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The Nile Deep-Sea Fan (NDSF) is located on the passive continental margin off Egypt and is characterized by the occurrence of active fluid seepage such as brine lakes, pockmarks and mud volcanoes. This study characterizes the structure of faunal assemblages of such active seepage systems of the NDSF. Benthic communities associated with reduced, sulphidic microhabitats such as sediments and carbonate crusts were sampled by remotely operated vehicles during two cruises in 2006 (BIONIL) and 2007 (MEDECO). Environmental conditions and biological factors including family-level faunal composition, density and diversity were measured at local and regional scales. Significant differences were detected at different spatial scales: (1) the fauna of reduced habitats differed substantially in activity, diversity and biomass from the non-seep environment at similar water depth, (2) cold seep microhabitats showed differences in community structure and composition related to substratum type as well as to the intensity and location of fluid emissions.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment is a worldwide phenomenon in grassland and savanna systems whose consequence is often the development of an alternate woodland state. Theoretically, an alternate state may be associated with changes in system state variables (e.g., species composition) or abiotic parameter shifts (e.g., nutrient availability). When state-variable changes are cumulative, such as in woody plant encroachment, the probability of parameter shifts increases as system feedbacks intensify over time. Using a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) design, we studied eight pairs of grassland sites undergoing various levels of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) encroachment to determine whether responses of flora and fauna to experimental redcedar removal differed according to the level of pretreatment redcedar cover. In the first year after removal, herbaceous plant species diversity and evenness, woody plant evenness, and invertebrate family richness increased linearly with pretreatment redcedar cover, whereas increases in small-mammal diversity and evenness were described by logarithmic trends. In contrast, increases in woody plant diversity and total biomass of terrestrial invertebrates were accentuated at levels of higher pretreatment cover. Tree removal also shifted small-mammal species composition toward a more grassland-associated assemblage. During the second year postremoval, increases in herbaceous plant diversity followed a polynomial trend, but increases in most other metrics did not vary along the pretreatment cover gradient. These changes were accompanied by extremely high growing-season precipitation, which may have homogenized floral and faunal responses to removal. Our results demonstrate that tree removal increases important community metrics among grassland flora and fauna within two years, with some responses to removal being strongly influenced by the stage of initial encroachment and modulated by climatic variability. Our results underscore the importance of decisive management for reversing the effects of woody plant encroachment in imperiled grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

The theory that fluctuating asymmetry is sensitive to both environmental and genetic stress is gaining acceptance among evolutionary biologists. Most empirical work has focused on ornamental traits on the assumption that they are more susceptible to stress. In tegumentary coloration is a common ornament in nature, and frequently has a hormonal basis. Earlier studies in the lizard Psammodromus algirus indicate that testosterone induces the development of head nuptial coloration in large males and, at the same time, produces an increase of the ectoparasite load and higher mortality. Hence, the manipulation of testosterone levels may be a way to increase ornament expression and simultaneously create conditions that may make symmetrical development difficult. This positive covariation between character size and symmetry is opposite to that expected in theory for sexually selected traits, so the predicted elevation of asymmetry due to the treatment cannot be confounded by any intrinsic association between symmetry and character size. We firstly consider the effect that testosterone supplementation has on two variables that reflect the symmetry of bilateral throat nuptial coloration in large P. algirus males. Also, we examine whether ornament symmetry is positively associated with reproductive success, a prediction of theory of sexually selected symmetry. Testosterone treatment did not increase the fluctuating asymmetry of throat coloration. Size asymmetry increased with character size in individuals with a fragmented colour pattern, but changed suddenly to a highly symmetric pattern in individuals with non-fragmented coloration. Mirror asymmetry decreased steadily with character size. These results suggest that the development of coloration on both sides of the throat midline follows a random pattern. Asymmetry did not correlate with variables that estimated reproductive success, suggesting that asymmetry is not affected by physiological stress and that this trait is not a sexually selected signal in P. algirus. Received: 1 July 1996 / Accepted after revision: 4 May 1997  相似文献   

