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Worldwide, the ecological condition of streams and rivers has been impaired by agricultural practices such as broadscale modification of catchments, high nutrient and sediment inputs, loss of riparian vegetation, and altered hydrology. Typical responses include channel incision, excessive sedimentation, declining water quality, and loss of in-stream habitat complexity and biodiversity. We review these impacts, focusing on the potential benefits and limitations of wood reintroduction as a transitional rehabilitation technique in these agricultural landscapes using Australian examples. In streams, wood plays key roles in shaping velocity and sedimentation profiles, forming pools, and strengthening banks. In the simplified channels typical of many agricultural streams, wood provides habitat for fauna, substrate for biofilms, and refuge from predators and flow extremes, and enhances in-stream diversity of fish and macroinvertebrates.Most previous restoration studies involving wood reintroduction have been in forested landscapes, but some results might be extrapolated to agricultural streams. In these studies, wood enhanced diversity of fish and macroinvertebrates, increased storage of organic material and sediment, and improved bed and bank stability. Failure to meet restoration objectives appeared most likely where channel incision was severe and in highly degraded environments. Methods for wood reintroduction have logistical advantages over many other restoration techniques, being relatively low cost and low maintenance. Wood reintroduction is a viable transitional restoration technique for agricultural landscapes likely to rapidly improve stream condition if sources of colonists are viable and water quality is suitable.  相似文献   

