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Introduction: A 2-year prospective study evaluated the effectiveness of a managerial training program to enhance corporate compliance with statewide worksite safety and health regulations. The program offered participants information about regulatory requirements and emphasized organizational and environmental strategies for reducing occupational injuries and illnesses. Objectives: To assess the effects of a train-the-trainer program on business managers' knowledge of statewide occupational safety and health legislation and on levels of corporate compliance with regulatory requirements. Methods: Forty-eight small- and medium-sized companies participated in the training sessions during the first year of the study. These firms were compared with 46 control companies that did not receive the training until the conclusion of the study. Results: Participation in the program was associated with higher levels of corporate regulatory compliance 12 months after the training sessions were held (controlling for baseline levels of corporate compliance with the regulations). Program effects on compliance levels were mediated by posttraining changes in managers' knowledge of regulatory requirements. Conclusions: The REACH OUT training program raised managers' awareness of and corporate compliance with statewide worksite safety and health regulations. Impact on Industry: Smaller companies face greater challenges than larger ones in developing and maintaining worksite safety and health programs. Barriers to regulatory compliance, especially in small- and medium-size companies, should be identified and removed to enhance the efficacy of these programs.  相似文献   

英国自20世纪80年代初期实施职业健康与安全资质制度以来,有十多万人通过了不同等级和专业的职业安全健康考试,为英国的职业安全健康保障做出了重大贡献。为了解英国职业健康与安全资质,学习借鉴其成功经验,在简要介绍英国国家职业资格制度的基础上,详细地介绍了英国职业健康与安全资质等级、种类、课程和考核评估方式等内容,总结了其主要特点,并结合我国注册安全工程师执业资格制度实施现状,提出了完善制度的建议。  相似文献   

安全管理绩效模糊综合评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统定性的检查和评价很难量化、科学的衡量企业的安全管理绩效,而且安全管理涉及到多个因素,同时各因素也占有不同的权重。将多级模糊综合评价方法应用到安全管理绩效的评价中,以职业健康安全管理体系里的一级、二级管理要素为基础,通过建立评价的因素集、评价集、权重集等,提出了利用模糊综合评价对企业安全管理绩效进行评价的具体方法。并通过实例对该方法进行了系统的分析说明,得出企业安全管理绩效的等级,表明该评价方法科学、可行。  相似文献   

建筑企业安全文化对安全绩效影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于安全文化在建筑业安全管理中的重要性越来越突出,因此安全文化对于提高安全绩效,减少建筑业事故发生率的作用日益得到重视。文中进行实证研究,探讨建筑企业安全文化对安全绩效的影响。安全文化的维度为安全制度文化、安全物质文化和安全观念文化,研究结果表明,安全制度文化、安全物质文化和安全观念文化均有助于安全绩效提高,研究结果可在一定程度上促使建筑企业重视并自觉改善安全文化,有助于减少建筑业安全事故发生率,提升安全绩效。  相似文献   

The Norwegian internal control (IC) regulation, which was set into force in 1992, has received attention because preventive health and safety systems have become mandatory for every enterprise, regardless of size and business. Enterprises are expected to implement proper systematic actions to ensure that the enterprise operates in accordance with requirements specified in laws and regulations in the health, environment and safety (HES)1 domain. The present study was conducted in order to find out what organizational factors are feasible in predicting success in managing systematic HES work. The study focuses on enterprises' experiences in their efforts to implement IC of HES. The results showed that 45% of the companies in Norway had implemented IC 4 years after the onset of the regulation. A total of 36% were under way, while 19% had not started yet. In 1993 the corresponding figures were 8%, 25% and 67%, respectively. Available internal HES competency with professional training was the strongest predictor for success in managing systematic HES work. Thereafter followed factors like external push and pull factors (customers, labor inspection and business partners). Time elapsed since implementation of the regulation was also of importance.  相似文献   