Predicting outcomes of species introductions may be enhanced by integrating life-history theory with results of contained experiments that compare ecological responses of exotic and analogue native species to dominant features of the recipient environment. An Asian oyster under consideration for introduction to the Chesapeake Bay, USA, the rapidly growing Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis), may not be as successful an invader as its r-selected life history suggests if the trade-off for rapid growth and maturation is lower investment in defenses against blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) predation than the native Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). In laboratory trials, blue crabs simultaneously offered equal numbers of Suminoe and Eastern oysters consumed more nonnatives, irrespective of whether the crabs had previous experience with Suminoe oysters as prey. Satiated blue crabs consumed nearly three times as many Suminoe oysters as Eastern oysters of 25-mm shell height, and eight times as many of 35-mm shell height. Despite blue crabs consuming small (30 mm) Suminoe oysters at twice the rate of large (40 mm) Suminoe oysters, when 40-mm Suminoe were paired with 30-mm Eastern oysters, seven times as many of the larger (Suminoe) oysters were consumed. The greater susceptibility of C. ariakensis than C. virginica to blue crab predation appears to be based upon the biomechanics of shell strength rather than active selection of a more attractive food. Much less force was required to crush shells of Suminoe than Eastern oysters of similar shell height. Tissue transplant experiments demonstrated greater predation on oyster tissues in weaker C. ariakensis shells independent of tissue identity, and duration of handling time before rejection of C. virginica exceeded the time to crush C. ariakensis. These results, coupled with the present importance of blue crab predation in limiting recovery of native Eastern oysters, imply a role for blue crabs in inhibiting Suminoe oysters, if introduced, from attaining high adult densities required to restore a fishery, provide appreciable reef habitat, and reduce turbidity through filtration. Thus, in high-predation environments, allocation of resources to rapid growth and development rather than to predation defenses reflects a life-history trade-off that may promote early stages of invasion, yet prevent attainment of dense adult populations.  相似文献   

Cole VJ  McQuaid CD 《Ecology》2010,91(12):3549-3562
Temperature and primary production (often linked to nutrient supply) are two of the few factors influencing species diversity and abundances across mesoscale gradients, while at smaller scales the habitat complexity offered by bioengineers is important. Previous studies have illustrated effects of upwelling and biogeography on intertidal bioengineers, but it is not known if these processes influence assemblages associated with those bioengineers in a similar way. We examined the habitat structure offered by two species of mussels and their associated fauna in five regions across 3000 km and three biogeographic provinces of the South African coast, replicating upwelling and non-upwelling areas within each region. Upwelling and region influenced the structure of mussel beds (the density and size of mussels). In contrast, upwelling did not influence mesoscale differences in composition, abundance, and numbers of species of crustaceans, mollusks, or polychaetes in mussel beds. Regardless of trophic level or mode of reproduction, mussel bed fauna were influenced only by region. Regional differences were strongly influenced by biogeography. The associated fauna was, however, also strongly correlated with the structure of the habitats created by mussels. Our results support the importance of upwelling to a critical ecosystem engineer, but show that these effects do not extend directly to the assemblages of associated fauna, which are more influenced by regional-scale effects and biogeography. We suggest that mesoscale patterns in the associated fauna of this bioengineered habitat are driven by the direct effects of biogeography, combined with the influence of biogeography and upwelling on mussel bed structure.  相似文献   

