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高速公路雨水径流重金属污染初期效应   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
通过对8场降雨高速公路路面雨水径流中溶解态和颗粒态Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn 4种重金属进行现场取样检测,在定性分析径流重金属污染初期效应存现的基础上,定量分析了重金属污染初期效应的显著程度,并探讨了降雨特征对径流重金属污染初期效应的影响.无因次累积负荷分数-累积体积分数曲线分析结果表明,大多数降雨事件中总重金属存在较显著的初期效应,除溶解态Pb不具有初期效应外,其余溶解态与颗粒态重金属均存在较显著的初期效应.少数降雨事件的径流在中后期存在二次冲刷效应.初期冲刷比值分析结果表明,拦截并处理径流初期25%流量(径流的体积分数,下同)可去除整个降雨事件中所排放的35%~39%(质量分数,下同)的重金属污染负荷.总重金属初期效应的显著程度顺序如下:Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb;溶解态重金属初期效应的显著程度顺序如下:Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb;颗粒态重金属初期效应的显著程度顺序为:Cu>Cd>Pb>Zn.重金属初期冲刷比值与降雨特征相关性分析表明,平均降雨强度对径流重金属污染负荷初期效应的影响显著,降雨历时、降雨量、前期晴天数和产流时间对径流重金属污染负荷初期效应的影响较小.  相似文献   

道路雨水径流溶解性有机物与重金属结合作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解道路雨水径流溶解性有机物(DOM)与重金属的相互作用,采用荧光激发-发射矩阵光谱、超滤、离子选择电极法及红外光谱等技术对道路雨水径流溶解性有机物及其组分同Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)的络合作用进行了研究.结果表明,道路雨水径流DOM与3种重金属离子的络合作用由强到弱依次是:Cu~(2+)Pb~(2+)Cd~(2+),4种分子量DOM组分与重金属之间均发生了络合反应,且DOM组分分子量越小,与重金属之间的络合作用越强.4个不同分子量区间的DOM组分与Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)之间的络合作用由强到弱的顺序为:1 kDa组分、1~10 kDa组分、10~30kDa组分、30 kDa~0.45μm组分.  相似文献   

交通密度对道路雨水径流溶解性有机物污染特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解交通密度对道路雨水径流中溶解性有机物(DOM)特性的影响,采用超滤、荧光激发-发射矩阵光谱、紫外-可见吸收光谱及红外光谱等技术对不同交通密度的道路雨水径流进行表征.结果表明,道路雨水径流中胶体态有机碳(1 k Da)含量高于真溶解态有机碳(1 k Da)含量;道路雨水径流溶解性有机物中类色氨酸蛋白物质含量最多,其次是类富里酸物质和类络氨酸蛋白物质,类腐殖酸物质和微生物代谢物含量较少;主要含有—OH、—COOH、苯环等官能团.道路交通密度并未改变道路雨水径流DOM的种类及官能团组成,但交通密度越大其径流有机污染越严重、胶体态有机碳含量越高、大分子类色氨酸蛋白物质含量越多、芳香性越强.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市融雪径流中重金属污染空间分布及源解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2018年哈尔滨市融雪径流中重金属(Fe、Pb、Cr、Cd、Hg和Zn)监测数据,结合气象数据,运用暴雨洪水管理模型(SWMM)构建了城市融雪过程水文及水质模型.对各排水口及汇水区融雪径流产出量、单位面积重金属负荷量进行了计算,并在此基础上分析了融雪径流中重金属污染的空间分布特征及主要来源.结果表明:在采集的融雪径流样品中,Fe浓度最大,平均值为4.95 mg·L~(-1);Hg浓度最小,平均值为0.542μg·L~(-1);Pb浓度变化范围最大,在32.14~254.36μg·L~(-1)之间;Hg浓度变化范围最小,为0.038~0.841μg·L~(-1).在空间分布上, Fe、Pb、Cr、Cd和Zn 5种重金属浓度的高值区均分布在人口密集的居民区、商业区及主要交通道路周围.排水口重金属污染产出量与径流量成正比,总产出量FePbCrCdHgZn. Zn产出量由高到低的排放口依次为马家沟、阿什河、松北区排放口、何家沟、道里区排放口和道外区排放口,其它5种重金属产污量总体呈现阿什河马家沟何家沟松北区排放口道里区排放口道外区排放口的趋势.Fe的单位面积负荷总量最大,为2405.94μg·m~(-2);Pb和Cr次之,为36.36μg·m~(-2)和14μg·m~(-2).主成分分析结果表明哈尔滨市春季融雪径流中重金属的主要来源依次为工业源、生活与机动车源和燃煤源,贡献率分别为43.237%、23.598%和12.012%.  相似文献   

