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ABSTRACT: A 155,947 ha portion of the Shenango River watershed in western Pennsylvania was evaluated as to the potential impact of agriculture drainage on water quality. Approximately a third of the area is being used as either cropland or pasture with approximately an equal percentage in forest lands. Eleven subwatersheds were evaluated as to their potential for nonpoint source pollution according to the criteria established by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources for the Chesapeake Bay Pollution Abatement Program. The individual components and overall rating for each subwatershed were then evaluated as to their correlation with four water quality variables based on 104 samples collected at 26 sampling stations throughout the watershed. There was a significant correlation between the overall rating factor for each subwatershed and each of the four water quality variables. In general, the watershed delivery factor, animal nutrient factor, and management factors were correlated with fecal coliform and phosphorus in the receiving streams, whereas the ground water delivery factor appeared to be more important in determining nitrate concentrations in these streams. These results indicate that manure and nutrient management, along with the exclusion of livestock from streams and the enhancement and/or replacement of riparian wetlands, are important approaches in reducing agricultural impacts in fresh water ecosystems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: . Under a watershed based approach being examined by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture to accelerate the adoption of conservation practices, a study on the impacts of agricultural practices on the St. Esprit watershed was initiated in the fall of 1993. The water quality of this 26 km2 intensive agricultural watershed was studied over an 18 month period. Water samples taken at the outlet of the watershed were analyzed for nitrate, phosphate, suspended sediment, and atrazine. Water quality data were analyzed to establish seasonal trends in pollutant concentration and load in the watercourse. Spring snowmelt was identified as a significant period of pollutant material export. All pollutant materials displayed seasonal variability in the export process. Peak pollutant concentrations were associated with high flow events. Mean observed pollutant concentrations did not exceed drinking water quality standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The transmission of disease in ground water is a topic of great concern to government agencies, ground water specialists, and the general public. The purpose of this study was to compare the temporal variability in storm flow of fecal coliform bacteria densities and Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst densities in agriculturally impacted karst ground water. Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst densities ranged from 0 to 1,050 oocysts/1, and mean storm densities ranged from 3.5 to 156.8 oocysts/1. Fecal coliform densities ranged from less than 1 CFU/100ml to more than 40,000 CFU/100ml, and geometric mean storm densities ranged from 1.7 CFU/100ml to more than 7,000 CFU/100ml. Fecal coliform densities correlated well with flow during storms, but Cryptosporidium oocyst densities exhibited a great deal of sample to sample variability and were not correlated with flow. Fecal coliform densities did not correlate positively with Cryptosporidium oocyst densities. Fecal coliform densities were greatest at storm peaks, when sediment loads were also greatest. Multiple transport mechanisms for fecal coliform bacteria and C. parvum oocysts may necessitate various agricultural land management and livestock health maintenance practices to control movement of pathogens to karst ground water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The hydrologic responses from an agricultural watershed in southeast Nebraska were investigated under an array of physiographic, hydrologic, meteorologic, and management conditions. For analytical purposes, the hydrologic responses were narrowed to include only runoff and sediment yield. The study was performed by utilizing the ANSWERS (Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation) hydrologic-simulation model. Results of this study indicate that, generally, nonstructural (agronomic) Best Management Practices (BMPs) have a more significant impact in controlling erosion and nonpoint-source pollution than structurally oriented BMPs. The percentage of reduction in average soil loss as a result of changing tilage systems from conventional to chisel plow was in the mid-40s. The corresponding percentages of reduction in sediment yield from the watershed under minimum tillage and no-till systems were in the mid-60s and mid-80s, respectively. The impact of these management strategies on runoff varied considerably. That is primarily based on the watershed's antecedent soil moisture condition, land use, and the growth stage of crops. Generally, an intense, short, thunderstorm type of rainfall event had more relative impact on runoff, and therefore sediment yield than a long, gentle, and steady event.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A model for estimating seasonal fecal coliform concentrations in the Tchefuncte River as a function of river discharge was developed. Data on fecal coliform concentration were obtained from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and were available for a period of 15 years (1975 through 1992) from three locations. Stream flow data were obtained from a gaging station of the U. S. Geological Survey at Folsom, Louisiana. These data were available for 49 years (1943 through 1991). The climate of the area is characterized by different precipitation/runoff mechanisms for the summer and winter seasons. The division for seasons used in this analysis was May through October (summer season), and November through April (winter season). Because of the combined effects of climatic mechanisms causing precipitation and the seasonal variation of evapotranspiration, runoff is greater in the winter season resulting in higher fecal coliform counts in the Tchefuncte River. Statistical analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between fecal coliform concentration and discharge for