E. W. Hogue 《Marine Biology》1978,49(3):211-222
The community and population ecology of the gastrotrich fauna from a single subtidal sand flat in North Inlet, South Carolina, USA, was studied over a 15 month period. An analysis of the temporal and small-scale spatial (horizontal and vertical) distribution of the total assemblage and its component species was used to gain insight into the types of processes (biological and physical) which serve to organize the structure of this meiobenthic taxocene. Samples, consisting of replicate cores which were spaced at 4 horizontal scales (1 m, 25 cm, 10 cm, and 4 cm) and vertically partitioned, were collected at least once each month between February 1976 and April 1977. The assemblage was characterized by both high monthly densities (x) and species richness (38 species identified). The 8 dominant species, 5 of which are in the family Thaumastodermatidae, numerically comprise 89% of the total gastrotrich population. Horizontally, individuals are only slightly to moderately aggregated, forming clumps on the order of 4 to 10 cm in size. The patches of the dominant species tend to coincide. The vertical distribution of the fauna in the sediment is restricted to the top 10 cm, with species being segregated with respect to each other in this dimension. Temporal density fluctuations of all species tend to parallel changes in water temperature. Indirect evidence suggests that interspecific competition is the single most important process structuring this gastrotrich assemblage.Contribution No. 213 from the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina. Based on a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, University of South Carolina, 1977. This research was supported in part by the Oceanography Section, National Science Foundation, NSF Grant OCE 72-01573 A02.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of organisms associated with floating Sargassum in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico was assessed using fatty acids. Nineteen groups were collected from the Sargassum community including four autotrophs, eight invertebrates, five juvenile fishes, and two adult fishes. Spatial and temporal variability in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) signatures of selected taxa (Sargassum fluitans [autotroph], Leander tenuicornis [primary heterotroph], Balistes capriscus [secondary heterotroph]) was examined to quantify natural variation within these dietary tracers. Although PUFA signatures varied seasonally for all three taxa, no differences were detected between samples collected in year 2000 and 2001 or from different sample locations in the northwest Gulf. PUFA signatures made up 16.3–62.3% of the total fatty acid composition of main autotrophs present in the pelagic environment [particulate organic matter (POM), epiphytic algae, S. fluitans, S. natans], and PUFA profiles of selected primary producers were distinct. Specifically, levels of 20:5n−3, 22:5n−3, and 22:6n−3 were significantly higher in POM than Sargassum spp. or epiphytic algae (Cladophora sp.). Dominant PUFA in the tissue of invertebrate and vertebrate consumers were 18:2n−6, 20:4n−6, 20:5n−3, 22:5n−3, 22:6n−3 and multivariate analyses indicated that PUFA signatures of all consumers were highly similar to POM. As a result, heterotrophs utilizing the Sargassum complex may rely heavily on phytoplankton production rather than production by Sargassum or associated epiphytic algae.  相似文献   

In studies conducted from 1982 to 1983, productivity (14C uptake) of a coral reef algal-turf assemblage was unaffected by oxygen concentration but decreased when pH rose, probably in response to declining CO2 and HCO 3 - supplies. Release of prefixed 14C was substantially lower in the light than in the dark and was unaffected by oxygen concentration. Release of organic prefixed 14C was greater in the light than in darkness. Total CO2 compensation-points were low, showing no consistent response to oxygen or the photorespiratory inhibitor alpha-hydroxy-2-pyridine-methanesulfonic acid (HPMS). Oxygen has little if any influence upon turf productivity, which was high in comparison to other benthic algae. Decreases in net carbon-fixation rates of this turf more likely result from decreased photosynthesis than increased photorespiration, which is either not significant in turf metabolism under natural conditions or is compensated by efficient refixation of respired carbon.This paper describes research by J. M. Hackney in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at Georgetown University  相似文献   

竹仙洞水库是珠海市对澳门直接供水的水库,也是拱北水厂的重要的水源地.于2006年4月到12月,每2月一次调查了竹仙洞水库水文、水质和浮游植物分布,分析了浮游植物群落季节动态特征.浮游植种类不多,5次采样共检到61种.在丰度上,浮游植物主要以衣藻(Chlamydomonas sp.)、小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、游丝藻(Planktonema sp.)和隐藻(Cryptomonas sp.)等优势种为主,在生物量上以绿藻和硅藻为优势类群.蓝藻在竹仙洞水库的相对优势并不明显.应用典范对应分析(CCA)对竹仙洞水库浮游植物与环境因子关系分析,环境因子中的pH值、水位、正磷和水力滞留时间对浮游植物的分布影响最大;而透明度和降雨量对其也有一定的影响.从种类分布状况看,衣藻、游丝藻、隐藻对水体中环境因子的敏感性明显高于其它种类,这些种类的相对丰度在低温、低水位和较长水力滞留时间的4月份较高;硅藻门的直链藻(Melosira spp.)、菱形藻(Nitzchia sp.)和裸藻门的梭裸藻(Euglena acus)3种细胞体积较大的种类分布主要受降雨量和透明度的影响,在6月、8月和12月具有较高的相对丰度.与其它热带-亚热带富营养型水库相比,竹仙洞水库的浮游植物群落具有种类相对较少、以绿藻丰度较大的特点;直径在20 μm以上的鞭毛绿藻和丝状绿藻以及细胞较小的硅藻门的小环藻是生物量的主要贡献者,短水力滞留时间是浮游植物群落结构与动态变化的关键控制因子.  相似文献   

