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The main issues of the studies described were the validation of a test design for the assessment of the bioaccumulation potential of environmental pollutants and the applicability ofEisenia fetida as a model-organism and artificial soil (OECD) as a standard test substrate. The test organisms used wereE. fetida of our own breeding stock andAllolobophora caliginosa, Allolobophora chlorotica, Allolobophora longa and Lumbricus rubellus sampled from a field site. Test soils used were the artificial soil (OECD) and a BBA field soil. Soils were each contaminated with 10 mg HCB and Pyrene per soil dry-weight. Within the test period of 4 weeks, samples were taken weekly for residue analysis in the worms and soils. Bioaccumulation factors (AF) calculated forE. fetida and the free-living species were in the range of 10–17 (HCB) and 0.9–1.7 (Pyrene) depending on the soil used. By re-calculation of the concentrations in soil to concentrations in soil water, the resulting bioconcentration factors are compared with published BCF values determined from QSAR’s of other worm species and fresh water fish. It could be concluded that the existing earthworm tests (OECD 1984, ISO 1998) represent an appropriate design for testing the bioconcentration potential of chemicals in soil.  相似文献   

论生态园林及其建设的基本原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态园林是城市绿地建设的新思维,也是生态学具体应用的实践.生态园林建设应遵循生态优先、物种多样性保护和重建、因地制宜、处理好种间关系、建立群落自维持机制、重视生态文化内涵等六要素.  相似文献   

Demographic models are powerful tools for making predictions about the relative importance of transitions from one life stage (e.g., seeds) to another (e.g., nonreproductives); however, they have never been used to compare the relative performance of invasive and noninvasive taxa. I use demographic models parameterized from common garden experiments to develop hypotheses about the role of different life stage transitions in determining differences in performance in invasive and noninvasive congeners in the Commelinaceae. I also extended nested life table response experiment (LTRE) analyses to accommodate interactions between nested and unnested factors. Invasive species outperformed their noninvasive congeners, especially under high-nutrient conditions. This difference in performance did not appear to be due to differences in elasticities of vital rates, but rather to differences in the magnitude of stage transitions. Self-compatible invasive species had greater fecundity in high-nutrient environments and a shorter time to first reproduction, and all invasive species had greater vegetative reproduction than their noninvasive congeners. Thus greater opportunism in sexual and asexual reproduction explained the greater performance of invasive species under high-nutrient conditions. Similar common garden experiments could become a useful tool to predict potential invaders from pools of potential introductions. I show that short-term and controlled experiments considering multiple nutrient environments may accurately predict invasiveness of nonnative plant species.  相似文献   

A gland in the tip of the tail of the garden eel (Heterocongridae) is described. This gland produces a mixture of neutral and, to a lesser extent, acidic mucopolysaccharides. These slime substances appear to be used to glue the sand grains forming the tube walls in which the semi-sedentary eels live. The structure of the gland is described in relation to the normal mucous-containing goblet cells in the body epidermis of the garden eels. In the tail of young individuals, in two species, only goblet-like cells could be found. These differ in shape and histochemical reaction from the tail gland of the adult eels.  相似文献   

We studied the organisation of garbage disposal and management in the leafcutting ant Atta cephalotes. The nest of this species has an internal garbage heap to which waste from the fungus garden is taken. The transport of waste from the fungus gardens to the garbage heaps is an example of task partitioning. Ninety-four percent of the garbage loads transferred from the fungus garden to the garbage heap were transferred indirectly via a caching site just outside the garbage heap entrance. A further 3% were transferred directly from a fungus garden worker to a garbage heap worker, again just outside the heap entrance. Only 3% were taken directly to the garbage heap without task partitioning. This is the first described example of task partitioning in insect societies for work other than foraging and the first example of task partitioning occurring entirely within the nest. Furthermore, there is a strong division of labour between the fungus garden workers and the garbage heap workers, with garbage workers hardly ever leaving the heap. Division of labour is reinforced by aggressive behaviour directed towards workers contaminated with garbage. This pattern of work organisation minimises contact between garbage heap workers, who are probably contaminated with pathogens hazardous to both the ants and their symbiotic fungus, and both fungus garden workers and the fungus garden. Task partitioning, division of labour (reinforced by aggression) and nest compartmentalisation act synergistically to isolate the hazardous garbage heap from the fungus gardens.  相似文献   

