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A prerequisite for prey to show adaptive behavioural responses to predators is that the prey has the ability to recognise predators as threats. While predator recognition can be innate in many situations, learning is often essential. For many aquatic species, one common way to learn about predators is through the pairing of a novel predator odour with alarm cues released from injured conspecifics. One study with fish demonstrated that this mode of learning not only allows the prey to recognise the predatory cues as a threat, but also mediates the level of threat associated with the predator cues (i.e. threat-sensitive learning). When the prey is exposed to the novel predator with a high concentration of alarm cues, they subsequently show a high intensity of antipredator response to the predator cues alone. When exposed to the predator with a low concentration of alarm cues, they subsequently show a low-intensity response to the predator cues. Here, we investigated whether larval mosquitoes Culex restuans have the ability to learn to recognise salamanders as a threat through a single pairing of alarm cues and salamander odour and also whether they would learn to respond to salamander cues in a threat-sensitive manner. We conditioned individual mosquitoes with water or a low, medium or high concentration of crushed conspecific cues (alarm cues) paired with salamander odour. Mosquitoes exposed to salamander odour paired with alarm cues and subsequently exposed to salamander odour alone responded to the salamander as a threat. Moreover, the intensity of antipredator response displayed during the conditioning phase matched the response intensity during the testing phase. This is the first demonstration of threat-sensitive learning in an aquatic invertebrate.  相似文献   

Summary.  Several freshwater invertebrate and vertebrate prey species rely on chemosensory cues, including non-injury released disturbance cues, to assess and avoid local predation threats. The prevailing hypothesis is that a pulse of ammonia released by disturbed or stressed prey functions as the disturbance cue. Here, we test this hypothesis in two phylogenetically distant freshwater prey fishes, convict cichlids and rainbow trout. In our first experiment, we measured NH4 + concentration in tanks containing shoals of cichlid or trout before and after exposure to a realistic model predator (or left undisturbed). We failed to find an increase in ambient NH4 + concentration for either cichlids or trout. In our second experiment, we exposed cichlids or trout to NH4 + at 0.1 or 0.5 mg L−1 (or a distilled water control) and measured the change in antipredator behaviour (time moving, foraging rate and area use). We found no consistent increase in antipredator behaviour in response to NH4 +. In our third study, we exposed cichlids and trout to the disturbance cues of cichlids or trout (versus the odour of undisturbed donors). We found significant increases in antipredator behaviour, regardless of donor species, for both cichlids and trout. Thus, the results of our first two experiments do not support the hypothesis that ammonium functions as a disturbance cue in prey fishes. However, the results of our final experiment do confirm the use of disturbance cues in convict cichlids and rainbow trout and support that hypothesis that the disturbance cue is indeed some generalized metabolic byproduct.  相似文献   

Under conditions of spatial and/or temporal variability in predation risk, prey organisms often rely on acquired predator recognition to balance the trade-offs between energy intake and risk avoidance. The question of ‘for how long’ should prey retain this learned information is poorly understood. Here, we test the hypothesis that the growth rate experienced by prey should influence the length of the ‘memory window’. In a series of laboratory experiments, we manipulated growth rate of juvenile rainbow trout and conditioned them to recognize a novel predator cue. We subsequently tested for learned recognition either 24 h or 8 days post-conditioning. Our results suggest that trout with high versus low growth rates did not differ in their response to learned predator cues when tested 24 h post-conditioning. However, trout on a high growth rate exhibited no response to the predator cues after 8 days (i.e. did not retain the recognition of the predator odour), whereas trout on a lower growth rate retained a strong recognition of the predator. Trout that differed in their growth rate only after conditioning did not differ in their patterns of retention, demonstrating growth rate after learning does not influence retention. Trout of different initial sizes fed a similar diet (percent body mass per day) showed no difference in retention of the predator cue. Together, these data suggest that growth rate at the time of conditioning determines the ‘memory window’ of trout. The implications for threat-sensitive predator avoidance models are described.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between more dangerous and less dangerous predators can have serious fitness advantages for fish juveniles. This is especially true for hatchery-reared fish young used for stocking, because their post-release mortality is often much higher than that of wild-born conspecifics. We tested whether two coexisting fish predators and their different diets induce innate behavioral responses in predator-naive Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) young originating from an endangered hatchery-bred population used for re-introductions. We predicted the antipredator responses of charr to be stronger towards chemical cues of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) than towards odorless control water. More pronounced antipredator behavior was predicted in treatments with predators fed on charr than when their diet consisted of another sympatric salmonid, European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), or when they were food-deprived. The Arctic charr young showed strong antipredator responses in all brown trout treatments, whereas odors of the less likely predator pikeperch were avoided with conspecific diet only. Freezing was the most sensitive antipredator behavior, as it was completely absent in control treatments. We found considerable individual variation in the amount and strength of antipredator responses. Although almost half of the charr failed to show antipredator behavior towards the piscivores, those with the innate ability showed highly sensitive recognition of predator odors. Our results indicate that the innate antipredator behavior of the juvenile fish is already finely tuned to respond specifically to chemical cues from different fish predators and even their diets.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