Reproductive phenologies reflect the interaction between the mating system of a taxon and the local environment. Ant colonies reproduce and disperse via the flights of winged alates. Few data exist on the reproductive phenologies of ant assemblages. Here we analyze the reproductive phenologies of 81 common ant species from 23,182 individuals collected over 3 years on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (BCI). Species ranged from highly synchronous to continuous fliers, but showed a median flight duration of at least 8 of 13 lunar months. In two statistical analyses (variance ratio test and Spearman rank correlations), 84% (16 of 19) of ant genera had species trending toward positively associated phenologies, more than expected by chance (P<0.00036 by a binomial test). Thus, there was little evidence for the hypothesis that competition for limiting resources staggers congeneric flights and ultimately promotes reproductive isolation. On the contrary, the timing of reproduction, and its synchrony, tended to be conserved within genera and subfamilies. These results closely match phenological studies of plant assemblages. The continuous reproduction and small colony size of many species in this study suggest that the female calling syndrome, a poorly documented mating system in ants, may be common on BCI.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,169(1):73-87
Robust prediction models for the spatial distribution of grassland vegetation, molluscs and carabids in a study area at the Middle Elbe (Germany) had to be generated by means of multivariate statistical methods. An appropriate study design has been developed. Data of all three taxons as well as numerous parameters of the abiotic environment were ascertained. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) detected clear dependencies between the occurrence of biotic objects and mainly hydrological parameters. By use of Arc/Info applications CANOGEN and CANORES, it was possible to extrapolate the models from the sample plots to the whole study area. The predicted spatial distribution of nearly all in the field studies examined species could be depicted with these instruments. Comparison between investigated and predicted distribution of species showed high correspondence.Robustness of the models was proved by interchanging model parameters for different study years and also in applying models at a second study area located 40 km upstream of the original study area.As a second method for further investigation, logistic regression was used to build generalised linear models (GLM) for potential indicator species in the study area.  相似文献   

Due to Mediterranean, continental and oceanic influences we find in Northeastern Greece an exceptionally rich flora and fauna. Distributed over a distance of only 60–70 km from sea level northward to the Rhodopi mountains (with very cold and snowy winters at a height of 1000 m to 1600 m near the Bulgarian border) emerges a complex sequence of biozones unparalleled in a comparably small area in Europe. The low population density and the poor development of industry has allowed some natural landscapes to remain relatively undisturbed. The wetlands, including lake Kerkini and lake Vistonis as well as the deltas of the rivers Nestos and Evros, are a home or hibernating place for a large avifauna that includes vanishing bird species. In the oak‐ and beech‐forests of Rhodopi mountains, unusually rich in flowers, e.g. orchids, most of the large European mammals, including bear, wolf and wild boar, as well as birds of prey still find a basis for living. Pollution and damming of waters, erosion, cutting of riparian forests and overgrazing by domesticated animals are among other serious threats to the whole area. Problems, tasks and possibilities for protecting these zones of extraordinary quality are to be discussed along with an ecodevelopment concept for the whole region.  相似文献   

