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为探究山东省氨排放特征,基于统计数据,运用排放因子法建立了山东省全省及各地级市2008—2018年的人为源氨排放清单,重点研究了山东省人为源氨排放的总量、排放源分布、空间分布与变化趋势.结果表明,2018年山东省人为源氨排放总量为75.823万t,平均排放强度为4.80 t/km 2.畜禽养殖是山东省最大的人为源,占全...  相似文献   

为控制水泥脱硝工程产生的氨排放问题,中国发布《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 4915—2013)对水泥企业氨排放限值提出明确要求。但水泥脱硝设施同步配套的氨在线检测仪记录数据表明,多数水泥厂脱硝后的氨排放浓度远超过标准限值。为此,对照火电厂相关标准和技术规范,指出了水泥工业氨排放标准和技术规范文件中存在的问题。结合实际检测数据和国外相关文献,确认水泥工业存在"本底氨"排放,水泥原料、协同处理废弃物、生产工况变化是导致本底氨排放的主要原因。选择性非催化还原(SNCR)脱硝设施产生的氨逃逸将增加氨排放浓度,反应温度窗口、停留时间、氨/氮摩尔比(NSR)、喷射方案等均会影响氨逃逸浓度。优化水泥生产工艺、SNCR脱硝工艺或配套选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝系统等方式可有效控制水泥厂本底氨及氨逃逸。  相似文献   

机动车污染排放模型研究综述   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
过去几十年,为了掌握机动车污染排放的规律和特征,向决策者提供科学有效的机动车污染控制措施,研究者们致力于研究机动车污染物排放的物化原理和影响机动车污染的主要因素,并据此建立多种尺度的机动车排放模型,以模拟城市区域或者街道的污染物排放.为了分析机动车的瞬态排放特征,目前的机动车排放模型研究正逐渐从宏观向微观发展,排放测试方法注重获取逐秒的排放数据,排放模型模拟的时间尺度和空间尺度逐步趋向微观.此外,机动车模型研究正趋向与交通模型进行耦合,从而揭示机动车在实际道路交通流中的排放特征.从机动车排放的主要影响因素、机动车排放测试、机动车排放因子模型及机动车排放清单等4个方面综述了国内外机动车排放研究现状和发展动向,对比并评价各种机动车排放模型方法的优缺点和适用范围,对我国的机动车排放模型发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

为全面、准确地获得成都市餐饮源大气污染物排放清单,针对成都市社会餐饮、家庭餐饮和食堂餐饮分别选择监测对象进行细颗粒物(PM2.5)、非甲烷总烃(NMHCs)、油烟、氮氧化物(NOx)、SO2和CO 6种大气污染物排放浓度监测.分别按照用油量、就餐人次和灶头风量3种核算依据计算了6种大气污染物的排放因子,并计算成都市餐饮...  相似文献   

养殖废水浓度过高,直接排入生态湿地容易造成植物死亡。因此,在养殖废水进入生态湿地之前,须进行前处理,降低其养分浓度,以确保生态湿地对养殖废水的处理效果。通过野外控制实验,研究了添加不同作物秸秆对养殖废水的处理效果,并考察了作物秸秆材料对氮的转化特征。结果表明:通过设置麦秸、玉米秆、稻草和对照4个实验组,在经过6个月的连续处理后,总氮出水浓度为359.8~614.0 mg·L−1,去除率为30%~40%,氨氮出水浓度降至210.6~449.1 mg·L−1,作物秸秆对高负荷养殖废水中氮的脱除效果显著;出水氨氮浓度在绿狐尾藻(Myriophyllum elatinoides)人工湿地要求的植物耐受限度内;不同形态氮浓度在基质系统处理前后的占比变化不大,主要以氨氮为主(平均为68.3%),其次为颗粒态氮(平均为22.0%),硝态氮占比极低(<1%);添加作物秸秆能降低养殖废水的氨挥发,生物基质消纳系统中以氨挥发形式损失的氮约占TN去除量的10%,明显低于自然条件下的损失率(60%)。以上研究结果对优化生态湿地处理高负荷畜禽养殖废水工艺具有参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