自然沟渠控制村镇降雨径流中氮磷污染的主要作用机制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以四川盆地紫色丘陵区林山村镇为例,分析降雨径流过程中氮磷在自然沟渠内的空间变化特征和不同控制机制的净化能力,研究了自然沟渠控制村镇降雨径流中氮磷的主要作用机制.研究结果表明,除NO3--N浓度在沿程上呈先减后增而后再减的趋势外,其它氮磷污染物(TN、PN、NH4+-N、TP、PP和PO43-·P)均为沿程递减趋势.溶解态氮是降雨径流氮素在空间沿程上的主要迁移形态,溶解态磷是流量限制型事件降雨径流磷紊空间沿程的主要迁移形态,而颗粒态磷是物质限制型事件降雨径流磷素空间沿程的主要迁移形态.泥沙截控固持是自然沟渠控制降雨径流氮磷污染的主要作用机制,有效降低径流中颗粒物浓度和拦截泥沙是控制降雨径流氮磷污染的关键.沉降段和沉沙凼具有明显的泥沙及颗粒态氮磷截控固持作用,可较好地去除村镇降雨径流中的氮磷颗粒态污染物,平均氮磷去除量分别为144.51、65.20 g·m-2(平均雨量37.85mm).植物吸收是植被段氮磷去除的重要途径,在雨季共吸收氮磷分别可达82.69、12.52 g·m-2.跌落曝氧也是降雨径流氮磷污染控制的重要作用机制,跌落段对NH4+-N的平均去除负荷为15.05 g·m-2.  相似文献   

Monitoring data are often used to identify stormwater runoff characteristics and in stormwater runoff modelling without consideration of their inherent uncertainties. Integrated with discrete sample analysis and error propagation analysis, this study attempted to quantify the uncertainties of discrete chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS) concentration, stormwater flowrate, stormwater event volumes, COD event mean concentration (EMC), and COD event loads in terms of flow measurement, sample collection, storage and laboratory analysis. The results showed that the uncertainties due to sample collection, storage and laboratory analysis of COD from stormwater runoff are 13.99%, 19.48% and 12.28%. Meanwhile, flow measurement uncertainty was 12.82%, and the sample collection uncertainty of TSS from stormwater runoff was 31.63%. Based on the law of propagation of uncertainties, the uncertainties regarding event flow volume, COD EMC and COD event loads were quantified as 7.03%, 10.26% and 18.47%.  相似文献   


城市化发展导致不透水地表面积率大幅攀升,由此带来的一系列问题逐渐受到人们关注,夏季城市汇水区域地表产生高温径流后汇入下游受纳水体所造成的雨水径流热污染,对水生态、水环境造成不良影响的风险尤为突出。选取北京市典型汇水区域,对2021—2022年多场降雨径流出流温度进行监测与分析,并对气象因素、下垫面温度及管道内径流热量等数据进行同步采集,运用皮尔逊相关系数法分析其影响因素。结果表明:研究区域夏季降雨常出现雨水径流温度升高现象,降水量小于12.5 mm、降雨历时短于250 min的降雨场次更易于升温,升温幅度最高可达4.1 ℃;径流温度升高往往出现在径流过程初期,温度达峰平均时间为38 min;径流是否升温与降雨强度峰值位置之间没有明显关系;气温、不透水地表初始时刻温度、降雨历时及降水量是雨水径流温度的极显著影响因素(P<0.01);降雨期间气温、降雨历时、不透水地表初始时刻温度和管道内壁温度4个指标,可以基本解释研究区域96.7%的径流温度输出情况。


