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Fragments of live colonies of scleractinian coral Acropora sp. and Montipora sp. under the family Acroporiidae were collected from Gulf of Mannar and transplanted in Pirotan, Narara and Mithapur reefs of Gulf of Kachchh Marine National Park. All the transplanted corals survived one complete season and it was observed that 87 nubbins out of the total 110 samples survived in Narara reef and 70 nubbins out of 102 samples stayed alive in Pirotan Island. Growth rate was measured for four months period, and it was found maximum in Narara reef, while minimum in Pirotan Island. The rate of sedimentation was higher during monsoon and low in winter season. Present study showed that species of Acropora and Montipora are suitable for transplantation in Gulf of Kachchh Marine National Park, Gujarat, India.  相似文献   

For over 20 years the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has caused damage to the coral reefs of the eastern Pacific and other regions. In the mid-1980s scientists estimated that coral cover was reduced by 50–100% in several countries across the region. Almost 20 years (2002) after the 1982–1983 event, we assessed the recovery of the virtually destroyed reefs at Cocos Island (Costa Rica), previously evaluated in 1987 and reported to have less than 4% live coral cover. We observed up to fivefold increase in live coral cover which varied among reefs surveyed in 1987 and 2002. Most new recruits and adults belonged to the main reef building species from pre-1982 ENSO, Porites lobata, suggesting that a disturbance as outstanding as El Niño was not sufficient to change the role or composition of the dominant species, contrary to phase shifts reported for the Caribbean. During the 1990s, new species were observed growing on the reefs. Notably, Leptoseris scabra, considered to be rare in the entire Pacific, was commonly found in the area. Recovery may have begun with the sexual and asexual recruits of the few surviving colonies of P. lobata and Pavona spp. and with long distance transport of larvae from remote reefs. We found an overall 23% live coral cover by 2002 and with one reef above 58% indicating that Cocos Island coral reefs are recovering.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the reproductive ecology of the zooxanthellate, scleractinian corals Porites lobata Dana and P. panamensis Verrill was conducted from 1985 to 1991 in eastern Pacific reef environments that were severly impacted by the 1982–1983 El Niño warming events. P. lobata, a presumed broadcast spawner of large colony size, is widely distributed in the equatorial eastern Pacific, whereas P. panamensis, a brooder of small colony size, is abundant only on some reefs in Panamá. Both species were gonochoric with nearly 1:1 sex ratios in large study populations except for P. lobata at Caño Island that had 14% hermaphroditic colonies. Mature, unfertilized oocytes contained numerous zooxanthellae in both Porites species, and all planula developmental stages contained zooxanthellae in P. panamensis. Year-round sampling revealed high proportions of colonies with gonads, ranging from 30 to 68% in P. lobata and from 60 to 68% in P. panamensis. No clear relationship between numbers of reproductive colonies and the thermal stability of the habitat was evident in P. lobata: percent colonies with gonads at non-upwelling sites was 48 to 68% at Caño Island (Costa Rica) and Uva Island (Panamá), and at upwelling sites 30 to 50% at Saboga Island and Taboga Island (Panamá), and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). Similarly, 90% of all P. panamensis colonies were reproductive at Uva Island (a non-upwelling site), and 86% were reproductive at Taboga Island (an upwelling site). Upwelling at Taboga Island is seasonal, nevertheless P. panamensis produced mature gonads or planulae over most of the year (11 mo), whereas P. lobata exhibited reproductive activity during only 2 mo (May and June). No clear lunar periodicity was observed in P. panamensis (Taboga Island), but a high proportion of P. lobata showed increased gonadal development around full and new moon, especially at Caño and Uva Islands. Estimated fecundities were relatively high for P. lobata at Caño (4000 eggs cm-2 yr-1) and Uva (5200 eggs cm-2 yr-1) Islands, and notably low (70 to 110 eggs cm-2 yr-1) in the Galápagos Islands. P. panamensis mean fecundity at Taboga Island was 720 planulae cm-2 yr-1 or 4.0 mm3 cm-2 yr-1, which was lower than the egg volume production of P. lobata at Caño and Uva Islands (7.0 to 10.0 mm3 cm-2 yr-1). The capacity of P. lobata and P. panamensis to reproduce sexually supports the notion that eastern Pacific coral reef recovery may not be dependent on long-distance dispersal from central Pacific areas. However, sexual recruits of P. lobata are absent or uncommon at all eastern Pacific study sites while recruits of P. panamensis were common to abundant only at the Uva Island study site. Asexual fragmentation in P. lobata augments recruitment locally, but plays no role in P. panamensis recruitment.  相似文献   