Complex relationships between stream functions and processes make evaluation of stream modification projects difficult. Informed by vague objectives and minimal monitoring data, post‐construction project evaluations can often be a subjective attribution of success or failure. This article provides a simple framework to rapidly describe the degree of damage in stream modification projects performed in constrained settings. Based on widely accepted evaluations of physical habitat quality and stream stability, the damage states framework describes a continuum of damage in multiple categories that relate natural stream functions to the often desired state of static equilibrium. Given that channel form is closely related to stream function, it follows that changes to the channel form result in changes in function. The damage states focus on damage to flow hydraulics, sediment transport and channel equilibrium, hydraulic, and geomorphic parameters that describe basic stream functioning and support higher level functions in the modified channel. The damage states can be used in decision making as a systematic method to determine the need for repair and design adjustments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Habitat diversity and invertebrate drift were studied in a group of natural and channelized tributaries of the upper Des Moines River during 1974 and 1975. Channelized streams in this region had lower sinuosity index values than natural channel segments. There were significant (P=O.05) positive correlations between channel sinuosity and the variability of water depth and current velocity. Invertebrate drift density, expressed as biomass and total numbers, also was correlated with channel sinuosity. Channelization has decreased habitat variability and invertebrate drift density in streams of the upper Des Moines River Basin and probably has reduced the quantity of water stored in streams during periods of low flow.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The potential for understanding and, where necessary, managing sedimentation in humid mountain drainage basins increases with awareness of the conditions that lead to shallow landsliding, debris flows, and catastrophic sedimentation in stream channels. Progress in understanding has involved: improved recognition of source areas and the potential for downstream effects of slope failure; improved understanding of hydrological conditions required for failure; and a general theory of slope stability in shallow colluvium, including the role of plants, fires, timber harvest, and other disturbances. The theory acknowledges spatial variability in topographic and geotechnical terrain characteristics, the stochastic nature of climatic triggering events such as forest fires and rainstorms, and the integrating nature of channel networks in modulating the cumulative effects of transient processes within a basin. Anthropogenic fire regimes, road effects, and timber harvest can readily be included. Continued application and modification of the theory over an expanded geographical range require improvements in field data and their systematic storage in spatial databases. Improvements in digital topographic data for mountain basins, systematic network-wide surveys of channel conditions, and new technology for rapid documentation of soil depths in landslide source areas would enhance the prediction of mass failure, its consequences for channel habitat, and the basin-wide or regional distribution of hillslope and channel conditions. Computations of the probabilities of transient effects throughout basins could then form the basis of ecological risk analyses. Large-scale spatial data sets of a few critical variables are required before this next level of understanding can be developed and applied to sedimentation impacts on ecosystems and other resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data collected from 121 stream reaches during 1991 to 1993 were evaluated to determine the applicability of the Rosgen Stream Classification System (RSCS) to the low relief terrain within the Chequamegon‐Nicolet National Forest (CNNF) in Wisconsin, USA. All reaches were classified to RSCS Level I and II except that 10.7 percent had sinuosities below the continuum limits and one reach had a predominantly organic substrate. Five of eight possible RSCS Level I types were observed including B, C, D, A, E, and F; 86 percent were C and E types. Seventeen of 94 possible RSCS Level II types were observed. Most reaches were slightly entrenched, had low to moderate width/depth ratios, relatively low sinuosity, low slope, and sand or gravel as the dominant channel material. Discriminant analyses were used to verify the applicability of RSCS for streams within the CNNF; discriminant functions correctly classified 92.5 and 94.7 percent of the Level I and II RSCS types, respectively. When limits for E and F types were modified slightly at Level II by adding an additional category for slopes less than 0.1 percent (a modification we recommend for low relief terrain), discriminant functions correctly classified 99.1 percent of the types. Adding another slope break at 0.3 percent produced similar results. Based on our analyses, RSCS works well within the CNNF and is probably applicable to other areas with low‐relief terrain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The environmental effects of flood control channel modifications such as clearing and snagging, straightening, enlargement, and/or paving can be quite severe in some cases. Information review reveals that several environmental features have been incorporated into the design, construction, operation, or maintenance of recent flood control channel projects to avoid adverse environmental impacts and enhance environmental quality. Typically, these features have been proposed by conservation agencies and designed with minimal quantitative analysis. Environmental features for channel projects include selective clearing and snagging techniques, channel designs with nonuniform geometry such as single bank modification and floodways, restoration and enhancement of aquatic habitat, improved techniques for placement of excavated material, and revegetation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this literature review is to identify and quantify the effects of channelization and to examine the feasibility and acceptability of alternative methods of flood control. In the past 150 years, over 200,000 miles of stream channels have been modified. Channelization can affect the environment by draining wetland, cutting off oxbows and meanders, clearing floodplain hardwoods, lowering ground water levels, reducing ground water recharge from stream flow, and increasing erosion sedimentation, channel maintenance, and downstream flooding. Channelization reduces the size, number, and species diversity of fish in streams. In a wet climate, the fishery requires less than 10 years to fully recover. However, in the drier climates, the fishery may never fully recover. In general, channel modifications have performed as designed for flood abatement. The Arthur D. Little Study (1973) reported that direct benefits estimated during channelization planning have been conservative and that damage reduction has been impressive. Diking seems to be a viable alternative to channel dredging. Dikes minimize destruction of wetland and eliminate the need for removing vegetation from the existing stream banks.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in 47 different riparian areas distributed throughout Denmark to investigate diversity and distributional patterns of plant communities along a lowland stream size gradient (first to fifth order). The investigated areas were representative for Danish riparian areas not in use for agricultural production. We investigated plant community richness along a stream size gradient and the influence of eutrophication on the abundance of different plant communities. Vegetation analyses were performed in transects placed perpendicular to the stream channel, with a total of 1798 plots analyzed. Overall, we found a positive relationship between stream mean depth as a measure of stream size and the number of plant community types identified in the riparian areas. We also found that the abundance of the identified communities was positively correlated with their nutrient preference and negatively correlated with their moisture preference. The abundance of alkaline fens and Molinia meadows (protected community types) in riparian areas decreased with increasing size of the stream, whereas the abundance of humid meadows and wet herb fringes increased with increasing size of the stream. Based on our findings, we recommend that wide buffer zones be established along streams with protected habitat types in the associated riparian areas to reduce the direct impact from agriculture. Furthermore, we recommend that wide buffer zones be established along middle-sized and large streams because several community types may develop.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Stream channel characteristics were found to be useful indices to the hydrology of 27 small forested basins in the Northeast United States. Channel width alone explained 37 percent of the variation in mean annual runoff, whereas channel width combined with basin area explained 78 percent of the variation in mean annual runoff. This approached the percentage of variation in mean annual runoff explained by mean annual precipitation (83 percent). A simulated 15% increase in precipitation, such as might occur in a weather modification project, produced increases in channel width, depth, and channel area of 3, 4, and 8 percent, respectively.  相似文献   

