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采用营养液水培方式,研究湿地典型沉水植物黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)根系分泌物在不同浓度磷胁迫下的适应机制,以期为高原湿地污染修复的根际调控措施提供科学依据。结果表明,黑藻根系分泌物主要有烷烃类、酯类、酸类、硫类、胺类、醇类、醛类、酮类等化合物,不同浓度磷胁迫下,黑藻根系分泌物的种类和对应的相对含量差异较大,表明黑藻会主动通过根系自我调控分泌物的成分和数量来适应环境。无磷胁迫(TP=0mg/L)下,黑藻根系分泌物主要为硅烷、环庚硅氧烷,占比分别为16.24%、14.61%,而在不同浓度的磷胁迫后,有机酸总占比明显增加,各处理邻苯二甲酸的占比均为最高,说明黑藻根系增加邻苯二甲酸的分泌是响应环境磷胁迫的一种重要机制。此外,磷胁迫对环庚硅氧烷、苯二羧酸、邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯、1-甲基吡咯烷酮、二苯砜等也有显著影响,这些根系分泌物对于黑藻适应外界磷环境同样具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

为探究典型湿地挺水植物香蒲(Typha angustifolia L.)在砷(As)污染生境中不同物候期的根系分泌物变化特征,测定并分析了A s胁迫下的香蒲根系分泌物构成.结果表明:(1)香蒲根系分泌物主要包括烃类、酚类、生物碱类,枯黄期仅有这3类分泌物,幼苗期还有少量唑类,花果期根系分泌物种类最丰富,出现了特有的有机...  相似文献   

植物及其根系分泌物对污水净化效果的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了弄清不同植物对污水的净化效率以及其根系分泌物对污水净化效果的影响,对植物根系分泌物与脱氮及COD去除之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,在净化时间相同的情况下,茭白(Zizania cadaciflora)对污水COD的去除效果要好于美人蕉(Canna generalis),美人蕉对污水TN的去除率要高于茭白,系统中N去除主要依靠硝化反硝化脱氮;美人蕉根系比茭白根系能分泌更多的溶解有机碳(DOC),这些可溶性的有机碳可以为污水中微生物提供碳源,有利于氮的反硝化去除,但同时也会增加出水COD的浓度。而茭白比美人蕉具有更强的硝化能力,可促进其硝化反硝化作用。  相似文献   

为探究邻苯二甲酸正二丁酯 (DBP) 高/低累积型菜心对DBP吸收累积差异的机理,采用溶液培养和室内批量实验方法,对比研究DBP污染下DBP高/低累积型菜心根系分泌物中低分子有机酸组成特征及其对土壤DBP解吸的影响。研究结果表明,2种菜心根系分泌物中均检测出甲酸、乙酸、草酸和苹果酸,其中草酸和苹果酸为2种菜心根系分泌物中主要的低分子有机酸,其在2种菜心根系分泌物中的质量浓度分别为1.56~9.28和1.06~15.38 mg·L−1。总体来看,特青根系分泌物中低分子有机酸的质量浓度低于油青。添加2种菜心根系分泌物土壤DBP的解吸率分别为45.8%~81.1% (油青) 和34.0%~52.5% (特青) ,显著高于添加蒸馏水处理 (17.0%) ,特青根系分泌物对土壤DBP的解吸率显著低于油青。相关性分析表明,2种菜心根系分泌物对土壤DBP的解吸程度与其草酸或苹果酸质量浓度相关性较弱 (r<0.146,P>0.05) ,这说明低分子有机酸不是2种菜心根系分泌促进土壤DBP解吸作用的主要因素。本研究结果可为DBP低累积作物品种的筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

3种水培植物根系分泌的有机酸对氮循环菌的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱静平  程凯 《环境工程学报》2011,5(9):2139-2143
通过收集水培吊兰、空心菜和水芹的根系分泌物,采用液相色谱分析了其中有机酸的种类和含量;并研究了根系分泌物中的有机酸对氮循环菌的影响。结果表明3,种植物根系分泌物中的有机酸对氨化细菌和反硝化细菌的生长具有促进作用,对亚硝化细菌和硝化细菌的生长具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

研究了刚毛藻对不同形态磷源去除效果,并采用3种实际水样考察其对磷的去除率和周期。结果表明,在不同磷源纯培养条件下,刚毛藻能够有效直接去除无机磷和聚合磷酸盐;磷源为有机磷时,刚毛藻优先利用通过微生物分解作用和藻类磷酸酶转化有机磷产生的无机磷。在微生物协同作用下4种形态磷的去除率分别有14.8%~36.29%的增幅。刚毛藻对实际水中磷去除实验结果表明,刚毛藻对大沽河水、砂过滤出水和某污水厂二级出水中磷去除效果明显,3 d总磷去除率分别达到95.70%、95.45%和95.36%。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化-羟基磷酸钙(anammox-hydroxyapatite, anammox-HAP)技术可实现污泥厌氧消化液高效自养脱氮同步磷回收。污泥厌氧消化液中磷的浓度与污泥性质、厌氧消化过程相关,变化范围很大。为探索anammox-HAP系统中的磷回收效率,通过基于anammox-HAP长期运行的膨胀颗粒污泥床反应器,考察了不同进水磷浓度、pH和钙磷质量比(Ca/P)对磷回收效率及污泥特性的影响。结果表明:进水磷浓度在40~250 mg·L−1时,膨胀颗粒污泥床反应器脱氮性能稳定,总氮去除率可达88.5%;磷回收效率与进水磷浓度、反应器内pH及进水Ca/P密切相关,磷回收效率最高为89.7%;高磷浓度下形成的颗粒污泥,有望实现高效的磷资源利用。本研究可为利用anammox-HAP系统实现磷回收提供参考。  相似文献   

