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Regional business concepts are said to have huge potential to support sustainable development in industrialised countries (e.g. Stransfeld, 1999). However, whereas efforts have been made to implement regional concepts within agriculture and forestry, empirical findings show that regional concepts are only of minor importance to managers within industrial production (Rentz et al., 2000). Considering this situation, the aim of the present article is to explain why regional business concepts have rarely been implemented in the field of industrial production. Therefore, in the course of the present article, a raster for the identification of relevant barriers on a personal, enterprise, inter-firm and macroeconomic level will be developed and applied. Subsequently, suggestions for a set of measures to overcome these barriers to regionalisation will be given. The results have been identified in the framework of a questionnaire to about 30 decision makers of industrial companies within research, a project promoted by the German Ministry of Education and Research.  相似文献   

弋良朋  王祖伟 《生态环境》2010,19(4):798-802
为了利用被镉污染的盐土,通过实验分析镉污染盐土中三种盐对油菜(Brassica napus)富集镉影响的差异性,探明不同类型镉污染盐土上种植油菜的植物修复效果。以镉超累积植物油菜为研究植物,通过温室盆栽土培试验,将油菜在含有不同质量分数盐(wS:0 g·kg^-1,2 g·kg^-1,4 g·kg^-1,6 g·kg^-1)的含镉(wCd:10 mg·kg^-1)土壤中培养60天,研究油菜对镉的生物富集因子、植株内地上部分和根部镉的质量分数变化。选择土壤中三种主要盐的类型,即氯化钠、硫酸钠和碳酸钠作为分析和研究对象。结果表明,含碳酸钠的土壤对油菜吸收镉有抑制作用,含硫酸钠的土壤对油菜吸收镉也有抑制作用,但效果没有碳酸钠的土壤大,含氯化钠的土壤对油菜吸收镉的影响不显著,只是在高质量分数时对油菜吸收镉有一些促进作用。在含不同类型盐的土壤中,不同土壤盐对油菜富集镉的能力也有显著的差异,土壤中氯化钠对油菜根部富集镉的能力没有显著影响,而对油菜地上部分富集镉的能力有一定的促进作用;土壤中的碳酸钠对油菜地上和地下部分富集镉的能力都有显著的抑制作用,不利于油菜对镉的富集。  相似文献   

Gene flow between cultivars within a landscape may lead to impurities that reduce harvest value. In OSR, as for most crops, impurity rates are expected to depend on the spatial distribution of crops over the landscape. However, in contrast to other well-studied crops such as maize, OSR crops generate seed banks in European agro-ecosystems. Gene flow is thus a spatio-temporal process which depends on cropping systems. We therefore aimed at identifying spatial variables that have an effect on regional or local harvest impurities, taking account of the time since the introduction of OSR crops in the regions and of cropping system. Gene flow was simulated over 36 field patterns cultivated with either 15% or 30% of OSR fields, among which 10% or 50% were GM, for three contrasted cropping systems, with the GeneSys software already used for EU co-existence studies. Through regression analyses, we determined spatial and agronomic factors that most affected harvest impurity rates of non-GM OSR after one or seven years of OSR cultivation. The cropping system was the main factor explaining regional harvest impurity rates. Its importance increased after six years of OSR cultivation. For a given cropping system, the regional impurity rate after one year increased linearly with the current proportion of GM crop. In contrast, impurity rates after six years largely depended on the proportions of OSR crop (GM or not) in the two preceding years. During the first year of OSR cultivation, local impurity rates were mostly explained by the distance to the closest GM field. After six years, these rates were mostly explained by the density of GM volunteers in the analysed field and, to a lesser degree, to that of volunteers in neighbour non-OSR fields. Cropping systems were most important in determining impurity rates and the way impurity rates related to regional or local factors. Determination of isolation distances to ensure harvest purity should thus consider past history of OSR cultivation in the area and, in particular, how current or future cropping systems will manage volunteers. Regression quantiles were fitted to the simulated data to determine regional rules (i.e. the maximum regional area of GM OSR and isolation distances between GM and non-GM crops) as a function of the risk accepted by the decision-maker (i.e. the % of situations exceeding harvest impurity thresholds), the cropping system and the volunteer infestation.  相似文献   



The coexistence of agricultural production with and without the use of genetically modified (GV) crops is supposed to be made possible in Germany by regulations, which include minimal distances of GV-fields to potentially susceptible crop fields and habitats. To explore the impact of these regulations on region specific coexistence potentials, we broadened the applicability of an existing method for the simulation of the spatial distribution of arable fields cropped with conventional, organic and GV-maize. We used simulations which combine a variety of minimum distances of GV-maize fields to assess regional specific options and limitations for coexistence.