滇池流域富磷地区暴雨径流中磷素的沉降及输移规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
滇池流域的磷矿分布及其开采是导致滇池湖泊富营养化的重要原因.因此,本文对滇池流域富磷地区暴雨径流中磷素输出、输移过程中总磷含量与颗粒粒径的关系进行了研究.结果发现,不同土地利用类型的污染源在暴雨中的磷流失量差异性显著,呈现磷矿开采区>林地>台地的特征;暴雨径流水样沉淀8h后,TP浓度显著下降;两场暴雨径流水样中,平均63.3%的磷素随粒径<0.02mm的颗粒流失,其中,平均43.8%的磷素随粒径<0.008mm的颗粒流失;两场暴雨径流中,仅有1.5%的总磷从污染源经沟渠最终进入了河道.研究表明,径流中所含总磷以小于0.02mm的颗粒物形式流失,通过延长水力停留时间可以达到良好的沉淀去除效果,而沟渠系统在面源总磷污染的控制过程中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

雨洪管理措施的应用可有效控制雨水径流量及其污染物,系统分析雨洪管理措施对径流及其污染物的影响有助于理解雨洪管理的水环境效应。本文基于Meta方法整理国内已发表的文献案例,通过提取雨洪管理措施的类型、应用尺度、降雨特征及径流量和污染物削减率等信息,综述了雨洪管理措施应用后径流量和污染物的变化。结果表明:(1)不同雨洪管理措施所产生的水环境效应存在差异,样本中屋顶绿化的径流削减能力最强,透水铺装的径流污染物削减效果最佳;(2)雨洪管理措施对水环境的影响具有尺度效应,大尺度区域内雨洪管理措施对径流量削减作用较弱,而小尺度区域内径流污染物削减作用较弱;(3)雨洪管理措施对径流量及其污染物的削减能力随降雨量增加呈下降趋势。结合案例数据,系统分析了雨洪管理措施在径流量及其污染物控制效果上的差异及成因,可为径流调控与污染治理等实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff has been identified as a source of pollution for the environment, especially for receiving waters. In order to quantify and manage the impacts of stormwater runoff on the environment, predictive models and mathematical models have been developed. Predictive tools such as regression models have been widely used to predict stormwater discharge characteristics. Storm event characteristics, such as antecedent dry days (ADD), have been related to response variables, such as pollutant loads and concentrations. However it has been a controversial issue among many studies to consider ADD as an important variable in predicting stormwater discharge characteristics. In this study, we examined the accuracy of general linear regression models in predicting discharge characteristics of roadway runoff. A total of 17 storm events were monitored in two highway segments, located in Gwangju, Korea. Data from the monitoring were used to calibrate United States Environmental Protection Agency's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The calibrated SWMM was simulated for 55 storm events, and the results of total suspended solid (TSS) discharge loads and event mean concentrations (EMC) were extracted. From these data, linear regression models were developed. R2 and p-values of the regression of ADD for both TSS loads and EMCs were investigated. Results showed that pollutant loads were better predicted than pollutant EMC in the multiple regression models. Regression may not provide the true effect of site-specific characteristics, due to uncertainty in the data.  相似文献   

以上海市某大型畜禽养殖场为研究区域,揭示了该养殖场雨水径流中19种药物和个人护理品(PPCPs)的存在水平和时间变化规律,阐明了雨水径流的初期冲刷效应.结果表明,不同采样时间点雨水径流样品中目标PPCPs浓度范围为0.62~166ng/L,15种PPCPs检出率可达100%;目标PPCPs在降雨前期(径流产生的15~30min)出现浓度峰值,随后浓度降低并趋于稳定;通过描述径流污染输出负荷同径流量关系的LP-F曲线和前30%径流流量排放的污染物负荷比指标(FF30)进一步证明该养殖场雨水径流中PPCPs具有显著的初期冲刷效应;研究结果为有效控制畜禽养殖场雨水径流中PPCPs污染提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of pollutant concentrations and pollution loads in stormwater runoff in Chongqing,six typical land use types were selected and studied from August 2009 to September 2011.Statistical analysis on the distribution of pollutant concentrations in all water samples shows that pollutant concentrations fluctuate greatly in rainfall-runoff,and the concentrations of the same pollutant also vary greatly in different rainfall events.In addition,it indicates that the event mean concentrations (EMCs) of total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from urban traffic roads (UTR) are significantly higher than those from residential roads (RR),commercial areas (CA),concrete roofs (CR),tile roofs (TRoof),and campus catchment areas (CCA);and the EMCs of total phosphorus (TP) and NH3-N from UTR and CA are 2.35-5 and 3 times of the class-III standard values specified in the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002).The EMCs of Fe,Pb and Cd are also much higher than the class-III standard values.The analysis of pollution load producing coefficients (PLPC) reveals that the main pollution source of TSS,COD and TP is UTR.The analysis of correlations between rainfall factors and EMCs/PLPC indicates that rainfall duration is correlated with EMCs/PLPC of TSS for TRoof and TP for UTR,while rainfall intensity is correlated with EMCs/PLPC of TP for both CR and CCA.The results of this study provide a reference for better management of non-point source pollution in urban regions.  相似文献   