each season, at each of three sites on the Tchefuncte River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study determines the most cost effective spatial pattern of farming systems for improving water quality and evaluates the economic value of riparian buffers in reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution in a Midwestern agricultural watershed. Economic and water quality impacts of alternative farming systems are evaluated using the CARE and SWAT models, respectively. The water quality benefits of riparian buffers are estimated by combining experimental data and simulated water quality impacts of fanning systems obtained using SWAT. The net economic value of riparian buffers in improving water quality is estimated by total watershed net return with riparian buffers minus total watershed net return without riparian buffers minus the opportunity cost of riparian buffers. Exclusive of maintenance cost, the net economic value of riparian buffers in reducing atrazine concentration from 45 to 24 ppb is $612,117 and the savings in government cost is $631,710. Results strongly support efforts that encourage farmers to develop or maintain riparian buffers adjacent to streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pollutants entering a water system can be very destructive to the health of that system. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used to reduce these pollutants, but understanding the most effective practices is very difficult. Watershed models are an effective tool to aid in the decision‐making process of selecting the BMPs that are most effective in reducing the pollutant loading and are also the most cost effective. The Annualized Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution model (AnnAGNPS 2.0) is a technological tool that can be used to estimate watershed response to agricultural management practices. The main purpose of this paper is to test the performance of AnnAGNPS 2.0 on nitrogen loading using comparisons with measurements from the Deep Hollow watershed of the Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area (MDMSEA) project. Previous work has demonstrated the capability of the model to simulate runoff and sediment. From sensitivity analyses in this study, initial nitrogen concentration in the soil and crop nitrogen uptake had the most impact on the nitrogen loadings. AnnAGNPS simulations of monthly nitrogen loadings are poor. However, statistical test (t‐test) showed that the predicted nitrogen loading is not significantly different from observed nitrogen loading at the 95 percent level of confidence.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Agricultural practices such as cattle grazing and animal manure application can contribute to relatively high runoff concentrations of fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococcus (FS). Available information, however, is inconsistent with respect to the effects of such practices as well as to measures that can discriminate among candidate sources of FC and FS. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of grazing, time of year, and runoff amounts on FC and FS concentrations and to evaluate whether FCIFS concentration ratios are consistent with earlier values reported as characteristic of animal sources. Runoff from four Northwest Arkansas fields was sampled and analyzed for fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococcus (FS) for nearly three years (1991–1994). Each field was grazed and fertilized, with two fields receiving inorganic fertilizer and two receiving animal manure. Runoff amount had no effect on runoff concentrations of FC or FS. There were no consistent relationships between the presence of cattle and FC and FS runoff concentrations. Both FC and FS concentrations were affected by the season during which the runoff occurred. Higher concentrations were observed during warmer months. Runoff FC concentrations exceeded the primary contact standard of 200 cfu/100 mL during at least 89 percent of all runoff events and the secondary contact standard of 1000 cfu/100 mL during at least 70 percent of the events. Ratios of FC to FS concentrations varied widely (from near zero to more than 100), confirming earlier findings that FC/FS ratios are not a reliable indicator of the source of FC and FS.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the physical characteristics of agricultural non point pollution and discuss the implications for setting appropriate pollution control objectives and designing incentive-based pollution control policies. First, we discuss that policy objectives must be designed carefully to ensure positive economic net benefits can be expected from pollution control. Next, we review several classes of incentives and recommend the use of design-based incentives (i.e., incentives based on variable input use, management practices, and land use) for controlling non point pollution. Cost-effectiveness requires that incentives elicit three types of responses from farmers: (1) use variable inputs at appropriate levels, (2) adopt appropriate management practices, and (3) make appropriate land use decisions at the extensive margin of production. If a set of incentives fails to induce the correct responses, the resulting runoff levels and hence ambient pollution levels and damages will be too large relative to policy goals. A review of existing programs suggests that greater program coordination and improved targeting of incentives are needed for further water quality improvements. Alternatively, properly designed market-based systems may be effective alternatives. These systems would reduce overall pollution control costs by allowing markets to allocate point source and non point source control costs more efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper reviews progress on urban storm water management and pollution control, with emphasis on non- and low-structurally intensive techniques along with the total system approach encompassing control-treatment. Many of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's demonstration-evaluation projects are presented to exemplify: Land Management Techniques, i.e., land use planning, best use of natural drainage, dual use of retention and drainage facilities required for flood control designed concurrently or retrofitted for pollution control, porous pavement, surface