Despite their potential importance in structuring reef communities, invertebrate corallivores and their population structures are poorly understood. We found distinct differences in the population structures (length-frequency distribution and sex ratio) of the corallivorous gastropod Coralliophila abbreviata residing on two coral-host taxa, Montastraea spp. and Acropora palmata, in the Florida Keys. In each of two survey years, around 50% of the Montastraea spp. colonies were infested, with a mean snail density of eight snails per infested colony (range 1–45), while around 20% of A. palmata colonies harbored three snails per infested colony (range 1–23). Variation in patterns of snail occurrence was also observed within a host taxon. A. palmata occurred in low- and high-density stands (0.4 and 1 colony m–2, respectively, at the initial survey) at different sites. Hurricane Georges struck the area in September 1998. When resurveyed in 1999, density of colonies in low-density stands had decreased by 75% to 0.1 colonies m–2. This decrease was accompanied by a doubling in the proportion of colonies infested with snails (from 19% to 46%) and an increase in snail density per infested colony (from 3.7±3.3 SD to 5.4±4.6 SD) as snails apparently concentrated on surviving A. palmata. In contrast, sites with high density A. palmata stands (thickets) retained colony densities of about ~1 colony m–2 among years, while snail infestation increased only from 9% to 14% of colonies surveyed and snail density essentially remained unchanged (from 2.7±1.8 to 2.9±1.9 snails per infested colony). Snails collected from Montastraea spp. were shorter than those from A. palmata in low-density stands and were longest on A. palmata in thickets. On both host taxa, female snails were longer than males. The sex ratio of snails on Montastraea spp. hosts was even (1:1), while that of snails on A. palmata was skewed (70% males). Factors that could explain observed differences in size structure and sex ratio between Coralliophila populations on the two coral host taxa include: differential susceptibility to predators, influence of host tissue nutritional quality and/or secondary metabolite content, and genetic differences (cryptic species). The host-specific characteristics of C. abbreviata populations imply that the impact of gastropods on reef communities will vary with the coral species composition.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis based on rDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) sequences was performed on 15 species of black corals assigned to the genera Antipathes, Stichopathes, Cirrhipathes, Rhipidipathes, Antipathella, Myriopathes and Cupressopathes recorded from the Messina Strait (Mediterranean Sea) and the Bunaken Marine Park (Celebes Sea, Indonesia). The phylogenetic analysis shows that the examined species are grouped in two main branches corresponding to the families Antipathidae-Aphanipathidae and Myriopathidae. While among the Myriopathidae species there is a very small genetic distance, the Antipathidae-Aphanipathidae clade shows a high degree of divergence between different genera. According to this study, the taxon Antipathes? sp. 3 characterised by a bush-like corallum without a well-defined axis, probably belongs to a new undescribed genus of the family Antipathidae.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation of 10 populations of Linckia laevigata at 8 polymorphic loci and 13 populations of Tridacna crocea at 6 polymorphic loci were analyzed to compare genetic variability and genetic affinities among reefs in Palawan, Philippines. Two to five populations were sampled from each of four regions: the shelf reefs in (1) northern Palawan and (2) southern Palawan and the offshore reefs in (3) the Kalayaan island group (KIG) in the South China Sea and (4) the Tubbataha shoals in the Sulu Sea. Heterozygosity was highest in populations of L. laevigata from the south shelf of Palawan and populations of T. crocea from the Tubbataha shoals of the Sulu Sea. The lowest heterozygosity estimates were from the reefs of the KIG in the South China Sea, for both species. Overall F ST values for both species were significant, with an estimated average number of effective migrants per generation (N EM) of 4.85 (~5 individuals) for L. laevigata and 3.54 (~4 individuals) for T. crocea. Within-region comparisons showed NEM ranging from 6.29 to 92.34 for L. laevigata and from 3.40 to 6.30 for T. crocea. The higher gene flow among L. laevigata populations relative to T. crocea is consistent with the greater dispersal potential of the former species. Finer scale genetic structuring was evident in T. crocea populations. For both species, the Tubbataha reefs in the Sulu Sea have higher genetic affinity with the populations from the southern shelf of Palawan, while the reefs in the KIG had higher affinity with the northern Palawan shelf reefs. The north and south shelf populations have the least genetic affinity. Genetic patchiness among reefs within regions suggests the importance of small-scale physical factors that affect recruitment success in structuring populations in small island and shoal reef systems in Palawan.  相似文献   

