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郭耕 《环境教育》2005,(7):25-25
食素一载,感慨良多。原本出于善意,却经常遭到非议。在此有必要说明,我选择素食不是宗教原因、不是怪癖偏食、不是吃腻了大鱼大肉、不是没钱买肉、也不是为了减肥……那缘何素食呢?素食乃是一种有益于保持心性淡泊清爽、身体洁净轻灵的个人选择;素食是一种爱己、爱人、爱后代、  相似文献   

素食,应该是因人因时而异的,不可一律。着眼于“营养均衡”这一点来说,完全素食或者长期素食都不可取。生命离不开五大营养素:蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素,微量元素。营养专家就这些营养素谈到了几个重要观点:一是,维持生命的各种食物当中,任何一种食物都不可能同时拥有这五大营养素,或者说,都不可能均衡地拥有满足人的生命与健康需要的各种营养素,因此,仅靠素食,在营养需要上就局限了。二是,均衡的营养,来自于各种食物,但并不是各种食品都要等量的需要,按照特殊的需要也应给予特别的营养补充。  相似文献   

张鹏 《绿色视野》2009,(11):43-45
印象中,素食者应该是寺院里一身青衣的和尚和尼姑。但在环保、健康理念甚嚣尘上的今天,素食这一历史久远的饮食方式再次进发出鲜活的生命力.跳出寺庙殿堂.得到越来越多都市男女的追捧。素食风尚大有愈演愈烈之势.  相似文献   

“天价年夜饭”的真正看点不是“天价”,也不是值不值的问题,而是在于以下两点:一是享用“天价年夜饭”的人是谁?二是为“天价年夜饭”埋单的钱是如何来的?  相似文献   

他们是一群实实在在的“小人物”,出门没有警车开道,没有前呼后拥;他们是一群实实在在的“小人物”,他们不是亿万富豪,家中没有宝马奔驰。  相似文献   

植物的一生中,经常会受到动物的伤害,因为所有的动物都直接或间接以植物为食,植物因此采取各种办法来进行自我保护。很多植物并不是干等着食草动物来吃它们的叶子,它们会反击,而且用的是致命武器。“道高一尺,魔高一丈”,那些素食的动物又“发明“出与之对抗的武器,而那些植物又会进一步采取防御措施……于是,人们在动物和植物之间发现了极富戏剧性的一幕。  相似文献   

羽佳 《绿叶》2005,(10)
时尚的李勃正和朋友嬉笑着走在路上,突然弯腰捡起地上的一个烟头,朋友不解地看着她,她莞尔一笑:“做这些事已经习惯了。”在李勃眼里,“环保是普通人的事,只有很普通的人把一些小事当成一种习惯了,而不是高高在上的,这才是真正的环保!”李勃现在就读于西南电子科技大学,一年前加入当地一家比较著名的环保组织。然而,就是这一年时间,她深深地感受到了环保组织的一些现状。她认为,有些人很早就关心环保,甚至做了很多大事,但是“他们是在刻意做环保,因为他们觉得做环保是一件比较高尚的事情”。李勃是从一个完全不关心环保的普通人做起来的。她…  相似文献   

要破解什邡、启东、宁波“一闹就停”的模式,就必须在项目立项上改变靠领导“拍板”这个习惯思维,民众对政府决策的深度参与必须真正得到保障。  相似文献   

最近江苏、上海环保局联合工商局和质监局开展中国环境标志打假专项行动。这一行动缘于上海、江苏消费者向环保局和工商局反映他们购买的商品有“中国环境标志”但非真正“绿色产品”。  相似文献   

2005年“超女”总决选第5 名的纪敏佳,在推出首张EP《佳信·佳音》后,又摘得了环保领域的桂冠。4月27日纪敏佳被中华环保基金会授予“绿色使者”称号。说起这个荣誉,纪敏佳坦称,“我不是为了做秀、出名而来申请这个荣誉的。”  相似文献   

