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Brown shrimp (Crangon crangon, L.) are subjected to a huge annual temperature range, and certain thermal conditions during winter have been identified to affect the brown shrimp population. Despite that, little is known about its thermal biology with regard to critically low temperatures. In the present study, we determined the critical thermal minima (CTmin) and the critical lethal minima (CLmin) of male and female brown shrimp of different body sizes in laboratory-based experiments. For the CTmin trials, shrimp were acclimated to 4.0, 9.0, and 14.0 °C and exposed to a cooling rate of ?0.2 °C min?1. In the CLmin trials, brown shrimp were exposed to a cooling rate of ?1.0 °C day?1 without prior thermal acclimation. Acclimation temperature significantly affected the temperature tolerance of brown shrimp (p < 0.001). CTmin among the experimental groups just varied slightly, and no clear effect of gender or body size was observed. In the CLmin trials, brown shrimp even tolerated the coldest temperature of ?1.7 °C that could be established in the experimental setup. However, we observed a negative relationship between temperature and reactivity within the range of 7.0 and 1.0 °C that was determined by means of the flicking response. This relationship suddenly broke between 1.0 and 0.0 °C where an abrupt drop in the reactivity of the shrimp became apparent. The results of this study revealed that brown shrimp hold a wider thermal range as originally reported and that it can cope with subzero temperatures. Implications of low-temperature tolerance are discussed in the context of the brown shrimp’s ecology as well as stock assessment.  相似文献   

R. Perger  A. Temming 《Marine Biology》2012,159(6):1209-1222
Shrimps are economically and ecologically very important, yet a lack of ageing techniques and hence unknown growth rates often impairs analytical assessments and management. A new method for the determination of in situ growth rates of shrimps is presented, based on dry weight condition. Since this index oscillates from low values directly after moult to highest values prior to moult in constantly feeding shrimp, the lowest observed pre-moult condition followed by a moult was introduced as a reference value to separate growing and starving individuals in field data. Experiments with Crangon crangon confirmed that (1) post-moult condition varies in a narrow physiologically optimal range, regardless of recent growth increments, and (2) dry weight condition prior to moult is closely related to the subsequent length increment. The method was applied to estimate growth increments from in situ dry weight condition data of C. crangon. The new method can easily be applied to other related species, since the required data can be obtained from very simple short-term experiments.  相似文献   

The material examined consisted of adult specimens (male and female) of the shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) collected during the summer of 1967 from the Gdask Bay of the Baltic Sea. Column and thin-layer chromatography was used for the separation of the carotenoids. The ester compounds and protein complexes of carotenoids were hydrolized with 15% KOH in methanol at room temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere for 48 h. The absorption maxima of the various fractions and spots were determined on the spectrophotometer Specol after eluation. The identification of the carotenoids was based mainly on the absorption maxima in appropriate organic solvents and on the Rt values. The acetone extract from the Crangon crangon specimens gave a light blue fluorescence and absorption maxima at wavelengths of 447, 463, 595 to 596 and 667 m. The following carotenoids were found to be present in the adult specimens of Crangon crangon: -carotene, cantaxanthin, astaxanthin, free and esterified lutein, zeaxanthin, and a form of xanthophyll which was not precisely identified. In addition to the above, biliary dyes were also found, probably of the mesobiliviolin and mesobilirhodin type.  相似文献   

Oh  C.-W.  Hartnoll  R. G. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(2):303-316
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the common shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) were studied in Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, Irish Sea. Size at sexual maturity was determined from the proportions of ovigerous females and of females with maturing ovaries. The size at which 50% of females are mature is estimated (±95% confidence intervals) as 12.5±0.48 mm carapace length. Based on the proportions of ovigerous females and of mature females, the main breeding season was from January to June. Mean ovarian dry weights indicated two broods (winter and summer), with females bearing winter broods (WB) having higher gonad indices than those with summer broods (SB). WB females with non-eyed eggs and with eyed eggs differed in the regression of ovarian dry weight on carapace length, indicating preparation for laying a second brood. In both broods the moult stages of berried females were related to egg stage. Moulting will occur following the release of the brood. During embryonic development, mean egg length and egg volume were larger in all stages, and the mean dry weight of individual eggs of all stages heavier, in WB than in SB; there was no difference in egg number, however. Consequently, reproductive investment, the proportion of female weight devoted to egg production, was 67% higher in WB (0.20±0.04) than in SB (0.12±0.03). There is a significant effect of egg volume on brood weight, but not on egg number. In both broods, egg number was a negatively allometric function of female body size in non-eyed eggs and an isometric function of female body size in eyed eggs. Brood mortality during incubation was higher in SB (17%) than WB (10%). Differences in the reproductive variables and investment between the two broods of C. crangon are discussed in the light of reproductive strategies and life history.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

