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Field observations of the interactions between a stratified flow and a canopy suspended from the free surface above a solid boundary are described and analysed. Data were recorded in and around the canopy formed by a large long-line mussel farm. The canopy causes a partial blockage of the water flow, reducing velocities in the upper water column. Deceleration of the approaching flow results in a deepening of isopycnals upstream of the canopy. Energy considerations show that the potential for an approaching stratified flow to be diverted beneath a porous canopy is indicated by a densimetric Froude number. Strong stratification or low-velocities inhibit vertical diversion beneath the canopy, instead favouring a horizontal diversion around the sides. The effect on vertical mixing is also considered with a shear layer generated beneath the canopy and turbulence generated from drag within the canopy. In the observations, stratification is shown to be of sufficient strength to limit the effectiveness of the first mixing process, while the turbulence within the canopy is likely to enhance vertical exchange. Velocity and temperature microstructure measurements are used to investigate the effect of the canopy on turbulent dissipation and show that dissipation is enhanced within the canopy.  相似文献   

Coco G  Thrush SF  Green MO  Hewitt JE 《Ecology》2006,87(11):2862-2870
We explore the role of biophysical feedbacks occurring at the patch scale (spatial scale of tens of meters) that influence bivalve physiological condition and affect patch stability by developing a numerical model for the pinnid bivalve, Atrina zelandica, in cohesive sediments. Simulated feedbacks involve bivalve density, flow conditions (assumed to be primarily influenced by local water depth and peak current speed), suspended sediment concentration (evaluated through a balance between background concentration, deposition, and erosion), and changes in the physiology of Atrina derived from empirical study. The model demonstrates that high bivalve density can lead to skimming flow and to a concomitant decrease in resuspension that will affect suspended sediment concentration over the patch directly feeding back on bivalve physiology. Consequently, for a given flow and background suspended sediment load, the stability of a patch directly depends on the size and density of bivalves in the patch. Although under a range of conditions patch stability is ensured independently of bivalve density, simulations clearly indicate that sudden changes in bivalve density or suspended sediment concentration can substantially affect patch structure and lead to different stable states. The model highlights the role of interactions between organisms, flow, and broader scale environmental conditions in providing a mechanistic explanation for the patchy occurrence of benthic suspension feeders.  相似文献   

Turbulence characteristics within sparse and dense canopies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Boundary layer interactions with canopies control various environmental processes. In the case of dense and homogeneous canopies, the so-called mixing layer analogy is most generally used. When the canopy becomes sparser, a transition occurs between the mixing layer and the boundary layer perturbed by interactions between element wakes. This transition has still to be fully understood and characterized. The experimental work presented here deals with the effect of the canopy density on the flow turbulence and involves an artificial canopy placed in a fully developed turbulent boundary layer. One and two-component velocity measurements are performed, both within and above the canopy. The influence of the spacing between canopy elements is studied. Longitudinal velocity statistical moments and Reynolds stresses are calculated and compared to literature data. For spacings greater than the canopy height, evidences of this transition are found in the evolution of the skewness factor, shear length scale and mixing length.  相似文献   

The turbulence behaviour along a wall roughened by pyramidal elements was analysed in the region extending from the apex of the roughness elements up to the external limit of the roughness sub-layer. The data used for the analysis were obtained by particle image velocimetry technique. The rough wall turbulent boundary layer flow is characterized by a relatively low Reynolds number. All the results on the rough wall were compared with data referring to the canonical flow on a smooth wall turbulent boundary layer. Mean values and turbulence quantities for the two flows collapse when approaching the external limit of the roughness sublayer. The quadrant analysis of the Reynolds shear stress, in the region near the surface, shows that the contribution of the sweep motions is about equivalent for the two flows (except for wall distances lower than 40 viscous units). The contribution of the ejection motions appears to be more important over the smooth wall than over the rough wall with increasing differences approaching the wall. The probability density functions of the streamwise fluctuating velocity field for the rough wall case appear to be positively skewed in the zone very close to the pyramid apex, in contrast with the behavior observed for the smooth wall case at corresponding distances from the wall. The integral and Taylor scales for the rough wall case appear to be strongly reduced by the presence of the roughness, while the Kolmogorov microscale shows higher values.  相似文献   