To evaluate the e ects of long-term applications of phosphorus fertilizers on mobility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and heavy metals in agricultural soils, a sandy soil and a loamy soil were spiked with ammonium phosphate at application rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg P per kilogram of soil. A series of 15-cm long soil columns were constructed by packing incubated soils of varying concentrations of P. The soil columns were consecutively leached by simulated rainfalls for six cycles. The contents of water extractable organic carbon in both sandy and loamy soils increased significantly with increasing rates of P applications. Relatively high rates of P applications could induce a marked increase in DOM concentrations in the leachates, the e ects were larger with the sandy soil rather than with the loamy soil. Applications of P changed the partitioning of trace metals in the soil solids and the soil solutions. The increased P application rates also seemed to elevate the leaching of Cu, Cd, and Zn from soils. The concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn in the leachates were positively correlated with DOM, probably due to the formation of metal-DOM complexes. In contrast, Pb concentrations in the leachates were negatively correlated with DOM, and decreased with increasing rates of P applications. The boosted leaching of DOM induced by high rates of P applications was probably due to the added phosphate ions competing for adsorption sites in the soil solids with the indigenous DOM.  相似文献   

This work investigated the distribution and speciation of Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe and Mn in the shallow sediments of Jinzhou Bay, Northeast China, which has been heavily contaminated by nonferrous smelting activities. The concentrations of Cd, Cu and Pb in sediments were found to be 100, 13 and 7 times, respectively, being higher than the national guideline (GB 18668-2002). Sequential extraction test showed that 39%-61% of Cd were exchangeable fractions, indicating that Cd in the sediments posed a high risk to local...  相似文献   

电化学方法去除污泥中重金属的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
分析了河东污水处理厂污泥中Pb、Cd、Cu、Ni的含量和形态分布特征,并以PbO2/Ti电极板为阳极、铜板为阴极通电处理污泥,考察了电压、通电时间等因素对污泥pH及重金属去除效果的影响.结果表明,污泥中Cd和Ni的含量超过了国家农用标准(GB4284—1984),同时,Cd和Ni也具有较高的生态可利用性.不同电压对污泥重金属去除率影响较大,当电压为35 V,电流为80 mA,反应时间为6 h时,对污泥的处理效果与费用最佳,在此电压下对污泥进行处理,Cu、Pb、Cd和Ni的去除率分别为57.35%、48.42%、68.63%和49.85%.此时,阳极区污泥中的重金属含量已有较大程度的降低,均能达到国家农用标准(GB4284—1984).  相似文献   


垃圾渗滤液中富含的溶解性有机质(DOM)包含羟基、羧基、羰基等多种活性官能团,是重金属在环境介质中迁移的重要载体。垃圾渗滤液因来源不同,其中的DOM组分与重金属种类、含量也存在显著差异。 DOM 与重金属之间常见的反应以络合作用为主,该作用是影响渗滤液中DOM和重金属形态及环境行为效应的关键。然而,DOM络合过程十分复杂,为了解析络合作用,有效的表征方法及据此建立的络合模型,是厘清垃圾渗滤液DOM与重金属络合机制的重要技术手段。重点介绍了荧光技术、紫外-可见光谱法、红外光谱法等DOM表征方法以及常用的络合模型,综述了络合过程中pH、DOM组成、重金属离子等影响因素,以期揭示渗滤液中重金属的形态转化规律,为污染修复技术提供理论指导。