The effect of purified preparations of ovine hypophyseal gonadotropins NIH-FSH-S12 and NIH-LH-S19 on the histological structure of the ovaries of the sand shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) (Crustacea: Decapoda) was studied. All experiments were carried out on sexually mature females, out of the breeding season. The individuals treated with the gonadotropins included intact females as well as those in which the eyestalks were ligated to eliminate a source of gonad-inhibiting hormone (GIH). The results obtained indicate that both FSH and LH have a stimulating effect on the ovaries of the common shrimp, FSH causing growth in the number of somatic cells of the ovary, and LH — meiosis in the sex cells. The effect of each of the 2 gonadotropins was similar in intact and eyestalkless females which indicates its independence from the presence or absence of GIH. The response of crustacean ovaries to mammalian FSH and LH indicates that gonadotropins may act upon invertebrates.  相似文献   

The relationship between life-history characteristics and population dynamics were investigated in the onuphid polychaeteKinbergonuphis simoni (Santos, Day and Rice) between 1982 and 1987. The studied population is located in Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. This worm attains sexual maturity at 5 to 10 mo of age, depending on temperature. Several consecutive broods are produced during a female's life time, with 7 to 26 young per brood. Adults die in June–July after the breeding season. Generations of breeding individuals do not overlap and the replacement of generations occurs in July–August. Only one extended breeding season is experienced per life time. Life span does not exceed 2 yr. Field population density in 1982 was high in fall and spring (2000 to 9000 individuals/m2), low in summer (1600 individuals/m2), and slightly depressed in winter (2500 to 4000 individuals/m2). Changes in population density may be explained by seasonal, temperature-controlled changes in instantaneous birth and death rates. Birth rates are high in fall and spring, while death rates are high in early summer. Death of juveniles contributes to the winter density decrease.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of ovarian activity and eyestalk effects on the ovary in different phases of its activity were examined in the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould ssp. tridentatus Maitland, and the sand shrimp Crangon crangon L. In both species, the annual ovarian cycle consists of two phases of vitellogenesis and the resting phase. In R. harrisii, the eyestalks exert an inhibitory effect on vitellogenesis during the phase of vitellogenesis outside the breeding season, and are necessary for the process of oviposition during the breeding season. In C. crangon, ovary-inhibiting hormone is present in the eyestalks outside the breeding season, and has not been detected during this season. The resting phase of the ovary after the breeding season is caused by the ovary-inhibitiing hormone. Females of C. crangon are a suitable material for testing ovary-inhibiting hormone activity, while female R. harrisii are not.  相似文献   

A natural population of Pycnogonum litorale Ström was examined every 4 weeks over a period of 15 months and thereafter at yearly intervals for 15 years. Adult pycnogonids – mating couples and males carrying egg batches – and freshly hatched protonymphon larvae within these egg batches were found throughout the year. The second, third, and fourth instar larvae were only found from April to July, during the vegetation period of their hydroid host Clava multicornis. After metamorphosis to the fifth instar (first juvenile instar) the pycnogonids have a significantly larger proboscis than during the larval period, and they feed on the sea anemone Metridium senile. First juvenile instars were found on M. senile from May to August. Older and larger juvenile stages were found over longer time spans throughout the year, and the maximum number of successive instars shifted slowly from June to December. Freshly moulted adults occurred throughout the year. Males, which on the average are smaller, usually reach the adult stage during late autumn of the first year and females, at the end of the following spring. We conclude that in nature the development from egg to adult stage is completed within one year. Continuous reproduction and asynchronous embryonic development provide offspring throughout most of the year. The annual cycle is synchronized by the vegetation period of C. multicornis, the only host of these pycnogonid larvae in the investigated habitat, and by the arrest of growth during low winter temperatures. The low level of locomotory activity of P. litorale probably requires an environment in which both host species coexist. The abundance of C. multicornis, M. senile, and juvenile pycnogonids decreased from 1990 to 1996, maybe due to hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   