Excessive transport of fine sediment, and its associated pollutants, can cause detrimental impacts in aquatic environments. It is therefore important to perform accurate sediment source apportionment to identify hot spots of soil erosion. Various tracers have been adopted, often in combination, to identify sediment source type and its spatial origin; these include fallout radionuclides, geochemical tracers, mineral magnetic properties and bulk and compound-specific stable isotopes. In this review, the applicability of these techniques to particular settings and their advantages and limitations are reviewed. By synthesizing existing approaches, that make use of multiple tracers in combination with measured changes of channel geomorphological attributes, an integrated analysis of tracer profiles in deposited sediments in lakes and reservoirs can be made. Through a multi-scale approach for fine sediment tracking, temporal changes in soil erosion and sediment load can be reconstructed and the consequences of changing catchment practices evaluated. We recommend that long-term, as well as short-term, monitoring of riverine fine sediment and corresponding surface and subsurface sources at nested sites within a catchment are essential. Such monitoring will inform the development and validation of models for predicting dynamics of fine sediment transport as a function of hydro-climatic and geomorphological controls. We highlight that the need for monitoring is particularly important for hilly catchments with complex and changing land use. We recommend that research should be prioritized for sloping farmland-dominated catchments.  相似文献   

We propose, discuss and validate a theoretical and numerical framework for sediment-laden, open-channel flows which is based on the two-fluid-model (TFM) equations of motion. The framework models involve mass and momentum equations for both phases (sediment and water) including the interactive forces of drag, lift, virtual mass and turbulent dispersion. The developed framework is composed by the complete two-fluid model (CTFM), a partial two-fluid model (PTFM), and a standard sediment-transport model (SSTM). Within the umbrella of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, we apply K–ε type closures (standard and extended) to account for the turbulence in the carrier phase (water). We present the results of numerical computations undertaken by integrating the differential equations over control volumes. We address several issues of the theoretical models, especially those related to coupling between the two phases, interaction forces, turbulence closure and turbulent diffusivities. We compare simulation results with various recent experimental datasets for mean flow variables of the carrier as well as, for the first time, mean flow of the disperse phase and turbulence statistics. We show that most models analyzed in this paper predict the velocity of the carrier phase and that of the disperse phase within 10% of error. We also show that the PTFM provides better predictions of the distribution of sediment in the wall-normal direction as opposed to the standard Rousean profile, and that the CTFM is by no means superior to the PTFM for dilute mixtures. We additionally report and discuss the values of the Schmidt number found to improve the agreement between predictions of the distribution of suspended sediment and the experimental data.  相似文献   

In this work we address the role of turbulence on mixing of clear layer of fluid with sediment-laden layer of fluid at a sediment concentration interface. This process can be conceived as the entrainment of sediment-free fluid into the sediment-laden layer, or alternatively, as the transport of sediment into the top sediment-free flow. This process is governed by four parameters—Reynolds number of the flow \(Re_\tau\), non-dimensional settling velocity of the sediment (proxy for sediment size) \(\tilde{V}\), Richardson number \(Ri_\tau\) and Schmidt number Sc. For this work we have performed direct numerical simulations for fixed Reynolds and Schmidt numbers while varying the values of Richardson number and particle settling velocity. In the simple model considered here, the flow’s momentum and turbulence pre-exists over the entire layer of fluid, while the sediment is initially confined to a layer close to the bed. Mixing of sediment-free fluid with the sediment-laden layer is associated primarily with upward transport of sediment and buoyancy. There is no simultaneous upward transport of fluid momentum and turbulence into the sediment-free fluid layer, which is already in motion and turbulent. The analysis performed shows that the ability of the flow to transport a given sediment size decreases with the distance from the bottom, and thus only fine enough sediment particles are transported across the sediment concentration interface. For these cases, the concentration profiles evolve to a final steady state in good agreement with the well-known Rouse profile. The approach towards the Rouse profile happens through a transient self-similar state. This behavior of the flow is not seen for larger particles. Detailed analysis of the three dimensional structure of the sediment concentration interface shows the mechanisms by which sediment particles are lifted up by tongues of sediment-laden fluid with positive correlation between vertical velocity and sediment concentration. Finally, the mixing ability of the flow is addressed by monitoring the time evolution of the center of mass of the sediment-laden layer and the vertical location of the sediment-free/sediment-laden interface.  相似文献   