A 0.9 km-reach of Uvas Creek, California, was reconstructed as a sinuous, meandering channel in November 1995. In February 1996, this new channel washed out. We reviewed project documents to determine the basis for the project design and conducted our own historical geomorphological study to understand the processes operating in the catchment and project reach. The project was designed using a popular stream classification system, based on which the designers assumed that a "C4" channel (a meandering gravel-bed channel) would be stable at the site. Our historical geomorphological analysis showed that the reach had been braided historically, typical of streams draining the Franciscan Formation in the California Coast Ranges, with episodic flows and high sand and gravel transport. After the project washed out, Uvas Creek reestablished an irregular, braided sand-and-gravel channel, although the channel here was narrower than it had been historically, probably due to such factors as incision caused by gravel mining. Our study casts doubt on several assumptions common in many stream restoration projects: that channel stability is always an appropriate goal; that channel forms are determined by flows with return periods of about 1.5 years; that a channel classification system is an easy, appropriate basis for channel design; and that a new channel form can be imposed without addressing the processes that determine channel form.  相似文献   

Procopio, Nicholas A., 2010. Hydrologic and Morphologic Variability of Streams With Different Cranberry Agriculture Histories, Southern New Jersey, United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(3):527-540. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00432.x Abstract: The creation of reservoirs and the modification of stream channels are common practices used to facilitate the efficient production of cranberries. The potential impacts to hydrologic and geomorphic aspects of streamflow and channel structure have not been adequately assessed. In this study, the streamflow regime of 12 streams and the channel morphologies of 11 streams were compared for study sites in the Pinelands region of New Jersey with upstream active-cranberry bogs, upstream abandoned-cranberry bogs, and basins with no apparent agricultural history. Flow regime metrics included measures of low-flow, median-flow, and bankfull discharge, two measures of streamflow variability (spread and a modified Richards-Baker Flashiness index), and the frequency of overbank flooding. Stream-channel morphology metrics included average bank slope, average bankfull width, average bankfull depth, average bankfull width-to-depth ratio, and average bankfull area. No significant differences between stream types were apparent for any of the metrics. Basin-area normalized streamflow values of all 12 study sites were highly correlated to each other. Significant relationships existed between some of the flow-regime and channel-morphology metrics. Due to the lack of significant differences between stream types, it appears that neither historic nor current cranberry agricultural practices considerably influence flow regimes or the channel morphology of streams in the New Jersey Pinelands.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study applies spatial analyses to examine the consequences of accelerated urban expansion on a hydrologic system over a period of 24 years. Three sets of historical aerial photos are used in a GIS analysis to document the geomorphic history of Las Vegas Wash, which drains the rapidly growing Las Vegas urban area in southern Nevada. New spatial techniques are introduced to make quantitative measurements of the erosion at three specific time intervals in the hydrologic evolution of the channel and floodplain. Unlike other erosion studies that use two different elevation surfaces to assess erosion, this study used a single elevation surface to remove systematic and nonsystemic elevation errors. The spatial analysis quantifies channel changes for discrete time periods, calculates erosion volumes, and provides a foundation to examine how the specific mechanisms related to urban expansion have affected Las Vegas Wash. The erosion calculated over 24 years is the largest documented sediment loss attributed to the effect of rapid urban growth.  相似文献   

/ Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblage composition, instream habitat features and surrounding land use were assessed in an agriculturally developed watershed to relate overall biotic condition to patterns of land use and channel structure. Six 100-m reaches were sampled on each of three first-order warm-water tributaries of the River Raisin in southeastern Michigan. Comparisons among sites and tributaries showed considerable variability in fish assemblages measured with the index of biotic integrity, macroinvertebrate assemblages characterized with several diversity indexes, and both quantitative and qualitative measurements of instream habitat structure. Land use immediate to the tributaries predicted biotic condition better than regional land use, but was less important than local habitat variables in explaining the variability observed in fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages. Fish and macroinvertebrates appeared to respond differently to landscape configuration and habitat variables as well. Fish showed a stronger relationship to flow variability and immediate land use, while macroinvertebrates correlated most strongly with dominant substrate. Although significant, the relationships between instream habitat variables and immediate land use explained only a modest amount of the variability observed. A prior study of this watershed ascribed greater predictive power to land use. In comparison to our study design, this study covered a larger area, providing greater contrast among subcatchments. Differences in outcomes suggests that the scale of investigation influences the strength of predictive variables. Thus, we concluded that the importance of local habitat conditions is best revealed by comparisons at the within-subcatchment scale. KEY WORDS: Stream; Biomonitoring; Land use; Scale; Habitat; Fish; Macroinvertebrates  相似文献   