Reproductive phenologies reflect the interaction between the mating system of a taxon and the local environment. Ant colonies reproduce and disperse via the flights of winged alates. Few data exist on the reproductive phenologies of ant assemblages. Here we analyze the reproductive phenologies of 81 common ant species from 23,182 individuals collected over 3 years on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (BCI). Species ranged from highly synchronous to continuous fliers, but showed a median flight duration of at least 8 of 13 lunar months. In two statistical analyses (variance ratio test and Spearman rank correlations), 84% (16 of 19) of ant genera had species trending toward positively associated phenologies, more than expected by chance (P<0.00036 by a binomial test). Thus, there was little evidence for the hypothesis that competition for limiting resources staggers congeneric flights and ultimately promotes reproductive isolation. On the contrary, the timing of reproduction, and its synchrony, tended to be conserved within genera and subfamilies. These results closely match phenological studies of plant assemblages. The continuous reproduction and small colony size of many species in this study suggest that the female calling syndrome, a poorly documented mating system in ants, may be common on BCI.  相似文献   

In the present study 670 individuals of Gonatus onyx (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) were observed in Monterey Bay, California from a remotely operated vehicle. The vertical distribution of this species was bimodal, with peaks at 400 and 800 m depth during the day and 300 and 500 m during the night. The bimodal distribution reflects a life stage shift between younger, schooling juveniles living in shallower water and older, solitary adults which live deeper. Ontogenetic changes in behavior associated with this life stage shift are reflected in the physiology of the organisms as well. Both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, as estimated using mitochondrial and glycolytic enzymes, decline with increasing body mass, suggesting reduced locomotory capacity in deeper-living adults. Oxygen consumption rates were also determined in relation to oxygen partial pressure. Oxygen consumption regulation was similar between juvenile and adult squids. The critical oxygen partial pressures (29 to 30 mmHg) correspond precisely to the oxygen concentrations found at the depth of maximal abundance for day and night populations of juveniles and adults, respectively. Behavioral and physiological changes with ontogeny of G. onyx are believed to result from reduced visual predator/prey interactions in the light-limited deep sea. Received: 7 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 January 2000  相似文献   

The residue dynamics of carbendazim and mancozeb in grape berries is reported. The fungicides were sprayed in accordance with the most critical use pattern i.e. 4 times at 15 days interval separately at recommended and double doses. The residues of each fungicide dissipated following 1st order rate kinetics. The half-lives of carbendazim and mancozeb were 7.3 and 8.1 days at recommended dose and 4.6 and 5.7 days at double dose. Ethylenethiourea (ETU), the toxic metabolite of mancozeb was detectable at harvest following four sprays of mancozeb at recommended dose. At double dose, however, the residues of ETU could be detected even after three sprays of mancozeb. The pre-harvest intervals for carbendazim and mancozeb were found to be 26 and 12 days at recommended dose and 33 and 17 days at double dose, respectively.  相似文献   

Understanding the demography and function of biotope-forming seaweed species is of great importance for the conservation of the target species itself, as well as its associated organisms. The brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum is fundamental for the functioning of coastal marine ecosystems in the North Atlantic. In this study, we use a data-based size-classified matrix model to investigate the temporal and spatial variability in demography, and the environment-specific stochastic sensitivity and elasticity, of two A. nodosum populations, one in western Sweden and one on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. A significant difference between the two populations was that the Swedish population had comparably low and more variable stochastic population growth rate (λ s). This pattern was partly explained by the relatively high and varying mortality rates during extreme ice-years in Sweden, and by the lower survival of small individuals during all years. There were also fewer large individuals in Sweden due to lower transitions to the larger size-classes and higher probability of shrinkage. Sensitivities were analogous in the two populations, and showed a high selection pressure for increased individual growth. Elasticities were also similar, with the exception that survival of the smallest individuals (i.e., transition a 1,1), had a higher elasticity on the Isle of Man. Overall, the stochastic growth rate (λ s) was most sensitive to proportional changes in loop- (i.e., survival within size-class) and, to some extent, growth-transitions in both study areas. These results show that structurally and demographically diverging A. nodosum populations may be similarly sensitive to changes in vital rates. This, in turn, indicates a plastic life history of A. nodosum that may cope with large environmental variability. The results further suggest that environmental change affecting the survival or growth of the larger, reproductive A. nodosum individuals could have severe and regional effects on the abundance and biomass of this species, with potential negative effects on the biodiversity of the associated communities.  相似文献   