以公交车为例,利用OBS-2200和ELPI(electrical low pressure impactor)对深圳市重型柴油车(high-duty diesel vehicles,HDDVs)进行了3次在实际道路上的车载排放测试.根据测试数据计算了NOx和PM排放因子及百公里油耗,并分析了不同道路、不同工况对NOx...  相似文献   

针对农村地区燃煤炉灶设计了污染物排放因子测定系统,通过碳平衡法测定了不同炉灶不同燃料的污染物排放因子,从北京市延庆、怀柔、平谷和房山4个地区农户家中选取12种煤样,选取了北京地区应用广泛的10种土暖气炉和3种蜂窝煤炉分别测定了污染物排放因子数据。测定结果表明:土暖气炉燃烧劣质散煤的PM2.5和SO2的排放因子最高,分别为3.73 g·kg-1(干燃料)和1.78 g·kg-1(干燃料),燃烧优质散煤和煤球时的PM2.5排放因子依次减小,分别为3.33 g·kg-1(干燃料)和2.20 g·kg-1(干燃料)。优质散煤的SO2排放因子最低(0.16 g·kg-1(干燃料)),NOx的排放因子最高(2.99 g·kg-1(干燃料))。当考虑单位有效热量输出时,相对于劣质散煤,燃烧优质散煤和煤球PM2.5、SO2的排放因子有所下降,PM2.5分别减少了12.9%和8.4%,SO2分别减少了91.2%和73.8%,但优质散煤NOx排放因子增加了42.3%。结合调研数据,核算了北京农村地区燃煤污染物排放数据,结果表明,北京农村地区燃煤PM2.5排放总量为1.84万t,占本地污染排放的贡献率为11.2%~16.3%。  相似文献   

负载对实际道路重型柴油车排放的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用车载测试系统对重型柴油货车空载、50%负载和100%负载不同负载情况下在实际道路的排放进行测试,基于测试数据分析负载对重型柴油货车排放CO、HC、NOx和微小颗粒物(PM)等4种污染物的影响.不同速度区间和行驶模式下负载对排放的影响分析表明,在有负载时,大多数工况下4种污染物排放呈现增加趋势,但各速度区间和行驶模式下的增幅不尽相同,部分工况出现下降.空载时测试柴油车基于新欧洲行驶循环测试(NEDC)工况的标准化CO、HC、NOx和PM排放因子分别为3.38、0.39、6.27、0.39 g/km.对于柴油车重点污染物NOx和PM而言,与空载相比,50%负载时分别增加43%和59%,100%负载时分别增加62%和44%.  相似文献   

沸腾炉大气污染物初始排放因子的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以20台沸腾炉(≤60MW)的燃料特性分析数据和大气污染物的排放实测数据为基础,研究了颗粒物(PM)、SO2和NOX初始排放因子EFP0M、EF0SO2、EF0NOX的变化规律,并利用SPSS13.0统计分析软件,分析了EFP0M、EFS0O2、EF0NOX与影响因子间的相关性。结果表明,在沸腾炉运行负荷≥80%的条件下,EF0PM基本不受锅炉出力(W)、燃煤灰分质量分数(Aar)及过量空气系数(α)的影响,EFP0M与W、Aar、α不具有相关性;EF0SO2主要受燃煤硫质量分数(Sar)的影响,两者具有显著正相关关系;W、α、燃煤干燥基挥发分质量分数(Vdaf)对EF0NOX具有显著影响,EF0NOX与α具有显著正相关关系,而EF0NOX与W、Vdaf具有显著负相关关系;EFS0O2和EF0NOX影响因子由强到弱的顺序为:①EFS0O2:SarαW;②EF0NOX:VdafαW燃煤氮质量分数(Nar)。  相似文献   

Measurements of ammonia emission from grazed grassland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some of the factors influencing NH(3) emission from grazed grassland were examined. The large day-to-day variation in rates of loss were only partially explained by variation in the measured environmental factors (wind speed, soil and air temperature, soil moisture status, relative humidity, rainfall and potential evapotranspiration). Of the measured variables, wind speed had the largest effect but the best multiple linear regression model of daily NH(3) loss had an adjusted R(2) value of only 0.406. The mechanisms controlling NH(3) flux were therefore unclear. There were marked diurnal rhythms in NH(3) loss and the concentration gradients above the sward were strongest during the period which included the 3 h each side of midday. This pattern of NH(3) release has important implications in relation to atmospheric mixing processes and chemical reactions. A comparison of two means of determining NH(3) concentrations, i.e. a bubbler collection system or denuder tubes, indicated that different forms were collected which could be related to the environmental conditions. Such differences and effects should be considered when models are developed to describe the behaviour of nitrogenous and other species in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

