify potential CDM projects and to formulate a series of possible investment strategies with a sustainable development component, it is crucial to establish a clear understanding of the host country's needs and priorities and the suitable sustainable energy technologies to meet these needs. The main scope of this paper is to present results obtained from an elaborated stakeholder assessment on Chile's high priority energy needs and sustainable energy technologies fulfilling these needs in order to assist Chile in finding ways of encouraging technology transfer that would contribute to low-carbon sustainable energy development.  相似文献   

In recent years, the concept of sustainable development (SD) has become increasingly recognized and important. Within organizations, SD is often portrayed as a balancing act and requires a combination of three elements to be considered: economy, environment, and society. Traditionally, organizational management research has been focused on economical and environmental fronts. However, social aspects are also important for organizations, especially those in emerging and developing countries. The goal of this article is to investigate the potential of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects to deliver social benefits in Brazil’s hydroelectricity sector. The investigation involved the assessment of 46 registered hydro CDM projects under the Kyoto Protocol in terms of their potential impact on the envisaged social development goals. Two case studies were also examined. Results indicate that organizations managing hydroelectric initiatives in Brazil can provide the pathway toward achieving a number of important social benefits. Successful projects were found to have good community involvement and were managed by both cooperative ventures and money-making corporations. The research also identified several challenges that are hindering hydro CDM projects from delivering more social benefits and enabled a number of recommendations to be extracted for the organizations facing these challenges.  相似文献   

This study examines whether investment in climate change mitigation contributes to poverty alleviation. We investigate the impacts of the renewable energy-based clean development mechanism (RE-CDM) projects on rural communities in China. The impacts of RE-CDM projects are estimated by combining propensity score matching with the difference-in-differences approach. We found that the biomass-based CDM projects significantly contribute to income improvement and employment generation in rural communities in China. Our estimation results also reveal that wind energy-based CDM projects have the potential to increase income and the share of labor force in the primary industry in rural areas. These results suggest different channels through which renewable energy sources affect income.  相似文献   

环境管理、规划管理与项目管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从深入分析环境管理的内涵出发,进而提出树立项目管理意识,强化项目管理的概念,说明项目管理在环境管理中的地位和作用,从这个意义上讨论环境管理与项目管理的关系,简述环境保护项目管理的主要环节,达到提高环境管理效能的途径的目的。  相似文献   

By sampling an upland settlement project (USP) village, this study examined why the project failed to achieve the planned objectives in some villages, and what livelihood strategies villagers (planters) have adopted to sustain their livelihoods. The paper uses data obtained by qualitative and quantitative methods. The USP was formulated with the objectives of settling 50 landless and marginal tribal families in a project village and introducing agroforestry and rubber plantations for short- and long-term socioeconomic development of planters, in a participatory manner. There are now only 15 planters in the project village and, although agroforestry has progressed well, only 30 to 40% of poor quality rubber trees remain. Planter participation in project activities was limited to wage labour, indicating that the USP failed to adequately achieve all its proposed objectives. In the face of project failure, planters have adopted diversified strategies to maintain their livelihoods. Several shortcomings caused failure of the project, such as the inability of project staff members to organize planters, failure to create awareness among planters about project benefits, lack of regular project money disbursement, sociocultural ignorance, and lack of social capital among planters. Recommendations are made for securing effective participation of local people to assure successful and sustainable project outcomes. Lessons learned will be helpful in formulating future development programmes in this country and elsewhere.  相似文献   

通过对钻孔灌注桩施工中的桩身缩孔、堵管、钢筋笼上浮、断桩等几个常见问题产生的原因进行分析,并有针对性提出了一些通用的处理方法,可作为钻孔灌注桩施工中进行控制的参考,减少质量问题的产生.  相似文献   

西部地区生态退耕的"效益问题"及其评价方法探讨   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
刘黎明  李蕾  赖敏 《生态环境》2005,14(5):794-797
在剖析了西部地区退耕还林还草生态效益、经济效益和社会效益内涵的基础上.指出退耕还林还草项目首先追求的是较好的生态效益,并在此前提下要求尽量做到社会效益和经济效益的协调统一。目前评价退耕效益可采用以下两种思路:生态效益经济价值化法与综合评价法。生态效益经济价值化,可以从国民经济的角度考察退耕还林还草的投资成本和获得的情况,为国家制定宏观政策提供客观依据。按照综合评价法获得的结果,则能为退耕前选择退耕预案、退耕过程中及时发现问题和调整政策以及退耕后进行实施成效评价提供参考。  相似文献   

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