硝酸盐浓度及投加方式对反硝化除磷的影响   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
采用SBR反应器,详细研究了硝酸盐浓度及其投加方式对反硝化除磷过程的影响。结果表明,缺氧环境下的反硝化吸磷速率与作为电子受体的硝酸盐浓度有很大的关系,硝酸盐浓度越高.吸磷速率越快。当硝酸盐浓度较低.不足以氧化反硝化聚磷菌细胞内的PHB从而导致体系反硝化除磷效率的下降。相同浓度的硝酸盐,采用流加的方式可以获得比一次性投加更高的反硝化吸磷速率。缺氧环境下,反硝化脱氮量与磷的吸收量成良好的线性关系.借助于反硝化聚磷菌,反硝化脱氮与除磷可在一种环境中完成,有效解决了废水中COD不足的问题.同时达到了节省能源和降低污泥产量的目的。  相似文献   

海水富营养化影响微藻生长,引起海洋初级生产力变化.以海洋小球藻(Chlorella sp.)为研究对象,研究不同磷浓度对其叶绿素荧光、细胞密度和色素含量变化的影响,以期找到海洋小球藻最适生长的磷浓度,为富营养条件下微藻生长的研究提供基础资料.结果表明,在培养温度为(22±1) ℃、光照强度为4 000 lx、光暗比为12 h:12 h条件下,不同磷浓度对海洋小球藻叶绿素荧光、细胞密度及色素含量影响显著,最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、潜在活性(Fv/Fo)、实际光能转化效率(ΦPSⅡ)和电子传递速率(ETR)均呈先升后降的趋势,3.62 μmol/L处理组显著低于其他各组,434.52 μmol/L处理组一直处在较高水平.说明海洋小球藻的光合作用对高磷的适应范围较广,但对低磷浓度培养反应敏感.非光化学淬灭(qN)的值,3.62 μmol/L处理组高于其他各组.从细胞密度和色素含量的变化可以看出,36.21 μmol/L处理组最高,434.52、3.62 μmol/L处理组均低于36.21 μmol/L处理组.海洋小球藻生长的最适磷摩尔浓度为36.21 μmol/L.  相似文献   

黑藻根际对沉积物中氨氧化细菌和古菌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氨氧化反应对水生态系统氮循环和氮的去除有重要作用,沉水植物通过根系泌氧促进沉积物中硝化反应并对氨氧化细菌和古菌的分布产生影响。本研究以轮叶黑藻为实验对象,利用微电极研究沉积物-水界面的溶解氧变化,研究了黑藻根系对沉积物中氨氧化细菌和古菌数量的影响。结果表明,黑藻通过根系泌氧增加沉积物-水界面的溶解氧量和表层沉积物有氧层厚度,有氧层厚度增加了3 mm以上;种植黑藻后,根际沉积物中氨氧化细菌数量逐渐增加,氨氧化古菌数量前30天增加随后减少,氨氧化细菌与氨氧化古菌amoA基因拷贝数的比值由0.51增加到6.75,说明黑藻根际沉积物更适宜氨氧化细菌的生存。  相似文献   

The paper studies changes in the content and composition of lipids in the membranes of chloroplasts, mitochondria and microsomes of the aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata exposed to copper ions (100 μM; 1, 3, 6 and 24 h). The rate of copper accumulation and the coefficient of its extraction by the plant were also determined. The presence of copper in the incubation medium and its accumulation in the plant tissues decreased the content of photosynthetic pigments, stimulated lipid peroxidation and enhanced membrane permeability. The gradual accumulation of copper in the plant tissues was accompanied by specific changes in the composition of lipids: the content of sulfolipids (SQDG) in chloroplasts declined; the content of monogalactosyl diacylglycerols (MGDG), digalactosyl diacylglycerols (DGDG) and phosphatidyl glycerols (PG) in chloroplasts and mitochondria grew after an hour of copper exposure; and the content of all the lipids except phosphatidic acids (PA) decreased after 3 h of exposure. The decline in the content of phosphatidyl cholines (PC) was first observed in the membranes of microsomes (after an hour of exposure) and later in the membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria (after 3-6 h of exposure). The experiments with incorporation of [2-14C]sodium acetate into fatty acids of polar lipids showed that in parallel with lipid destruction, there took place an intensive and specific renewal of the lipid pool of subcellular membrane fractions.  相似文献   