sanitation, and chemical use control; Collection Systems Control, i.e., catchbasin cleaning, flow regulators (including swirl and helical devices), and the new concepts of elimination or reduction of unauthorized cross-connections, in-channel/conduit storage and/or other forms of storage for bleed-back to existing treatment plants; Storage including in-receiving water storage; Treatment, i.e., physical/chemical, disinfection, and a treatment-control planning and design guidebook; Sludge and Solids Residue from Treatment; and Integrated Systems, i.e., storage/treatment, dual-use wet-weather flow/dry-weather flow facilities, and reuse of stormwater for nonpotable purposes. Recommendations for the future in the areas of: control based on receiving water impacts, toxics characterization and their control, sewer system cross-connections, integrated stormwater management, and institutional/sociological/economic conflicts are also presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper studies the effectiveness of alternative farm management strategies at improving water quality to meet Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) in agricultural watersheds. A spatial process model was calibrated using monthly flow, sediment, and phosphorus (P) losses (1994 to 1996) from Sand Creek watershed in south‐central Minnesota. Statistical evaluation of predicted and observed data gave r2 coefficients of 0.75, 0.69, and 0.49 for flow (average 4.1 m3/s), sediment load (average 0.44 ton/ha), and phosphorus load (average 0.97 kg/ha), respectively. The calibrated model was used to evaluate the effects of conservation tillage, conversion of crop land to pasture, and changes in phosphorus fertilizer application rate on pollutant loads. TMDLs were developed for sediment and P losses based on existing water quality standards and guidelines. Observed annual sediment and P losses exceeded these TMDLs by 59 percent and 83 percent, respectively. A combination of increased conservation tillage, reduced application rates of phosphorus fertilizer, and conversion of crop land to pasture could reduce sediment and phosphorus loads by 23 percent and 20 percent of existing loads, respectively. These reductions are much less than needed to meet TMDLs, suggesting that control of sediment using buffer strips and control of point sources of phosphorus are needed for the remaining reductions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The performance of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and artificial neural network (ANN) models in simulating hydrologic response was assessed in an agricultural watershed in southeastern Pennsylvania. All of the performance evaluation measures including Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency (E) and coefficient of determination (R2) suggest that the ANN monthly predictions were closer to the observed flows than the monthly predictions from the SWAT model. More specifically, monthly streamflow E and R2 were 0.54 and 0.57, respectively, for the SWAT model calibration period, and 0.71 and 0.75, respectively, for the ANN model training period. For the validation period, these values were ?0.17 and 0.34 for the SWAT and 0.43 and 0.45 for the ANN model. SWAT model performance was affected by snowmelt events during winter months and by the model's inability to adequately simulate base flows. Even though this and other studies using ANN models suggest that these models provide a viable alternative approach for hydrologic and water quality modeling, ANN models in their current form are not spatially distributed watershed modeling systems. However, considering the promising performance of the simple ANN model, this study suggests that the ANN approach warrants further development to explicitly address the spatial distribution of hydrologic/water quality processes within watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Although several sophisticated nonpoint pollution models exist, few are available that are easy to use, cover a variety of conditions, and integrate a wide range of information to allow managers and planners to assess different control strategies. Here, a straightforward pollutant input accounting approach is presented in the form of an existing model (WATERSHED) that has been adapted to run on modern electronic spreadsheets. As an application, WATERSHED is used to assess options to improve the quality of highly eutrophic Delavan Lake in Wisconsin. WATERSHED is flexible in that several techniques, such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation or unit-area loadings, can be used to estimate nonpoint-source inputs. Once the model parameters are determined (and calibrated, if possible), the spreadsheet features can be used to conduct a sensitivity analysis of management options. In the case of Delavan Lake, it was concluded that, although some nonpoint controls were cost-effective, the overall reduction in phosphorus would be insufficient to measurably improve water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Economic values of riparian buffers in a watershed are evaluated by the changes in the net economic return for farming with and without riparian buffers when achieving the same water quality objectives. The simulated water quality impacts of alternative farming systems using SWAT and experimental data for riparian buffers are used in a mathematical optimization model to estimate net economic return for farming subject to a water quality objective. Physical characteristics such as stream length, channel slope, average land slope, cropland percentage and several soil attributes are identified in the watershed using ARC/INFO GIS. A regression model is then used to evaluate the impacts of these physical characteristics on the estimated economic values of buffers. The study is conducted in Goodwater Creek watershed, Missouri. The results show the estimated economic value of buffers is significantly affected by some soil properties, stream length, and cropland percentage in watershed and can be used to improve the effectiveness of riparian buffers at watershed and regional levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A model is developed and tested to identify the factors influencing variation in community response to stormwater pollution. Basic constructs of the model use environmental hazard