采用批式呼吸法求得好氧氨氧化菌产率系数为0.2119 mg COD/mg NH4 -NOD(或者0.7268 mg COD/mg NH4 -N)和氨氧化菌最大氨氮降解速率为0.1 mg NOD/(mg COD·h)(或者0.0292 mg N/(mg COD·h)).用间歇式批试验法,加入24 μmol/L NaN3抑制NO2--N氧化,建立氨氧化反应动力学方程,得到氨氮半饱和系数为18.38 mg NOD/L(或者5.36 mg NH4 -N/L),DO半饱和系数为0.494 mg/L.对比参数值表明,用一步硝化动力学来描述氨氧化反应动力学模型是错误的.  相似文献   

This paper presents a neural network approach, which enables one to simulate ammonia emission after manure application on the field. Based on the data from 227 experiments out of previously published research, it can be illustrated that the time course of accumulated ammonia emission follows a non-linear Michaelis–Menten-like function. This function is determined by the two parameters Emax and KM, which are dependent on manure-specific driving forces, application parameters and climate. 102 data sets of the 227 experiments showed sufficient data for training and validating neural networks for estimating Emax and KM. The neural networks could be trained to R2 values of 0.926 and 0.832 for the training set and the validation set of Emax, and to R2 values of 0.988 for the training set and 0.527 for the validation set of the KM-value, respectively.  相似文献   

The performance of citric acid, oxalic acid and phosphorous acid as denuder coating layers for the determination of atmospheric ammonia have been studied by means of laboratory and field tests. The parameters evaluated during the study include: collection efficiency, selectivity of the coating layer, stability of the reaction product, operative capacity and stability of the coating layer. The results of this study show that phosphorous acid is a suitable coating layer for a denuder line intended to determine both gaseous ammonia and particulate ammonium in the atmosphere. It has been found that the citric acid coating suffers from an insufficient strength of the bond between collected ammonia and the coating layer, which causes a release of the collected ammonia both towards the air flow and towards the active sites of the denuder glass. The performance of oxalic acid was very good in the determination of gaseous ammonia, but this coating showed to be unsuitable for denuder sampling lines which are intended also for the determination of atmospheric ammonium. The volatilisation of oxalic from the denuder surface, in fact, causes a displacement of nitrate from the Teflon filter and an excess of nitrate ion on the back-up filter.Phosphorous acid-coated denuders were added to the sampling line employed in the EMEP station of Montelibretti. Reliable and interesting results were obtained, which allowed us to detect the presence of gaseous ammonia adsorbed on atmospheric particles.  相似文献   

在温度为(30±1)℃,以人工配置无机高氨氮废水为进水的条件下,采用序批式生物膜CANON反应器(陶粒为填料),研究了不同NH4+-N浓度条件下,CANON工艺脱氮过程中N2O的释放特征。研究表明:通过控制NH4+-N浓度分别为200、300、400和500 mg·L-1,获得了84.69%、80.58%、78.16%和90.09%的TN去除率,对应的TN去除负荷分别为1.42、1.48、1.52、1.82 kg·(m3·d)-1,CANON反应器脱氮性能非常稳定;反应过程中,对应的N2O释放总量分别为6.44、10.34、13.45、19.53 mg,即随着初始NH4+-N浓度的增加,N2O的释放总量逐渐增加;而N2O的释放率虽然也有增加,但增加幅度并不显著,占TN损失的比例分别为6.06%、7.00%、7.06%、7.15%;在一个反应周期内,N2O与NO2--N均呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,但无因果关系。CANON反应器产生大量N2O 的主要原因,并非源于NO2--N的积累,也与FNA无关,而是羟氨积累造成的。  相似文献   