An existing method was extended to be applicable for different spatial scales, from the large (e.g. Federal State) to small (e.g. municipality). Input data consisted of cropping statistics, geometry of arable fields and protected areas. Scenarios of cropping situations included various minimal distances between GV-maize fields and protected areas and various proportions of maize within the areas. The results of the simulations represent possible distribution patterns of non-GV and GV-maize fields as well as the size of the remaining area in which additional GV-maize can be grown without violating the minimal distance rules. As suspected, increasing proportions of GV-maize and increasing minimal distances lower the areas suitable for additional GV-maize. However, the relation between the area of GV-maize grown and those suitable for GV-maize cultivation varied between the scenarios. Moreover, the variability between the municipalities was even more evident, due to varying landscape structure (proportion of maize, the ratio total arable land to maize, proportion of protected areas). Areas with high proportions of GV-maize, of protected areas and of maize could be problematical for coexistence. We discuss these parameters with regard to other coexistence studies.


Our method is suitable to simulate the spatial distribution of fields cultivated with GV-crops and non-GV-crops on various scales. Simulations on the scale of a Federal State reveals those areas, in which coexistence could be problematical. Simulations on a county scale, however, allow more insight into options and restrictions for coexistence in relation to landscape structural characteristics, which also can be transferred to larger scales. On the scale of municipalities simulations can help to analyse the limits of coexistence in areas of high conflict potential, moreover this level is more realistic with regard to practical agricultural decisions on the farm level.



Die Koexistenz verschiedener landwirtschaftlicher Produktionsformen ?C mit und ohne Anbau von gentechnisch ver?nderten Pflanzen (GVO) ?C soll durch gesetzlich fixierte Regeln erm?glicht werden, die unter anderem die Mindestabst?nde von GVO-Anbaufl?chen zu potenziell empfindlichen anderen Ackerfl?chen und Biotopen festlegen. Hier wurde eine Methode weiterentwickelt zur Simulation der r?umlichen Verteilung der Anbaufl?chen von konventionellem, ?kologischem und GV-Mais um regionsspezifische Koexistenzpotenziale von gentechnisch ver?ndertem Mais, sowie potenzielle Konfliktgebiete zu identifizieren.


Eine für Brandenburg entwickelte GIS-Simulationsmethode wurde durch die Verwendung fl?chendeckend vorhandener Daten so erweitert, dass sie bundesweit übertragbar ist und auf unterschiedlichen r?umlichen Skalenebenen angewandt werden kann, von gro?r?umig (Bundesland) bis lokal (Gemeinde). Als Eingangsdaten wurden Anbaustatistiken sowie Geometrien der Ackerfl?chen und von FFH- und Naturschutzgebieten verwendet. In den Szenarien wurden Abstandsregelungen zwischen Maisanbaufl?chen und zu Schutzgebieten und der GV-Maisanteil variiert. Die Ergebnisse der Simulation sind m?gliche r?umliche Verteilungen von Nicht-GV-Mais und GV-Mais sowie die potenziell für den Anbau von GV-Mais zur Verfügung stehende Fl?che. Mit zunehmendem GV-Maisanteil und Mindestabst?nden zu Schutzgebieten wird die für den GV-Mais zur Verfügung stehende Fl?che st?rker ausgesch?pft. Der Anteil des GV-Mais an der potenziell für den Anbau von GV-Mais zur Verfügung stehenden Fl?che variierte zwischen den Szenarien, und noch st?rker jedoch regional zwischen den Landkreisen, verursacht durch deren verschiedene agrar- und landschaftsstrukturelle Ausstattung (Maisanbauanteil, Verh?ltnis Ackerlandsanteil/Maisanbauanteil, Schutzgebietsanteil). Ein r?umliches Konfliktpotenzial bei der Umsetzung der Koexistenz ist in Gebieten hohen Nutzungsdrucks zu erwarten, d.h. in denen sowohl der Maisanbauanteil an der Ackerfl?che und der Anbauanteil von GV-Mais, als auch der Schutzgebietsanteil hoch sind. Diese Faktoren werden diskutiert in Bezug zu Ergebnissen weiterer Koexistenzstudien.