Following disturbance, some aquatic prey species release chemicals that act as a warning cue and increase vigilance in nearby conspecifics. Such disturbance cues evoke consistent low intensity anti-predator responses. In contrast, alarm cues from injured conspecifics often evoke stronger intensity responses in prey animals. In this study, we test the sensory complement hypothesis, which suggests that multiple cues act in an additive or synergistic fashion to provide additional information for risk assessment by prey. In the first experiment, we showed that juvenile rainbow trout pre-exposed to disturbance cues respond to a given concentration of damage-released alarm cues with a higher intensity of response than the trout that were pre-exposed to cues from undisturbed conspecifics. The two cues acted in an additive fashion. In the second experiment, we demonstrated that disturbance cues alone were not enough to elicit a conditioned response to the odour of a novel predator. We also showed that while disturbance cues elicit an increase in the response of trout to alarm cues, this increase does not translate into a stronger learned response to the predator when the predator odour is paired with alarm cues. Future studies should take into account sensory complementation to avoid underestimating the responses of prey to predators.  相似文献   

How individuals assess, respond and subsequently learn from alarm cues is crucial to their survival and future fitness. Yet this information is not constant through time; many individuals are exposed to different predators throughout their life as they outgrow some predators or move to habitats containing different predators. To maximise overall fitness, individuals should discriminate between different cues and respond and learn from only those that are relevant to their current ontogenetic stage. We tested whether juvenile spiny chromis, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, could distinguish between chemical alarm cues from conspecific donors of different ontogenetic stages and whether the cue ontogenetic stage of the cue donor affected the efficacy of learning about predators. Juveniles displayed a significant antipredator response when conditioned with juvenile chemical alarm cues paired with predator odour but failed to respond when conditioned with predator odour paired with either adult alarm cues or with saltwater. Subsequently, individuals only recognised the predator odour alone as a threat when conditioned with juvenile alarm cues. This demonstrates that prey may be highly specific in how they use information from conspecific alarm cues, selectively responding to and learning from only those cues that are relevant to their developmental stage.  相似文献   

Copper contamination in surface waters is common in watersheds with mining activities or agricultural, industrial, commercial, and residential human land uses. This widespread pollutant is neurotoxic to the chemosensory systems of fish and other aquatic species. Among Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.), copper-induced olfactory impairment has previously been shown to disrupt behaviors reliant on a functioning sense of smell. For juvenile coho salmon (O. kisutch), this includes predator avoidance behaviors triggered by a chemical alarm cue (conspecific skin extract). However, the survival consequences of this sublethal neurobehavioral toxicity have not been explored. In the present study juvenile coho were exposed to low levels of dissolved copper (5-20 microg/L for 3 h) and then presented with cues signaling the proximity of a predator. Unexposed coho showed a sharp reduction in swimming activity in response to both conspecific skin extract and the upstream presence of a cutthroat trout predator (O. clarki clarki) previously fed juvenile coho. This alarm response was absent in prey fish that were exposed to copper. Moreover, cutthroat trout were more effective predators on copper-exposed coho during predation trials, as measured by attack latency, survival time, and capture success rate. The shift in predator-prey dynamics was similar when predators and prey were co-exposed to copper. Overall, we show that copper-exposed coho are unresponsive to their chemosensory environment, unprepared to evade nearby predators, and significantly less likely to survive an attack sequence. Our findings contribute to a growing understanding of how common environmental contaminants alter the chemical ecology of aquatic communities.  相似文献   

