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Seasonal and long-term variations in the body size of planktonic copepods were studied in the northern Baltic Sea. The influence of temperature, salinity and phytoplankton concentration to the body size of Eurytemora affinis, Acartia bifilosa and Limnocalanus macrurus (Calanoida) was examined at three sea areas, differing in their hydrographical and trophic conditions (an archipelago area and an enclosed bay on the SW coast of Finland in 1992 and at an open sea station in the Gulf of Bothnia in 1991). There was an inverse relationship between copepod body length and temperature, while there was a direct effect of phytoplankton concentration. According to multiple regression analysis, the relative importance of these factors varied according to species, developmental stage and study area. In the archipelago area, copepod body size was mainly determined by temperature, while in the open Gulf of Bothnia, phytoplankton concentration was usually more important. Interannual variation in the summer body length of E. affinis and A. bifilosa was examined using samples collected over 18 years (1967 to 1984) in the archipelago area. In this analysis, the inverse relationship between water temperature and copepod body size disappeared; in E. affinis the average female length correlated positively with summer temperature. We suggest that the length and timing of the study period greatly influence the investigator's view of the factors regulating copepod body size.  相似文献   

The temporal sequence and the magnitude of the sexual reproduction and subsequent cyst deposition of the common spring-bloom dinoflagellate Scrippsiella hangoei (Schiller) Larsen was studied during spring 1996 on the SW coast of Finland, Baltic Sea. The abundances of the different size of fractions of S. hangoei (14 to 18 μm, 18 to 22 μm and >22 μm) were monitored in the water column, and the deposition of resting cysts was measured using moored sediment traps. Cyst sedimentation rates were measured throughout the seasonal cycle in order to estimate cyst resuspension rates for the quantitative assessment of the fraction of population undergoing encystment. The onset of sexual reproduction, indicated by a significant increase of the small cells (14 to 18 μm) representing gametes, occurred in a nutrient replete environment well before the exponential growth phase and peak abundances of vegetative cells. Gamete formation was followed by high abundances of large cells (>22 μm) representing planozygotes, and subsequent sedimentation of resting cysts. Approximately 60% of the asexually growing bloom population was estimated to form planozygotes, suggesting that encystment was an important factor in bloom termination and possibly plays a role in the regulation of the magnitude of the bloom. Finally encystment accounted for 40% of the entire S. hangoei population, resulting in a considerable loss of the bloom population and an input of the vernal phytoplankton biomass to the benthos. Received: 11 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the potential for recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Hatching of resting eggs was induced in the laboratory on sliced and resuspended 1-cm depth-sections of sediment cores, collected at six stations in an archipelago area of the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. The uppermost 5 cm of the sediment was studied. The most common species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda). Individuals from another copepod genus, Acartia, hatched in significant numbers only in the cores from two stations with low amphipod abundance. Cores from stations with high amphipod densities showed a deeper distribution of emerging E. affinis nauplii compared with stations with few amphipods; the oxidised sediment layer was also deeper at high M. affinis densities than at low. Total (0 to 5 cm strata pooled) number of hatched E. affinis nauplii was independent of amphipod density. This indicates that the effect of M. affinis on E. affinis eggs involves deeper burial due to bioturbation, rather than predation. Decreased benthic recruitment of zooplankton at localities with high M. affinis density is suggested, since more deeply positioned eggs are less likely to hatch. When hatching was induced in intact, non-sliced cores from one station, the number of E. affinis nauplii that hatched was on average 43% of the number that hatched in the upper centimetre of the sliced cores from the same station. This fraction (43%), if applied to the other stations, implied a potential for benthic recruitment of up to 80 000 ind m−2 for E. affinis. Due to its high abundance, M. affinis is likely to greatly reduce benthic recruitment of zooplankton in this system. Received: 17 September 1999 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the oxygen uptake rate ( ) and ammonia excretion rate ( ) of the benthic deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis vere studied in an open-sea population of the northern Baltic Sea during three consecutive years (1991 to 1993). In the early summer an increase in the weightspecific by 22% (standard 1-mg individual) was registered; an even more striking change was noted in the , which showed an increase in the early summer of ca. six times the extremely low winter/spring valnes. The metabolic changes observed could not be attributed to temperature, which remained at steadystate throughout the year, nor could seasonal variations in the biochemical composition of the amphipods explain the results. Therefor, it is evident that quality-food abundance following the sedimentation of the spring phytoplankton bloom induces the observed early-summer elevations in and . In turn, the marked decrease in the towards autumn reflects the gradual depletion of quality-food in the benthic environment. Atomic O: N ratios indicated that at the sampling location, M. affinis uses lipid almost exclusively for metabolic energy throughout the year, except in early summer when the use of lipid and protein was observed to be almost equal. Results also indicated a time-lag between sedimentation of the phytoplankton bloom and metabolic response in the amphipod population.  相似文献   