本文着重阐述了劳动安全卫生标准化工作的内涵与意义,分析了劳动安全卫生标准化工作的国内外现状,针对问题提出了加快我国劳动安全卫生标准发展的几项建议。  相似文献   

《2006年促进职业安全与健康框架公约》(C187,2006)和《职业安全与健康框架建议书》(R197,2006)的公布是为了进一步减少全球发生的大量职业性伤病和死亡,保护工人免受因就业而引发的病患和伤害,降低职业性伤病和死亡对劳动生产率和经济与社会发展的负面影响。本文对《公约》及《建议书》的主要内容,包括《公约》中的定义、《公约》制定的目标、国家政策、国家制度、国家计划等进行了详细的介绍和分析,以期继续推广预防性安全健康文化建设。  相似文献   

Problem: In response to the demands of competitiveness, there has been a proliferation of management delayering in order to move responsibility to those people carrying out the operations and to focus on working as a team. Teams can be managed in different ways: using supervisors, team leaders, or self-managed. The management of health and safety and other business risks is dependent on the way in which the team is managed. Method: This study has assessed, through the use of semistructured interviews, how UK manufacturing companies have addressed a range of health and safety management issues (i.e., the setting, communication, and measurement of company objectives, employee participation and empowerment, and risk assessment) in relation to different styles of group working (i.e., supervised groups, groups with team leaders, and self-managed groups). Discussion: Although the differences are not always significant, it is noticeable that within organizations using supervised work environments, there is a lack of communication of specific health and safety information, little involvement and participation in safety activities, and a greater reliance on the safety function. However, in organizations using team leaders and self-managed groups, there is evidence of greater management involvement, more open communication, and greater employee involvement in health and safety, although empowerment in its true sense was still limited in these organizations. Impact on industry: The results obtained illustrate the impact of different working groups on the management of health and safety in the UK manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

IntroductionSafety management in construction is complicated due to the complex “nature” of the construction industry. The aim of this research was to identify safety management factors (e.g., risk management and site management), contextual factors (e.g., organisational complexity) and combinations of such factors connected to safety performance. Method: Twelve construction projects were selected to compare their safety management and safety performance. An analytical framework was developed based on previous research, regulations, and standards where each management factor was defined. We employed qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to produce case knowledge, compare the cases, and identify connections between the factors and safety performance. The material collected and analyzed included, for example, construction planning documents, reports from OHS-inspections, safety indicators, and interviews with project leaders and OHS experts. Results and conclusions: The research showed that: (a) the average score on 12 safety management factors was higher among projects with high safety performance compared to projects with low safety performance; (b) high safety performance can be achieved with both high and low construction complexity and organizational complexity, but these factors complicate coordination of actors and operations; (c) it is possible to achieve high safety performance despite relatively poor performance on many safety management factors; (d) eight safety management factors were found to be “necessary” for high safety performance, namely roles and responsibilities, project management, OHS management and integration, safety climate, learning, site management, staff management, and operative risk management. Site management, operative risk management, and staff management were the three factors most strongly connected to safety performance. Practical implications: Construction stakeholders should understand that the ability to achieve high safety performance in construction projects is connected to key safety management factors, contextual factors, and combinations of such factors.  相似文献   

为更系统地归纳安全氛围与安全绩效的关系,探究安全氛围、安全绩效及安全结果间的影响机制,采用Meta分析方法,通过2000—2020年54篇文献的55个独立研究样本进行定量综合分析,并进一步探讨安全氛围与安全绩效各维度间的关系,同时运用Meta二元回归探究潜在调节变量对2者间关系的调节作用。结果表明:安全氛围显著正向影响安全绩效,在高危行业中安全氛围对安全绩效影响更大;安全氛围与安全参与、安全遵守均显著正相关,且安全氛围对安全参与的影响强于对安全遵守的影响;安全氛围和安全绩效均与安全结果显著负相关,且安全绩效对安全结果的影响强于安全氛围对安全结果的影响。  相似文献   

通过对安太堡露天煤矿职业健康安全管理体系认证前后安全生产管理基础数据的调查和统计,采用定性和定量的分析方法对该企业的安全管理水平进行了绩效对比分析和模型分析。结果表明,对于露天煤矿企业,建立职业健康安全管理体系有利于提高企业安全管理的水平;同时证明,该绩效分析方法具有分析过程简单、分析结果科学实用等优点。  相似文献   