Die vorgestellte Methode ist geeignet, die r?umliche Verteilung des Anbaus von Nicht-GV-Mais und GV-Mais auf unterschiedlichen Skalenebenen zu simulieren: Die Ebene eines Bundeslandes liefert Hinweise auf Gebiete, in denen die Koexistenz problematisch sein k?nnte und kann als Grundlage weiterer Berechnungen, wie zum Beispiel der Modellierung von Genflüssen auf Landesebene dienen. Die Simulation auf der Ebene eines Landkreises oder einer Gemeinde erm?glicht genauere Aussagen über die M?glichkeiten und Grenzen der Koexistenz. Auf der Ebene der Landkreise k?nnen z.B. unterschiedliche agrar- und landschaftsstrukturelle Situationen untersucht und für eine nachfolgende Regionalisierung angewandt werden. Die Ebene der Gemeinden erlaubt die Analyse der Grenzen der Koexistenz für Gebiete mit h?herem r?umlichen Konfliktpotenzial. Simulationen auf lokaler Ebene erscheinen darüber hinaus n?her an den Entscheidungsm?glichkeiten der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis.  相似文献   



Sorting and disposal of waste are the last steps in the “lifetime” of a product. If products are contaminated with chemicals assessed to be hazardous for man or environment, waste management has the role of a vacuum cleaner in substance chain management working in two different ways: The hazardous compounds have to be properly separated from potential secondary resources in sorting processes. If this is not possible, those products have to be disposed safely. Starting from the experiences collected with some chemicals banned, the tools used for phasing out these chemicals from the technosphere are studied with respect to their influence on the contamination of the environment.


Even if a dangerous substance has been banned, it is further used in a number of products. In the cases presented here, the substances were banned for further use. In the case of CFCs, the substitutes used have partially also been substituted because of adverse effects. Besides the prohibition of use of hazardous substances, numerous other regulations were issued to reduce unsafe handling and minimize emissions into the environment. It turned out that waste management cannot correct mistakes which already happened “upstream” in the product chain. The control of point sources works quite successfully, whereas today the overwhelming emissions stem from diffuse sources, partially caused by unsafe waste management procedures.


Though there are no complete balances for both groups of compounds serving as examples, some conclusions can be drawn based on the experiences collected. Hazardous compounds may be separated successfully from used products or waste,
  • If they are mostly used in industry and not in households,
  • if they can be identified as part of certain products,
  • if their concentration in these products is rather high,
  • if technical problems come up when they contaminate secondary raw materials,
  • if there is international support for proper waste management.



European chemicals legislation (registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances (REACH)) requires a broad assessment of chemicals with respect to, inter alia, their health-relevant properties. Due to the extreme number of substances to be assessed and the limited current toxicological knowledge on their respective properties, REACH implicitly requires a paradigm change: away from knowledge generated mainly from costly animal experiments towards the use of mechanistic findings. Moreover, effect mechanisms at the biochemical or cellular level are essential when conclusions shall be drawn about "new" endpoints and mixtures of xenobiotics. This study (funded by the German Federal Environment Agency) describes examples of biochemical processes in the mammalian organism and how xenobiotics interfere with them. Interference with physiological processes expected to lead to adverse health effects is characterised as "toxicity pathway". The study describes toxicological endpoints not usually covered in routine animal testing and the respective toxicity pathways.