The response of the Baltic Sea spring bloom was studied in mesocosm experiments, where temperatures were elevated up to 6°C above the present-day sea surface temperature of the spring bloom season. Four of the seven experiments were carried out at different light levels (32–202?Wh?m?2 at the start of the experiments) in the different experimental years. In one further experiment, the factors light and temperature were crossed, and in one experiment, the factors density of overwintering zooplankton and temperature were crossed. Overall, there was a slight temporal acceleration of the phytoplankton spring bloom, a decline of peak biomass and a decline of mean cell size with warming. The temperature influence on phytoplankton bloom timing, biomass and size structure was qualitatively highly robust across experiments. The dependence of timing, biomass, and size structure on initial conditions was tested by multiple regression analysis of the y-temperature regressions with the candidate independent variables initial light, initial phytoplankton biomass, initial microzooplankton biomass, and initial mesozooplankton (=copepod) biomass. The bloom timing predicted for mean temperatures (5.28°C) depended on light. The peak biomass showed a strong positive dependence on light and a weaker negative dependence on initial copepod density. Mean phytoplankton cell size predicted for the mean temperature responded positively to light and negatively to copepod density. The anticipated mismatch between phytoplankton supply and food demand by newly hatched copepod nauplii occurred only under the combination of low light and warm temperatures. The analysis presented here confirms earlier conclusions about temperature responses that are based on subsets of our experimental series. However, only the comprehensive analysis across all experiments highlights the importance of the factor light.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the development and hatching of resting eggs of the Ponto-Caspian Cercopagis pengoi was studied experimentally in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Morphological changes were monitored as the development of the resting eggs proceeded. Sexual reproduction of the C. pengoi population in the Gulf of Finland was evaluated by combining the data from hatching experiments and resting egg abundances in the sediment. Development time of resting eggs was dependent on temperature: increase in the temperature shortened the time needed until hatching. Hatching success was also dependent on incubation temperature. Almost sixfold increase in hatching success was detected when temperature increased two degrees above the storage temperature. Average resting egg abundances varied between 0.16 and 0.49 eggs cm−3 in the 0–6 cm sediment layer.  相似文献   

Low densities of harbour porpoises in winter (November–March) and high densities in summer (April–October) were found in the Sound, connecting the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Due to their high energy requirements, it is hypothesized that the density of harbour porpoises is related to local prey abundance. This was tested by examining the stomach content of 53 harbour porpoises collected between 1987 and 2010 in the Sound (high season, 34 porpoises; low season, 19 porpoises). A total of 1,442 individual fish specimens from thirteen species were identified. Twelve of these were present in the high–porpoise density season and seven in the low-density season. The distribution of occurrence and the distribution of number of fish species were different between seasons, indicating a shift in prey intake between seasons. Furthermore, during the high-density season, the mean and total prey weight per stomach as well as the prey species diversity was higher. However, no difference was found in the number of prey species between the two seasons, indicating a higher quality of prey in the high-density season. Atlantic cod was found to be the main prey species in terms of weight in the high-density season while Atlantic herring and Atlantic cod were equally important during the low-density season. Prey availability and predictability are suggested as the main drivers for harbour porpoise distribution, and this could be caused by the formation of frontal zones in spring in the northern part of the Sound, leading to prey concentrations in predictable areas.  相似文献   

Measurements of primary production in the Baltic Sea over a period of 2 years (1969/1971) by the 14C method are reported. The rate of total annual production for the Baltic Sea proper and the Gulf of Finland including coastal areas appears to lie between 35 and 40 gC·m2, a rate which can be assumed as characteristic for oligotrophic waters with a low production rate. An apparent increase in productivity between the 2 years could be noted. Calculations for the water mass below the halocline show that between 0.7 and 0.8 ml/l oxygen is used up during a period of 3 months required for the development of anoxic conditions. The major portion of the organic matter in the Baltic Sea undergoes decomposition in the sub-photic zone above the halocline. The ratio of organic material in deep water to the total available oxidizable matter appears to remain constant with time; therefore, the apparent increase in productivity in the photic layer does not affect apprecibly the development of anoxic conditions in deep water. Of the different areas investigated, the Gulf of Finland seems to be the most productive. In the southern Baltic Sea, the rate of production over 5 years between 1966 and 1971 has not changed appreciably. In fact, it shows a trend toward a slight decrease, whereas, in other areas of the Baltic Sea, the rate of production indicates an apparent increase. Comparison with oceanic coastal areas of the west coast of Sweden shows that the rate of production there is higher than in the Baltic Sea. Of the micronutrients controlling productivity in the photic layer of the Baltic Sea, nitrate has a stronger limiting effect on plant growth than phosphate, a fact which is in agreement with existing conceptions on the subject. Dissolved iron does not seem to exert any appreciable influence on the productivity.  相似文献   