Within aquatic communities, individuals may gain survival benefits by responding to the chemical alarm signals of heterospecific prey guild members. Piscivorous individuals, however, should be selected to use such chemical signals as foraging cues. A variety of centrarchid species, such as largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), undergo an ontogenetic change in their response to the chemical alarm cues of heterospecific guild members, switching from antipredator to foraging responses. This ontogenetic shift should occur when potential foraging benefits outweigh any survival advantage gained from an antipredator response. To test this model, we exposed juvenile green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) to the skin extracts of conspecifics, a heterospecific prey guild member (finescale dace, Phoxinus neogeaus) or an allopatric heterospecific (green swordtails, Xiphophorus helleri). Juvenile sunfish exhibited a significant positive relationship between standard length and time spent moving and a significant negative relationship between length and time in a spine-erect posture, when exposed to dace skin extract, but not to either swordtail or conspecific skin extracts. Smaller individuals of less than 90 mm standard length (SL) decreased time moving and increased time with spines erect (indicating an antipredator response) while larger individuals (>90 mm SL) increased time moving and decreased time with spines erect (indicating a foraging response), when exposed to dace skin extract. Conversely, juvenile sunfish, regardless of size tested, always exhibited an antipredator response to conspecific skin extract. Sunfish exhibited no change in behaviour in response to swordtail skin extracts. These data further support our model of a threat sensitive trade-off in the response to chemical alarm signals by juvenile centrarchids.  相似文献   

The ability to acquire information about predators allows prey to better balance threat-sensitive tradeoffs by responding only to ecologically relevant predation threats. However, predation risk is highly variable through time and responding to predators that no longer represent a threat would likely prove costly to prey. While a wealth of studies have examined the way in which prey learn, little attention has been paid to retention of acquired information. Recent studies suggest that retention is indeed plastic and shaped by a suite of intrinsic factors such as strength of initial conditioning and individual growth rate. Here, we investigated if the duration of retention of acquired information is influenced by individual behavioral tactics (i.e., ‘personality’). We recorded latency to escape an opaque acclimation chamber of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a measure of behavioral tactic. We then immediately conditioned individual trout to recognize pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) and tested for recognition 24 h or 8 days postconditioning. Our results demonstrate that while shy versus bold trout exhibited no difference in the strength of conditioned response to pumpkinseed odor during conditioning trials or when tested for recognition 24 h postconditioning, there was a significant effect of individual behavioral tactic on the retention of learned predator recognition. While shy trout continued to exhibit a learned response to pumpkinseed odor when tested 8 days postconditioning, bold trout were not different from our pseudoconditioned controls. These data suggest that the behavioral tactic employed at the time of conditioning influences the ‘memory window’ of acquired information.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecology is rife with examples of prey animals that are able to adjust the intensity of their anti-predator response to match background risk levels. Often, preys need experience with predators before they will invest in costly anti-predator responses. This means that prey animals often fail to respond to predators during their first encounter. Recently, we have shown that prey raised under high-risk conditions may exhibit avoidance of potential predation cues independent of experience (neophobia). Such phenotypically plastic neophobic predator responses may reduce the initial costs of learning ecologically relevant threats while maintaining sufficient behavioural plasticity to respond to variation in local conditions. Here, we test if induced neophobia results in threat-sensitive behavioural trade-offs in response to a novel chemosensory cue. Our first experiment shows that while juvenile convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) pre-exposed to high (but not low) risk conditions exhibited predator avoidance to a novel odour (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss), the response intensity was not influenced by the concentration of trout odour detected. Our second experiment demonstrated that the intensity of anti-predator response towards a novel predator cue was dependent upon the level of background risk. Convict cichlids pre-exposed to high-risk conditions showed stronger responses than those pre-exposed to low-risk conditions, while cichlids pre-exposed to intermediate-risk conditions exhibited intermediate response intensities. Together, these data demonstrate that background levels of risk and not the concentration of novel cues detected shape the induced neophobic response pattern of juvenile convict cichlids.  相似文献   