Results and conclusions

Screening for chemicals which exert effects via common toxicity pathways and subsequently conducting targeted short-term tests may generate new information about the toxicity of chemicals without performing extensive substance-by-substance animal experiments. Information on common toxicity pathways may also provide input for the assessment of mixture effects. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is working intensely on this concept. It involves the use of enormous amounts of data on relevant biochemical and cellular processes, which are generated by "high-throughput screening" methods, and then are combined with substance-specific kinetic data, experimental apical test outcomes and modelling. Current limitations in the regulatory use of this integrated approach on risk assessment will be outlined.  相似文献   

To plan for the habitat needs of forest songbirds of conservation concern, managers need to understand how spatial heterogeneity in forest conditions influences habitat quality. I used difference boundary detection (wombling) and spatially constrained clustering to delineate boundaries in various combinations of four forest vegetation variables (understory height, understory density, percent deciduous vs. conifer understory, and percent canopy closure) in two Michigan northern hardwood forests. My goal was to identify vegetation boundaries that corresponded with boundaries in an understory-dependent songbird’s distribution, and with boundaries in demographic measures for this songbird that indicate habitat quality (e.g., occupancy by older vs. yearling males, reproductive success). Both forests were actively-managed, mature stands: The first site (78 ha) was heavily deer-browsed (HB), with many browse-resistant conifers in the understory, and the second (62 ha) was less-browsed (LB), with deciduous-dominated understory. I compared the vegetation difference and cluster boundaries to difference boundaries based on 6 years of distribution and demographic data for black-throated blue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens). At the HB site, warbler boundaries overlapped strongly with vegetation boundaries that included all four variables, and clustering effectively divided the habitat into areas with different warbler occupancy and demographic characteristics. At the LB site, warbler distribution showed high overlap with difference and cluster boundaries based on just the height and density of understory vegetation, and cluster boundaries again effectively partitioned the study area into sites that varied in habitat quality. Thus, geographic boundary analysis is likely to be a useful tool for identifying key vegetation variables for management, and for delineating clusters (habitat patches) within sites that capture differences in habitat quality.
Kimberly R. HallEmail:

Acquisition of mycotic keratitis has been linked to agricultural activities. Although fungi were identified in injured eyes, data derived directly from farmlands are limited. Following five cases of fungal corneal ulcers in onion harvesters in the monsoon area of Taiwan, the present study further determined fungi genera and their concentrations in onion crops and surface soils of onion farmlands. In total, 52, 100 and 100 samples of soils, onion leaves and bulb scales, respectively, were collected from three monsoon and one non-monsoon farmlands. Fungal colonies were counted and microscopically examined after incubation at 25°C for 4–7 days on malt extract agar with 40?g?mL?1 chloramphenicol. Results showed the peak fungi levels were mostly observed at harvest time. Among keratitis-related fungi, Aspergillus predominated in soils as well as in onion bulb scales, while Alternaria in onion leaves. Cladosporium was also prevalent in soils, onion leaves and scales. Other keratitis-related fungi included Acremonium, Curvalaria, Fusarium, Mycelia, Penicillium, Rhizoctonia and Rhizopus. The present study provides an exposure link between onion harvesters and presence of keratitis-related fungi from onion crops and soils, which may account for mycotic ocular infection via hand-to-eye contact and airborne transmission during the monsoon season.  相似文献   

Summary. The pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, is an important pest of oilseed rape, Brassica napus. Larvae of this species feed only in the buds and flowers of Brassicaceae. One important natural enemy of this beetle is the parasitoid Phradis morionellus that attacks larvae in buds and flowers and also feeds on the flowers. The preferences for odours of non-infested and infested rape were tested for both starved and fed parasitoids in Y-tube olfactometer experiments. The volatile blend released from pollen beetle-infested and non-infested flowering rape and from pollen beetle larvae was identified and quantified. Gas chromatography-electroantennodetection analyses were performed with female P. morionellus. Parasitoids in both treatment groups preferred infested rape, but the proportion of responding female P. morionellus was significantly lower for the group that was starved. Six of the 20 volatiles identified were released at higher rates from infested rape than from non-infested. None of these compounds was found in pollen beetle larvae headspace. P. morionellus antennae detected both major and minor components in the volatile blend. The volatiles released at a significantly higher rate from infested rape and detected by P. morionellus antennae were (Z)-3-hexenylacetate, (Z)-3-hexenol, 3-butenyl isothiocyanate and (E,E)-α-farnesene.  相似文献   