正"我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。"这是政府工作报告中铿锵的宣言,表达了强烈的政治意愿。污染是另一种"贫困"的表现。"雾霾天气范围扩大,环境污染矛盾突出,是大自然向粗放发展方式亮起的红灯。"而"重症污染"就是一种"严重贫困",只要抬头看天、低头看水即可把症状看得一清二楚。如果镜不见花、水不见月,这样的生活有什么意思?雾霾确实已经成为很多城市的标志性难题。今年  相似文献   

从家庭方面讲,关于环保知识人们又了解多少,观念上又重视多少呢?尤其是农村家庭。我采访了很多人,他们都觉得太忙,没有闲暇关心这些。谈到环保,人们表现的也很茫然,当然他们也知道沙尘暴、也知道水灾、台风和旱情,但成因就不得而知了。具体到人们的生活,什么节约水电、废物利用、垃圾的分类回收,农村人尤其是那些围着锅台转的主妇们,根本不明白为什么要这样做。因此,我认为,环保教育不在于向家庭普及些什么,如何普及才是最重要的!孩子,是纽带,是让环保走进家庭的一条有效途径。但是,让环保走进家庭,不能像布置语文作业,…  相似文献   

Climate change has become a permanent feature on the global media scene and in the decision-making of policy makers. The voices of academics, scientists, politicians and commentators dominate the climate change debate, yet local knowledges and beliefs, local realities, as well as local voices and actions are essential elements of navigating the way forward. Drawing on Paton's postgraduate research, this paper broadens the current dialogue by providing a platform for grassroots Tuvaluan voices to enter the climate change debate. It explores their local realities, knowledges and beliefs, and captures what Tuvaluans hold dear – factors which must play a central role in decision-making processes. To ensure the local population is fully mobilised, it will be argued that processes for engaging local voices must build on existing forums for engagement.  相似文献   

The growing interest in geologic carbon sequestration has highlighted the need for more data on how well cements react to CO2 exposure. This paper describes a series of experiments that was conducted to examine the effects of flowing carbonated brine on well cements. Class H cement pastes were exposed to the ranges of temperature (20–50 °C) and pH (2.4–5) characteristic of geosequestration conditions at a depth of about 1 km. The exposed cements and the reactor effluents were analyzed using multiple techniques including optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, EPMA, and ICP-OES. The results showed that if the solution was pre-equilibrated with calcium carbonate, as would be expected in a limestone formation, there was no detectable attack. However, under the pH and temperature conditions to be expected in a sandstone formation, the initial rate of attack was on the order of millimeters per month. The outer layers of the cements reacted under sandstone-like conditions were fully degraded based on the results of the XRD and EPMA analyses. Inside the degraded layers there was a calcium carbonate-rich layer, a layer depleted of calcium hydroxide, and an unreacted cement core. The rate of degradation of the cement in these experiments was controlled by the rate of dissolution of the calcium carbonate-rich layer, after its formation, and diffusion through the fully degraded layers.  相似文献   

We examined the connection between individuals’ relationships with the natural environment and their environmental behaviors with a focus on commitment to the environment, defined as psychological attachment and long-term orientation to the natural world. Commitment is theorized to emerge from structural interdependence with the environment and to lead to pro-environmental behaviors. Close relationships research has identified three key antecedents to commitment (satisfaction, alternatives, and investments). We developed environment-specific measures of these constructs, and factor analysis verified three distinct factors. A path analysis revealed that satisfaction with the environment and investments in the environment, but not alternatives to the environment, predicted commitment to the environment. Moreover, commitment mediated the effects of satisfaction and investments on general ecological behavior and willingness to sacrifice for the environment. In regression analyses, commitment predicted general ecological behavior and willingness to sacrifice for the environment, even when controlling for ecological worldview, inclusion of nature in the self, connectedness to nature, and environmental identity. Individuals who are satisfied with and invested in the natural world are likely to be committed to the environment and act with the well-being of the environment in mind.  相似文献   

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