Since their official eradication from the US in 1943, the cattle-tick species Boophilus microplus and Boophilus annulatus, vectors of bovine babesiosis, frequently have penetrated a quarantine zone established along the Texas–Mexico border designed to exclude them. Inspection and quarantine procedures have eradicated reinfestations successfully within the US, but increasing acaricide resistance in Mexican B. microplus populations poses a threat to future eradication efforts. Better understanding of interrelationships among Boophilus populations, their hosts, and vegetation communities in south Texas could improve prediction of the behavior of reintroduced Boophilus populations and increase management options. To this end, we constructed a simulation model to evaluate how microclimate, habitat (i.e. vegetation) heterogeneity, and within-pasture cattle movement may influence dynamics of Boophilus ticks in south Texas. Unlike previous Boophilus tick models, this model simulates dynamics at an hourly time-step, calculates all off-host dynamics as functions of temperature and relative humidity, and runs with ground-level microclimate data collected bi-hourly in three different habitat types. Sensitivity analysis of the model showed that temperatures and relative humidities created by habitat type, as well as engorged female mass, influenced tick population dynamics most strongly. Host habitat selection, initial number of larvae per cow, and the number of cells into which the simulated pasture was divided also had a strong influence. Population dynamics appeared moderately sensitive to the proportion of Bos indicus in cattle genotypes and the larval attachment rate, while appearing relatively insensitive to factors such as mortality rate of engorged females. When used to simulate laboratory experiments from the literature, the model predicted most observed life-history characteristics fairly well; however, it tended to underestimate oviposition duration, incubation duration, and egg mortality and overestimate larval longevity, especially at low temperatures and high humidities. Use of the model to predict Boophilus population dynamics in hypothetical south Texas pastures showed that it reasonably generated qualitative patterns of stage-wise abundances but tended to overestimate on-host tick burdens. Collection and incorporation of data that appear not to exist for Boophilus ticks, such as larval lipid content and lipid-use rates, may improve model accuracy. Though this model needs refinements such as a smaller spatial resolution, it provides insight into responses of B. microplus or B. annulatus populations to specific weather patterns, habitat heterogeneity, and host movement.  相似文献   

Because marine species respond differentially to factors governing survival and gene flow, closely related taxa may display dissimilar phylogeographic histories. New data for the patchily distributed gastropod Nassarius nitidus throughout its Atlantic–Mediterranean range (collected during 2008 and 2009) were used to investigate its phylogeography and recent demography. Results based on mitochondrial COI sequences of 422?N. nitidus individuals from 15 localities revealed contrasting phylogeographic and demographic patterns among N. nitidus populations from each basin. Data suggest the existence of two glacial refugia, one in the Atlantic, around the Iberian Peninsula, and the other in the Paleo-Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic). Bayesian skyline reconstructions suggest that the Adriatic population of N. nitidus remained largely unaffected by the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), whereas the Iberian Atlantic region experienced dramatic exponential growth after its conclusion. Contemporary North Sea populations of N. nitidus are the endpoint of a leading-edge recolonization process from a southern position. Additionally, a reanalysis of pre-existing material for the continuously distributed close congener N. reticulatus was used to compare both species in the late histories. In contrast to N. nitidus, N. reticulatus prospered during the LGM and experienced an earlier Atlantic expansion during the previous interglacial period. Despite similar life history and dispersal potential, the results here presented suggest that subtle differences in microhabitat requirements between the two species have had important consequences for their particular distribution in response to glacial events.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns in Uca annulipes sampled from 30 locations across an East African latitudinal gradient were investigated using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I sequences and analysed together with patterns of morphometric differentiation. Four hundred and four specimens along the east African coast were sampled, and 18 haplotypes were encountered. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity values were very low and the phylogenetic analysis did not reveal any clear phylogeographic structure. Furthermore, the analysis of molecular variance and pairwise Φ ST values showed no significant spatial population differentiation. Mismatch analyses and tests of neutrality supported the hypothesis that this species has undergone a fairly recent demographic expansion. Our results, therefore, failed to demonstrate significant geographical structure in the pattern of genetic variation, indicating that populations of U. annulipes are capable of extensive gene flow among mangroves along the coast. The genetic structure of this species could be panmictic due to a high amount of gene flow along the geographical gradient in study during the planktonic larval phase, when larvae are carried along stream by the dominant currents. Moreover, the morphometric analysis performed did not reveal differences of shape differentiation according to a geographical pattern, although significant differences among the sampling areas were found.  相似文献   