In many species, males and females mate with multiple partners, which gives rise to sperm competition and multiple paternity. The experiments on water frogs presented here demonstrate that such sperm competition can affect the structure and dynamics of mixed-species communities. The hybrid frog Rana esculenta (LR) mates with one of its parental species, usually R. lessonae (LL), although in some areas R. ridibunda (RR), to regain the premeiotically eliminated parental genome ("hybridogenesis"). Mixed LL/LR-populations are stable although hybrid numbers should continuously increase at the expense of parental animals, because of differences in female fecundity and other factors. This would finally lead to the extinction of the sexual host, followed by that of the sexual parasite, unless the reproductive superiority of R. esculenta is reduced by other factors, such as lower hybrid male fertility. Eggs from LL- and LR-females were fertilised in vitro by single- and multi-male sperm suspensions of LL-, LR- and RR-males. In all experiments, the proportion of offspring sired by R. esculenta sperm was significantly lower than that sired by R. lessonae or R. ridibunda sperm. Gonad mass, sperm morphology, sperm swimming velocity, and sperm survival did not explain these differences in fertilisation success; nor did gamete recognition and compatibility. Sperm density was the only trait that paralleled fertilisation success, but it offers no explanation either, because densities were equalised for the in-vitro fertilisations. In natural LL/LR populations, the significantly smaller amount, poorer competitive ability and lower long-term survival of R. esculenta compared to R. lessonae sperm will reduce the initial reproductive superiority of hybrids and contribute to the stabilisation of mixed water-frog populations. Differences in fertilisation ability are also likely to be relevant for the structure and dynamics of several other systems with encounters between eggs and sperm from different genotypes, ecotypes, ploidy levels and/or species.  相似文献   

Aureliaaurita s.l. scyphistomae are capable of developing different asexual modes for propagation and thus present a multi-mode reproductive strategy. The reproduction rates and the reproductive strategy they adopt depend on a combination of various environmental parameters. We investigated the A.aurita s.l. polyp-to-polyp reproduction strategy and population growth in relation to polyp density. Our results confirmed that density-dependent factors control population growth of A. aurita s.l. scyphistomae in three different ways: (1) decreasing the polyp reproduction rate, (2) triggering the production of motile bud-like tissue particles and (3) inducing the detachment of developed scyphistomae. Whereas the decrease in the reproduction rate reduces the number of recruits, the motile particles and the detachment of scyphistomae contribute to minimizing density-dependent effects by allowing reproductive products and scyphistomae to drift away. Thus, not only are the negative effects of intraspecific competition for space and food diminished but also the potential colonization of new substrates, and further increase in scyphistoma density is favoured on larger spatial scales. The potential capability to switch its polyp-to-polyp reproduction strategy in response to environmental clues and population density may give Aurelia high adaptability in the temperate coastal waters where they commonly live and where they may be exposed to wide-ranging and fluctuating environmental variables that affect their survival and longevity. Considering these features, as well as the wide tolerance of Aurelia scyphistomae (and medusae) to environmental parameters, it is not surprising that the species/lineages of Aurelia are cosmopolitan and exhibit the most frequent bloom events worldwide.  相似文献   

Differences in stress tolerance and reproductive traits may drive the competitive hierarchy between non-indigenous and indigenous species and turn the former ones into successful invaders. In the northern Baltic Sea, the non-indigenous Gammarus tigrinus is a recent invader of littoral ecosystems and now occupies comparable ecological niches as the indigenous G. zaddachi. In laboratory experiments on specimens collected between June and August 2009 around Tvärminne in southern Finland (59°50′N/23°15′E), the tolerances towards heat stress and hypoxia were determined for the two species using lethal time, LT50, as response variable. The brood size of the two species was also studied and some observations were made on maturation of juveniles. Gammarus tigrinus was more resistant to hypoxia and survived at higher temperatures than G. zaddachi. Brood size was also greater in G. tigrinus than in G. zaddachi and G. tigrinus matured at a smaller size and earlier than G. zaddachi. Hence, there are clear competitive advantages for the non-indigenous G. tigrinus compared to the indigenous G. zaddachi, and these may be further strengthened through ongoing environmental changes related to increased eutrophication and a warming climate in the Baltic Sea region.  相似文献   