Toxic cyanobacterial blooms, dominated by Nodularia spumigena, are a recurrent phenomenon in the Baltic Sea during late summer. Nodularin, a potent hepatotoxin, has been previously observed to accumulate on different trophic levels, in zooplankton, mysid shrimps, fish as well as benthic organisms, even in waterfowl. While the largest concentrations of nodularin have been measured from the benthic organisms and the food web originating from them, the concentrations in the pelagic organisms are not negligible. The observations on concentrations in zooplankton and planktivorous fish are sporadic, however. A field study in the Gulf of Finland, northern Baltic Sea, was conducted during cyanobacterial bloom season where zooplankton (copepod Eurytemora affinis, cladoceran Pleopsis polyphemoides) and fish (herring, sprat, three-spined stickleback) samples for toxin analyses were collected from the same sampling areas, concurrently with phytoplankton community samples. N. spumigena was most abundant in the eastern Gulf of Finland. In this same sampling area, cladoceran P. polyphemoides contained more nodularin than in the other areas, suggesting that this species has a low capacity to avoid cyanobacterial exposure when the abundance of cyanobacterial filaments is high. In copepod E. affinis nodularin concentrations were high in all of the sampling areas, irrespective of the N. spumigena cell numbers. Furthermore, nodularin concentrations in herring samples were highest in the eastern Gulf of Finland. Three-spined stickleback contained the highest concentrations of nodularin of all the three fish species included in this study, probably because it prefers upper water layers where also the risk of nodularin accumulation in zooplankton is the highest. No linear relationship was found between N. spumigena abundance and nodularin concentration in zooplankton and fish, but in the eastern area where the most dense surface-floating bloom was observed, the nodularin concentrations in zooplankton were high. The maximum concentrations in zooplankton and fish samples in this study were higher than measured before, suggesting that the temporal variation of nodularin concentrations in pelagic communities can be large, and vary from negligible to potentially harmful.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing, deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Intact sediment cores with in situ density and species composition of zooplankton resting eggs and benthic fauna were collected in the northern Bothnian Sea, part of the Baltic Sea. We removed as many M. affinis as possible from the cores and then added different numbers of M. affinis to the cores to generate a range of densities. The cores were exposed to different densities of M. affinis for either 3 or 40 days, after which the hatched zooplankton was registered. One subset of the cores were initially incubated under low temperature (2–3 °C, to prevent hatching) for 37 days (the resting phase), to allow for effects of M. affinis on unhatched resting eggs. These cores were then incubated under higher temperature (13 °C) for 3 days (the hatching phase), to induce hatching and allow for effects on hatching or hatched specimens. In a second subset of cores with the same time and temperature schedule, the M. affinis density was experimentally reduced at the start of the hatching phase, to evaluate the effect of M. affinis during the hatching phase. To a third subset of cores, we immediately initiated the hatching phase, without an experimental resting phase, to evaluate the effects induced during the resting phase. The most common zooplankton species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda), followed by Bosmina longispina maritima (Cladocera). In all cores that were subjected to a resting phase, the numbers of hatched E. affinis were log-linearly negatively related to density of M. affinis. An increase of M. affinis density from 1,000 to 5,000 individuals m−2, normal field densities, reduced the hatching by 60–70%. The negative impact was mainly exerted during the hatching phase, suggesting predation on, burial of or physical injury of hatching nauplii or eggs in a late development stage as likely mechanisms. Also, the number of B. longispina maritima that hatched was reduced by M. affinis during the hatching phase, but no clear relation to density of M. affinis could be identified. The results show that M. affinis can reduce recruitment to zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Such impact by the benthos on resting stages of zooplankton is therefore a potentially significant link between the benthic and pelagic systems. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 13 November 2000  相似文献   