以吉林黑土、北京黄土和河北砂土作为模拟下渗柱土壤介质,考察进水pH值、流速和离子强度等条件变化时土壤胶体释放对重金属截留效果的影响,并揭示其主要作用机制.结果表明,土壤胶体与土壤颗粒间静电斥力是影响土壤胶体释放的主要因素,pH值为7.0时黑土、黄土和砂土胶体释放浓度最高,分别为216.5,182.4和272.2mg/L...  相似文献   

为研究快速城市化区域河网沉积物重金属污染特征和生态风险,调查了研究区域具有代表性的5条河道,共采集了19份表层(0~10 cm)沉积物样品,重点分析Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn、Ni和Hg共8种重金属的含量,并评价其生物毒害效应、污染水平和生态风险.结果表明,8种重金属的含量范围分别为:0.29~3.33、6.10~42.40、20.50~149.00、19.60~196.00、15.40~437.00、69.10~560.00、15.80~86.70和0.04~0.61 mg·kg~(-1),其中Cd、Cu和Zn平均含量分别为研究区背景值的28.40、7.20和5.80倍,超当地背景值,情况较为显著.8种重金属含量水平多位于沉积物物质基准值TEC-PEC之间,产生生物毒害效应的可能性不容忽视,63.16%的点位平均可能效应浓度商Q值大于0.5,表明大部分点位中重金属的复合污染已经对底栖生物产生了毒害效应;地累积指数和潜在生态危害评价认为Cd、Cu和Zn的污染水平和生态风险较高,其中Cd对评价结果的贡献率最高.基于以上分析认为,研究区域沉积物重金属污染风险水平较高,其中Cd毒性较大且污染显著,值得重点关注,研究区域重金属污染防治和管理应针对Cd展开.  相似文献   

通过水稻盆栽试验研究磷酸氢二钠(DSP)和羟基磷灰石(HAP)对污染土壤中重金属(Pb、Cd、Zn)向水稻迁移的影响.结果表明,①DSP和HAP都显著提高了土壤pH值和有效磷含量(p0.05),降低了土壤中Pb、Cd、Zn交换态含量,且HAP降低重金属交换态的效果较DSP好.水稻地上部分重金属含量与土壤中重金属交换态含量呈明显正相关关系,说明DSP和HAP通过降低土壤中重金属交换态含量从而达到减少重金属向水稻中迁移的目的.②DSP和HAP明显降低了水稻各器官Pb、Cd的含量,同时使水稻根、壳、糙米中Zn含量降低,但增加了茎叶中Zn的含量.与对照相比,DSP和HAP分别使糙米中Pb、Cd、Zn最大降低了48.72%、22.22%、25.35%和62.82%、66.67%、39.88%,但是糙米中Pb、Cd含量仍未达到食品卫生标准限值(GB2762—2012).③DSP和HAP处理都使水稻根干重逐渐减少,使茎叶、壳、糙米干重先增加后降低,在0.12 g·kg-1时使水稻糙米产量最大.综上,DSP和HAP都能有效控制土壤中Pb、Cd、Zn向水稻中迁移,且HAP效果比DSP好,但磷添加量不宜过高.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater runoff nearly discharges directly into bodies of water through gray infrastructure in China, such as sewers, impermeable ditches, and pump stations. As urban flooding, water shortage, and other environment problems become serious, integrated water environment management is becoming increasingly complex and challenging. At more than 200 ha, the Oriental Sun City community is a large retirement community located in the eastern side of Beijing. During the beginning of its construction, the project faced a series of serious water environment crises such as eutrophication, flood risk, water shortage, and high maintenance costs. To address these issues, an integral storrnwater management master plan was developed based on the concept of low impact development (LID). A large number of LID and green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) approaches were designed and applied in the community to replace traditional stormwater drainage systems completely. These approaches mainly included bioretention (which captured nearly 85th percentile volume of the annual runoff in the site, nearly 5.4 x 10^5 m3 annually), swales (which functioned as a substitute for traditional stormwater pipes), waterscapes, and stormwater wetlands. Finally, a stormwater system plan was proposed by integrating with the gray water system, landscape planning, an architectural master plan, and related consultations that supported the entire construction period. After more than 10 years of planning, designing, construction, and operation, Oriental Sun City has become one of the earliest modem large-scale LID communities in China. Moreover, the project not only addressed the crisis efficiently and effectively, but also yielded economic and ecological benefits.  相似文献   

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