We introduce a new index for measuring perpendicularity of animal movements with respect to a boundary (e.g., a habitat patch edge), and provide a computer algorithm for its calculation. Our index, η, improves on an approach that measures perpendicularity with respect to a fixed boundary direction. This is because η accounts for moment-to-moment trajectories relative to nearest-neighbor boundary attributes at the scale of an animal's movement. Our algorithm prp calculates η efficiently and accurately with both synthetic data and large telemetry datasets. In addition, we have included routines in prp which account for scenarios inherently problematic to perpendicularity estimators.  相似文献   

Due to Mediterranean, continental and oceanic influences we find in Northeastern Greece an exceptionally rich flora and fauna. Distributed over a distance of only 60–70 km from sea level northward to the Rhodopi mountains (with very cold and snowy winters at a height of 1000 m to 1600 m near the Bulgarian border) emerges a complex sequence of biozones unparalleled in a comparably small area in Europe. The low population density and the poor development of industry has allowed some natural landscapes to remain relatively undisturbed. The wetlands, including lake Kerkini and lake Vistonis as well as the deltas of the rivers Nestos and Evros, are a home or hibernating place for a large avifauna that includes vanishing bird species. In the oak‐ and beech‐forests of Rhodopi mountains, unusually rich in flowers, e.g. orchids, most of the large European mammals, including bear, wolf and wild boar, as well as birds of prey still find a basis for living. Pollution and damming of waters, erosion, cutting of riparian forests and overgrazing by domesticated animals are among other serious threats to the whole area. Problems, tasks and possibilities for protecting these zones of extraordinary quality are to be discussed along with an ecodevelopment concept for the whole region.  相似文献   

冯建孟  朱有勇 《生态环境》2010,19(4):830-835
研究利用大尺度的物种分布信息,探讨了长江上游滇西北地区裸子植物多样性的地理分布格局及其与区系分化之间的关系。结果表明,在属和种的水平上,裸子植物的多样性从南到北呈递增趋势,但在科的水平上无明显变化趋势。在科和属的水平上,裸子植物的区系分化强度随着纬度的升高呈递增趋势。较高的裸子植物多样性和区系分化强度主要出现在北部地区。区系分化强度与表征地形复杂度的单位面积海拔高差之间存在显著的相关性。区系分化强度明显影响研究区域内裸子植物多样性的地理分布格局,这可能与地质历史上滇西北地区地层的差异性抬升和地形格局有关。  相似文献   

壳聚糖改性沸石吸附废水中的苯酚   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
开发新型低成本苯酚吸附剂是含酚废水处理技术的重点.采用90%脱乙酰度壳聚糖制备改性沸石,在与天然沸石对比的基础上,研究了改性沸石去除废水中的效果.并对影响去除率的主要因素,包括壳聚糖与斜发沸石质量比、废水pH值,吸附时间,改性沸石用量,苯酚的质量浓度等进行研究.通过正交试验确定吸附废水中苯酚最佳工艺条件是:壳聚糖与沸石质量比为1∶20.沸石-壳聚糖颗粒吸附剂用量为12 g·L-1,废水中苯酚质量浓度不大于40mg·L-1,pH值为4~6,吸附平衡时间为35 min,苯酚去除率为90%;吸附适合用Langmuir吸附等温方程来模拟.  相似文献   