广州市菜园土主要蔬菜重金属背景含量的研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
研究了广州市几个主要的蔬菜生产基地种植的白菜、芥蓝、芥菜、菜薹、萝卜、大白菜、豆瓣菜、结球甘蓝、芹菜、菜豆、豌豆、结球莴苣、尖叶莴苣、菠菜、番茄等15种蔬菜中Pb、Hg、Cd、Cr和As等5种重金属的背景质量分数。其背景质量分数为:Pb 0.002~0.148mg/kg;Hg ND-0.006mg/kg;Cd 0.001~0.034mg/kg;Cr 0.002~0.150mg/kg;As 0.001~0.070mg/kg。由于不同种类蔬菜的吸收特性和遗传特性有所不同,其重金属背景质量分数也有很大差异。蔬菜中元素水平还与土壤条件等因素有关。  相似文献   

Many aspects of animal behavior can be socially facilitated, including foraging behavior, exploration behavior, and antipredator behavior. Although larvae of the ringed salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) are not gregarious, they can live in high densities and face intense predation pressure during a short period following hatching. In a predator-recognition experiment, we found that these salamanders responded to chemical cues from dragonfly nymphs (Family: Libellulidae) with appropriate antipredator behavior (decreased activity), and this response was absent when salamanders were exposed to chemical cues from nonpredatory mayfly nymphs (Family: Heptageniidae). In a second experiment, we tested whether antipredator behavior in response to chemical cues of dragonflies could be socially facilitated by larval ringed salamanders. We placed an “observer” salamander into a central arena with four “demonstrator” salamanders behind clear barriers around an arena. The barriers ensured that chemical cues would not be detected by the observer. When demonstrators were exposed to chemical cues from dragonflies, the data were consistent with the hypothesis that both demonstrators and observers decreased activity relative to a blank control. Our results provide evidence that social facilitation can occur in larval ringed salamanders, a nonsocial species.  相似文献   

Abstract:  For endangered plants interspecific hybridization occurring in ex situ collections may lead to failure of reintroduction actions. We used Sinojackia xylocarpa , a well documented Chinese endemic species that is extinct in the wild, as a model case to address this concern. We used paternity analyses to assess the spontaneous hybridization and patterns of pollen flow between S. xylocarpa and its congener species, S. rehderiana , in conserved populations in Wuhan Botanic Garden. Interspecific hybridization events were detected in seven out of eight maternal trees of S. xylocarpa , and an average of 32.7% seeds collected from maternal trees of S. xylocarpa were hybrids. The paternity of 93 out of 249 seedlings from S. xylocarpa assigned to S. rehderiana provided convincing evidence that spontaneous interspecific hybridization occurred extensively in the living garden collection we studied. Different patterns of pollen dispersal (predominantly short-distance vs. long-distance pollination) were observed between intra- and interspecific hybridization events in the garden. Pollen dispersal within the ex situ populations was not restricted by distance, as evidenced by a lack of significant correlations between the average effective pollen dispersal distance (δ) and the geographic distances (d1 and d2) between maternal and paternal trees. The interspecific pollen-dispersal distance ranged from 10 to 620.1 m (mean 294.4 m). Such extensive hybridization in ex situ collections could jeopardize the genetic integrity of endangered species and irrevocably contaminate the gene pool if such hybrids are used for reintroduction and restoration. We recommend strongly that measures be taken to minimize the genetic risks of this kind of hybridization, including establishing buffer zones in ex situ collections, manipulating flowering phenology, testing seed lots before use in reintroduction programs, and controlling pollination for seed purity.  相似文献   