The effect of deleterious concentration of zinc and copper provided either individually or in combination in the nutrient media was investigated in order to assess the effect of metal interaction in Vigna mungo (L.). Both metals showed negative effect and led to a marked decrease in seed germination (20%), seedling growth (91.7%) and nitrate reductase activity (85.7%) with the increase in metal concentrations. The present study also emphasizes on the response of catalase and peroxidase enzyme under zinc and copper stress. Both antioxidant enzymes exhibited an increasing trend under different treatment conditions but it was reverse at highly toxic metal concentration. The results showed active involvement of peroxidase enzyme in regulating oxidative stress rather than catalase enzyme, as the specific activity of peroxidase enzyme got increased by 8.94% under the combined metals stress whereas catalase activity got declined by 60.97% in comparison to control due to excessive stress. The combined effect of copper and zinc metal was more pronounced in comparison to their individual effects.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) of Lake Constance belong to two genetically different but sympatric populations and that local aggregations of juveniles and adults contain closely related kin. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure of pelagic perch larvae to investigate if kin-structured shoals already exist during early ontogenetic development or might be the result of homing to natal sites. Analysis of the gene frequencies at five microsatellite loci revealed that three out of five pelagic aggregations of larvae showed significant accumulation of kin. To investigate possible mechanisms of shoal formation, we tested if perch use olfactory cues to recognize their kin. Choice tests in a fluviarium showed preference for odours of unfamiliar kin vs unfamiliar non-kin. Additionally, we showed that perch could differentiate between the odours of the two sympatric populations and significantly preferred unfamiliar and unrelated conspecifics of their own over the foreign population. Our results present a behavioural mechanism that can lead to the observed formation of kin-structured shoals in perch. We further discuss if the ability to discriminate between their own and a foreign population can result in assortative mating within populations and thus form the basis of “socially mediated speciation” in perch.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were carried out for phytoremediation of the Pb/Zn abandoned tailings (pH 3.2 and high metal content) of Rampura-Agucha Mines, Rajasthan. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (cowpea) was chosen as a test crop. On unamended tailings, the seeds of the test plant showed no germination. The tailing was amended with lime (3% on weight basis), 3% lime + NPK (diammonium phosphate at 60 kg/ha, muriate of potash at 40 kg/ ha) and 3% lime + FYM at 15 t/ha and used for experiments. Quantification of various parameters viz. shoot-root length, shoot-root dry weight, chlorophyll contents (a', 'b' and total) and peroxidase activity of test crop revealed T+ S + 3% lime + NPK to be the most suitable amelioration followed by FYM. The above treatments helped in improving the growth and productivity of the test plants by providing a favorable environment.  相似文献   

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were applied to microsatellite data (highly variable genetic markers) to separate genetically differentiated forms of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in south-western France. A classic feed-forward network with one hidden layer was used. Training was performed using a back-propagation algorithm and reference samples representing the different genetic types. The hold-out and the leave-one-out procedures were used to test the validity of the network. They were chosen according to the populations and the questions analysed. The informative content of the different variables used for the distinction (the alleles of the different loci) was also evaluated using the Garson–Goh algorithm. The results of learning gave high percentages of well-classified individuals (up to 95% for the test with the hold-out analysis). This confirms that ANNs are suitable for such genetic analyses of populations. From a biological point of view, the study enabled evaluation of the genetic composition and differentiation of different river populations and of the impact of stocking.  相似文献   

Summary. It has long been assumed that the North American pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor (L.) (Papilionidae, Troidini), is protected from natural enemies by aristolochic acids sequestered from its Aristolochia food plants. This study confirmed that populations of B. philenor from Virginia and east Texas sequester these compounds. A comparison of the aristolochic acid profiles of the Virginia butterflies and their A. macrophylla food plants revealed several differences. The aristolochic acid fraction of the foliage was dominated by aristolochic acids I and II, whereas the insects had a much lower proportion of aristolochic acid II and contained, in addition, substantial amounts of aristolochic acids Ia and IVa, which were not detected in the plants. The eggs, larval integument, osmeterial glands, pupal cuticle, and adults (wings and bodies) all contained aristolochic acids. These findings help explain the abundant ecological data indicating that both immature and adult B. philenor are unpalatable and protected from natural enemies. Received 7 April 2000; accepted 31 May 2000  相似文献   

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