Repeated applications of metal-contaminated sewage sludge can have a drastic effect on soil levels of trace elements and lead to serious toxicity effects in plants. In some cases, land can be rendered sterile.It has been demonstrated that contamination of soils with respect to cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc is largely irreversible, although there does appear to be a long-term tendency for these metals to become progressively less available to plants over a long period of time. Most national guidelines designed to regulate the disposal of sewage sludge on agricultural land are based on the assumption that relatively rapid fixation of contaminant metals does take place in the soil after sludge application. There is a dearth of information relating to the rates at which potentially toxic-elements commonly present in sewage sludge become immobilised in soils, although it is clear that contaminant boron can be leached down the profile in the short term.Evidence is presented that contamination of top soil can persist for a period of six years after a single application of sludge (150 tonnes dry matter/ha). Over this period, there was little change in available levels of boron, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in the top soil and the degree of enhancement of these elements in perennial ryegrass grown in the sludge-treated area remained more or less unchanged.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of organisms associated with floating Sargassum in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico was assessed using fatty acids. Nineteen groups were collected from the Sargassum community including four autotrophs, eight invertebrates, five juvenile fishes, and two adult fishes. Spatial and temporal variability in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) signatures of selected taxa (Sargassum fluitans [autotroph], Leander tenuicornis [primary heterotroph], Balistes capriscus [secondary heterotroph]) was examined to quantify natural variation within these dietary tracers. Although PUFA signatures varied seasonally for all three taxa, no differences were detected between samples collected in year 2000 and 2001 or from different sample locations in the northwest Gulf. PUFA signatures made up 16.3–62.3% of the total fatty acid composition of main autotrophs present in the pelagic environment [particulate organic matter (POM), epiphytic algae, S. fluitans, S. natans], and PUFA profiles of selected primary producers were distinct. Specifically, levels of 20:5n−3, 22:5n−3, and 22:6n−3 were significantly higher in POM than Sargassum spp. or epiphytic algae (Cladophora sp.). Dominant PUFA in the tissue of invertebrate and vertebrate consumers were 18:2n−6, 20:4n−6, 20:5n−3, 22:5n−3, 22:6n−3 and multivariate analyses indicated that PUFA signatures of all consumers were highly similar to POM. As a result, heterotrophs utilizing the Sargassum complex may rely heavily on phytoplankton production rather than production by Sargassum or associated epiphytic algae.  相似文献   

土壤钙的生物有效性及与其它元素的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴刚  李金英  曾晓舵 《生态环境》2002,11(3):319-322
根据国内有关土壤钙素的研究文献、总结了土壤钙的生物有效性.土壤钙与其它元素的相互作用,以及钙在土壤中的固定、移动的研究进展,提出了钙肥的施用原则.其施用原则应该是平衡且适量。  相似文献   

Density estimates based on point processes are often restrained to regions with irregular boundaries or holes. We propose a density estimator, the lattice-based density estimator, which produces reasonable density estimates under these circumstances. The estimation process starts with overlaying the region with nodes, linking these together in a lattice and then computing the density of random walks of length k on the lattice. We use an approximation to the unbiased crossvalidation criterion to find the optimal walk length k. The technique is illustrated using walleye (Sander vitreus) radiotelemetry relocations in Lake Monroe, Indiana. We also use simulation to compare the technique to the traditional kernel density estimate in the situation where there are no significant boundary effects.  相似文献   

We investigated quantitatively the sensitivity of plant species response curves to sampling characteristics (number of plots, occurrence and frequency of species), along a simulated pH gradient. We defined 54 theoretical unimodal response curves, issued from combinations of six values for optimum (opt = 3, 4, …, 8), three values for tolerance (tol = 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5, sensu ter Braak and Looman [ter Braak, C.J.F., Looman, C.W.N., 1986. Weighted averaging, logistic regression and the Gaussian response model. Vegetatio 65, 3–11]), and three values for maximum probability of presence (pmax = 0.05, 0.20, and 0.50). For each of these 54 theoretical response curves, we built artificial binary data sets (presence/absence) to test the influence of species occurrence, frequency, or number of available plots. With real data extracted from EcoPlant, a phytoecological database for French forests [Gégout, J.-C., Coudun, Ch., Bailly, G., Jabiol, B., 2005. EcoPlant: a forest sites database linking floristic data with soil characteristics and climatic conditions. J. Veg. Sci. 16, 257–260], we compared the ecological response of 50 plant species to soil pH, based first on a small data set (100 randomly sampled plots), and then based on the whole data set available (3810 plots).  相似文献   

Enzymatic activity and quantity of the protease trypsin were measured in individual herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.). The enzymatic activity assay was done using a fluorescence technique, and a radioimmunoassay was used for quantification of trypsin. The results are compared and the differences between the techniques discussed. Both methods gave similar results, as high or low values in trypsin quantity were reflected in high or low values of tryptic activity. Quantity and activity were linearly and positively correlated, but small differences between methods were found at the lowest detection limits. Both techniques reflect high variability between individual larvae.  相似文献   

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