The supposition that prey animals respond to a predator with an intensity that matches the risk posed by the predator is known as the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis. Many studies have provided support for this hypothesis; yet, few studies have attempted to determine how such abilities are acquired by prey species. In this study, we investigated whether fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) could learn to recognize an unknown predator (northern pike, Esox lucius) in such a way that they could match the intensity of their antipredator response with the threat posed by the predator. We exposed pike-naïve minnows to conspecific alarm cues paired with either a high or low concentration of pike odor. The following day, both groups were tested for a response to either high or low concentration of pike odor alone. We found that minnows conditioned with alarm cues paired with a given concentration of pike odor subsequently responded with a higher intensity to higher concentrations of pike odor, and with a lower intensity to lower concentrations of pike odor. These results demonstrate that during a single conditioning trial, minnows learn the identity of the predator in a threat-sensitive manner. Minnows use predator odor concentrations that they experience in subsequent interactions to adjust the intensity of their antipredator behavior.  相似文献   

Amphibians are able to learn to recognize their future predators during their embryonic development (the ghost of predation future). Here, we investigate whether amphibian embryos can also acquire additional information about their future predators, such as the level of threat associated with them and the time of day at which they would be the most dangerous. We exposed woodfrog embryos (Rana sylvatica) to different concentrations of injured tadpole cues paired with the odor of a tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) between 1500 and 1700 hours for five consecutive days and raised them for 9 days after hatching. First, we showed that embryos exposed to predator odor paired with increasing concentrations of injured cues during their embryonic development subsequently display stronger antipredator responses to the salamander as tadpoles, thereby demonstrating threat-sensitive learning by embryonic amphibians. Second, we showed that the learned responses of tadpoles were stronger when the tadpoles were exposed to salamander odor between 1500 and 1700 hours, the time at which the embryos were exposed to the salamander, than during earlier (1100–1300 hours) or later (1900–2100 hours) periods. Our results highlight the amazing sophistication of learned predator recognition by prey and emphasize the importance of temporal considerations in experiments examining risk assessment by prey.  相似文献   

Prey animals often have to face a dynamic tradeoff between the costs of antipredator behavior and the benefits of other fitness-related activities such as foraging and reproduction. According to the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis, prey animals should match the intensity of their antipredator behavior to the degree of immediate threat posed by the predator. Moreover, longer-term temporal variability in predation risk (over days to weeks) can shape the intensity of antipredator behavior. According to the risk allocation hypothesis, changing the background level of risk for several days is often enough to change the response intensity of the prey to a given stimulus. As the background level of risk increases, the response intensity of the prey decreases. In this study, we tested for possible interactions between immediate threat-sensitive responses to varying levels of current perceived risk and temporal variability in background risk experienced over the past 3 days. Juvenile convict cichlids were preexposed to either low or high frequencies of predation risk (using conspecific chemical alarm cues) for 3 days and were then tested for a response to one of five concentrations (100, 50, 25, 12.5%, or a distilled water control). According to the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis, we found greater intensity responses to greater concentrations of alarm cues. Moreover, in accordance with the risk allocation hypothesis, we found that cichlids previously exposed to the high background level of risk exhibited a lower overall intensity response to each alarm cue concentration than those exposed to the low background level of risk. It is interesting to note that we found that the background level of risk over the past 3 days influenced the threshold level of response to varying concentrations of alarm cues. Indeed, the minimum stimulus concentration that evoked a behavioral response was lower for fish exposed to high background levels of predation than those exposed to low background levels of predation. These results illustrate a remarkable interplay between immediate (current) risk and background risk in shaping the intensity of antipredator responses.  相似文献   