The levels, potential sources and ecological risks of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in Yellow River of Henan section, a typical agricultural area in China, were investigated. Surface water samples and suspended particulate matters (SPMs) were collected from 23 sites during two seasons. In wet season, the residues of ∑HCHs (α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH and δ-HCH) and ∑DDTs (p,p′-DDT, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD) ranged from 41.7 to 290 and 4.42 to 269 ng/L in surface water, while those varied from 0.86 to 157 and 1.79 to 96.1 ng/g dw in SPM, respectively. Moreover, in surface water, the levels of HCHs and DDTs in wet season were much higher than those in dry season. The reverse was true for residues of HCHs and DDTs in SPM. Compared with the large rivers in other regions, the levels of HCHs and DDTs in the studied area ranked at high levels and the residual concentrations might cause adverse biological risk, especially for ∑HCHs during wet season. Distributions of HCHs and DDTs delineated that the input of tributaries made a significant effect on the residue of HCHs and DDTs in the mainstream. ∑HCHs in surface water were consist of 26.7 % α-HCH, 30.0 % β-HCH, 37.9 % γ-HCH and 5.45 % δ-HCH and those in SPM contained 5.16 % α-HCH, 22.1 % β-HCH, 60.5 % γ-HCH and 12.2 % δ-HCH on average. Combined with ratios of α-HCH/γ-HCH in surface water (0.70) and in SPM (0.09), the results strongly indicated that lindane was recently used or discharged in the studied area. The mean percentage of DDTs′ isomers were 28.7 % p,p′-DDT, 29.8 % o,p′-DDT, 28.1 % p,p′-DDE and 13.4 % p,p′-DDD in surface water, while those were 12.5 % p,p′-DDT, 31.8 % o,p′-DDT, 30.5 % p,p′-DDE and 25.1 % p,p′-DDD in SPM. The ratios of (DDE + DDD)/∑DDTs and o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT revealed that the DDTs in the studied area mainly derived from long-term weathering of technical DDTs residue and the input of dicofol.  相似文献   

Wrasses in the genus Thalassoma comprise 27 recognized species that occur predominantly on coral reefs and subtropical rocky reefs worldwide. The phylogenetic relationships for 26 species were examined based on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 16S rRNA) and one nuclear intron (the first intron of the ribosomal protein S7). Two closely related species, the bird-wrasses (Gomphosus varius Lacepède, 1801 and G. caerulaeus Lacepède, 1801), were also included in the analysis. These species grouped within the genus Thalassoma. Thalassoma newtoni (Osório, 1891) from Sao Tome, which is generally synonymized with the Atlantic/Mediterranean Thalassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 1758) appears to be a valid species. Using a molecular clock, the genus was estimated to have originally diverged 8–13 million years ago, with Thalassoma ballieui (Vaillant and Sauvage, 1875) from Hawaii and Thalassoma septemfasciata Scott, 1959 from Western Australia as the ancestral species. Approximately 5–10 million years ago, a sudden burst of speciation resulted in seven clades, which were resolved with the sequence data. The terminal Tethyan event and the closing of the Isthmus of Panama were probably the major historical factors shaping the evolution of species in the genus Thalassoma. These data on the spatio-temporal pattern of speciation in the Indo-Pacific indicate that peripheral species have been generated at various times throughout the history of the genus, and that none of the widespread species are relatively young. Thus, there is no clear support for centrifugal (youngest at the periphery) versus centripetal (oldest at the periphery) modes of generation of species, two theories which have been used to account for geographic gradients in species diversity.  相似文献   