Parker IM  Gilbert GS 《Ecology》2007,88(5):1210-1224
An important question in the study of biological invasions is the degree to which successful invasion can be explained by release from control by natural enemies. Natural enemies dominate explanations of two alternate phenomena: that most introduced plants fail to establish viable populations (biotic resistance hypothesis) and that some introduced plants become noxious invaders (natural enemies hypothesis). We used a suite of 18 phylogenetically related native and nonnative clovers (Trifolium and Medicago) and the foliar pathogens and invertebrate herbivores that attack them to answer two questions. Do native species suffer greater attack by natural enemies relative to introduced species at the same site? Are some introduced species excluded from native plant communities because they are susceptible to local natural enemies? We address these questions using three lines of evidence: (1) the frequency of attack and composition of fungal pathogens and herbivores for each clover species in four years of common garden experiments, as well as susceptibility to inoculation with a common pathogen; (2) the degree of leaf damage suffered by each species in common garden experiments; and (3) fitness effects estimated using correlative approaches and pathogen removal experiments. Introduced species showed no evidence of escape from pathogens, being equivalent to native species as a group in terms of infection levels, susceptibility, disease prevalence, disease severity (with more severe damage on introduced species in one year), the influence of disease on mortality, and the effect of fungicide treatment on mortality and biomass. In contrast, invertebrate herbivores caused more damage on native species in two years, although the influence of herbivore attack on mortality did not differ between native and introduced species. Within introduced species, the predictions of the biotic resistance hypothesis were not supported: the most invasive species showed greater infection, greater prevalence and severity of disease, greater prevalence of herbivory, and greater effects of fungicide on biomass and were indistinguishable from noninvasive introduced species in all other respects. Therefore, although herbivores preferred native over introduced species, escape from pest pressure cannot be used to explain why some introduced clovers are common invaders in coastal prairie while others are not.  相似文献   

A global conservation goal is to understand the pathways through which invasive species are introduced into new regions. Botanic gardens are a pathway for the introduction of invasive non‐native plants, but a quantitative assessment of the risks they pose has not been performed. I analyzed data on the living collections of over 3000 botanic gardens worldwide to quantify the temporal trend in the representation of non‐native species; the relative composition of threatened, ornamental, or invasive non‐native plant species; and the frequency with which botanic gardens implement procedures to address invasive species. While almost all of the world's worst invasive non‐native plants occurred in one or more living collections (99%), less than one‐quarter of red‐listed threatened species were cultivated (23%). Even when cultivated, individual threatened species occurred in few living collections (7.3), while non‐native species were on average grown in 6 times as many botanic gardens (44.3). As a result, a botanic garden could, on average, cultivate four times as many invasive non‐native species (20) as red‐listed threatened species (5). Although the risk posed by a single living collection is small, the probability of invasion increases with the number of botanic gardens within a region. Thus, while both the size of living collections and the proportion of non‐native species cultivated have declined during the 20th century, this reduction in risk is offset by the 10‐fold increase in the number of botanic gardens established worldwide. Unfortunately, botanic gardens rarely implement regional codes of conduct to prevent plant invasions, few have an invasive species policy, and there is limited monitoring of garden escapes. This lack of preparedness is of particular concern given the rapid increase in living collections worldwide since 1950, particularly in South America and Asia, and highlights past patterns of introduction will be a poor guide to determining future invasion risks.  相似文献   

Abstract: We reviewed the history and conservation of Sophora toromiro , a species that has been extinct in the wild since 1960 but has survived as scattered individuals in botanic gardens and private collections. The short-term conservation of S. toromiro is dependent on the management of surviving ex situ stocks. This is being achieved through international collaboration by a working group established to coordinate the conservation management of the species. Molecular evidence indicates that the species retains greater genetic variability than expected. The greatest amount of genetic variability was located in specimens outside botanic garden collections. No unmodified natural habitat survives on Rapa Nui ( Easter Island); so opportunities to establish a viable wild population are limited. Evidence from past reintroductions indicates that the best short-term opportunity for the species is through conventional horticultural management in botanic gardens and traditional farm plots on Rapa Nui. Some extinct-in-the-wild taxa (sensu World Conservation Union 1994), such as the Toromiro, retain genetic variability, and appropriate reintroduction sites exist. These taxa represent valid priorities for conservation management.  相似文献   