The dietary habits of the pelagic mysid Mysismixta were studied during its growing season at an open sea location in the Gulf of Finland, the northern Baltic Sea. Stomach samples were taken twice a month from June to September 1997. The most abundant phytoplankton taxa in the stomachs were diatoms and dinoflagellates, and copepods and cladocerans were the most abundant zooplankton identified. A clear change was found in the diets during the study period. Small mysids (3 to 6 mm) fed on sedimented phytoplankton in the early summer (90% benthic particles in June) but shifted gradually to a more pelagic and carnivorous diet (>40% pelagic particles, consisting of ca. 60% zooplankton in September). Seasonal changes in mysid capture ability as well as food availability were suggested to affect the diet composition of mysids during their growth. The ratio of pelagic and benthic food particles could – irrespective of the season – be explained by mysid size, whereas the zooplankton:phytoplankton ratio was better explained by season. The stomach analysis suggests that the mysids needed to attain a threshold size of 8 to 11 mm to initiate feeding on the more evasive copepods. Mysids also started to grow faster at the same time as the proportion of copepods increased in the diet, which suggests that copepods are an important energy source for M. mixta in late summer. Finally, a comparison was made between the M. mixta diet and that of the less abundant M. relicta. The diets of the two pelagic mysid species overlapped by 75% (Schoener's index). The main difference was due to M. mixta eating more zooplankton and pelagic material than M. relicta. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

During the September 1971 cruise of F. K. Alkor in the central Baltic Sea, the surface or summer water layer down to a depth of about 30 m was found to contain 187.4 g/l of particulate organic carbon, with a C:N (atoms) ratio of 8.97. This carbon was 44% (89.9 g/l) labile to bacterial decomposition, as determined by burning an aliquot of each sample in a CHN-analyser before and after maintenance in nutrientenriched sea water at 20°C for 3 months. The particulate material from the intermediate or winter water layer, with a depth ranging from 30 to 70 m, contained only 48% (43.1 g/l) of the labile carbon found in the summer surface layer, and had a significantly higher C:N ratio (11.25). These two facts indicate that a considerable breakdown of the organic material had taken place. The material, removed from the particulate state during this process, was 48% (89.7 g/l) of the original total particulate carbon, and was relatively nitrogen-rich, with a C:N ratio of 6.49. In this material, 52% (46.8 g/l) of the organic carbon was labile. The particulate material in the rest of the water column showed no significant changes until it reached the sediment. The slurry immediately above the sediment had a C:N ratio of 9.15, indicating the introduction of nitrogen from either dissolved or colloidal material. Labile carbon (44% of the total) was also present in sufficient quantities to support life and to make this an important diagenetic site.  相似文献   

In some vertebrate species, parents create a large brood or litter then, in the event of unfavourable ecological conditions, apparently allow the number of offspring to be adaptively reduced through siblicide. But how is sibling aggression regulated so that deaths occur only in unfavourable conditions? One proposed mechanism is brood size-dependent aggression. Two experiments tested for this mechanism by reducing three-chick broods of blue-footed boobies either during or after the period of dominance hierarchy establishment. In neither experiment did aggression of the two eldest and highest ranking chicks decline after removal of the youngest broodmate, in comparison with controls. These results suggest that dominant booby chicks do not become less aggressive to each other after disappearance of their youngest broodmate and that this species does not show brood size dependent aggression. Elder blue-footed booby chicks increase their attacks on broodmates when they receive less food, and this mechanism may be sufficient to tailor brood size to food availability.  相似文献   