Occupational health and safety represents a set of technical, medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical and other measures with the aim to detect and eliminate hazards that threaten the lives and health of employees. These measures should be applied in a systematic way. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review occupational health and safety legislation in Serbia and the requirements that airports should fulfill for Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series certification. Analyzing the specificity of airport activities and injuries as their outcomes, the article also proposes preventive measures for the health and safety of employees. Furthermore, the airport activities which are the most important from the standpoint of risks are defined, as the goals for occupational health and safety performance improvement.  相似文献   

阐述了劳动安全卫生标准体系研究的目的与意义,分析比较了劳动安全卫生标准分类的几种可能方案,着重讨论并提出整个劳动安全卫生标准体系的层次结构方框图。  相似文献   

为了提高绩效管理的科学性,实现对安全绩效的预测分析,针对空管运行系统的动态性、复杂性和延迟特性,引入系统动力学方法。首先,从管理和结果的角度分析指标间的因果关系,然后在因果图的基础上:1)采用网络层次分析法计算指标权重;2)建立绩效评价的系统动力学模型,由指标权重和评分规则确定指标间的关系方程,进行仿真预测,得到基于指标关系网络的绩效趋势。从查找绩效下降原因和绩效改进措施两方面分析绩效预测的应用,结果表明,运用系统动力学方法分析绩效,不仅可以逆向找到影响绩效的关键指标,还能提前预测决策变化对绩效的影响,保证决策的有效性,提高系统的安全产出。  相似文献   

简要介绍了国内外职业安全卫生标准体系研究的概况,指出了建立我国职业安全卫生标准体系的重要性。运用系统分析的观点和方法,提出了我国职业安全卫生标准体系的编制原则和总体结构。  相似文献   

针对我国近年来高危企业恶性事故频发与安全生产水平低下的现状,构建一套安全绩效评估方法与模型,帮助高危企业实现安全绩效的自我评估与改进.通过可持续发展、以人为本、社会道德和融入文化等四个方面,提出借鉴EFQM的高危企业安全绩效评估模型的研究意义.基于模糊聚类分析法与层次分析法归纳安全绩效6项构成要素(领导、人员、资源设施、政策战略、生产过程和事故损失等)及其评估权重指标,并划分5个分级层次;构建基于构成要素之间逻辑关系的安全绩效评估模型结构;最后运用RADAR计分矩阵对安全绩效作出评估.  相似文献   

依据资本观、能力观等相关理论,构建了以情绪智力为中介变量的施工企业内社会资本与安全绩效关系的理论模型,并以156家施工企业为调查对象而获取的数据进行多元回归分析。研究结果表明:员工情绪智力在施工企业内社会资本的结构维度、关系维度与安全绩效之间起到完全中介作用,在认知维度与安全绩效之间起到部分中介作用。因此,施工企业应该重视企业内社会资本的积累,同时加强员工情绪智力的提升,提高安全绩效。  相似文献   

针对从国外拆迁进口的成套化工装置中旧压力容器存在的问题,以顺酐装置旧压力容器安全性能监督检验的实例为核心,探讨了此类压力容器在重新安装之前进行安全性能监督检验的处理对策以及对检验出的缺陷处理方法,对进口旧压力容器的安全性能监督检验有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

为研究安全帽安全性与保护性问题,利用落锤冲击实验,对不同材质安全帽吸能率、冲击力峰值进行研究.结果表明:随冲击能量增加,安全帽受冲击力峰值呈指数倍增长,吸能率呈指数倍下降;ABS树脂与玻璃钢材质安全帽头模受冲击力峰值小于HDPE材质安全帽;当冲击能量大于60 J,HDPE材质安全帽丧失保护功能;ABS安全帽能够承受最大...  相似文献   

结合我国经济社会发展历程,对新中国成立60年来职业安全健康监察体制的发展沿革分4个阶段进行回顾分析,总结存在的问题及值得借鉴的经验。针对我国职业安全健康监察工作融合度不够、监管层级不明确、现场监察执法工作独立性不强、现场执法频度有限等方面的不足,结合我国省直管县的行政体制改革趋势,提出建立横向层面上职业安全监察与职业健康监察相融合、监察执法与业务管理相分离,纵向层面上自上而下垂直管理的体制优化构想,以期能够为我国职业安全健康监察体制的完善提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

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