Global insect pollinator declines have prompted habitat restoration efforts, including pollinator-friendly gardening. Gardens can provide nectar and pollen for adult insects and offer reproductive resources, such as nesting sites and caterpillar host plants. We conducted a review and meta-analysis to examine how decisions made by gardeners on plant selection and garden maintenance influence pollinator survival, abundance, and diversity. We also considered characteristics of surrounding landscapes and the impacts of pollinator natural enemies. Our results indicated that pollinators responded positively to high plant species diversity, woody vegetation, garden size, and sun exposure and negatively to the separation of garden habitats from natural sites. Within-garden features more strongly influenced pollinators than surrounding landscape factors. Growing interest in gardening for pollinators highlights the need to better understand how gardens contribute to pollinator conservation and how some garden characteristics can enhance the attractiveness and usefulness of gardens to pollinators. Further studies examining pollinator reproduction, resource acquisition, and natural enemies in gardens and comparing gardens with other restoration efforts and to natural habitats are needed to increase the value of human-made habitats for pollinators.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Many tropical forests have been converted for agri- or silviculture or a combination of both (agroforestry). Conservation at a landscape scale requires an understanding of the distribution and abundance of native biodiversity in these converted natural ecosystems, of which the knowledge is especially poor for African agroecosystems. We compared species density and species composition of four plant groups (trees and shrubs, epiphytic vascular plants, mosses, and liverworts) among three arboreal land-use types in southwestern Ethiopia (montane rainforest fragments, shade-tree coffee home gardens, and exotic tree plantations). Species density was significantly higher in forests than in coffee home gardens for all plant groups and in exotic tree plantations for all groups except mosses. Home gardens had more vascular epiphytic species than plantations, whereas the reverse was true for mosses and liverworts. The species composition of the forest plots was sometimes more similar to home-garden plots than plantation plots and sometimes vice versa. Fifteen forest plots had, however, cumulatively more species than a random selection of 15 nonforest (coffee home garden and plantation) plots, even if the 2 plot types complemented each other in terms of habitats for forest plants. Tree plantations dominated by Eucalyptus had many small trees and shrubs in common with forests, whereas plantations with Cupressus were important substrates for forests mosses and liverworts. Our results illustrate the importance of undisturbed forests habitats for conservation of species at a landscape scale and that different human-made land-use types may complement each other in their capacity as additional habitats for forest species.  相似文献   

毛棉杜鹃地理分布及其开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛棉杜鹃为常绿灌木或小乔木,具有很高的观赏价值,介绍我国毛棉杜鹃的地理分布,生态学特性,阐述其优良特性以及开发利用的应用领域.结果表明:毛棉杜鹃具备优良的观赏特性和生态学特性,是一种极具发展潜力的园林植物材料.图2,表1,参8.  相似文献   

北京市六种园林绿化树种对UVB的屏蔽效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们选取了6种在北京市具有代表性的园林绿化树种:毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr)、圆柏(Sabina chinensis)、国槐(Sophora japonica)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、大叶白蜡(Fraxinus rhychophylla)、悬铃木(Platanus acerifolia)作为研究对象,利用美国Yankee公司产紫外线日射强度计UVB-1,测得它们在有荫与无荫情况下的UVB辐射强度值,并计算了它们对UVB的屏蔽效率。结果表明:大叶白蜡的屏蔽效率最高,为88.44%;其次为银杏,为85.23%;第三为悬铃木,为72.45%;而国槐、圆柏、毛白杨的屏蔽效率则分别为62.85%,58.00%和57.37%。  相似文献   

高富  沙丽清  许建初 《生态环境》2000,9(3):223-226
采用野外调查、取样和实验分析相结合的方法对云南省保山市西庄河山地流域内4种主要土地利用方式(林地、耕地、茶园、灌丛)的土壤理化性质进行对比研究,讨论了不同土地利用方式对土壤肥力的影响,结果表明,不同的土地利用方式对土壤肥力具有比较明显的影响:土壤有机质和全氮质量分数变化从大到小依次为灌丛>林地>茶园>耕地;磷、钾元素表现为耕地>茶园>林地>灌丛;土壤阳离子交换量表现为耕地>茶园>灌丛>林地;盐基饱和度表现为耕地>灌丛>林地>茶园;农业耕作活动对表层土壤物理性质影响明显。  相似文献   