 Kelp are differentially stratified along a gradient of UV exposure (as a function of water depth). The role of ultraviolet light in seaweed zonation has not been fully explored. This study found a significant meiospore size difference within and among the kelp species examined: Pterygophora californica Ruprecht (high to mid-subtidal), Macrocystis integrifolia Bory (high to mid-subtidal), Laminaria groenlandica Rosenvinge (high-subtidal), Alaria marginata Postels and Ruprecht (low-intertidal) and Hedophyllum sessile Setchell (mid-intertidal). This size difference was correlated with the depth distribution of adult plants, with the largest meiospores originating from shallow-dwelling adult kelp exposed to high UV light. Under UV stress in the laboratory, meiospores from adults growing in high-UV environments displayed greater germination and survival rates than the progeny of adult kelp occupying lower-UV environments. This suggested that in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada, differential tolerance to UV (possibly determined by meiospore size) may limit the upper settlement position of kelp species and individuals. Tolerance to UV may be an important determinant of kelp zonation on rocky shores. Received: 16 June 1998 / Accepted: 6 January 2000  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a very suitable site for stoichiometric studies, since its subbasins differ in their concentration of elemental components, and primary production can therefore be either nitrogen or phosphorus limited. To reveal if the nutrient limitation of mesozooplankton mirrors that of the primary producers, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content of both seston and grazers (Acartia sp., Centropages hamatus, Daphnia cristata, Eurytemora affinis, Limnocalanus macrurus, Temora longicornis) were measured in midsummer in the Baltic proper, the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. The mineral ratios of the different taxa were equal, apart from L. macrurus with notably higher C:P and N:P ratios. Molar C:N ratios were relatively stable (5.1-6.3), whereas C:P and N:P ratios fluctuated more (41-144 and 6.6-24). However, zooplankton elemental composition and limitation did not depend on the limiting nutrient of the phytoplankton, the seston mineral ratio or the sea area. Both the seston-zooplankton elemental imbalance and the food threshold ratio indicated phosphorus limitation of most of the grazers. While L. macrurus may be C or N limited, the possible P deficiency of the other studied taxa suggests that the Baltic Sea zooplankton may act as a potential phosphorus sink, as the freshwater secondary producers do.  相似文献   

The interactions between cod (Gadus morhua), herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the Central Baltic Sea were examined with a simple dynamic model, an alternative to more complicated and data-demanding multispecies and ecosystem models. The main aims of the study were to compare the effect of alternative structures on the model output and examine the control relationships in the fish assemblage under different environmental conditions. The effect of environmental conditions was modelled using a stock-recruitment equation for cod incorporating an environmental index. The model output was especially sensitive to the functional response in predation by cod on herring and sprat. The type II functional response led to a collapse of the clupeid stocks when cod was abundant, while the type III response produced more realistic stock dynamics. According to the simulations, an abundant cod stock was able to keep the sprat stock at a low level, while the herring stock was less affected and benefited from the decreased density of sprat. Simulation of different fishing scenarios indicated that reducing fishing mortality to the level currently advised by ICES would allow the recovery of the cod stock even in unfavourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation between North Sea and Baltic Sea Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) (Polychaeta: Nereididae) populations was studied by allozyme electrophoresis on starch gel. Thirteen loci were analyzed in eight populations. The level of genetic variation was very low (mean H o = 0.000 to 0.015). Differentiation between H. diversicolor populations is quite high (F ST = 0.892) and reflected by three enzyme loci (MDH-I*, MDH-II*, IDH-I*). The reduced gene flow (N m<1) may be explained by the limited dispersal capacity of the species. Regardless of whether found in the North Sea or Baltic Sea, there appear to be two different genetic types which are parapatric or sympatric in some places. The two types hybridize at three localities, but no signs of hybridization have been found at one (Tallinn). Received: 26 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

We compared the occurrence of filial cannibalism in fed and starved male fantail darters (Etheostoma flabellare). All males in the experiment consumed eggs, and 56% ate all of their eggs. A male's initial body condition did not explain the number of eggs that he ate. Neither did non-fed males eat more eggs than fed males. Fed males were able to maintain better body condition during the experiment, but the change in body condition also depended on the number of eggs eaten. Thus, males who ate more eggs were able to maintain better body condition.The most important determinant of whether or not a male ate all of his eggs was his initial egg number. Males with small egg masses ate all of their eggs whereas males with large egg masses were only partial cannibals. There was, however, no difference in the total number of eggs eaten by total and partial cannibals. We conclude that eggs are only partially eaten for energetic reasons. We also suggest that small egg masses are completely consumed because the costs of caring for a small egg mass may exceed the expected reproductive benefits of a small egg mass. Received: 26 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 2 November 1996  相似文献   

Benthic epifauna in three areas of the northern North Sea was studied from 1999 to 2007 to investigate the effect of temperature changes on community structure and species abundance and biomass. Abundance and/or biomass of 16 epifauna species was significantly correlated with temperature anomalies of the mean sea surface temperature (SST) from 1971 to 2000. The response of species to SST changes was different in the study areas depending on species life history and, most likely on food supply, which in turn is strongly influenced by the timing and duration of primary production and regional hydrographical conditions (e.g. stratification). Also, changes in community structure were obvious in the three areas between 2002 and 2003 coinciding with high temperature anomalies and SST. On the other hand, these changes were mainly caused by the variability in abundance of dominant species and altogether no clear trends in community structure were found. In contrast to epifauna communities in the shallow southern North Sea temperature changes in the northern North Sea affected only single epifauna species until now.  相似文献   

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