Effects of channel incision on base flow stream habitats and fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Channel incision is a widespread phenomenon that results in stream and riparian habitat degradation. Fishes and physical habitat variables were sampled at base flow from three incised stream channels and one reference stream in northwest Mississippi, USA, to quantify incision effects on fish habitat and provide a basis for habitat rehabilitation planning and design. Incised channels were sampled in spring and autumn; the reference channel was sampled only in the autumn. Incised channel habitat quality was inferior to the reference channel despite the presence of structures designed to restore channel stability. Incised channels had physical habitat diversity levels similar to a nonincised reference channel, but contained fewer types of habitat. At base flow, incised channels were dominated by shallow, sandy habitats, moderate to high mean local Froude numbers, and had relatively little organic debris in their beds. In contrast, the reference stream had greater mean water depth, contained more woody debris, and provided more deep pool habitat. Fish assemblages in incised channels were composed of smaller fishes representing fewer species relative to the reference site. Fish species richness was directly proportional to the mean local Froude number, an indicator of the availability of pool habitat.  相似文献   

A comparison of different transportation route types and their combined effects on landscape diversity was conducted within Tiaoxi watershed (China) between 1994 and 2005. Buffer analysis and Mann–Kendall’s test were used to quantify the relationships between distance from transportation routes (railway, highway, national, and provincial road) and a family of landscape diversity parameters (Simpson’s diversity index, Simpson’s evenness index, Shannon’s diversity index, and Shannon’s evenness index). One-way ANOVA was further applied to compare influences from different route types and their combined effects. Five other landscape metrics (patch density, edge density, area-weighted mean shape index, connectance index, and Euclidean nearest neighbor distance) were also calculated to analyze the associations between landscape diversity and landscape pattern characteristics. Results showed that transportation routes exerted significant impacts on landscape diversity. Impact from railway was comparable to that from highway and national road but was more significant than that from provincial road. The spatial influential range of railway and national road was wider than that of highway and provincial road. Combined effects of routes were nonlinear, and impacts from different route types were more complex than those from the same type. The four landscape diversity metrics were comparably effective at the buffer zone scale. In addition, landscape diversity can be alternatively used to indicate fragmentation, connectivity, and isolation at route buffer scale. This study demonstrates an applicable approach to quantitatively characterize the impacts from transportation routes on landscape patterns and has potential to facilitate route network planning.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper presents a numerical investigation of approaches to enhance the mixing and dispersion processes in tidal areas by effecting changes in the natural estuary system. It compares the impact of various estuary modifications stemming from human intervention to pollutant dispersion and chaotic flow within the estuary including the implications of alteration of the original channel shape, change of the channel bathymetry, and modification of the tidal signal. Our findings indicate that chaotic flow analysis is similar in many regards, but not all, to conventional dispersion analysis. Specifically, we conclude that (1) simplification of the flow regime reduces chaotic flow patterns and tracer particle dispersion, (2) creation of extensively protruding barriers and/or installation of barriers on opposite sides of the main stem of the estuary enhances particle dispersion and chaotic mixing, (3) installation of underwater berms has relatively minor beneficial, but highly localized, effects on chaotic regime and particle dispersion, and (4) increasing the tidal signal amplitude was shown to increase chaotic and dispersion properties of the estuarine system. A parametric study investigating the effect of several geometrical configurations and tidal signals on characteristics of chaotic flows concludes the paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The rehabilitation of urban stream channels and riparian areas involves a potentially large number of design alternatives. When substantial modifications are planned, water surface profile models (e.g., HEC-2) provide a means for a thorough and efficient evaluation of many design variations. The rehabilitation of a reach of Paradise Creek, Idaho, utilized the REC-2 model to verify the appropriateness of a new channel geometry and explore the consequences of variable floodplain geometries and excavation depths. The desirability of habitat diversity, coupled with the constraints of minimized earthwork costs and adequate flow capacity, framed the floodplain design question. The final design geometry was iteratively approached using the HEC-2 model to mimic the existing channel capacity. This modeling framework produces as output computed water surface elevations for the design channel and floodplain under any discharge. Hence, the method provides the means for demonstrating that rehabilitation designs will (or will not) cause increases in flood elevations, an assessment that is generally required for project approval.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of loss of natural stream and riparian habitat is of concern throughout the United States and Europe. Environmental impacts related to such activities as channelization of and levee construction along streams and rivers are particularly apparent in the Midwestern United States. The objective of the research presented here was to delineate the extent, relative degree of impact, and implications for management of channelization and levee construction along watercourses located in the state of Illinois. According to records maintained through the Illinois Streams Information System data base (Illinois Department of Conservation), nearly 25% of surface water resources in the state have been modified directly by channelization and/or levee construction. Reviews of agency records, elaboration of case histories, interviews with agency personnel, and inspections of impacted sites indicated that these alterations have occurred without the benefit of effective mitigation. Although permit records may provide suggestions for mitigation to be incorporated in the design of a particular project, permits issued generally do not require even minimal instream habitat and bank stabilization efforts in conjunction with channel alteration. Information derived from policy and case study analyses suggests that institutional constraints, rather than lack of particular understanding about mitigation, provide major barriers to protecting the state's surface water resources in terms of regulatory review, policy interpretation and implementation, and project evaluation. Recommendations for environmental management efforts regarding these and similar channel alterations are elaborated from these findings.  相似文献   