The present study compared population genetic structure of two northern hemisphere polychaetes, Neanthes virens (Sars, 1835) and Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776), with different life-history traits. N. virens has a pelagic larval phase that may last as long as 9 days, while H. diversicolor broods its offspring. It was predicted that N. virens populations, especially over relatively short geographic distances, would be more genetically similar than H. diversicolor populations. Sequence data were obtained for two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (cyt b). The COI gene showed no variation in 16 N. virens individuals from 12 locations, and it was not examined in H. diversicolor. The nucleotide sequence of the cyt b gene was examined in 93 N. virens individuals collected in 1992, 1999, and 2000 from 12 localities throughout its range (North America, Europe, Japan) and from 33 H. diversicolor individuals collected in 1999 and 2001 from one locality in eastern Canada and two localities in France (Roscoff and Marseille). In N. virens, one cyt b haplotype was shared by 89% (83 out of 93) and only two other haplotypes were found. Significant population structure was observed in H. diversicolor. In the 33 sequences compared, 18.9% of sites were polymorphic and 12 haplotypes were identified. There were two haplotypes in the Canadian population, three in the Marseille samples, and seven in the Roscoff samples, and no haplotype was found in common between any two sites. These results show that widely separated H. diversicolor populations are strongly differentiated at the cyt b locus. The most plausible interpretation for the low variation at the COI and cyt b loci in N. virens, and for the lack of variation at allozyme loci (based on an initial survey of a smaller subset of populations), is that this species has experienced a drastic bottleneck and that a few remaining lineages recolonized its entire range.  相似文献   

With the rapid economic development and urbanization, there would be severe air pollution. The path analysis method was employed to investigate the specific effects of Industrial Gross Domestic Product (IGDP), Urbanization Rate (UR), Environmental Investment (EI), and Coal Consumption (CC) on Industrial SO2 Emissions (ISE) and Industrial Dust Emissions (IDE). The results shown that (1) IGDP is the main reason for the increase in ISE and IDE, with the direct positive influence more than 20% and a total contribution of more than 35%, and the combined effects of UR can reduce air pollutants emission considerably, especially in ISE. (2) The effects of EI and CC on ISE could be ignored, given that their contributions comprised <?10%. Meanwhile, the contribution of EI to IDE was only 8.92%. For one reason, EI is underfunded which the percentage of Gross Domestic Product was <?2%.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns of scleractinian corals in the northern Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The majority of published accounts on scleractinian coral reproduction are from the tropical Pacific and Caribbean, with very little information known about Red Sea species. This report examines variation in reproductive mode in 24 species of hermatypic corals (belonging to seven families) in the Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea. Eighteen species are hermaphroditic broadcasters, two are hermaphroditic brooders and three are gonochoric broadcasters. In the Pocilloporidae, the gonads project into the body cavity, while in the other six families the gonads reside inside the mesenteries. The number of gonads per polyp in broadcasting species follows family or genus lines. Fecundity (eggs per polyp) increases with polyp size. Brooding species usually exhibit one or two gonads per polyp and each gonad contains only one to three oocytes. Oocyte size varies widely and does not relate to mode of reproduction. The largest oocytes (diameter = 450 μm) occur in the brooding coral Alveopora daedalea and in broadcasting species of the genus Acropora (diameter = 420 μm). Gonad morphology and gonochorism versus hermaphroditism appear to be constrained phylogenetically at the family or genus level. Lastly, this report compares the data presented for Red Sea scleractinian species with the data available on scleractinian corals from other geographical regions. Received: 2 February 1993 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

A new genus, Meyersia, and five new species of the nematode family Oncholaimidae, are described from Biscayne Bay, Florida, and environs, viz., Metoncholaimus pelor n. sp., M. amplus n. sp., Meyersia major n. gen., n. sp., M. minor n. sp., and Filoncholaimus prolatus n. sp. Also included in the genus Meyersia are Adoncholaimus bandaenis Kreis, 1932 and A. meridionalis Kreis, 1932.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the ecology of two dominant copepod species in the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen Archipelago. The biomass of the herbivore Drepanopus pectinatus (from 2 mg m?3 in winter up to 500 mg m?3 in summer) is tightly coupled to seasonal changes in chlorophyll a concentration in the region, whereas the biomass of the predatory euchaetiid Paraeuchaeta antarctica increases during two distinct periods over the year: 250 mg m?3 in early summer, with the recruitment of the annual generation, and 100 mg m?3 in autumn, with the deposition of lipids as energy reserves in C5 stages and adults. The juvenile growth rates predicted by temperature-dependent models (0.09 day?1) closely approximate those observed in D. pectinatusin summer, but are much greater than those observed in P. antarctica (from 0.001 to 0.04 day?1 depending on developmental stages). This difference can be explained by the reproductive strategies and trophic positions of the two species and may also result from the dependence of larval growth on energy reserves in P. antarctica. The production rates are five- and tenfold greater in juvenile stages than in adults, respectively, for D. pectinatus and P. antarctica. The secondary production by D. pectinatusis insufficient to support P. antarcticaduring winter, when the predatory species probably shifts to alternate prey. In summer the predation by P. antarctica accounts for only a minor part of the mortality estimated for D. pectinatus (from 20% to 60% depending on the examined station). At two of the three stations examined in the Bay of Morbihan, the production of P. antarctica could potentially support the dietary requirements of planktivorous seabirds in the region (~2,000 kg prey day?1 for common diving petrels, Pelecanoides urinatrix, and ~90 kg prey day?1 for rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chysocome filholi).  相似文献   