Hall SR  Tessier AJ  Duffy MA  Huebner M  Cáceres CE 《Ecology》2006,87(7):1684-1695
Ecologists and epidemiologists worry that global warming will increase disease prevalence. These fears arise because several direct and indirect mechanisms link warming to disease, and because parasite outbreaks are increasing in many taxa. However, this outcome is not a foregone conclusion, as physiological and community-interaction-based mechanisms may inhibit epidemics at warmer temperatures. Here, we explore this thermal-community-ecology-based mechanism, centering on fish predators that selectively prey upon Daphnia infected with a fungal parasite. We used an interplay between a simple model built around this system's biology and laboratory experiments designed to parameterize the model. Through this data-model interaction, we found that a given density of predators can inhibit epidemics as temperatures rise when thermal physiology of the predator scales more steeply than that of the host. This case is met in our fish-Daphnia-fungus system. Furthermore, the combination of steeply scaling parasite physiology and predation-induced mortality can inhibit epidemics at lower temperatures. This effect may terminate fungal epidemics of Daphnia as lakes cool in autumn. Thus, predation and physiology could constrain epidemics to intermediate temperatures (a pattern that we see in our system). More generally, these results accentuate the possibility that warmer temperatures might actually enhance predator control of parasites.  相似文献   

Introduced species are having major impacts in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems world-wide. It is increasingly recognised that effects of multiple species often cannot be predicted from the effect of each species alone, due to complex interactions, but most investigations of invasion impacts have examined only one non-native species at a time and have not addressed the interactive effects of multiple species. We conducted a field experiment to compare the individual and combined effects of two introduced marine predators, the northern Pacific seastar Asterias amurensis and the European green crab Carcinus maenas, on a soft-sediment invertebrate assemblage in Tasmania. Spatial overlap in the distribution of these invaders is just beginning in Tasmania, and appears imminent as their respective ranges expand, suggesting a strong overlap in food resources will result from the shared proclivity for bivalve prey. A. amurensis and C. maenas provide good models to test the interaction between multiple introduced predators, because they leave clear predator-specific traces of their predatory activity for a number of common prey taxa (bivalves and gastropods). Our experiments demonstrate that both predators had a major effect on the abundance of bivalves, reducing populations of the commercial bivalves Fulvia tenuicostata and Katelysia rhytiphora. The interaction between C. maenas and A. amurensis appears to be one of resource competition, resulting in partitioning of bivalves according to size between predators, with A. amurensis consuming the large and C. maenas the small bivalves. At a large spatial scale, we predict that the combined effect on bivalves may be greater than that due to each predator alone simply because their combined distribution is likely to cover a broader range of habitats. At a smaller scale, in the shallow subtidal, where spatial overlap is expected to be most extensive, our results indicate the individual effects of each predator are likely to be modified in the presence of the other as densities increase. These results further highlight the need to consider the interactive effects of introduced species, especially with continued increases in the number of established invasions.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics and nitrogen/silicon biogeochemistry accompanying the development of a red-tide assemblage were examined in the Ría de Vigo (northwest Spain), a coastal embayment affected by upwelling, during an in situ diel experiment in September 1991. Despite a low N:Si molar ratio (0.5) of nutrients entering the surface layer, which was favourable for diatom growth, the diatom population began to decline. Limited N-nutrient input, arising from moderate coastal upwelling in a stratified water column, restricted net community production (NCP = 630 mg C m−2 d−1). In addition, light-limitation of gross primary production (GPP = 1525 mg C m−2 d−1) was observed. The relatively high f-ratio (= NCP:GPP) recorded (0.41, characteristic of intense upwelling conditions) would have been as low as 0.15 had not GPP been limited by light intensity. Temporal separation of carbohydrate synthesis during the photoperiod from protein synthesis in the dark could be inferred from the time-course of the C:N ratio of particulate organic matter. Severe light-limitation would lead to diatom collapse were the diatoms not able to meet all their energy requirements during the hours of darkness. Under the hydrodynamic, nutrient and light conditions of the experiment, an assemblage of red-tide-forming species began to develop, aided by their ability to migrate vertically and to synthesize carbohydrates during the light in surface waters and protein during the dark at the 4 m-deep pycnocline. Thermal stratification, reduced turbulence, intense nutrient mineralization, and the limited nitrogen input through moderate upwelling were all favourable to the onset of a red-tide assemblage. Received: 15 February 1997 / Accepted: 26 September 1997  相似文献   

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