Abstract: An ensemble of rule‐based models was constructed to assess possible future braided river planform configurations for the Toklat River in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. This approach combined an analysis of large‐scale influences on stability with several reduced‐complexity models to produce the predictions at a practical level for managers concerned about the persistence of bank erosion while acknowledging the great uncertainty in any landscape prediction. First, a model of confluence angles reproduced observed angles of a major confluence, but showed limited susceptibility to a major rearrangement of the channel planform downstream. Second, a probabilistic map of channel locations was created with a two‐parameter channel avulsion model. The predicted channel belt location was concentrated in the same area as the current channel belt. Finally, a suite of valley‐scale channel and braid plain characteristics were extracted from a light detection and ranging (LiDAR)‐derived surface. The characteristics demonstrated large‐scale stabilizing topographic influences on channel planform. The combination of independent analyses increased confidence in the conclusion that the Toklat River braided planform is a dynamically stable system due to large and persistent valley‐scale influences, and that a range of avulsive perturbations are likely to result in a relatively unchanged planform configuration in the short term.  相似文献   

he influence of woody vegetation on the reliability of a sandy levee was investigated using field data in seepage and slope stability analyses. Field data were collected from selected sites within a 10-km segment of a channel levee on the Sacramento River near Elkhorn, California. Root architecture and distribution were determined using the profile-wall method in which root cross sections were exposed in the vertical wall of an excavated trench. Transects running both parallel and perpendicular to the crest of the levee were excavated at six sites. Each site was dominated by different plant species: five sites were adjacent to trees or woody shrubs, while one supported only herbaceous growth. Lateral plant roots were primarily restricted to, and modified, the near-surface soil horizons to a depth of approximately 1 meter. Root area ratios (RARs) did not exceed 2.02 percent and generally decreased exponentially with depth. At depths greater than 20 cm, mean RARs for sites dominated by wood species were not significantly different from the mean RAB for the herbaceous site. No open voids clearly attributable to plant roots were observed. Roots reinforced the levee soil and increased shear resistance in a measurable manner. Infinite slope and circular arc stability analyses were performed on the landward and riverward slopes under different hydraulic loading conditions. Infinite slope analyses indicated increasing root area ratio from 0.01 percent to 1 percent increased the factor of safety from less than one to more than seven. Circular arc analyses indicated that even the lower measured root concentrations sufficed to increase safety factors for arcs with maximum depths of about 1 m from less than one to about 1.2. Our findings suggest that allowing woody shrubs and small trees on levees would provide environmental benefits and would enhance structural integrity without the hazards associated with large trees such as wind-throwing.  相似文献   

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