We have developed a numerical method to simulate the transport of non-sorbing contaminants within the sediment layer of a stream and the leaching of these contaminants in the steam. Typical stream bottom surfaces are uneven with triangularly shaped undulation forms. The flow of the water above such triangular surfaces causes external pressure changes that result in a “pumping effect” and a secondary flow within the sediment. The latter causes a significant contaminant advection within the sediment layer. The flow field in the porous sediment layer is obtained by solving numerically Darcy’s equations. The unsteady mass transfer equation is solved by using a finite-difference method with an up-wind scheme. The effects of parameters, such as channel slope, hydraulic head and dispersion, are studied by quantitatively comparing the numerical results of the total mass flow rate from the contaminant source, the concentration front propagation, and the contaminant mass flow rate into the water column. The “pumping effect,” increases the flow in the vertical direction and, thus, enhances the vertical advective mass transport of the contaminant. This bedform-shape induced flow is largely responsible for the mass transfer of contaminants into the water column. The numerical results also show that the mechanical dispersion inside the sediment bed will significantly increase the contaminant mass flow rate from the source.  相似文献   

泥沙沉降对长江水体富营养化相关因素的影响初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对三峡库区重庆段蓄水后,泥沙沉降对长江水体富营养化相关因素的影响进行了研究。三峡库区含沙量大,泥沙对水环境的影响不容忽视。为准确预测成库后三峡库区重庆段富营养化的发生,文章通过泥沙沉降对水质影响静态模拟试验,研究了长江原水的泥沙沉降对水体中叶绿素a、透明度、溶解性总磷、溶解性总氮、浊度等指标的影响。结果表明:三峡成库后泥沙更易沉降,引起水体浊度降低、透明度增大,这可能利于藻类的生长,导致叶绿素a的质量浓度增加,同时,泥沙沉降也使水体的溶解性氮磷比增大,对富营养化发生有抑制作用。  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the bridge pier scour embedded long contraction for the bed sediment prepared by a mixture of clay and fine sand with varying proportions having a specific range of antecedent moisture content. Results particularly focused on the clay–sand mixed cohesive bed at varying clay fractions of the sediment bed, approach flow velocity, contraction ratio and different pier shapes, on maximum equilibrium scour depth for pier scour within long contraction. Further, regression based equations for the estimation of non-dimensional maximum scour depth for piers within long contraction in clay–sand mixed cohesive bed embedded were proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report an application of neural networks to simulate daily nitrate-nitrogen and suspended sediment fluxes from a small 7.1 km2 agricultural catchment (Melarchez), 70 km east of Paris, France. Nitrate-nitrogen and sediment losses are only a few possible consequences of soil erosion and biochemical applications associated to human activities such as intensive agriculture. Stacked multilayer perceptrons models (MLPs) like the ones explored here are based on commonly available inputs and yet are reasonably accurate considering their simplicity and ease of implementation. Note that the simulation does not resort on water quality flux observations at previous time steps as model inputs, which would be appropriate, for example, to predict the water chemistry of a drinking water plant a few time steps ahead. The water quality fluxes are strictly mapped to historical mean flux values and to hydro-climatic variables such as stream flow, rainfall, and soil moisture index (12 model input candidates in total), allowing its usage even when no flux observations are available. Self-organizing feature maps based on the network structure established by Kohonen were employed first to produce the training and the testing data sets, with the intent to produce statistically close subsets so that any difference in model performance between validation and testing has to be associated to the model and not to the data subsets. The stacked MLPs reached different levels of performance simulating the nitrate-nitrogen flux and the suspended sediment flux. In the first instance, 2-input stacked MLP nitrate-nitrogen simulations, based on the same-day stream flow and on the 80-cm soil moisture index, have a performance of almost 90% according to the efficiency index. On the other hand, the performance of 3-input stacked MLPs (same-day stream flow, same-day historical flux, and same-day stream flow increment) reached a little more than 75% according to the same criterion. The results presented here are deemed already promising enough, and should encourage water resources managers to implement simple models whenever appropriate.  相似文献   