Yan S  Zhou Q 《Chemosphere》2011,85(6):1088-1094
Little information is available about the toxicity of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene acting on macrophytes, and their toxicity data are rarely used in regulation and criteria decisions. The results extended the knowledge on toxic effects of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene on aquatic plants. The responses of Hydrilla verticillata to these pollutants were investigated. Chlorophyll levels, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase) showed diverse responses at different concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. The linear regression analyses were performed respectively, suggesting the concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene expected to protect aquatic macrophytes were 7.30 mg L−1, 1.15 mg L−1 and 2.36 mg L−1, respectively. This study emphasized that aquatic plants are also sensitive to organic pollutants as fishes and zooplanktons, indicating that macrophytes could be helpful in predicting the toxicity of these pollutants and should be considered in regulation and criteria decisions for aquatic environment protection.  相似文献   

Sinha S 《Chemosphere》2002,46(2):281-288
The effect of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) singly and in combination with iron was studied on chlorophyll, malondialdehyde, cysteine, total -SH contents and potassium ion leakage in the plants of Hydrilla verticillata. The effect of HCH was also studied on glutathione (reduced and oxidised) content and superoxide dismutase activity. The results showed an increase in malondialdehyde content and potassium ion leakage with increase in HCH concentrations, however, the presence of Fe played a protective role. The chlorophyll content was decreased with increase in HCH concentrations and exposure period. However, the chlorophyll content at 2 and 5 microg ml(-1) was significantly higher in HCH-treated plants as compared to HCH + Fe after 168 h, showing protective role of Fe. The results showed significant increase up to 1 microg ml(-1) in cysteine content with increase in concentrations in both the treatments. The total -SH content was increased with increase in concentrations in both the treatments. In HCH-treated plants, non-significant change was noticed in reduced glutathione (GSH) content however, oxidised glutathione (GSSG) content was increased significantly after 168 h, indicative of oxidative stress. In addition, superoxide dismutase activity was increased non-significantly with increase in HCH concentrations. The accumulation of HCH singly and in presence of Fe was concentration- and duration-dependent. The accumulation of HCH was decreased in presence of Fe at higher concentrations. In contrast, the accumulation of Fe was increased in presence of HCH at higher concentrations. The results showed that malondialdehyde content and potassium ions leakage are the primary responses of toxicity.  相似文献   

Biological activity of soil organic matter mobilized by root exudates   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In order to study the biological activity of soil organic matter mobilized by agrarian (Zea mays: cultivars Mytos and Samantha) and forest (Picea abies Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L.) root exudates, two different soils, an Eutric Cambisol (EC) and a Rendzic Leptosol (RL), were considered. Soil organic matter extracts were obtained by treating the soils with water (control) or plant root exudates. The extracts were characterized by hormone-like activities and gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) measurements. Their effects on the nitrogen metabolism in maize seedlings were evaluated. The nitrogen organification in the maize seedlings has been greatly stimulated by all the organic acid extracts from the agrarian soil, while the extracts from the forest soil had no influence upon the metabolism; this indicated a probable link between the plant and the environment. The different biological activities of the extracts are discussed.  相似文献   

Organic acids present in the rhizosphere of growing plants are widely recognized to be responsible for dissolving the solid phase metals in the soil and making them available for plant absorption. We proposed a root exudates-based model to assess the long-term phytoavailability of metals in biosolids-amended soils. The phytoavailability of biosolids-borne metals was defined in terms of a capacity factor and an intensity factor. The plant available metal pool, C0 (capacity factor, mg kg−1), can be estimated by fitting the successive organic acids extraction data to an exponential decay kinetic equation. The field metal removal rate, k (intensity factor, yr−1), can be estimated from the successive extraction-based metal release rate through an effective annual organic acid production in the rhizosphere which was found to be characteristic of plant species. The protocol was successfully used to assess the long-term phytoavailability of metals in biosolids-amended soil from two biosolids land application sites.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Increasing crop yields and ensuring food security is a major global challenge. In order to increase crop production, chemical fertilizers and...  相似文献   

根据城市二级出水水质特性,选择4 种不同氮磷水平的二级出水作为培养基,研究纯培养与共培养下,椭圆小球藻(Chlorella ellipsoidea)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)在不同初始氮磷浓度下的生长状况及脱氮除磷的能力。结果表明,纯培养条件下,椭圆小球藻在2#(TN=15.00 mg/L,TP=1.00 mg/L)实验组中生物量最高,斜生栅藻在4#(TN=10.00 mg/L,TP=0.20 mg/L)实验组中收获最大生物量,椭圆小球藻与斜生栅藻对TP均具有70%以上去除率。共培养下,3#(TN=15.00 mg/L,TP=0.50 mg/L)实验组收获最高生物量,斜生栅藻生物量均高于椭圆小球藻,表明斜生栅藻在共培养条件下更具有生长优势,培养基中TN、TP含量分别降至5.00 mg/L和0.05 mg/L以下。2种培养模式均可达到对二级出水的深度脱氮除磷。  相似文献   

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