Urban ecology is emerging as an integrative science that explores the interactions of people and biodiversity in cities. Interdisciplinary research requires the creation of new tools that allow the investigation of relations between people and biodiversity. It has been established that access to green spaces or nature benefits city dwellers, but the role of species diversity in providing psychological benefits remains poorly studied. We developed a user‐friendly 3‐dimensional computer program (Virtual Garden [ www.tinyurl.com/3DVirtualGarden ]) that allows people to design their own public or private green spaces with 95 biotic and abiotic features. Virtual Garden allows researchers to explore what elements of biodiversity people would like to have in their nearby green spaces while accounting for other functions that people value in urban green spaces. In 2011, 732 participants used our Virtual Garden program to design their ideal small public garden. On average gardens contained 5 different animals, 8 flowers, and 5 woody plant species. Although the mathematical distribution of flower and woody plant richness (i.e., number of species per garden) appeared to be similar to what would be expected by random selection of features, 30% of participants did not place any animal species in their gardens. Among those who placed animals in their gardens, 94% selected colorful species (e.g., ladybug [Coccinella septempunctata], Great Tit [Parus major], and goldfish), 53% selected herptiles or large mammals, and 67% selected non‐native species. Older participants with a higher level of education and participants with a greater concern for nature designed gardens with relatively higher species richness and more native species. If cities are to be planned for the mutual benefit of people and biodiversity and to provide people meaningful experiences with urban nature, it is important to investigate people's relations with biodiversity further. Virtual Garden offers a standardized tool with which to explore these relations in different environments, cultures, and countries. It can also be used by stakeholders (e.g., city planners) to consider people's opinions of local design. Programa de Computadora de Jardín Virtual para Uso en la Exploración de los Elementos de Biodiversidad que la Gente Desea en las Ciudades  相似文献   

Joachim Ruther 《Chemoecology》2004,14(3-4):187-192
Summary. Field tests were performed to evaluate the response of the garden chafer, Phyllopertha horticola (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to known scarab attractants and to investigate the influence of trap colour and height on the number of captured beetles. Both sexes were attracted by a lure mixture composed of geraniol, eugenol, and 2-phenylethyl propionate (PEP) (ratio 3:7:3). When testing floral volatiles individually, only geraniol, eugenol and methyl anthranilate but not PEP was attractive. Response of garden chafer to (Z)- 3-hexen-1-ol was strongly male-biassed. Both the response to floral volatiles and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol was increased by using funnel traps with yellow instead of grey vanes. Traps positioned at 50 and 125 cm above ground captured significantly more garden chafers than those at 200 cm. The strongly male-biassed response to (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol suggests that in P. horticola (subfamily Rutelinae) orientation towards plant volatiles emitted upon mechanical damage of plants is part of the male mate finding strategy as recently demonstrated for cockchafers of the genus Melolontha (subfamily Melolonthinae). Possible application of plant volatiles for control of P. horticola is discussed.  相似文献   

在调查、采集和饲养的基础上,共鉴定出衡阳市主要园林树木害虫84种.并分析了衡阳市区主要园林树木害虫的发生危害特点,提出了相应的防治策略.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that maternal effects are especially important in organisms with environmentally-sensitive sex-determining mechanisms. However, there is no substantive body of empirical evidence to confirm this conjecture. We integrated field and laboratory studies to jointly evaluate the significance of behavioral (nest-site choice) and physiological (yolk hormone allocation) maternal effects on offspring sex ratio in the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), a species with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Of the 16 microhabitat variables measured, only three (south, east, and total overstory vegetation cover) were significantly correlated with nest temperature: cooler nests were located under more vegetation cover. In turn, these microhabitat predictors of nest temperature, and nest temperature itself, may influence nest sex ratio: shadier, cooler nests were more likely to produce a higher proportion of male offspring than less shady, warmer nests. Analysis of eggs from these same nests incubated in a common garden design in the laboratory revealed that clutch sex ratio was unaffected by levels of yolk estradiol, yolk testosterone, or their interaction. Examination of both behavioral and physiological maternal effects revealed no concordant impact on offspring sex ratio. However, eggs from nests that produced male-biased sex ratios in the field yielded higher proportions of males under constant-temperature conditions in the laboratory. Our study confirms the importance of behavioral maternal effects in nature on offspring sex ratios in species with TSD, while also revealing the potential presence of a predisposition for sex-ratio production underlying TSD in this system.Communicated by S. Krackow  相似文献   

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