Currently, legislation is being considered to reduce NH3 emissions in the UK. The major sources of NH3 and their relative contributions are well known, however, the processes that control the rates of emission are still poorly defined. A series of wind-tunnel experiments has been carried out to determine the effects of various management practices on NH3 losses. The tunnels were modified to enable NH3 emission and subsequent deposition to the adjacent swards in the field to be measured. The wind-tunnels were used to examine the effects of herbage length, cutting and N status on rates of NH3 fluxes, which together with the prevailing environmental conditions affected the rates of NH3 emission and deposition. Results showed that between 20 and 60% of the NH3 emitted was deposited within 2 m. Compensation points of between 1.0 and 2.3 μg m−3 were calculated for the grass sward.  相似文献   

接种普通活性污泥,以人工配制高氨废水为基质。在SBR中通过逐步提高进水氨氮浓度并控制低溶解氧的方法,经过58 d连续运行使出水NO2--N/NH4+-N维持在0.88~1.25,成功实现了半亚硝化的启动。通过对典型周期内氮素转化及N2O释放特性的考察表明:周期内DO浓度基本维持在0.4 mg/L以下,NH4+-N浓度由410.46 mg/L下降至257.26 mg/L。NO2--N浓度由162.90 mg/L升高至295.80 mg/L,NO3--N浓度由27.01 mg/L逐渐升高至50.16 mg/L。pH先由7.94升高到8.01后缓慢降至7.96,溶解性N2O浓度基本维持在0.07 mg/L。初期(0~20 min)气态N2O浓度由0.13 mg/L迅速升至1.13 mg/L后急剧下降到0.34 mg/L,随后缓慢升至0.54 mg/L。初期N2O的平均释放速率高达0.84 mg/min,这主要是上周期沉淀阶段产生并附着在污泥中的N2O受曝气吹脱所致。  相似文献   

Reducing airborne microorganisms may potentially improve the environment in layer breeding houses. The effectiveness of slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW; pH 5.29–6.30) in reducing airborne microorganisms was investigated in a commercial layer house in northern China. The building had a tunnel-ventilation system, with an evaporative cooling. The experimental area was divided into five zones along the length of the house, with zone 1 nearest to an evaporative cooling pad and zone 5 nearest to the fans. The air temperature, relative humidity, dust concentration, and microbial population were measured at the sampling points in the five zones during the study period. The SAEW was sprayed by workers in the whole house. A six-stage air microbial sampler was used to measure airborne microbial population. Results showed that the population of airborne bacteria and fungi were sharply reduced by 0.71 × 105 and 2.82 × 103 colony-forming units (CFU) m?3 after 30 min exposure to SAEW, respectively. Compared with the benzalkonium chloride (BC) solution and povidone-iodine (PVP-I) solution treatments, the population reductions of airborne fungi treated by SAEW were significantly (P < 0.05) more, even though the three disinfectants can decrease both the airborne bacteria and fungi significantly (P < 0.05) 30 min after spraying.
Implications: There are no effective methods for reducing airborne microbial levels in tunnel-ventilated layer breeding houses; additionally, there is limited information available on airborne microorganism distribution. This research investigated the spatial distribution of microbial population, and the effectiveness of spraying slightly acidic electrolyzed water in reducing microbial levels. The research revealed that slightly acidic electrolyzed water spray was a potential method for reducing microbial presence in layer houses. The knowledge gained in this research about the microbial population variations in the building may assist producers in managing the bird housing environment and engineers in designing poultry houses.  相似文献   

针对氨法脱硫工艺实践过程中出口硫酸铵颗粒物浓度高的现象,通过测试某氨法脱硫塔结构优化前、后不同运行条件下净烟气硫酸铵浓度,分析烟气处理量、浆液含固量、烟气温度、工艺水淋洗等因素对其浓度变化的影响规律,提出了氨法脱硫工艺改造的新思路。结果表明:硫酸铵能穿透采样的滤膜与滤筒;优化前、后出口硫酸铵浓度随锅炉负荷的增长而加速增长,随浆液含固量的增加(由5%增加至45%)先加速增长,然后(由45%增加至55%)增长速度逐渐减小,随喷淋水量的增加而降低;浆液含固量与烟气温度是影响硫酸铵析出量,导致出口硫酸铵逃逸的关键因素。因此,降低烟气温度与缩短浆液含固量高条件下的运行时间能是氨法脱硫改造的新思路。  相似文献   

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