Summary. Many aquatic prey are known to use chemical alarm cues to assess their risk of predation. In fishes, such alarm cues can be released either through damage of the epidermis during a predatory attack (capture-released) or through release from the predator feces (diet-released). In our study, we compared the importance of capture- versus diet-released alarm cues in risk assessment by fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) that were na?ve to fish predators. We utilized two different fish predators: a specialized piscivore, the northern pike (Esox lucius) and a generalist predator, the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Handling time of pike consuming minnows was much shorter than for trout consuming minnows, likely resulting in less epidermal damage to the minnows during attacks by pike. In accordance with this, minnows showed a less intense antipredator response to capture-released cues from pike than capture-released cues from trout. This represents a paradox in risk assessment for the minnows as they respond to the specialized piscivore, the more dangerous predator, with a less intense antipredator response. In contrast, the minnows showed a stronger antipredator response to the specialized piscivore than to the generalist when given diet cues. This work highlights the need for researchers to carefully consider the nature of the information available to prey in risk assessment.  相似文献   

Summary. In amphibians and fishes, evidence is increasing that chemical cues from injured conspecifics can play a role in the chemical labelling and learned recognition of unfamiliar predators. In this laboratory study, we tested the prediction that prior chemical exposure to a non-native predator feeding on conspecific tadpoles will subsequently allow tadpoles of the common toad (Bufo bufo) to recognize the chemical cues specifically released by this starved predator. Furthermore, we investigated the vulnerability of this chemically-mediated process to herbicide contamination. With these aims in view, groups of tadpoles were kept either unexposed or exposed for ten days to chemical cues from Turkish crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) previously fed on tadpoles, both in uncontaminated water and in the presence of four sublethal concentrations of amitrole (0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 mg.l−1). We then assessed the effects of the six conditioning treatments on general activity and behavioural response to chemical cues from starved crayfish. Larval treatments did not affect the general activity of the tadpoles. By contrast, the treatments had significant effects on the behavioural response to the test solution prepared form starved crayfish. The only tadpoles to show an antipredator behavioural response to the chemical stimulation from starved crayfish belonged to the groups derived from chemical exposure to tadpole-fed crayfish in uncontaminated water and in contaminated water with the lowest concentration of amitrole (0.01 mg.l−1). Conversely, this chemical stimulation produced no behavioural change in the control group or in the groups derived from exposure to tadpole-fed crayfish in contaminated water containing 0.1, 1 and 10 mg.l−1 of amitrole. This study demonstrates that chemical cues released during the predator’s feeding activity can subsequently be used by common toad tadpoles in the recognition of an unfamiliar predator. In addition, our results show that the presence of sublethal amitrole concentrations can impair this recognition process. Such a pesticide effect might be especially detrimental for amphibian populations threatened by invasive predators.  相似文献   

Very few studies have investigated the effect of genetic diversity on the behavioral and phenotypic traits linked to the competitive ability of individuals. In this study, we reared juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) alone or with the competitive rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in order to: (1) to assess correlations between heterozygosity and traits related to individual competitive ability [i.e., heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs)] in Atlantic salmon, and (2) to evaluate the effect of the competitive rainbow trout on any such HFCs. We also tested whether a few loci had a disproportionately large effect (i.e., the local effect hypothesis) or, on the contrary, if all loci contributed equally (i.e., the global effect hypothesis) in explaining the observed HFCs. We found significant HFCs for phenotypic traits related to the competitive ability of juvenile Atlantic salmon, i.e., the growth rate and the distance to the feeding source. Some HFCs were nonlinear, suggesting that individuals with intermediate levels of heterozygosity were favored. In addition, we found that the competition exerted by rainbow trout only weakly modified these HFCs as the relationships were highly consistent across treatments. We demonstrated that the local-effect hypothesis best explained both linear and nonlinear HFCs. Overall, our results illustrated the importance of genetic diversity in explaining the behavioral variability observed within populations. Moreover, we provide evidence that, even if a competitive species can have strong ecological effects, the relationships between genetic diversity and fitness-related traits in juvenile Atlantic salmon were not influenced by such effects.  相似文献   