J. Gilmour 《Marine Biology》1999,135(3):451-462
Laboratory and field experiments were used to determine whether high (≃100 mg l−1), low (≃50 mg l−1) and control (≃0 mg l−1) levels of suspended sediment affected fertilisation, larval survival, and larval settlement in the scleractinian coral Acropora digitifera (Dana, 1846). Both high- and low-sediment treatments significantly decreased fertilisation, but post-fertilisation embryonic development was not inhibited by suspended sediments. Larval survival and larval settlement were significantly reduced in high- and low-sediment treatments. No difference was found between high- and low-sediment treatments in any of the three post-spawning processes investigated, suggesting that they are susceptible to sediment concentrations which are not exceptionally high even under natural conditions (>50 mg l−1). The introduction of an additional stress in the form of high levels of suspended sediments coupled with naturally high variability in recruitment may have a considerable effect on the successful supply and settlement of coral larvae to a reef. Given that many coral communities are open reproductive systems, the consequences of disturbance events are not likely to be restricted to the impact area. Recruitment to a population may be reduced significantly in the presence of high levels of suspended sediments because of effects on larval survival and settlement. Recruitment of larvae to adjacent populations may also be affected due to a decreased fertilisation success and potential increases in mortality of larvae passing through the affected site. Received: 13 August 1998 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems involved in obtaining grab samples for direct comparison of the respective benthic fauna, using information from a survey conducted across the South African Continental Shelf below the Benguela Current. Many factors influence the depth of grab penetration into the sediment and, hence, the grab sample volume. One of the most important of these factors is sediment texture. While this fact has been long recognised, most workers have attached little significance to it. It is shown here that an exponential relationship exists between the grab sample volume and sediment texture, until the minimum percentage of silt plus clay that will give a maximum grab sample volume is reached. This relationship only extends to a certain depth, in this case to 280 m. There are more species per unit number of specimens (“species richness”) in association with sand or muddy-sand than with mud. A linear relationship is given between the grab sample volume and species richness between the depths of 280 and 440 m, inclusive.  相似文献   

The effect of particle density on the turbulent open-channel flow carrying dilute particle suspensions is investigated using two specific gravities and three concentrations of solid particles. The particles, identical in size and similar in shape, were natural sand and a neutrally buoyant plastic. The particles were fully suspended, and formed no particle streaks on the channel’s bed. Accordingly, the changes in the flow are attributed to the interactions between suspended particles and flow turbulence structures. Measurements were obtained by means of image velocimetry enabling simultaneous, but distinct, measurement of liquid and particle velocities. The experimental results show that, irrespective of particle specific gravity, particle suspension influences bulk velocity of flow and the Kármán coefficient, while friction velocity essentially remains constant. The results also show that particles in suspension modify local water turbulence over the flow depth, but in ways not accurately predicted using the customary parameters for characterizing turbulence modification.  相似文献   