Cordgrasses of the genus Spartina form dense monospecific stands worldwide, profoundly influencing the ecology of estuaries. One species, Spartina anglica, originated by allopolyploidy in the 1800s and has been particularly prolific as an invasive species worldwide. S. anglica tolerates low-lying estuarine mudflats that its progenitor species and other coastal halophytes cannot. However, very little is known of the physiology of S. anglica. In the present study, an automated flow-through respirometry system was used to quantify metabolic gas fluxes (O2, H2S, CO2, and NH3) of S. anglica rhizomes. Enhanced physiological mechanisms to transport O2 and H2S in both directions between the rhizosphere and the atmosphere were exhibited by S. anglica, but not by the native North American species S. alterniflora. These results suggest that tolerance of anoxia and H2S may assist S. anglica in colonizing extensively flooded environments. Enhanced sediment oxygenation by S. anglica may be potentially useful for phytoremediation of contaminated sediments, since microbial degradation of organic pollutants is often limited by O2 availability.  相似文献   

The male of Laimella longicauda Cobb, 1920 is described as having short arcuate spicules and a gubernaculum with caudally directed apophyses. The genus Paracomesoma Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950 is reinstated to accommodate species of Laimella sensu Chitwood, 1937. Paramesonchium n. gen. is proposed to accommodate Laimella (?) serialis Wieser, 1954. Actarjania n. gen. (type species A. splendens n. sp.) differs from Sabatieria in having irregular lateral rows of longitudinal punctations and short arcuate spicules with distinctive distal extremities.  相似文献   

What to do about fisheries collapse and the decline of large fishes in marine ecosystems is a critical debate on a global scale. To address one aspect of this debate, a major fisheries management action, the removal of gill nets in 1994 from the nearshore arena in the Southern California Bight (34°26′30″N, 120°27′09″W to 33°32′03″N, 117°07′28″W) was analyzed. First, the impetus for the gill net ban was the crash of the commercial fishery for white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis; Sciaenidae) in the early 1980s. From 1982 to 1997 catch remained at a historically low level (47.8 ± 3.0 mt) when compared to landings from 1936–1981, but increased significantly from 1995–2004 (r = 0.89, P < 0.01) to within the 95% confidence limit of the historic California landings. After the white seabass fishery crashed in the early 1980s, landings of soupfin (Galeorhinus galeus; Triakidae) and leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata; Triakidae) also significantly declined (r = 0.95, P < 0.01 and r = 0.91, P < 0.01, respectively) until the gill net closure. After the closure both soupfin and leopard shark significantly increased in CPUE (r = 0.72, P = 0.02 and r = 0.87, P < 0.01, respectively). Finally, giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas; Polyprionidae) the apex predatory fish in this ecosystem, which was protected from commercial and recreational fishing in 1981, were not observed in a quarterly scientific SCUBA monitoring program from 1974 to 2001 but reappeared in 2002–2004. In addition, CPUE of giant seabass increased significantly from 1995 to 2004 (r = 0.82, P < 0.01) in the gill net monitoring program. The trends in abundance of these fishes return were not correlated with sea surface temperature (SST), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) or the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). All four species increased significantly in either commercial catch, CPUE, or in the SCUBA monitoring program after the 1994 gill net closure, whereas they had declined significantly, crashed, or were absent prior to this action. This suggests that removing gill nets from coastal ecosystems has a positive impact on large marine fishes.  相似文献   

The protonephridia of marine gastrotrichs are described from Paradasys subterraneus Remane, Turbanella cornuta Remane, and three other species of the Turbanellidae. Both genera have several terminal organs in serial distribution. Paradasys has 6, Turbanella 4 groups of protonephridia. In Paradasys, 3 protonephridial tubules form a continuous system, while in Turbanella such a system consists of 2 to 4 (5) separate protonephridial tubules.  相似文献   

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