theory, integrated with analysis of community demographic and political forces affecting local government decision processes. Community stormwater response is measured by an index comprised of 12 response indicators. Selection criteria for the response indicators include their effectiveness, variability, and general representation of the spectrum of stormwater response activity. Observable activities are scored progressively based upon their relative ecosystem impacts. Weighted and unweighted indicator scores are computed, with a survey of stormwater experts providing the basis for the weights. Results indicate a wide variation in response levels among the selected communities. Regression analysis identifies four significant predictors of response at the watershed scale: the mean age of householder over 25, the total tax rate, community type (city or township), and the amount of green staff (presence of recycling coordinators, foresters, or environmental planners). This mix of predictors demonstrates the applicability of hazard theory to stormwater response, as community stormwater response is influenced by the capacity and economic means to effect change - two central constructs of hazard theory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forest management activities may substantially alter the quality of water draining forests, and are regulated as nonpoint sources of pollution. Important impacts have been documented, in some cases, for undesirable changes in stream temperature and concentrations of dissolved oxygen, nitrate-N, and suspended sediments. We present a comprehensive summary of North American studies that have examined the impacts of forest practices on each of these parameters of water quality. In most cases, retention of forested buffer strips along streams prevents unacceptable increases in stream temperatures. Current practices do not typically involve addition of large quantities of fine organic material to streams, and depletion of streamwater oxygen is not a problem; however, sedimentation of gravel streambeds may reduce oxygen diffusion into spawning beds in some cases. Concentrations of nitrate-N typically increase substantially after forest harvesting and fertilization, but only a few cases have resulted in concentrations approaching the drinking-water standard of 10 mg of nitrate-NIL. Road construction and harvesting increase suspended sediment concentrations in streamwater, with highly variable results among regions in North America. The use of best management practices usually prevents unacceptable increases in sediment concentrations, but exceptionally large responses (especially in relation to intense storms) are not unusual.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study presents the results of fecal coliform (FC) sampling in the Rawls Creek, South Carolina, watershed during 1999 and 2000. The work was undertaken because the watershed is listed on the 303(d) list for South Carolina due to FC excursions. The watershed is 43.8 percent residential, 35 percent forest, 5.7 percent mixed urban, 4.9 percent commercial, and 4.8 percent agriculture. Samples were taken at 15 stations during eight field trips divided into two phases to characterize FC inputs from subbasins and to integrate results from upstream sampling. FC concentrations ranged from 135 to 730 colonies/100 ml. Results suggest that retention ponds in the area are a significant factor in attenuation of FC concentrations. Catchments with the largest contiguous impervious areas are the greatest source of FC. The highest concentrations of FC were observed at stations just downstream from a large detention basin that intercepts storm runoff from a large commercial area. Further analysis of the design and performance of that structure is suggested. The Koon Branch tributary is less than 20 percent of the land area in the watershed but may contribute 40 percent of the fecal loading. The results of this study confirm the importance of site assessments to aid understanding of nonpoint source pollution in complex watersheds.  相似文献   

An economic analysis of nonpoint source pollution management was conducted for the Nansemond River and Chuckatuck Creek watersheds in Southeast Virginia. The potential effects of alternative public policies on farm income, land use, and pollution loadings were investigated. Regulatory programs could have quite different impacts depending on which pollutant is targeted. Cost-share rates greater than 50 percent would have little additional effect on pollution from crop enterprises, but would reduce pollution from livestock  相似文献   

Environmental and economic damages caused by agricultural nonpoint source inputs of sediment and associated pollutants are examined. Widespread water quality problems are identified in lakes, rivers, and estuaries in agricultural areas, and billions of dollars of on-site and offsite costs result from this eroded soil every year. Some water bodies have been irretrievably damaged, and expensive rehabilitation programs are needed to remedy in-place water pollution problems if Clean Water Act goals are to be achieved. Unless effective abatement and rehabilitation programs are established, billions of dollars of benefits to future generations will not be realized as more waters become irretrievably damaged, and billions more will continue to be spent by government to treat symptoms of these sediment-related problems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In developing strategies for nonpoint pollution control in designated 208 areas, one of the issues facing planners is the relative emphasis which should be placed upon urban versus agricultural non-point control. Five criteria which should be considered in designing an appropriate BMP strategy mix are discussed: 1) BMP cost effectiveness; 2) information and administrative cost; 3) flexibility, which relates to the cost of reversibility given substantial uncertainties; 4) associated effects, both direct and indirect; and 5) acceptability to local jurisdictions and groups. Whatever an evaluation on the basis of the first four criteria may suggest, acceptance of agricultural BMPs will be difficult to achieve, thus favoring urban oriented strategies, unless local revenue sources are developed to offer payments to farmers for BMP adoption.  相似文献   

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