东江流域土壤、植被和悬浮物的碳、氮同位素组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳、氮同位素值对监测流域植被组成、环境变迁是一种非常有效的指标,为中短时间尺度环境变化研究提供了一条新的途径。以亚热带山区的东江流域为例,以流域内的植被、土壤及水体悬浮物为研究对象,应用其有机质同位素组成(δ13C、δ15N),揭示流域植被的成分和环境变化的信息。研究发现:东江流域土壤碳同位素、C/N比值差值不大;植被的氮同位素差值明显,C/N比值差异较大。对东江流域悬浮物δ13C值近20年的监测表明:其值在早期逐年升高,近10年来转趋稳定并呈明显下降趋势,变化范围在-17.8‰~-26.1‰之间,反映了该流域植被破坏和恢复的过程以及土壤侵蚀状况的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Short-term laboratory feeding experiments were conducted to determine the response of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) (32 mm in mean shell length) to increasing sediment concentrations. Clams were fed mixed suspensions of Pseudoisochrysis paradoxa (50 and 150 cells l-1) and bottom sediments (0 to 44 mg l-1). Algal ingestion rate deelined with increasing sediment loads. This resulted primarily from a reduction in clearance rate, which declined by 0.08 l h-1 g-1 (1.3%) for every 1 mg l-1 increase in sediment load. This reduction was of similar magnitude for juvenile (13 mm) clams. At the algal concentrations tested, pseudofaeces production was intermittent and inconspicuous below about 10 mg silt l-1. Loss of algae in pseudofaeces increased with increasing sediment loads; however, even at the highest silt and algal concentrations, clams lost a maximum of only 18% of the algae cleared from suspension. Thus, pseudofaeces production is not expected to cause significant loss of algal food at the sediment concentrations normally encountered in the natural environment ( ca 40 mg silt l-1). Absorption rate of total organic matter remained constant, at least up to silt concentrations of 20 mg l-1. Experiments using dual 51Cr:14C-formaldehyde-labelled sediment indicated that clams were able to counteract the dilution of algae by absorbing a considerable fraction (21 to 22%) of detrital sedimentary organics. Absorption efficiency of pure P. paradoxa ranged from 82% at 50 cells l-1 to 58% at 150 cells l-1. Integration of physiological rate measurements suggests that at moderate to high algal concentrations (300 g Cl-1), growth improvement by the addition of silt, documented in mussels, surf clams and oysters, is unlikely to occur in M. mercenaria. It is suggested that a suspension-feeding bivalve's success in maximizing its energy gain in a turbid environment depends on the combination of two features: a high selection efficiency and a high rate of pseudofaeces production. It is proposed that species which regulate ingestion primarily by producing pseudofaeces are better adapted to cope with high suspended sediment loads than species such as M. mercenaria, which control ingestion mainly by reducing clearance rate.Contribution No. 451 from the Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA  相似文献   

采样测定了天津地区2典型鱼塘鲫鱼、鲢鱼、水、悬浮物、沉积物和鱼塘周边表土中的DDT及其代谢产物含量。结果发现,2鱼塘各主要介质以及鱼体肌肉和器官中都富集了较高浓度的DDT。鲫鱼和鲢鱼肌肉中DDT的含量分别为(66.4±2.7)ng·g-1和(24.3±23.4)ng·g-1。肝胰脏、肠和鱼鳃中DDT含量一般高于肌肉,其中肠的富集量最大,是肌肉的3倍以上。生物富集系数(lgBCF)分别为3.7和3.3。2鱼塘鱼体和各相含量有较大差别,鱼塘介质中悬浮物富集浓度最高。表土污染相对严重地区的鱼塘中各介质和鱼体DDT含量均高于另一污染较轻的鱼塘。污染严重鱼塘的DDE/ΣDDT含量比值也相对较高,反映早期污染残留的重要特征。尽管如此,仍然较高的DDT含量以及悬浮物中很低的DDE/ΣDDT含量比值说明很可能还有污染源存在。  相似文献   

A quasi-stationary model of vertical distribution of concentration of suspended particular matter in the bottom layer of 1D open channel with a sloped bottom and varying free surface slope is discussed. The model proceeds from the balance between the turbulent diffusion and settling with the buoyancy flux effects on the medium turbulence neglected. The model outcome is formulated in the form of an analytic formula for the vertical distribution of concentration. It is shown that the derived formula embraces two basic types of vertical distribution of concentration, one with a monotonic decrease of concentration gradient and the other with a gradient maximum (lutocline) located at some distance from the bottom. The first distribution type realizes for a relatively large settling velocity or low intensity of turbulence and the second type for a small settling velocity or high intensity of turbulence. The skill of the model to mimic realistic situations is demonstrated on data measured in the Jiaojiang Estuary (China).  相似文献   

Gu  Jiyi  Shan  Yuqi  Liu  Chao  Liu  Xingnian 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2019,19(2):475-493
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate how flow patterns and bed morphology are affected around a submerged vegetation patch in the condition without...  相似文献   

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