Predation exerts tremendous selection pressure on all organisms. In this study, we exposed embryos of convict cichlids (Amatitlania siquia) twice daily to one of the following: (1) chemical alarm cues of damaged conspecifics + odour of a novel predator (Polypterus endlicheri), (2) chemical alarm cues of damaged conspecifics + water or (3) blank water. No chemical cues were presented after the eggs hatched. When the larvae were 9 days old (mean total length?=?5.7 mm), they were exposed to either predator odour or water. Those larvae that had been conditioned as embryos on alarm cues + predator odour showed a significant reduction in activity (i.e. anti-predator behavioural response) to predator odour relative to the other treatments. This is the first demonstration of acquired predator recognition by fish embryos.  相似文献   

The antipredator behaviour of prey organisms is shaped by a series of threat-sensitive trade-offs between the benefits associated with successful predator avoidance and a suite of other fitness-related behaviours such as foraging, mating and territorial defence. Recent research has shown that the overall intensity of antipredator response and the pattern of threat-sensitive trade-offs are influenced by current conditions, including variability in predation risk over a period of days to weeks. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that long-term predation pressure will likewise have shaped the nature of the threat-sensitive antipredator behaviour of wild-caught Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Female guppies were collected from two populations that have evolved under high- and low-predation pressure, respectively, in the Aripo River, Northern Mountain Range, Trinidad. Under laboratory conditions, we exposed shoals of three guppies to varying concentrations of conspecific damage-released chemical alarm cues. Lower Aripo (high-predation) guppies exhibited the strongest antipredator response when exposed to the highest alarm cue concentration and a graded decline in response intensity with decreasing concentrations of alarm cue. Upper Aripo (low-predation) guppies, however, exhibited a nongraded (hypersensitive) response pattern. Our results suggest that long-term predation pressure shapes not only the overall intensity of antipredator responses of Trinidadian guppies but also their threat-sensitive behavioural response patterns.  相似文献   

Summary Prey species may use many different behaviours to avoid predation. In this study, the antipredator behaviours of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus) and juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis) were studied in wading pools with three kinds of structural complexity: no structure, structure simulating vegetation and structure simulating bottom crevices. Predation experiments with piscivorous perch and habitat choice experiments with the prey were performed, and the foraging success and prey choice of the predators were related to the type of structure. Predator foraging success was lower in the vegetation than in the other treatments. In the absence of structure and with vegetation structure, predators preferred perch over roach, while the preference was reversed in the crevice treatment. Roach and perch differed in their antipredatory behaviours. Roach responded to the presence of predators by schooling, moving fast and remaining at the surface, and escaped from attacks by jumping out of the water. In contrast, perch moved more slowly, dispersed after attacks and tried to hide at the bottom. Perch always preferred the vegetation structure to the non-structured part of the pool, while roach showed preference for the vegetation structure only when predators were present. Roach never occurred in crevices, whereas perch used crevices when predators where present. Predator pursuit speed was lower in the vegetation structure than in the non-structured treatment, but prey escape speed was unaffected. The results suggest that both the quantity and quality of structural complexity interacting with species-specific antipredator behaviours are important for predator-prey dynamics. It is also suggested that the presence of structure can have substantial effects on the structure of North Eurasian fish communities, by affecting relative and absolute predation pressures from piscivorous perch on prey species. Correspondence to: B. Christensen  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, many prey rely on chemosensory information from injured (alarm cues) or stressed conspecifics (disturbance cues) to assess predation risk. Alarm cues are considered as a sign of higher risk than disturbance cues. These cues could be used by prey to learn potential new predators. In this study, we tested whether Iberian green frog tadpoles (Pelophylax perezi) exhibited antipredator responses to alarm and disturbance cues of conspecifics and whether tadpoles could associate new predators with alarm or disturbance cues. Tadpoles reduced their activity in the presence of disturbance cues, but only weakly when compared with their response to alarm cues. Also, tadpoles learned to recognize new predators from association with alarm or disturbance cues. However, the period of retention of the learned association was shorter for disturbance than alarm cues. Our results indicate that tadpoles are able to modify their antipredatory behavior according to (1) the degree of risk implied by the experimental cues (2) their previous experience of chemical cues of the predator.  相似文献   

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